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April 2015 Austin Seven Club

Officers and Committee In This Edition of the Chairman John Groom Tel: 01945 474196 email:[email protected] Norfolk NA7ter Vice-Chairman Dave Witton Tel: 01359 250374 Page email:[email protected] News Secretary Paul Maulden Tel: 01986 872537 Editorial 1 email:[email protected] Annual General Meeting 2 Treasurer John Wyett Tel: 01366 500165 email:[email protected] New Member 4 Membership Rick Fryer Tel: 01362 696114 The 750 Motor Club Rogerson Trophy 5 Secretary email:[email protected] Bowled Over 6 Events Dave Rix Tel: 01508 493419 Quiz Night versus The Jaguar Drivers Club 9 Co-ordinator email:[email protected] Our Cars Librarian John Hazell Tel: 01953 488219 Austin On Location 10 Committee Matt Dingle Tel: 01603 714199 LG 6090 13 Members email:[email protected] Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Mug 14 Michael Spinks Tel: 01603 737332 FBHVC News Phil Sharpe Tel: 01603 744981 email: [email protected] UK Legislation 15 Editor/ Rick Fryer 38 Neatherd Road, Dereham, DVLA NEWS 18 Website Norfolk NR20 4AQ Sales and Wants Tel: 01362 696114 For Sale 21 email:[email protected] Wanted 21 Club Meetings What’s On 22 are held on the third Tuesday of each month Tenth Anniversary Celebrations 23 NA7C Events Calendar 2015 24 from 7.30 pm at And Finally... Inside back cover East Tuddenham Jubilee Hall Mattishall Road East Tuddenham Norfolk NR20 3LR Club Website – On The Cover Copyright © 2015 Norfolk Austin Seven Club

The articles, photographs and views expressed and printed in the “NORFOLK NA7TER” are for the sole use of NA7C members and their readership and must not be printed or reproduced in any other way without the express written permission of the NA7C appointed representatives.

The views expressed in the articles appearing in the 'NORFOLK NA7TER' are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the club, committee or editor. It maybe necessary to condense or alter some of the articles submitted for publication to suit the space available. The Editor apologises in advance if this is unavoidable. John Smith’s 1932 Special, The NA7C is a member of the Austin Seven Clubs winner of the Association, the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs and the Association of Norfolk Car Clubs. Thorne Trophy for 2014

Norfolk NA7ter News


So, the clocks have gone forward, the Jubilee Hall – on Saturday 3 October. days are getting longer and – hopefully More details on page 23. – warmer too. Time to think about get- ting your pride and joy out on the road again. With something on virtually We have been hearing disquieting ru- every weekend between the beginning mours regarding the allocation of age- of April and the end of August, the related registration numbers to “spe- events calendar is filling up fast. Check cials” with home-built bodies. The it out on page 24 – and keep up-to-date DVLA appears to be clamping down by visiting our website. on cars not constructed from parts that are original and over 25 yeas old. We are keeping an eye on this and hope to Plans for our tenth anniversary cele- have more news in our next issue brations are complete. The free com- memorative mug is now available and can be collected at any meeting – see Finally, many thanks to all of you who page 14. have renewed so promptly. The revised list of members and breakdown regis- There will be a Sunday Afternoon Bar- ter will be sent out when the latecomers becue at the Jubilee Hall on Sunday 5 make it home! July and a Social Evening – also at the Rick

Membership renewal should have been completed by 31 March 2015 If you do not renew, this will be your last NA7ter!

The next edition of the NA7ter will be published in July 2015 Please let me have any contributions before 30 June Contact details are on the inside front cover “Members Only” user name: **** Password: ****

April 2015 1 News

Annual General Meeting The tenth AGM was held on 17 March at The Jubilee Hall, East Tuddenham The Chairman, John Groom, opened The Chairman welcomed the members the meeting at 20.05, with 34 members and thanked them for their support at present. The minutes of the 9th AGM the various club events during the year. were read, agreed and signed off as a true record. The Secretary, Paul Maulden, touched briefly on his routine secretarial duties, There were no matters arising from the then went on to mention the Christmas minutes. Dinner, which was well-supported with 58 members attending. He con- A change to the club’s constitution was firmed that this year’s dinner would be proposed and accepted, namely to re- at the same venue. He also noted that move the requirement for officers and he had received two requests from pre- committee members to resign after vious owners of members’ cars and in serving for five years. They may now each case he had been able to put them serve for an indefinite period until such in touch. He ended by thanking all time as they resign or are voted off. those who helped with the tea, cakes

2Norfolk NA7ter News

and raffles, which together had cov- The committee members were re-elect- ered the cost of renting the Jubilee Hall ed en bloc. during 2014. The Events Coordinator, Dave Rix, re- The Treasurer, John Wyett, presented ported on the previous years events, the financial statement for the year many of which had suffered due to ending 31 December 2014. He report- poor weather. Drive it Day was well ed that the club's finances were in a supported and the June Drive it Night healthy state and that the end-of-year was the best supported for many a year balance was £2596.25, which repre- with about 50 members and 20 cars sents an increase over the previous turning up. year. No increase in subscriptions was thought necessary. The accounts were He went on to mention Earsham Hall, accepted. growing in popularity with 14 mem- bers in various cars attending, Paul’s All the club's officers indicated that Saunter through the Saints which year- they were willing to stand for re-elec- ly attracts more cars and David tion, and with no other candidates, the Charles's open garden invite, which officers were re-elected. However, the seems to have become an annual event Chairman, John Groom, indicate that for which we thank the Charles family. he intended to resign at the next AGM. Following a discussion, it was decided The club's main event at the Show- to appoint a Vice Chairman and Dave ground has always attracted about 26 Witton was duly elected to this post. or so cars. It would be good to see an

April 2015 3 News improvement on these numbers. How- £30 per year it was a good facility for ever, considering the good turnout in the club, which during the year attract- 2013, Wings and Wheels at Hevening- ed 3,500 visitors from all over the ham Hall had a poor attendance, with world only four 7s turning up while Gressen- hall was a victim of the weather with Rick also reported that in 2013 he car- very few cars. ried out three DVLA inspection, which earned the club £60 in fees. The Membership Secretary, Rick Fry- er, reported that seven members did The 10th anniversary celebrations not renew in 2014, but in the last were then discussed and a proposal twelve months we increased member- was made and accepted regarding the ship by nine and our total membership subsidising of the Social Evening on 3 now stands at 158 – 85 members and October – see page 23. 73 joint members – with 126 A7s in various states of repair. The Thorne Trophy for 2013 was awarded to John Smith for his Austin Regarding the Natter, Rick thanked all Seven Special – see front cover. who have contributed articles and pho- tographs. Kevin Shortis proposed a vote of thanks to the committee for their work He also mentioned the website. Rick over the last year and the Chairman commented that for an average cost of closed the meeting at 21.10

New Member Please join us in welcoming the following new member to the club: Tony Kimber lives in Cobholm, Great Yarmouth and owns a 1928 RK Saloon.

4Norfolk NA7ter News The 750 Motor Club Rogerson Trophy Charles Levien This trophy owes its origin to the small usually at the June meeting, to the Aus- group of enthusiasts who built specials tin Seven voted best on that occasion. principally in the two decades, 1950 – 1970, usually based on the Austin Sev- As the last holder of the trophy, it was en. In those days a tatty Seven could be my pleasure to pass it on to Jamie Rog- picked up for a few pounds (the resto- erson at our February meeting. Jamie ration movement came later as values says it will sit proudly on a shelf be- increased) and with help and encour- hind the counter of his new shop in agement a presentable car could be North Walsham. built that would more than hold its own on the road.

Jamie Rogerson’s father, Dave, was an innovative enthusiast who was aware that the standard Aus- tin Seven had scope for improve- ment and, perhaps more importantly, lends itself for mod- ification to produce a fun-to- drive low cost road car. Under his leadership a branch of the 750 Motor Club was started in Nor- folk with monthly meetings – a second monthly meeting being held for special builders at the Bricklayers Arms, Sprowston.

One or two people around today remember that time – Bob Thrower, David Wall, Richard Young to name but a few. When I came to Norfolk in 1980 the meetings had moved to The Kings Arms at Heatherset and the Rogerson Trophy was awarded,

April 2015 5 News

Bowled Over Good turnout for our Indoor Bowls Night - but who won? The February Club Night took the form barrier (what a stupid place to put a of an Indoor Bowls Tournament and lump of wood!) and cries of “Watch attracted some enthusiastic, though of- Out!”, “Sorry” and “Can we have our ten erratic, support.

In charge for the evening were Stan and Ollie (aka Dave Rix and John Lain). Teams were chosen by cutting cards, a “fixture list” was drawn up and the games began.

Several members had bowling experi- ence and sometimes appeared to know what they were doing, but for the ma- jority it was a totally new experience. The sound of bowls hitting the central

Stan and Ollie discuss a tricky point of law

6Norfolk NA7ter News

You hold it like this...... No, it’s like this!

ball back?” soon resounded round the would probably end at around 10.30 on Jubilee Hall. Wednesday morning! Stan and Ollie therefore decided to call it a night. As the evening progressed it soon be- came apparent that the games were tak- So, there was no clear winner, but eve- ing much longer to complete than the ryone enjoyed themselves and our organisers had anticipated. A quick thanks go to Stan, Ollie and all the oth- calculation showed that if all games er “professionals”. were to be played the tournament

April 2015 7 News Rubber Band Race Night Jubilee Hall – 21 April Rules

1. Each car must be no bigger than 10.5 inches long, 4.5 inches wide and 5 inches high (266mm x 114mm x 177mm). THE CARS MUST BE ABLE TO FIT IN THE SCRUTINEERS “GARAGE”.

2. All cars must be fitted with a body – saloon, sports, van, open tourer or special. Rolling chassis are not permitted.

3. All cars shall be powered by ONE Number 34 rubber band. A regulation band will be supplied and fitted on the night by the scrutineer.

4. The rubber band shall be complete and intact. No cut bands or catapult starts are allowed.

5. Cars may be made from wood, card, plastic, adhesive tape and glue. No metal parts are allowed EXCEPT for the road wheels. Any gears and axles must be non-metallic.

6. The car that travels the greatest distance in a straight line shall be the winner. There will also be a “Concours” prize for the car judged the bestlooking model on the night.

The scrutineer’s decision is final

Great Prizes at Stake Side Bets, Winner Takes All, Will Be Allowed All enquiries to Paul Maulden 01986 872537 or [email protected]

8Norfolk NA7ter News Quiz Night versus The Jaguar Drivers Club A good turnout of 14 members allowed sented an excellent turnout. the club to field three teams in this an- nual contest. They were: The quiz comprised ten rounds, each given a cryptic title to mislead contest- Seven Heaven – Dave and Tri- ants into playing their “Joker” – which cia Rix, John and Janet Math- doubled their points – on the wrong ews and Tricia Jepson. round! There was also a “table ques- tion”, requiring teams to identify the Five Alive – Barney and Jean shipping forecast sea areas around the Barnard, Liz Maulden (Paul was UK. away fishing on the River Eden After a close-fought competition, the near Carlisle) Martin Jones and NA7C teams showed a good spread Phil Jepson over the results. Strongest team on the night (holding all the rest up!) was Sev- The FarTable – Sue Hunt, en Heaven. In third place came Five Michael Spinks, Cherry Fryer Alive. The clear winners (he said, and your Editor. modestly) were The FarTable.

They were faced by only two teams A good time was had by all and our from JDC, but since that club only thanks go to John and Sue Staveley comprises about 20 members it repre- from the JDC for organising such a challenging and enjoyable evening.

April 2015 9 Our Cars

Austin On Location Phil Sharpe, his Ruby, Patricia and Winston the dog, get a taste of Holly- wood – in ! In Mid-February I received a call from partment, it was all agreed for an our Secretary, Paul Maulden, asking if arrival time of 12:00 hrs on Thursday. I could make our Ruby available for some filming on the 19th at Wolterton In the meantime it transpired that a fe- Hall, near Aylsham. This was for a pro- male actor was to drive our car. This duction by Oxford Films, London, caused a little concern as there had about the 1945 election entitled been a bit of clutch drag recently, mak- “Churchill 45, Winning the war, Los- ing gear changing a trifle awkward. ing the peace” This had not been an issue for me, but bearing in mind a third party more used After speaking with the Production to a “Modern” was to drive I thought I Manager, and sending details and pho- had better make some improvements. tographs to be vetted by their Art De- Thus on the Sunday afternoon prior to

“Mrs Atlee” driving her husband on the campaign trail

10 Norfolk NA7ter Our Cars

...the crew got a camera rigged... the filming I removed the gearbox and ing of the Austin’s foibles and soon be- clutch. I set about building up and re- came proficient). Thereafter, after shaping the clutch withdrawal levers, some long time (almost 2 hours! – this getting everything back in and tested seemed the norm, and the regular ac- by Tuesday. A test drive, clean and tors and extras seemed used to it) the grease-up later and all was ready. crew got a camera rigged on the car, ready for “Mr. and Mrs Atlee”. Prior to visiting we were asked to go in period dress as we could possibly be After a few runs, to the satisfaction of used as “Extras”. the Director, the car was de-rigged ready for the re-runs following a cam- We arrived a little early on the day, era car. with a forecast of wind and heavy rain for the afternoon. Filming of action in During these runs Patricia (with Win- a “polling station” was in progress as ston) was an extra in the crowd waving we drew up. and cheering as the Atlees drove past on their “Campaign Trail” I gave the actress portraying Mrs Atlee some driving tuition, which was very Later in the afternoon, after approxi- successful (she was particularly forgiv- mately another three hours of waiting

April 2015 11 Our Cars about I was asked to be an extra in a background when Churchill and Field scene in Winston Churchill’s war Marshal Alanbrooke are walking down room. the underground tunnel.

I was originally to be an RAF officer in Filming was wrapped up by 7:30 pm the background, but when we were get- and the drive home in heavy rain, pitch ting in position the Director apparently darkness and on single track roads was spotted me and thought I looked a lot quite testing. We made it unscathed, more like the RAF Chief of Staff than with the car performing faultlessly as it the extra already in place. He told him had done all day, leaving the tidying up to swap RAF tunic and cap with me, and cleaning for the next day. and suddenly I was the Air Chief Mar- shal sitting around the table! Only time will tell if we ever are seen on screen, or end up on the cutting In addition I also had another fleeting room floor! part as an RAF officer crossing in the

Mine’s Bigger than Yours! David Wall’s latest acquisition, a 1935 20HP Mayfair limousine

12 Norfolk NA7ter Our Cars LG 6090 In June 2014 the Secretary received an email from a former owner looking for his old car, LG 6090. A quick check on the Club’s database revealed it now belongs to member Dave Witton, who takes up the story... It turns out that Peter Brooks used to Peter Brooks recalled taking his first own the car from 1962 to 1964. His driving test in the car but the examiner brother in law Tony Haynes owned the failed him because he was “heeling and car from 1960 to 1962. toeing” on the accelerator and brake pedal to disguise the fact that the hand- Apparently it was bought for Peter brake was non existent! without his father’s knowledge and kept in the garage and somehow his fa- He sent me a picture of the car taken in ther did not know of it’s existence until the severe winter of 62/63 when he was after Peter had left University. At that out in the snow practising his skid pan point, his father made him sell it for training! As a comparison, I’ve added £20 to Peter Fountain who’s name also a photo of “Millicent”, as she is now appears in the buff log book which I known, under similar conditions still have.

April 2015 13 Our Cars Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Mug

Your FREE commemorative mug is now available

The free allocation is ONE to each joint mem- bership and it may be collected at any Club meeting. All members who renew or join dur- ing 2015/16 will be eligible.

Any surplus mugs will be made available for purchase at cost price.(£3.50)

14 Norfolk NA7ter FBHVC News

The NA7C is a member of The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs. They publish a bi-monthly magazine that highlights legislation and other topics which may affect our hobby. Articles of interest will be reprinted here. If any member would like to read the magazine in full, please contact the Editor, or visit the FBHVC website at:

UK Legislation Bob Owen Roadworthiness Testing

As you know, our major concerns on I prepared and shared with my fellow application of the EU Roadworthiness Board and Legislation Committee Testing Directive are with how the UK members a Briefing Paper for the AP- will be able to deal with the large PHVG subcommittee. I then shared it number of modified vehicles within with what we deemed to be a represent- the UK which the Directive suggests ative group of member clubs. This ought not to be treated as 'historical', group had to be small enough to be when we know that in the UK context manageable for the editing process so I they are indeed so. hope no-one who was not in the group feels excluded. The members of the My hopes expressed in Newsletter No. group really turned up trumps and pro- 6 that I would be able to provide more vided us with very valuable feedback information on our briefing activities which went into the Briefing. Mean- have been dashed by a combination of while, in parallel, Paul Chasney, our completely unavoidable political and research manager, had put together in personal misfortunes (not involving support of the Briefing a splendid set of anyone in the Federation) which meant examples of modified British vehicles progress has been stalled for nearly to help demonstrate why we think the two months. At first things progressed issue is important, not only to our well, as we persuaded the All Party members but to the preservation of Parliamentary Group to set up a sub- British motoring heritage. committee specially to look at Road- worthiness Testing. Quite a lot of candles being burnt at both ends resulted in us getting the

April 2015 15 FBHVC News Briefing Paper to the APPHVG at the Briefing Documents to go forward end of November and being ready to go with the matter, we are constrained not for a meeting with the APPHVG sub- to disclose their contents till the sub- committee on 26 November. committee has had an opportunity to consider and comment upon them. But the actual meeting is, as of my This is frustrating, not only because we writing this, only planned on 21 Janu- know that the subject is important to ary. Those of us attending; our chair- you all, but also because it means we man David Whale, our vice president can't show off all we have being doing David Hurley and myself, all have all for our members. I ask you for a bit of our fingers and toes crossed that the more patience, and we hope we will be meeting will finally occur on that date. able to provide lots of detail on the Briefings plus an initial view of how Sadly, given the fact that the APPHVG the APPHVC subcommittee has re- subcommittee will wish to use the ceived them, in the next issue.

Discontinuance of the Tax Disc

The good news is that we are not hear- We have done some research on the ing any substantial issues arising from question of whether, if members take the changes introduced to deal with the their cars abroad, overseas law en- discontinuance of the tax disc, though forcement officers will recognise the there could still be a few curiosities out new position where keepers have no there which we will keep an eye on. actual documentary proof of the exist- ence of valid taxation. The position of Of course the absence of the tax disc DVLA is clear. They have notified our means that the Vehicle Enquiry Sys- EU partners of the change and they tem has become the primary route for think that exhausts their legal obliga- checking on the tax status of a vehicle. tions. They are probably right. So our It is being improved and has been run- advice to members is that it would be ning as a Beta site. It is our view that prudent to carry the best available evi- this means that a way has to be found dence. to correct longstanding known errors in the data held by DVLA, especially On examination, that is probably the as they concern historic vehicles. Ian confirmation page which appears at the Edmunds describes elsewhere in more conclusion of the online taxation proc- detail how we are undertaking this dia- ess. It can be printed off and does carry logue. the required information in a pretty clear format.

16 Norfolk NA7ter FBHVC News But we know we have members who, ter clerk should always hand the till re- either because they are not online us- ceipt (even if Nil Value) to the ers, or because they consider that we applicant. We would recommend that ought to use the Post Office service, receipt be accepted from the counter will wish to renew their tax at a Post clerk and carefully retained. Office counter. In that case, despite the suggestion we had received from a few Members who might be taking their members just after the changeover, the vehicles abroad should really give con- Post Office always prints out a till re- sideration to whether in that case using ceipt. That is the case even if the vehi- the online system, with its clear A4 cle is exempt from VED. In that case size final page, is preferable to the Post the till receipt is Nil Value. The coun- Office till receipt

London Ultra Low Emissions Zone

As expected, when Transport for Lon- changed. By the time the proposals be- don's proposals for this Zone came to come law, that date will be pre-1975, be released for consultation, they in- and the Chancellor suggested that the cluded a blanket exemption for pre- VED exemption should continue to 1973 vehicles. They did this by amend- roll forward on an annual basis. ing earlier legislation. We have in our response to the consultation pointed In our response to TfL's consultation, out that, while 1973 was, at the time of we have proposed to TfL that they the previous exemption, the same date might wish to keep the ULEZ exemp- as the date upon which VED ceased to tion consistent with the VED exemp- be payable, the position has now tion.

Car Cruising Injunctions

In December our attention was drawn increasing incidence of 'car cruising' to news reports that a combination of which is seen as a growing social prob- local authorities who cover the Black lem in their area. There are, we real- Country had gained a High Court In- ised, several pre-existing High Court junction which was said to prohibit Injunctions, mostly in the Midlands, in 'two or more vehicles gathering togeth- similar terms. We made an initial ap- er in the Black Country between the proach to Wolverhampton Borough hours of 1500 and 0700'. Clearly the Council, one of the five Black Country injunction was granted to enable these authorities involved, simply to register authorities more readily to police the our interest at this stage but expressing

April 2015 17 FBHVC News concern that our members out on a his- to be rather widely worded. It appears toric vehicle run might be caught by to create a very slight risk that ordinary the injunction. Wolverhampton has Saturday afternoon gatherings of his- sent us the precise text of the injunc- toric vehicles might arouse the ire of tion. someone in a community and thus be held possibly to be in breach of the While most of the injunction deals with terms of the Injunction. As the injunc- obviously anti-social activities it does tion includes a specific power of arrest, appear to rest on the implicit assump- it might, in the hands of an over-zeal- tion that all 'car cruising' is anti-social. ous officer of the law, put some of our There is a question as to whether us members at risk of, at the very least, more 'responsible' and often older mo- some harassment and possible prose- torists should be too supportive of sup- cution for Contempt of Court, the sanc- pression of the way in which a new tion which supports an injunction. generation of the young get started on an interest in cars, provided of course We will be considering this issue fur- they do not otherwise cause offence ther and deciding whether or not to and unhappiness to the public by way take it up with one or more of the au- of bad behaviour, careless and reckless thorities involved, with a view to get- driving, noise etc. Were we all models ting a steer as to how as a matter of of respectability and prudence in our policy they would see historic vehicle younger more carefree days? gatherings, which might be of use to our members in case there was ever a Be that as it may, on examination the problem in an area with an injunction Black Country injunction does appear in place

DVLA NEWS Ian Edmunds Due in part no doubt to the holiday sea- tion of age-related registration marks. son there is not much to report on the You may recall that some time ago it DVLA front for this issue. I am in cor- was announced that due to a shortage respondence with them regarding a of available registration marks in the couple of issues raised by members alpha-numeric (i.e. letters first) format and I would expect to be able to report all age-related marks from then on further on these in the next edition. would be in the numeric-alpha format. Following a determined challenge Last autumn we requested that DVLA from an individual historic vehicle reconsider one aspect of their alloca- owner this policy was reversed in the

18 Norfolk NA7ter FBHVC News spring of last year with a revised ar- Most of the information that I receive rangement to issue alpha-numeric suggests that in general the vehicle reg- marks to vehicles first registered be- istration process is working well with fore 1953 and numeric-alpha thereaf- the MoT and VED exemptions being ter. Following some detailed research applied without difficulty, both via the of the registration records FBHVC on-line system and at Post Offices. submitted a paper to DVLA in Septem- However… there is always one! I have ber suggesting that a more realistic recently been informed of a case where change-over date would be 1959. We the V11 tax renewal form requested an have recently written again to DVLA MoT certificate for an exempt car and to remind them of their promise to con- that, as a result, the local Post Office sider this evidence. We will, of course, would not issue a tax disc. This case inform you of the outcome as soon as was resolved, rather slowly, by send- we know. ing the paperwork to Swansea.

A little background to this may be in- Now that we no longer have a tax disc teresting. 1953 was the year when the to look at the only method available to numeric-alpha format was first permit- confirm the current tax status of any ted but only two licencing authorities vehicle is via the DVLA Vehicle En- actually adopted it in that year. At the quiry Service (VES) available at https:/ other end of the scale some authorities, / particularly in Scotland, never did or by phone at 0300 790 6802. This re- change, continuing with the alpha-nu- quires the 'make' and registration meric format up to the adoption of the number of the vehicle in order to seven digit marks. search. In general this seems to work well but FBHVC are aware of a One detail of the vehicle record proc- number of instances, largely of historic ess that I have learnt during the sum- vehicles, where it has not. We are en- mer is that the central file held by gaged in dialogue with DVLA on these DVLA may contain a date of manufac- anomalies and, as usual, will report ture (as opposed to the date of first reg- back in due course. Meanwhile I would istration) for a vehicle without that date be interested to receive details from an- being printed on the V5C. Apparently yone who has experienced difficulties the central file system also requires a with VES with respect to a historic ve- particular marker to cause it to print the hicle. date of manufacture. Some records have this marker and others do not. We are aware that some well-known makes don't appear on the VES drop- down lists of makes (Standard is a

April 2015 19 FBHVC News good example) nor will DVLA accept listed a number of websites that can be them as the make on the paper V5C, used to check on vehicles. Since then and also that vehicles in the 'not li- the RAC have completely changed cenced' category (i.e. not requiring to their vehicle check service, to the ex- be either licenced or SORNed as they tent that the majority of older vehicles were not in use when the continuous li- no longer return a result. We have que- cencing procedure was introduced) of- ried this with the RAC but so far have ten show a 'phantom' tax due date. It had no response. Also, the other HPI also appears that recently (re)issued checking site James referenced has V765 reclaimed registrations don't been closed down. For now, if anyone show on VES until the vehicle is taxed. needs to check the make of a vehicle Have you found any incorrect or con- (or indeed perform a paid-for HPI fusing returns? Please let me know at check)? a site from AutoTrader and [email protected] Experian is available, at http:// - in general I am indebted to my committee col- terms, if this site returns the result 'sor- league James Fairchild for his continu- ry number plate not found' then the ve- ing scrutiny and analysis of the VES hicle is probably not on the DVLA and related matters. In an article in Is- database. sue 4 2014 of the Newsletter James

20 Norfolk NA7ter Sales and Wants

For Sale Original Austin Seven John Hazell has an as-new copy of the well-known Rincey Mills book for sale. Price £15. Please contact John on 01953 488219.

1932 RN Box Saloon Maroon/Black. New headlining. New carpet. 4-Speed synchromesh gear box. 664304 (Cambridge area) or tony- Good overall condition. £7,950. [email protected] (Photos Contact Tony Cropper on 07918 available)

Wanted Dynamo and Starter Motor Member Matt Dingle needs a replace- Contact Matt on 01603 714199 or ment dynamo and starter motor for his [email protected] 1931 Box Saloon - the motor is the rear-facing type, that sticks out into the footwell next to the gearbox.

April 2015 21 What’s On

The Events Calendar for 2015 is on page 24. Don’t forget to check the latest version on the website at The Club’s Events Co-ordinator is Dave Rix, who can be contacted on 01508 493419 or [email protected]. Here are some of the events over the next few months:

Saturday 4 April – Ufford Vintage Cars. Ufford, Suffolk – just turn up! Contact Dave Rix for details.

Sun 12 April – Halesworth to Snape Run. Halesworth Main Car Park – 10.00am Paul Maulden 01986 872537 or [email protected]

Tuesday 21 April – NA7C Meeting –.Rubber Band Racing Night. Jubilee Hall, East Tuddenham – 7:30 pm. There’s just time for you to build the winning car! Details on page 8 or contact Paul Maulden (01986 872537 or [email protected])

Sunday 26 April – Drive It Day – For Drive It Day this year we visiting Zenos Cars, Wymondham. Meet at the Railway Hotel for lunch (12-2 pm) or at Zenos Cars (Chestnut Drive, Wymondham, NR18 9SB) at about 2pm. Contact Dave Rix for details.

Sunday 10 May – Daffodil Craft & Country Fair. Langley School, Loddon Contact Nicky Baldwin 07957 886032.

Sunday 24 May – A Saunter Through the Saints. Paul’s annual mystery tour! Meet at Mettingham Old Victorian Tea Rooms (NR35 1TL) 10.00-10.30. Finish at a secret WW2 location (admission £2.50, with a meadow for picnics) Details from Paul Maulden (01986 872537 or [email protected])

Sunday 31 May – Elveden Car Show. Elveden Estate Walled Garden, Thetford. Contact Richard Curtis 07860227181 (Office hours) or richard.curtis@amas-

Sunday 7 June – Euston Rural Pastimes. Euston Park, nr Thetford (07880 797891or [email protected]}

22 Norfolk NA7ter What’s On Saturday/Sunday 20/21 June – Swanton Morley Tractor & Bygones Rally. Village Hall, Swanton Morley. Details from Ian Spooner (01362 692365 or [email protected])

Sunday 28 June – Proposed visit to Long Shop Museum. Leiston, Suffolk.Details soon from Dave Rix

Tenth Anniversary Celebrations

Sunday Afternoon Barbecue – Sunday 5 July At the Jubilee Hall On Sunday 5 July, at the Jubilee Hall. Members are encouraged to bring their Sevens and any other interesting cars, either driving directly to the hall, or taking part in organised runs that will be arranged from and Swaffham. The bar will be open from 3pm and burgers and hot dogs will be on sale from 4.30pm. Social Evening – Saturday 3 October At the Jubilee Hall On Saturday 3 October, at the Jubilee Hall, starting at 7.30 prompt! There will be a finger buffet, the bar will be open and entertainment will be provided by Charlie Haylock. There will also be a raffle and donations for that will be appreciated

Charlie is one of Suffolk's leading entertainers and authors and his informative and hilarious one-man shows are legendary in the county. Find out more about him at

The cost per person will be £2.50 per person for members and joint members. Addi- tional guests are welcome, at a cost of £10 per head. Admission will be by ticket only, obtained in advance. A booking form is on page 27

April 2015 23 NA7C Events Calendar 2015 Bold type Underlined = NA7C Organised Event Bold type = NA7C Supported Event Normal Type = Event not organised by NA7C but recommended or suggested by NA7C Grey shaded – a new or amended event Note: Please let the organiser know if you plan to attend an event

Date Event Venue Contact Apr 4 Sat Ufford Vintage Cars The White Lion Inn, Dave Rix Ufford, Suffolk - just turn up! 11 Sat Eastern Counties Vintage Tractor Show Royal Norfolk Dave Rix M Curtis 01508 550293 12 Sun Showground 07753182065 - Entries by March 12 Sun Halesworth to Snape Run Halesworth Main Car Park Paul Maulden 01986 872537 - 10.00am [email protected] 21 Tue NA7C Meeting - Rubber Band Racing Jubilee Hall, Paul Maulden 01986 872537 East Tuddenham - 7:30pm [email protected] 26 Sun Drive It Day – A Visit to Zenos Cars, Railway Hotel for lunch Dave Rix Wymondham 12 - 2pm May 3 Sun Stradsett Park Vintage Rally Stradsett Park, 01366 388907 4 Mon Downham Market 3 Sun Bungay Lions Classic Vehicle Rally and Earsham Hall, Bungay Dave Rix Country Fayre Bungay/ 4 Mon 26th Heritage Run Venue to be announced Jennifer Clark Broadland MG Owners Club 01493 601796 10 Sun Daffodil Craft & Country Fair Langley School, Loddon 07717 716505 17 Sun Classic Car & Bike Rally Skeyton Goat 01692 538600 17 Sun Molentocht 2015 Dutch Windmill Run Dave Dickson 01423780060 [email protected] 19 Tue NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm 23 Sat Strumpshaw Steam Rally Strumpshaw, nr Norwich Paul Worbey 24 Sun 07850 195622 25 Mon 24 Sun A Saunter Through the Saints Mettingham Old Victorian Paul Maulden 01986 872537 Tea Rooms (NR35 1TL) [email protected] 10.00-10.30 31 Sun Elveden Car Show Elveden Estate Walled Richard Curtis Garden, Thetford 07860227181 (Office hours) [email protected]

24 Norfolk NA7ter What’s On

Date Event Venue Contact

Jun 7 Sun Euston Rural Pastimes Euston Park, nr Thetford 07880 797891 [email protected] 16 Tue NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm 20 Sat Swanton Morley Tractor & Bygones Village Hall, Swanton Ian Spooner 01362 692365 21 Sun Rally Morley [email protected] 20 Sat Vintage Rally & Country Fair Goodrich Park, Palgrave, Dave Rix 21 Sun Suffolk IP22 1BA 28 Sun Proposed visit to Long Shop Museum Leiston, Suffolk Dave Rix 28 Sun Yaxham Vintage Day Village Hall, Yaxham P Rutherford 01362 668699 Jul 4 Sa Vintage Transport Festival Railway 01263 820800 5 Sun 5 Sun Tenth Anniversary Barbecue Jubilee Hall, East Tudden- Dave Rix See page 23 ham from 3pm 11 Sat Wings & Wheels Heveningham Hall 01728 832363 12 Sun [email protected] 12 Sun Buxton Bash Buxton Recreation Ground Just turn up! 12 Sun Centre 81 Classic Car Run - Ormesby to The Boathouse - Ormesby [email protected] Gt Yarmouth Broad 19 Sun Lynn at War - organised by Gressenhall Tuesday Market Place, 01362 869259 Farm & Workhouse King’s lynn more info to follow 19 Sun Windmill Open Day Billingford Windmill J & H Websdale Nr Scole 01379 853967 21 Tue NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm 25 Sat Holkham Country Fair Holkham Hall 26 Sun 26 Sun Beighton House Garden Party Beighton House, North Burl- David Charles ingham (12 onwards) - Bring 07940 917 588 your own picnic and wine [email protected] Aug 1 Sat Norfolk Open Churches Classic Car Run Norwich Cathedral Dave Rix 1 Sat Old Buckenham Air Show Old Buckenham Airfield Dave Rix 2 Sun http://www.oldbuckenhamair- 9 Sun RAFA Day - Norfolk & Suffolk Flixton Dave Rix Aviation Museum 15 Sat NA7C Rally at Norwich Motor Show Royal Norfolk Dave Rix 16 Sun Showground 18 Tue NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm 29 Sat King’ Lynn Lions Charity Event Norton Hill Railway, John Groom 30 Sun Hall Farm, Snettisham 01945 474196 30 Sun Village at War Gressenhall Farm & 01362 869259 31 Mon Workhouse, Dereham more info to follow

April 2015 25 What’s On

Date Event Venue Contact Sep 15 Tues NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm 19 Sat Henham Grand Steam Rally NEW VENUE [email protected] 20 Sun Trinity Park, Ipswich Oct 3 Sat Tenth Anniversary Social Evening Jubilee Hall, Paul Maulden 01986 872537 See page 23 East Tuddenham - 7:30pm [email protected] 3 Sat Military Revival Classic Car and Vintage Old Buckenham Airfield Dave Rix 4 Sun Exhibition 20 Tues NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm Nov 17 Tues NA7C Meeting Jubilee Hall, Dave Rix East Tuddenham - 7:30pm Dec 8 Tues NA7C Christmas Dinner Wensum Valley Hotel, Golf Paul Maulden 01986 872537 and Country Club, Beech [email protected] Avenue, Taverham, Nor- wich

Please Note: All the above events and dates are subject to change. Visit our website at for the latest information

26 Norfolk NA7ter Tenth Anniversary Celebrations A Social Evening with Charlie Haylock Saturday 3 October, at the Jubilee Hall, starting at 7.30 prompt

Charlie is one of Suffolk's leading entertainers and authors and his informative and hilarious one-man shows are legendary in the county. Find out more about him at There will be a finger buffet and the bar will be open There will be a raffle and donations for that will be appreciated Cost per head for member and joint member is £2.50 Additional guests are welcome at £10 per head. Please complete and return this form to Paul Maulden, on club nights . or by post, by 25 September at the latest, to:

“Corryghoil”, Wissett Road, Halesworth, Suffolk, IP19 8PS

with the appropriate remittance (cash or cheques made payable to Norfolk Austin Seven Club)

Name Full Address (with postcode)

Telephone No Number of tickets required £ Members (£2.50)

. Guests (£10) Total 

April 2015 27 28 Norfolk NA7ter And Finally... An Austin Oddity During his recent visit to India the Editor came across this oddity in the Mysore Railway Museum

Despite what it says on the typically Indian sign, it was definitely not “born” in 1925.

Judging by the “flashes” on the bonnet it’s a 1940s Eight or Ten

Whatever its origins, it has suffered considerable modifications and now runs on metre-gauge track – if it runs at all! Club Sales The following items are available from Paul Mauldon (01986 872537 or [email protected]) or at Club meetings Posters – £5 90th Anniversary Tea Towel Only a few left! £4 Will not be reprinted

Club Clothing

Binder for “Grey Mags” Fleeces – £29.50 or “Natter” Polo Shirts – £12.50 holds 12 copies – £5 Baseball Caps – £8.50 Stainless Steel Radiator Badges – £9.95 All available in a variety of Also available colours and sizes Details from Paul Vinyl Windscreen badges One large and one small badge – £1.50 per set

AUSTIN SEVEN BOOKS from MARGARET MOTORS BOOKSHOP Bessingham, North Norfolk A Huge Stock of New and Used Books Relating to Austin Sevens

Plus many other books on old cars and related subjects

Contact Henry and Jennifer Thorne 01263 577366