Chronology of Key Titles in Science Fiction and Developments in Science
Chronology of Key Titles in Science Fiction and Developments in Science c.80 Plutarch, Peri tou prosôpou c.100 Antonius Diogenes, Ta huper Thulên c.170 Lucian, Alêthês Historia 1516 Thomas More, Utopia 1543 Copernicus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium c.1600 Johannes Kepler’s Somnium written (not published until 1634) 1622 Giovan Battista Marino, L’Adone 1638 William Godwin, The Man in the Moone John Wilkins, The Discovery of a World in the Moone 1644 René Descartes, Principia Philosophiae 1657 Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac, L’Autre Monde ou les Etats et Empires de la lune (Voyage dans la lune) 1656 Athanasius Kircher, Iter exstaticum coeleste 1659 Jacques Guttin, Epigone, histoire du siècle futur 1665 Robert Hooke, Micrographia 1685 Isaac Newton, ‘De Motu Corporum’ 1686 Bernard de Fontenelle, Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes 1687 Isaac Newton, Principia Mathematica 1690 Gabriel Daniel, Voyage du Monde de Descartes 1698 Christiaan Huygens, Cosmotheoros 1726 Jonathan Swift, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (Gulliver’s Travels) 1730 Voltaire’s Micromégas (published 1750) 1737 Thomas Gray, ‘Luna habitabilis’ 1741 Ludvig Holberg, Nikolai Klimi iter subterraneum 1750 Robert Paltock, The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins 1765 Marie-Anne de Roumier, Les Voyages de Milord Ceton dans les sept planettes 1771 Louis Sébastien Mercier, L’An deux mille quatre cent quarante 1781 Nicolas-Edme Restif de la Bretonne, La découverte australe par un homme volant 1798 Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, as it
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