Tidings from the TC UF/IFAS-Industry Ties Keep Growing Pro Greens Donates Deep Drill Aerification System to UFFLREC BY JOHN CISAR, PH.D. IFAS Turf Coordinator ike the song in the video " Saves Christmas" (remember I have a 2-year old at home so I get to watch the videLo every night) It's Christmas Again in South Florida. On Jan. 7, Santa and his helpers from Pro Greens Turf Services of Safety Har- bor stopped by at the Ft. Lauderdale REC to deliver an FM-60 deep drill aerification machine for University of Florida turfgrass research and use in Mark Atherholt(left) of Pro Greens Turf Services presents IFAS Turf Coordinator, Dr. John maintenance of plots. Pro Greens Turf Cisar with the keys to a totally refurbished FM-60 Deep Drill Aerifying Machine. Also on hand Services is an aerification specialist in from Pro Greens are (l-r) Pat Kearney and Tim Osley. Photo courtesy of Pro Greens. the golf course and athletic field markets throughout the continental USA and that the turfgrass industry of Florida provided an up-to-the minute report on Hawaii. deserves our continual heartfelt thanks the new uses of subsurface pesticide in- At the official passing of the keys cer- for all their help. jection systems for turf and mole cricket emony, Mark Atherholt of Pro Greens, control research. On March 18, Dr. Al along with Tim Olsey, Pro Greens head Education Events Right Around the Dudeck also hosted his annual Overseed of work crews, and Pat Kearney, Pro Corner Field Day in Gainesville. Greens Southeast sales representative, "Tis the season" also for seminars, Regarding upcoming events, on April presented me (on behalf of the Univer- field days and workshops. The FTGA 21, the Everglades chapter is hosting a sity of Florida) with the FM-60. The held its highly popular landscape man- turfgrass seminar in Ft. Myers. Contact value of the gift was approximated at agement seminars throughout Florida Matt Taylor at 941-495-0073 for infor- $35,000. This great gift will go a long way in January. Held in locations through- mation. The 1999 USGA Regional Semi- in helping us maintain turf and set up out the state, seminars were jam-packed nars are scheduled for April 26 in Or- new directions for research. with Florida turf professionals. This year lando and April 28 in West Palm Beach. As stated in their press release on the for the first time, the seminar series car- Contact John Foy at 561-546-2620. The subject: Pro Greens makes this donation ried over to the panhandle and more tentative dates for the University of in the spirit of educating and assisting than 140 attendees were in the audito- Florida Turfgrass Field Day is 23 and 24 research efforts in the turfgrass industry rium. June 1999. This year for the first time, and to honor all golf course superinten- On March 11, the 12th Annual South the overall program field day will be held dents and sports turf groundskeepers Florida Expo at the Ft. Lauderdale REC in Milton at the new UF turfgrass field that devote their livelihood to "Keep attracted turf breeders and developers of plots. Contact Dr. Bryan Unruh at 850- America Playing." the new ultradwarfs to discuss adapta- 983-2632 for further information on This equipment donation is very tion to Florida conditions and address dates and directions. much appreciated by the turfgrass team questions about the new grasses. Drs. at the University of Florida. We have Wayne Hanna and Al Dudeck, and rep- Helios and Goodbyes been blessed with a range of equipment resentatives from Thomas Bros. Turf and Hot off the presses: I just received an donations over the past few years that Coastal Turf were on hand. Also, key- email from Terril Nell that Laurie have really had a significant positive im- note speaker Dr. Will Hudson, ento- Trenholm has accepted the turfgrass re- pact on our plot work. It bears repeating mologist at the University of Georgia, search/extension position at the Univer- sity of Florida's' Drs. Robin Giblin-Davis, Monica extended to Marcus for his tireless com- Gainesville cam- Elliott, and Russell Nagata are on sab- mitment to the Otto Schmeisser/FGCSA pus effective batical leave in 1999. Robin just left for Research Green and UF research in gen- Aug. 1. Our sin- "down under" Australia, Monica is liter- eral. cere congratula- ally "chilling out" in Montana, and tions to Laurie. Russell is "surfing" for new grasses in Passing a milepost Laurie re- Hawaii. This spring marks the first year anni- ceived her B.S. at Marcus Prevatte, the long-time versary of my appointment to the TC the University of groundskeeper of position. What a whirlwind year it has Florida. She was the USGA green been. It's a great point in time to reflect an undergradu- at the Ft. Lauder- on what has occurred during the past 12 Laurie Trenholm ate student at the dale REC, an- months and look to where we are going. (1995 file photo) University's nounced that he One of the most difficult things to do FLREC site. would be leaving objectively is evaluate day-to-day change Laurie received her M.S. degree from UF for an assistant from the inside. For example, looking in working with Dr. A1 Dudeck, her major superin- the mirror, to me, I always look the same adviser, on FloraDwarf nutrition. She is tendent's posi- and I just about always feel the same. Yet, completing her Ph.D. at the University tion at Indian if I look at a snapshot from one year ago of Georgia, working with major advisor Creek. Congratu- or 10, wow, what a difference! The same Dr. Ronnie Duncan on new turf-type lations and best thing holds with this job. I don't easily varieties of seashore paspalum grasses. of luck to Marcus see the change from the inside and some- Laurie was the first recipient of the on his new career. times I get frustrated with the pace of Granville C. Horn Graduate Scholarship Many thanks change in my mind. But then once in a from the FTGA. Clearly, that prestigious Marcus Prevatte from everyone at while it hits home just how much change scholarship is starting to bear fruit. (1996 file photo) the FLREC are has gone on.

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New Standards For Turfgrass Excellence

REGAL CHEMICAL COMPANY / P.O. BOX 900 / ALPHARETTA, GA 30239 /1-800-621-5208 During the past year I have been going to different golf course chapters 1999 Florida Plants of the Year - Part 3 to promote our program. Recently, I gave a talk at a local chapter meeting Editors Note: Third in a three part series show casing the Florida Nursery on the Florida Gulf coast. One of the Growers 1999 selections of underutilized but proven Florida plant material. superintendents told me he heard me Common Name: Cross Vine give an overview of the program six months earlier and that he was im- Botanical Name: Bignonia capreolata pressed by the number of new things Hardiness: Zones 6-9 going on at UF and how things had Mature Height X Spread: Climbs 30 feet changed since my previous speech Classification: Vine about our program. That really caught Landscape Use: Pergola, trellis my attention. Frankly, I was pleasantly Characteristics: Flowers orange to orange red surprised because that means people New hybrids are expanding in this under-used vine on the outside are interested in what's whose main flowering comes in late spring with going on, they are communicating back occasional flowers through the summer. Growth is to me, and people are observing the rapid and it will cling to a rough surface or twine as difference. it climbs to the top of its support. Moist, rich soils suit it best, but growth is good even under less- New in the Turf program than-ideal conditions. As a native is well adapted What are some of the great things to the vagaries of our climate. Cool weather brings a bronzing of the leaves, going on? Here's a sample of four: but they will remain on the plant in most years. First, there are four new turf faculty Common Name: Lake Tresca Ligustrum positions at UF that are either being Botanical Name: Ligustrum japonicum 'Lake filled right now or will be advertised Tresca' this spring 1999. Laurie Trenholm has Hardiness: Zones 7-10 accepted the offer to fill the turf posi- tion vacated when Bert McCarty left Mature Height X Spread: 10' x 10' for Clemson University. The Univer- Classification: Shrub sity is advertising for a turf entomolo- Landscape Use: Low hedges or a fine specimen gist for Ft. Lauderdale. In the near fu- plant ture we will be seeking a soil scientist Characteristics: Very compact growth (Everglades REC) with turf in the job A superior cultivar of the common landscape and description and a turf pathologist hedging shrub, selected many years ago in a (Gainesville site). These positions fill Florida nursery but only now becoming well gaps that have occurred either through known. Growth is compact and moderately slow, attrition or anticipated retirements and making a beautiful specimen when mature. Tight expanded programs. These new posi- spires of fragrant, pale flowers are produced in spring and summer. tions will strengthen many of our pro- Common Name: Chartreuse Sweet Potato gram areas and ultimately enable us to provide better service. Botanical Name: Ipomoea batatas 'Margarita' Second, there will be more infor- Hardiness: Zones 9-11 mation from UF in readily accessible Mature Height X Spread: Trailing, about 9" tall, forms. Back by popular demand, we vines 6 - 8' long look forward to renewing our annual Classification: Groundcover or basket plant turf research and program report. This Landscape Use: Groundcover in light shade publication will contain a summary of Characteristics: Chartreuse green leaves all UF research projects, education ef- An exciting leaf color when used among more forts, and extension activities. ordinary plants. Particularly effective in mixed Terril Nell, the UF Environmental baskets with purple-leaved plants or those with Horticulture Dept. chair, has been cir- deep blue flowers. Light shade is best to avoid leaf culating a huge list of active projects by burn, but plants getting plenty of water can take the UF turf team. Look for updates on high light levels and even full sun once they are those projects in the Annual Turf Re- accustomed to it. port. In addition, extension specialists lic relations and Joel Jackson, FGCSA We want to continue to improve director of communications. Both Don our customer service and one of the and Joel are doing yeoman-like work best ways is through communication. Back by popular demandy keeping everyone up to date, acting as Please keep inviting us to your chapter we look forward to ambassadors of good will and advo- meetings and offering us the opportu- cates, and being good listeners. These nity to speak about our work. Tell us renewing our annual turf two guys have really made life a lot what you think of our program, tell us easier for me. Thanks Don and Joel for what we need to be doing, and tell us research and program everything you do. how we can help. We appreciate your report. This publication will contain a summary of all UF research projectSy education

effortsy and extension activities.

Services Include led by Bryan Unruh and additional turf research scientists are busy updat- Lake Management ing the Florida Turf Pest Control Guide Right-of-Way Vegetation Control and Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses book. The latter Wetlands Planting and Maintenance two guides should be available to the Exotics Control public by early spring. Mechanical Harvesting Third, Field Days are off and run- ning with the latest information and Industrial/Agricultural/Vegetation Management technology. This year the South Florida Expo brought together under one roof many of the developers of the new ul- For a FREE evaluation, call tradwarf bermudagrasses to discuss management. Al Dudeck hosted his 1-800-832-5253 highly popular Overseed Field Day March 18. Jot down on your calendar Visit our website at June 25-26 for the IFAS Turfgrass Field Day. For the first time, the overall turf program field day will be held in Milton to help promote all the great things going on at our new panhandle loca- tion. Fourth and maybe most important is the enhanced partnership between the Florida turfgrass industry and UF. Through your support, the ties between the turf industry and UF are getting stronger every day. A lot of the credit goes to those unsung heros who are helping to keep the lines of communi- cation open and who are forging more interaction. Two great examples are Don Benham, FTGA director for pub- feedback and look forward to the best credibility and appeal to the survey. year ever in 1999. Let's keep on going. Since the surveys may contain sensitive FGA board members financial information, they will be returned Florida Golf Alliance to the FGCOA office and Jamison will will be given a list of track the responses and delete course iden- tification. He will also assign survey num- courses to contact to Course Owners bers and symbols as requested by Dr. Joe Cronin to fit into the survey matrix. This alert golf course owners Help Conduct should provide course owners the comfort and officials to be on the of knowing that the only association with access to their financial identity is their lookout for the second Impact Survey own association. ack Brennan, treasurer for the Florida FGA board members will be given a survey and ask them to list of courses to contact to alert golf JGolf Alliance and head of Paladin Golf participate so the survey Marketing, reports that the Florida Chap- course owners and officials to be on the ter of the Golf Course Owners Associa- lookout for the second survey and ask will be as accurate as tion is taking an active role in helping to them to participate so the survey will be conduct the golf impact survey. as accurate as possible and carry as much possible and carry as Mike Jamison, executive director of weight as possible when we discuss is- the FGCOA, will help coordinate the sues at local and state levels. much weight as possible All Florida superintendents are urged cover letter to course owners as a second when we discuss issues round of surveys is being sent out to to mention that this survey is taking gather more information. Jamison is col- place and to suggest his or her club par- at local and state levels lecting the logos of all participating asso- ticipate to make it as meaningful as pos- ciations to go the letter to give more sible so we can establish credible lever-

Producers of Quality Turf grasses for Golf Courses and Athletic Fields

High quality sod and sprig turf grasses available: • Tifway 419 • TifSport • Tifgreen 328 • TifEagle • Tifdwarf • Centipede • Meyer Zoysia • Centipede Seed Pike Creek Turf ¿*c. We install sod and/or sprigs on Route 2, Box 376-A Add, Georgia 31620 Golf Courses and Athletic Fields 1-800-232-7453 Rowplanting Services A va i table 1 age on important issues facing the golf entire cost of production is absorbed by Contact Lauren Donnelly at 888-889- industry in Florida. the advertiser. 1175. Web site: Several things differentiate the inno- . New Products May vative CCS Scorecard Program from tra- ditional on-course efforts. Only one ap- HotWire Save You Time, Money proved advertiser will appear per HotWire Connects Superintendents scorecard per course, resulting in an to "Heart" of Irrigation System Editor's Note: We don't normally unobtrusive, tasteful product. Since the At the GCSAA Conference in Orlando, run "new product" press releases because panel enhances an existing scorecard, Flowtronex PSI unveiled a new product

we get swamped with them. Howevery a the course retains its identity and con- designed to immediately and accurately couple of recent announcements caught trol of its image. Best of all, Country alert pumping system users to potential my eye because they seem like real Club Scoring secures all advertisers and system problems. This new tool may help money and worry savers. Maybe they the advertisers pay all expenses. The problems from becoming crises. can help you or your club. course approves the final product and The device called HotWire, is the only receives high-quality, four-color auto-dialer on the market that informs Free Scorecards for Golf Courses scorecards at no charge. the user of the specific problem through Country Club Sports, Inc., through "The program is catching fire with a paging system. With HotWire, the cus- the newly launched CCS scorecard pro- golf pros and property management tomer monitors up to four specific func- gram, provides interested golf courses across the country," said Lauren tions such as a power failure or a hard with scorecards at absolutely no charge. Donnelly, assistant vice president of fault, by assigning a 1- to 5-digit code, if The CCS scorecard program is offered Country Club Sports. The courses are a problem occurs, HotWire picks up the free to public and private courses across receiving the same, and sometimes bet- phone, dials the pager service and the country. Utilizing a course's existing ter, quality scorecards yet saving the en- punches in the code to appear on the tire expense of production. end-user's pager. The national program already is in HotWire also features a program- place at golf course properties in Ari- mable timer for each function. The cus- zona, California, Florida, Idaho, Michi- tomer can set the timer so that HotWire gan, Missouri, Nevada, Texas and Vir- sends the page anywhere from one sec- ginia. Major national and regional ad- ond to two hours after the problem oc- vertising participants, such as Golf Di- curs. A repeat timer allows for continual gest, Select Comfort, and Golf Tips, have paging until the problem is addressed. already recognized the value of this in- HotWire can easily be programmed novative advertising vehicle. CCS through Windows 95 or 98. Scorecards are also a perfect media for At only 4 inches tall, 3 inches deep, scorecard layout and artwork, design pro- local advertisers wishing to reach the and 1 3/4 inches wide, Hot Wire fits fessionals at Country Club Scoring simply local golfing audience. inside a pump station control panel of add on a patented, perforated panel con- Country Club Scoring of Las Vegas, in even the smallest stations. It will be avail- taining one advertisement. The enhanced partnership with Ft. Myers-based Country able to customers in April. scorecards are then supplied to the course Club Sports, holds the exclusive patent to Contact Willie Slingerland, at no charge for distribution to golfers. The the perforated panel for scorecards. Flowtronex PSI at (972) 910-0814

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