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Communication and Public Relations Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 1 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Volumul 14, nr. 4 / 2012 Special issue NUPSPA College of Communication and Public Relations Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 2 Scientific Committee • Delia BALABAN (Babeº-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) • Alina BÂRGÃOANU (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania) • Camelia BECIU (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania) • Lee B. BECKER (University of Georgia, US) • Felix BEHLING (University of Essex, UK) • Hanoch BEN-YAMI (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary) • Diana CISMARU (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania) • Nicoleta CORBU (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania) • Alina HALILIUC (Denison University, US) • Dragos ILIESCU (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania; TestCentral) • Adrian LESENCIUC (Academia Fortelor Aeriene "Henri Coanda", Brasov, Romania) • Mira MOSHE (Ariel University Center of Samaria, Israel) • Sorin NASTASIA (Southern Illinois University, US) • Nicolas PELISSIER (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France) • Dana POPESCU-JORDY (University of Lyon 2, France) • Remus PRICOPIE (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania) • Anca VELICU (Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy) • Tudor VLAD (University of Georgia, US) • David WEBERMAN (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary) • Alexandra ZBUCHEA (National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania) Editorial Board Paul Dobrescu (editor in chief) Elena Negrea-Busuioc (editor) Cristian Lupeanu (layout) Editor College of Communication and Public Relations – NUPSPA 6 Povernei St., Sector 1, Bucharest Tel.: 201 318 0889; Fax: 021 318 0882 [email protected];; The Journal is published three times a year. The journal has been indexed by ProQuest CSA, EBSCO Publishing, CEEOL, DOAJ, Cabell's Directory, Genamics Journal Seek and Index Copernicus. This journal is recognized by CNCSIS and included in the B+ category ( The publication of this special issue was supported by a grant of the National Council for Scientific Research in Higher Education, CNCSIS, project The Phenomenon of Labor Force Migration and the Formation of the Diasporic Public: Impact on Public Space and Institutional Practices [Fenomenul migraþiei forþei de muncã ºi formarea publicului diasporic: impactul asupra spaþiului public ºi a practicilor instituþionale], code CNCSIS–1113. Project developed by CoDiPo Laboratory: Communication, Discourse, Public Issues, Center for Research in Communication. The articles titles have been translated into Romanian by the publisher. ISSN 1454-8100 Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 3 Contents Diasporic Identities, Media, and the Public Space Camelia BECIU, Mãlina CIOCEA, Alexandru I. CÂRLAN Diasporic Identities, Media, and the Public Space. Introductory Remarks /9 Identities and Diasporic Experience Camelia BECIU Qui fait la diaspora? Le problème de l’identité dans les recherches sur les diasporas [Who Constitutes the Diaspora? The Problem of Identity in the Studies on the Diaspora] /13 Irina CULIC Immigrating Ethnicity: Configuring Romanianness in North America at the Turn of the Twentieth Century /29 Marta COLA, Bashkim ISENI, Manuel Mauri BRUSA The Kosovar diaspora in Switzerland: Construction of Identities between Media Use and Diasporic Traits /47 Ivan Darias ALFONSO Re-reading Cuba in London: Media and Identity in the Cuban Diaspora /65 Mohammed ELHAJJI La diaspora maghrébine à Montréal face aux aléas de l’interculturel: le rôle des médias locaux, transnationaux et communautaires [The Maghrebian Diaspora in Montreal and the Challenges of Interculturality: the Role of Local, Trasnational and Community Media] /85 Diaspora, Media Representations, Public Knowledge Irina Diana MÃDROANE Romanian Migrants in the British Press: A Post-EU Accession Analysis / 103 Mirela LAZÃR, Ruxandra BOICU Media Representation of Community Identity: The Romanians Working in Spain / 125 Irina PLETEA Les visages de la migration roumaine récente dans la presse du pays d’origine et des pays de destination [Representations of Recent Romanian Migration in Sending and Receiving Countries Press] / 141 Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 4 Luciana RÃDUÞ-GAGHI «Luceafarul» et «Kultura», deux prémisses de modèles de pratiques diasporiques parisiennes [“Luceafãrul” and “Kultura”, Two Models of Parisian Diasporic Practices] / 163 Mãlina CIOCEA, Alexandru I. CÂRLAN Debating Migration as a Public Problem: Diasporic Stances in Media Discourse / 181 Nicolae PERPELEA Diasporactivism and Diasporapathy in the News Community / 203 Book Review Florina CREÞU Review of Personalization and Personification. A Historical and Cultural Analysis of 50 Years of Dutch Political Television Journalism by R. Van Santen / 225 International Research Project on Diaspora Diana DUMITRIU E-diasporas Atlas. Exploration and Cartography of Diasporas in the Digital Network / 231 Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 5 Sumar Identitãþi diasporice, media, spaþiu public Camelia BECIU, Mãlina CIOCEA, Alexandru I. CÂRLAN Identitãþi diasporice, media, spaþiu public. Introducere /9 Identitãþi ºi experienþã diasporicã Camelia BECIU Cine constituie diaspora? Problema identitãþii în studiile despre diaspora /13 Irina CULIC Etnicitatea care migreazã: a deveni român în America de Nord la începutul secolului XX /29 Marta COLA, Bashkim ISENI, Manuel Mauri BRUSA Diaspora kosovarã din Elveþia: construcþia identitãþilor între uzaj mediatic ºi caracteristici diasporice /47 Ivan Darias ALFONSO Recitind Cuba la Londra: media ºi identitate în diaspora cubanezã /65 Mohammed ELHAJJI Diaspora magrebianã la Montreal ºi provocãrile interculturalitãþii: rolul media locale, transnaþionale ºi comunitare /85 Diaspora, reprezentãri mediatice, cunoaºtere publicã Irina Diana MÃDROANE Migranþi români în presa din Marea Britanie: o analizã post-aderare / 103 Mirela LAZÃR, Ruxandra BOICU Reprezentãri mediatice ale identitãþii diasporice: românii care lucreazã în Spania / 125 Irina PLETEA Reprezentãri ale migraþiei româneºti recente în presa din þara de origine ºi þãrile de destinaþie / 141 Luciana RÃDUÞ-GAGHI „Luceafarul” ºi „Kultura”, douã modele de practici în diaspora parizianã / 163 Mãlina CIOCEA, Alexandru I. CÂRLAN Migraþia ca problemã publicã în dezbaterile mediatice. Poziþionãri diasporice în discursul media / 181 Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 6 Nicolae PERPELEA Diasporactivism ºi diasporapatie în comunitatea de ºtiri / 203 Recenzie Florina CREÞU Recenzia cãrþii Personalization and Personification. A Historical and Cultural Analysis of 50 Years of Dutch Political Television Journalism de R. Van Santen / 225 Proiect de cercetare internaþional Diana DUMITRIU E-diasporas Atlas. Explorarea ºi cartografierea diasporelor în reþeaua digitalã / 231 Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 7 Diasporic Identities, Media, and the Public Space Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 8 Revista_comunicare_27_Special_issue.qxd 11/28/2012 2:13 PM Page 9 Camelia BECIU* Mãlina CIOCEA** Alexandru I. CÂRLAN*** Diasporic Identities, Media, and the Public Space. Introductory Remarks The concept of diaspora is enriched at present with a variety of readings in the context of globalization, transnational mobility and expansion of new communication technologies. Re- cent literature points to multiple meanings associated with “diaspora” and critically discuss- es the tendency to consider the concept and the phenomenon of “diaspora” to be interchangeable. An approach from the perspective of diasporic identities might therefore seem to run the risk of adding to the theoretical muddle around the notion. How operational is, then, the concept of “diasporic identity”, taking into account, on the one hand, the continuous diversification of manifest forms of belonging that migrants and ex- tra-territorial groups build in various transnational situations and, on the other, the increas- ing instability of these identity ties as regards their routines and public visibility? The new technologies and the Internet, along with the global culture of mobility, contribute to the con- struction of emergent identities (“the new diasporas”), shaping the forms of individual and public positioning that allow migrants to assume “a diasporic voice”, a way of being and act- ing. The “connected migrant” (Diminescu, 2007; 2010) experiences being “between” and “in” multiple socio-cultural spaces, at global and local scales, which intersect and communi- cate with one another in the same way that they are distinct from one another. Groups with an identity already configured through long affiliation with well-established causes coexist with other groups and individuals that engage publicly and are thus structured through the dy- namics of specific, punctual events and circumstances. Starting from these premises, we propose a thematic issue on the construction of dias- poric identities in public situations and in contexts defined by different boundary-making (Culic, 2012). The studies included
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    MADRID, CENTRO CULTURAL DE CIUDADANOS RUMANOS DEL EXILIO EN LA ESPAÑA POSBÉLICA. LA LABOR DE SUS INTELECTUALES DURANTE LA DICTADURA FRANQUISTA ANTONIO L UQUE H ERNÁNDEZ (*) EL H ISPANISMO EN R UMANÍA Situada en el sureste de Europa Oriental, Rumanía es después de Polonia el país más grande de esta región. Rumanía y España, aunque ubicadas en dos extremos de Europa desde el punto de vista geográfico, han tenido fructíferos contactos a través de la historia. El 3 de marzo de 1878, por el Tratado de San Stefano, el imperio Otomano reconocía la independencia de Rumanía, Serbia y Monte- negro, así como la autonomía de Bulgaria. Los corresponsales de prensa españoles destacados durante la guerra de 1877-1878 resal- (*) Del Instituto de Estudios Canarios. Fecha de recepción: 11-02-2015 Fecha de aceptación: 11-05-2015 355 HIDALGUÍA. Año LXII 2015. Núm. 369. Págs. 355-398 ANTONIO LUQUE HERNÁNDEZ taron el coraje y valentía del ejército rumano. España reconoció la independencia de Rumania el 12 de abril de 1880 y el 23 de junio de 1881 fue abierta en Bucarest la legación del Reino de España, repre- sentada por Juan Pedro de Aladro Kastriota (1), acreditado como encargado de negocios. En 1908 se firmó el primer acuerdo consu- lar y dos años después Rumania inició gestiones encaminadas a la instalación en España de una legación. LOS ORÍGENES El emperador Trajano — Marcus Ulpius Traianus (53-117) reinó des- de el 98 hasta su muerte; fue el primer emperador de origen no itáli- co—, una de las figuras centrales de la historia rumana, había nacido en Itálica, población inmediata a Sevilla.
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