Brian M. McDonald, Ph.D., S.E., F.ASCE Corporate Vice President & Principal Engineer | Buildings & Structures 149 Commonwealth Drive | Menlo Park, CA 94025 (650) 688-6946 tel |
[email protected] Professional Profile Dr. McDonald specializes in the design and construction of complex structures, extreme loading, and the causes and repair of damage to the built environment. During more than 30 years at Exponent, he has evaluated problems with the design and construction of wood frame, reinforced concrete, post-tensioned concrete and steel buildings, as well as bridges, tunnels, industrial structures, power transmission lines, communication towers, cable-supported and fabric structures. Dr. McDonald has investigated structures damaged by wind, snow, explosion, fire, construction errors, design defects, decay and corrosion, as well as hundreds of structures damaged by seismic shaking after the Loma Prieta, Northridge, San Simeon, Hawaii earthquakes and others. Dr. McDonald has designed steel and concrete structures, transmission line structures and substation components, and repairs to damaged buildings, Dr. McDonald's work often includes nonlinear and dynamic structural analysis, instrumentation and full-scale testing of structures, and material failures including fracture and plasticity analyses. In addition to damage investigations, Dr. McDonald also provides peer review services for structural design of complex structures, including safety-critical nuclear power plant structures. Dr. McDonald has special expertise in the field of quantitative risk assessment, which he has applied to nuclear power plants, critical national laboratory infrastructure, petrochemical facilities, and electric power transmission facilities. Dr. McDonald has held several positions in the fields of structural engineering and software design, most recently as Chief Analyst at Krawinkler, Luth, and Associates, a leading structural design firm.