In cooperation with DIE WOCHE SPEZIAL >> Autographs>vs.>#NobelSelfie Special >> Big>Data>–>not>a>big>deal,> Edition just>another>tool >> Why>Don’t>Grasshoppers> Catch>Colds? SCIENCE SUMMIT The>64th>Lindau>Nobel>Laureate>Meeting> devoted>to>Physiology>and>Medicine More than 600 young scientists came to Lindau to meet 37 Nobel laureates CAREER WONGSANIT > Women>to>Women: SUPHAKIT > / > Science>and>Family FOTOLIA INFLAMMATION The>Stress>of>Ageing > FLASHPICS > / > MEETINGS > FOTOLIA LAUREATE > CANCER RESEARCH NOBEL > LINDAU > / > J.>Michael>Bishop>and GÄRTNER > FLEMMING > JUAN > / the>Discovery>of>the>first> > CHRISTIAN FOTOLIA Human>Oncogene EDITORIAL IMPRESSUM Chefredakteur: Prof. Dr. Carsten Könneker (v.i.S.d.P.) Dear readers, Redaktionsleiter: Dr. Daniel Lingenhöhl Redaktion: Antje Findeklee, Jan Dönges, Dr. Jan Osterkamp where>else>can>aspiring>young>scientists> Ständige Mitarbeiter: Lars Fischer Art Director Digital: Marc Grove meet>the>best>researchers>of>the>world> Layout: Oliver Gabriel Schlussredaktion: Christina Meyberg (Ltg.), casually,>and>discuss>their>research,>or>their> Sigrid Spies, Katharina Werle Bildredaktion: Alice Krüßmann (Ltg.), Anke Lingg, Gabriela Rabe work>–>or>pressing>global>problems?>Or> Verlag: Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Slevogtstraße 3–5, 69126 Heidelberg, Tel. 06221 9126-600, simply>discuss>soccer?>Probably>the>best> Fax 06221 9126-751; Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 338114, UStd-Id-Nr. DE147514638 occasion>is>the>annual>Lindau>Nobel>Laure- Geschäftsleitung: Markus Bossle, Thomas Bleck Marketing und Vertrieb: Annette Baumbusch (Ltg.) Leser- und Bestellservice: Helga Emmerich, Sabine Häusser, ate>Meeting>in>the>lovely>Bavarian>town>of> Ute Park, Tel. 06221 9126-743, E-Mail:
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