How to Transcribe Version 3.0 of April 15, 2016 Overview You will find the digitizations of the Boston Athenaeum's books borrowed registers in the Digital Collections section of the Athenaeum's web site. You can download the volume you want to your computer, flash drive, etc. We are starting the transcription project with Volume I (1827-1834). Let Mary Warnement (
[email protected]) know what page or pages you would like to transcribe so that we do not have volunteers duplicating efforts. Transcribing for Search We are transcribing for search and retrieval rather than for manuscript fidelity. Having searched for and found a page of interest using our transcriptions, a researcher can, if they desire, refer to the scan of the found page for scriptural details. The key to transcribing for search is uniformity across the transcriptions. To achieve this uniformity, we record in this How to Transcribe document guidelines for transcription. This is a working document. When you encounter a situation that is not sufficiently well covered in the document, bring it to the attention of the group for discussion, resolution, and inclusion in an updated version of the document. 1) General Guidelines 1.1) Unless otherwise specified, spell out abbreviations. For example, in transcribing dates spell out the name of the month. 1.2) Appendix A below is a table of special abbreviations that you may encounter together with how each of these special abbreviation should be rendered in your transcription. 1.3) All quotes are transcribed to what is being quoted. Thus, for example, with regards to the following three register entries the month of the second entry would be transcribed as April and the author of the third entry would be transcribed as Pepys Quoted text in the registers is indicated in a number of ways other than by the quotation mark as above including the character sequence do How to Transcribe and a straight line.