
Iconic Museums of

博物馆是承载人类历史记忆和文化积淀的地方,是了解一个地方古今脉络、 人文历史以及传承演变的不二之选。截至 2019 年 9 月,山东省博物馆总数达 558 家,数量位居中国第一,有 90%的博物馆实现了免费开放。

A museum is a vehicle for human history and culture, the best place to learn about how a certain location has changed over time. By September 2019, the number of museums in Shandong reached 558, the highest of all ’s regions, and 90% of them charge no admission fee. 来山东参观当地的博物馆,你能看到历史最悠久、保存最完好、艺术水平最 高的壁画——东平汉墓壁画;表面乌黑光亮,器壁薄如蛋壳的黑陶杯;被誉为“世 界龙王”的世界上最大的鸭嘴恐龙骨架——“巨大诸城龙”;目前仅存的明代以 前的殿试状元卷真迹;只有火柴盒大小的精美微型风筝等世界级文化宝藏。

At the museums in Shandong, you can see such world-class treasures as the Han- Dynasty tomb murals of Dongping, which are the world’s oldest and best-preserved murals of the highest artistic quality; the Black Longshan Cup, a Neolithic piece of pottery with a shining surface and walls as thin as an eggshell; “Huge Zhucheng

Dinosaur”, the world’s largest hadrosaur skeleton discovered in Zhucheng; the only existing test paper for the top scholar of the palace examination of the pre-Ming period (before 1644); and an exquisitely crafted kite that is no larger than a matchbox.

一、 山东博物馆

Ⅰ. Shandong Museum

山东博物馆拥有各类藏品 20 余万件,常设山东历史文化展、万世师表展等, 展示了山东历史文化的深远变迁。山东博物馆不仅记录了山东省几千年的历史, 也展现了中国文化千年传承的精髓。特色藏品包括陶瓷、古铜器皿、甲骨字样、 陶器铭文、皇家印章、竹简文字、汉代石刻、绘画和书法等。

The Shandong Museum contains over 200,000 pieces of all types. Permanent exhibitions include the Exhibition of Cultural History of Shandong and Virtuous Figures of the Ages, showing the changes that have taken place throughout Shandong’s thousands of years of history as well as the essence of the millennia of Chinese culture. Collections in the museum are particular featured by ceramics, bronzy ware, oracle- bone inscriptions, inscriptions on pottery, royal seals, bamboo scripts, stone relief in Han dynasty, paintings and calligraphies and the like.


Museum Treasures

· 红陶兽形壶(大汶口文化)

· Red-Pottery Zoomorphic Kettle ()


1959 年山东泰安大汶口遗址出土了红陶兽形壶,是一种仿生陶器,在新石 器时代发现的陶器中较为罕见。虽然是实用器皿,却造型生动,不失艺术情趣。 红陶兽形壶是 5000 年前不可多得的一件艺术珍品,成为山东大汶口文化的独特 代表。

The Red-Pottery Zoomorphic Kettle was unearthed from Dawenkou Site in Tai’an City of Shandong Province in 1995. It is a red-pottery zoomorphic ware of bionic pottery, which is very rare in pottery discovered in the Neolithic Age. Although it is a practical ware, the modeling is vivid and artistic. The Red-Pottery Zoomorphic Kettle is an art treasure hard to come by 5,000 years ago, and also is the unique representative of Shandong Dawenkou culture.

· 东平汉墓壁画(汉代)

· Mural of Han Tombs in Dongping (Han Dynasty)

东平汉墓壁画发现于 2007 年,是山东地区迄今发现的历史最悠久,保存最 完好,艺术水平最高的壁画,也是中国早期绘画作品中的精美杰作,在全国极为 罕见。

Discovered in 2007, the Mural of Han Tombs in Dongping is the oldest and best preserved mural with the highest artistic level, is also an elaborate masterpiece in painting work in early China, and is extremely rare nationwide.

· 蛋壳黑陶高柄套杯(龙山文化)

· Eggshell Black-Pottery Cup (Longshan Culture)


蛋壳黑陶杯出土于 1960 年,整个器皿由两部分套合,采用快轮制作。陶杯 表面乌黑光亮,器壁薄如蛋壳。它代表了新石器时代制陶工艺的最高水平,这在 世界范围内也是独树一帜的。

The Eggshell Black-Pottery Cup was unearthed in 1960, is combined by two parts as a whole, and is manufactured by a rotation method. Unique worldwide, the black and bright Eggshell Black-Pottery Cup is as thin as en eggshell, representing the highest level of the pottery manufacturing technology in ancient China.

· 祖辛方鼎(商代)

· Square Ding-Tripot with Ju-clan Emblem (Shang Dynasty)


该鼎于 1957 年出土于山东省济南市长清区小屯遗址。方鼎四隅饰有扉棱,

腹部饰兽面纹,足饰阴浅蝉纹,腹内壁铸有铭文“举祖辛禹”。 This cauldron was unearthed at the Xiaotun site in Changqing District of City in 1957. It has protruding decorative bands at each corner, animal faces on the belly, and cicadas in shallow counter-relief on the legs. Inside the belly are four inscribed characters that read, “ju zu xin yu.”


Ⅱ.Confucius Museum

孔子博物馆位于曲阜城中轴线南端,北距孔庙 4 公里,与“三孔”世界文化 遗产遥相呼应。该馆占地面积 16.8 万平方米,总建筑面积 5.5 万平方米,主馆 以仿汉代建筑为基调。孔子博物馆的藏品主要来源于孔府旧藏,承载着孔子故里 悠久的历史,博物馆拥有各类馆藏文物 70 万件,闻名于世的藏品包括明代以来 直至 1948 年的 30 万件孔府私家文书档案、宋代以来 4 万多册古籍图书、8000 多件明清衣冠服饰以及大量的与祭祀孔子有关的礼乐器等。

The Confucius Museum in Shandong lies on the southern section of the central axis of Qufu, four kilometers to the south of the Temple of Confucius. It serves to complement the Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu, all three of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The museum grounds cover 168,000 square meters, and the building itself has a floor area of 55,000 square meters. The main building is done in the architectural style of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE). Most of the pieces in the museum, over 700,000 objects representing the history of Confucius’ hometown, come from the old collection of the Kong Family Mansion. The world-famous objects include 300,000 private Kong family documents from the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) to 1948, over 40,000 books from the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279) to the present, over 8,000 pieces of attire from the Ming and Qing (1644 – 1911) dynasties, and numerous musical instruments used in worshiping Confucius.


Museum Treasures

· 明兽面纹掐丝法琅五供

· Five Cloisonné Sacrificial Utensils with Animal-Mask Motif (Ming Dynasty)

孔府祭器,包括香炉,尊,烛台 香炉:口径 22*17 厘米,通高 44.8 厘米 紫铜胎镀金。平口,出沿,直腹,平底,立耳,狮形钮,兽首吞足式足,长 方形束腰座,腹及四角铸扉棱。通体以浅蓝釉为地,盖壁镂空宝相花纹,腹饰变 形兽面纹,座面饰“五福捧寿”、万字纹。

This set of sacrificial utensils from the Kong Family Mansion includes a censer, two vases and two candlesticks. Censer: mouth: 22x17 cm; height: 44.8 cm Made of gold-plated copper, the piece has a flat flared mouth, straight belly, flat foot, upright handles, lion-shaped knob, legs with animal heads, rectangular base that is contracted around the middle, and protruding decorative bands at each corner of the belly. The entire piece has a light-blue glaze as the base color. The walls of the lid have openwork with rosettes. The belly has a stylized animal-mask motif. The base has an image of five bats surrounding the character for “longevity,” and a swastika pattern. 尊:口径 18*18 厘米,通高 42.1 厘米 紫铜胎镀金。方形喇叭口,腹微鼓,方足外撇,方形束腰座,四角铸扉棱。 通体浅蓝釉为地,饰兽面、宝相花纹,座面饰几何、花瓣纹。

Vases: mouth: 18x18 cm; height: 42.1 cm Made of gold-plated copper, each of these identical pieces has a square flared mouth, slightly rounded belly, and square flared foot. It has a square base that is contracted around the middle and has protruding decorative bands at each corner. The entire piece has a light-blue glaze as the base color and is decorated with a animal-mask motif and rosettes. The base has geometric and flower-petal patterning. 烛台:通高 55.5 厘米 紫铜胎镀金。双盘连座式,方形束腰座,四角铸扉棱。通体浅蓝釉为地,饰 宝相花、朵云、变形兽面纹;座面饰几何、花瓣纹。

Candlesticks: height: 55.5 cm Made of gold-plated copper, each of these identical pieces has two bobeches connected in series. The base is contracted around the middle and has protruding decorative bands at each corner. The entire piece has a light-blue glaze as the base color and is decorated with rosettes, clouds, and a stylized animal-mask motif. The base has geometric and flower-petal patterning.

· 黄玉马(战国)

· Yellow Jade Horse (Warring States period: 475 – 221 BCE)

该玉器长 5.8 厘米,宽 1.7 厘米,通高 5.7 厘米,出土于曲阜鲁国故城遗址 3 号墓。玉马雕磨细致,线条简洁,神形兼备,栩栩如生,堪称中国古代玉雕工 艺的珍品。

About 5.8 cm long, 1.7 cm wide, and 5.7 cm tall, this piece was found in Grave No. 3 at the Lu State Capital site in Qufu. Having been carefully and neatly carved and polished, it is lifelike in both form and spirit, and is hailed as a treasure of ancient Chinese jade craftsmanship.

· 竹雕百寿图摆件(明)

· Bamboo Carving with Longevity Imagery (Ming Dynasty)


这个摆件为立体圆雕。运用高浮雕、镂雕技法雕刻出一个绿树成荫、奇松怪 石的仙山奇境。里面有亭台楼阁和百位老翁。整器上雕刻人物有 107 人,栩栩如 生,显示出雕刻者的巧妙构思和精湛技艺。

This cylindrical freestanding piece with high-relief sculpture and openwork portrays imagery of a habitation of deities with uniquely shaped pine trees and stones. The artist’s mastery in terms of layout and craftsmanship is seen in the pavilions and the 107 realistically carved old men.

· 孔子观欹器图轴(明)

· Confucius Observes a Qiqi (Ming Dynasty)

该图轴长 99.5 厘米,宽 59 厘米。描绘的是孔子带领弟子参观鲁桓公庙的情 景。

About 99.5 cm long and 59 cm wide, this painting shows Confucius leading his pupils in observing objects at the temple of Duke Huan of Lu.


III. Shandong Provincial Stone Sculpture Museum 山东省石刻艺术博物馆现有馆藏石质文物 96 件、拓片 8000 余幅,包括了山 东地区秦汉至五代的碑刻、墓志、画像石、北朝佛教摩崖刻石、云峰刻石等。

The museum has 96 stone articles and over 8,000 rubbings in its collection, including stele engravings, inscribed grave steles, stone pictures, Northern Dynasties Buddhist cliff carvings, stone inscriptions at Mt. Yunfeng and other artifacts found in Shandong. They span a period from the Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BCE) to the Five Dynasties (907 – 979 CE).

镇馆之宝 Museum Treasures

· 北朝摩崖拓片 · Rubbings of Northern Dynasties Buddhist Cliffside Inscriptions

山东是中国现存汉代碑刻数量最多的省份,既有庙堂级艺术珍品“张迁”“礼 器”“乙瑛”等汉碑,又有具有浓厚篆意的“五凤”“莱子侯”等民间书法刻石, 素有“天下汉碑半山东”之说。

Shandong is China’s province with the greatest number of existing Han-Dynasty stone steles with inscriptions, including highly artistic specimens (such as the Zhang Qian Stele, Stele on Ritual Objects, and Yi Ying Stele) as well as pieces with writing in the seal script from among the common people (such as the Wufeng Stele and the Laizihou Stele), hence being praised as “home to half of China’s inscribed Han-Dynasty steles.”

· 铁山石颂 · Stone Inscriptions on Mt. Tie

山东长清孝堂山郭氏墓石祠、嘉祥武氏墓群石刻、沂南北寨村画像石墓和安 丘董家庄画像石墓等,均为全国重点文物保护单位。以泰山经石峪为代表的北朝 佛教摩崖石刻被誉为“大字鼻祖”“榜书之宗”。

The Ancestral Hall in the Guo Family Cemetery at Mt. Xiaotang in Changqing District, the Wu Family Shrines in Jiaxiang County, and tombs with pictorial stones in Beizhai Village in Yinan County and in Dongjiazhuang Village in Anqiu County have been listed as Major Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the National Level. In addition, the Buddhist cliffside inscriptions from the Northern Dynasties period, of which the Sutra Rock Valley inscriptions on Mt. Tai is a classic example, is hailed as the “ancestor of all large scripts” and “origin of the plaque script (bangshu).”

· 泰山经石峪原石 · Sutra Rock Valley Stone

云峰刻石是全国面积最大、数量最多的以家族为中心的摩崖石刻。北朝隋唐 名门望族墓志如德州高氏家族墓地、临淄崔氏家族墓地、泰山羊氏家族墓地、济

南房氏家族墓地的墓志,具有极高的历史和艺术价值。 Mount Yunfeng is home to more sites of family-centered cliffside inscriptions than elsewhere in China. Collectively, these sites also cover the largest area. These epitaphs on tombs of noble families who lived during the Northern Dynasties period, Sui Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty (together spanning the years 386 – 907), including the tombs of the Gao family from Dezhou, the Cui family from Linzi, the Yang family from Taishan, and the Fang family from Jinan, are extremely valuable specimens of history and art.


Ⅳ. Zhucheng Dinosaur Museum

诸城恐龙博物馆是中国北方最大的恐龙博物馆,也是世界级恐龙主题博物馆。 该馆通过复原中生代白垩纪时期诸城恐龙的生活环境,向世人重现了诸城地区恐 龙的生长和演化的全过程。诸城恐龙博物馆被专家形象地称为“恐龙生态世界”。

Zhucheng Dinosaur Museum, the largest dinosaur museum in the north of China, is unique in construction style, looks like eight dragons embracing each other when being looked down, covers the building area of 5,400 kilometers, and is the largest dinosaur theme museum in northern part of China. The whole process of growth and distinction of dinosaurs in Zhucheng Area is restored and represented for people via restoring the living environment of dinosaurs in Zhucheng in the Mesozoic cretaceous period. The Zhucheng Dinosaur Museum is vividly called “Dinosaur Ecological World” by experts.


Museum Treasures

· “巨大诸城龙”

· “Huge Zhucheng Dinosaur”

“巨大诸城龙”是世界上最大的鸭嘴恐龙骨架,高 9.1 米,长 16.6 米。它 被列入《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 ,并被誉为“世界龙王”。

The “Huge Zhucheng Dinosaur” is the largest duckbilled dinosaur skeleton in the world, and is 9.1 meters high and 16.6 meters wide. It is proclaimed by the Guinness Book of World Records, and is awarded as “the First Dinosaur in the World”.

· 华夏第一奇骨

· The First Chinese Peculiar Skeleton


Marvelous Dinosaur Skeleton Hall preserves the huge dinosaur femur fossil which was honored as the “First Chinese Peculiar Skeleton”


Special experience

· 虚拟环幕电影

· Virtual Circular-Screen Movie 虚拟环幕电影采用当今世界最前沿的“虚拟现实演示系统”,《龙城风光》和 《探秘白垩纪》等影片,清晰生动展现了诸城风采和不同恐龙种类。

Dynamic circular-screen movies, such as Charming Longcheng and Cretaceous Exploration, can be played by adopting the most advanced “Virtual Reality Demonstration System” in the world at present, are clear and vivid in screen, and show the style and features of Zhucheng and varieties of dinosaurs in Zhucheng.

· 白垩纪恐龙生活世界展

· World Exhibition of Living for Cretaceous Dinosaurs

该展览模拟复原了白垩纪时期诸城地区万龙齐聚、群龙争霸的恢弘场景。在 稀有古生物学展览的全景人物体验模式下,为参观者创造了接近恐龙,亲近自然 的绝佳机会。

The exhibition simulates and restores the grand scene of groups of dinosaurs gathering and striving for hegemony in the Zhucheng Area in the cretaceous period. The perfect opportunity for approaching dinosaurs, closing to nature and understanding life is created for visitors in a Rare Paleontology Exhibition panoramic character experiencing mode.

· 珍稀古生物展

· Rare paleontology Exhibition 珍稀古生物展中展出大量奇异的古生物化石,有“巨型水怪”“侏罗纪精灵” 和“白垩纪之花”。“巨型水怪”来自三叠纪时期的巨型海怪和纤小的鱼龙,呈现 罕见的“非常 6 + 1”组群。“侏罗纪精灵”来自侏罗纪时期的传奇的四胞胎鹦鹉 嘴龙。“白垩纪之花”来自侏罗纪时期的数组恐龙蛋,它有望为人类揭开恐龙生 命起源,复活恐龙之梦。

The rare paleontology exhibition boasts numerous exotic paleontological fossils comprising" huge monster", "Jurassic Spirit" and "Cretaceous Flower”. "Huge monster" is from the huge monster in the Triassic period and tiny ichthyosaur in a group of “Extraordinary 6+1”. "Jurassic Spirit" is from legendary quadruplets psittacosaurus in the Jurassic period. "Cretaceous Flower" is from multiple groups of dinosaur eggs in the Jurassic period, unveiling the origin of life and restoring the dream of dinosaur for us.

周边景点 Surrounding Scenic Spot

· 山东诸城恐龙国家地质公园

· Shandong Zhucheng Dinosaur National Geological Park

山东诸城市恐龙国家地质公园以其恐龙化石长廊、化石隆起带等极具代表性 的世界最大规模恐龙化石群而著称,被恐龙专家形象誉为“恐龙集会世界”,并 被联合国教科文组织世界地质公园执行局专家誉为无与伦比的世界地质奇观。

The Shandong Zhucheng Dinosaur National Geological Park boasts the dinosaur fossil group which has extreme representativeness and the largest scale in the world, such as dinosaur fossil corridors, fossil raised zone, was vividly awarded as “Dinosaur Gathering World" by experts, and was tilted as Unparalleled geological wonder in the world by experts from Executive Board of World Geological Park of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization.


Ⅴ. Weifang World Kite Museum

潍坊世界风筝博物馆是中国第一座大型风筝博物馆,是目前世界上建筑面积 最大的风筝专业博物馆,建筑面积 8100 平方米,收藏、陈列了古今中外的风筝 珍品及有关风筝的相关资料。建筑造型选取了潍坊龙头蜈蚣风筝的特点,屋脊是 一条完整的组合陶瓷巨龙,屋顶用孔雀兰琉璃瓦铺成,似蛟龙遨游长空伏而又起, 设计风格在国内独树一帜,是“世界风筝之都”的标志性建筑。

The museum displays more than 1,000 kite boutiques at home and abroad and more than 300 detailed and accurate kite relic materials, shows characteristics of the kite school in various countries of the world, and introduces the styles of the kites in Weifang City in detail, including wide subjects, beautiful modeling, delicate drawing, smooth flight, and bright colors.


Museum Treasures

· 龙头蜈蚣风筝

· Dragon Head Centipede Kite

龙头蜈蚣风筝共由 128 根竹条组成,是潍坊风筝的代表作品。

Dragon Headed Centipede, which consists of 128 bamboo bars and is the representative of the kites in Weifang City.

· 微型风筝

· Micro Kite 微型风筝有的只有火柴盒那么大,有的只有一支笔的长度,十分精美。

Micro Kite is just like a match box in size or a pen in length and is cute in shape.

· “喜”字风筝

Kite with Character for “Joy”

“喜”字是中国人民最为喜爱的汉字之一。作者根据“喜”字对称的特点, 将它扎成风筝。该风筝以喜庆鲜艳的大红色为底色,绘以牡丹、荷花、菊花、梅 花等寓意四季皆喜,风筝色彩对比鲜明,花卉描绘逼真,具有浓郁的民间气息。

Xi (“joy”) is one of the favorite characters of Chinese people. This kite is a replica of the character, with its feature of perfect symmetry. The base color is red, commonly used in Chinese culture for celebratory events, and it is embellished with realistically rendered peonies, lotuses, chrysanthemums, and plum blossoms, which symbolize joy throughout the four seasons. Along with the sharp contrasts in color, the entire piece is rich with a sense of folk art.


Ⅵ. Linzi Chinese Ancient Car Museum

临淄中国古车博物馆坐落在距今 7300-8300 年的后李文化遗址上,是一个系 统完整的以车马遗址与文物陈列融为一体的博物馆,也是唯一的一个以马车、马 匹等陆路运输工具为展览内容的专业博物馆。出土的春秋殉车马坑,有殉战车 10 辆,马 38 匹。

Located at the Hoili Culture Site 7300-8300 years ago, Linzi Chinese Ancient Car Museum is the first most systematic and complete museum integrating archaeological dig with exhibition of cultural relics in modern China, and is also the only professional museum taking road transports as exhibits, such as carriages, horses. There were 13 ancient cars and 38 houses with huge array in the carriage and horse sacrificial pit at Holi in the Spring and Autumn Period, which was ranked as one of Ten Major Archaeological Discoveries in China in 1990.


Museum Treasures

· 商代曲衡车

· The Bar-Curved Car

商晚期曲衡车(公元前 13-11 世纪),根据河南安阳郭家村第 52 号墓出土的 车资料复原。

A curved-shaft cart from the late Shang Dynasty (the 13th to 11th century BCE), reconstructed based on archeological findings in Grave No. 52 in Guojia Village,

Anyang City, He‘nan Province.

· 春秋殉车马坑

· Pit for Sacrificing Carriages and Horses in the Autumn and Spring Period


Ⅶ. Museum

青州是山东省的一个小城市。如果您不关注历史,您可能会认为青州与中国 其他 2,000 个县之间没有区别。但是,如果您去了青州博物馆,您将会对其辉煌 悠久的历史感到惊讶。

Qingzhou is a small City in Shandong Province. You may think there is no difference between Qingzhou and over 2, 000 other counties in China if you are not concerned about history. But, if you go to Qingzhou Museum, you will be astonished by the brilliant long history of the museum.

青州博物馆 2008 年被评为首批“国家一级博物馆”,青州博物馆规模大,收 藏文物繁多,种类齐全,青州博物馆收藏 5 万余件藏品。

Qingzhou Museum was named a National First-grade Museum in 2008. This large museum has over 50,000 objects in its collection which span a great number of categories.


Museum Treasures

· 东汉“宜子孙”玉璧

· "Yi Zisun" Jade in the Eastern Han Dynasty

(图片来自青州博物馆官网) “宜子孙”玉璧采用质地温润的优质玉料细致碾琢而成。玉璧出廊为镂雕, 图案为双龙腾祥云。玉璧中央有“宜子孙”三字,意为“子子孙孙宜室宜家”。

The "Yi Zisun” Jade is made of a super jade material, is mild in quality, and is fine in carving. Double dragons are carved on the upper part of the jade in a penetrated mode, appearing in clouds. Three words "Yi Zisun" in seal script are carved on the central part, and means that "descendants from generation to generation have happy and harmonic families".

· 明状元赵秉忠殿试卷 · Number-One Scholar Examination Paper in Ming Dynasty



仅存的明代以前的殿试状元卷真迹。年仅 25 的赵秉忠高中状元,传为佳话。其 卷全文 2460 字,文笔恢弘,整洁端庄,非常人能及。该卷右上角有御笔朱书“第 一甲第一名”六个大字,正文之后是大学士及礼部尚书、兵部尚书、户部尚书等

九位阅卷官的官职和姓名。 It is especially precious in few ancient Number-One Scholar Examination Papers in China, and is the only one existing authentic work of Number-One Scholar Examination Paper for final imperial examination before Ming Dynasty in China, and moreover, the number-one scholar was only 25 years old at that time, and people were very proud of him when he won the champion. Besides the excellent content, the whole examination paper is neat and delicate, which cannot be achieved by ordinary people. The main body has 2, 460 words in total, wherever the words like "the Majesty, the Emperor" were referred, a new line is created, while the word "Subject" is small when being referred, which shows respect. “The Number One" inscription which was written by the Emperor is at the beginning of the book, and the positions and names of supreme officers for scoring are at the end of the examination paper.

· 战国玉人

· Jade Figures in the Warring States Period

(图片来自青州博物馆官网) 战国玉人共 8 个,分放在 2 个方形陶盒内,男女成对,每个玉人各立于一 角,头向外脚向内。男性头戴平冠,有带交于颌下;女性散披长发,发丝清晰可 见。据专家考证此物应是祭祀用品,以玉的灵气求子孙繁衍。

There are 8 Jade Figures in the Warring States Period, which are naked. Two males and two females form into one group, and are placed at four corners of a square pottery box with holes. The jade figures are carved concisely, wherein men wear crowns and women have clear long hair and are combed behind. Experts think that this group of jade figures is supposed to be relevant to religious and witchcraft activities, and show the wish for expecting multiplication of offspring for ancient people.


Surrounding Scenic Spot · 青州古城

· Qingzhou Ancient City

青州古城占地约 10 平方公里,三个主要部分:古东阳城、古南阳城、东关 圩子城,相互连接。城中数百条古街肌理清晰,空间布局完整,较为完好地保留 了古城传统风貌,置身其中可领略到古城曾经的辉煌。

The Qingzhou Ancient City covers 10 kilometers, and consists of three major parts in mutual connection. There are hundreds of ancient streets with rational layout in the city and there well preserve the traditional styles and features of the ancient city, and imply the glory of the ancient city in the part together with the recently restored old buildings.

八、北寨汉画像石墓博物馆 VIII. Beizhai Village Pictorial Stone Museum 沂南北寨汉画像石墓博物馆位于山东省沂南县城西四公里的界湖街道北寨 村,是一座修建于北寨墓群原址上的遗址博物馆。一号墓系大型画像石墓,画像 雕刻细腻,技法多样,是汉画像石艺术发展鼎盛时期的杰作,受到中外学者的高 度关注。画面“车马出行图”作为《中国历史》高一教科书的封面内容,自上世 纪五十年代起沿用了几十年。第 29 届奥林匹克运动会纪念币,第一枚的主景为 中国古代马术运动,图案中的马术体育造型,取之于“乐舞百戏”中的“马术” 表演。

The museum in Beizhai Village, Jiehu Subdistrict, four kilometers to the west of the seat of Yinan County, was built on the site where the Beizhai tombs were discovered. The large Tomb No. 1 contains images meticulously carved by means of a diversity of techniques. They are outstanding examples of the peak of this art form and have accordingly received much attention from both local and overseas scholars. The scene entitled Horses Pulling Carriages has been on the cover of Chinese History, the textbook used by senior high school freshmen in China, since the 1950s. In addition, the design for the first memorial coin of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, depicting a figure riding a horse, was inspired by the equestrian sports portrayed on the pictorial stone entitled Music, Dance, and Acrobatics.

镇馆之宝 Museum Treasures · 孔子见老子 · Confucius Visits Laozi

中室西壁南段画像,石面纵 119 厘米,横 68 厘米,减地平面线刻。画面分 二层,上层刻孔子见老子:老子在左,佩剑,身后有一枚鸠杖,孔子在右,佩刀, 二人在交谈,上部悬一磬、一幢。下层亦刻二人:皆佩剑,左一人头戴进贤冠, 背后持一匕首,身后有香囊、玉璧等垂饰,右一人头戴通天冠,右手握剑,仰面,

有榜无题,此可能是豫让刺赵襄子的故事,持匕首者是豫让。 The picture on the western wall of the central chamber is in shallow relief and divided into upper and lower sections. It is 119 cm vertically and 68 cm horizontally. The upper section is the scene of Confucius visiting Laozi. Laozi, wearing a sword at his waist, is on the left, and behind him is a cane capped with a turtledove ornament. Confucius, wearing a knife at his waist, is on the right, engaged in conversation with Laozi. Above them are a chime stone and a wooden pole. The lower section also has two figures who are wearing swords. The one on the left is wearing a jinxian hat and holding a dagger behind his back. Hanging on his back are a sachet and a jade bi disc. The figure on the left is wearing a tongtian hat, gripping his sword with his right hand, and tilting his face upward. There is a place for an inscription left blank. This may be a depiction of the story of Yu Rang (on the left) killing Zhao Xiangzi.

· 乐舞百戏图 · Music, Dance and Drama

中室东壁横额画像,石面纵 51 厘米,横 234 厘米,减地平面线刻。自左而 右分为四组:第一组杂技人物,有飞剑跳丸,额上顶幢,幢上有三人倒立,七盘 舞;第二组乐队,有击鼓,吹排箫,吹埙,鼓瑟等,另有击建鼓,撞钟,击磬者, 八音齐全;第三组是鱼龙曼衍之戏,有走索,龙戏,鱼戏,豹戏,雀戏,奏乐者 六部分组成;第四组为马戏,戏车,夯杵舞。

The picture on the eastern wall of the central chamber is 51 cm vertically and 234 cm horizontally. From left to right, this shallow relief is divided into four scenes. The first contains figures engaged in stunts, such as knife throwing and catching, juggling, holding a wooden post with the forehead, three figures doing headstands on the post, and the “seven-dish dance.” The second depicts a band with figures playing drums, panpipes, an egg-shaped ocarina, a lute, a jian drum, a bell, and chime stones, a complete representation of the eight categories of musical instruments commonly used in ancient China. The third is of a variety of performances, including tightrope walking, a dragon act, fish act, panther act, sparrow act, and a musical performance. The fourth depicts a horse act, acrobatics on a cart, and a rod-ramming dance.

· 粮仓庖厨图 · Granary and Kitchen

中室南壁横额东段画像,石面纵 49 厘米,横 190 厘米,减地平面线刻。左 组为收藏,一座两层五脊重檐的粮仓前有粮堆,有量粮、装粮的仆役和运粮车, 有八只小鸡在觅食。仓右一棵大树,树下盘一牛。树右侧有二吏席地而坐,似为 管家;右组为庖厨,刻有抬猪、椎牛、剥羊、烧灶、合面、切菜、汲水等场景。

The picture on the southern wall of the central chamber is 49 cm vertically and 190 cm horizontally and done in shallow relief. The section on the left has a two-story granary with a five-ridge, double-eave roof, in front of which are piles of grain. There are servants measuring and packing grain along with carts and eight birds foraging for food. To the right of the building is a cow lying underneath a large tree. To the right of the tree are two people, seemingly the stewards, seated on the ground. The section on the right is the kitchen, containing imagery of people carrying a pig, slaughtering a cow, skinning a goat, tending an oven fire, kneading doughs, cutting vegetables, and drawing water.

九、足球博物馆 IX. Soccer Museum

足球博物馆位于齐国故都、世界足球起源地山东省淄博市临淄区。2004 年, 国际足联确认:中国古代的蹴鞠就是足球的起源。足球博物馆建筑面积 1.18 万平方米,是一处集参观游览、休闲娱乐、历史文化研发和产品开发于一体的高 水准的世界足球公园。展览内容主要包括中国蹴鞠和近现代足球两大主题,共有 文物 1000 余件(套),复原场景 10 余个,另有幻影成像设备、嘉年华互动游戏区 以及仿古蹴鞠表演等,系统展示了足球的起源、发展、影响和传播等几千年的演 进历史和发展风貌,它浓缩了中国的蹴鞠文化史、体育文化史和世界足球史,是 一部立体的足球文化的百科全书。 The Soccer Museum is located in Linzi District, the site of the ancient Qi state capital and the birthplace of soccer. In 2004, FIFA affirmed that cuju (literally “kickball,” an ancient Chinese game) was the origin of this globally popular game. The museum, with a floor area of 11,800 square meters, serves as a state-of-the-art facility for viewing exhibits related to soccer, recreation, research on history and culture, and product development. The themes of exhibition here include cuju and modern soccer. Items on exhibit include 1,000 objects/sets, over ten scene replicas, holographic equipment, an interactive game area, and a live performance of the ancient game cuju. The museum systematically describes the origins, development, influence, and spread of soccer over thousands of years, and like a veritable 3-D encyclopedia on soccer, it provides visitors with a glimpse of the history of cuju, Chinese sports culture, and global soccer history.
