中国山东省代表性博物馆 Iconic Museums of Shandong 博物馆是承载人类历史记忆和文化积淀的地方,是了解一个地方古今脉络、 人文历史以及传承演变的不二之选。截至 2019 年 9 月,山东省博物馆总数达 558 家,数量位居中国第一,有 90%的博物馆实现了免费开放。 A museum is a vehicle for human history and culture, the best place to learn about how a certain location has changed over time. By September 2019, the number of museums in Shandong reached 558, the highest of all China’s regions, and 90% of them charge no admission fee. 来山东参观当地的博物馆,你能看到历史最悠久、保存最完好、艺术水平最 高的壁画——东平汉墓壁画;表面乌黑光亮,器壁薄如蛋壳的黑陶杯;被誉为“世 界龙王”的世界上最大的鸭嘴恐龙骨架——“巨大诸城龙”;目前仅存的明代以 前的殿试状元卷真迹;只有火柴盒大小的精美微型风筝等世界级文化宝藏。 At the museums in Shandong, you can see such world-class treasures as the Han- Dynasty tomb murals of Dongping, which are the world’s oldest and best-preserved murals of the highest artistic quality; the Black Longshan Cup, a Neolithic piece of pottery with a shining surface and walls as thin as an eggshell; “Huge Zhucheng Dinosaur”, the world’s largest hadrosaur skeleton discovered in Zhucheng; the only existing test paper for the top scholar of the palace examination of the pre-Ming period (before 1644); and an exquisitely crafted kite that is no larger than a matchbox. 一、 山东博物馆 Ⅰ. Shandong Museum 山东博物馆拥有各类藏品 20 余万件,常设山东历史文化展、万世师表展等, 展示了山东历史文化的深远变迁。山东博物馆不仅记录了山东省几千年的历史, 也展现了中国文化千年传承的精髓。特色藏品包括陶瓷、古铜器皿、甲骨字样、 陶器铭文、皇家印章、竹简文字、汉代石刻、绘画和书法等。 The Shandong Museum contains over 200,000 pieces of all types. Permanent exhibitions include the Exhibition of Cultural History of Shandong and Virtuous Figures of the Ages, showing the changes that have taken place throughout Shandong’s thousands of years of history as well as the essence of the millennia of Chinese culture. Collections in the museum are particular featured by ceramics, bronzy ware, oracle- bone inscriptions, inscriptions on pottery, royal seals, bamboo scripts, stone relief in Han dynasty, paintings and calligraphies and the like. 镇馆之宝 Museum Treasures · 红陶兽形壶(大汶口文化) · Red-Pottery Zoomorphic Kettle (Dawenkou Culture) (图片来自山东博物馆官网) 1959 年山东泰安大汶口遗址出土了红陶兽形壶,是一种仿生陶器,在新石 器时代发现的陶器中较为罕见。虽然是实用器皿,却造型生动,不失艺术情趣。 红陶兽形壶是 5000 年前不可多得的一件艺术珍品,成为山东大汶口文化的独特 代表。 The Red-Pottery Zoomorphic Kettle was unearthed from Dawenkou Site in Tai’an City of Shandong Province in 1995. It is a red-pottery zoomorphic ware of bionic pottery, which is very rare in pottery discovered in the Neolithic Age. Although it is a practical ware, the modeling is vivid and artistic. The Red-Pottery Zoomorphic Kettle is an art treasure hard to come by 5,000 years ago, and also is the unique representative of Shandong Dawenkou culture. · 东平汉墓壁画(汉代) · Mural of Han Tombs in Dongping (Han Dynasty) 东平汉墓壁画发现于 2007 年,是山东地区迄今发现的历史最悠久,保存最 完好,艺术水平最高的壁画,也是中国早期绘画作品中的精美杰作,在全国极为 罕见。 Discovered in 2007, the Mural of Han Tombs in Dongping is the oldest and best preserved mural with the highest artistic level, is also an elaborate masterpiece in painting work in early China, and is extremely rare nationwide. · 蛋壳黑陶高柄套杯(龙山文化) · Eggshell Black-Pottery Cup (Longshan Culture) (图片来自山东博物馆官网) 蛋壳黑陶杯出土于 1960 年,整个器皿由两部分套合,采用快轮制作。陶杯 表面乌黑光亮,器壁薄如蛋壳。它代表了新石器时代制陶工艺的最高水平,这在 世界范围内也是独树一帜的。 The Eggshell Black-Pottery Cup was unearthed in 1960, is combined by two parts as a whole, and is manufactured by a rotation method. Unique worldwide, the black and bright Eggshell Black-Pottery Cup is as thin as en eggshell, representing the highest level of the pottery manufacturing technology in ancient China. · 祖辛方鼎(商代) · Square Ding-Tripot with Ju-clan Emblem (Shang Dynasty) (图片来自山东博物馆官网) 该鼎于 1957 年出土于山东省济南市长清区小屯遗址。方鼎四隅饰有扉棱, 腹部饰兽面纹,足饰阴浅蝉纹,腹内壁铸有铭文“举祖辛禹”。 This cauldron was unearthed at the Xiaotun site in Changqing District of Jinan City in 1957. It has protruding decorative bands at each corner, animal faces on the belly, and cicadas in shallow counter-relief on the legs. Inside the belly are four inscribed characters that read, “ju zu xin yu.” 二、孔子博物馆 Ⅱ.Confucius Museum 孔子博物馆位于曲阜城中轴线南端,北距孔庙 4 公里,与“三孔”世界文化 遗产遥相呼应。该馆占地面积 16.8 万平方米,总建筑面积 5.5 万平方米,主馆 以仿汉代建筑为基调。孔子博物馆的藏品主要来源于孔府旧藏,承载着孔子故里 悠久的历史,博物馆拥有各类馆藏文物 70 万件,闻名于世的藏品包括明代以来 直至 1948 年的 30 万件孔府私家文书档案、宋代以来 4 万多册古籍图书、8000 多件明清衣冠服饰以及大量的与祭祀孔子有关的礼乐器等。 The Confucius Museum in Shandong lies on the southern section of the central axis of Qufu, four kilometers to the south of the Temple of Confucius. It serves to complement the Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu, all three of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The museum grounds cover 168,000 square meters, and the building itself has a floor area of 55,000 square meters. The main building is done in the architectural style of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE). Most of the pieces in the museum, over 700,000 objects representing the history of Confucius’ hometown, come from the old collection of the Kong Family Mansion. The world-famous objects include 300,000 private Kong family documents from the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) to 1948, over 40,000 books from the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279) to the present, over 8,000 pieces of attire from the Ming and Qing (1644 – 1911) dynasties, and numerous musical instruments used in worshiping Confucius. 镇馆之宝 Museum Treasures · 明兽面纹掐丝法琅五供 · Five Cloisonné Sacrificial Utensils with Animal-Mask Motif (Ming Dynasty) 孔府祭器,包括香炉,尊,烛台 香炉:口径 22*17 厘米,通高 44.8 厘米 紫铜胎镀金。平口,出沿,直腹,平底,立耳,狮形钮,兽首吞足式足,长 方形束腰座,腹及四角铸扉棱。通体以浅蓝釉为地,盖壁镂空宝相花纹,腹饰变 形兽面纹,座面饰“五福捧寿”、万字纹。 This set of sacrificial utensils from the Kong Family Mansion includes a censer, two vases and two candlesticks. Censer: mouth: 22x17 cm; height: 44.8 cm Made of gold-plated copper, the piece has a flat flared mouth, straight belly, flat foot, upright handles, lion-shaped knob, legs with animal heads, rectangular base that is contracted around the middle, and protruding decorative bands at each corner of the belly. The entire piece has a light-blue glaze as the base color. The walls of the lid have openwork with rosettes. The belly has a stylized animal-mask motif. The base has an image of five bats surrounding the character for “longevity,” and a swastika pattern. 尊:口径 18*18 厘米,通高 42.1 厘米 紫铜胎镀金。方形喇叭口,腹微鼓,方足外撇,方形束腰座,四角铸扉棱。 通体浅蓝釉为地,饰兽面、宝相花纹,座面饰几何、花瓣纹。 Vases: mouth: 18x18 cm; height: 42.1 cm Made of gold-plated copper, each of these identical pieces has a square flared mouth, slightly rounded belly, and square flared foot. It has a square base that is contracted around the middle and has protruding decorative bands at each corner. The entire piece has a light-blue glaze as the base color and is decorated with a animal-mask motif and rosettes. The base has geometric and flower-petal patterning. 烛台:通高 55.5 厘米 紫铜胎镀金。双盘连座式,方形束腰座,四角铸扉棱。通体浅蓝釉为地,饰 宝相花、朵云、变形兽面纹;座面饰几何、花瓣纹。 Candlesticks: height: 55.5 cm Made of gold-plated copper, each of these identical pieces has two bobeches connected in series. The base is contracted around the middle and has protruding decorative bands at each corner. The entire piece has a light-blue glaze as the base color and is decorated with rosettes, clouds, and a stylized animal-mask motif. The base has geometric and flower-petal patterning. · 黄玉马(战国) · Yellow Jade Horse (Warring States period: 475 – 221 BCE) 该玉器长 5.8 厘米,宽 1.7 厘米,通高 5.7 厘米,出土于曲阜鲁国故城遗址 3 号墓。玉马雕磨细致,线条简洁,神形兼备,栩栩如生,堪称中国古代玉雕工 艺的珍品。 About 5.8 cm long, 1.7 cm wide, and 5.7 cm tall, this piece was found in Grave No. 3 at the Lu State Capital site in Qufu. Having been carefully and neatly carved and polished, it is lifelike in both form and spirit, and is hailed as a treasure of ancient Chinese jade craftsmanship. · 竹雕百寿图摆件(明) · Bamboo Carving with Longevity Imagery (Ming Dynasty) (图片来自孔子博物馆) 这个摆件为立体圆雕。运用高浮雕、镂雕技法雕刻出一个绿树成荫、奇松怪 石的仙山奇境。里面有亭台楼阁和百位老翁。整器上雕刻人物有 107 人,栩栩如 生,显示出雕刻者的巧妙构思和精湛技艺。 This cylindrical freestanding piece with high-relief sculpture and openwork portrays imagery of a habitation of deities with uniquely shaped pine trees and stones. The artist’s mastery in terms of layout and craftsmanship is seen in the pavilions and the 107 realistically carved old men. · 孔子观欹器图轴(明) · Confucius Observes a Qiqi (Ming Dynasty) 该图轴长 99.5 厘米,宽 59 厘米。描绘的是孔子带领弟子参观鲁桓公庙的情 景。 About 99.5 cm long and 59 cm wide, this painting shows Confucius leading his pupils in observing objects at the temple of Duke Huan of Lu. 三、山东省石刻艺术博物馆 III. Shandong Provincial Stone Sculpture Museum 山东省石刻艺术博物馆现有馆藏石质文物 96 件、拓片 8000 余幅,包括了山 东地区秦汉至五代的碑刻、墓志、画像石、北朝佛教摩崖刻石、云峰刻石等。 The museum has 96 stone articles and over 8,000 rubbings in its collection, including stele engravings, inscribed grave steles, stone pictures, Northern Dynasties Buddhist cliff carvings, stone inscriptions at Mt. Yunfeng and other artifacts found in Shandong. They span a period from the Qin Dynasty (221 – 206 BCE) to the Five Dynasties (907 – 979 CE). 镇馆之宝 Museum Treasures · 北朝摩崖拓片 · Rubbings of Northern Dynasties Buddhist Cliffside Inscriptions 山东是中国现存汉代碑刻数量最多的省份,既有庙堂级艺术珍品“张迁”“礼 器”“乙瑛”等汉碑,又有具有浓厚篆意的“五凤”“莱子侯”等民间书法刻石, 素有“天下汉碑半山东”之说。 Shandong is China’s province with the greatest number of existing Han-Dynasty stone steles with inscriptions, including highly artistic specimens (such as the Zhang Qian Stele, Stele on Ritual Objects, and Yi Ying Stele) as well as pieces with writing in the seal script from among the common people (such as the Wufeng Stele and the Laizihou Stele), hence being praised as “home to half of China’s inscribed Han-Dynasty steles.” · 铁山石颂 · Stone Inscriptions on Mt. Tie 山东长清孝堂山郭氏墓石祠、嘉祥武氏墓群石刻、沂南北寨村画像石墓和安 丘董家庄画像石墓等,均为全国重点文物保护单位。以泰山经石峪为代表的北朝 佛教摩崖石刻被誉为“大字鼻祖”“榜书之宗”。 The Ancestral Hall in the Guo Family Cemetery at Mt. Xiaotang in Changqing District, the Wu Family Shrines in Jiaxiang County, and tombs with pictorial stones in Beizhai Village in Yinan County and in Dongjiazhuang Village in Anqiu County have been listed as Major Historical and Cultural Sites Protected at the National Level. In addition, the Buddhist cliffside inscriptions from the Northern Dynasties period, of which the Sutra Rock Valley inscriptions on Mt.
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