Congressional Record—Senate S4746
S4746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 28, 2018 (1) to ensure that homebrewing is a legal Whereas the American Homebrewers Asso- Homebrewers Association’s (AHA) 40th activity in each State and the District of Co- ciation and its members have contributed to ‘‘birthday’’. Since its founding in 1978, lumbia; and the rise of the craft brewing industry, the AHA—whose mission is to promote (2) to assist with drafting and advocating which— for State legislation relating to (1) is now larger than the industry has ever the community of homebrewers and homebrewing across the United States; been in the history of the United States; and empower homebrewers to make the Whereas homebrewing added $756,000,000 to (2) consists of more than 6,000 small and best beer in the world—has had a tre- the economy of the United States in 2017, independent breweries located across the mendous impact on America, both and created 6,983 full time jobs in the United United States that are helping to reinvigo- within and well beyond the scope of States in 2017; rate local economies: Now, therefore, be it beer. After then-President Jimmy Car- Whereas the American Homebrewers Asso- Resolved, That the Senate— ter signed the momentous legislation ciation has more than 45,000 members; (1) commends the American Homebrewers (Public Law 95–458) to legalize Whereas the American Homebrewers Asso- Association and joins its members, staff, and ciation represents a vibrant community of other beer enthusiasts in celebrating the homebrewing at the federal level, the 1,100,000 homebrewers in the United States 40th anniversary of the American AHA worked ceaselessly and success- who brew 1,400,000 barrels of beer each year; Homebrewers Association; fully to extend that legalization to all Whereas that community includes Presi- (2) congratulates the American 50 States and the District of Columbia.
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