Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

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• MCQ Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

“Quality is not an act, it is a habit.” Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Important Day/ मह配वपूर्ण दिवस- September 2020 2- World Coconut Day 27 -World Tourism Day 5- Teachers' Day 28 -International Day for Universal Access to 5 -International Day of Charity Information 7 -International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies 29 -International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and 8 -International Literacy Day Waste 9 -International Day to Protect Education from Attack 30 -International Translation Day 12 -United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 15 -International Day of Democracy 16 -International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 17 -World Patient Safety Day 18 -International Equal Pay Day 21 -International Day of Peace 23 -International Day of Sign Languages 24 -World Maritime Day 26 -International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

Current Affairs Analysis करंट अफे यसण दवश्लेषर् Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 The inaugural run of Anantapur – New Kisan Rail was flagged off through video link by Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare, Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, and Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. देश की दसू री और दक्षिण भारत की पहली क्षकसान रेल का शभु ारंभ कᴂद्रीय कृ क्षि एवं क्षकसान क쥍याण, ग्रामीण क्षवकास तथा पंचायती राज मंत्री नरᴂद्र क्षसंह तोमर और आंध्रप्रदशे के मख्ु यमंत्री वाय.एस. जगनमोहन रेड्डी के मख्ु य आक्षतथ्य मᴂ हुआ। • Founded: 8 May 1845 • Headquarters: New Delhi, India • (Minister of Railways) • Suresh Angadi (Minister of State for Railways) • Vinod Kumar Yadav (Chairman, Railway Board) Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Organic Food Processing Unit inaugurated in Barabanki, . उत्तर प्रदेश के बाराबंकी मᴂ जैक्षवक खाद्य प्रसंस्करण इकाई का उद्घाटन हुआ।

• five thousand farmers will be benefitted • to leverage an investment of over 50 crore rupees. Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 The First India-France-Australia Trilateral Dialogue was held virtually on economic and geo-strategic challenges and strengthening of cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. आक्षथिक एवं भ-ू रणनीक्षतक चनु ौक्षतयⴂ और भारत-प्रशांत िेत्र मᴂ सहयोग को मजबतू करने पर भारत-फ्ांस-ऑस्रेक्षलया की पहली क्षत्रपिीय वाताि वचिअु ल 셂प से आयोक्षजत की गई। • Harsh Vardhan Shringla, Foreign Secretary of India • economic and geostrategic challenges and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific • to hold the dialogue on an annual basis • Australia: Canberra: Australian Dollar • France: Paris: Euro Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Road, Transport and Highways Ministry has released over ten thousand crore rupees during the COVID-19 period under Aatma Nirbhar Bharat scheme. स蔼क पररवहन और राजमागि मंत्रालय ने कोक्षवड-19 के दौरान आत्‍मक्षनभिर भारत योजना के अंतगित दस हजार करो蔼 से अक्षिक की िनराक्षश जारी की है। • National Highways Authority of India • Motto: Not just Roads, building a Nation • Formation: 1995 • Purpose: Development and maintenance of National Highways • Headquarters: New Delhi • Chairman: Sukhbir Singh Sandhu • Member (Finance): Asheesh Sharma • Member (Projects): R. K. Pandey Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 According to the new mortality estimates released by UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the World Bank Group, the under-five mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births) in India declined to 34 in 2019 from 126 in 1990. यक्षू नसेफ, क्षवश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल쥍यएू चओ), संयक्तु राष्ट्र के आक्षथिक और सामाक्षजक मामलⴂ के क्षवभाग के जनसंख्या प्रभाग और क्षवश्व बℂक समहू द्वारा जारी नए अनमु ान के अनसु ार भारत मᴂ पांच साल से कम आयु के ब楍चⴂ की मत्ृ यदु र (प्रक्षत 1,000 जीक्षवत ब楍चⴂ की मौत) 1990 मᴂ 126 से कम होकर 2019 मᴂ 34 रह गई। • The country registered a 4.5 per cent annual rate of reduction in under-five mortality between 1990-2019. • The number of under-five deaths in India dropped from 3.4 million in 1990 to 824,000 in 2019. • The infant mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births) in India declined from 89 in 1990 to 28 last year. Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

• United Nations Children's Fund • Formation: 7 April 1948 • Formation: 11 December 1946 • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland • Headquarters: New York City, US • Head: Tedros Adhanom (Director-General) • Head: Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore • Dr. Harsh Vardhan chairman of the executive board

• Formation: 1948 • Headquarters: New York, U.S. • Formation: July 1944 • Head: Liu Zhenmin • Headquarters: Washington, D.C., U.S. • Membership: 189 countries (IBRD), 173 countries (IDA) • David Malpass (President) • Anshula Kant (MD and CFO) Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Education Minister 'Nishank' conferred CBSE Teachers Award on 38 Teachers and Principals of CBSE affiliated schools during an online ceremony in New Delhi. क्षशिा मंत्री रमेश पोखररयाल क्षनशंक ने नई क्षद쥍ली मᴂ एक वचिअु ल कायिक्रम के माध्यम से कᴂद्रीय माध्यक्षमक क्षशिा बोडि से स륍बद्ध स्कू लⴂ के 38 अध्यापकⴂ और प्रिानाचायⴂ को सीबीएसई क्षशिक परु स्कार प्रदान क्षकए। • Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' • 38 teachers received awards online • The winners received a merit certificate and a cash prize of Rs 50,000. Central Board of Secondary Education • Formation: 3 November 1962 • Headquarters: New Delhi, India • Chairperson: Manoj Ahuja Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Indian-origin bosses, Jayshree Ullal, Neerja Sethi, Neha Narkhede among America's richest self-made women. भारतीय मलू की बॉस, जयश्री उ쥍लाल, नीरजा सेठी, नेहा नारखे蔼े अमेररका की सबसे अमीर स्व-क्षनक्षमित मक्षहलाओंमᴂ से हℂ।

• President and CEO of Arista Networks Jayshree Ullal • Cofounder of Syntel Neerja Sethi • CTO and cofounder Confluent Neha Narkhede • In the Forbes list of 'America’s Richest Self-Made Women 2019'. Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 chairman M administered the oath of office in his chamber to Parimal Nathwani of Yuvajana Sramika Rythu (YSR) Congress Party. रा煍यसभा के सभापक्षत एम. वᴂकैया नायडू ने यवजनु श्रक्षमका रायतू (वाईएसआर) कांग्रेस के पररमल नाथवानी को अपने चℂबर मᴂ पद की शपथ क्षदलायी। • The ‘Council of States’ which is also known as Rajya Sabha • Article 80 -maximum strength of Rajya Sabha as 250 • The present strength of Rajya Sabha, however, is 245 • The Fourth Schedule to the Constitution provides for allocation of seats to the States and Union Territories in Rajya Sabha. • Article 84 - qualifications for membership of Parliament. • The Vice-President of India is ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha. • Rajya Sabha chooses from amongst its members, a Deputy Chairman. • There is also a Panel of Vice-Chairmen in Rajya Sabha Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 The Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust signed a MoU with the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, to set up the first-ever Indira Gandhi Chair for Environmental Sciences for the study of science and technology. इक्षं दरा गांिी स्मारक न्यास ने बᴂगल셂ु के ‘नेशनल इस्ं टीट्यटू ऑफ एडवान्स स्टडीज (एनआईएएस) मᴂ इक्षं दरा गांिी पयािवरण क्षवज्ञान पीठ की स्थापना के क्षलए एनआईएएस के साथ सहमक्षत पत्र पर हस्तािर क्षकया।

• Founder Chairman, K.M. Pareeth • K.P. Siyad (CEO) • Founded in 2001 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Manchester City midfielder Kevin De Bruyne was voted English football’s player of the year, denying Liverpool a third straight winner of the prestigious award. मैनचेस्टर क्षसटी के क्षमडफी쥍डर केक्षवन क्षडब्रनू को इक्षं ललश फु टबॉल का विि का सविश्रेष्ठ क्षखला蔼ी चनु ा गया और इस तरह से क्षलवरपलू लगातार तीसरी बार इस प्रक्षतक्षष्ठत परु स्कार का क्षवजेता नहĂ बन सका। Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

STATIC GK Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

Name of National Park State Year of Establishment Valmiki National Park Bihar 1989 Guru Ghasidas (Sanjay) National Park 1981 Indravati National Park Chhattisgarh 1982 Kanger Valley National Park Chhattisgarh 1982 Mollem National Park 1992 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

Sl India’s Name of the index Published By Top Position no. Rank Australia & 1 Global Happiness Survey Ipsos 9th Canada 2 Henley Passport Index 2020 Henley 84th Japan Institute for Economics and Peace 3 Global Terrorism Index 2019 (IEP) 7th Afghanistan 4 India Corruption Survey Transparency International 78th — 5 Social Mobality Index 2020 World Economic Forum 76th Denmark Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

Name Award Quarraisha Abdool Karim Christophe Merieux Prize Chief Minister of Odisha, Naveen ‘Hero to Animals Award’ by PETA India Patnaik Chinese Virtual Grand Prix Championship Charles Leclerc Inclusion in The Medicine Maker Power List 20 For 2020 Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

William E. Colby Award 2020 Adam Higginbotham Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

International Airport Name International Airport Location

Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport Patna, Bihar Kannur International Airport Kannur, Kerala Kempegowda International Airport Bangalore, Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport Varanasi ,Uttar Pradesh Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International AirportGuwahati, Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882

MCQ Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently who was elected as the new president of the All India Tennis Association?/हाल ही में अदिल भारतीय टेदिस सघं के िए अध्यक्ष के 셂प में दकसे चुिा गया? 1. Anil Jain/अदिल जैि • Anil Jain is new AITA president, Dhupar secretary general, Rajpal treasurer 2. Vinkesh Gulati/दवंके श गुलाटी • Vinkesh Gulati, has been appointed as the 3. Hemant Katri/हेमंत कटरी 35th president of the Federation of Automobile Dealers Associations (FADA) 4. Aveek Sarkar/अवीक सरकार • Hemant Khatri takes over as CMD of 5. Ashwani Bhatia/अश्विी भादटया Hindustan Shipyard • Aveek Sarkar is new PTI Chairman • Government appoints Ashwani Bhatia as SBI 1 MD Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently which state government has signed an agreement with Lawrencedale Agro Processing India to expand the scope of food processing in the State?/हाल ही में दकस रा煍य की सरकार िे लॉरेडेडेल एग्रो प्रोसेदसंग इदं डया के साथ रा煍य में िाद्य प्रसंस्करर् के िायरे का दवस्तार करिे के दलए एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर दकए हℂ? 1. /मध्य प्रिेश • : Jaipur: : Ashok 2. Andhra Pradesh/आंध्र प्रिेश Gehlot 3. Rajasthan/राजस्थाि • : Chandigarh: : 4. Punjab/पंजाब • Madhya Pradesh: Bhopal: : 5. /महाराष्ट्र • Maharashtra: Mumbai: Bhagat Singh Koshyari: Uddhav Thackeray • Andhra Pradesh: Amaravati: Biswabhusan 2 Harichandan: Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently Neelam Gorhe was elected as Deputy Speaker of which Legislative Council?/ हाल ही में िीलम गोरहे को दकस दवधाि पररषि के उपाध्यक्ष के 셂प में चुिा गया? • Odisha: Bhubaneswar: : Naveen 1. Odisha/ओदडशा Patnaik 2. Maharashtra/महाराष्ट्र • Madhya Pradesh: Bhopal: Anandiben Patel: Shivraj 3. Madhya Pradesh/मध्य प्रिेश Singh Chouhan • Maharashtra: Mumbai: Bhagat Singh Koshyari: 4. /झारिंड Uddhav Thackeray 5. Telangana/तेलंगािा • Jharkhand: Ranchi: : Hemant Soren • Telangana: Hyderabad: Tamilisai Soundararajan: K. 2 Chandrashekar Rao Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently Union Minister for Food Processing Industries Harsimrat Kaur Badal has inaugurated the Organic Food Processing Unit in which state?/हाल ही में कें द्रीय िाद्य प्रसस्ं करर् उद्योग मंत्री हरदसमरत कौर बािल िे दकस रा煍य में जैदवक िाद्य प्रसस्ं करर् इकाई का उद्घाटि दकया है? 1. Mizoram/दमजोरम • West Bengal: Kolkata: Jagdeep Dhankhar: Mamata 2. Assam/असम Banerjee 3. West Bengal/पदिम बंगाल • Odisha: Bhubaneswar: Ganeshi Lal: Naveen Patnaik 4. Odisha/ओदडशा • Assam: Dispur: : Sarbananda 5. Uttar Pradesh/उत्तर प्रिेश Sonowal • Uttar Pradesh: Lucknow: Anandiben Patel: Yogi Aditya Nath • Mizoram: Aizawl: P. S. Sreedharan Pillai: 5 Zoramthanga Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently Prime Minister has inaugurated the Patrika Gate in which city through video conference?/हाल ही में प्रधािमंत्री िरेंद्र मोिी िे वीदडयो कॉन्फ्रेंस के माध्यम से दकस शहर में पदत्रका गेट का उद्घाटि दकया है? 1. Varanasi/वारार्सी 2. Jaipur/जयपुर • Built by the Patrika Group of Newspapers in 3. Lucknow/लििऊ Jaipur. • Group Chairman Gulab Kothari. 4. Ahmedabad/अहमिाबाि • - Kalraj Mishra 5. Noida/िोएडा • Chief Minister - Ashok Gehlot • Samvad Upanishad and Akshar yatra books 2 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently Johnny Bakshi has passed away, he was renowned ______./ हाल ही में जॉिी बख्शी का दिधि हो गया है, वह प्रदसद्ध ______थे। 1. Music Director/सगं ीत दििेशक 2. Cricketer/दिकेटर 3. Singer/दसगं र 4. Film Director/दफ쥍म दििेशक 5. Journalist/पत्रकार

4 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. What is the name of the Father of India’s Radio Astronomy, who has passed away recently?/भारत के रेदडयो िगोल दवज्ञाि के दपता का क्या िाम है, दजिका हाल ही में दिधि हो गया है? 1. Johnny Bakshi/जॉिी बख्शी 2. Jayaprakash Reddy/जयप्रकाश रेड्डी 3. Nishikant Kamat/दिदशकांत कामत 4. A.R. Lakshmanan/ए.आर. लक्ष्मर्ि 5. Govind Swarup/गोदवंि स्व셂प • Filmmaker Johnny Bakshi Dies At 82 • Telugu actor Jaya Prakash Reddy passes away • Bollywood director Nishikant Kamat dead • Former Supreme Court judge, Justice AR 5 Lakshmanan passes away Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently who has released “The State of Young Child in India” report?/ हाल ही में दकसिे "ि स्टेट ऑफ यंग चाइ쥍ड इि इदं डया" ररपोटण जारी की है? 1. Venkaiah Naidu/वेंकै या िायडू 2. Narendra Modi/िरेंद्र मोिी 3. /अदमत शाह 4. Ramnath Kovind/रामिाथ कोदवंि 5. S Jayashankar/एस जयशंकर

1 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Every year International Literacy Day is observed globally by UNESCO on ______./ हर साल अंतराणष्ट्रीय साक्षरता दिवस ______को यूिेस्को द्वारा दवश्व स्तर पर मिाया जाता है। 1. 5th September/5 दसतंबर 2- World Coconut Day 2. 4th September/4 दसतंबर 5- Teachers' Day 5 -International Day of Charity 3. 2nd September/2 दसतंबर 7 -International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies 4. 8th September/8 दसतंबर 8 -International Literacy Day 9 -International Day to Protect Education from 5. 9th September/9 दसतंबर Attack 4 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Q. Recently Bank of India has launched “Signature Visa Debit Card” on its ______Foundation Day./ हाल ही में बℂक ऑफ इदं डया िे अपिे ______स्थापिा दिवस पर "दसग्िेचर वीजा डेदबट काडण" लॉन्फ्च दकया है। 1. 150th/150 वें 2. 125th/125 वें 3. 115th/115 वें 4. 135th/135 वें 5. 145th/145 वें 3 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 Masters in Current Affairs 6.30 am on all Week Days Telegram @dheeraj1882 POWER OF PRESIDENT