Minutes of 27Th Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Board for Wildlife Held on 12Th
Minutes of 27th Meeting of Standing Committee of NBWL held on 12.12.2012 Government of India Ministry of Environment & Forests (Wildlife D ivision) Paryavaran Bhawan, eGO Complex, Lodi Road, N cw Delhi -110003 F. No. 6-43/2007 WL-I(pt) Dated: .2,t\, January, 2013 All M embers, Standing Committee ofNBWL. Sub: Minutes of the 27,h Meeting of the Standing Committee ofNBWL. Sir/ l'vladam, Kindly find enclo!icd minutes of 27 Th :Meetmg of the Standing Committee of NB\X!L held on 121h December 2012 under the chairpersonship of Hon'blc Minister of Slate (Independent Charge) for Environment (lOci porcsts. The comments received from members have been appropriately incorporated in the minutes. Your) fai: liY, (Viv~aXCna) Deputy Inspector General (WL) Telefax: 011-24361791 E nd: As above Distribution: 1. Director General of Forests & Special Secretary, -r-.loEF. 2. Director, \'{fildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. 3. Dr. .Asad luhmani, Director, BN HS, Mumbai-23. 4. Shri Kishor l\.ithe, President, Satpuda Foundation, Amravati-444607. 5. Executive Director, Nature Conservation Foundation, Mysore - 570 002. 6. 5hri BriJcndra Singh, 28, Sundcr Nagar, New Delhi-l 10003. 7. Dr. M.K. Ranjitsinh, 'Krishna saar', No.5 Tiger Lane, WG C Lane, Sainik Farms, New Dellu-62. 8. Dr. Divyabhanusinh Chavda, "Suryodaya", 310 Gom Defence Colony, Vaishali Marg, Jaipur-302021. 9. Dr. A.J.T. Johnsingh, 101 Magnolia, Esteem Gardenia, Sahakara Nagar, Bangalore- 560092. 10. Ms. Prerna 13indra, Environment Journalist, 2/13, lris, Jasmine Sueet, \lanka City, Sector 49, G urgaon - 122003, I-:Iaryana. Copy to: I. PS to Hon'ble MOS (l/ C) E&F.
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