TAMPERING Deliberate handling & use of live ordnance in Cambodia report by: Richard Moyes for: Handicap International - Belgium Mines Advisory Group Norwegian People’s Aid SUMMARY INFORMATION PUBLICATION DATE: August 2004 REPORT WRITTEN BY: Richard Moyes
[email protected] COMMISSIONED BY: Handicap International - Belgium (HI-B) RESEARCH TEAM: 67 rue de spa Richard Moyes - Research Supervisor B - 1000 Brussels Ms. Khim Sotheary - Principal Researcher tel.: +32 (0) 2 280 1601 Ms. Hak Pirath - Research Assistant http://www.handicapinternational.be/ Ms. Seng Youfine - Field Researcher email:
[email protected] Mr. Sou Bunnath - Field Researcher Mines Advisory Group (MAG) PROJECT PERIOD: 47 Newton Street January - July 04 Manchester, M1 1 FT, UK tel.: +44 (0) 161 236 4311 PHOTOGRAPHS BY: http://www.mag.org.uk Andrew Pope email:
[email protected] (except pages 63, 80, 85 by Richard Moyes and pages 84, 95, 96, 97 by Pao Dara Rassmai and unless noted Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) otherwise in the text.) P.O box 8844, Youngstorget N-0028 Oslo, Norway. THANKS TO: tel.: +47 22 03 77 00 David Hayter, Christian Provoost, Marc Bonnet, Krisna Uk, http://www.npaid.no Dave Tinning, Andrew Pope, Ruth Bottomley, Richard email:
[email protected] Boulter, Bruce Powell, Thomas Nash, Jo Durham, Andy Wheatley. PROJECT FUNDED BY: European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/echo/ Australian Government (AusAID) http://www.ausaid.gov.au/ Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) http://www.npaid.no Tampering: deliberate handling & use of live ordnance in Cambodia TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................................vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................xi INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................