Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels
<<•', , /. 20 Iheolagial ^^ i\xt ^ •Axt^^^i %/ :v. ^ PRINCETON, N. J. Diviiion 4.,..&5fe Section __ 5A^^ Number INTRODUCTION THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS PRINTED BY MORRISON AND 01 BB T. & T. CLARK, EDINBURGH LONDON : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, AND CO. LIMITED NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS TORONTO: THE WILLARD TRACT DEPOSITORY INTRODUCTIONJ THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS PATON J. GLOAG, D.D. AUTHOR OB- A COMMENTARY ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PAULINE EPISTLES AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CATHOLIC EPISTLES AN INTRODUCTION TO THE JOHANNINE WRITINGS ETC. ETC. EDINBURGH T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE SJREET 1895 THIS WOEK IS DEDICATED TO MY WIFE, WHO HAS TJNWEAFJEDLY ASSISTED ME IN THIS AND IN ALL MY OTHEK LITERARY LABOURS PREFACE This Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels completes a series of Introductions to the books of the New Testament, in the preparation of which I have been engaged for a quarter of a century. The Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles, with a commentary, was pubHshed in 1870; the Introduction to the Thirteen Pauline Epistles, along with the anonymous Epistle to the Hebrews, in 1874; the Introduction to the Seven Catholic Epistles in 1887 ; the Introduction to the Johannine Writings, especially the Fourth Gospel and the Apiocalypse, in 1891 ; and now the Intro- duction to the Synoptic Gospels in 1895. The design of these Introductions was not to give any explanation of or com- mentary on the sacred text (that to the Acts of the Apostles forming an exception), but to examine the genuineness of the writings, their authorship, the readers to whom they were primarily addressed, their design, their sources,—especially the sources of the historical books,—the language in which they were written, their peculiar style and diction, their charac- teristic features, the integrity of the text, the time when and the place where they were written, and their contents, in short, all that is necessary for their full understanding and intelligent perusal.
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