Hopkins Celebrates Commencement As Prime Minister Talks Today

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Hopkins Celebrates Commencement As Prime Minister Talks Today "r Nruis KOUT VOL. LXII, NO. 29 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, JUNE 10, 1958 62ND YEAR Hopkins Celebrates Commencement As Prime Minister Talks Today The Johns Hopkins P:79""1:0RiNgniM• University today celebrates its 82nd Commencement Exercise with an address by British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, the conferring of Honorary Degrees in Doctor of Laws upon the Prime Minister and United States President Dwight D. Eisen- hower, and the awarding of degrees to graduating students. Mr. Macmillan, leader of the Conservative Party and former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, will receive his degree from Uni- versity President Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower, brother of the President, and from Dr. Carl Brent Swisher, professor of political science, who will read the citation for the Prime Minister. The Chief Marshal of the University, Dr. C. Vann Woodward, professor of history, will assist. Mr. Eisenhower will accept his degree immediately after the Prime Minister. He will receive it from the University's President and from Dr. Abel Wolman, pro- fessor of sanitary engineering, who will read the citation. The Prime Minister's Commencement Address will follow. The degree of Bachelor of Arts will be presented to the seniors by Dr. Richard T. Cox, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. Robert H. Roy, Dean of the School of Engineering, will confer the degrees in Bachelor of Engineering Science, the Master of Science in Engineering and the Doctor of Engineering. Dean Richard A. Mumma, of McCoy College and as- sociate professor of education, will present degrees in HAROLD MACMILLAN (Continued on Page 2) DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER 760 To Graduate; Prime Minister Ike Fifth President Wears Gowns Honored Men Leave Of D.C. Gilman To Get JHU Degree tional engineering honor society, A total of 765 graduating stu- When President Dwight David of jurisprudence and political dents will receive degrees at the lists the following graduates in Prime Minister Harold Mac- Eisenhower receives an honorary science at Princeton University. 82nd Commencement Exercises its ranks: William Babst, Robert millan today receives his Doctor degree at The Johns Hopkins Univer- Bennett, Peter Eller, Frederick of Laws honorary degree from today from The Johns Later that same year he was Marvin Garbis, Richard sity today. Evering, Johns Hopkins wearing the gown Hopkins University, he will be- promoted to the presidency of Excluding part-time students, Goldman, Stanley Hertzbach, the University's first president, come the fifth United States ten years later 275 men will be awarded Bache- Donald Kraft, Joseph Lasiter, Princeton and Daniel Coit Gilman, wore as a President to be so lor's degrees and 321 students Lawrence McGoldrick, Stanley honored by was elected President of the Doctor of Laws. the University. • have 'qualified for Master's and Middleman, Iry Miller, Norman United States. Doctor's degrees. Pontius Mason Sisk, Ellis Stut- Although Mr. Macmillan holds Rutherford B. Hayes, Calvin In two successive years, 1920 The ceremonies will begin with man, and George Vlases. his own degree from Oxford Coolidge, Woodrow Wilson and and 1921, Johns Hopkins pre- an academic procession of stu- Omicron Delta Kappa University in England, where Herbert Hoover are the Presi- sented degrees to Herbert Hoover dents, honored faculty and Omicron Delta Kappa, national President Gilman's gown was dents who previously have been and Calvin Coolidge. Hoover, in guests at 9:50 a.m. on Wyman own honorary collegiate leadership made, he will substitute his presented with Doctor of Laws 1920, was not elected United Quadrangle facing Shriver Hall of society, recognizes and rewards robes for those President degrees. States president for another O n the Homewood Campus. service and contribution to the Gilman. eight but had already The Hopkins undergraduate The President's degree will be years, University in some phase of The Academic Hoods which world-wide fame for body will lose from its ranks granted at Johns Hopkins'. 82nd achieved extra-curricular program. Mr. Macmillan and President his work in world-relief after today a number of students who Annual Commencement. Exer- Twenty-eight members of the Dwight D. Eisenhower will re- have made a great contribution cises today by his brother Dr. World War One. Class of 1958 were tapped as ceive are representative of their to the University and whose Milton S. Eisenhower, president A year later, in 1921, Calvin members of ODK. They include investiture with the degree of achievements and efforts have of the University. Coolidge, then the Vice-President William Babst, Malcolm Baro- Doctor of Laws. been recognized by their fellow of the United States, was simi- way, Ernest Bates, Robert Bou- The Right Honorable Harold students and a number of na- The black on the Hoods is the larly cek, Robin Caples, Gilbert Deck- honored by Johns Hopkins. tional honorary societies. basic color for academic cos- Macmillan, Prime Minister of er, Richard Drake, Robert Ed- When Warren G. Harding died Phi Beta Kappa tume. The purple borders repre- Great Britain, who also will wards, Robert Goldstein, Paul two years after that, in 1923. Phi Beta Kappa, an honorary sent the Doctor of Laws degree, receive an honorary degree, will Gordon, David Hochberg, John Coolidge assumed the presidency. society made up of arts and and the wide gold chevron on deliver the commencement ad- Jory, Louis Kady, Herbert Kah- science students who are elected the inside of the Hood signifies dress. Others Given Degrees ler, Stanley Middleman, Ronald on basis of outstanding scholar- that its holds an LL. D. Many other famous , world Nagler, Theodore Palmer, Phillip bearer Hayes Honored In 1881 ship and academic potential, in- gold figures too, have been recognized Rierson, Fred Rosenbloom, An- from Johns Hopkins, the It was seventy-seven years ducted twenty-five of the grad- by Johns Hopkins, which itself thony Salem, George Schwartz, chevron being the official color ago, in 1881, that the 19th Presi- nates into the society on May 7. is recognized as the "first true Edward Seigenfeld, Osmar Stein- and design of the University. dent of the United States, Those elected are, in alpha- unversity in America." wald, Ellis Stutman, George The three horizontal stripes betical order, Harry Abramo- Rutherford B. Hayes, was pre- Waldron, Law- of purple velvet on the sleeves •Among them are: Bernard Witz, Paul Amelia, John Barker, Vlases, Sidney sented with a degree. He visited Wood, and the also 1933; Vannevar Bush, Allan Block, Robert L. Brown, rence Wolf, Robert of academic gowns the young, but already-famous Baruch, Paul Bushman, David Danoff, Joel Woodey. represent the Doctor of Laws Johns Hopkins University, on 1940; Nicholas Murray Butler. Col- John Doering, John Hynes, Her- Who's Who in American degree. The two heads of state February 12 during the last few 1902; Karl T. Compton, 1937; annual bert Kahler, Howard Leibowitz, leges and Universities, an will wear gowns with the stripes months of his presidential term, John Foster Dulles, 1952; Doug- Fred menger, and Leonard Mil- publication honoring prominent today. and was awarded his hon- las Southall Freeman, 1948; ler. college students, narhed twenty- orary degree by the University's Dag Hammarskjold, 1955; Gray- men of the Class Also, Theodore Palmer, Robert three Hopkins This is a special, non-sched- first president, Daniel Coit Gil- son Kirk, 1956; and Archibald Those who were selected Rachmales, Phillip Riers on, of 1958. uled issue of the News-Letter, man. Macleish, 1940. are: Malcolm Baroway, Ernest Prederick Rosenbloom, John recognizing Commencement Dr. Milton Eisenhower, now Bates, Robert Boucek, Harold Woodrow Wilson, who had Sehruefer, Sanford Schwartz, Exercises. All correspondence Hopkins president, received an Byerly, Robin Caples, Gilbert earned his Doctor of Philosophy David Seipt, George Vasilakos, should be addressed to the degree in 1952 while he Decker, Richard Drake, Robert degree from Johns Hopkins in honorary Sidney Waldron, and Robert editors at Box 1230, Home- the Pennsyl- Edwards, Robert Goldstein, 1886, was granted his honorary was president of Wood. wood. in 1902 while he was professor vania State University. Tau Beta Pi Association, na- (Continued on Page 2) PAGE TWO NEWS -LETTER HOMEWOOD, BALTIMORE, JUNE 10, 1958 President Receives Dr. Milton Eisenhower Honorary Grosr Recognize Work Honorary Degree Of '58 Graduates (Continued from Page 1) didates for the Honorary Degree (Continued from Page 1) of Science, B.S. in and then will make the presenta- Bachelor David Hochberg, John Jory, Louis Nursing, B.S. in Engineering, tions. Master of Science in Engineering, The Invocation and Benedic- Kady. Master of Science, Master of tion to the Commencement Ex- Also, Herbert Kahler, Walter Education and the Certificate of ercise will be delivered by the Mitchell, Ronald Nagler, An- Warren. Advanced Study in Education. Reverend Paul C. thony Salem, George Schwartz, Degrees in Master and Doctor Governor Theodore R. Mc- Edward Seigenfeld, Osmar Stein- of Science of Hygiene, and Mas- Keldin and Mayor Thomas wald, George Vlases, Robert ter and Doctor of Public Health D'Alesandro will represent the Wood, Joel Woodey, and Frank will be conferred by Ernest L. State and Baltimore City. Zampiello. Stebbins, Director of the School Distinguished guests, the mem- SAC Keys of Hygiene and Public Health. bers of the Board of Trustees •One hundred and twenty-one Dean Here and the University's faculty will SAIS students were presented Student Thomas B. Turner of the be present also. Dean Activities Commission's VarsitY Medical Faculty will present the Seals and Keys for exceptional degree of Doctor of Medicine, service to their respective campus and Dean Philip W. Thayer of Two Leaders organizations. Twenty-one mem- the School of Advanced Inter- 1958 were Studies will present de- bers of the Class of national meaning Master of Arts and double award winners, grees in Set Policies their Philosophy from SAIS.
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