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[email protected] Special List GRG 35/585 Maps - Surveyor General's Office, Lands and Survey Department and Lands Department Series This series contains maps that were previously Description accessioned individually by the South Australian Archives ('C' Maps accession register). The maps include all areas of South Australia, including metropolitan Adelaide and rural South Australia. Series date range 1808 - 1946 Agency Land Services Group responsible Access Open. Determination Contents Arranged numerically. 1 - 120 1 June 2016 GRG 35 DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Series 585 Special List Page 1 1. Hundred of Grace. Reproduction. 26 Sep. 1915. [C.38]s 2. Hundreds of Encounter Bay & Goolwa. 29 Sep. 1915. Reproduction [C.49] '[RE'fl\INED BY LA"NDS DEP2mmENT MtiY 1:')92. 3. Maps of proposed districts of Saddleworth, Rhynie, Gilbert, Stockport, Kapunda and Belvidere. 1866. Original. [C.71] 4. Route taken by Alexander Buchanan on a journey from Sydney overland with sheep. Jul. - Dec. 1839. 2 maps. Tracing. 5. Map of South Australia. Pt 1. & Pt 2. 16 June 1855. Original & 2 copy tracings. [C.170] 6. Plan of districts referred to in District Councils Act, 1887. Lithograph. [C.171] 7. Sketch showing the country near Lake Torrens. 1857. Manuscript copy. [C.172] ~ftET1\INIID==Wi I:.MIDS DEPAR'I'MEN'I' May 1992]=-; 8. City of Adelaide showing parklands and reserves. 1879. Lithograph. [C.173] -ERE':FAIN£D BY LA"NDS DEPARTMENT May 1992]. 9. Township of Elliston.