841877.Pdf (809.3Kb)
No, 84. An Act to eLztend the provisio~zsof The Adelaide City, Port, and Suburban '~~atcrworksAct." [Assented to, 21st December, 1877.1 IIEREAS it is expedient to extend thc provisions of "The. Presmblo. Adelaide City, Port, and S~t)l~l.bit~l~~atcrmorks Act " to the places and districts mentioned or described in the Schedule to this Act--Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor of the Province of South Australia, with the advicc and consent of jihc Lcgislatirc Council and House of Assembly of thc said Province., in this present Parliament assembled, as follo~w: 'L The Ailclaide City, 1. Thc districts, towns, townships, villages, and places, as wcll as p art, md Sublilbnn all lands and vrcmises, nlentioned or set out and describcd in the JJraterworltr ~ictto Schedule hereto, shall'be, and be dcemed to be, included in the ~$~~~,"~&~~$edulo water area described in " The Bdelaide City, Port, and Suburban to this Ad Waterworks Act," and shall be subject to the provisions thercof, in such and the same manner as if such plnces and districts hcl bccn originally mentioned ancl described in such Act, or in the scconcl Schedule thereto. 2, The owner or occupier of any lands or prcrnisss which, not supplyCommissionerma~ water to lands being within any water area, shall be wholly situate within t\vo twomilcs of nblic road along miles of any public road along which any nmin pipe shall bc laid, pW~IC~ . a main pipc by virtue of this Act, may, in writing, request the Cornmissioller to be laid. supply water for domestic purposes to such lands or premises, ~nd the Conmissioner may at his sole discl.etion comply with or rcfusc su c11 40' & 41" VICTORIB, No.
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