Victorib Reginb. A.D

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Victorib Reginb. A.D ANNO QUADRAGESIMO Q'UINTO ET QUADRAGESIMO SEXTO VICTORIB REGINB. A.D. 1882. ****f**********f****SI**CCI***~*d*****rk*f*~********C*** No. 278. An Act to amend '' The Constitution Act," "The Consti- tution Act Further Amendment Act, 1881," and an Act, No. 27 of 1872, and to define the Electoral Districts for the Election of Mcmbers to serve in the Parliament of South Australia, and for other purposes. [Reserved, Nove$&er 17th~1882.1 HEREAS it is expedient to amend "The Constitution Act," Preamble. W "The Constitution Act Further Amendment Act, 1881," and an Act, No. 27 of 1872, and to increase the number of members of thc Ilousc of Assembly of the Province of South Australia to fifty-two, and to define the Electoral Districts for the election of members to serve in the Parliament of' South Australia, and for other purposes-Be it therefore Enacted by the Governor of the Province of South Australia, with the advice and consent of thc Legislative Council and House of Assembly of the said province, in this present Parliament assembled, as follows : 1, This Act may be cited for all purposes as " The Constitution short titlu. Act Further Amendment Act, 1883." 2, Thk Act shall be incorporated with, and, so far as is consistent Incorporation. with the tenor thereof, shall be construed as one with The Consti- tution Act," and with any Acts amending the same. 3, This Act shall, subject t~ the provision of the ninth Commencement of section, come into operation from and after a day to be fixed by the 278 Governor 45' & 46' VICTOKIJE, No. 278. The Constitution .4ct Further Amendment Act.1882. Governor by Proclamation in thc South Az~strnlian Government Gazette. House of Assembly 4, Notwithstanding anything. contained in thc fourteenth section to consist of 62 members. of The Constitution Act," or m any Act amending the same, from and after the dissolution hv the Governor, or the expiry by effluxion of time, of the Housr of' Assembly existing at the time this Act shall come into operation, the House of Assembly shall consist of fifty-two members, Electoiul districts for a 5, The four electoral districts for the election of members to the election of mem- bers of the Council. serve in the Legislative Council into which the province is divided bv "The Constitution Act Further Amenclment Act. 1881." shall c&nprisu twenty-six electoral divisions, the names of which,' and of the four electoral districts within which such divisions respectively are included, being specified in thc First Schedult: hereto. Electo~ddistricts 6, The said province shall be divided into twenty-six electoral for members of Iiouae of Assembly districts for the election of members to serve in the House of and rit~lnlurof Assembly of the said province, which districts shall have the names members for each dietrict. and boundaries specified and defined in the Second Schedule hereto, and shall each return two members; and cnch electoral district so specified and defined as aforesaid shall form n corresponding electoral division for the election of members to serve in the Legislative Council. nwes of nominatm 7, There shall be such places of nomination for the Legislative tuld polling-places. Council and for the House of Assembly respectively as are men. tioned in the Third and Fourth Schedules hereto ; and for each of' the electoral districts and divisions referred to in thc last preceding section, there shall be such polling-places as are designated in the said Fourth Schedule, mid such other pulling-places as the Governor may, in accordance with an add~essfrom the Legislative Council and the IIouse of Assembly, by Proclamation in thr South Australian Government Gazette) appoint: Provided that the Governor may, upon the like addresses, declare that any of the polling-places mentioned in the Fourth Schedule, or which mtty hercnfter be appointed as aforesaid, shall cease to be polling-places, and may, by Yroclamatioi~,direct at which other polling-places electors entitled to vote thereat are to record their votes, and thereupon the rolls shell be altered accordingly. Qualification of 8. Notwithstanding anything contained in " The Constitution voter0 for the Northern Territory. Act," or in " The Electoral Act, 1x79," no person brought into the Northern Territory of the Province of South Austrgliti under thc provisions of the Northern Territory Indian Imnligration Act, 1882, , shall be qualified to vote in the election of members to serve in the parliament of the said province, and no person residing in such Northern Territory shall bc qualified to vote unless he be a natural born snbject of Her Majesty, 01. a naturalised subject of IIer Majesty 45" 6t 46" VICTOKIR, No. 278. - . -- The Constitution Act Ftuther Amendment Act.-lh82. - Majesty of European nationality, or a citizen of the United States of America naturalised as a subject of Her Majesty. came 9. The provisions of this Act sl~allnot apply to the election of force~ctnot until to dissolutionin any member to serve in the Pnrlin.mcnt of thc said Province until of IIouseofAasernblp. the House of Sssembly existing at the time when the said Act shall come into operation shall be dissolved by the said Governor, or by effluxion of' time ; but, until such period, the election of any such member shall be holdea and carried out in the samc manner in all respcctsaas heretofore, and as if this Act had not been passed, and for the purposcs of any such election the electoral rolls of the scvcrd divisions imd districts in force at the time of this Act coming into operation sllall be the electoral rolls of such divisions and districts rcspcctivcly. I this Bill for the signification of' Her Majesty's pleasure thereon. VICTORIE, No. 278. The Constitution Act Further Amendment Act.-l 882. -- - A-- SCHEDULES KEFERRED TO. FIRST SCHEDULE. COMPRISINGTHE ELECTORALDIVISIONS OF THE ELECTOBALDISTRICTS FOR THE ELECTIONOF MEMBERSFOR THE LEGISLATIVECOUNCIL, THE BOUNDARIESOF WHICH ARE SET OUT IN THE SECONDSCHE~ULE HERETO. 1. CENTRALELECTORAL D~~T~~cT.--Comp~ising the Electoral Divisions of East Adelaide, West Adelaide, North Adelaide, Weat. Torrens, Sturt, and Port Adelaide. 2. SOUTHERNELECTORAL D~~~~~c~.-Cornpri~ing the Electoral Divisions of Onkaparinga, Soarlunga, Mount Barker, Encounter Bay, Albert, Victoria, and East Torrens. 3. NORTH-EASTERNET~EGTORAL D~~~~I~~.--Comprising the Electoral Divisions of Yatala, Gumeracha, Barossa, Wooroora, Lipht, and Burra. 4. NORTHERN ELECTORALD~~~~~c~.-Cot'npri~ing the Electoral Divisiona of Wallaroo, Yorke Peninsula, Stanley, Gladstone, Frome, Newcastle, and Flindere. SECOND SCHEDULE. No. 1. EASTA~~~a~De.-Corr~prising that part of South Adelaide, and the Park Lands bounding the same, to the east of a line drawn through the centre of King William-street, and bounded on the north by the south bank of the River Torrens. No. 2. WEST ADELAIDE.-Comprising that part of South Adelaide, and the Park Lands bounding the same, west of a linc drawn through the centre of King WiUiam-8treet, and bounded on the north by the south bank of the River Torrens. No. 3. NORTH A~~~~In~.-Conlrnencingat the north-east corner of the Electoral District of East Adelaide; thence in a westerly direction along the northern boundaries of the Electoral Uistricts of East Adelaide and We~tAdelaide to the north-west corner of the latter district ; thence north-easterly along the north-western boundary of the Park Lends to a point south-east of the east corner of preliminary section 354, Hundred of Yatala ; thence in a north-westerly direction to scid corner, along pm- tion of the north-eastern boundary of said section, the eastern boundary of section 2066, the eastern and northern boundaries of section 374, portion of the eastern boundary and the northern houndary of section 2067, the eastern boundaries cf sections 2068 and 396, to the south-eastern corner of uection 397 ; thence easterly to the ~outh-eastcorner of ~ection378 ; thence northerly to the north-ea~tcorner of section 379; thence easterly to the north-east corner of section 354 acrosR the road to the west boundary of section 343 ; thence southerly to the north-west corner of' ~ection345 ; thence easterly to the north-east corner of section 328 and across the road to the west boundary of preliminary section 480 ; thence southerly along the western boundary of said section to its south-neat corner; thence north-eaaterly along portion of its south-eastern boundary to a point opposite the north corner of section 477 ; thence south-south-easterly to said corner and along the eastern boundary of said section to the south bank of the Hirer Torrens ; thence generally in a eouth- westerly direction by the southern bank of said river to the point of commencement. No. 4. WALLAROO.-Comprising the whole of the llundreds of Wallaroo, Kadina, Kulpara, and Ninnes, including the lighthouse on Tiparra Reef. No. 5. PORTA~~~~l~~.-Commencing at a point on the sea-coast, vest of the north-west corner of section 1006, Hundred of Yatala ; thence east to said corner and along tbe northern boundary of saidsection and northerly along the western boundary of bection 452, croa~ingthe road to the south-west corner of section 902 ; thence in an easterly 45' & 46" VICTORIE, No. 278. The Constitution Act Further Anoendment Act.--- 1882, easterly direction along the southern boundaries of sections 902, 439, 434,424, and across the road to the westernboundary of preliminary section409 ;thencenortherly along thc western boundary of section 409 for about forty-one chains to the south-western corner of the Township
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