No. 64 4057





Appointments, Resignations, Etc...... 4058 REGULATIONS Building Work Contractors Act 1995—Notice ...... 4058 Superannuation Funds Management Corporation Corporations and District Councils—Notices ...... 4160 of Act 1995 (No. 273 of 2017) ...... 4099 Development Act 1993—Notice ...... 4059 Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998— Education Regulations 2012—Notice ...... 4059 (No. 274 of 2017) ...... 4100 Environment Protection Act 1993—Notices ...... 4060 (No. 275 of 2017) ...... 4105 Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005—Notice ...... 4068 Wine Grapes Industry Act 1991 (No. 276 of 2017) ...... 4111 Fisheries Management Act 2007—Notices ...... 4068 Development Act 1993 (No. 277 of 2017) ...... 4112 Geographical Names Act 1991—Notice ...... 4069 Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004— Housing Improvement Act 2016—Notices ...... 4069 (No. 278 of 2017) ...... 4115 Land Acquisition Act 1969—Notice ...... 4070 Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004— Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Notices ...... 4071 (No. 279 of 2017) ...... 4132 Mining Act 1971—Notices ...... 4093 Veterinary Practice Act 2003 (No. 280 of 2017) ...... 4139 National Electricity Law—Notice ...... 4094 Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) National Gas Law—Notice ...... 4095 Act 2002—(No. 281 of 2017) ...... 4143 Oaths Act 1936—Notice...... 4095 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000—Notices ...... 4096 Residential Tenancies Act 1995—Notice ...... 4096 Proclamation ...... 4098 Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991—Notice ...... 4097 Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates ...... 4164 Training and Skills Development Act 2008—Notice ...... 4097

All public Acts appearing in this gazette are to be considered official, and obeyed as such

Printed and published weekly by authority of SINEAD O’BRIEN, Government Printer, South Australia $7.35 per issue (plus postage), $370.00 per annual subscription—GST inclusive Online publications: 4058 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 19 September 2017

Department of the Premier and Cabinet , 19 September 2017 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the State Opera of South Australia Board, pursuant to the provisions of the State Opera of South Australia Act 1976: Member: (from 23 October 2017 until 24 August 2020) Christine Simone Rothauser Member: (from 23 October 2017 until 22 October 2020) Elizabeth Christina Olsson Kimberly Louise Philp Brenda Wilson By command, ZOE LEE BETTISON, for Premier ASACAB005-11

Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 19 September 2017 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Government Financing Advisory Board (SAFA), pursuant to the provisions of the Government Financing Authority Act 1982: Member: (from 19 September 2017 until 18 September 2020) Leeann Willson Juliet Helena Brown James William Hollamby By command, ZOE LEE BETTISON, for Premier T&F17/045CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 19 September 2017 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint John Clifford Chapman to the position of Small Business Commissioner, for a period of four years commencing on 25 September 2017 and expiring on 24 September 2021 - pursuant to the provisions of the Small Business Commissioner Act 2011. By command, ZOE LEE BETTISON, for Premier 17MSB/194CS

Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 19 September 2017 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to make the following appointment: The Honourable Martin Leslie James Hamilton-Smith, MP Minister for Health Industries By command,


BUILDING WORK CONTRACTORS ACT 1995 Exemption TAKE notice that, pursuant to section 45 of the Building Work Contractors Act 1995, I, Dini Soulio, Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, do hereby exempt the licensee named in Schedule 1 from the application of Division 3 of Part 5 of the above Act in relation to domestic building work described in Schedule 2 and subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 3. SCHEDULE 1 DEREK WALKER (BLD 147735) SCHEDULE 2 Construction of an attic conversion to the existing dwelling on land situated at Allotment 7 in Deposited Plan 7399 in the area named Darlington, , being a portion of the land described in Certificate of Title Volume 5596 Folio 402, more commonly known as 10 Ridgecrest Avenue, Darlington. SCHEDULE 3 1. This exemption is limited to domestic building work personally performed by the licensee in relation to the building work described in Schedule 2. 2. This exemption does not apply to any domestic building work the licensee contracts to another building work contractor, for which that contractor is required by law to hold building indemnity insurance. 3. That the licensee does not transfer his interest in the land prior to five years from the date of completion of the building work the subject of this exemption, without the prior authorisation of the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs. Before giving such authorisation, the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs may require the licensee to take any reasonable steps to protect the future purchaser(s) of the property, including but not limited to: 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4059

• Providing evidence that an adequate policy of building indemnity insurance is in force to cover the balance of the five-year period from the date of completion of the building work the subject of this exemption; • Providing evidence of an independent expert inspection of the building work the subject of this exemption; • Making an independent expert report available to prospective purchasers of the property; • Giving prospective purchasers of the property notice of the absence of a policy of building indemnity insurance. Dated 12 September 2017. DINI SOULIO, Commissioner for Consumer Affairs, Delegate for the Minister for Consumer and Business Services Ref: 610/14-00116

DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993 Publication of Minister’s Specification SA – Upgrading health and safety of existing buildings Preamble Section 108(6) of the Development Act 1993 provides that the Regulations may refer to a standard or other document prepared or published by a prescribed body. Regulation 106(2) prescribes the Minister as a prescribed body for the purposes of section 108(6). Notice PURSUANT to section 108(6) of the Development Act 1993 and regulation 106(2) of the Development Regulations 2008, notice is given of the publication of Minister’s Specification SA Upgrading health and safety of existing buildings, dated August 2017, by the Minister for Planning for adoption under the Development Regulations 2008 as part of the Building Rules. Minister’s Specification SA Upgrading health and safety of existing buildings will take effect on the date of this notice. Dated 1 September 2017. JACK SNELLING MP, Acting Minister for Planning

EDUCATION REGULATIONS 2012 Notice of Policy by the Minister for Education and Child Development PURSUANT to Regulation 60(2)(a) of the Education Regulations 2012, I, the Minister for Education and Child Development publish the following Capacity Management Plan for the purposes of the enrolment of a child at the Glenelg Primary School: CAPACITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Glenelg Primary School This Capacity Management Plan sets out the conditions for enrolment at Glenelg Primary School (“the school”). Capacity of School The school has a current estimated built capacity of 800 students. School Enrolment Limit The number of students entering at Reception in any given year is limited to 100 students. CRITERIA FOR ENROLMENT Year level: Reception Priority consideration will be given to applications for enrolment from parents of prospective Reception students to attend the following school year, if they have been living inside the school zone prior to the end of week 9, term 3 and whose application is received by this time. If more than 100 applications for enrolment are received from parents living in the school zone by the end of week 9, term 3, places will be offered based on whether any, all or a combination of the following applies: • The child has siblings currently enrolled in the school; • The length of time the child has lived in the school zone; and/or • The distance of the child’s residence from the school. The school will notify parents of the outcome of this process by the beginning of week 1, term 4. Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on the enrolment register, and referred for enrolment to other neighbouring schools. Families who move into the school zone, or who are already living in the zone but lodge their application after the end of week 9, term 3, will only have their applications considered if or when vacancies exist. If no vacancies exist the applicants will be placed on the enrolment register and referred for enrolment to other neighbouring schools. Intensive English Language Centre (IELC) students Any Reception student offered enrolment at the school and who is eligible to attend an Intensive English Language Centre (IELC), will be able to attend the IELC during Reception and begin Year 1 at the school the following year. Out of zone applications with siblings currently at the school Applications for enrolment from parents of prospective Reception students, who live outside the school’s zone and have older siblings who currently attend the school, will only be given consideration for enrolment if: • all Reception applications from parents of children living in the school zone have been considered, and • the school is under its student enrolment limit of 100 Reception students as at the end of week 9, term 3. In these cases, places will be offered based on the distance from the school of the child’s residence and other personal needs, such as transportation, curriculum, social and family links to the school.


Year levels: 1 to 7 Applications for enrolment from parents of prospective students living inside the school zone will be considered if or when vacancies exist, with priority consideration afforded to those applicants already on the enrolment register. In these cases, applications will be considered based on siblings at the school, the length of time the child has lived in the school zone and the distance of the child’s residence from the school. The school will notify parents by the beginning of week 1, term 4 if a vacancy is available for their child to attend the following school year. If no vacancies exist the applicants will be encouraged to remain at their current primary school, or referred for enrolment to other neighbouring schools, and upon an applicant’s request placed on the school’s enrolment register. Out of zone applications with siblings currently at the school Applications for enrolment from parents of prospective students, who live outside the school’s zone and have siblings who currently attend the school, will not be considered for enrolment. International Education Program No new international students will be offered enrolment at the school. Special Circumstances Enrolment for special consideration for compelling or unusual reasons, including but not limited to students under the guardianship of the Minister may be given by the Principal, in consultation with the Education Director. These will be assessed on a case by case basis. Glenelg Primary School zone A school zone is a geographic area surrounding the school from which the school accepts its core intake of students. Glenelg Primary School operates within the following zone: • Starting from the coast students living in the area bounded by southern side of Anzac Highway heading east to Morphett Road, turning south down western side of Morphett Road to Oaklands Road turning west along the northern side of Oaklands Road to Diagonal Road, turning north along the Eastern side of Diagonal Road to Moore Street, On northern side of Moore Street to Brighton Road north up eastern side of Brighton Road to Bath Street, down north side of Bath Street and Weewanda Street to the sea. A school zone map (guide only) is available at: Enrolment Register Only applications for enrolment from parents of a child living in the school zone will be placed on the register. Parents whose child’s name has been placed on the enrolment register will only be contacted if vacancies become available. The enrolment register will be reviewed and updated annually by the school. Where a child’s name appears on the register is confidential and will only be disclosed as required by law. ENROLMENT PROCESS All parents are required to complete the school enrolment form and provide the school with a copy of the following: • proof of the child's identity and date of birth; • proof of the child's residential address; and • copies of any family law or other relevant court orders. Upon receipt of the above to the satisfaction of the school the processing of the parents’ enrolment application may begin. Parents will be invited to attend a pre-enrolment interview or information session with the school once a vacancy is offered. Monitoring and enforcement It is the responsibility of the parents applying for enrolment to be able to verify to the satisfaction of the school that the information provided is true and factual. The Principal is responsible for the implementation of this Capacity Management Plan and all decisions on enrolments. This Capacity Management Plan will be reviewed annually. Dated 6 September2017. SUSAN CLOSE, Minister for Education and Child Development

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT 1993 SECTION 68 Approval of Category B Containers I, ANDREA KAYE WOODS, Team Leader, Container Deposit Legislation and Delegate of the Environment Protection Authority (‘the Authority’), pursuant to section 68 of the Environment Protection Act, 1993 (SA) (‘the Act’) hereby: Approval of Category B Containers: Approve as Category B Containers, subject to the conditions in subclauses 1, 2, 3 and 4 below, each of the classes of containers identified by reference to the following matters described in the first 4 columns of Schedule 1 of this Notice which are sold in South Australia: (a) the product which each class of containers shall contain; (b) the size of the containers; (c) the type of containers; (d) the name of the holders of these approvals. 1. That containers of the class to which the approval relates must bear the refund marking specified by the Authority for containers of that class. The Authority specifies the following refund markings for Category B containers: (1) "10c refund at collection depots when sold in SA", 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4061

or (2) "10c refund at SA/NT collection depots in State/Territory of purchase” 2. The holder of the approval must have in place an effective and appropriate waste management arrangement in relation to containers of that class. For the purpose of this approval notice the company named in column 5 of Schedule 1 of this Notice is the nominated super collector. 3. In the case of an approval in relation to category B containers that the waste management arrangement must require the holder of the approval to provide specified super collectors with a declaration in the form determined by the Authority in relation to each sale of such containers by the holder of the approval as soon as practicable after the sale”; 4. The holder of these approvals must ensure that if a sticker bearing the refund marking has been approved, and is applied to the container, then the sticker must not be placed on any portion of the opening mechanism or in any other place that would require complete or partial removal of the sticker before the contents may be consumed. SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Product Container Container Approval Collection Name Size Type Holder Arrangements Beer Garden Weezale Backstroke Amber Ale 330 ml Glass Beer Garden Brewing Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 1 Berries & Ginger 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 1 Berries & Ginger 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 2 Lemon & Ginger 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 2 Lemon & Ginger 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 3 Chai 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 3 Chai 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 4 Straight Up 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 4 Straight Up 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 5 Orange & Turmeric 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 5 Orange & Turmeric 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 6 Watermelon & Mint 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 6 Watermelon & Mint 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 7 Apple Ginger Lime 1000 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Bod Kombucha No 7 Apple Ginger Lime 330 ml Glass Bod Conscious Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Brown Forman Australia Gentleman Jack & Cola 330 ml Glass Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Brown Forman Australia Jack Daniels Double Jack & Cola 330 ml Glass Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Costco Wholesale Pro Live Organic Probiotic Drink 62 ml PET Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Costco Wholesale Real Coffee Ice Break Regular Strength 750 ml PET Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling SanPellgrino Sparkling Pomegranate & Can - Costco Wholesale Orange 330 ml Aluminium Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Gordons London Dry Gin And Schweppes Indian Tonic Water 275 ml Glass Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Gordons London Dry Gin And Tonic With Can - Hint of Lemon 375 ml Aluminium Diageo Australia Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Zaros Natural Mineral Water 500 ml PET Dias Imports Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Zaros Premium Natural Mineral Water 1000 ml Glass Dias Imports Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Zaros Premium Natural Mineral Water Sparkling 1000 ml Glass Dias Imports Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Zaros Premium Natural Mineral Water Sparkling 330 ml Glass Dias Imports Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Europa International Pty Bali Coconut Water + Vodka 200 ml Aluminium Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Heaps Good Beverages Diamond Nitro Cold Brew Filtered Coffee 330 ml Aluminium t/a Diamond Drinks Statewide Recycling Dairy Farmers Milk Shakes Choc Fudge LPB - Gable Lion Dairy & Drinks Pty Factory 600 ml Top Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Dairy Farmers Milk Shakes Dont Spilla Malt LPB - Gable Lion Dairy & Drinks Pty Vanilla 600 ml Top Ltd Marine Stores Ltd


LPB - Gable Lion Dairy & Drinks Pty Dairy Farmers Milk Shakes Mint to Be Choc 600 ml Top Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Lion Dairy & Drinks Pty Dare Iced Coffee Hazelnut Latte 500 ml HDPE Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Margaret River Raw Organic Kombucha Margaret River Berry Beats 330 ml Glass Kombucha Co Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Margaret River Raw Organic Kombucha Margaret River Classic 330 ml Glass Kombucha Co Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Margaret River Raw Organic Kombucha Margaret River Ginger Pop 330 ml Glass Kombucha Co Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - McLaren Vale Beer Fox Hat Full Mongrel Russian Imperial Stout 375 ml Aluminium Company Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - McLaren Vale Beer Fox Hat Red Pelt India Red Ale 375 ml Aluminium Company Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling McLaren Vale Beer Vale Amber Lager 330 ml Glass Company Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - McLaren Vale Beer Vale East Coast IPA 375 ml Aluminium Company Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - McLaren Vale Beer Vale Knee Slapper German Pilsner 375 ml Aluminium Company Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Minor Figures Cold Brew Coffee Nitro 200 ml Aluminium Minor Figures Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Mismatch Brewing Mismatch Brewing Co Chocolate Stout 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Mismatch Brewing Mismatch Brewing Co Evil Archies Red IPA 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Mismatch Brewing Mismatch Brewing Co India Pale Ale 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Mismatch Brewing Mismatch Brewing Co Lager 330 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Mismatch Brewing Mismatch Brewing Co Pale Ale 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Mismatch Brewing Mismatch Brewing Co Session Ale 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Swill & Drill Brewers Australia Sydney Can - Mismatch Brewing Draught Lager Classic Bitter 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Mismatch Brewing Swill & Drill Brewers Frostys Pale Ale 375 ml Aluminium Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - Moo Brew Dark Ale 375 ml Aluminium Moo Brew Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Can - Moo Brew Hefeweizen 375 ml Aluminium Moo Brew Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Can - Moo Brew Mid Strength 375 ml Aluminium Moo Brew Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Can - Moo Brew Pale Ale 375 ml Aluminium Moo Brew Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Can - Moo Brew Pilsner 375 ml Aluminium Moo Brew Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Raw C Natural Straight Up Coconut Water 300 ml PET Natural Raw C Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Raw C Pure Coffee Coconut Water 300 ml PET Natural Raw C Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Raw C Pure Protein & Cacao Coconut Water 300 ml PET Natural Raw C Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Nippys Fruit Juices Pty Nippys Iced Chocolate Flavoured Milk 500 ml PET Ltd Statewide Recycling Nippys Fruit Juices Pty Nippys Iced Coffee Flavoured Milk 500 ml PET Ltd Statewide Recycling Nippys Fruit Juices Pty Nippys Iced Strawberry Flavoured Milk 500 ml PET Ltd Statewide Recycling Invest In Adelaide Premium Pure Drinking Water 350 ml PET Refresh Waters Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Schweppes Infused Natural Mineral Water Schweppes Australia Pty Lime 300 ml Glass Ltd Statewide Recycling Schweppes Infused Natural Mineral Water Schweppes Australia Pty Raspberry 300 ml Glass Ltd Statewide Recycling Schweppes Australia Pty Schweppes Raspberry Tonic Water 1100 ml PET Ltd Statewide Recycling 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4063

Schweppes Australia Pty Westcliff Cranberry Fruit Drink 1500 ml PET Ltd Statewide Recycling Soleil Lychee Infused Beer 330 ml Glass Sel Lumiere Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Silverstri Chartered Accountants Pure Spring Silvestri Chartered Water 350 ml PET Accountants Statewide Recycling Pro Live Apple Flavour Probiotic Drink 62 ml Polystyrene Spencer Trading Group Marine Stores Ltd Pro Live Blueberry Flavour Probiotic Drink 62 ml Polystyrene Spencer Trading Group Marine Stores Ltd Stolen Recipe Freshly Brewed Ice Tea #03 Watermelon Raspberry 1000 ml PET Stolen Recipe Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Stolen Recipe Freshly Brewed Ice Tea #33 Blackberry Lemonade 1000 ml PET Stolen Recipe Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Stolen Recipe Freshly Brewed Ice Tea #88 Coconut Pineapple 1000 ml PET Stolen Recipe Pty Ltd Marine Stores Ltd Good Earth Organic Kombucha Sparkling Tea Tata Global Beverages Lemongrass & Ginger 330 ml Glass Australia Pty Limited Marine Stores Ltd Good Earth Organic Kombucha Sparkling Tea Tata Global Beverages Original 330 ml Glass Australia Pty Limited Marine Stores Ltd Good Earth Organic Kombucha Sparkling Tea Tata Global Beverages Passionfruit & Lime 330 ml Glass Australia Pty Limited Marine Stores Ltd Good Earth Organic Kombucha Sparkling Tea Tata Global Beverages Pomegranate & Acai 330 ml Glass Australia Pty Limited Marine Stores Ltd The Barossa Valley Cider Barossa Cider Co Cloudy Cider Squashed 330 ml Glass Company Marine Stores Ltd Can - The Coco Coast Coco Coast Natural Coconut Water Lychee 500 ml Aluminium Company Statewide Recycling Can - The Coco Coast Coco Coast Natural Coconut Water Natural 500 ml Aluminium Company Statewide Recycling Coco Coast Natural Coconut Water Can - The Coco Coast Passionfruit 500 ml Aluminium Company Statewide Recycling Can - The Coco Coast Coco Coast Natural Coconut Water Sparkling 500 ml Aluminium Company Statewide Recycling Coco Coast Pure Hydration Watermelon Can - The Coco Coast Water 500 ml Aluminium Company Statewide Recycling Tru Blu Beverages Pty Coles Cranberry Fruit Drink 1500 ml PET Limited Flagcan Distributors Tru Blu Beverages Pty Juicee Crush Apple 2000 ml PET Limited Flagcan Distributors Tru Blu Beverages Pty Juicee Crush Orange Mango 2000 ml PET Limited Flagcan Distributors Aussie Bodies FX Lo Carb Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Chocolate 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Aussie Bodies FX Lo Carb Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Coffee 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Aussie Bodies FX Lo Carb Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Vanilla 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Aussie Bodies Lo Carb Lean Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Chocolate 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Aussie Bodies Lo Carb Lean Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Vanilla 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Vitaco Health Australia Aussie Bodies Protein Revival Chocolate 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Vitaco Health Australia Aussie Bodies Protein Revival Coconut 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Vitaco Health Australia Aussie Bodies Protein Revival Coffee 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Vitaco Health Australia Aussie Bodies Protein Revival Vanilla 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Musashi Mass Gainer Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Chocolate 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Musashi Muscle Recovery Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Chocolate 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Musashi Ultra Ripped Protein Shake Vitaco Health Australia Chocolate 375 ml PET Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Hobo Brewing APA The Independent 375 ml Aluminium Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling


Can - Hobo Brewing Mid IPA The Overlander 375 ml Aluminium Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Hobo Brewing Pale The Expedition Ale 375 ml Aluminium Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Can - Hobo Brewing Session Ale The Journey Ale 375 ml Aluminium Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Vickers London Dry Gin Blended With Pink Can - Grapefruit 250 ml Aluminium Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Vickers London Dry Gin Tonic And A Hint Can - Of Lime 250 ml Aluminium Vok Beverages Pty Ltd Statewide Recycling Camper Down 1 Pale Ale 330 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Charmer India Red Ale 330 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Dad Rock Imperial India Pale Ale 640 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Fat Charmer Double India Red Ale 640 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Fusami Victory India Pale Lager 330 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Keller Instinct Bavarian Lager 330 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Midnight Barley Cowboy Hopped Porter 640 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Oatis Breakfast Of Champions India Pale Ale 640 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Sour Puss Raspberry Berliner Weisse 330 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling Tender Trapp Belgian Strong Ale 640 ml Glass Wayward Brewing Co Statewide Recycling

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT 1993 SECTION 68 Revocation of Approval of Category B Containers I, ANDREA KAYE WOODS, Delegate of the Environment Protection Authority (‘the Authority’), pursuant to section 68 of the Environment Protection Act, 1993 (SA) (‘the Act’) hereby revoke the approvals of the classes of category B containers sold in South Australia as identified by reference to the following matters, which are described in the first 4 columns of Schedule 1 of this Notice (a) the product which each class of containers shall contain; (b) the size of the containers; (c) the type of containers; (d) the name of the holders of these approvals These approvals are revoked as the Authority is satisfied that the waste management arrangement between the approval holder and the party named in column 5 of Schedule 1 of this Notice has been cancelled. SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Product Container Container Approval Collection Name Size Type Holder Arrangements Golden Circle Apple & Blackcurrant Fruit 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Drink Golden Circle Apple Lemon Lime 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Apple Mango 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Apricot 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Breakfast Juice Fruit Drink 250 ml Glass Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Classics Apple Cranberry 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Golden Circle Classics Tropical Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Double Sars 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Forest Fruits 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Forest Fruits Fruit Drink 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Ginger Ale 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Ginger Beer 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Junior Apple & BlackCurrant 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle Junior Apple & BlackCurrant 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4065

Golden Circle Junior Fruit & Veg Citrus 150 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Golden Circle Junior Fruit & Veg Pine 150 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Punch Juice Golden Circle Junior Fruit Drink Tropical 750 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Junior Tropical Fruit Drink 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Junior Tropical Fruit Drink 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Lemon Lime Bitters 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Lemon Lime Mineral Water 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Lemon Mineral Water 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Mango 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Mango Nectar 35% Fruit 2000 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Drink Golden Circle Mango Nectar Fruit Drink 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Mango Nectar Fruit Drink 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Mango Pulp Fruit Drink 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Orange 1500 ml Plastic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Orange & Mango Fruit Drink 2200 ml HDPE Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Orange Fruit Drink 250 ml Glass Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Orange Fruit Drink 2200 ml HDPE Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Orange Mango Mineral Water 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Orange Passionfruit 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pacific Fruits 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pacific Fruits Fruit Drink 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Party Punch Mix with 3000 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Tropical Fruit Pieces Golden Circle Party Punch Mix with 2900 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Tropical Pieces Golden Circle Peach 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine & Apricot Fruit Drink 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine & Mango Fruit Drink 3000 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine & Orange Fruit Drink 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine & Orange Fruit Drink 3000 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine Juice 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine Juice Fruit Drink 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine Mango Fruit Drink 2200 ml HDPE Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine Orange & Lime 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine Orange & Lime Fruit 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Drink Golden Circle Pine Orange Fruit Drink 2200 ml HDPE Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pine Pear & Peach Fruit 3000 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Drink Golden Circle Pineapple Fruit Drink 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pineapple Fruit Drink 250 ml Glass Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pineapple Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Popper Juice Tropical 150 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Soda Water 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Sunshine Punch Fruit Drink 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Sunshine Punch Fruit Drink 3000 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Tomato Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling


Golden Circle Tropical Fruit Drink 250 ml Glass Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Tropical Punch 1500 ml Plastic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Tropical Punch 375 ml Can Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Tropical Punch Fruit Drink 2200 ml HDPE Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Tropical Punch Fruit Drink 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Unsweetened Apple Juice 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle Unsweetened Pineapple Fruit 850 ml Can - Steel Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Drink Home Brand Apple Fruit Drink 35% 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Home Brand Apple Fruit Juice 100% 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Home Brand Orange Fruit Drink 35% 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Home Brand Orange Mango Fruit Drink 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling 35% Home Brand Tropical Fruit Drink 35% 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Man Apple BC Fruit Juice 250 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Man Apple Fruit Juice 250 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Man Orange Fruit Juice 250 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling LOL Go Man Go 250 ml Can - Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Aluminium LOL P CHEE Apple +Peach +Mango 250 ml Can - Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Aluminium LOL Straz Bri Apple + Strawberry 250 ml Can - Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Aluminium LOL U DA MAN Apple + Mandarin 250 ml Can - Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Aluminium Ocean Spray Cranberry Blackcurrant 1500 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Ocean Spray Cranberry Pomegranate 1500 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Ocean Spray Raspberry Cranberry 1500 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Apple & Blackcurrant Fruit Drink 300 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Apple & Blackcurrant Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Apple & Cranberry Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Apple Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Apple Mango & Banana 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Original Classic Orange Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Orange Mango Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Pineapple Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Classic Tomato Juice 350 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Original Juice Co White Label Breakfast 600 ml PET Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Juice Popper Apple & BlackCurrant Juice 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Apple & Mango Juice 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Apple Juice 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Orange Juice 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Pear Pine & PassionFruit Juice 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Pear Pine & Passionfruit Juice 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Pine Orange Juice 250 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Popper Tropical fruits Juice 125 ml LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple Guava 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple Guava 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4067

Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Mango Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple 2000 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Mango Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Pomegranate Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Pomegranate Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Forest Fruits 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Forest Fruits 2000 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Lemonade 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Lemonade 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Tropical 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Tropical 2000 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle Apple Blackcurrant Fruit 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Drink Golden Circle Apple Mango Fruit Drink 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Fruit Juice Apple 200 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Fruit Juice Apple 200 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Blackcurrant Golden Circle Fruit Juice Orange 200 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Guava Nectar 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Mango Nectar 1000 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Sparkling Apple 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Sparkling Apple & Tropical 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Fruits Golden Circle Sparkling Apple Orange & 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Mango Golden Circle Sparkling Lemon & Lime 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Sparkling Pear 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Original Juice Co Black Label Apple & 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Forest Fruits Juice Original Juice Co Black Label Apple Juice 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Original Juice Co Black Label Orange Juice 350 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Original Juice Co Black Label Pulp Free 600 ml PET The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Orange Popper Juice Apple & Blackcurrant 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Popper Juice Apple & Mango 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Popper Juice Apple Juice 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Popper Juice Orange 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling Popper Juice Tropical 250 ml LPB - Aseptic The Kraft Heinz Company Statewide Recycling

ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ACT 1993 SECTION 68 Vary the Approval of Category B Containers I, ANDREA KAYE WOODS, Delegate of the Environment Protection Authority (‘the Authority’), pursuant to section 68 of the Environment Protection Act, 1993 (SA) (‘the Act’) hereby: Vary the Approval of Category B Containers: Approve as Category B Containers, subject to the conditions 1,2,3 and 4 below, each of the classes of containers identified by reference to the following matters described in the first 4 columns of Schedule 1 of this Notice which are sold in South Australia:


(a) the product which each class of containers shall contain; (b) the size of the containers; (c) the type of containers; (d) the name of the holders of these approvals 1. That containers of the class to which the approval relates must bear the refund marking specified by the Authority for containers of that class. The Authority specifies the following refund markings for Category B containers: (1) “10c refund at collection depots when sold in SA” or (2) “10c refund at SA/NT collection depots in State/Territory of purchase” 2. The holder of the approval must have in place an effective and appropriate waste management arrangement in relation to containers of that class. For the purpose of this approval notice the company named in column 5 of Schedule 1 of this Notice is the nominated super collector. 3. In the case of an approval in relation to category B containers that the waste management arrangement must require the holder of the approval to provide specified super collectors with a declaration in the form determined by the Authority in relation to each sale of such containers by the holder of the approval as soon as practicable after the sale. 4. The holder of these approvals must ensure that if a sticker bearing the refund marking has been approved, and is applied to the container, then the sticker must not be placed on any portion of the opening mechanism or in any other place that would require complete or partial removal of the sticker before the contents may be consumed. SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Product Container Container Approval Collection Name Size Type Holder Arrangements Golden Circle Fruit Juice Apple Mango 200 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Fruit Juice Tropical 200 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Summer Berries Fruit 250 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Apple Raspberry Fruit Drink 250 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Tropical Fruit 250 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Drink Golden Circle Apricot Nectar 1000 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Banana Mango Nectar 1000 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle Pear Nectar 1000 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Apple Mango 250 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink Golden Circle 50% Less Sugar Forest Fruits 250 LPB - Aseptic Golden Circle Limited Statewide Recycling Fruit Drink

FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES ACT 2005 SECTION 68 Establishment of a SACFS Brigade I, GREG NETTLETON the Chief Officer of the South Australian Country Fire Service, in accordance with Division 5, Section 68 (1) (a) of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005, hereby establish a SACFS Brigade to be known as Leigh Creek I Copley CFS Brigade. Dated 11 September 2017

GREG NETTLETON, Chief Officer, SA Country Fire Service

FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007 Items Seized at Eckerts Bay on Lake Alexandrina NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 90 (2) of the Fisheries Management Act, 2007, that the following items have been seized by Officers of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA, Fisheries and Aquaculture. At ECKERTS BAY on LAKE ALEXANDRINA on 25/08/2017: 1) 250 metres of red mesh net plus two white buoys and 1x sand anchor and 1 x pick anchor. The above items were suspected to have been used, or intended to be used, in contravention of the Fisheries Management Act, 2007, and were taken into possession at: ECKERTS BAY on LAKE ALEXANDRINA After the expiration of one month from the date of this notice the items listed above shall, on the order of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, be forfeited to the Crown and shall be either disposed of by sale or destruction. The above items may be viewed at the Largs North office of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA, Fisheries and Aquaculture. Dated 13 September 2017. BREE BALMER, Prosecutions Coordinator


FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007 Undersized Fish in the Southern Abalone Fishery TAKE notice that for the purposes of clause 5(2)(a) of part 2 of schedule 2 of the Fisheries Management (General) Regulations 2007 I hereby declare that Blacklip Abalone (Haliotis rubra) taken in an abalone fishing area of the Southern Zone Abalone Fishery is undersized if its length is less than that specified below: Abalone Fishing area* Location Minimum legal length (mm) 1 Cape Jaffa 125 2 Nora Creina 125 3 Beachport 125 4 Rivoli Bay 110 5 South End 125 6 Number 2 Rocks 125 7 Admella 125 8 Carpenters Rocks 125 9 Gerloff Bay 110 10 Blackfellows Caves 125 11 Middle Point 120 12 Port MacDonnell 120 13 East Port MacDonnell 110 *As prescribed in regulation 15 and defined in schedule 2 of the Fisheries Management (Abalone Fisheries) Regulations 2006. Dated 12 September 2017. SEAN SLOAN, A/Executive Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Delegate of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1991 Notice to Alter the Boundaries of Places NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 11B (1) of the Geographical Names Act 1991, that I, MICHAEL BURDETT, Surveyor- General and Delegate appointed by Stephen Mullighan, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister of the Crown to whom the administration of the Geographical Names Act 1991 is committed DO HEREBY; Exclude from the bounded locality of ELWOMPLE that area marked (A) shown highlighted in green on the plan and include in the locality of TAILEM BEND marked (B). Copies of the plan showing the extent of the subject area can be viewed at: • the office of the Surveyor-General, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide • the office of the Coorong District Council • the Land Services website at: road-and-place-names/place-name-proposals Dated 19 September 2017. M. BURDETT, Surveyor-General, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2017/17699/01

HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 2016 Rent Control THE Minister for Social Housing Delegate in the exercise of the powers conferred by the Housing Improvement Act 2016, does hereby fix the maximum rental per week which shall be payable subject to Section 55 of the Residential Tenancies Act, 1995, in respect of each house described in the following table. The amount shown in the said table shall come into force on the date of this publication in the Gazette. Allotment Certificate of Title Maximum Rental Address of Premises Section Volume/Folio per week payable 19 Brixton Road, Elizabeth North SA 5113 Allotment 881 Deposited Plan 6449 CT6153/71 $0.00 Unfit for Human Habitation 1 North Terrace, Hackney SA 5069 Allotment 17 Filed Plan 136268 CT5376/910 $0.00 Unfit for Human Habitation Dated 19 September 2017. TIM BAKER, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing SA, Delegate of Minister for Social Housing


HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 2016 Rent Control Revocations WHEREAS the Minister for Social Housing Delegate is satisfied that each of the houses described hereunder has ceased to be unsafe or unsuitable for human habitation for the purposes of the Housing Improvement Act 2016, notice is hereby given that, in exercise of the powers conferred by the said Act, the Minister for Social Housing does hereby revoke the said Rent Control in respect of each property. Allotment Certificate of Title Address of Premises Section Volume/Folio

Room 19/ 1 North Terrace, Hackney SA 5069 Allotment 17 Filed Plan 136268 Hundred of Adelaide CT5376/910 26 Kapunda Street, Kapunda SA 5373 Allotment 21 Deposited Plan 245 Hundred of Kapunda CT4167/111, CT5433/188 22 Clare Road, Kapunda SA 5373 Allotment 320 Filed Plan 176392 Hundred of Kapunda CT1335/21, CT5697/471 Dated 19 September 2017. TIM BAKER, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing SA, Delegate of Minister for Social Housing

LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) FORM 5 Notice of Acquisition 1. Notice of acquisition THE Commissioner of Highways (the Authority), of 50 Flinders Street, Adelaide 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being the whole of Allotment 527 in Deposited Plan No 113222 comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 6178 Folio 413. This notice is given under section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. 2. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. 3. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam GPO Box 1533 Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8343 2574 Dated 15 September 2017. The Common Seal of the COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: MOHAMMED ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services, (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2009/03636/02


South Australia Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2016 under section 131(1) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997

1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2016. 2—Commencement This notice comes into operation on 22 September 2017. 3—Interpretation (1) In this notice— principal notice means the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2015 published in the Gazette on 5.1.15, as in force from time to time. (2) Clause 3 of the principal notice applies to this notice as if it were the principal notice. 4—Consumption etc of liquor prohibited in dry areas (1) Pursuant to section 131 of the Act, the consumption and possession of liquor in the area described in the Schedule is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule. (2) The prohibition has effect during the periods specified in the Schedule. (3) The prohibition does not extend to private land in the area described in the Schedule. (4) Unless the contrary intention appears, the prohibition of the possession of liquor in the area does not extend to— (a) a person who is genuinely passing through the area if— (i) the liquor is in the original container in which it was purchased from licensed premises; and (ii) the container has not been opened; or (b) a person who has possession of the liquor in the course of carrying on a business or in the course of his or her employment by another person in the course of carrying on a business; or (c) a person who is permanently or temporarily residing at premises within the area or on the boundary of the area and who enters the area solely for the purpose of passing through it to enter those premises or who enters the area from those premises for the purpose of leaving the area. (5) The Schedule is in substitution for Schedule—Adelaide Park Lands Area 1 in the principal notice.


Schedule 1—Adelaide Park Lands Area 1

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition From 8 pm on each day to 11 am on the following day, until 11 am on 22 September

2019. 3—Description of area The area in and adjacent to Adelaide and North Adelaide, generally known as the Adelaide Park Lands, together with other land, bounded as follows: commencing at the point at which the western boundary of Fullarton Road, Adelaide, meets the northern boundary of Greenhill Road, Adelaide, then westerly along that northern boundary of Greenhill Road and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary to the point at which it intersects the western boundary of Lot 8 DP 83004, then generally northerly along that western boundary of Lot 8 and the western boundaries of Lot 50 FP 219636 and Lot 24 DP 90434 to the north-western corner of Lot 24 DP 90434, then in a straight line by the shortest route to the south-western corner of Lot 74 DP 56872, then generally northerly along the eastern boundary of James Congdon Drive, Adelaide, to the south-western boundary of Port Road, Adelaide, then in a straight line by the shortest route across Port Road to the north-eastern boundary of Port Road, then generally northerly along that boundary of Port Road to the point at which the eastern boundary of Port Road meets the south-eastern boundary of Park Terrace, North Adelaide, then generally north-easterly along that south-eastern boundary of Park Terrace, easterly along the southern boundary of Fitzroy Terrace, North Adelaide, and south-easterly along the south-western boundary of Robe Terrace, North Adelaide, to the point at which the south-western boundary of Robe Terrace meets the south-western boundary of Mann Road, North Adelaide, then in a straight line by the shortest route to the point at which the south-western boundary of Park Road, North Adelaide, meets the eastern boundary of Northcote Terrace, North Adelaide, then generally south-easterly and southerly along that boundary of Park Road, southerly along the western boundary of Hackney Road, Adelaide, and southerly and south-easterly along the south-western boundary of Dequetteville Terrace, Adelaide, and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary to the point at which the prolongation in a straight line of the south-western boundary of Dequetteville Terrace meets the western boundary of Fullarton Road, Adelaide, then southerly along the western boundary of Fullarton Road to the point of commencement, but excluding any part of that area that is within— (a) the area defined in Schedule—Adelaide Area 1 as the area to which the prohibition in that Schedule applies; or (b) an area defined in Schedule—Adelaide Area 1 as an area excluded from the area to which the prohibition in that Schedule applies; or (c) the area defined in Schedule—North Adelaide Area 1 as the area to which the prohibition in that Schedule applies. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4073

CS] Dry Area

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 15 September 2017


South Australia Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2017 under section 131(1) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997

1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2017. 2—Commencement This notice comes into operation on the date of publication in the Government Gazette. 3—Interpretation (1) In this notice— principal notice means the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2015 published in the Gazette on 5.1.15, as in force from time to time. (2) Clause 3 of the principal notice applies to this notice as if it were the principal notice. 4—Consumption etc of liquor prohibited in dry areas (1) Pursuant to section 131 of the Act, the consumption and possession of liquor in the area described in the Schedule is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule. (2) The prohibition has effect during the periods specified in the Schedule. (3) The prohibition does not extend to private land in the area described in the Schedule. (4) Unless the contrary intention appears, the prohibition of the possession of liquor in the area does not extend to— (a) a person who is genuinely passing through the area if— (i) the liquor is in the original container in which it was purchased from licensed premises; and (ii) the container has not been opened; or (b) a person who has possession of the liquor in the course of carrying on a business or in the course of his or her employment by another person in the course of carrying on a business; or (c) a person who is permanently or temporarily residing at premises within the area or on the boundary of the area and who enters the area solely for the purpose of passing through it to enter those premises or who enters the area from those premises for the purpose of leaving the area. (5) The Schedule is in substitution for Schedule—Berri Area 1 and Berri Area 2 in the principal notice. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4075

Schedule 1—Berri Area 1

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition Continuous, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area The area in and adjacent to Berri bounded as follows: commencing at the point at which the northern boundary of Riverview Drive is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the eastern boundary of Marina Drive, then generally south-easterly along that prolongation and boundary to the point at which the road first turns easterly parallel to the northern bank of the River Murray, then in a straight line by the shortest route to the northern bank of the river, then generally westerly along the northern bank of the river to the point at which the northern bank meets the eastern boundary of Lot 6 DP 44333 (the pumping station), then north-westerly, south-westerly, north-westerly and south-westerly along that boundary of Lot 6 to the eastern boundary of Lot 10 DP 50410, then north- westerly and south-westerly along the boundary of Lot 10 to the western boundary of the Lot, then south-easterly along the western boundary of Lot 10 and of Lot 108 DP 49267 to the northern bank of the River Murray, then south-westerly along that bank of the river to the eastern boundary of Lot 106 DP 49267, then generally north-westerly, south- westerly and south-easterly around the boundary of Lot 106 back to the northern bank of the River Murray, then generally south-westerly along that bank of the river to the point at which the bank is intersected by the prolongation in a straight line of the southern boundary of Section 130 Berri IA, then south-westerly along that prolongation and boundary of Section 130 to the western boundary of the Section, then north-westerly along the western boundary of the Section and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary to the northern boundary of Draper Road, then generally north-easterly along that boundary of Draper Road and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary to the eastern boundary of Crawford Terrace, then south-easterly along that boundary of Crawford Terrace to the northern boundary of Riverview Drive, then generally north- easterly, easterly and north-easterly along that northern boundary of Riverview Drive to the point of commencement. The area includes the whole of any wharf, jetty, boat ramp or other structure extending into the River Murray from within the area described above (other than the Berri Bridge south of the northern bank of the river).


rea etres DryA 0 m 0 50 ~ 400

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4077

Schedule 2—Berri Area 2

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition Continuous, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area Vaughan Terrace between Riverview Drive and Worman Street, including the Scenic

Water Tower Lookout Berri.


Berri - Plan No 2 '1' ~ DryArea

River Murray

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017.


South Australia Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2017 under section 131(1) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997

1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2017. 2—Commencement This notice comes into operation on the date of publication in the Government Gazette. 3—Interpretation (1) In this notice— principal notice means the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2015 published in the Gazette on 5.1.15, as in force from time to time. (2) Clause 3 of the principal notice applies to this notice as if it were the principal notice. 4—Consumption etc of liquor prohibited in dry areas (1) Pursuant to section 131 of the Act, the consumption and possession of liquor in the area described in the Schedule is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule. (2) The prohibition has effect during the periods specified in the Schedule. (3) The prohibition does not extend to private land in the area described in the Schedule. (4) Unless the contrary intention appears, the prohibition of the possession of liquor in the area does not extend to— (a) a person who is genuinely passing through the area if— (i) the liquor is in the original container in which it was purchased from licensed premises; and (ii) the container has not been opened; or (b) a person who has possession of the liquor in the course of carrying on a business or in the course of his or her employment by another person in the course of carrying on a business; or (c) a person who is permanently or temporarily residing at premises within the area or on the boundary of the area and who enters the area solely for the purpose of passing through it to enter those premises or who enters the area from those premises for the purpose of leaving the area. (5) The Schedule is in substitution for Schedule—Barmera Area 1, Barmera Area 2, Barmera Area 3, Barmera Area 4 and Barmera Area 5 in the principal notice.


Schedule 1—Barmera Area 1

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition Continuous, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area

1. Barwell Avenue from Pascoe Terrace to Nookamka Terrace, including the intersection of Bice and Laffer Street. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4081

Barmera • Plan No 1 ~ ~ DryArea

20 40 60 80 100 metres Oval



"T1 0 PASCOETCE :E r m en en --t

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017.


Schedule 2—Barmera Area 2

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition Continuous, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area Bice Street between Barwell Avenue and Sturt Street. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4083

Barmera -Plan No 2 ~ ~ DryArea

Oval 0 20 40 60 80 100m etres


Car Park



Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017.


Schedule 3—Barmera Area 3

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition From 8 pm on each day to 8 am on the following day, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area The area in Barmera generally known as Sedunary Park, being the area bounded on the north-west by Dean Drive, on the north-east by Whitmore Avenue, on the south by Nookamka Terrace and on the south-west by Pascoe Terrace. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4085

DryArea ~ in metres :r: 0 a Space) 100 Oval ~ 80 (Play 3 No Plan 40 • ~ Barmera NOOKAMKATCE 4 3 Bonney AREA AREA Lake BARMERA BARMERA

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017.


Schedule 4—Barmera Area 4

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition From 8 pm on each day to 8 am on the following day, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area The area in and adjacent to Barmera bounded as follows: commencing at the point at which the prolongation in a straight line of the north-eastern boundary of Foot Avenue intersects the south-eastern waterline of Lake Bonney, then south-easterly along that prolongation to the north-western boundary of Dean Drive, then generally south- westerly along that boundary of Dean Drive to the point at which it meets the north- eastern boundary of the short bitumenised access road (immediately to the north-east of the Lake Bonney Yacht Club car park) that extends at right angles to Dean Drive part of

the way to the Lake Bonney waterline (approximately in line with the prolongation in a straight line of the northern end of Laffer Street), then north-westerly along the north- eastern boundary of that bitumenised access road and the prolongation in a straight line of that boundary to the south-eastern waterline of Lake Bonney, then generally north- easterly along that waterline of Lake Bonney to the point of commencement. The area includes the whole of any wharf, jetty, boat ramp or other structure projecting into Lake Bonney from within the area (as well as any area beneath such a structure). 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4087

DryArea metres 200 ~ 160 4 ~\)~ ... No 120 \)fi:,'r Plan 80 - J1' 50 Barmera 0 4 AREA BARMERA Bonney Lake

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017.


Schedule 5—Barmera Area 5

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition From 8 pm on each day to 8 am on the following day, provided that where: (a) an event of historic, cultural, traditional or major community significance is held in the area; and (b) the consumption and possession of liquor in the area (or a defined portion of the area) are authorised for a specified period for the purposes of the event by The Berri Barmera Council, the prohibition does not apply in the area (or defined portion of the area) during that specified period. 3—Description of area The area in Barmera generally known as the Barmera Skate Park (the Skate Park that lies between Dean Drive and Nookamka Terrace immediately to the north-east of the Barmera Monash Football Club Oval), being the area containing skating structures and other facilities bounded on the south-east, south-west and north-west by a low barrier fence constructed of logs and on the north-east by a chain-link fence (the south-western fence of an in-line skating hockey rink) and the prolongation in a straight line of the fence line of that chain-link fence to the south-eastern boundary of Dean Drive. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4089

DryArea metres Park) 00 1 ~ 80 (Skate 5 No 60 Plan 40 - 4 20 Barmera 5 AREA BARMERA 4 Bonney Lake AREA BARMERA

Made by the Minister for Consumer and Business Services On 8 September 2017.


South Australia Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2017 under section 131(1a) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997

1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2017. 2—Commencement This notice comes into operation on 15 December 2017. 3—Interpretation (1) In this notice— principal notice means the Liquor Licensing (Dry Areas) Notice 2015 published in the Gazette on 5.1.15, as in force from time to time. (2) Clause 3 of the principal notice applies to this notice as if it were the principal notice. 4—Consumption etc of liquor prohibited in dry areas (1) Pursuant to section 131 of the Act, the consumption and possession of liquor in the area described in the Schedule is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule. (2) The prohibition has effect during the periods specified in the Schedule. (3) The prohibition does not extend to private land in the area described in the Schedule. (4) Unless the contrary intention appears, the prohibition of the possession of liquor in the area does not extend to— (a) a person who is genuinely passing through the area if— (i) the liquor is in the original container in which it was purchased from licensed premises; and (ii) the container has not been opened; or (b) a person who has possession of the liquor in the course of carrying on a business or in the course of his or her employment by another person in the course of carrying on a business; or (c) a person who is permanently or temporarily residing at premises within the area or on the boundary of the area and who enters the area solely for the purpose of passing through it to enter those premises or who enters the area from those premises for the purpose of leaving the area. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4091

Schedule—Two Wells Area 1

1—Extent of prohibition The consumption of liquor is prohibited and the possession of liquor is prohibited. 2—Period of prohibition From 5pm on 15 December 2017 to 5am on 16 December 2017. 3—Description of area Old Port Wakefield Road between Gawler Road and Chapman Street in Two Wells.


Two Wells - Plan Nl,o 1

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Made by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner On 12 September 2017


MINING ACT 1971 Notice pursuant to section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below Applicant: Ausmin Development Pty Ltd Location: Dutton Bay area – approx. 90 km south of Kimba Term: Two years Area in km2: 31 Reference number: 2017/00055 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on 08 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

MINING ACT 1971 Notice pursuant to section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below Applicant: Western Areas Limited Location: Nullarbor area – approx. 180 km northwest of Ceduna Term: Two years Area in km2: 388 Reference number: 2017/00163 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on 08 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

MINING ACT 1971 Notice pursuant to section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below Applicant: Trafford Resources Pty Ltd Location: Wildingi Claypan area – approx. 90 km southwest of Coober Pedy Pastoral Leases: Mabel Creek, Commonwealth Hill Term: Two years Area in km2: 128 Reference number: 2017/00167 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on 08 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy


MINING ACT 1971 Notice pursuant to section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below Applicant: Kelaray Pty Ltd Location: Glenrae area – approx. 70 km south of Port Pirie Term: Two years Area in km2: 351 Reference number: 2017/00168 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on 08 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

MINING ACT 1971 Notice pursuant to section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below Applicant: Trafford Resources Pty Ltd & Alliance Craton Explorer Pty Ltd Location: Eurilla Dam area – approx. 80 km west of Whyalla Pastoral Leases: Nonning, Uno Term: Two years Area in km2: 115 Reference number: 2017/00172 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of the Premier and Cabinet website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on 08 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

NATIONAL ELECTRICITY LAW THE Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) gives notice under the National Electricity Law as follows: Under ss 102 and 103, the making of the National Electricity Amendment (Managing the rate of change of power system frequency) Rule 2017 No. 9 (Ref. ERC0214) and related final determination. Schedule 7 commences on 19 September 2017 and Schedules 1-6 commence on 1 July 2018. Under ss 102 and 103, the making of the National Electricity Amendment (Managing power system fault levels) Rule 2017 No. 10 (Ref. ERC0211) and related final determination. Schedule 10 commences on 19 September 2017, Schedules 1, 2 and 3 commence on 17 November 2017 and Schedules 4-9 commence on 1 July 2018. Under ss 102 and 103, the making of the National Electricity Amendment (Generating System Model Guidelines) Rule 2017 No. 11 (Ref. ERC0219) and related final determination. Schedule 5 commences operation on 19 September 2017 and Schedules 1-4 commence operation on 1 July 2018. Under s 95, AEMO has requested the Generator technical performance standards (Ref. ERC0222) proposal. The proposal seeks changes to the access standards for generating systems and the negotiating performance standards. Submissions must be received by 31 October 2017. Submissions can be made via the AEMC’s website. Before making a submission, please review the AEMC’s privacy statement on its website. Submissions should be made in accordance with the AEMC’s Guidelines for making written submissions on Rule change proposals. The AEMC publishes all submissions on its website, subject to confidentiality. Written requests should be sent to [email protected] and cite the reference in the title. Before sending a request, please review the AEMC’s privacy statement on its website. Documents referred to above are available on the AEMC’s website and are available for inspection at the AEMC’s office. Australian Energy Market Commission Level 6, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 8296 7800

Dated 19 September 2017.


NATIONAL GAS LAW THE Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) gives notice under the National Gas Law as follows: Under s 303, AEMO has requested the Unintended scheduling result – decision timing (Ref. GRC0041) proposal. The proposal seeks to extend the time for AEMO to make a decision in regard to unintended scheduling results for the Victorian DWGM. The AEMC intends to expedite the proposal under s 304 as it considers the proposed Rule is non-controversial, subject to requests not to do so. Written requests not to expedite the proposal must be received by 3 October 2017. Submissions must be received by 17 October 2017. Submissions can be made via the AEMC’s website. Before making a submission, please review the AEMC’s privacy statement on its website. Submissions should be made in accordance with the AEMC’s Guidelines for making written submissions on Rule change proposals. The AEMC publishes all submissions on its website, subject to confidentiality. Written requests should be sent to [email protected] and cite the reference in the title. Before sending a request, please review the AEMC’s privacy statement on its website. Documents referred to above are available on the AEMC’s website and are available for inspection at the AEMC’s office. Australian Energy Market Commission Level 6, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone: (02) 8296 7800

Dated 19 September 2017.

OATHS ACT 1936: SECTION 33(3) NOTICE BY THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL Notice of Termination of Appointment of Proclaimed Members of the Police Force to Take Declarations and Attest the Execution of Documents PURSUANT to section 33(3) of the Oaths Act 1936, the appointment of the persons named below to take declarations and attest the execution of documents has, by virtue of the operation of section 33(2)(b) of that Act, been terminated by reason of those persons ceasing to be members of the Police Force: Peter Rex ANDERSON, appointed on 16 December 1999; Kelvin Brian BRINKLEY, appointed on 28 February 2017; Michael Christopher CHIPPERFIELD, appointed on 15 November 2001; Henry Alexander CLELAND, appointed on 28 September 2006; Robert Ayrton CLOSE, appointed on 29 April 1999; Peter Bruce COBB, appointed on 26 July 2012; Adrian Kristoffer ECHEVARRIA, appointed on 19 December 2013; Sharynne Lee GRANT, appointed on 19 December 2013; Ronald Benno HAIN, appointed on 30 April 2009; John Thomas HOOKINGS, appointed on 11 March 1999; John Stewart MACKENZIE, appointed on 11 November 2 015; Darryl Michael MCCORMACK, appointed on 22 May 2003; Ashley James MEEK, appointed on 8 November 2012; Kevin James MEYER, appointed on 20 August 2015; Mark PATTON, appointed on 27 January 2012; Paul Robert SUMMERTON, appointed on 28 February 2017; David Anthony Charles THOMAS, appointed on 14 April 2005; Brian TODD, appointed on 1 July 2004; Francis John TONER, appointed on 26 July 2012; John Barry WALLWORK, appointed on 22 May 2003; Clynton Donald WHALAN, appointed on 26 July 2012. Dated 11 September 2017. JOHN RAU, Deputy Premier, Attorney-General


PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Grant of Associated Activities Licence AAL 249 (Adjunct to Petroleum Production Licence PPL 62) NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Associated Activities Licence has been granted with effect from 11 September 2017, under the provisions of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 31 March 2017. No of Licence Licensees Area Km² Locality Reference AAL 249 Adelaide Energy Pty Ltd 0.13 Otway Basin MER-2017/0620 Description of Area All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows 486241.71mE 5854458.00mN 486241.49mE 5854586.93mN 485872.99mE 5854586.31mN 485872.72mE 5854740.40mN 485381.37mE 5854739.54mN 485367.83mE 5854739.54mN 485354.00mE 5854668.00mN 486142.00mE 5854481.00mN 485899.00mE 5853468.00mN 485931.00mE 5853468.00mN 486171.00mE 5854475.00mN 486241.71mE 5854458.00mN All coordinates in GDA94, Zone 54 AREA: 0.13 square kilometres approximately Dated 11 September 2017. BARRY A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Statement of Environmental Objectives – Revision PURSUANT to section 104(1) of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 (the Act) I, Barry Goldstein, Executive Director Energy Resources Division, Department of the Premier and Cabinet as delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012, do hereby publish the following document as having been approved as a statement of environmental objectives under the Act. Documents: • Cooper Basin Petroleum Production Operations - Statement of Environmental Objectives, Senex Energy, September 2017. This document is available for public inspection on the Environmental Register section of DSD’s website ( or at the Public Office determined pursuant to section 107 (1) of the Act to be at: Energy Resources Division Customer Services Level 7 101 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 Dated 11 September 2017. BARRY GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy

RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES ACT 1995 Exemption PURSUANT to section 118 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995 (‘the Act’), I, the Honourable John Rau MP, Minister for Consumer and Business Services for the State of South Australia, do hereby grant the following exemption from the provisions of the Act. This exemption applies only to existing residential tenancy agreements where a Tier 1 (or equivalent) community housing provider registered under section 4 of the Community Housing Providers National Law set out in Schedule 1 of the Community Housing Providers (National Law) (South Australia) Act 2013 (‘registered community housing provider’) is the landlord as a result of the transfer of the management of that residential tenancy agreement from the South Australian Housing Trust to the registered community housing provider under a concurrent lease and as part of a large scale tenancy and property management transfer project approved by Cabinet: 1. Section 62(2) of the Act shall not apply. Dated 13 September 2017. JOHN RAU, Minister for Consumer and Business Services


ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991: SECTION 24 NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF ROAD PROCESS ORDER Road Closure – Haines Road, Mount Barker BY Road Process Order made on 6 June 2017, the Mount Barker District Council ordered that: 1. Portion of Haines Road (Public Road) situated adjoining Allotment 3 in Deposited Plan 83903, Allotment 31 in Deposited Plan 17656 and Allotment 29 in File Plan 160106 in the , more particularly delineated and lettered “A”, “C” and “D” in Preliminary Plan 16/0025 be closed. 2. Portion of Haines Road (Public Road) situated adjoining Allotment 5 in File Plan 105267 and Allotment 31 in Deposited Plan 17656 in the Hundred of Macclesfield, more particularly delineated and lettered “B” in Preliminary Plan 16/0025 be closed. 3. The land subject to the closure in schedule 1 is to be retained by Council. 4. The land subject to the closure in schedule 2 is to be transferred to Amblemead Mt Barker Pty. Ltd. in accordance with the agreement for transfer dated 5 June 2017 entered into between the Mount Barker District Council and Amblemead Mt Barker Pty. Ltd. On 12/9/2017 that order was confirmed by the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure conditionally upon the deposit by the Registrar-General of Deposited Plan 116214 being the authority for the new boundaries. Pursuant to section 24(5) of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act, 1991, NOTICE of the Order referred to above and its confirmation is hereby given. Dated 19 September 2017. M. P. BURDETT, Surveyor-General

TRAINING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACT 2008 Part 4 – Apprenticeships/Traineeships PURSUANT to the provision of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008, the Training and Skills Commission (TaSC) gives notice that determines the following Trades or Declared Vocations in addition to the gazette notices of: 1. 25 September 2008 2. 23 October 2008 3. 13 November 2008 4. 4 December 2008 5. 18 December 2008 6. 29 January 2009 7. 12 February 2009 8. 5 March 2009 9. 12 March 2009 10. 26 March 2009 11. 30 April 2009 12. 18 June 2009 13. 25 June 2009 14. 27 August 2009 15. 17 September 2009 16. 24 September 2009 17. 9 October 2009 18. 22 October 2009 19. 3 December 2009 20. 17 December 2009 21. 4 February 2010 22. 11 February 2010 23. 18 February 2010 24. 18 March 2010 25. 8 April 2010 26. 6 May 2010 27. 20 May 2010 28. 3 June 2010 29. 17 June 2010 30. 24 June 2010 31. 8 July 2010 32. 9 September 2010 33. 23 September 2010 34. 4 November 2010 35. 25 November 2010 36. 16 December 2010 37. 23 December 2010 38. 17 March 2011 39. 7 April 2011 40. 21 April 2011 41. 19 May 2011 42. 30 June 2011 43. 21 July 2011 44. 8 September 2011 45. 10 November 2011 46. 24 November 2011 47. 1 December 2011 48. 8 December 2011 49. 16 December 2011 50. 22 December 2011 51. 5 January 2012 52. 19 January 2012 53. 1 March 2012 54. 29 March 2012 55. 24 May 2012 56. 31 May 2012 57. 7 June 2012 58. 14 June 2012 59. 21 June 2012 60. 28 June 2012 61. 5 July 2012 62. 12 July 2012 63. 19 July 2012 64. 2 August 2012 65. 9 August 2012 66. 30 August 2012 67. 13 September 2012 68. 4 October 2012 69. 18 October 2012 70. 25 October 2012 71. 8 November 2012 72. 29 November 2012 73. 13 December 2012 74. 25 January 2013 75. 14 February 2013 76. 21 February 2013 77. 28 February 2013 78. 7 March 2013 79. 14 March 2013 80. 21 March 2013 81. 28 March 2013 82. 26 April 2013 83. 23 May 2013 84. 30 May 2013 85. 13 June 2013 86. 20 June 2013 87. 11 July 2013 88. 1 August 2013 89. 8 August 2013 90. 15 August 2013 91. 29 August 2013 92. 6 February 2014 93. 12 June 2014 94. 28 August 2014 95. 4 September 2014 96. 16 October 2014 97. 23 October 2014 98. 5 February 2015 99. 26 March 2015 100. 16 April 2015 101. 27 May 2015 102. 18 June 2015 103. 3 December 2015 104. 7 April 2016 105. 30 June 2016 106. 28 July 2016 107. 8 September 2016 108. 22 September 2016 109. 27 October 2016 110. 29 November 2016 111. 15 December 2016 112. 7 March 2017 113. 21 March 2017 114. 23 May 2017 115. 13 June 2017 116. 18 July 2017 117. 19 September 2017 Trades or Declared Vocations and Required Qualifications and Training Contract Conditions for the Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package CPC

*Trade/ #Declared Vocation/ Qualification Nominal Term of Probationary Other Occupation Code Title Training Contract Period

Signwriter/ Sign Manufacturer* CPC30216 Certificate III in Signs and Graphics 48 Months 90 Days


South Australia Forestry (Forest Reserve and Native Forest Reserve— Northern Forest District) Variation Proclamation 2017 under section 3(3) of the Forestry Act 1950

Preamble 1 The following land is forest reserve under the Forestry Act 1950 (see proclamation, Gazette 19.3.1992 p877, as varied) and forms part of the Northern Forest District: Sections 301 and 302, Hundred of Darling. 2 The land referred to in clause 1 is also native forest reserve under the Forestry Act 1950 (see proclamation, Gazette 15.3.2001 p884). 3 It is now intended that, by this proclamation, the land cease to be forest reserve. 4 On ceasing to be forest reserve, the land also ceases to be native forest reserve (see section 3(6) of the Forestry Act 1950).

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title This proclamation may be cited as the Forestry (Forest Reserve and Native Forest Reserve—Northern Forest District) Variation Proclamation 2017. 2—Commencement This proclamation will come into operation in accordance with section 3(5) of the Forestry Act 1950 after being laid before both Houses of Parliament under section 3(4) of that Act. 3—Variation provisions In this proclamation, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of a specified proclamation varies the proclamation so specified.

Part 2—Variation of proclamation under Forestry Act 1950 declaring forest reserve (Gazette 19.3.1992 p877) as varied 4—Variation of Schedule Schedule, clause 2(g)—delete "301, 302," Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 17MFOR0006


South Australia Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Voting) Variation Regulations 2017 under the Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Act 1995

Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Regulations 2010 4 Variation of regulation 11—Voting

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia (Voting) Variation Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified.

Part 2—Variation of Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Regulations 2010 4—Variation of regulation 11—Voting Regulation 11—after subregulation (2) insert: (3) For the purposes of this regulation, if a voter places a tick or a cross on a ballot paper, the tick or cross will be taken to be equivalent to the number 1. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 273 of 2017 T&F17/062CS


South Australia Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Citrus Growers Fund) Regulations 2017 under the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998

Contents 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation 4 Citrus Growers Fund 5 Contributions for citrus fruit sold by citrus growers 6 Refunds of contributions 7 Application of Fund 8 Exclusion from benefits of person in default in relation to contributions 9 Exchange of information 10 False or misleading statements Schedule 1—Revocation of Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Citrus Growers Fund) Regulations 2005

1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Citrus Growers Fund) Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Interpretation In these regulations— Act means the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998; citrus fruit means citrons, lemons, limes, grapefruit, mandarins, oranges, sevilles, tangerines or a hybrid of any of those fruits; citrus fruit product means a product derived wholly or in part from citrus fruit; citrus grower means a person who carries on the business of producing citrus fruit for sale; citrus packer means a person who carries on the business of packing citrus fruit for sale by wholesale; citrus processor means a person who carries on the business of processing citrus fruit into a citrus fruit product for sale by wholesale; 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4101

financial year means a period of 12 months commencing on 1 July; Fund—see regulation 4; quarter means any period of 3 months commencing on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July or 1 October. revoked regulations means the Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Citrus Growers Fund) Regulations 2005. 4—Citrus Growers Fund (1) The Citrus Growers Fund (the Fund) established under the revoked regulations continues in existence. (2) The Fund will be administered by the Minister. (3) The Fund consists of— (a) contributions paid or collected in accordance with these regulations; and (b) contributions paid or collected in accordance with the revoked regulations; and (c) income of the Fund from investment; and (d) any other sums received by the Minister for payment into the Fund. 5—Contributions for citrus fruit sold by citrus growers (1) Contributions are payable to the Minister by or on behalf of citrus growers for payment into the Fund as follows: (a) the amount payable is— (i) $1.00; or (ii) if some other amount (which may be 0) is specified by the Minister by notice in the Gazette—that other amount, for each tonne of citrus fruit produced and sold by a citrus grower; (b) contributions are payable on a quarterly basis, or, with the approval in writing by the Minister on application by— (i) the grower; or (ii) in the case of fruit sold by a grower to a citrus packer or citrus processor— the packer or processor (as the case may be), on a monthly, half-yearly or yearly basis; (c) contributions payable for citrus fruit sold during a quarter (or other period as may be approved under paragraph (b)) fall due 28 days after that quarter (or other period); (d) if citrus fruit is sold by the citrus grower to a person who is not a citrus packer or citrus processor— (i) the contributions for a particular quarter (or other period) are payable in respect of the tonnage of citrus fruit sold during the quarter (or period); and (ii) the contributions are payable directly by the grower;


(e) if citrus fruit is sold by the citrus grower to a citrus packer or citrus processor— (i) the contributions for a particular quarter (or period) are payable in respect of the tonnage of citrus fruit packed or processed during the quarter (or period); and (ii) the contributions are payable by the citrus packer or citrus processor on behalf of the citrus grower out of the amount payable to the citrus grower for the citrus fruit. (2) A citrus packer or citrus processor who pays contributions on behalf of a citrus grower must— (a) deduct the amount of the contributions from the amount payable by the citrus packer or citrus processor to the citrus grower for the citrus fruit; and (b) keep proper records constituting evidence of the sale and deduction and make those records available for inspection at any reasonable time by a person authorised by the Minister for the purpose. (3) Each quarterly (or other periodic) payment of contributions to the Minister must be accompanied by a statement setting out the name and address of each citrus grower by or on behalf of whom the contributions are paid and, for each grower, the tonnage of citrus fruit in respect of which the contributions are paid. (4) The Minister may— (a) vary or revoke a notice in the Gazette made under subregulation (1)(a) by subsequent notice in the Gazette; (b) vary or revoke an approval under subregulation (1)(b). (5) A reference in subregulation (1)(a) to citrus fruit produced by a citrus grower is a reference to citrus fruit produced by the citrus grower during any season (including citrus fruit produced before the commencement of this regulation and sold after that commencement). 6—Refunds of contributions (1) A citrus grower may, by notice in writing to the Minister, within the month following a financial year in respect of which contributions have been paid by or on behalf of the citrus grower, make a claim for a refund in respect of those contributions. (2) A citrus grower claiming a refund under subregulation (1) must supply the Minister with— (a) evidence acceptable to the Minister of the contributions paid by or on behalf of the citrus grower in respect of which the claim for refund is made; and (b) if required by the Minister, verification of that evidence in the form of a statutory declaration. (3) If the citrus grower satisfies the Minister that the citrus grower is entitled to a refund, the Minister must refund to the citrus grower the amount of contributions paid by or on behalf of the citrus grower in respect of citrus fruit sold during the relevant financial year. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4103

7—Application of Fund The Fund may be applied by the Minister for any of the following purposes: (a) payments to a body that, in the opinion of the Minister, represents citrus growers for 1 or more of the following purposes: (i) the reasonable operating and management expenses of the body; (ii) fees for affiliation of the body with regional, State or national citrus or horticulture industry bodies; (iii) promoting the South Australian citrus industry, including through industry field days, conferences and other events; (iv) the collection and dissemination to citrus growers of information relevant to the citrus industry; (v) representation of citrus growers, or participation of the body, in regional, State or national citrus or horticulture industry forums; (vi) programs designed to encourage communication and cooperation between citrus growers, citrus packers, citrus processors and persons marketing citrus fruit or citrus fruit products; (vii) other purposes of the body; (b) payments for other purposes for the benefit of citrus growers; (c) payment of the expenses of administering the Fund; (d) repayment of contributions to the Fund under regulation 6. 8—Exclusion from benefits of person in default in relation to contributions (1) A person who is in default in relation to contributions to the Fund is not entitled to receive direct benefits or services funded by payments from the Fund. (2) A person is in default in relation to contributions to the Fund if, within the immediately preceding 2 financial years— (a) all or some of the contributions payable to the Fund by the person have not been paid; or (b) the person has been refunded contributions from the Fund. 9—Exchange of information (1) The Minister may require a body to which payments are made out of the Fund under regulation 7(a) to provide the Minister with— (a) a copy of the financial statements of the body; and (b) a copy of the annual report of the body; and (c) a copy of any business plan of the body; and (d) any other information reasonably required for the purposes of these regulations. (2) The Minister may provide the body with information identifying citrus growers who have been refunded contributions under these regulations or the revoked regulations.


10—False or misleading statements A person must not make a statement that is false or misleading in a material particular (whether by reason of the inclusion or omission of any particular) in any information provided, or record kept, for the purposes of these regulations. Maximum penalty: $5 000.

Schedule 1—Revocation of Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Citrus Growers Fund) Regulations 2005 The Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Citrus Growers Fund) Regulations 2005 are revoked. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 274 of 2017 17MAFF0035


South Australia Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2017 under the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998

Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation Part 2—Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund 4 Establishment of Fund 5 Contributions to Fund 6 Application of Fund 7 Purpose of Fund, reduction of prescribed amount and application of any surplus Part 3—Miscellaneous 8 False or misleading statements Schedule 1—Eyre Peninsula region Schedule 2—Revocation and transitional provision Part 1—Revocation of Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2006 1 Revocation of Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2006 Part 2—Transitional provision 2 Interpretation 3 Prescribed amount to continue

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2017.


2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Interpretation In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears— Act means the Primary Industry Funding Schemes Act 1998; Eyre Peninsula grain means grain produced in the Eyre Peninsula region; Eyre Peninsula grain grower means a person who carries on the business of producing grain in the Eyre Peninsula region; Eyre Peninsula grain railway line means the railway line used to transport grain that runs from Port Lincoln through Cummins and branches north west to Ceduna and north to Buckleboo; Eyre Peninsula region means the shaded area outlined in bold and shown on the map in Schedule 1; financial year means a period of 12 months commencing on 1 April; Fund—see regulation 4; grain means any cereals, oilseeds or pulses including wheat, barley, oats, canola, field peas, lupins, faba beans, chickpeas or triticale; prescribed amount means— (a) $0.50; or (b) such lesser amount (which may be 0) as is fixed by the Minister under regulation 7; silo means a structure or facility used for the bulk collection and storage of grain.

Part 2—Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund 4—Establishment of Fund (1) The Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund (the Fund) is established. (2) The Fund will be administered by the Minister. (3) The Fund will consist of— (a) contributions paid or collected in accordance with these regulations; and (b) income of the Fund from investment; and (c) any other sums received by the Minister for payment into the Fund. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4107

5—Contributions to Fund (1) Subject to these regulations, contributions are payable to the Minister for payment into the Fund as follows: (a) the prescribed amount for each tonne of Eyre Peninsula grain produced and sold by an Eyre Peninsula grain grower is payable by the grower in respect of grain delivered into storage in a silo located in the Eyre Peninsula region, other than a silo located at Thevenard, Pintumba or Penong; (b) contributions payable by a grain grower under paragraph (a) must be paid on behalf of the grower by the purchaser of the grain out of the amount payable by the purchaser to the grower for the grain. (2) A purchaser required to pay contributions on behalf of a grain grower under this regulation must— (a) keep proper records relating to an Eyre Peninsula grain grower and the tonnage of Eyre Peninsula grain sold to the purchaser by the grower and the contributions required to be made in respect of the grain; and (b) make those records available for inspection at any reasonable time by a person authorised by the Minister. (3) A purchaser required to pay contributions on behalf of a grain grower under this regulation must, on or before 30 April in each year, forward to the Minister for payment into the Fund the contributions payable in respect of grain purchased from the grower during the previous financial year. (4) Payment of contributions to the Minister under subregulation (3) must be accompanied by a financial statement in the form, and containing information, required by the Minister. (5) Refunds of contributions paid to the Fund by or on behalf of an Eyre Peninsula grain grower in respect of Eyre Peninsula grain sold during a financial year (the relevant financial year) may be claimed by the grain grower by notice in writing to the Minister given within the 12 months immediately following that financial year. (6) A person claiming a refund under subregulation (5) must supply the Minister with— (a) evidence acceptable to the Minister of the contributions made by or on behalf of the claimant in respect of which the claim for a refund is made; and (b) if required by the Minister, verification of that evidence in the form of a statutory declaration. (7) If the person satisfies the Minister that the person is entitled to a refund, the Minister must pay to the person an amount determined in accordance with the following formula: M RC=+×× C I 12

where— R is the amount of the refund; C is the amount of contributions paid by or on behalf of the person for grain sold during the relevant financial year;


M is the number of whole months between the date on which the contributions were paid into the Fund and the date on which the refund is made; I is the annual short term interest rate for the relevant financial year (as published by the Reserve Bank of Australia) expressed as a percentage. 6—Application of Fund The Fund may be applied by the Minister for any of the following purposes: (a) the improvement of the Eyre Peninsula grain railway line and associated equipment or infrastructure; (b) payment of the expenses of administering the Fund; (c) repayment of contributions to the Fund under regulation 5. 7—Purpose of Fund, reduction of prescribed amount and application of any surplus (1) The purpose of the Fund is to raise $2 million towards the cost of improving the Eyre Peninsula grain railway line and associated equipment and infrastructure. (2) The Minister must, as soon as practicable after 30 April in each year, review the contribution rate for the Fund in light of the amount raised for the purpose of the Fund since its commencement and the anticipated expenses of administering the Fund and payment of refunds from the Fund. (3) Following a review, the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, reduce the contribution rate by reducing the prescribed amount. (4) The Minister must reduce the contribution rate to 0 if, in the opinion of the Minister following a review, the purpose of the Fund has been met. (5) If, in the opinion of the Minister, the purpose of the Fund has been met but money remains in the Fund after the payment of expenses and refunds of contributions, the Minister may apply the Fund for other purposes for the benefit of Eyre Peninsula grain growers (including by distributing it amongst the grain growers in proportion to contributions made but not refunded).

Part 3—Miscellaneous 8—False or misleading statements A person must not make a statement that is false or misleading in a material particular (whether by reason of the inclusion or omission of any particular) in information provided, or record kept, for the purposes of these regulations. Maximum penalty: $5 000. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4109

Schedule 1—Eyre Peninsula region 001 _ 203357 Wallaroo Victoria Port . . n ILN ·-!~ (" argement l En km on i 100 g e r ing p dreds -= n crop Hu a l il dary un 50 nsu i bo l Counc i Pen of Eyre Counc Out D -- c:J t Enlargemen See


Schedule 2—Revocation and transitional provision Part 1—Revocation of Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2006 1—Revocation of Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2006 The Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2006 are revoked. Part 2—Transitional provision 2—Interpretation In this Part— revoked regulations means the Primary Industry Funding Schemes (Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund) Regulations 2006. 3—Prescribed amount to continue A notice in the Gazette under regulation 7(3) of the revoked regulations that was in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as a notice in the Gazette under regulation 7(3) of these regulations. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 275 of 2017 17MAFF0035


South Australia Wine Grapes Industry Regulations 2017 under the Wine Grapes Industry Act 1991

Contents 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Production Area Schedule 1—Revocation of Wine Grapes Industry Regulations 2004

1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Wine Grapes Industry Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Production Area For the purposes of paragraph (g) of the definition of production area in section 3(1) of the Wine Grapes Industry Act 1991, those areas of the State south of latitude 32° South not already included (by that definition) in the production area are declared to be part of the production area.

Schedule 1—Revocation of Wine Grapes Industry Regulations 2004 The Wine Grapes Industry Regulations 2004 are revoked. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 276 of 2017 17MAFF0035


South Australia Development (Upgrading Underutilised Buildings) Variation Regulations 2017 under the Development Act 1993

Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Development Regulations 2008 4 Variation of regulation 80—Requirement to up-grade building in certain cases 5 Insertion of regulation 80ABA 80ABA Fire safety relating to existing class 2 to 9 buildings 6 Variation of regulation 82—Classification of buildings 7 Variation of Schedule 1A—Development that does not require development plan consent

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Development (Upgrading Underutilised Buildings) Variation Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4113

Part 2—Variation of Development Regulations 2008 4—Variation of regulation 80—Requirement to up-grade building in certain cases Regulation 80—after subregulation (1) insert: (1a) Pursuant to section 7(3)(b) of the Act, section 53A(1) of the Act applies in relation to a class 2 to class 9 building as if it were modified as follows: (1) If an application for a building rules consent relates to building work in the nature of an alteration to a class 2 to 9 building constructed before 1 January 2002 and the building is, in the opinion of the relevant authority, unsafe, structurally unsound or in an unhealthy condition, the relevant authority may require, as a condition of consent— (a) that building work that conforms with the requirements of the Building Rules be carried out to the extent reasonably necessary to ensure that the building is safe and conforms to proper structural and health standards; or (b) that the building work comply with Minister's Specification SA: Upgrading health and safety in existing buildings (to the extent reasonably applicable to the building and its condition). 5—Insertion of regulation 80ABA After regulation 80AB insert: 80ABA—Fire safety relating to existing class 2 to 9 buildings Pursuant to section 7(3)(b) of the Act, section 71 of the Act applies in relation to an existing class 2 to class 9 building as if it were modified as follows: (a) insert after subsection (2): (2a) Despite a preceding subsection, the fire safety of an existing class 2 to class 9 building will be taken to be adequate for the purposes of this section if it complies with Part 3 of Minister's Specification SA: Upgrading health and safety in existing buildings (including any provisions of that Specification that assist in the interpretation or construction of that Part) to the extent reasonably applicable to the building. (b) delete subsection (16) and substitute:


(16) Any action taken under this section in relation to an existing class 2 to class 9 building should seek to achieve compliance with Part 3 of Minister's Specification SA: Upgrading health and safety in existing buildings (including any provisions of that Specification that assist in the interpretation or construction of that Part) to the extent reasonably applicable to the building. 6—Variation of regulation 82—Classification of buildings (1) Regulation 82(4)—delete "A council" and substitute: Subject to subregulation (4a), a council (2) Regulation 82—after subregulation (4) insert: (4a) If an application under this regulation is made in respect of an existing class 2 to class 9 building, the council may require the applicant to satisfy it that Minister's Specification SA: Upgrading health and safety in existing buildings has been complied with (to the extent reasonably applicable to the building and its present or intended use). 7—Variation of Schedule 1A—Development that does not require development plan consent (1) Schedule 1A clause 11(1)—delete ", a River Murray Zone, or the area of The Corporation of the City of Adelaide," and substitute: or a River Murray Zone (2) Schedule 1A clause 12(1)(b)—before "the area" insert: subject to subclause (1a), (3) Schedule 1A clause 12—after subclause (1) insert: (1a) Demolition undertaken within a building in the area of The Corporation of the City of Adelaide. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 277 of 2017 PLN0023/17CS


South Australia Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat) Regulations 2017 under the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation 4 Definition of meat (section 6 of Act) Part 2—Meat industry food safety scheme Division 1—Preliminary 5 Meat industry food safety scheme 6 Minister is accreditation body Division 2—Accreditation 7 Obligation to be accredited 8 Separate accreditation required for each premises 9 Grant of accreditation 10 Approved food safety arrangement 11 Compliance with codes 12 Approval required to carry on new activity 13 Notification of change in circumstances Division 3—Marking of meat and containers 14 Marking of meat before removal from premises 15 Marking of containers before removal from premises 16 Leasing and care of brands used to mark meat safe and suitable 17 Offence to manufacture or possess unauthorised brand Division 4—Sale of meat 18 Meat for human consumption not to be sold unless lawfully produced and safe and suitable 19 Meat for consumption by pets not to be sold unless lawfully produced and suitable Part 3—Evidence 20 Evidence Part 4—Fees and charges 21 Annual fees and returns 22 Matters to be determined in calculating annual fees 23 Fee payable before grant of accreditation 24 Fees generally


Schedule 1—Codes (regulation 11) Schedule 2—Fees and charges Schedule 3—Revocation and transitional provisions Part 1—Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006 1 Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006 Part 2—Transitional provisions 2 Interpretation 3 Approved food safety arrangements to continue 4 Compliance with codes—exemptions to continue 5 Approvals to carry on new activity to continue 6 Brands to continue 7 Offence to manufacture or possess unauthorised brand—approvals to continue

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat) Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Interpretation (1) In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears— accredited meat producer means— (a) an accredited processor or handler; or (b) an accredited poultry grower; accredited poultry grower means a person accredited under these regulations to carry on the business of growing poultry for human consumption; accredited processor or handler means a person accredited under these regulations to carry on the business of processing or handling meat; Act means the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004; administration fee—the monetary value of the administration fee is set out in Schedule 2, item 2; cooked—see regulation 4(2); fee unit—the monetary value of a fee unit is set out in Schedule 2, item 1; Food Standards Code has the same meaning as in the Food Act 2001; handle, in relation to meat, means pack, store or transport meat; lawfully produced for consumption by pets—see subregulation (3); 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4117

lawfully produced for human consumption—see subregulation (2); meat industry food safety scheme means the food safety scheme for the meat industry established under these regulations; mechanised process, in relation to slaughtering, means a process involving the automated transfer of carcasses along all or part of a production line; poultry means chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, duck, geese, pheasants, quail, squab (pigeons), muttonbirds or other avian species but does not include ratites; prime mover has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961; process, in relation to meat, means carry on an activity involved in meat processing; produce, in relation to meat, means— (a) process or handle meat; or (b) in the case of meat derived from poultry—grow poultry; ready-to-eat meat means ready-to-eat meat within the meaning of Division 3 of Standard 4.2.3 of the Food Standards Code; red meat animals means cattle, sheep, pigs, goats or deer; relevant period, in relation to an annual fee—see regulation 22(1)(a); retail meat processor and handler means a person who operates a business involving the processing and handling of meat for human consumption for retail sale where— (a) 50% or more (by mass) of the meat sold in the course of that business during the relevant period is sold by retail; and (b) not more than 4 tonnes of meat sold in the course of that business during the relevant period is sold by wholesale; semi-trailer has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961; smallgoods means meat of a kind referred to in regulation 4(1)(a) and (b). wild game means an animal living in a wild state and not under any artificial confinement. (2) For the purposes of these regulations, meat will only be taken to have been lawfully produced for human consumption if— (a) in the case of meat that has been processed outside of Australia—it has been lawfully imported into Australia; and (b) in any case, to the extent to which it has been produced in Australia, the production has been carried on— (i) in accordance with the requirements of the Act and these regulations; or (ii) in accordance with the law in force in another State or Territory of the Commonwealth, relating to the processing and handling of meat for human consumption. (3) For the purposes of these regulations, meat will only be taken to have been lawfully produced for consumption by pets if— (a) in the case of meat that has been processed outside of Australia—it has been lawfully imported into Australia; and


(b) in any case, to the extent to which it has been processed or handled in Australia, the processing or handling has been carried on— (i) in accordance with the requirements of the Act and these regulations; or (ii) in accordance with the law in force in another State or Territory of the Commonwealth, relating to the processing and handling of meat for consumption by pets. 4—Definition of meat (section 6 of Act) (1) For the purposes of the definition of meat in section 6 of the Act— (a) the following products within the meaning of Standards 1.6.2 and 2.2.1 of the Food Standards Code are included within the ambit of the definition: (i) cured meat (see Division 1 of Standard 2.2.1); (ii) dried meat (see clause 5 of Standard 1.6.2); (iii) manufactured meat (see Division 1 of Standard 2.2.1), including ready-to-eat meat; (iv) processed meat (see Division 1 of Standard 2.2.1); (v) sausage meat (see Division 2 of Standard 2.2.1); (vi) sausage (see Division 1 of Standard 2.2.1); (b) the following products are included within the ambit of the definition: (i) minced meat; (ii) salted meat; (iii) tripe; (iv) cooked meat products that are on premises at which meat processing other than the production of the cooked meat products is carried on; (c) the following products are excluded from the ambit of the definition: (i) a meat pie within the meaning of Division 1 of Standard 2.2.1 of the Food Standards Code (clause 1); (ii) a sausage roll or meat pastie or any other pastry product containing meat; (iii) canned meat products; (iv) pasta, or pasta sauce, containing meat; (v) cooked meat products (other than those referred to in paragraph (a) or (b)). (2) In this regulation— cooked, in relation to meat, means meat the core temperature of which has been maintained— (a) at 65° Celsius for a period of at least 10 minutes; or (b) at a higher temperature for a period of time that produces an equivalent microbiological effect in relation to the meat. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4119

Part 2—Meat industry food safety scheme

Division 1—Preliminary 5—Meat industry food safety scheme These regulations establish a food safety scheme for the following classes of activities: (a) carrying on the business of producing meat; (b) carrying on the business of selling meat (by wholesale or retail). 6—Minister is accreditation body The Minister is the accreditation body for accrediting persons carrying on the business of producing meat.

Division 2—Accreditation 7—Obligation to be accredited (1) For the purposes of section 12 of the Act, a person must not carry on the business of producing meat without an accreditation. (2) Subregulation (1) does not apply in respect of the following activities: (a) the growing of poultry, the killing of an animal, or the further processing or handling of an animal, at premises by or on behalf of the owner of the premises if none of the meat from the animal is— (i) sold or intended for sale; or (ii) used, or intended for use, as food for paying guests; or (iii) taken away, or intended to be taken away, from the premises; (b) the killing of wild game, or the further processing or handling of wild game, if none of the meat from the game is— (i) sold or intended for sale; or (ii) used, or intended for use, for business purposes; (c) the further processing or handling of meat that has been lawfully produced for human consumption if— (i) the further processing or handling occurs in the course of the retail sale of meat and consists of— (A) the storage of meat in the package in which it was received; or (B) cutting or slicing and packaging of ready-to--eat meat in a supermarket or delicatessen; or (ii) the further processing or handling is done by a person in the course of the preparation of food for consumption by customers or guests of that person; or (iii) the further processing or handling does not constitute or form part of a business and none of the meat is— (A) sold or intended for sale; or (B) used, or intended for use, for business purposes.


8—Separate accreditation required for each premises If an applicant for accreditation proposes to carry on the business of producing meat at more than 1 discrete premises, application must be made for a separate accreditation in respect of each of the premises. 9—Grant of accreditation For the purposes of section 15(1)(c) of the Act, an applicant for accreditation must satisfy the Minister that the applicant has the capacity, or has made or proposes to make appropriate arrangements, to satisfy the requirements of the Act and these regulations applicable to the activities to be accredited. 10—Approved food safety arrangement An accredited meat producer must adopt an approved food safety arrangement. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. 11—Compliance with codes (1) An accredited meat producer must ensure that the activities authorised under the accreditation are carried on in compliance with the codes set out in Schedule 1 for those activities (subject to the modifications in subregulation (3) and Schedule 1). Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. (2) The Minister may, on application, exempt an accredited meat producer from compliance with specified provisions of a code if satisfied that the person has made alternative arrangements in order to be able to comply within a specified period. (3) The Australian Standards set out in Schedule 1 are modified as follows: (a) a reference to the Controlling Authority or to the Chief Inspector is to be taken to be a reference to the Minister; (b) a reference to a licence is to be taken to be a reference to an accreditation; (c) a reference to a licensee is to be taken to be a reference to an accredited meat producer; (d) a reference to a registration is to be taken to be a reference to an accreditation; (e) a reference to a registered person is to be taken to be a reference to an accredited meat producer; (f) a reference to an inspector or to a meat safety inspector is to be taken to be a reference to an authorised person or a person designated (individually or by class) by the Minister by condition of accreditation as an inspector in relation to an accredited meat producer; (g) a reference to the production of meat is to be taken to be a reference to the processing or handling of meat and, in the case of meat derived from poultry, the growing of poultry; (h) a reference to an approved arrangement is to be taken to be a reference to an approved food safety arrangement; (i) a reference to premises is to be taken to be a reference to premises specified under the accreditation; 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4121

(j) a reference to the proprietor of a meat business is to be taken to be a reference to a person carrying on the business of processing or handling meat; (k) a reference to the proprietor of a meat transport business is to be taken to be a reference to a person carrying on the business of transporting meat; (l) a reference to equipment is to be taken to be a reference to equipment used under the accreditation. 12—Approval required to carry on new activity An accredited meat producer must not carry on activities under the accreditation other than activities of a class specified under the accreditation without the prior written approval of the Minister. 13—Notification of change in circumstances An accredited meat producer must, no later than 14 days after— (a) a change in business name under which the accredited meat producer carries on activities under the accreditation; or (b) a change in the accredited meat producer's business address (including a change in the registered corporate office if the accredited meat producer is a body corporate); or (c) the commencement of construction, demolition or removal of a building or part of a building at premises at which activities are carried on under the accreditation, give the Minister written notice of those matters. Maximum penalty: $250. Expiation fee: $80.

Division 3—Marking of meat and containers 14—Marking of meat before removal from premises (1) An accredited meat producer authorised under the accreditation to slaughter animals must ensure that, before meat derived from animals processed under the accreditation and intended for human consumption is removed from premises subject to the accreditation, the meat— (a) is safe and suitable; and (b) has been marked as safe and suitable. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. (2) Subregulation (1)(b) does not apply in relation to— (a) meat processed or handled in an establishment registered under the Export Control Act 1982 of the Commonwealth (as amended from time to time) and marked in accordance with that Act; or (b) meat derived from poultry. (3) For the purposes of subregulation (1)(b), meat will only be taken to have been marked as safe and suitable if it is marked— (a) in accordance with the accreditation; or


(b) by means of a brand or brands1 leased by the producer from the Minister in accordance with the terms of the lease. Note— 1 The brand will include the relevant accreditation number and may, if the brand is to be used in relation to a particular class of meat, include letters, numbers or symbols identifying the class of meat. 15—Marking of containers before removal from premises (1) An accredited meat producer must ensure that, before a container or other thing containing meat intended for human consumption is removed from the premises subject to the accreditation, it is marked with the person's accreditation number and the date of packing1. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. (2) This regulation does not apply in relation to poultry. Note— 1 These requirements are in addition to labelling requirements under the Food Act 2001 or other legislation. 16—Leasing and care of brands used to mark meat safe and suitable (1) The Minister may charge a fee for leasing a brand and may impose conditions on the lease. (2) An accredited meat producer to whom a brand is leased must take all reasonable steps to prevent the brand from being stolen, defaced or used for a purpose other than the marking of meat for human consumption processed under the accreditation. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. (3) An accredited meat producer to whom a brand is leased must return the brand to the Minister within 7 days after— (a) the accreditation is cancelled, suspended or surrendered; or (b) receiving a written request for its return from the Minister. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Expiation fee: $210. 17—Offence to manufacture or possess unauthorised brand (1) A person must not, without the approval of the Minister— (a) manufacture; or (b) have in his or her custody or possession, a brand that is or purports or appears to be a brand of a kind leased from the Minister under this Part. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. (2) Subregulation (1)(b) does not apply in relation to a brand leased from the Minister being in the custody or possession of the lessee, or an employee or agent of the lessee, at the premises at which animals are slaughtered under the lessee's accreditation. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4123

Division 4—Sale of meat 18—Meat for human consumption not to be sold unless lawfully produced and safe and suitable A person must not sell meat for human consumption unless— (a) it has been lawfully produced for human consumption; and (b) it is safe and suitable. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. 19—Meat for consumption by pets not to be sold unless lawfully produced and suitable A person must not sell meat for consumption by pets unless— (a) it has been lawfully produced for consumption by pets; and (b) it is suitable. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315.

Part 3—Evidence 20—Evidence (1) In proceedings for an offence against the Act or these regulations, an allegation— (a) that specified matter was meat; or (b) that specified meat was intended for human consumption; or (c) that specified meat was intended for consumption by pets; or (d) that the sale of specified meat was for human consumption; or (e) that the sale of specified meat was for consumption by pets, will be accepted as proved, in the absence of proof to the contrary. (2) In proceedings for an offence against the Act or these regulations, proof that specified meat was on any premises used by a person for or in connection with the business of selling meat, or on any adjacent premises occupied by that person or any member of his or her family, will, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be accepted as proof that the meat was being offered, exposed or stored for sale by that person.

Part 4—Fees and charges 21—Annual fees and returns (1) For the purposes of section 17(1) of the Act, an accredited meat producer must, not later than 30 June in each year— (a) pay to the Minister the annual fee set out in Schedule 2; and (b) lodge with the Minister an annual return. (2) For the purposes of section 17(2) of the Act, the penalty for default in paying an annual fee or lodging an annual return is set out in Schedule 2.


22—Matters to be determined in calculating annual fees (1) For the purposes of calculating the annual fee— (a) the Minister may, from time to time, determine the period that is to be the relevant period for determining the nature and level of activity of accredited meat producers; and (b) the Minister may determine the nature of an accredited meat producer's activity having regard to information about the amount (by mass) of meat processed, handled or sold in the course of the person's business during the relevant period; and (c) the Minister may determine the level of activity of an accredited meat producer having regard to information about the number of positions held by persons engaged in the meat producer's business during the relevant period; and (d) if an accredited meat producer has not carried on business under the accreditation during the relevant period or part of the relevant period, the Minister may determine the nature and level of the meat producer's activity having regard to the Minister's reasonable assumptions as to what would have been the nature and level of the activity during the relevant period or part of the relevant period had the person carried on the business during that time. (2) An accredited meat producer must, if the Minister so requires by written notice, provide the Minister with specified information to enable the Minister to determine a matter under this regulation. Maximum penalty: $5 000. Expiation fee: $315. 23—Fee payable before grant of accreditation (1) A person who applies for accreditation must, before the accreditation is granted, pay to the Minister a fee of an amount calculated by multiplying the applicant's projected annual fee by the proportion that the number of whole months between the grant of the accreditation and the next 30 June bears to 12 months. (2) For the purposes of subregulation (1), an applicant's projected annual fee is the amount determined by the Minister as equivalent to the annual fee that would be payable by the applicant were the applicant an accredited meat producer liable to pay an annual fee under section 17 of the Act calculated by reference to the nature and level of the activity carried on by the applicant during the relevant period or the Minister's reasonable assumptions as to what would have been the nature and level of activity during the relevant period had the applicant's business commenced then. 24—Fees generally (1) Further fees and charges are payable as set out in Schedule 2. (2) The Minister may waive, defer or reduce payment of a fee payable under these regulations if the Minister considers that appropriate in the circumstances. (3) The Minister may recover an amount payable to the Minister by way of a fee or part of a fee payable under these regulations as a debt from the person liable to pay. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4125

Schedule 1—Codes (regulation 11) A code set out in column 3 in the table in this Schedule applies in relation to the type of activity specified in column 2, subject to any modifications specified in column 4.

Item Type of activity Code Modifications 1 Processing of meat consisting of AS 4696:2007 Hygienic Standard 4.2.3 is modified as killing an animal intended for Production and Transportation follows: human consumption excluding— of Meat and Meat Products for • after the definition of Human Consumption, as • killing poultry; or "ready-to-eat meat" amended or substituted from insert "relevant • killing kangaroos or time to time. authority means the other game in the field; Standard 4.2.3 of the Food Minister." or Standards Code, as amended or • delete from the Editorial • killing rabbits; or substituted from time to time. note at the foot of clause • killing ratite birds. 4 "'Relevant authority is defined in Standard

1.1.1.". Processing or handling of a The carrying on of activities killed animal, or meat derived authorised under the accreditation from a killed animal, for human in compliance with the consumption excluding— Guidelines for the Safe • processing poultry; or Manufacture of Smallgoods published by Meat & Livestock • processing kangaroos Australia Ltd, ISBN 1 74036 0508, or other game; or as amended or substituted from • processing rabbits; or time to time, will be taken to be the carrying on of those activities • processing ratite birds; in compliance with AS 4696:2007 or and Standard 4.2.3. • transporting field processed kangaroos or other game to initial refrigeration facilities. For example— • boning; • pre-trimming; • trimming; • producing primal or other cuts of meat; • mincing; • dicing; • packing and storing meat or offal.


2 Processing or handling of meat AS 4696:2007 Hygienic Standard 4.2.3 is modified as derived from poultry or products Production and Transportation follows: within the meaning of meat as of Meat and Meat Products for • after the definition of defined by regulation 4. Human Consumption, as "ready-to-eat meat" amended or substituted from insert "relevant time to time. authority means the AS 4465:2005 Construction of Minister." Premises and Hygienic • delete from the Editorial Production of Poultry Meat for note at the foot of clause Human Consumption, as 4 "'Relevant authority is amended or substituted from defined in Standard time to time. 1.1.1.". Standard 4.2.2 of the Food The carrying on of activities Standards Code, as amended or authorised under the accreditation substituted from time to time. in compliance with the Standard 4.2.3 of the Food Guidelines for the Safe Standards Code, as amended or Manufacture of Smallgoods substituted from time to time. published by Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, ISBN 1 74036 0508, as amended or substituted from time to time, will be taken to be the carrying on of those activities in compliance with AS 4696:2007 and Standard 4.2.3. 3 Growing or processing poultry, AS 4696:2007 Hygienic The carrying on of activities or processing or handling meat Production and Transportation authorised under the accreditation derived from poultry, for human of Meat and Meat Products for in compliance with the consumption. Human Consumption, as Guidelines for the Safe amended or substituted from Manufacture of Smallgoods time to time. published by Meat & Livestock Australia Ltd, ISBN 1 74036 0508, AS 4465:2005 Construction of as amended or substituted from Premises and Hygienic time to time, will be taken to be Production of Poultry Meat for the carrying on of those activities Human Consumption, as in compliance with AS 4696:2007. amended or substituted from time to time. Standard 4.2.2 of the Food Standards Code as amended or substituted from time to time. 4 Processing or handling of AS 4464:2007 Hygienic kangaroos or other game, or Production of Wild Game Meat meat derived from kangaroos or for Human Consumption, as other game, for human amended or substituted from consumption. time to time. Transporting field processed kangaroos or other game to initial refrigeration facilities. 5 Processing or handling of AS 4466:1997 Hygienic rabbits, or meat derived from Production of Rabbit Meat for rabbits for human consumption. Human Consumption, as amended or substituted from time to time. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4127

6 Processing or handling of ratite AS 5010:2001 Hygienic birds, or meat derived from ratite Production of Ratite birds for human consumption. (Emu/Ostrich) Meat for Human Consumption, as amended or substituted from time to time. 7 Processing of natural sausage AS 5011:2001 Hygienic casings derived from the Production of Natural Casings intestines of sheep, pigs, goats or for Human Consumption, as cattle. amended or substituted from time to time. 8 Processing or handling of meat AS 4841:2006 Australian A reference to an animal approved for consumption by pets. Standard for the Hygienic by the Controlling Authority for Production of Pet Meat, as the production of pet meat will be amended or substituted from taken to be a reference to any of time to time. the following animals: • buffalo; • camel; • cattle; • deer; • donkey; • emu; • goat; • hare; • horse; • kangaroo; • ostrich; • pig; • poultry; • rabbit; • sheep; • wallaby.

Schedule 2—Fees and charges

Monetary value of fee unit and administration fee 1 Fee unit $110 2 Administration fee $217

Application fees 3 Application fee for accreditation (section 13 of Act)— (i) if 6 or fewer full time equivalent positions are to be held by persons $162

engaged in processing or handling meat under the accreditation (ii) in any other case $371


4 Application fee for variation of conditions of accreditation or variation of an approved food safety arrangement (section 18 of Act)— (i) if 6 or fewer full time equivalent positions are to be held by persons $162

engaged in processing or handling meat under the accreditation (ii) in any other case $371 5 Application fee for exemption from compliance with code (regulation 11) $371

Annual fees (section 17 of Act) 6 Annual fee for accreditation authorising a person to process or handle meat for administration fee consumption by pets only 7 Annual fee for accreditation authorising a person to store or transport meat

only— (a) ...... administration fee plus (b) if the person is authorised to store meat 2 fee units plus (c) if the person is authorised to transport meat—for each vehicle used 1 fee unit to transport meat under the accreditation during the relevant period Note—

If a person uses more than one semi-trailer for each prime mover used to transport meat, each additional semi-trailer is, for the purposes of item 7(c) to be regarded as a separate vehicle. 8 Annual fee for accreditation authorising a person to process or handle

kangaroos in the field— (a) ...... administration fee plus (b) for each tray or rack (being a tray or rack to be attached to a vehicle 1 fee unit used for transporting kangaroo carcasses) approved for use under the accreditation plus (c) for each field chiller owned or leased by the person and approved 1 fee unit for use under the accreditation 9 Annual fee for accreditation authorising a retail meat processor and handler to undertake further processing or handling of meat that has been lawfully produced for human consumption— (a) ...... administration fee plus (b) the aggregate of the fee units applicable to the each of the following types of activity carried on by the processor or handler: (i) production of smallgoods by a process involving fermentation 1 fee unit (ii) production of smallgoods by a process involving cooking or 1 fee unit curing 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4129

(iii) processing of raw meat (for example, boning, slicing, mincing 1 fee unit or dicing of meat) or production of raw smallgoods (for example, sausages, patties or corned or pickled meat) within the ambit of the definition of meat (see section 6 of the Act and regulation 4) 10 Annual fee for accreditation authorising a person to grow poultry— (a) if the poultry is being grown under contract to a processing 1 fee unit plus $25.25 company for each 1 000 m² of shed space in which the poultry is housed (b) in any other case administration fee plus 1 fee unit 11 In any other case, the annual fee is— (a) ...... administration fee plus (b) the aggregate of the fee units applicable to each of the following types of activity carried on by an accredited meat producer: (i) slaughtering for human consumption using a mechanised

process— (A) poultry only 8 fee units (B) red meat animals only 8 fee units (C) other 11 fee units (ii) slaughtering for human consumption without using a

mechanised process— (A) poultry only 4 fee units (B) red meat animals only 4 fee units (C) other 7 fee units (iii) slaughtering for consumption by pets 4 fee units (iv) production of smallgoods for human consumption by a process 4 fee units involving cooking or curing (v) production of smallgoods for human consumption by a process 4 fee units involving fermentation (vi) production of smallgoods for human consumption by a process 4 fee units not involving cooking, curing or fermentation (vii) further processing or handling of meat that has been lawfully 4 fee units produced for human consumption (other than the production of smallgoods) (eg boning, producing primal or other cuts of meat, packing meat and offal or processing or handling of field processed kangaroo carcasses) plus (c) the fee units applicable to the highest number of full-time equivalent positions (FTEs) held by persons engaged in producing meat under the accreditation during the relevant period as follows: (i) not more than 6 FTEs 2 fee units (ii) more than 6 but not more than 11 FTEs 6 fee units (iii) more than 11 but not more than 26 FTEs 12 fee units


(iv) more than 26 but not more than 40 FTEs 20 fee units (v) more than 40 but not more than 60 FTEs 30 fee units (vi) more than 60 FTEs 40 fee units plus (d) if the person owns or leases a field chiller used for initially 1 fee unit refrigerating kangaroo carcasses under the accreditation, for each field chiller 12 Despite items 6 to 11 above, the annual fee payable by an accredited meat producer who is authorised to produce meat other than for supply to the domestic Australian market and is registered in accordance with regulations under the Export Control Act 1982 of the Commonwealth is the administration fee.

Default penalty (section 17 of Act) 13 Penalty for default in payment of an annual fee or lodging of an annual return $180.00

Schedule 3—Revocation and transitional provisions Part 1—Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006 1—Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006 The Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006 are revoked. Part 2—Transitional provisions 2—Interpretation In this Part— revoked regulations means the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Meat Industry) Regulations 2006. 3—Approved food safety arrangements to continue An approved food safety arrangement adopted by an accredited meat producer under regulation 11 of the revoked regulations and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as an approved food safety arrangement adopted by the accredited meat producer under regulation 10 of these regulations, and subject to the same terms and conditions (if any), as applied under the approved food safety arrangement immediately before that commencement. 4—Compliance with codes—exemptions to continue An exemption given by the Minister under regulation 12(2) of the revoked regulations and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as an exemption under regulation 11(2) of these regulations, and subject to the same terms and conditions (if any), as applied in respect of the exemption immediately before that commencement. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4131

5—Approvals to carry on new activity to continue An approval given by the Minister under regulation 13 of the revoked regulations and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as an approval given by the Minister under regulation 12 of these regulations, and subject to the same terms and conditions (if any), as applied under the approval immediately before that commencement. 6—Brands to continue A brand leased by a producer from the Minister under regulation 15(3)(b) of the revoked regulations and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as a brand leased by the producer from the Minister under regulation 14(3)(b) of these regulations, and subject to the same terms and conditions (if any), as applied in respect of the brand immediately before that commencement. 7—Offence to manufacture or possess unauthorised brand—approvals to continue An approval given by the Minister under regulation 18 of the revoked regulations and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as an approval given by the Minister under regulation 17 of these regulations, and subject to the same conditions (if any), as applied under the approval immediately before that commencement. Made by the Governor following compliance by the Minister with section 11(4) of the Act and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 278 of 2017 17MAFF0034


South Australia Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2017 under the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004

Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation 4 Seafood food safety scheme Part 2—Obligations relating to Food Standards Code 5 All licensees must comply with Division 2 of Standard 4.2.1 Part 3—Obligations relating to production of bivalve molluscs 6 Obligation to be accredited 7 Grant of accreditation 8 Obligation to have approved food safety arrangement 9 Specific requirements Part 4—Fees and charges 10 Annual fees and returns 11 Fee payable before grant of accreditation 12 Fees generally Schedule 1—Fees and charges Schedule 2—Revocation and transitional provisions Part 1—Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006 1 Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006 Part 2—Transitional provisions 2 Interpretation 3 Approved food safety arrangements to continue 4 Specific requirements—notices to continue

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2017. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4133

2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Interpretation In these regulations— accredited producer means a bivalve mollusc producer accredited under these regulations; Act means the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004; approved area—see regulation 9(3); aquaculture licence has the same meaning as in the Aquaculture Act 2001; bivalve mollusc producer means the holder of an aquaculture or fishery licence authorising the farming or taking of bivalve molluscs; bivalve mollusc production activities means activities constituted of the production of primary produce involving bivalve molluscs intended for sale or supply for human consumption; bivalve molluscs includes cockles, clams, mussels, oysters, pipis and scallops; fishery licence has the same meaning as in the Fisheries Management Act 2007; food safety arrangement—see regulation 8; licensee means the holder of an aquaculture or fishery licence; restricted area—see regulation 9(3); spat means a mollusc that would pass through a screen with a mesh size of 10 millimetres by 10 millimetres; Standard 4.2.1 means Standard 4.2.1 (Primary Production & Processing Standard for Seafood) of the Food Standards Code, within the meaning of the Food Act 2001, and includes other documents called up by that Standard; wet storage means the storage of live bivalve molluscs in containers (not located in the sea) of natural or synthetic seawater. 4—Seafood food safety scheme (1) These regulations establish a food safety scheme (the seafood food safety scheme) for the activities of licensees constituted of the production of primary produce involving fish intended for sale or supply for human consumption. (2) The Minister is the accreditation body for the seafood food safety scheme.

Part 2—Obligations relating to Food Standards Code 5—All licensees must comply with Division 2 of Standard 4.2.1 A licensee must ensure that the requirements set out in Division 2 of Standard 4.2.1 are complied with in respect of activities to which the seafood food safety scheme applies (assuming the activities comprise a seafood business).


Part 3—Obligations relating to production of bivalve molluscs 6—Obligation to be accredited (1) For the purposes of section 12 of the Act, a bivalve mollusc producer must not engage in bivalve mollusc production activities without an accreditation. (2) A bivalve mollusc producer need not hold an accreditation if— (a) the only bivalve molluscs farmed or taken by the producer comprise spat; or (b) the only bivalve molluscs farmed or taken by the producer are scallops and only the adductor muscle of the scallops is sold or supplied for human consumption. 7—Grant of accreditation For the purposes of section 15(1)(c) of the Act, an applicant for accreditation must satisfy the Minister that the applicant has the capacity, or has made or proposes to make appropriate arrangements, to satisfy the requirements of the Act and these regulations applicable to the activities to be accredited. 8—Obligation to have approved food safety arrangement (1) An accredited producer must have a food safety arrangement approved by the Minister for bivalve mollusc production activities. (2) The food safety arrangement must— (a) comply with the requirements for a documented food safety management system set out in Division 3 of Standard 4.2.1; and (b) be designed to ensure compliance by the producer with regulation 9; and (c) be designed to ensure that the producer meets his or her obligations under the Food Act 2001 relating to ensuring that food for sale is both safe and suitable for human consumption. (3) An accredited producer who farms bivalve molluscs under an aquaculture licence need not have a food safety arrangement approved by the Minister in relation to those farming activities if all bivalve molluscs farmed by the producer are moved to the licence area of another accredited producer who farms bivalve molluscs under an aquaculture licence for further development prior to the molluscs being harvested for sale. 9—Specific requirements (1) An accredited producer must ensure that the following requirements are complied with in respect of bivalve mollusc production activities: (a) bivalve molluscs of a particular species (other than spat) must not be sold or supplied for human consumption unless they have been harvested for that purpose from a part of an approved area that is open in respect of the species; (b) bivalve molluscs of a particular species (other than spat) must not be brought into an approved area unless, immediately before being brought into the area, they were taken from— (i) another approved area; or (ii) a part of a restricted area that is open in respect of the species; 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4135

(c) bivalve molluscs of a particular species taken from a part of an approved area that is closed in respect of the species, or from a part of a restricted area that is open in respect of the species, must not be brought into an approved area except in accordance with a written authorisation (a relaying authorisation) granted to the producer by the Minister and, while in the approved area, the molluscs— (i) must be kept in an area that is clearly marked as a relaying area; and (ii) must be adequately separated from other bivalve molluscs so as to avoid cross contamination; and (iii) must be subjected to a process for the reduction of pathogenic organisms or contaminants, in accordance with the relaying authorisation; (d) bivalve molluscs must not be kept in wet storage except in accordance with a written authorisation (a wet storage authorisation) granted to the producer by the Minister; (e) bivalve molluscs that have been kept in wet storage must not be sold or supplied for human consumption unless the water in which the molluscs have been stored has been tested as required by the wet storage authorisation and found to be suitable as specified by the authorisation; (f) the producer must, in accordance with a request of the Minister, supply bivalve molluscs and water samples for testing and facilitate the taking of bivalve molluscs or water samples on behalf of the Minister; (g) bivalve molluscs harvested for human consumption by or on behalf of the producer on the same date from the same approved area must be stored and handled in a manner that ensures that they can be readily distinguished from bivalve molluscs harvested on a different date or from a different area and must, before being sold or supplied to another, be placed in a container labelled with— (i) the name of the producer; and (ii) the number of the producer's accreditation; and (iii) if the producer holds an aquaculture licence—the number of the licence; and (iv) if the producer holds a fishery licence—the number of the licence; and (v) the date on which the bivalve molluscs were harvested; and (vi) details identifying the approved area from which the bivalve molluscs were harvested; (h) bivalve molluscs farmed by an accredited producer who is exempt from the requirement to have an approved food safety arrangement must not be sold or supplied for human consumption unless the molluscs have been moved to the licence area of another accredited producer who farms bivalve molluscs under an aquaculture licence for further development prior to the molluscs being harvested; (i) if there is reason to believe that bivalve molluscs are unsafe or unsuitable as food within the meaning of the Food Act 2001, the producer must immediately notify the Minister. (2) Subregulation (1)(a) does not apply to scallops if only the adductor muscle of the scallops is sold or supplied for human consumption.


(3) The Minister may, either by notice in the Gazette or by written notice to accredited producers who are authorised to farm or take bivalve molluscs in the area— (a) classify an area as an approved area or a restricted area; (b) specify the period during the year when the area or parts of the area will be open (and if the Minister does not specify a period, the area will be taken to be open throughout the year); (c) specify the species for which the area will be open (and if the Minister does not specify a species, the area will be taken to be open in respect of all species); (d) temporarily close an approved area or restricted area or part of an approved area or restricted area absolutely or in respect of specified species. (4) The Minister may, by subsequent notice in the Gazette or by written notice to accredited producers who are authorised to farm or take bivalve molluscs in the area, vary or revoke a notice under subregulation (3).

Part 4—Fees and charges 10—Annual fees and returns (1) For the purposes of section 17(1) of the Act, for each year, an accredited producer must, not later than the prescribed date— (a) pay to the Minister the annual fee fixed by Schedule 1; and (b) lodge with the Minister an annual return that conforms to the requirements of the Minister about its form, contents and the manner in which it is made. (2) The prescribed date is— (a) if the producer holds an aquaculture or fishery licence that is granted on an annual basis—the day and month that the licence will expire; (b) if the producer holds an aquaculture or fishery licence that is granted for a period exceeding 1 year and is required to submit an annual return in connection with the licence—the day and month that the annual return must be submitted; (c) in any other case—the day and month specified by the Minister by notice in writing to the accredited producer. (3) For the purposes of section 17(2) of the Act, the penalty for default in paying an annual fee or lodging an annual return is as set out in Schedule 1. 11—Fee payable before grant of accreditation Before a bivalve mollusc producer is granted accreditation, the producer must pay a fee of an amount calculated by multiplying— (a) the annual fee that would have been payable by or on behalf of the producer had the producer been an accredited producer at the last date for payment of the annual fee; and (b) the proportion that the number of whole months between the grant of accreditation and the next date for payment of the annual fee bears to 12 months. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4137

12—Fees generally (1) Further fees and charges are payable as set out in Schedule 1. (2) The Minister may waive, defer or reduce payment of a fee payable under these regulations if the Minister considers that appropriate in the circumstances. (3) The Minister may recover an amount payable to the Minister by way of a fee or part of a fee payable under these regulations as a debt from the person liable to pay.

Schedule 1—Fees and charges

Application fees 1 Application fee for accreditation (section 13 of Act) $507.00 2 Application fee for approval of a food safety arrangement other than in $507.00 conjunction with an application for accreditation (regulation 8) 3 Application fee for variation of an approved food safety arrangement $507.00 (section 18 of Act)

Annual fees (section 17 of Act) 4 Annual fee payable by an accredited producer who holds— (a) an aquaculture licence authorising farming in a subtidal area $218.00 + $146.00 per hectare of the licence area (b) an aquaculture licence authorising farming in an intertidal area $218.00 + $308.00 per hectare of the licence area (c) a fishery licence authorising the taking of scallop (Family Pectinidae) $218.00 + $267.00 per licence (d) a fishery licence subject to a condition fixing a pipi quota entitlement $456.00 + $21.70 per pipi unit under the entitlement (e) a fishery licence subject to a condition fixing a vongole quota $456.00 + $0.15 per entitlement in respect of the Coffin Bay vongole fishing zone vongole unit under the entitlement (f) a fishery licence subject to a condition fixing a vongole quota $456.00 + $21.70 per entitlement in respect of the Port River vongole fishing zone vongole unit under the entitlement (g) a fishery licence subject to a condition fixing a vongole quota $456.00 + $7.70 per entitlement in respect of the West Coast vongole fishing zone vongole unit under the entitlement

Default penalty (section 17 of Act) 5 Penalty for default in payment of an annual fee or lodging of an annual return $107.00


Schedule 2—Revocation and transitional provisions Part 1—Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006 1—Revocation of Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006 The Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006 are revoked. Part 2—Transitional provisions 2—Interpretation In this Part— revoked regulations means the Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) (Seafood) Regulations 2006. 3—Approved food safety arrangements to continue A food safety arrangement approved under regulation 7 of the revoked regulations and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as a food safety arrangement approved under regulation 8 of these regulations, and subject to the same terms and conditions (if any), as applied under the food safety arrangement immediately before that commencement. 4—Specific requirements—notices to continue A notice to accredited producers made under regulation 8(2) of the revoked regulations in respect of a particular matter and in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will be taken, on and from that commencement, to continue as a notice to those accredited producers in relation to the same matter under regulation 9(3) of these regulations, and subject to the same terms and conditions (if any), as applied under the notice immediately before that commencement. Made by the Governor following compliance by the Minister with section 11(4) of the Act and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 279 of 2017 17MAFF0034


South Australia Veterinary Practice Regulations 2017 under the Veterinary Practice Act 2003

Contents 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation 4 Corresponding laws and recognition of registration under corresponding laws 5 Meaning of veterinary treatment 6 Exemptions for provision of veterinary treatment by unqualified persons 7 Prescribed information—claims against veterinary surgeon 8 Prescribed information—interests in prescribed business 9 Prescribed information—health professional's report as to medical unfitness of veterinary surgeon 10 Fees Schedule 1—Revocation of Veterinary Practice Regulations 2005

1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Interpretation In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears— Act means the Veterinary Practice Act 2003; livestock has the same meaning as in the Livestock Act 1997; registered health professional means a person registered under the law of this State as a medical practitioner, dental practitioner, physiotherapist or chiropractor; restricted equine dentistry means equine dentistry involving the administration of an anaesthetic, sedative or analgesic. 4—Corresponding laws and recognition of registration under corresponding laws (1) Each of the following is recognised as a corresponding law under the Act: (a) Veterinary Surgeons Act 2015 of the Australian Capital Territory; (b) Veterinary Practice Act 2003 of New South Wales; (c) Veterinarians Act of the Northern Territory;


(d) Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 of Queensland; (e) Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987 of Tasmania; (f) Veterinary Practice Act 1997 of Victoria; (g) Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960 of Western Australia. (2) The following forms of authorisation under corresponding laws are recognised as corresponding to registration on the specialist register under the Act:

Corresponding law Form of authorisation (a) Veterinary Surgeons Act 2015 of the registration as a veterinary surgeon in a specialist Australian Capital Territory area of veterinary surgery (b) Veterinary Practice Act 2003 of New specialist registration in a branch of veterinary South Wales science (c) Veterinarians Act of the Northern registration as a veterinary specialist in a branch of Territory veterinary surgery or medicine, including interim registration (d) Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 of registration as a veterinary specialist with respect Queensland to a veterinary specialty (e) Veterinary Surgeons Act 1987 of registration as a veterinary specialist Tasmania (f) Veterinary Practice Act 1997 of Victoria endorsement as a specialist practitioner (being endorsement of general registration as a veterinary practitioner to the effect that the veterinary practitioner is qualified to practise as a veterinary specialist in a branch of veterinary surgery or medicine) (g) Veterinary Surgeons Act 1960 of Western registration as a specialist in a prescribed branch of Australia veterinary surgery (3) In this regulation, words used in a description of a form of authorisation under a corresponding law have the meanings assigned by that law. 5—Meaning of veterinary treatment (1) For the purposes of paragraph (d) of the definition of veterinary treatment in section 3(1) of the Act, the following are prescribed artificial breeding procedures: (a) laparoscopic artificial insemination; (b) laparoscopic transfer of embryos. (2) The following are excluded from the ambit of the definition of veterinary treatment in section 3(1) of the Act: (a) the deworming of an animal other than by intranasal oesophageal tube; (b) the performance of the Mules operation on sheep; (c) the dehorning of cattle or sheep if the animal is less than 6 months of age; (d) the castration of cattle, sheep or pigs if the animal is less than 3 months of age; (e) the tailing of lambs that are less than 3 months of age; 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4141

(f) the treatment of an animal for ectoparasites; (g) the treatment of footrot in sheep or goats by foot-paring or foot-bathing; (h) the vaccination of livestock; Note— The Livestock Act 1997 contains provisions regulating the supply and use of vaccines. (i) the diagnosis of pregnancy of an animal by ultrasound or by testing of blood or milk (other than the diagnosis of pregnancy of a horse by ultrasound); (j) equine dentistry other than restricted equine dentistry. 6—Exemptions for provision of veterinary treatment by unqualified persons Pursuant to section 39(2) of the Act, section 39(1) of the Act does not apply in relation to veterinary treatment provided by an unqualified person in the following circumstances: (a) the treatment of an animal for disease by an inspector appointed under the Livestock Act 1997 in the course of the inspector's duties; (b) the treatment of an animal by a person pursuant to a licence under the Animal Welfare Act 1985; (c) the treatment of an animal by a registered health professional in accordance with the directions of a veterinary surgeon; (d) the treatment of an animal, under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon, by a person who is undertaking a course of instruction to obtain a qualification approved or recognised by the Board for the purposes of registration under the Act; (e) restricted equine dentistry provided by a person in accordance with the directions of a veterinary surgeon; (f) the administration of an anaesthetic, drug or vaccine to an animal by a person in accordance with the directions of a veterinary surgeon. 7—Prescribed information—claims against veterinary surgeon For the purposes of section 45 of the Act, the following information is prescribed: (a) the nature of the veterinary treatment that is alleged to have been carried out negligently; (b) full details of the alleged negligence; (c) details of the place at which the negligence is alleged to have occurred; (d) the time at which and the date on which the negligence is alleged to have occurred; (e) full details of the injury or loss suffered or allegedly suffered by the claimant as a result of the alleged negligence; (f) if an order has been made by a court to pay damages or other compensation in respect of the claim or an agreement has been entered into for payment of a sum of money in settlement of that claim, details of the order or agreement (including the amount ordered or agreed to be paid).


8—Prescribed information—interests in prescribed business (1) For the purposes of section 47(1) of the Act, the following information is prescribed: (a) the full name and residential address of the person who has the interest; (b) if the person who has the interest is a prescribed relative of a veterinary surgeon— the relationship of the person to the veterinary surgeon; (c) the name, address and nature of the prescribed business in which the person has the interest; (d) the nature of the interest and of any benefit derived from the interest; (e) if the interest consists of a shareholding in a prescribed business—the number, nominal value and class of shares held and particulars of any voting rights exercisable by the holder at a meeting of shareholders. (2) For the purposes of section 47(2) of the Act, the prescribed information is full details of the change in the information referred to in subregulation (1). 9—Prescribed information—health professional's report as to medical unfitness of veterinary surgeon For the purposes of section 59 of the Act, the following information is prescribed in connection with a report made by a health professional: (a) the diagnosis of the patient's medical condition; (b) the prognosis and likely duration of the patient's medical condition; (c) a description of treatment being received by the patient for the medical condition. 10—Fees The Board may fix— (a) fees or charges for the purposes of the Act; and (b) fees or charges for services provided by the Board in the exercise of its functions under the Act.

Schedule 1—Revocation of Veterinary Practice Regulations 2005 The Veterinary Practice Regulations 2005 are revoked. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 280 of 2017 17MAFF0034


South Australia Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2017 under the Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Act 2002

Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 Short title 2 Commencement 3 Interpretation 4 Mandatory instructions 5 Trade species animal Part 2—Agricultural chemical products 6 Off-label use of registered agricultural chemical products 7 Exemption in relation to horticultural crops 8 Exemptions in relation to home garden products Part 3—Fertilisers Division 1—Standards for fertilisers Subdivision 1—Maximum permitted concentrations of heavy metals 9 Maximum permitted concentration of cadmium 10 Maximum permitted concentration of lead 11 Maximum permitted concentration of mercury Subdivision 2—Standards for gypsum and lime fertilisers 12 Minimum percentage of sulphur in gypsum fertilisers 13 Fineness of gypsum fertilisers 14 Maximum permitted moisture content of gypsum fertilisers 15 Minimum neutralising value of lime fertilisers Division 2—Labelling and information Subdivision 1—General provisions 16 Requirement for label or advice note 17 General information to be included on label or advice note 18 Use of numbers in name of fertiliser on label or advice note Subdivision 2—Requirements relating to content of fertilisers 19 Information about content and form of nutrients 20 Order in which nutrients in fertiliser must be listed 21 Concentration of nutrients in fertiliser 22 Information about micro-nutrients added during manufacture 23 Information about fineness of elemental sulphur 24 Information about fineness of rock phosphate 25 Information and warnings about gypsum fertilisers 26 Additional information about lime fertilisers


27 Information about biuret content of fertilisers containing urea 28 Information and warnings about biuret content of fertilisers 29 Information and warnings about heavy metals in fertilisers Part 4—Veterinary products 30 Prescribed substances 31 Related species of animals 32 Off-label use of registered veterinary chemical products 33 Records to be kept by veterinary surgeons Part 5—Miscellaneous 34 Restrictions on use of certain agricultural products or veterinary products 35 Products prohibited for use in treating food-producing animals 36 Confidentiality 37 Variation or revocation of notices Schedule 1—Substances prescribed for purposes of sections 11 and 12 of Act Schedule 2—Restricted agricultural products (regulation 34(2)) Schedule 3—Products prohibited for use in treating food-producing animals Schedule 4—Revocation and transitional provisions Part 1—Revocation of Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004 1 Revocation of Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004 Part 2—Transitional provisions 2 Interpretation 3 Continuation of approvals of quality assurance schemes for specified horticultural crops 4 Continuation of declarations restricting use of certain agricultural products or veterinary products

Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2017. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation 4 months after the day on which they are made (see Subordinate Legislation Act 1978 section 10AA). 3—Interpretation (1) In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears— Act means the Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Act 2002; crop includes a plant not grown for its produce; gypsum means a naturally occurring substance composed of calcium sulphate dihydrate; 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4145

home garden product means a registered agricultural chemical product that— (a) is supplied to the general public for use in the home and home garden; and (b) is supplied in a container the approved label for which indicates that the product is intended for such use; horticultural crop includes fruit, nuts, herbs, vegetables, vines, flowers and ornamental plants; lime means agricultural lime, dolomite or magnesite that— (a) has a neutralising value equal to or greater than 50%; and (b) contains calcium or magnesium carbonates or oxides or hydroxides, or a combination of calcium and magnesium carbonates or oxides or hydroxides, when used for the purpose of decreasing the acidity of soil or when used as a fertiliser to supply principally calcium or magnesium; liming material means an agricultural liming material that consists of or contains lime or dolomite that has a neutralising value of less than 50%; neutralising value means the calcium carbonate equivalent as calculated from the calcium and magnesium carbonates, oxides and hydroxides; phosphatic fertiliser means a fertiliser that contains not less than 2% phosphorus; State includes a Territory of the Commonwealth; trace element means boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium or zinc. (2) For the purposes of these regulations— (a) a fertiliser is partially constituted of trace elements if the nutritional value of the fertiliser is partially derived from trace elements or the salts of trace elements; (b) a fertiliser is wholly constituted of trace elements if the nutritional value of the fertiliser is derived only from trace elements or the salts of trace elements. 4—Mandatory instructions (1) For the purposes of the definition of mandatory instruction in section 3(1) of the Act, an instruction on an approved label for containers for a registered agricultural chemical product or a registered veterinary chemical product is a mandatory instruction if— (a) it uses the words "must", "must not", "may not", "do not", "not to be used", "not for use" or "use only"; or (b) it contains a statement that the product is for use only by a person who has specified qualifications. (2) For the purposes of the definition of mandatory instruction in section 3(1) of the Act, an instruction on an approved label for containers for a registered veterinary chemical product is a mandatory instruction if it is preceded by the heading "Restraints". 5—Trade species animal For the purposes of paragraph (c) of the definition of trade species animal in section 3(1) of the Act, horses, donkeys and mules are declared to be trade species animals.


Part 2—Agricultural chemical products 6—Off-label use of registered agricultural chemical products (1) A person must not use a registered agricultural chemical product in contravention of this regulation except as authorised by a permit. Maximum penalty: $10 000. Expiation fee: $315. (2) If the approved label for containers for the product includes instructions for the use of the product on specified crops, or in specified situations, in this State or in all States, the product— (a) must not be used on a crop, or in a situation, not so specified; and (b) must not be used on a crop, or in a situation, so specified at a rate or frequency that exceeds the rate or frequency specified on the label for use on that crop or in that situation (whether or not the specified rate or frequency is stated to be a maximum rate or frequency). (3) If the approved label for containers for the product does not include instructions for the use of the product on specified crops, or in specified situations, in this State but includes such instructions for another State, the product— (a) must not be used in this State on a crop, or in a situation, not specified on the label for another State; and (b) must not be used in this State on a crop, or in a situation, specified on the label for another State at a rate or frequency that exceeds the highest rate or frequency specified on the label for use on that crop or in that situation (whether or not the specified rate or frequency is stated to be a maximum rate or frequency). (4) This regulation does not apply to the use of a home garden product unless the product is used on a plant being grown or used for the purposes of trading in the plant or products derived from the plant or for producing products for sale. 7—Exemption in relation to horticultural crops (1) A person who is an accredited participant of an approved quality assurance scheme is exempt from regulation 6 in relation to the use of a product on a horticultural crop in respect of which the scheme is approved on condition that the product is not used at a rate or frequency that exceeds the highest rate or frequency specified on the approved label for use on any crop (whether or not the specified rate or frequency is stated to be a maximum rate or frequency). (2) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, approve a quality assurance scheme for a specified horticultural crop. (3) A person is an accredited participant of an approved quality assurance scheme only if he or she satisfies requirements specified by the Minister in the notice approving the quality assurance scheme or by subsequent notice in the Gazette. (4) A notice under subregulation (2) will be taken to be revoked on the third anniversary of the day on which it was made. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4147

8—Exemptions in relation to home garden products (1) A person is exempt from section 7 of the Act in relation to the use of a home garden product unless the person is using the product on a plant that is being grown or used for the purposes of trading in the plant or products derived from the plant or for producing products for sale. (2) A person is exempt from section 7 of the Act in relation to the disposal of a home garden product. (3) A person is exempt from section 8 of the Act in relation to the keeping of a home garden product.

Part 3—Fertilisers

Division 1—Standards for fertilisers

Subdivision 1—Maximum permitted concentrations of heavy metals 9—Maximum permitted concentration of cadmium The concentration of cadmium in a fertiliser must not exceed— (a) in the case of a phosphatic fertiliser—300 milligrams for each kilogram of phosphorus in the fertiliser; (b) in the case of a non-phosphatic fertiliser— (i) if the fertiliser is wholly constituted of trace elements—50 milligrams for each kilogram of the fertiliser; or (ii) in any other case—10 milligrams for each kilogram of the fertiliser. 10—Maximum permitted concentration of lead The concentration of lead in a fertiliser must not exceed the following amount for each kilogram of the fertiliser: (a) in the case of a foliar fertiliser wholly constituted of trace elements— 500 milligrams; or (b) in the case of a fertiliser (other than a foliar fertiliser) wholly constituted of trace elements—2 000 milligrams; or (c) in the case of a fertiliser partially constituted of trace elements—500 milligrams; or (d) in any other case—100 milligrams. 11—Maximum permitted concentration of mercury The concentration of mercury in a fertiliser must not exceed the following amount for each kilogram of the fertiliser: (a) in the case of a phosphatic fertiliser—10 milligrams; or (b) in any other case—5 milligrams.


Subdivision 2—Standards for gypsum and lime fertilisers 12—Minimum percentage of sulphur in gypsum fertilisers A fertiliser supplied as gypsum must contain at least the following percentage of sulphur: (a) in the case of fertiliser supplied as premium grade gypsum—16.7% in weight of the total weight of the fertiliser; (b) in the case of fertiliser supplied as grade 1 gypsum—15% in weight of the total weight of the fertiliser; (c) in the case of fertiliser supplied as grade 2 gypsum—12.5% in weight of the total weight of the fertiliser; (d) in the case of fertiliser supplied as grade 3 gypsum—10% in weight of the total weight of the fertiliser. 13—Fineness of gypsum fertilisers If a fertiliser is supplied as gypsum— (a) at least 50% of the total amount of the fertiliser must be capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 2 millimetres; and (b) at least 80% of the total amount of the fertiliser must be capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 5.6 millimetres. 14—Maximum permitted moisture content of gypsum fertilisers The moisture content of a fertiliser supplied as gypsum must not exceed 15% of the total amount of the fertiliser (disregarding any water bound in the gypsum mineral structure of the fertiliser). 15—Minimum neutralising value of lime fertilisers A fertiliser supplied as lime must have the following minimum neutralising value: (a) in the case of fertiliser supplied as grade 1 lime—80%; (b) in the case of fertiliser supplied as grade 2 lime—65%; (c) in the case of a fertiliser supplied as grade 3 lime—50%.

Division 2—Labelling and information

Subdivision 1—General provisions 16—Requirement for label or advice note (1) A fertiliser must— (a) if supplied in a package—have affixed to, or printed or stencilled on, the package a label or advice note that complies with this Division; or (b) if supplied without a package—be supplied in accordance with this regulation with a label or advice note that complies with this Division. (2) If fertiliser supplied without a package is delivered to a person, the label or advice note for the fertiliser must be handed to the person or an agent of the person. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4149

(3) If fertiliser supplied without a package is delivered to premises where no person is in attendance to accept delivery of the label or advice note for the fertiliser, the label or advice note must, within 7 days of the delivery, be given or sent to the person to whom the fertiliser was supplied. (4) If— (a) a fertiliser supplied as gypsum, lime or liming materials is supplied without a package to a person on more than 1 occasion during a calendar year; and (b) on each occasion the specifications of the fertiliser are the same, compliance with the preceding subregulations is required only in relation to the first supply of the fertiliser during that year. 17—General information to be included on label or advice note A label or advice note for a fertiliser must state— (a) the distinctive name of the fertiliser; and (b) the name and principal place of business of the manufacturer or supplier of the fertiliser. 18—Use of numbers in name of fertiliser on label or advice note If the name of a fertiliser on a label or advice note for the fertiliser includes a number to indicate the percentage concentration of a nutrient in the fertiliser— (a) a number including or below the mid range (other than 0.5 or less) must be rounded down to the nearest whole number or the first decimal place; (b) a number above the mid range must be rounded up to the nearest whole number or the first decimal place.

Subdivision 2—Requirements relating to content of fertilisers 19—Information about content and form of nutrients (1) A label or advice note for a fertiliser must state the name of each element present in the fertiliser and— (a) if the fertiliser contains nitrogen—the following information: (i) the percentage of nitrogen as nitrate; (ii) the percentage of nitrogen as ammonium; (iii) the percentage of nitrogen as urea; (iv) the percentage of nitrogen in any other form (to be stated); (v) the total percentage content of nitrogen; and (b) if the fertiliser contains phosphorus—the following information: (i) the percentage of phosphorus as water soluble; (ii) the percentage of phosphorus as ammonium citrate soluble; (iii) the percentage of phosphorus as ammonium citrate insoluble; (iv) the percentage of phosphorus in any other form (to be stated); (v) the total percentage content of phosphorus; and


(c) if the fertiliser contains potassium—the following information: (i) the percentage of potassium as chloride; (ii) the percentage of potassium as nitrate; (iii) the percentage of potassium as phosphate; (iv) the percentage of potassium as sulphate; (v) the percentage of potassium in any other form (to be stated); (vi) the total percentage content of potassium; and (d) if the fertiliser contains calcium—the following information: (i) the percentage of calcium as carbonate; (ii) the percentage of calcium as hydroxide; (iii) the percentage of calcium as oxide; (iv) the percentage of calcium as sulphate; (v) the percentage of calcium as nitrate; (vi) the percentage of calcium as chloride; (vii) the percentage of calcium as superphosphate or phosphate; (viii) the percentage of calcium as silicate; (ix) the percentage of calcium in any other form (to be stated); (x) the total percentage content of calcium; and (e) if the fertiliser contains magnesium—the following information: (i) the percentage of magnesium as carbonate; (ii) the percentage of magnesium as hydroxide; (iii) the percentage of magnesium as oxide; (iv) the percentage of magnesium as silicate; (v) the percentage of magnesium as sulphate; (vi) the total percentage content of magnesium; and (f) if the fertiliser contains sulphur—the following information: (i) the percentage of sulphur as sulphate; (ii) the percentage of sulphur as elemental sulphur; (iii) the percentage of sulphur in any other form (to be stated); (iv) the total percentage content of sulphur; and (g) if the fertiliser contains micro-nutrients as a straight product, blended or as a coating—the following information in relation to each micro-nutrient: (i) the percentage of the micro-nutrient as sulphate; (ii) the percentage of the micro-nutrient as chelate and the form of the chelate; (iii) the percentage of the micro-nutrient as oxide; (iv) the percentage of the micro-nutrient in any other form (to be stated). 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4151

(2) If a fertiliser is named on a label or advice note by use of a number that does not reflect the actual percentage content of each element present in the fertiliser, the label or advice note must also state each element's percentage content directly below the fertiliser's name. 20—Order in which nutrients in fertiliser must be listed A label or advice note for a fertiliser must— (a) list the following nutrients in the following order: (i) nitrogen; (ii) phosphorus; (iii) potassium; (iv) sulphur; (v) calcium; (vi) magnesium; and (b) list all other nutrients in decreasing quantity. 21—Concentration of nutrients in fertiliser A label or advice note for a fertiliser must state the concentration of a nutrient in the fertiliser— (a) in the case of a fertiliser supplied by weight—as a percentage in weight of the total weight of the fertiliser (% wt/wt); (b) in the case of a fertiliser sold by volume—as a percentage in weight of the total volume of the fertiliser (% wt/vol). 22—Information about micro-nutrients added during manufacture If a fertiliser contains micro-nutrients added during a manufacturing process and, due to chemical reactions the form of the micro-nutrients in the end product is not known, the label or advice note for the fertiliser must state the concentration of micro-nutrients present in the fertiliser in elemental form. 23—Information about fineness of elemental sulphur If a fertiliser contains elemental sulphur, the label or advice note for the fertiliser must state— (a) the percentage of sulphur particles capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 0.25 millimetres; and (b) the percentage of sulphur particles capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 0.5 millimetres but not through a sieve with an aperture of 0.25 millimetres; and (c) the percentage of sulphur particles not capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 0.5 millimetres. 24—Information about fineness of rock phosphate A label or advice note for a fertiliser containing rock phosphate must state— (a) the percentage of the rock phosphate that is capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 1.003 millimetres; and (b) the percentage of the rock phosphate that is capable of passing through a sieve with apertures of 500 microns.


25—Information and warnings about gypsum fertilisers (1) A label or advice note for fertiliser supplied as gypsum must state— (a) whether the fertiliser is premium grade, grade 1, grade 2 or grade 3 gypsum; and (b) the minimum amount (expressed as a percentage weight in weight) of each of the following substances in the fertiliser: (i) gypsum; (ii) calcium; (iii) sulphur; and (c) the minimum percentage of the fertiliser that will pass through a sieve with apertures of 2 millimetres; and (d) the minimum percentage of the fertiliser that will pass through a sieve with apertures of 5.6 millimetres. (2) If the concentration of sodium in a fertiliser supplied as gypsum exceeds 0.8% for each kilogram of the fertiliser, the label or advice note for the fertiliser must contain— (a) a statement that continual application of the fertiliser may have a detrimental effect on soil; or (b) the following warning: WARNING—This product is not suitable for reclamation of saline sodic soils. 26—Additional information about lime fertilisers (1) A label or advice note for a fertiliser supplied as lime must state— (a) whether the lime is grade 1, grade 2 or grade 3 lime; and (b) the neutralising value of the lime. (2) A label or advice note for a fertiliser supplied as liming material must state the neutralising value of the liming material. 27—Information about biuret content of fertilisers containing urea If a fertiliser contains urea, the label or advice note for the fertiliser must state the maximum proportion of biuret in the fertiliser. 28—Information and warnings about biuret content of fertilisers If a fertiliser contains biuret, the label or advice note for the fertiliser must contain the following: (a) for a foliar fertiliser (other than solely for turf) containing— (i) more than 10 grams but not more than 20 grams of biuret for each kilogram of nitrogen—a warning that the fertiliser is not recommended for repeated foliar application on citrus trees; (ii) more than 20 grams but not more than 30 grams of biuret for each kilogram of nitrogen—a warning that the fertiliser is not recommended for repeated foliar application on annual or perennial horticultural crops; (iii) more than 30 grams of biuret for each kilogram of nitrogen—a warning that the fertiliser is not recommended for foliar application; 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4153

(b) for a foliar fertiliser used solely on turf—a statement that the fertiliser is for use on turf only and must not be used in other foliar sprays; (c) for a non-foliar fertiliser—a statement that the fertiliser is for soil application only and must not be used as a foliar spray. 29—Information and warnings about heavy metals in fertilisers (1) A label or advice note for a fertiliser containing cadmium must contain— (a) a statement of the maximum content of cadmium in milligrams for each kilogram of the fertiliser; and (b) in the case of a fertiliser containing more than 1 milligram of cadmium for each kilogram of the fertiliser—the following warning: WARNING—Use of this product may result in cadmium residues in excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in plant and animal products and may also result in accumulation of these residues in soils. (2) A label or advice note for a phosphatic fertiliser must state the maximum content of cadmium and fluorine in milligrams for each kilogram of phosphorus in the fertiliser. (3) A label or advice note for a fertiliser containing lead must contain— (a) a statement of the maximum content of lead in milligrams for each kilogram of the fertiliser; and (b) in the case of a fertiliser containing more than 20 milligrams of lead for each kilogram of the fertiliser—the following warning: WARNING—Use of this product may result in lead residues in excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in plant and animal products and may also result in accumulation of these residues in soils. (4) A label or advice note for a fertiliser that is supplied for application on pastures and contains more than 0.001% of molybdenum must contain the following warning: WARNING—Excessive use of molybdenum can be harmful to stock. Plant levels of molybdenum can be high for 4 weeks after application. It is advisable to keep stock off treated areas for this period. Check rate and frequency of molybdenum use with appropriate authorities. (5) A label or advice note for a fertiliser containing mercury must contain— (a) a statement of the maximum content of mercury in milligrams for each kilogram of the fertiliser; and (b) in the case of a fertiliser containing more than 0.2 milligrams of mercury per kilogram of the fertiliser—the following warning: WARNING—Use of this product may result in mercury residues in excess of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in plant and animal products and may also result in accumulation of these residues in soils. (6) A label or advice note for a fertiliser containing more than 0.001% of selenium must contain the following warning: WARNING—Excessive use of this product can be toxic to livestock and should not be used if selenium deficiency does not exist in stock grazing on the area where the product is to be applied. Do not allow stock access to spilt or unused fertiliser.


Part 4—Veterinary products 30—Prescribed substances (1) For the purposes of section 11 of the Act, substances containing 1 or more of the substances specified in Schedule 1 are prescribed. (2) For the purposes of section 12 of the Act, the substances specified in Schedule 1 are prescribed. 31—Related species of animals For the purposes of section 14(2)(a)(ii)(C) of the Act— (a) cattle are declared to be related to buffalo, goats and deer; and (b) chickens are declared to be related to ducks, geese, Guinea fowl, pheasants, quails, pigeons and turkeys; and (c) alpacas, camels and llamas are declared to be related to each other; and (d) horses, donkeys and mules are declared to be related to each other; and (e) kangaroos and wallabies are declared to be related to each other. 32—Off-label use of registered veterinary chemical products (1) A person other than a veterinary surgeon must not use a registered veterinary chemical product in contravention of this regulation except as authorised by a permit or in accordance with the written instructions of a veterinary surgeon. Maximum penalty: $10 000. Expiation fee: $315. (2) If the approved label for containers for the product includes instructions for the use of the product on specified animals, or in specified situations, in this State or in all States, the product — (a) must not be used on an animal, or in a situation, so specified at a rate, dosage or frequency that exceeds the rate, dosage or frequency specified on the label for use on that animal or in that situation (whether or not the specified rate, dosage or frequency is stated to be a maximum rate, dosage or frequency); and (b) must not, if the label specifies a method of administration to an animal, be administered to an animal by any other method. (3) If the approved label for containers for the product does not include instructions for the use of the product on specified animals, or in specified situations, in this State but includes such instructions for another State, the product may be used in this State on an animal, or in a situation, specified for another State but— (a) must not be used at a rate or frequency that exceeds the highest rate or frequency specified on the label for use on that animal or in that situation (whether or not the specified rate or frequency is stated to be a maximum rate or frequency); and (b) must not, if the label specifies a method of administration to an animal, be administered to an animal by any other method. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4155

33—Records to be kept by veterinary surgeons (1) A veterinary surgeon who treats trade species animals using a veterinary chemical product in a manner that contravenes a mandatory instruction on the approved label for containers of the product must, unless he or she is using the product in accordance with a permit, as soon as practicable after treating the animals, make a record of the following information: (a) the approval number allocated to the product by the NRA or the full name of the product and the concentration of each active constituent used in treating the animals; (b) the date on which the product was used; (c) the address at which the product was used; (d) the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for the care of the animals treated using the product; (e) the species of animal treated using the product; (f) the number of animals treated using the product; (g) the nature of the departure from the mandatory instruction. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Expiation fee: $210. (2) A veterinary surgeon who treats animals using a veterinary product prepared by the veterinary surgeon must, as soon as practicable after treating the animals, make a record of the following information: (a) the concentration of each active constituent used in treating the animals; (b) the date on which the product was used; (c) the address at which the product was used; (d) the name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for the care of the animals treated using the product; (e) the species of animal treated using the product; (f) the number of animals treated using the product. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Expiation fee: $210. (3) A veterinary surgeon who is required to make a record of information under this regulation must keep the record for 2 years from the date of the making of the record. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Expiation fee: $210. (4) A veterinary surgeon must, on request by the Minister in writing, provide the Minister with specified information contained in a record kept under this regulation within the time specified in the request. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Expiation fee: $210.


Part 5—Miscellaneous 34—Restrictions on use of certain agricultural products or veterinary products (1) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, declare that the use of an agricultural product or veterinary product specified in the notice is prohibited except by persons of a class specified in the notice. (2) A person must not contravene a notice referred to in subregulation (1). Maximum penalty: $10 000. Expiation fee: $315. (3) If— (a) a person uses an agricultural product of a kind specified in the left column of the table in Schedule 2; and (b) the person does not belong to a class of persons specified opposite in the right column of the table; and (c) the use of that product is— (i) in the course of a prescribed business; and (ii) in the prescribed area; and (iii) by a method involving spraying, the person is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty: $10 000. Expiation fee: $315. (4) If a person uses an agricultural product of a kind specified in the left column of the table in Schedule 2 as referred to in subregulation (3)(c), the person must— (a) make a record of that use in a manner and form approved by the Minister; and (b) keep that record for a period of 2 years from the date of the making of the record; and (c) keep the record readily accessible for inspection on request by an authorised officer. Maximum penalty: $2 500. Expiation fee: $210. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4157

(5) In this regulation— prescribed area means that part of the State south of a line commencing at the north-western corner of the boundary of the District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula at a point closest to latitude 33°56′24.79″ South, longitude 135°12′56.85″ East, then easterly along said boundary to the western boundary of The District Council of Tumby Bay, then beginning northerly along said boundary to a point closest to latitude 33°59′38.38″ South, longitude 136°29′44.15″ East, then east to the western boundary of the District Council of the Copper Coast, then generally north-easterly along said boundary to the boundary of the District Council of Barunga West, then generally north-easterly along said boundary to the boundary of Port Pirie Regional Council, then generally northerly along said boundary to the boundary of The District Council of Mount Remarkable, then beginning westerly along said boundary to the western boundary of the District Council of Orroroo/Carrieton, then beginning northerly along said boundary to the boundary of the District Council of Peterborough, then beginning easterly along said boundary to the boundary of the Regional Council of Goyder, then southerly along said boundary to the boundary of Mid Murray Council, then beginning easterly along said boundary to the boundary of the District Council of Loxton Waikerie, then beginning easterly along said boundary to latitude 34°03′10″ South, then east to longitude 140°21′20″ East, south to latitude 34°07′10″ South, east to a western boundary of Renmark Paringa Council, then beginning northerly along said boundary to a point closest to latitude 34°03′56″ South, longitude 140°42′05.84″ East, then east to a western boundary of Renmark Paringa Council, then beginning north-easterly along said boundary to the eastern border of the State; prescribed business means— (a) the business of a primary producer; or (b) a pest control business as defined in the Controlled Substances (Pesticides) Regulations 2017. (6) Unless the contrary intention appears, all lines in the spatial description of the prescribed area in subregulation (5) are geodesics based on the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) as defined in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette GN35 of 6 September 1995, and all coordinates are expressed in terms of GDA94. 35—Products prohibited for use in treating food-producing animals A person must not treat an animal kept or used as a food-producing species (within the meaning of the Agvet Code of South Australia) using a product specified in Schedule 3 except as authorised by a permit. Maximum penalty: $10 000. Expiation fee: $315. 36—Confidentiality For the purposes of section 38(a) of the Act, the following Acts are prescribed: Controlled Substances Act 1984 Dangerous Substances Act 1979 Environment Protection Act 1993 Food Act 2001 Livestock Act 1997 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972


Natural Resources Management Act 2004 Primary Produce (Food Safety Schemes) Act 2004 South Australian Public Health Act 2011 Work Health and Safety Act 2012 37—Variation or revocation of notices The Minister may, by subsequent notice in the Gazette, vary or revoke a notice published in the Gazette under these regulations.

Schedule 1—Substances prescribed for purposes of sections 11 and 12 of Act Aldrin Benzene hexachloride (BHC) Chlordane DDT Dieldrin Endrin Heptachlor Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene (camphechlor)

Schedule 2—Restricted agricultural products (regulation 34(2))

Agricultural product Class of person authorised to use product 1 An agricultural chemical product that— A person who holds a valid statement of attainment issued by a training organisation registered by the Australian (a) contains any of the following: Skills Quality Authority for the unit of (i) 2, 4-D; competence AHCCHM303A ('Prepare and Apply Chemicals'). (ii) 2, 4-DB; (iii) MCPA; (iv) dicamba; (v) triclopyr; (vi) picloram; (vii) clopyralid; (viii) fluroxypyr; and (b) is not a home garden product. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4159

Schedule 3—Products prohibited for use in treating food-producing animals Chloramphenicol and any product related to chloramphenicol Crystal (gentian) violet Diethylstilboestrol and any product related to diethylstilboestrol Dihydrostreptomycin (injectable) Fluoroquinolone antibiotics Gentamycin Nitrofuran antibacterials including furaldatone, furazolidone, nifuraldizone, nitrofurantoin and nitrofurazone Strychnine Sulfonamide antibacterials other than sulfadiazine, sulfadimidine, sulfadoxine, sulfaquinoxaline or sulfatroxazole

Schedule 4—Revocation and transitional provisions Part 1—Revocation of Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004 1—Revocation of Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004 The Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004 are revoked. Part 2—Transitional provisions 2—Interpretation In this Part— revoked regulations means the Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004. 3—Continuation of approvals of quality assurance schemes for specified horticultural crops An approval under regulation 7 of the revoked regulations in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will, on that commencement, continue in force as if it were an approval under section 7 of these regulations. 4—Continuation of declarations restricting use of certain agricultural products or veterinary products A declaration under regulation 34 of the revoked regulations in force immediately before the commencement of this clause will, on that commencement, continue in force as if it were a declaration under regulation 34 of these regulations. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 19 September 2017 No 281 of 2017 17MAFF0034


CITY OF MARION DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993 Housing Diversity Development Plan Amendment—Public Consultation NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Marion, pursuant to sections 24 and 25 of the Development Act 1993, has prepared a Development Plan Amendment (DPA) to amend its Development Plan. The Amendment seeks to change the Development Plan by encouraging greater housing diversity in suitable locations in the City of Marion, and to amend policies in the Residential Zone to provide for an appropriate level of residential density. The Amendment will introduce the following new zones and policy areas into the Marion Council Development Plan: • Urban Corridor Zone • Suburban Activity Node Zone • Southern Hills Policy Area (Residential Zone) • Marion Plains Policy Area (Residential Zone) The following existing zones/policy areas will be amended/affected: • Commercial Zone - Marion Road Policy Area 1 • Local and Neighbourhood Centre Zones • Coastal Conservation Zone • Residential Zone - Cement Hill Policy Area 10 - Hills Policy Area 11 - Medium Density Policy Area 12 - Northern Policy Area 13 - Regeneration Policy Area 16 - Residential Character Policy Area 17 - Southern Policy Area 18 The DPA will be on public consultation from 19 September 2017 until 14 November 2017. Copies of the DPA are available during normal office hours at the City of Marion Council Offices, 245 Sturt Road, Sturt. Alternatively the DPA report can be viewed on the Internet at Written submissions regarding the DPA should be submitted no later than 5.00 pm on 14 November 2017. All submissions should be addressed to Submissions Housing Diversity DPA, Chief Executive Officer, City of Marion, PO Box 21, Oaklands Park SA 5046 and should clearly indicate whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission at the public hearing. If you wish to lodge your submission electronically, complete an online submission on the Making Marion website Copies of all submissions will be available for inspection at the Council Offices from 15 November 2017 until the conclusion of the public hearing. A public hearing will be held on 20 November 2017 at the Council Offices, at which time interested persons may be heard in relation to the DPA and the submissions. The public hearing will not be held if no submissions are received or if no person making a submission makes a request to be heard. If you would like further information about the DPA, contact the City of Marion on (08) 8375 6600 or [email protected] Dated 19 September 2017. ABBY DICKSON, Acting Chief Executive Officer

CITY OF MITCHAM CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Supplementary Election for Councillor in Gault Ward NOMINATIONS to be a candidate for election as a member of the City of Mitcham will be received between Thursday 28 September 2017 and 12 noon Thursday 12 October 2017. Candidates must submit a profile of not more than 150 words with their nomination form and may also provide a photograph, predominantly head and shoulders, taken within the previous 12 months. Nomination kits are available from the Council office, 131 Belair Road, Torrens Park. A briefing session for intending candidates will be held from 6.00pm until 7.00pm on Tuesday 3 October 2017 at the Council Chambers, 131 Belair Road, Torrens Park. MICK SHERRY, Returning Officer

CITY OF UNLEY ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Closure – Cremorne and Rugby Street, Malvern NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 10 of the said Act that the City of Unley proposes to make a Road Process Order to close the following: • portion of public road (Cremorne Street) as shown and marked ‘A’ on Preliminary Plan No. 17/0053 • portion of public road (Rugby Street) as shown and market ‘B’ on Preliminary Plan No. 17/0053 The public roads referred to above are to be closed and retained by the City of Unley. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the offices of the City of Unley situated in The Unley Civic Centre, 181 Unley Road, Unley and in the office of the Surveyor-General at 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide from 20th September 2017 during normal working hours. 19 September 2017 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4161

Any application for easement or objections must be made in writing during the period starting 20th September 2017 for 28 days, to the Council at PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061 and the Surveyor-General at GPO Box 1354 Adelaide SA 5001, setting out full details. Where a submission is made, Council will give notification of a meeting to deal with the matter. Dated 19 September 2017. PETER TSOKAS, Chief Executive Officer

CITY OF UNLEY ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Closure – Ferguson Avenue, Myrtle Bank NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 10 of the said Act, that the City of Unley proposes to make a Road Process Order to close, a portion of public road (Ferguson Avenue) and merge with the adjoining Allotment 343 in Filed Plan 15850, shown marked ‘A’ on Preliminary Plan No. 17/0052. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the offices of the City of Unley situated in The Unley Civic Centre, 181 Unley Road, Unley and in the office of the Surveyor-General at 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide from 20th September 2017 during normal working hours. Any application for easement or objections must be made in writing during the period starting 20th September, 2017 for 28 days, to the Council at PO Box 1, Unley SA 5061 and the Surveyor-General at GPO Box 1354 Adelaide SA 5001, setting out full details. Where a submission is made, Council will give notification of a meeting to deal with the matter. Dated 19 September 2017. PETER TSOKAS, Chief Executive Officer

ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Supplementary Election of Councillor for Angas Bremer Ward NOMINATIONS to be a candidate for election as a member of will be received between Thursday 28 September 2017 and 12 noon Thursday 12 October 2017. Candidates must submit a profile of not more than 150 words with their nomination form and may also provide a photograph, predominantly head and shoulders, taken within the previous 12 months. Nomination kits are available from the Council offices, 11 Cadell St, Goolwa and 1 Colman Tce, Strathalbyn. A briefing session for intending candidates will be held at 6pm on Thursday 28 September 2017 at the Strathalbyn Council office, 1 Colman Tce, Strathalbyn. MICK SHERRY, Returning Officer

CLARE AND GILBERT VALLEYS COUNCIL ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Closure – Public Road, Salter Springs/Rhynie NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council proposes to make a Road Process Order To close and merge with Section 701, Hundred of Alma, the unmade public road adjoining said section more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’ on the Preliminary Plan 17/0030. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the Council Office at 4 Gleeson Street, Clare S.A. 5453 and the Adelaide Office of the Surveyor-General during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Council at 4 Gleeson Street, Clare S.A. 5453 within 28 days of this notice and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General at GPO Box 1354 Adelaide 5001. Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. JOHN COOMBE, Acting Chief Executive Officer

DISTRICT COUNCIL OF FRANKLIN HARBOUR Passing of Councillor NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 54(6) of the Local Government Act 1999, that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Area Councillor, due to the passing of Councillor Edsel Elleway. CHRIS SMITH, Chief Executive Officer


DISTRICT COUNCIL OF FRANKLIN HARBOUR Close of Roll for Supplementary Election DUE to the passing of a member of the Council, a supplementary election will be necessary to fill the vacancy of Area Councillor. The voters roll for this supplementary election will close at 5.00pm on Friday 29 September 2017. You are entitled to vote in the election if you are on the State electoral roll. If you have recently turned 18 or changed your residential or postal address you must complete an electoral enrolment form, available from post offices or online at If you are not eligible to enrol on the State electoral roll you may still be entitled to enrol to vote if you own or occupy a property. Contact the Council to find out how. Nominations to fill the vacancy will open on Thursday 26 October 2017 and will be received until 12 noon on Thursday 9 November 2017. The election will be conducted entirely by post with the return of ballot material to reach the Deputy Returning Officer no later than 12 noon on Monday 11 December 2017. MICK SHERRY, Returning Officer

REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDER Appointment of Members to Council’s Assessment Panel PURSUANT to subsection 83(1)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, Council at its meeting held 18 July 2017, resolved to appoint the following member to Council’s Assessment Panel to take effect from 1 October 2017: Presiding Member Mr Bruce Ballantyne Elected Member Mr Peter Dunn Independent Member Dr Susan Shannon Independent Member Mr Neil Purdam This appointment shall expire 30 September 2018. DAVID J STEVENSON, Chief Executive Officer

KINGSTON DISTRICT COUNCIL Review of Elector Representation NOTICE is hereby given that the Kingston District Council, in accordance with the requirements of Section 12(4) of the Local Government Act 1999, has reviewed its composition and elector representation arrangements. Pursuant to Section 12(13)(a) of the said Act, the Electoral Commissioner has certified on 4 September 2017, that the review undertaken by Council satisfies the requirements of the Act and may therefore now be put into effect as from the day of the first periodic election held after the publication of this notice. As a result of the review, the representation arrangements are as follows: 1. The principal member of Council continue to be a Mayor elected by the community. 2. The Council area not be divided into wards (retain the existing “no wards” structure). 3. The Council continue to comprise seven (7) area councillors and the Mayor. ANDREW MACDONALD, Chief Executive Officer

MID MURRAY COUNCIL ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Opening and Closure – Piggery Road, Mannum NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the Mid Murray Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to: (i) open as road portion of Allotment 903 in Deposited Plan 82628, more particularly delineated and numbered ‘1’ on Preliminary Plan 17/0051, forming a re-alignment of the adjoining Piggery Road. (ii) close portion of the unnamed Public Road adjoining Allotment 903 in Deposited Plan 82628, more particularly delineated and lettered 'A' on Preliminary Plan No. 17/0051. Closed road ‘A’ to be merged with Allotment 903 in Deposited Plan 82628 in exchange for land taken for new road ‘1’. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the offices of the Mid Murray Council, 49 Adelaide Road, Mannum and the Adelaide office of the Surveyor-General during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Council at Mid Murray Council, PO Box 28, Mannum, 5238, WITHIN 28 DAYS OF THIS NOTICE and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General at GPO Box 1354, Adelaide 5001. Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. Dated 19 September 2017. RUSSELL PEATE, Chief Executive Officer


DISTRICT COUNCIL OF ROBE TEMPORARY CLOSING OF ROAD NOTICE is hereby given that the District Council of Robe at a meeting held on 12th September 2017 resolved pursuant to section 234A of the Local Government Act 1999, to exclude vehicles from part of the Esplanade adjacent to the Long Beach access ramp one for a period of thirty days during which Council will have received and considered the cliff stability assessment report and its recommendations. ROGER SWEETMAN, Chief Executive Officer

DISTRICT COUNCIL OF TUMBY BAY CORRIGENDUM Tumby Bay Township Development Plan Amendment for Public Consultation IN Government Gazette No. 60, dated 12 September 2017, on page 4047, there was an error in the name of the authorising Chief Executive Officer. The notice should read Trevor Smith, Chief Executive Officer.

WAKEFIELD REGIONAL COUNCIL ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Opening and Closing – Beaufort Road, Whitwarta IN order to align the land boundaries with the existing road formation, Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 10 of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, that the Wakefield Regional Council proposes to make a Road Process Order to: Open as road portion of Section 15 and Section 14, both in the Hundred of Stow more particularly delineated and numbered ‘1’ and ‘2’ on the Preliminary Plan No. 17/0039. Close portion of Beaufort Road as delineated and lettered ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the Preliminary Plan No. 17/0039 in Exchange for land taken for new road ‘1’ and ‘2’ above. Closed road ‘A’ is to merge with adjoining Section 15 and portion of Section 14, both in the Hundred of Stow. Closed road ‘B’ is to merge with the remaining portion of Section 14 in the Hundred of Stow. A copy of the plan and a statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at the Council Office, Scotland Place, Balaklava S.A. and the Adelaide Office of the Surveyor-General during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and details of the submission and must be fully supported by reasons. The application for easement or objection must be made in writing to the Council P.O. Box 167, Balaklava S.A. within 28 days of this notice and a copy must be forwarded to the Surveyor-General at GPO Box 1354 Adelaide 5001. Where a submission is made, the Council will give notification of a meeting at which the matter will be considered. JASON KUCHEL, Chief Executive Officer

WUDINNA DISTRICT COUNCIL Resignation of Councillor NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with section 54(6) of the Local Government Act 1999, that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Area Councillor, due to the resignation of Councillor Jill Rushmer, to take effect from 16 August 2017. ALAN MCGUIRE, Chief Executive Officer

WUDINNA DISTRICT COUNCIL Close of Roll for Supplementary Election DUE to the resignation of a member of the Council, a supplementary election will be necessary to fill the vacancy of Area Councillor. The voters roll for this supplementary election will close at 5.00pm on Friday 29 September 2017. You are entitled to vote in the election if you are on the State electoral roll. If you have recently turned 18 or changed your residential or postal address you must complete an electoral enrolment form, available from post offices or online at If you are not eligible to enrol on the State electoral roll you may still be entitled to enrol to vote if you own or occupy a property. Contact the Council to find out how. Nominations to fill the vacancy will open on Thursday 26 October 2017 and will be received until 12 noon on Thursday 9 November 2017. The election will be conducted entirely by post with the return of ballot material to reach the Returning Officer no later than 12 noon on Monday 11 December 2017. MICK SHERRY, Returning Officer


IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons: FORSYTH Neil Gordon Burnett late of 70 Ridley Road Elizabeth South Retired General Hand who died 19 March 2017 HOLMES Ellen Elizabeth late of 25 Newton Street Whyalla of no occupation who died 30 May 2017 MICHALAKAS Aspasia late of 27 Wellesley Avenue Evandale Home Duties who died 11 September 2014 RAYMOND Kathleen Mary late of Pioneer Street Stansbury of no occupation who died 19 June 2017 Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act 1936, the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 and the Family Relationships Act 1975 that all creditors, beneficiaries, and other persons having claims against the said estates are required to send, in writing, to the office of Public Trustee at GPO Box 1338, Adelaide, 5001, full particulars and proof of such claims, on or before the 20 October 2017 otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said estate; and notice is also hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Public Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof; and all persons having any property belonging to the said estates are forthwith to deliver same to the Public Trustee. Dated 19 September 2017.

D A CONTALA, Public Trustee



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