
AMAZON - Cristalino Lodge Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso State -

Date: July 10th to 15th – 2017 (6 days / 5 nights)

 Maximum Group Size: 12 Participants (Minimum of 4 people to run this tour)  Guide: Edson Endrigo or André de Luca or English speaking birding guide  Reservation: [email protected]


Home to nearly 600 , the Alta Floresta region of the Southern is a world class destination. A weeklong stay at the award winning Cristalino Jungle Lodge is an unforgettable experience, made memorable by the friendly service, excellent food, charming accommodations, and the great birding. More than 20 km of trails access various types of forest, from vine‑laden bamboo thickets (Manu Antbird, Chestnut‑throated Spinetail, Dusky‑tailed Flatbill), to sandy igapó (Blue‑crowned Trogon, Flame‑crested Manakin), to tall terra firme (Musician Wren, Collared ), and stunted forest a top rocky domes (Brown‑banded Puffbird, White‑browed Purpletuft, Natterer’s Slaty‑Antshrike).

Trails in the Forest: Gray Tinamou, Cryptic Forest-Falcon, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Rufous-capped Nunlet, Blue-cheeked , Collared Trogon, Dot-backed and Striated Antbird, Great Jacamar, Musician Wren, Red-headed Manakin, Dusky-tailed Flatbill, Royal Flycatcher, Snow-capped Manakin, Spot-winged and Fasciated Antshrike, White-crested Spadebill, White-winged Shrike-Tanager and many other species. With luck, we will find a swarm of army ants raiding on the forest floor, where we can find the endemic Bare‑eyed Antbird and Brown‑winged Trumpeters, alongside other antbirds and woodcreepers and many other species.

Boat Trip: These trips on the Cristalino and Teles Pires rivers usually find various , swallows and sometimes mammals like tapir, capybara, and two species of otters. It will be a good chance to see such as Agami and Zigzag , Green- and-rufous Kingfisher, Hoatzin, Paradise Jacamar, Razor-billed Curassow, Sunbittern, Band-tailed and Silvered Antbird, Yellow-bellied Dacnis, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Harpy and Crested Eagle and many other species.

Canopy Towers: The list of attractions goes on and on, but the showpiece at Cristalino are the two canopy towers, each allowing guests to observer the treetops from 50m (150 ft) above the ground. This is a great way to see many beautiful and rare canopy birds such as Black-girdled Barbet, Black-tailed Trogon, Crimson- bellied Parakeet, Red-necked and Curl-crested Aracari, Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin, Gould's Toucanet, Kawall's and White-bellied Parrot, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Bay- headed and Paradise Tanager, Pompadour and Spangled Cotinga, Amazonian Trogon, Black-bellied Thorntail, Purple Honeycreeper, Ringed , Rufous-bellied Euphonia, Scaly-breasted Woodpecker, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet, Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant, Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, Tooth-billed Wren, White- browed Hawk, White-browed Purpletuft, White-necked Puffbird, Yellow- shouldered Grosbeak and many other species.

Around the Lodge: Just outside your room you will have a chance to look for bird such as the Bare-faced Curassow, Scarlet Macaw, Red-fan Parrot, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Amazonian Streaked-Antwren, Glossy Antshrike, Long-billed Woodcreeper, Tapajos Hermit, Madeira Parakeet, Thrush-like Schiffornis, Spix's Guan, Lettered Aracari, Black-eared Fairy, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Dusky-billed Parrotlet and many other species.

Owls, Potoos and Nighjars: We also will be looking for night birds like Amazonian Pygmy-Owl, Crested Owl, Austral Screech-Owl, Great and Long-tailed Potoo, Ladder-tailed and Blackish Nightjar.

Mammals: We will have realistic chances to see the Long-nosed bat, Feline Night- monkey, White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, White-whiskered Spider Monkey, Red-handed Howler Monkey, Neotropical and Giant (River) Otter, Brazilian Tapir, Collared and White-lipped Peccary, Paca and many other species.


July 10th - Meet ALL the participants at Alta Floresta Airport at 2:00pm

July 15th - End of the trip at Alta Floresta city, arriving at the airport at 1:00pm.

Day 1 to Day 5 - July 10th to 14th • The activities at these days will be decide a few days before the tour, because we will have to synchronize our visit with the groups that are already at the Cristalino lodge.

Day 6 - July 15 • At the last day of the trip, we will have an early morning breakfast and them we go birding around the lodge until 9:00am. At 10:00am we return to Alta Floresta city to catch the flight that departure from Alta Floresta to Cuiabá city at 2:15pm.

Tour Price in double room occupancy: US$ 2.650,00 / per person

Single room supplement – US$ 600,00

Price Includes: Fluent English speaking birding guide, check list of the birds and mammals, ground transportation, all meals, water, soft drinks, accommodation at the Cristalino Lodge for 5 (five) nights from July 10 to 15 and the Cristalino Foundation Fee.

Price Does Not Include: International and internal airfare, alcoholic beverages, juices, room service, medical costs or hospitalization, departure taxes, excess baggage charges, laundry, insurance, telephone calls or other items of personal nature.

Reservation: [email protected] AMAZON FOREST - Cristalino Lodge Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso State - Brazil

Date: July 22nd to 27th – 2017 (6 days / 5 nights)

 Maximum Group Size: 12 Participants (Minimum of 4 people to run this tour)  Guide: Edson Endrigo or André de Luca or English speaking birding guide  Reservation: [email protected]


Home to nearly 600 bird species, the Alta Floresta region of the Southern Amazon basin is a world class destination. A weeklong stay at the award winning Cristalino Jungle Lodge is an unforgettable experience, made memorable by the friendly service, excellent food, charming accommodations, and the great birding. More than 20 km of trails access various types of forest, from vine‑laden bamboo thickets (Manu Antbird, Chestnut‑throated Spinetail, Dusky‑tailed Flatbill), to sandy igapó (Blue‑crowned Trogon, Flame‑crested Manakin), to tall terra firme (Musician Wren, Collared Puffbird), and stunted forest a top rocky domes (Brown‑banded Puffbird, White‑browed Purpletuft, Natterer’s Slaty‑Antshrike).

Trails in the Forest: Gray Tinamou, Cryptic Forest-Falcon, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Rufous-capped Nunlet, Blue-cheeked Jacamar, Collared Trogon, Dot-backed and Striated Antbird, Great Jacamar, Musician Wren, Red-headed Manakin, Dusky-tailed Flatbill, Royal Flycatcher, Snow-capped Manakin, Spot-winged and Fasciated Antshrike, White-crested Spadebill, White-winged Shrike-Tanager and many other species. With luck, we will find a swarm of army ants raiding on the forest floor, where we can find the endemic Bare‑eyed Antbird and Brown‑winged Trumpeters, alongside other antbirds and woodcreepers and many other species.

Boat Trip: These trips on the Cristalino and Teles Pires rivers usually find various herons, swallows and sometimes mammals like tapir, capybara, and two species of otters. It will be a good chance to see birds such as Agami and Zigzag Heron, Green- and-rufous Kingfisher, Hoatzin, Paradise Jacamar, Razor-billed Curassow, Sunbittern, Band-tailed and Silvered Antbird, Yellow-bellied Dacnis, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Harpy and Crested Eagle and many other species.

Canopy Towers: The list of attractions goes on and on, but the showpiece at Cristalino are the two canopy towers, each allowing guests to observer the treetops from 50m (150 ft) above the ground. This is a great way to see many beautiful and rare canopy birds such as Black-girdled Barbet, Black-tailed Trogon, Crimson- bellied Parakeet, Red-necked and Curl-crested Aracari, Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin, Gould's Toucanet, Kawall's and White-bellied Parrot, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Bay- headed and Paradise Tanager, Pompadour and Spangled Cotinga, Amazonian Trogon, Black-bellied Thorntail, Purple Honeycreeper, Ringed Woodpecker, Rufous-bellied Euphonia, Scaly-breasted Woodpecker, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet, Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant, Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, Tooth-billed Wren, White- browed Hawk, White-browed Purpletuft, White-necked Puffbird, Yellow- shouldered Grosbeak and many other species.

Around the Lodge: Just outside your room you will have a chance to look for bird such as the Bare-faced Curassow, Scarlet Macaw, Red-fan Parrot, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Amazonian Streaked-Antwren, Glossy Antshrike, Long-billed Woodcreeper, Tapajos Hermit, Madeira Parakeet, Thrush-like Schiffornis, Spix's Guan, Lettered Aracari, Black-eared Fairy, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Dusky-billed Parrotlet and many other species.

Owls, Potoos and Nighjars: We also will be looking for night birds like Amazonian Pygmy-Owl, Crested Owl, Austral Screech-Owl, Great and Long-tailed Potoo, Ladder-tailed and Blackish Nightjar.

Mammals: We will have realistic chances to see the Long-nosed bat, Feline Night- monkey, White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, White-whiskered Spider Monkey, Red-handed Howler Monkey, Neotropical and Giant (River) Otter, Brazilian Tapir, Collared and White-lipped Peccary, Paca and many other species.


July 22nd - Meet ALL the participants at Alta Floresta Airport at 2:00pm

July 27th - End of the trip at Alta Floresta city, arriving at the airport at 1:00pm.

Day 1 to Day 5 - July 22nd to 26th • The activities at these days will be decide a few days before the tour, because we will have to synchronize our visit with the groups that are already at the Cristalino lodge.

Day 6 - July 27 • At the last day of the trip, we will have an early morning breakfast and them we go birding around the lodge until 9:00am. At 10:00am we return to Alta Floresta city to catch the flight that departure from Alta Floresta to Cuiabá city at 2:15pm.

Tour Price in double room occupancy: US$ 2.650,00 / per person

Single room supplement – US$ 600,00

Price Includes: Fluent English speaking birding guide, check list of the birds and mammals, ground transportation, all meals, water, soft drinks, accommodation at the Cristalino Lodge for 5 (five) nights from July 22 to 27 and the Cristalino Foundation Fee.

Price Does Not Include: International and internal airfare, alcoholic beverages, juices, room service, medical costs or hospitalization, departure taxes, excess baggage charges, laundry, insurance, telephone calls or other items of personal nature.

Reservation: [email protected] AMAZON FOREST - Cristalino Lodge Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso State - Brazil

Date: July 30nd to August 4th – 2017 (6 days / 5 nights)

 Maximum Group Size: 12 Participants (Minimum of 4 people to run this tour)  Guide: Edson Endrigo or André de Luca or English speaking birding guide  Reservation: [email protected]


Home to nearly 600 bird species, the Alta Floresta region of the Southern Amazon basin is a world class destination. A weeklong stay at the award winning Cristalino Jungle Lodge is an unforgettable experience, made memorable by the friendly service, excellent food, charming accommodations, and the great birding. More than 20 km of trails access various types of forest, from vine‑laden bamboo thickets (Manu Antbird, Chestnut‑throated Spinetail, Dusky‑tailed Flatbill), to sandy igapó (Blue‑crowned Trogon, Flame‑crested Manakin), to tall terra firme (Musician Wren, Collared Puffbird), and stunted forest a top rocky domes (Brown‑banded Puffbird, White‑browed Purpletuft, Natterer’s Slaty‑Antshrike).

Trails in the Forest: Gray Tinamou, Cryptic Forest-Falcon, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Rufous-capped Nunlet, Blue-cheeked Jacamar, Collared Trogon, Dot-backed and Striated Antbird, Great Jacamar, Musician Wren, Red-headed Manakin, Dusky-tailed Flatbill, Royal Flycatcher, Snow-capped Manakin, Spot-winged and Fasciated Antshrike, White-crested Spadebill, White-winged Shrike-Tanager and many other species. With luck, we will find a swarm of army ants raiding on the forest floor, where we can find the endemic Bare‑eyed Antbird and Brown‑winged Trumpeters, alongside other antbirds and woodcreepers and many other species.

Boat Trip: These trips on the Cristalino and Teles Pires rivers usually find various herons, swallows and sometimes mammals like tapir, capybara, and two species of otters. It will be a good chance to see birds such as Agami and Zigzag Heron, Green- and-rufous Kingfisher, Hoatzin, Paradise Jacamar, Razor-billed Curassow, Sunbittern, Band-tailed and Silvered Antbird, Yellow-bellied Dacnis, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Harpy and Crested Eagle and many other species.

Canopy Towers: The list of attractions goes on and on, but the showpiece at Cristalino are the two canopy towers, each allowing guests to observer the treetops from 50m (150 ft) above the ground. This is a great way to see many beautiful and rare canopy birds such as Black-girdled Barbet, Black-tailed Trogon, Crimson- bellied Parakeet, Red-necked and Curl-crested Aracari, Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin, Gould's Toucanet, Kawall's and White-bellied Parrot, Orange-cheeked Parrot, Bay- headed and Paradise Tanager, Pompadour and Spangled Cotinga, Amazonian Trogon, Black-bellied Thorntail, Purple Honeycreeper, Ringed Woodpecker, Rufous-bellied Euphonia, Scaly-breasted Woodpecker, Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet, Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant, Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, Tooth-billed Wren, White- browed Hawk, White-browed Purpletuft, White-necked Puffbird, Yellow- shouldered Grosbeak and many other species.

Around the Lodge: Just outside your room you will have a chance to look for bird such as the Bare-faced Curassow, Scarlet Macaw, Red-fan Parrot, Cream-colored Woodpecker, Amazonian Streaked-Antwren, Glossy Antshrike, Long-billed Woodcreeper, Tapajos Hermit, Madeira Parakeet, Thrush-like Schiffornis, Spix's Guan, Lettered Aracari, Black-eared Fairy, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Dusky-billed Parrotlet and many other species.

Owls, Potoos and Nighjars: We also will be looking for night birds like Amazonian Pygmy-Owl, Crested Owl, Austral Screech-Owl, Great and Long-tailed Potoo, Ladder-tailed and Blackish Nightjar.

Mammals: We will have realistic chances to see the Long-nosed bat, Feline Night- monkey, White-nosed Bearded Saki Monkey, White-whiskered Spider Monkey, Red-handed Howler Monkey, Neotropical and Giant (River) Otter, Brazilian Tapir, Collared and White-lipped Peccary, Paca and many other species.


July 30th - Meet ALL the participants at Alta Floresta Airport at 2:00pm

August 4th - End of the trip at Alta Floresta city, arriving at the airport at 1:00pm.

Day 1 to 5 - July 30th to August 3th • The activities at these days will be decide a few days before the tour, because we will have to synchronize our visit with the groups that are already at the Cristalino lodge.

Day 6 - August 4 • At the last day of the trip, we will have an early morning breakfast and them we go birding around the lodge until 9:00am. At 10:00am we return to Alta Floresta city to catch the flight that departure from Alta Floresta to Cuiabá city at 2:15pm.

Tour Price in double room occupancy: US$ 2.650,00 / per person

Single room supplement – US$ 600,00

Price Includes: Fluent English speaking birding guide, check list of the birds and mammals, ground transportation, all meals, water, soft drinks, accommodation at the Cristalino Lodge for 5 (five) nights from July 30 to August 4 and the Cristalino Foundation Fee.

Price Does Not Include: International and internal airfare, alcoholic beverages, juices, room service, medical costs or hospitalization, departure taxes, excess baggage charges, laundry, insurance, telephone calls or other items of personal nature.

Reservation: [email protected]