April 29, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E705 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

CONGRATULATING JOHN R. MIL- indispensable to legislators, lawyers, and any- Nancy Piper. Nancy will officially retire tomor- LER, HOUSE LAW REVISION one with an interest in the rule of law. Under row on April 30, 2004 after over 28 years of COUNSEL, UPON HIS RETIRE- the superb leadership of John Miller, the office unselfish, dedicated public service to Con- MENT has rightfully earned a reputation for excel- gress in various capacities—both in the minor- lence. ity and in the majority—to five Republican HON. J. DENNIS HASTERT John’s lifetime of service to our country leaders of the House Small Business Com- OF ILLINOIS should be a source of pride to him and his mittee. Nancy graduated from Sweet Briar family. On behalf of the House Democratic College in Virginia and has a Legal Assistant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Caucus, it is my pleasure to commend and Degree from George Washington University. Thursday, April 29, 2004 thank John for his great career in the House Nancy began her career on Capitol Hill in Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I am honored of Representatives and to wish him all the the Nation’s bicentennial year of 1976 working today to congratulate and thank Law Revision best in his retirement. for her Congressman, Jack Wydler, from Gar- Counsel John R. Miller for his 28 years of f den City on Long Island, New York. At that service to the House of Representatives upon time there were only 145 Republicans in the his retirement on May 3, 2004. During his time RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- House of Representatives. Starting in 1983, as Assistant Counsel, Deputy Counsel, and TIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS she began working for the Small Business Law Revision Counsel, John’s dedication, pro- OF JOHN R. MILLER Committee for the then ranking minority Mem- fessionalism, and expertise have served the ber Joseph McDade in Pennsylvania. Since House well, and his important contributions HON. F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR. then, Nancy worked for four other Republican will be missed. Overall John has given 33 OF WISCONSIN leaders of the House Small Business Com- years of service to the Federal Government, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mittee, including Andy Ireland of Florida, Jan and I know he looks forward to a well-de- Meyers of Kansas, and Jim Talent of Missouri. Thursday, April 29, 2004 served retirement. She has certainly seen a lot of changes over As the director of the Law Revision Counsel Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speaker, John the years on how Capitol Hill operates, includ- staff, John has been responsible for signifi- R. Miller is retiring on May 3, 2004, after 32 ing the pivotal year of 1994, when her role cantly improving the procedures for preparing years of service working for the Federal gov- dramatically changed to a majority staff per- and publishing the U.S. Code and for making ernment. He began his career in the Legisla- son. the office self-reliant, a goal which goes back tive Branch working on the staff of Represent- Nancy is one of the many unsung staff to 1975. Under John’s leadership, the Office ative William McCulloch of Ohio. Later, John members of the Small Business Committee no longer requires outside assistance to became an attorney-advisor in the Office of that makes sure many of the administrative produce the Code, and the staff continues to General Counsel at General Accounting Office functions of the committee run smoothly. With- improve its efficiency. For almost three dec- and worked there for 3 years. In 1975, when out her service and her institutional memory, ades, John has played a pivotal role in meet- the Office of the Law Revision Counsel was the committee simply could not function. ing the mandate of the Office to accurately re- established as an independent office in the Nancy makes sure that everything associated flect the intent of Congress in consolidating House of Representatives, John was one of with a committee hearing or a bill markup pro- and codifying Public Laws. While John will the first assistant counsels appointed. In 1994, ceeds without a hitch. shortly no longer show up for work each day, John was promoted to Deputy Law Revision Mr. Speaker, Members who serve on the we will remember his strong legacy. The Counsel, and in 1996, he was appointed by Small Business Committee or who have once House is a better and stronger institution be- Speaker Newt Gingrich as the Law Revision served on the committee all experienced Nan- cause of the efforts of John Miller. We wish Counsel. cy’s professionalism and pleasant demeanor. him all the best in retirement. Throughout his 28 years with the Office of While they will miss her, I know that they will f the Law Revision Counsel, John has played want to join me in wishing Nancy all the best an integral role in the development and evo- as she leaves the frantic pace of Capitol Hill THANKING JOHN R. MILLER FOR lution of the Office. During his tenure as Law to enjoy her well-deserved retirement. My wife, HIS SERVICE TO THE HOUSE Revision Counsel, he has initiated and over- Freda, and I express to Nancy Piper our very seen a significant modernization and upgrad- fondest personal wishes to her and her hus- HON. NANCY PELOSI ing of the procedures and technology used to band, Chris, and her two daughters, Kate and OF prepare the Code, thereby improving efficiency Elizabeth, as she embarks on her new journey IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and accuracy. in life. Mr. Speaker, John has set high standards f Thursday, April 29, 2004 for the work of the Office of the Law Revision Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege Counsel. His unwavering commitment to ex- RECOGNIZING NORTHWEST to join my colleagues in honoring a true public cellence has been instrumental in making the INDIANA COMMUNITY servant, John R. Miller, as he begins the re- Code as accurate and reliable as possible. He tirement he so richly deserves. For the past 28 will be missed. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY years, John has belonged to that small but es- f OF INDIANA sential group of dedicated, nonpartisan profes- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sionals who quietly ensure that the House of IN HONOR OF NANCY PIPER Representatives functions smoothly and Thursday, April 29, 2004 serves the people of the . HON. DONALD A. MANZULLO Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is with John has served as Assistant Counsel, Dep- OF ILLINOIS great pride and enthusiasm that I rise to rec- uty Counsel, and, for the past eight years, as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ognize an outstanding member of the north- the Law Revision Counsel. The Law Revision west Indiana community, Ms. Agnes Lynch. Counsel supervises a staff of 12 attorneys Thursday, April 29, 2004 This incredible woman has been a life force who, along with several editors, administrative Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, we all know for countless students and for her family. Her aides, and technical specialists, are charged that this body could not function without the presence in our community has touched the with preparing and publishing the United able assistance of our staff members. I want- lives of thousands and helped many become States Code. The Code is a consolidation and ed to bring to the attention of the House that the leaders of today codification by subject matter of the general the Small Business Committee will soon lose Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Ms. and permanent laws of the United States. It is to retirement the services of the Chief Clerk, Agnes (Ott) Lynch earned her B.A. in English

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate jul 14 2003 05:38 Apr 30, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29AP8.001 E29PT1 E706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 29, 2004 at Mount Mary College in Milwaukee. Two sitions that would allow him to continue in his diem program spending limit from $75 million major events highlighted those college years. commitment to defending human dignity. He to $100 million, in its fiscal year 2005 medical One was the once-in-a-lifetime experience of served as one of the officers on the first inter- care budget proposal. This legislation would winning the national Tournament of Orators nal Hurley Medical Center security team. Val authorize that spending increase along with sponsored annually by the Hearst Newspaper began his tenure with the Genesee County extending the program authority through 2008. chain. She was the only woman to ever win Sheriff Department as a Deputy Sheriff in Sep- The VA’s Homeless Grant and Per Diem the national finals of that contest. The 1950 tember of 1993. During his career Val was program provides competitive grants to com- finals were held in Baltimore and Bishop elected Steward and later Chief Steward of munity-based, faith-based, and public organi- Sheen was one of the judges. To that day, AFSCME Local 2259, a position he held until zations to offer transitional housing or service Agnes cherishes her kiss on the cheek from his retirement. He was also the coordinator of centers for homeless veterans. Between Sheen, at least as much as the cash prize that the special events within the Sheriff Depart- grants and per diem-only awards, VA is con- accompanied her first-place finish. ment. Val chaired the Michigan Special Olym- tributing support for approximately 10,000 This other event, meeting her future hus- pics ‘‘Law Enforcement Torch Run’’ for 3 community-based supportive housing beds band, occurred while Agnes was working her years. He assisted with communications for and services to homeless veterans in all 50 way through college at the Milwaukee Public the Special Olympics ‘‘Crim Races’’ for 14 states and the District of Columbia. Current re- Library. John Lynch came into the library one years, and he rode his bicycle twice across cipients of these funds are contributing in very night to check out a book. He was on his way Michigan in memory of fallen deputies and significant ways to the fulfillment of the objec- home from the German bakery, just down the other law enforcement agents. He was an ad- tive to reduce homelessness among veterans. street from the library, where he was working viser/instructor for 10 years with the Forgotten Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the homeless vet- his way through Marquette University. John Man Mission Training Program, which was es- erans who need these services and the pro- and Agnes were married in Milwaukee just tablished to assist individuals with becoming grams that are achieving successful out- after graduation and moved to Gary, John’s an assistant chaplain. Val’s invaluable service comes, I urge my colleagues to support this hometown. to the community has not gone unnoticed. measure. After their third child was born, Agnes start- During his career he received numerous acco- ed her teaching career, first at Toleston High lades, including the Sheriff’s ‘‘Community f School and then, for 25 years, at Merrillville Service’’ award for his commitment to volun- HONORING CALIFORNIA STATE High School, where she was the English De- teering and promoting safety. Aside from his SENATOR JOHN VASCONCELLOS partment chairwoman, sponsor of the Thes- law enforcement career, Val is the Com- pian Society and director of the class plays. mander of the Flint-Flotilla U.S. Coast Guard There are few people in northwest Indiana Auxiliary, and most recently he became a HON. ANNA G. ESHOO who didn’t have Agnes for a teacher. In her member of the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, Lt. OF CALIFORNIA spare time, she earned her M.A. from Col. Keehn Composite Flint Squadron. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Valparaiso University. After retiring from Val is not only dedicated to serving and pro- Thursday, April 29, 2004 Merrillville High School, Agnes taught for 3 tecting the community, he is also and foremost years at Indiana University Northwest. a devoted husband to his lovely and sup- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the A widow since John’s passing in 2000, portive wife of 26 years, Louise. members representing , including Agnes now devotes her time to church, trav- Mr. Speaker, as a Member of Congress, I Representatives STARK, LANTOS, LOFGREN, eling and basking in the accomplishments of ask my colleagues in the 108th Congress to HONDA and FARR, I rise to honor California her children. Mr. Speaker, Agnes Lynch has please join me in honoring my good friend and State Senator John Vasconcellos, one of the given her time and efforts selflessly to the constituent Val Rose, and wishing him the most highly respected legislators in California, people of northwest Indiana throughout her very best in his retirement. who is retiring this year after representing Santa Clara County in the California Legisla- long and illustrious life. She has given the gift f of knowledge to thousands in our community. ture for nearly forty years. Senator I respectfully ask that you and my other distin- HOMELESS VETERANS ASSIST- Vasconcellos will be honored on Friday, April guished colleagues join me in congratulating ANCE REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 30, 2004 by the Santa Clara County Demo- Ms. Lynch for her outstanding contributions to 2004 cratic Party for his extraordinary public service Indiana’s First Congressional District. I am career. proud to commend Agnes for her lifetime of HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH John Vasconcellos is a graduate of service and dedication. OF NEW JERSEY Bellarmine College Preparatory in San Jose and the University of Santa Clara, where he f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was the first person in the history of the insti- HONORING MR. VAL ROSE Thursday, April 29, 2004 tution to graduate as Student Body President, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, the Valedictorian and recipient of a medal given to HON. DALE E. KILDEE Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates the outstanding member of the senior class. OF MICHIGAN that there are 200,000 or more homeless vet- After two years in the Army, he returned to at- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erans living on the streets on any given night. tend Law School where Other organizations dedicated to assisting he again was Class President and a top stu- Thursday, April 29, 2004 homeless populations believe that that number dent. He practiced law in San Jose and Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise before you is higher, closer to 300,000. Either number is served in the Administration of Governor Ed- today to pay tribute to an outstanding man, far too high and a national travesty. For these mund G. ‘‘Pat’’ Brown. Mr. Val Rose, who on December 4, 2003 re- veterans, access to VA benefits, specialized John Vasconcellos was first elected to the tired from the Genesee County Sheriff Depart- services and effective outreach are vital com- California State Assembly in 1966, where he ment in Flint, Michigan after 20 years of dedi- ponents to any hope of individual stability and served for 30 years before being elected to cated service to the residents of Genesee improvement in their prospects. the State Senate. During his tenure in the As- County. On May 4, 2004, family and friends With the passage of Public Law 107–95, the sembly, he served as the Chairman of the will gather to honor the career of Mr. Rose Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assist- powerful Assembly Ways and Means Com- during a dinner to be held at the Ramada Inn ance Act of 2001, Congress established the mittee where he earned a reputation as a located in my hometown of Flint, Michigan. goal of ending chronic homelessness in the masterful negotiator and conciliator, and for Val was born in Flint, Michigan on October veteran population within a decade. Today, I the superior legislation he produced. 20, 1951 to Dr. and Mrs. Frank (Florence) am introducing H.R. 4248 along with Mr. In 1996, John Vasconcellos was elected to Rose. He graduated from Central High School EVANS of Illinois, the Committee’s ranking the , where he has in 1970. He attended Flint Junior College member, that would extend the authority of the served on the Budget, Public Safety, and En- (Mott College) and majored in criminal justice. Secretary of Veterans Affairs to continue mak- ergy, Utilities and Communications Commit- During his course of study he received an in- ing grants to expand or modify existing pro- tees and as the Chair of the Committees on ternship within the Flint Police Department. grams for homeless veterans. The current au- Education, Economic Development, Preparing His first official assignment was with a police thority for this program will expire in Sep- California for the 21st Century, and the Inter- force in the State of Wyoming. Upon returning tember 2005 without this legislation. VA also net Caucus. He founded the California Task to the Great State of Michigan, Val sought po- requested an increase in the grant and per Force to Promote Self Esteem and Personal

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