E312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 1, 2005 CONGRATULATING OFFICERS AND Big Joe jammed with fellow musician Paul While holding his position at Dow Auto- MEMBERS OF NORTH HAMPTON Asbell, and out of their collaboration was motive, Mr. Hamilton is also active within VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT formed an ensemble called The Unknown many engineering and automotive Boards. He Blues Band. The core of The Unknown Blues Band included Asbell, Chuck Eller on key- is a proud member of the Society of Auto- HON. MELISSA A. HART board, Tony Markellis on bass, and Russ motive Engineers and the Society of Plastics OF PENNSYLVANIA Lawson on drums, and of course, Big Joe. Engineers. Mr. Hamilton also sits on his com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Not only did they make music, but they pany’s Global Commercial Leadership Net- shaped a whole new generation of musicians. work, Corporate Contributions Committee as Tuesday, March 1, 2005 Big Joe, who played with BB King and Count well as the CEO Council on Diversity. Ms. HART. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take Basie, Etta James and Little Richard, was a This is a significant honor for Mr. Hamilton this opportunity to congratulate the officers formative influence on Trey Anastasio, the and I wish to congratulate him on his accom- and members of the North Hampton Volunteer guitarist for Phish. In fact, Burrell played plishments and recognition as one of the 75 Fire Department on the occasion of the De- guest appearances with Anastasio’s band in recent years. most powerful African Americans in corporate partment’s 50th Anniversary. The members of Last year, the Unknown Blues Band cele- America. the Fire Department have unselfishly served brated its twenty-fifth anniversary. The f the citizens of Hampton for half a century and band was a Burlington staple, playing at gigs now look forward to continuing their brave everywhere and most especially at a weekly HONORING SENATOR JOHN service in the 21st century . performance at Halvorson’s Upstreet Cafe´ in VASCONCELLOS The members of the North Hampton Volun- Burlington. Even as age seemed outwardly to teer Fire Department plan to celebrate their slow him down, Big Joe kept performing at HON. BARBARA LEE his customary high level. Cafe´ owner Tim 50th anniversary with a dinner and dance OF event on Saturday, March 12, 2005 with cock- Halvorson told the Free Press, ‘‘He’d shuffle in with his walker or a cane, but, boy, as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tails beginning at 6:00, and dinner at 7:00 at soon as the music started and he got a glass Tuesday, March 1, 2005 the Hampton Banquet Hall. of Canadian Club and he grabbed his saxo- I ask my colleagues in the phone, he was 30 years younger.’’ As his Ms. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor House of Representatives to join me in hon- nephew Dr. Leon Burrell said, speaking of the outstanding work of California State Sen- oring the Volunteer Fire Department of North his last performance just a month ago, ‘‘He ator John Vasconcellos. In the nearly four dec- Hampton. It is an honor to represent the went out doing what he did best. It’s like a ades Senator Vasconcellos has served in the Fourth Congressional District of Pennsylvania cowboy dying with his boots on.’’ California State Legislature, he has worked and a pleasure to salute citizens such as the Big Joe was a big man—not only in phys- tirelessly to promote policies which emphasize ical stature, but big in heart. He loved education and peace, both in government and North Hampton Volunteer Firefighters who music, he loved people, and he loved playing truly embody the spirit of public service and in Vermont. Vermont loved him back. He in local communities. the meaning of bravery. was an emblem of the amazing power of jazz, Senator Vasconcellos was born in San f our nation’s preeminent form of music. He Jose, California, in 1932. He was the eldest of showed all who lived in the Green Mountain three children born to a Portuguese father and VERMONT’S GREAT JAZZ MASTER State how jazz can speak to each of us, di- a German mother. Notably, he became the rectly, deeply; he showed us that the music only student in the history of Santa Clara Uni- HON. BERNARD SANDERS born in the South and in the big cities of the versity to serve as Student Body President, to Mid-west has flowed, like a mighty river, all OF VERMONT be the Valedictorian of his class, and to win through our nation. He was an important IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tributary of that river, and all of us in the Nobili Medal, which is awarded to the Tuesday, March 1, 2005 Vermont who love music will remember Big most outstanding graduate. After completing Joe for that, and for the wonderful perform- his undergraduate studies, Senator Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, Vermont’s ances he gave us, time and again. Vasconcellos served two years as a lieutenant great jazz saxophonist, Big Joe Burrell, died f in the United States Army before returning to on February 2 at the age of 80. He was born to enroll in law school. and spent his early years in Port Huron Michi- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. GEORGE In 1966, Senator Vasconcellos was elected gan. The story of his start in music is leg- HAMILTON to represent California’s 13th district in the endary. Here is how Brent Hallenbeck re- State Assembly, a position he would hold for counted it in the Burlington Free Press: HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG 30 years. During that time, he served on many As a shy 10-year-old, he approached his OF MICHIGAN of the state’s most important committees, in- mother’s boss and asked to borrow $5 so he cluding the Committee on Ways and Means, could buy a saxophone. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Assembly Education Committee, and the ‘‘Saxophone?’’ the man asked. ‘‘What are Tuesday, March 1, 2005 you going to do with a saxophone?’’ Select Committee on Ethics. During his time ‘‘I’m going to play it,’’ little Joe Burrell Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise as a State Assemblymember, he also spear- told him. And he did, mastering his instru- today to recognize an extraordinary business- headed some of the most important and so- ment in the next few years. After serving in man and exceptional American, George Ham- cially consequential legislation of his time. He the U.S. Army during World War Two, his ilton, President of Dow Automotive and re- was responsible for the creation not only of musical career took off. At an Akron dance cently named one of the most powerful African the first campus childcare program in the na- he played the opening act for a B.B. King performance, and King thereafter asked Big Americans in corporate America. tion, but has been a steadfast supporter of Joe to play saxophone in his orchestra. He Since 1988, Black Enterprise has published student financial aid throughout his career. His would go on to tour with King for almost two a list of the most powerful African Americans commitment to education is demonstrated not years before meeting up with another major in corporate America. This year, Mr. Hamilton only by his creation of the Cal Grant Program figure in American music, Count Basie. has been chosen by the magazine for this 25 years ago, which now serves over 60,000 Basie invited Big Joe to play in his club in honor. The list is compiled from the 1,000 students each year, but also by his advocacy New York and would become the major musi- largest publicly traded companies and leading of the personal and academic development of cal influence in Big Joe’s life. ‘‘Count Basie international corporations located in the United all children, as evidenced by his creation of was the predominant influence on me until the day he died, and still is today,’’ Burrell States. This year Mr. Hamilton is among 75 the California Task Force to Promote Self Es- said in 2002. African Americans honored from 62 compa- teem and Personal & Social Responsibility. Ten years of playing in Canada eventually nies and twelve industries. After terming out of the California State As- brought him to Montreal, from where it was Mr. Hamilton joined the Dow Chemical sembly in 1996, he was able to run for the an easy journey to play a date in Burlington, Company in 1977 as a seller of plastics in the open State Senate seat in his district and won. Vermont. There he discovered his nephew, automobile industry. Since coming to the com- He continued to tirelessly serve the public and Leon Burrell, was a professor of education at pany, Mr. Hamilton has held a number of posi- the cause of quality children’s education in this the University of Vermont. The meeting was doubly fortuitous: Leon invited Big Joe to tions in sales, marketing, development and capacity until his retirement in 2004. Though live with him, and he made Leon’s home his business operations. Prior to joining Dow he no longer holds public office, Senator own for many years. And Vermont gained its Automotive in 2000 he served as North Amer- Vasconcellos continues to work for the im- most well-known, most-well-beloved jazz ican Commercial Director for Engineering provement and accessibility of education, and musician. Plastics for the Dow Chemical Company. has worked to establish a scholarship fund as

VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:13 Mar 10, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\E01MR5.REC E01MR5 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E313 well as a program for students pursuing ca- shining example of the tremendous impact Her treatment philosophy is based on the reers in early education, and another program young people can have on their communities acknowledgement that addiction is a disease aimed at building a network of leaders and ac- and the lives of others. That is why it is fitting and that abstinence is the best way to man- tivists who focus on education reform, chil- that Christy is honored with the first ‘‘Connecti- age the condition. Wise treats her patients dren’s issues, health, and ageing. cut’s Finest Award’’ and that today will be pro- with respect and provides a safe place for On Saturday, February 19, 2005, Senator claimed ‘‘Christy Carlson Romano Day’’ in Mil- them to heal. Vasconcellos will be honored in Berkeley, ford. As a member of the Congressional Caucus California for these extraordinary accomplish- Through Christy’s extraordinary contribu- on Addiction, Treatment and Recovery, I have ments. Through his commitment to improving tions both on-screen and off, she has become gained a greater awareness and respect for education and increasing opportunity for all a true role model for young people every- the problems associated with addiction, and I children, he has not only touched countless where. I am pleased to stand today to join her am working to promote solutions to these lives, but exemplifies the true spirit of public parents, Sharon and Anthony, her sisters Mar- problems. I believe that information, education, service. I am honored to call him ‘‘my friend.’’ cella and Jennifer, her brother Anthony, Jr., and awareness about chemical addiction, as On this important occasion, I salute and con- Speaker Amann, Mayor Richetelli, family, well as access to treatment are the keys to gratulate Senator Vasconcellos for his invalu- friends, and fans in recognizing Christy Carl- able contributions the State of California, our son Romano for her outstanding professional combating this horrific disease. country, and the world. and personal achievements. She is truly one I applaud Babette Wise and wish her contin- f of Connecticut’s finest. ued success in the years ahead. HONORING CHRISTY CARLSON RO- f f MANO AS SHE IS RECOGNIZED CONGRATULATING BEAVER VAL- AS A ROLE MODEL FOR YOUNG LEY BRANCH OF AMERICAN AS- INTRODUCING BILL TO PROHIBIT PEOPLE EVERYWHERE SOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY ANY REMITTANCE OF U.S. VOL- WOMEN ON 75TH ANNIVERSARY UNTARY AND ASSESSED CON- HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO TRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NA- OF CONNECTICUT HON. MELISSA A. HART TIONS IF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF PENNSYLVANIA IMPOSES ANY TAX OR FEE ON Tuesday, March 1, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ANY UNITED STATES PERSON OR Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great Tuesday, March 1, 2005 CONTINUES TO DEVELOP OR pleasure that I rise today to join Speaker PROMOTE PROPOSALS FOR SUCH Ms. HART. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take A TAX OR FEE James Amann of the Connecticut House of this opportunity to congratulate the Beaver Representatives and Mayor James Richetelli Valley Branch of the American Association of of Milford, Connecticut as they recognize one University Women on its 75th Anniversary, of the Milford community’s brightest stars— and recognize the exemplary performance of HON. RON PAUL Christy Carlson Romano. A literal star of both service that the organization provides the 4th OF TEXAS stage and screen, Christy is a Milford native District of Pennsylvania. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who has not only shown that talent and hard Founded in 1930 by seventeen women at work can bring great fame and success, but Geneva College, the Beaver Valley Branch of Tuesday, March 1, 2005 more importantly, how one can use their ce- the American Association of University lebrity to positively impact the lives of others. Women has worked to promote equality for all Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to intro- Christy is perhaps best known for her cur- women. They have tirelessly advocated for duce a bill to prohibit any remittance of U.S. rent roles on the ’s ‘‘Even Ste- lifelong education and positive social change, voluntary and assessed contributions to the vens’’ and for lending her voice to the ani- and have met on the first Thursday of every United Nations if the United Nations imposes mated series ‘‘.’’ Acting since she month since 1930. any tax or fee on any United States person or was six years old, at only twenty, Christy has I ask my colleagues in the United States continues to develop or promote proposals for developed an extensive background in both House of Representatives to join me in hon- such a tax or fee. theater and screen acting. Her dedication to oring the Beaver Valley Branch of the Amer- The United Nations has for decades been her craft has given this remarkable young ican Association of University Women. It is an woman a highly respected reputation—espe- looking for a way to develop and promote a honor to represent the Fourth Congressional system of direct taxation on American citizens. cially among her young fans. District of Pennsylvania and a pleasure to sa- However, it is not just her fame that makes It is bad enough that the United States has lute the service of organizations like the Bea- Christy such a tremendous role model for wasted more than $30 billion thus far on this ver Valley Branch of the American Association young people. Her commitment to her edu- corrupt and inept organization. U.N. bureau- of University Women that personify civic pride cation is a real source of inspiration. This is crats want to find a way to put their hands di- and make the communities that they live in even more evident when you consider that rectly in the taxpayer’s pocket and do away truly special. she has spent the majority of her life bal- with the U.S. Government middle man. f ancing both a career and a rigorous academic A current example of this determination to course load. At twelve she was on the dais of TRIBUTE TO BABETTE WISE tax American citizens is the Law of the Sea ‘‘The Presidents Summit for America’s Future’’ Treaty. The ‘‘International Seabed Authority’’ where she met three former U.S. Presidents HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN created by the Law of the Sea Treaty would and as a high school junior she participated in OF MARYLAND have the authority to—for the first time in his- the National Leadership Conference. Today IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tory—impose taxes on American businesses she is a sophomore at Columbia University’s Tuesday, March 1, 2005 and citizens. This treaty may be ratified at any Barnard College majoring in Political Science time by the U.S. Senate and U.N. taxation of and has already completed a congressional in- Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, it is with Americans will become a reality. ternship with Senator DODD. great pleasure that I rise to commend one of In addition to her challenging schedule with my constituents, Babette Wise, on her dedica- This is just one of many examples of the her career and studies, Christy still finds time tion to substance abuse treatment and preven- United Nations attempting to impose direct to be active with numerous charitable organi- tion in the Washington, DC, area for nearly a taxes on the American people. If we are to re- zations. The Will Rogers Foundation, the quarter of a century. tain our sovereignty and our way of life we Make a Wish Foundation, the Connecticut As a licensed therapist and director of must reject completely any such attempt. Our Leukemia Society, and the Child Safety Net- Georgetown University Hospital’s Alcohol and forefathers rebelled against English rule over work are just a handful of the groups with Drug Abuse Clinic, Wise has worked with indi- the issue of ‘‘taxation without representation is which Christy has and continues to be in- viduals, families, and communities struggling tyranny.’’ It makes no sense at all more than volved. Her good work has certainly touched with addiction to alcohol and other drugs. She 230 years later to subject ourselves to such a the lives of many. has helped many people throughout the tyrannical arrangement. Too often, the extraordinary contributions of Washington region transform their lives by I hope my colleagues will join me in sup- young people are overlooked. Christy is a providing quality treatment and education. porting this legislation.

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