1 Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs, LLC Ruby Kumar
HUD-L-000607-18 09/20/2018 4:04:44 PM Pg 1 of 3 Trans ID: LCV20181638897 Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs, LLC Ruby Kumar-Thompson, Esq. (Attorney ID No. 044951999) 169 Ramapo Valley Road Upper Level – Suite 105 Oakland, New Jersey 07436 (973)845-6700 Gittleman Muhlstock & Chewcaskie Brian M. Chewcaskie, Esq. (Attorney ID No. 021201984) 2200 Fletcher Avenue Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 (201)944-2300 Attorneys for Defendants SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY JACQUELINE ROSA, LAW DIVISION – HUDSON COUNTY Plaintiff, v. DOCKET NO.: HUD-L-607-18 BOROUGH OF LEONIA, et al., Civil Action Defendants. NOTICE OF MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDER DATED AUGUST 30, 2018 GRANTING PLAINTIFF/INTERVENOR’S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT STATE OF N.J. DEP’T OF TRANSPORTATION, Before: Peter F. Bariso, Jr., A.J.S.C. Plaintiff/Intervenor, Motion Date: October 12, 2018 v. BOROUGH OF LEONIA, N.J., Defendant. To: Philip J. Espinosa, Esq. Deputy Attorney General of New Jersey R.J. Hughes Justice Complex 25 Market Street P.O. Box 114 Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Attorney for Plaintiff/Intervenor State of New Jersey Department of Transportation 1 HUD-L-000607-18 09/20/2018 4:04:44 PM Pg 2 of 3 Trans ID: LCV20181638897 On Notice To: Jacqueline Rosa, Esq., Plaintiff Seigel Law Firm LLC 505 Goffle Road Ridgewood, New Jersey 07450 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on October 12, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, Defendant Borough of Leonia (“the Borough”) will move for reconsideration of the Order dated August 30, 2018 granting summary judgment to Plaintiff/Intervenor State of New Jersey Department of Transportation.
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