İSTANBUL, 2012 1. Baskı İstanbul, Agust- 2012 Sultantepe Publications / Yabancı Eserler Serisi, 1 Transleted/Recadtor : Elif Kapıcı Editing : Melek Zeynep Oyludağ/Aslı Tarası Publishing : Ömer Faruk Demireşik Typeset-Cover : Songrafik Tasarım Printed by : Erkam Matbaası (+90 212 671 07 00) İnkılap Mahallesi Küçüksu Cad. Parıltı Sokak No: 18/A Ümraniye/İSTANBUL Tel&Faks: 0216 630 01 07
[email protected] Halime Demireşik The Mothers of the Believers -Wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw)- About Halime Demiresik She was born in Denizli, Turkey in June of 1978. She finished Imam Hatip High School in 1995. While completing Divinity Seminary, she worked as an educator for the the schools sponsored by the Aziz Mahmud Hudayi Wakf (Foundation) for 15 years. During this time, in both Turkey and other countries, she made conferences and seminars about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw); increasing affection for him; and the family life in Islam. In the year 2011, she was given the “Service to the Prophet’s Life” Award by the Surayya Anne Foundation in America. She has written many articles and interviews which were printed in the “Altınoluk”, “Yuvamız”, “Bahçevan” and “Şebnem” Magazines in Turkey. She has seven books published in Turkey: “Vakıflara Hayat Veren Vâlide Sultanlar (2003)”, “Hanım Gözüyle Mü’minlerin Anneleri” (2008), “Muhab- beti, Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v.)’e Adamak” (2009), “21. yüzyıldan Cennete Koşan Hanımlar” (2009), “Ben, O’nu Sevmeye Muhtacım” (2009), “Dostun Divanına” (2009), “Kalbimiz Aşk Ateşinde” (2012). The book “Muhabbeti Hz. Muhammed’e Adamak” has been translated into the Azeri language. The book “The Mothers of the Believers” is her first book translated into English.