Grade 5 Girls Review Seerah Mercy to Mankind Chapters 17-22 &27

1. Prophet S was offered different things to stop teaching including? 2. Where the poor persecuted by the Quraish? 3. Who is a ? What does the word mean? 4. Where is ? 5. Why did some muslims go to Ethiopia? 6. How many went? 7. Why did the Quraish follow the Muslims to Ethiopia? 8. Which Sahabah spoke to the king of Ethiopia and convinced him to allow the Muslims to stay? 9. What is the UNHCR? 10. What does Al-Habashi mean? 11. Who is Bilal ibn Rabah Al-Habashi R? 12. What did Bilal R say when he was being tortured under the hot Arabian sand? 13. Who were the first to Shahid of Islam? 14. Who was Umm Jamil? 15. Why did people torture Rasool S? 16. How did Rasool S respond to the terrible treatment people gave him? 17. How can you respond to the ill treatment of people? 18. What can we learn from Rasool S’s patience? 19. Who was Hamza R? 20. How did Hamza R respond to Rasool S getting hurt by Abu Jahl? 21. How can we respond when we see someone being hurt by another? 22. The day Umar R became Muslim what was he setting out to do? 23. What are something we can learn about this- when we plan on doing something but another thing happens entirely? 24. What prompted Umar R to pick up the and read it? 25. How can a Muslim who is angry calm down according to Rasool S’s teachings? 26. What should you do when you are angry? 27. Was Abu Talib a Muslim? How was his presence beneficial to Rasool S? 28. What is a boycott? 29. How long did the boycott against the Muslims last? 30. Why did Rasool S not give into the demands of the Quraish? 31. What can we learn from the Prophet S’s steadfastness? 32. What is the ? 33. How long were Khadija R and Rasool S married? 34. Why should we love Rasool S more than ourselves and our parents? 35. If you follow Rasool S what is promised to you? 36. How was Rasool S a mercy to mankind?