The Weekly Shelby News: 1857-02-25
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Good Ones from Hooper. — Hoopeb, au- far 'i-.r aiwlbf The Ik rarrfcli) $f)elfc| Birth-Day of H^uhtngton. The bone- ..| hints are hollow. tilled £ Xrtos. thor of » Simon Suggs," and editor of the FOR 1A1.E. Wiih reverence With and gratitude On Prtttntation an air instead of marrow. suoaciiber. having determined to discosmesis Montgomery Mail, fires off the following of Album THE v j Thy memory must e'er be viewed: hou«- keeping offers for sale his - remises in > O Lady, wilt thou receive DOLLARS A YEAR, good one : this book from me. North Shelbyville. consieti of a very comfortable IN Sales or Alihough no monument may rise. ADVANCE, Kenticky Bank Stock.— At As a token of my love. ^alcs of EanD, &c. FRAME DWELLING, with nearo. me«« and car- Bribing Congressmen—"A Joke." With lofty shaft to pierce the skies. —We j riage *JS aO payable withinf. hous«» ; a large Stable, all in the bestest repair, month*aftersubtcrib. the Philadelphia Stock And on its fair pages written thou'lt see Board, on Tuesday believe that it was $1500 that Congressman Thy name immortal will endure. about 50 fruit tree* the < h<»ice< ir . 7. —at will of whichtime all*ub*cript ion* beconsid- j 'Tin thee, TAVKKV and only thee. I love HOfem FOR SILK. three to four of last week. 45 shares Northern of Edwards, of New York, Till lime and tide to years old; grapes, »trawotrri
a gentleman advanced to the spot, a the Shall taste the neatly executed. ! I Shelby county, and will and Frankfort Railroad, he 1 as, or requiring notices, designed to call at- gazed by heathen, in perils in the city, in per- sweets of liberty. sell a great bargain to f improvement* April 9. 18.16 .1*4,. one And as the car ot Time rolls on. any wishing a good stock farm". The land is comfortable brick Dwelling House, 1 to any public entertainmer, moment upon the coiled monster, and then ils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, Millions of freemen yet unborn, situated near the Shelbyville and Frankfort Turnpike rooms, and all outbuildings nsually V pouncing upon it, for admittance; all notice ol private awo- held up to the view of the in perils among false brethren. In weari Shall Road, nine well hail the name ot VaasmtBtVe). E DG A R N E E DHA M *S milea from Shelbyville and thirteen from improved tarms. from the 1 startled of the to attention to crowd a whalebone hoop, which nest> and painfulness. in watchings Oldham county, Ky., 1857. I rankfort. containing 260 acres, with good land to grass and ihe almndant supply of 1 notice designed call often. in E. P I - < ) improve- M All B E W R K s . had wriggled itself out ments, and is in fine repair, well watered and timber- water, it could be made one of the best Stock Farms !ed to pro- of a lady 's petticoat hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold t.iP Jejerxon Street, opposite O*.,,,', HefwJ ed, and is in a high slate of cultivation Any one in the State. There are about 100 acres in Wheat. tint and quietly coiled itself upon the mote the per- «.* o. .Quiir', or floor. and nakedness." Good God! What a LOUISVILLE. 1 Jfttrvcanttlr ant) ,iFurntsjrjing. KY. wishing to purchase, will receive all necessary infor- ij~ \* mi anxious to re angee to Miaesarl sjssbj This is fact, spring. interest; willonlybe inserted a and ought to admonish salary for a ! this old mation as to 'ertns. hv to I would like 10 sell butore ihe 10th of do not posses* general the minister Hunger, thirst, fast- AT Establishment may be found a large Ac applying the under- March. and varied stock ot signed on the premises. »r to 1857. Possession can be given at that time. For with the understanding that the same is to be paid for, ladies of the danger of not securing the ings, nakedness, perils, persecution. -Chris- MO N I' M E NTS V A U LTS Thomas J. Throop. in TOMB. STONES, Head Shelbyville. further information apply to ROBT. MALLORY. snake-like circles DISSOLUTION and Foot Stones. Iron THOMAS JONES ai the rate otter ce«f* per line. If inserted in the edi- which encompass their tian Intelligencer. Dec. 1*56. or to the suSsrrt^r. »sr THE copartnership heretofore existing, under the Railings, and every description of work suitable tor % aasf BallardsviDe. Oldham only at the discretion of lower extremities.— SBjBSjsn, Kv. torial column, which can be Clarktvilkf Tnmeuee J the name and .style of Standeford A Newland, Grave Yards or Cemeteries. The itibeeribcr jru«r- WM M.GIBSON. is this aatees January 1 1. the editor the same will beehsrged, at the rate of not Chronicle. Anecdote ok Andrlw Stevenson and day dissolved by mutual eonsent;-the name his work to be done in ?he best style, and has sM fe#887 Administrators Sale. TW u lapia Mw i 1 1 mm* li) »w «awff taa iton mill Ml ot the firm to be used made arrangements to deliver set it when necessary in elosin? tht and *ip in fJrove n the southwestern for such claims ! P* y and pan at* Shelby county, «»• • . Wayne, of against said firm. promptly attended to. ten milea from the Supreme Court of the Uni- Those who have accounta with farming ftrwils is • Sbelbyviile. and 2J miles from Louis- us will please call ville, ted States. and close them by note or cash. ! BOO \R NKEDHAM. fine Reaper: and not more than two mile* from the >umpike It runs thus : Mr. Fillmore , sting case was before the House All must Uee.;t.l856. i i < 7 . • know the importance and necessity of at * m8Sl leading from Taylorsville to Louisville. The tarm Havine recently added a vai.^ of new type to our „,„ „ m . , u r 2-2head HORSES and COLTS, amonj; whichare free made his debut in the National House of t.-nding yesterday. A negro died lately in the promptly to this notice. 10 or U fine brood Marea; contains about 500 Acres; *bout *30of which are in JOB OFFICE, we are now prepared to execute all Aly possessed of considerable real estate. Representatives, when the Hon. Andrew Very respectfullttjr, yourobt. servants, head of CATTLE; several -ood milch Cows and cultivation, and the balance well set tor of orders any and every kind Job Printing, in the WM STANDEFORD. iLouisbillr .HfJbrvttsrmrnts. Calves, and 2 yoke of Oxen; On the linn i- i milortable dwelling, with His wife and children are slaves in Virginia. Stevenson, a staunch Democrat, filled the moat elegant style. on short notice, and at prices tb»t H. T. NEWLAND. «0 head STOCK HOGS; 30 or 40 Sheep; rooms; also necessary barns and outbuilJingt. "ft Speaker's chair, The properly vested in the States with characteristic and Shelbyville, Ky., Feb. one of the b«;st of stock farms. 10.I h«»mp can «'«o be United 13, 1857. e/891 iialf of a fine Jack. 1 Jennett, I two will not faii .ogive J. WOOD \VII,SO\. Om year old blended dignity, firmness, grown on a portion of it. The whole of it «asss> for the want of heirs. The bill proposes to and courtesy. Jack Cab, 1 yearling Jack colt and 2 Mule Colts; w WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FORWARD- lent wh»-at and corn limd. 1 Rockawav. 1 Buggy, and 1 Carriage: £ Wagon*. re-invest it in his wife Mr. Fillmore, a member ol the Whig parly, MKTICANTILE NOTICE. and children upon ING AND COMMISSION I MERC HAN and a one-horse Cart; Anv one d^irou* M'sssng :He Kirm c-an J.> «o by Dealer in rose to make his maiden speech. A set of FOR SPRING, 1857. Produce generally, So. M;l M„rk> rl atrwet, their being released from slavery by their One- third interest in a pair of large Cattle Scales; applying to RICH A RL> M OWEN, on the premi- Dry Goods business between First and Second, south side, proprietor ill-mannered will hereafter be con- ses, or to the Executors I. M. Shelbyville. HUBCHES. present owners. It is understood that the and rowdy democrats imme- THE 10 Shares of S:ock in the Branch Bank of Ashland; oWEN. ducted, at the old stand of Standeford &. New. of the house late Wilson & Head v. has associated 10 Shares of Stack in Clear Creek Turnpike ROBERT COCHR \\\ neirVandv ke's Mitts Mia ia i>es owners are prepared diately endeavored to cough and scrape him land, by with him in the above S. Road; tht to liberate the slaves the undersigned, and the best assistance he business, Mr. H. Shallcross. Nov 19, 1356 tfBTV under A lot ot new Bacon; a quantity of old Corn; lyviUe.**. on the passage of a law authorising down. Mr. Stevenson, observing tlip noise can employ. He returns his thanks for past favors, the style of Wilson St Shallcro?*. and will them to 25 shocks of Com on the farm purchased ol II Y and discourtesy, rapped •ind would solicit a continuance of the patronage continue the business in all its branches. They will J W. Wallkr, Pesioi. . r take possession of the property. bill strongly8 and loud- Offutt; Hay. Oat!., and Rye, in the stack; a lot of The - which his be ever ready to wait 1 , . friends and a generous on former customers, and de- • .,1 o 1 , ... public have hereto- at 11 o'clock, em. and at ly, with the Speaker s hammer, and called Hemp. &c. ie. Ac. Boston ^fjbrrtiscmfnts. assed the House by a large majority, and u>rP. extended to him, in connection with his former sire to increase the number in future They have rer meeting every Wedncad '" Terms —For all sums of 910 and under, cash in ''Order'Order ! Order !" in an ilpr>iaii>*> inn. ami partner-,—nartiierx —and will justinat on hand Mnd will keep in his store assortment of •II go through the Senate with little Order in decisive tone, and here give an From J. Co.\ Advertising . Sabbath school 9 o'clock, a.u. but hand; over tlO a credit of nine months will be giv- E. FaawELL A. Agency the best nrticles in their line found in the West said: —"The honorable member from New en—the purchaser giving note with approved Xo. %\ Congrrs* utreet. Boston. Ma -Rev. W. C. Mattbews. Pastor, tion. This is believed to be the first WILS'-N & SHALLCROSS securi- NOTICE ty . negotiable and payable at the office of the Shel- tbbath at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 3 u. York will take his seat, until order is re- e since the adoption of the i«i Consti- Thai he daily in expectation of the rereipt of a byvi'le Insurance Company. rer meeting afternoon, «KV %I>AHS' Thursday tution in stored." iMr. Fillmore accordingly sat large Having withdrawn from the firm ol Wilson v which the North and South have invoice ot Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, a. m.. when due a'h School at 9 o'clock, a. m. Heady, 1 take pleasure in recommending my forni'-r harmonized on a bill involving "legislation down, and on the disturbance being entire- attention will be given by BODICE VXD CORSET v. J. W Cunxinohaw, Pastor. partner, Mr. Wilson, and his present associate. Mr DOMESTIC GOODS, J M. OWEN, \\"AREROOMS re removed from Waahinaton on the subjeet of slavery." ly quelled, Mr. Stevenson said: "Order Shallcross, who will continue the 10 at 11 o'clock, a. . and business. my v 2-i Fabbath m direct from the East,— \dtmnistrator of Shannon Reid, deceased. v Street 10 No. W nter Street. Boston Tba consisting in part of the lol- friends generally. raver meeting c-ve- having been restored, the M P HEADY. 1 Wednesday honorable • mem- lowing articles, viz: J. Dklpm, Auctioneer, of Lexington, Ky. Warerooms of Washing -n Street, for thirty yt January 7, 1857. too885 Sebbath School at 9 o'clock, a. m. in 1 ber from New York will proceed with his 4-4.5 4.6-4, 10-4. and February 11. 1857. f»890 established Dr. Jack lvM brown and bleached Louisville, January7, \M7. ta#5-885 S F. Thompson, Pastor. Shackelford.—The Alabama ^lieetiugs Mvxh-21. 183 Ser- remarks." Mr. Fillmore, on this intima- and Shirtings; >bath at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 3 p. m. announce 4-4 blue and striped 0*uaber s the death and Bed-Tick- \ o. of this gentle- tion, again rose, and gracefully expressed S x. smith, l russkll. s.shasks. moruis tho.mas. Administrator's Sale. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Indian Medical Institute. He died at W I I» FS|>AY. I, 1XS7, as -school at 9 o'clock, a. m. Church- Courtland. Alabama, re- I his acknowledgments to the Speaker for his Baltimore, Virginia and Blue Lick and furniture SMITH, RUSSELL & CO. APRIL Ad minisirator. with ESTABLISHED by the New England I uneas. Saturday before the first Sab- Plaid Cotton*: MANUFACTURERS OF 0\ the Will annexed, of JOHX cently. in the 06th year of his kind interposition, and added: —"I sat- I age. Dr. S. am R. BAKER, deceased. 1 will sell, J Medical Society lor the suppreseioi Hh. at 11 oV I'nion linen and apron Cheeks; Star and Tallow at public sale, to isfied, Mr. Speaker, that the interruption I Candles and Soap, ihe highest bidder, at the late residence ery, and the successful treatment of all participated in the Texan struggle for inde- 8-4 bleached and brown cotton Diaper, of said Ba and 40 inch ati'sal or Isdia.x system of Meutci.te. j ker, near Harrisonville, in Shelby county, about on tan N H)D FELLOWS. experienced did not proceed from the gr/i- ivvilled Bagging; blue Drills and Denems, and Ripka LOUISVILLE. KY Ky pendence, and achieved a eaat fifteen miles south east All persons afflicted with disease shooM address a lg;e. i '.. name truly envi- FACTORY' end of Main Street, near the of Shelbyville, all the per- X: I. O. of O. F. Reg- tleinen on the other side of ihe Cottonade. Krimlins, brown and bleached Crash, dec. House, Af- bridge on ihe sonal property belonging to said letter to the Supemterdent. Dr R G1EF.N. 36 even Odd Fellows' all of which I Shelbyville road. Office ,,u -2d decedent, vit: able for gallantry. He was captain in am determined to sell on as good terms that ter that, continued Judge Wavne. " a pin Street, between Main anil Market Broomfield street. B..»'on. Mm -••cboset's. and re- Mo-k as can be afforded in this market for ca$k, or to punc- IIou*e and Kitchen Fnraitun : fatal (C^The highest prices in cash ceive free ot charge, the Socie'y'e Newspaper, giv band of patriots under Col. Rannin, might have been heart! lo drop, while Mr. tual dialers. Very respectfully, paid for Hides, 30 or t'»0 head of CATTLE, 10 fine Milch Cow-. | ing full description uf treatment and reference to ca MASONS. WM STANDEFORD. Tallow, Lard and Grease, delivered at their factory About ?00 head of STOCK HOGS; which was defeated at Goliad and Fillmore went on with a speech, which at - massa- October 1, 1856 Lodcr, No. S, F. and A. M. K< , February 13, 1821. bm8?2 20 head of work HORSES and MULES: et89\ I January 21 . 1157 once gave him rank among the ablest deba- ot tine e second Monday night of each the , A pa.r CARRIAGE HORSES ered by bloody tyrant Santa Anna. His < Hall at t> o'clock, ters ol the House." GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. About 300 Shocks of Corn in the field, at ihe J«ee Judge Wayne was 1 867 NEW GOODS. 1857 j life was spared because he was a physician, are now prepared to show the largest dent's lute residence; also tOO Shock* of Corn on ROSS X PEAK! trail Arch Cbapter, \o. t. Regular himself a member of the House at that time, WE jQL T. O. stock of Watches to be found in the citya*tj ir^U the Davi* farm; Importers. Manafact uxen, and Wholesale Dsilsrsia i the. first Monday in each month, a' SHACKELFORD Ma- that his services miaht be made :ivailtble occupying a seat in the immediate vicinitv TS receiving some verv desirable as of Louisville, consisting of Chronometers, Du- A laruelot of FARMIXG UTEXSILS < Goods, such -i,\'D c'cloek. I COTTON' P»*tVJP I plex, Lever, Cylinder Harness, in the Mexican army. of .Mr. Fillmore, and ;?aid that, from the HEAVY COTTONS, COTTONADE*, and Escapements, at prices va- ! Carriage «nd two four horse Wa^(,ii» a nd d \K every description. Cotton Seine Tninei loan. rying from f 30 to #2.'>0 for Gold, and from $12 to $30 Gear; &c. &c 8tc TOWX OFFICERS. foregoing incident, he bad imbibed the most Bed-Tickings, heavy Checks, plaid Ginghams Flax Baling Twin** F! 'hllutt Twmet. for Silver. Before purchasing please call ami exam- . Term*. On all sums over credit Tta Judft —Fielding Winlock. French kid, silk and Cashmere fit) a until the S«U Twin**, Herring Tu»nas. £F*While two little girls, one the favorable impression, which subsequent ine styles, quality, and prices. daugh- ' s-a Manhal: —Ephraitn G. Dser. first day of December, 1857. will he given. —pnrcha- " Horn T»in*t. Druggist Tu-met ter events only tended to confirm, of JOHN KH Ts A. CO. uttiet —T O. Shackelford, Chairman; R. of a clergymati, and the other the child one who *ers giving bond with approved security. Sums ol IVovl Twine*. Tooaeco Twines. Louisville, July 2:1, 1856. too- I Neel, E. B Sain, R C. Tevis. J W Hick of had afterwards filled, with erace and pro- fllO and under cash in hand. The cash must be Broom Upholster*' one of his parishioners, were playing to- long WhaleboDc, Ac, which will be sold 10 his old Twin**. do rosn.C C Watte. R. A. C. Martin. paid, or bond given, before the property r» removed gether, they priety, and with honorable fidelity to the friends and the public, very cheap. j Seine Twine*. Cordage, nil kinds Jacob Owen. fell into an angry dispute, as STOIVE & WARRKX, from ihe premises. Treamrer: — M. ; Seaming Twine, Variegated Linen and Cotton Collector children often will, in Constitution and the I'nion. (he Presiden- offers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Sate 10 commence at 'J o'clock, a. Clerk and t —Jol imitation ol their se- He his remaining stock ol j m. Twine. Saddlers Thread. Upholsterers' «nd Car- English, French. German .liner Strret Surrevnr, Wn'rh. fi.r of the and lean ROBT. J R. BAKER. laWniiCi alu niors. To mortify her antagonist, the lay- cy Republic. r.age Makers' Webbimj Also. Shoe Thread Lin- J. D Hasting*. Winter Goods *,th tke Wot annexed, of J R Baker, der'd en. Cotton Silk, 01 satiation, for man's little girl at Cost, and sooty de Sew saw fit to remind the other W W Parks*. JsJSttessn consisting of all classes GOODS, \ of DRY Tiik Two Heirs.— -I remember," says ( IKCl'IT COURT of her father's well known poverty, 430, south Market street, between 4tli and in- NO. and CT .Ve 7. Lite. Bn*t„ Regular Terms commence th a late Postmaster General of the United SAME TIME iff on Mb streets, Louisville. Ky., where may be found j AT THE IND PLACE, 1356 timated rather tartly that, had it not been January 21, day in March and third Monday in .and a complete assortment of all Goods in their line, States, "tlie first time 1 visited Burlington, at I will also offer FOR HALS, or RENT, t for her father's benevolent interference, j M •tmtinue twelve juridical days the ' H.. Y. 4i CO.. Vermont, as Judge of the Supreme Court. RICH FANCY DRESS SILKS, REAS0XABLE PRICES. previously disposed ot, poor minister would have been in the work- Ladies' J r* Equity Term commences first Monday in Julv. r LANNELS, and every thing else on hand Also. Mantels of every description. Our at I I had left it many years before, a poor boy. belong- T II E I) A V I S F A K , COPAL r A MM 1*8 houff. "Well. I don't rare," ing to stock of Domestic Goods never was belter than at Ja4fge-Wi!lism F. Bullock. of Louisville. replied the the Winter Season. Those in want of 4:1 Msnula. tured by Stimson, Valentine A C such containing about 1 ACHES, and situated 4 miles At the time I left, there were too time. t families Goods can obtain 'Cfvrry reot the present We would be pleased to see our GsaVMs Attorney—E. 8. Creig.of Louisville. other "if it hadn't been for my father, K hargains by calling south trom >belbwille. It ie well improved, and in 55 Bro,»d Street. Clfrk—William ' of special note for their standing and wealth. rorly.Jza friends and the public in general, n-? we feel confident A Jonea. yours would have been in hell long ago !" a high state ol cultivation. Term* of sale, or rent, \T the Mechanic*' Fair, it January 28, 183?. that we can suit all. Matt is Chancery—Henry Bohsnnon. (00888 made known at the time. ( \ \ \ Each of them had a son about age. the ommilieeof whicli Dr. my own (^Remember that we have bui one pricelxt ROBERT J. R BAKER. Adm'r * Silver , 4> Aseayer. was Chairman, awarded MEDAL » w »» v «.v poor and they were very rich. Persons can then rely on obtaining good Goods, at COl C^This ,. rOUHTF RT—COrXTV wtnter. the degree | WINTER OFFICERS of oId STYL E s7 February 18, 1857. tda*V»l to 3. V. A Co . tor their -uperto' Varnishea. _ During the long years ol hnrd toil which fair prices. Call and see for yourselves. We think The Presiding Judge holds his Quarterly ... , ; HAMILTON FRAZIER announces to his cus- 21. s,-7 Court mm. throughout America, hurope, and we can sell Goods as low as the lowatt. Asia, .-o tomers and the public generally, that n the first Monday ot March. June. September, pa88etl before my relurn , I had almost for- he has FOR SALE. j fcWanes. Linsey, Stockings and Sock- tak. ia received a beautiful assortment of n and December. far as heard from, has b«en extraordinary. V>1 " | gotten them. They had already forgotton exchange for Goods. The cheapest Farm In Kentucky T* The Presiding Jndge will be at the Court House WTNTER STYLE HATS AND CAPS, Storms of snow have occurred inthc Island me. Approaching the court-house, for the STONE WARREN. INTENDING to leave Kentucky. I propose to sell ^Th N T* jjMs?n!jsM on every Friday, to traaaact Probate business. for men's, boy's, and youths' wear, to which he in- Market et, 4th door below 4th. LssjawiBl the best bargain in Kentucky, in > Farm sit- mgn County Court first time, in company with several gentle- pi AN be consulted personnllv on all Diaeaosn 10 f Terms commence second Mon- of Cuba, and the city of Mexico, vites the attention of all who want two Irora Frankfort, and in It- a neat, cheap and March 19, 1656 iy84t uated miles on Big Ben- jSjCs which "human flesh is heir." on the first three day in each month. Court of Claims held at Met men of the bench and bar, I noticed in the durable article. Especially attention is invited to my son, and immediately on the Frankfort and Term. aly, even whitening the palaces of old Ve- davs of each week. Sunday* excepted, trom 9 » n. stock . of Soft Hsts. H. FRAZIER. A. 8. WALLACE. J. S. LITHt j . ttatRT tiiomai Louisville Railroad, and the main county road to Presiding court-house yard, a large pile of old fnrni- 10 3 r. at No. 63 Cambridge Street, corner of Judge: —Joseph P. Foree. nice, for the first time, so far as December 10, 165A triet contains B54> to TOO any record tfB42 Louisville. The from Chamber. Uormerlv 1T;< On the intervening day* County Court Clerk: —Hector A. China. ture about to be sold at auction. The WALLACE, LITIIGOW ft CO. shows or tradition Acres, one-half of which is cleared, the balance Sr in ai'endsne. County ttomry reports. Extraordinary a competent person will Medicine A —Thomas B. Cochran. scenes with I 6. C. of early boyhood, which was MT.RATH & CO., MANUFACTURERS of Stoves, Grates. Cast, heavily timbered; there is about 250 acre* of bottom to any pert of the world Skerif:- -John Rohineem. snow storms have blockaded the roads in eem ings, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, and dealers in land inexhaustible in richness of soil, and sboat 100 Deputy surrounded, prompted me to ask whose it MERCHANT TATT.ORS, If you want to know anything ot ihe D Sheriff —G. H. Gregory. J. R. Beckley England and Spain. Is the world acre* ol table land, cleared and in a good state of grow- SHELBYVILLE, Tin Plate, Sheet-Iron, Wire. Copper. Tinmen's Ma- call at his office and see his certificate*, Joi/o«-. —Moees A. Dear. was. I was told it belonged to Mr. J. KY. ing colder. chines, Hand Tools, be. No. 536, N. IV. corner cultivation, of which 50 acres are in wheat. h-imorx. worms. Ac, taken from patieni i4«*M«er.— Alpheus P. Hickman constantly on hand a large and complete Mr. J. \ I remember a family of that name, KEEP Third and Main streets, Louisville. Ky There are three good improvements on tin place: School assortment of Residence neer Giimpu« Ha : Mi 'to tttlevitk Executor,. CLOTHS. CASSIMERS and is a large two story Irsme building it April 18, 1855. tnn7$< the main building Road, Pelham. N. five milea very wealthy; there was a son, too; can VESTINGS. of every shade and grade. H , from 1 oV— James S. Whitaker. Rights o» Marrikd Women is •kith «even rooms, all new and in good repair: rissts >~ Indiana. ' Januarv 21. l« be he I was told that it was even — twenty step* of the The House of READY-MADE CLOTHING TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. is an excellent spring within Magistrate*.— Magistrate'* — Representatives of Indi- for Courts.— Constables. He was the son of one of the families at- men and boye; Shirts. Merino and Silk Under- A NP all others who design erecting new dwellings dwelling, enclosed by a stooe spring- hous« : negro HOSTON FOI VDRV. tst ana have passed a bill, TYPE District—H FsAztcs and securing to married or refurnishinc old our-,, the .ttbscribfrrihrr*rs would cabins in good repair, sufficient for titty nejrroes; 1 Jo«a Hall, lk A j Magis- ready alluded to lie had inherited more .Established in II and cambric Handkfs: fj — excellent barn, stable a, id L Drawers; ice-honse; 1 TLl I^'J^^ say: 1 Constable. women whose husbands i Hosiery; Shoulder good meat and «. *T "
For The Shelhv News Mother and children are at home—gath- Pleasant run. in Nelson, afterwards Wash from Nicaragua —The steamship Ten- Ew*A young bride riding out with her l^"The Mexican «*orTes»pondent of the ered to them a few years since, her ashes ingtou county. Kentucky. neeaee n husband in Montreal, in Canada, a N. Y. Herald, under date of Feb. 1st, Monument to OoL John Hardin. arrived at N'evr York nej ihe 2lat. *PPJ stales , In the year, he volunteered under * * ' mingle with htr children*. Other relatives same 1 feW ce wa8 ,rnzen U> d*** b on en n "«»»y Hill Cemetery bringing the latest news from Nicaragua' ™ ' * ^ ^ « » for expedition; *V""'" ^ were buried there alto, from time to time. General Clark, the Wabash . - * , husband a side. Physicians teetined that been signed between the I nitec doubt the severity of the Cols., . r We have no without 1 rrcsand Lockbbioos. with their re- AMERIC ANS SHALL Rt'LE AMERICA. I have almost unwittingly, occupied more and was appointed quartermaster— her death wajJ c>U(fe- by frMl on th. brmiB< M„ ie0t hy which ,h,s Government is to weather, since the erection of the splendid nevertheless, of the cruita, had given battle to the Co»ta Ric space than I intended in this article; but funds. It is evidence, from the exposure of the top of the he*d to loan Mexico tl5.00v.Mv. (it sJail sum The Shelby Newt it the large* and rheepeei « the of Col. John held. •nonament to memory this attractive spot is destined in a very few good reputa in which he was ans. There have been several contests, in the cold. She wore a fashionable bonnet. 03,000.000 goes o . .v \ urr;can claiote. newspaper published in ResKentucky_ - hir an abatement is— in psrsblt — interest in the heart of al- There was in 1787 and '88, As for I . s. 12 advance; #2 50. Hardin, has prevented numbers of our cit- years to have an which Walker's men had iheb*«t. Walker > security Uaejoaae the :%rc ha time all eub line, at which citizen of our county, for al- of Indian hostilities at least, no formida- receive per cent, si .he interest beautiful piece of most every — Remarkable Cabb.— Talton B. Bullet, 15 ssjaOajasja \r d chargeable with izens from seeing this has, all told, but 800 effectual men in Nica- though little more than a year has elapsed ble expedition took place, which called for rangementa are also to be in^de for ragua. timber cutter of Scriven county. Ga.. a sculpture. It is, we believe, the only re- other depre- ARY 8ft. I***- since it was laid off for a cemetery, there retaliation. In 1789, among went to Savannah sinCe Christmas, ally fine specimen of the kind in our coun every sec- dations, a considerable party of Indians has been laid there some from timber, and was taken eick. and it at the time, From the Pacific—The War Depart- Esq.. we ty ; and the monument, together with the tion the county. The grey haired fath- stole the horses of Mr. Hardin, WTu William *- Jonbs. of thought died. There being a his neighbors; paper* er, and the stalwart son, the household pel, called Major, and those of ment has received intelligence from Gen. to leave, in •re indebted for file* of New Orleans beauty of the Cemetery grounds, will well his remains were deposited a without as leaving him one for iitnirational Xotirrs. ind the breast that nourished it. On every so much, Wool, dated Benici. Califor. ia, Jan. ceffin and sent opening the repay a visit. 3d, home. On in advance of the when the season permits, may the plough. The marauders were pursued; fine evening, saying that peace and quiet prevail coffin after its arrival, he was discovered to SHELBYVILI.E This monument, erected to the memory Ohio through- be seen numbers of visitors, attracted thith- but escaped, by crossing the smile. Medical assistance was immediate- FEMALE COLLEf.K. For out the department of the Pacific, which he Mr. Pbexticb.— of his father, by our esteemed fellow-cili- place, the mel- In the course of the year, he was up- 1 er by the beauty of the and ly called, and it is said that he is fast fecov- * had no will TVonday^lpih^!'''. have been, circulating in the papers, that interest that attaches to its silent pointed coanty lieutenant, with rank of col doubt continue as long as the len, Mark Hardin, Esq.. is of fine Italian tsjetotj ing. He was in the coffin nearly two days( num. there at mid- onel, which gave him the command of the Indians treated ' 1» I'rf.micb, of the Louisville occupants and hearts are are with ordinary justice. and nights. Board and Tuition. lBcludwa- waahiaa, Mr. Qm marble, from the work-shop of Mr. Edgar — j Kajfa militia of die county. I and fuel. chief editorial night. The disposition of the troops is Journal, wi< about to take Louisville. It is in exquisite such as " Board. Tuition, Nebdm am, of ._, , . ., , ; Jtc. with* the of the mother's love. As the summer advanced, he determined For on memory I lix V ikoima V olcabo. It is said that Painting in . charge of s new paper to be established not only to give protection to ihe white set- — Oil Colors. proportion, from the base to the capital, and Siill cornea in slumber, all the winning life, to cross the Ohio with a strong party of his the hav- Eagle and The merry prattle, and the rinping Uugh, tlements, but to restrain statement in reference to a volcano at Si. Louie. The Memphis the symbolical allusions admirably devised militia, aiil scour the country for some the Indians should ^"''Kawin^'ea. And little ringlets danro in frantic glee ing Modern Languages. follow- there were any recently made its appearance in Pend- , 1 Enquirer, of the 4th instant, has the Around her cheiub'e head — mile* ou:; in order, if they exhibit any intentions to renew the arid executed. . . . Embroidery and Worst-d. : . ,7 . n to io Ol camps of Indians in that quarter, to break leton county. Va.. on the great Back-bone paragraph on the subject: war, which from the information has re- Mu9ic . W)tn a#e 0 , !n,crB>B—tf ing well known character of Col. John Anduct ion Where moomheains break up I litlIs mound b- ,,ch of the Potomac rivers, hems made river, and on one of the branches of the now on a visit to his native country, for thous- has absence, except in case of protracted iilneaw soon to be etartedin .hat city. Fifty the .Id fashioned Kentucky rifle and pow- at a place known hy the name ofthe»Sinks" We rejoice in the appr-
5. Those not bound to fast are not re- - • Wane— with— «™ wawsisuch |>patience,aiiBejws, shewww; . after Mas camp. • • an acre in extent had been cleared for the this community : "Beware of strange wo- ted, whieh the joint resolution was CAI^PWEVL & TAYLOR, stricted to aoe meal in the uee of meat, on Till her last suffering hour ehall come In April, 1786, having a wife and family, erection of the gallows, standing room for men—their feet lead down io the pit I their AllG liOptfl, At DO fm\T diattVTsf dly*i " fane days when it ' \ 1 T« sleep with them, aad fee at hope. he them from Monongahela, to the spectators, etc. steps take hold en bell !, flm\ a) ''wt.'i/ i . \t
mXttt BBBBBBBBBJ . . - . ° — . — ; 8 , 1 .
— EF" We learn b\ a telegram, tlatei! at PF"On th« Mpl instant, thr grand jury .Thu Eichiuuud Whig will ra.tke the pub- LOST, Orleans, the 21st instant, lic b i,s announcement that Lieut, LOST. New on thai our of the city of New Y..rk, returned true bills y vTommrvrtal t-ntrlligcnrr. ^( RIP fat fiv«.Sha-ea Bank of A.Man i 8t^. E> N< lit »L' i - \ DETACHED LEVER Maury, who has been prying in,-, th. OM, dated May 12. 1856. wsued by Cf>mm«^,or T fellow ntizen. Mr. William F. against m> ^A (HDNT NG) CASE Watch.* BbcuKVi Eckei. and Mr,. Ci'xninoham, CORRECTED Dp TO MONDAY EVENING era ot the Shelbyville are teries of the seasons, g-.vos us to Branch. Allperaone Wt *ith • «- n expert a white lia! plate, and a died a few days' previously i~ a bv warned against p-irchaainv: *h- same if preaem* in I^oi; » *i r» ilu-ni with t!u m.irdrrot Dr. Bi b- '»•>* , ato*. Nr 7817 or 1533. ! gome hirty or forlv more winters aB co,j L»H 1SVH.LE MARKET. •• T D BA^ YK M ed and case richly chased, was k»i on a Hie remains are orrthe way up, [ ami will, dell. Vouug Snodoras* was directed to as the present and the last. Sheep? hoad l irfviry 00 25. IR57. f»rtW2 Thr Whig, Mm throuRh the Y arrtt of Jlr. Nancy Harwo.*! ahoai 4 2 Cow *'30<3*0 on their arrival, be interred in Crov Mill however, is determined to use the prophecy * * miV. aomh* be held to bail as awiims*. 'Saving Sp? * »t from Shelbvv lta. on Thurada*. ^ih *jij}*..r A TEACHER WASTED. January. The rinder w 'je tn.p.y rtwi.,,. i. Cemetn, at this place. * « for a practical purpose, and advocates at HandLoom i.ifi^li N Orleans *> gi* Uji7i W. wiah to employ in D atnci adjoining un »svir^ .• . Nu. -( , P°*« r uli< c . -t »'°°''> Sugar WE - once tne building of railroad 11020 House 79990 alone the i the town — — Public Document*—Senator John B. ol Shelbynlle, a prnfeet il Teach- ISAAC NEWMAN. er, qualifid to to »earb the higher branch**. Th*
1 gckool pavs vrR JOHN ROBINSON. • . . , . 'J supposition that an tee t-rnoanyo is to he Cotton iarnt — ,, , ... , fork. Mess II OOvr at this place, celebrated the able public SAMUEL ROBER TS Anniveisary ol ilocumrnts. , Dbxen Yarns 500. llMl, Baeon- p , aced upon thc laH( r roulc nf , ndf, ^ JAME^ -IMRALL i^Y " in . .it our enure mrere*» n thc birth of Gen. Washington, ou Mon- Representative II»aWm Marshall travel. for several succeeding winter* " FeKro.rv iS. 1*57. (•**»> SJjo 'SSj* R^bifees omii > » f iothing 3 ; orrupt.on ( .ommittee will report in favor to h8\c while teeth, sweet hrcath. and a l«eaut ful a sprightly wife, highly educated, and f ^^u^tie w-uld he independent of them. the one office, their affairs are perfectly under their 4 30 2 00O 120 Adm' r of J R Baker d"'d, knowledge Harrwnvill* Kv , Feb l«. 1857 e^91 c jmplexion of expellinji. The evidenceaoainst Messrs. and control. 4 25 1.000 100 tered by the aid of high-placed patrr t >a> < J M OWEN, Secretary. to^o '/Oar* 60, 00 W iHi'i'W kmmmm Compel,,. Owners of pro- et Mattison and (Jilbert, it is said, will insure y OT The Shelby News, Sthelhvville. ^ep« 27. 1H5I 7R~ WINTER AKK.lSUEJflEJfT. shown with sufficient merit M rj it- j y the ot the Shelhwille Fire, '*2t<0 Prizes amoun ing to #2i'mmo The >aelk\ taMe ami tii—nMH Arcommo party are referred to Card | ^ ?_ tinguished even in a pr their expulsion. They are charged with At I1«»mk, Feb 20. 1857. him 'ickeUSIO: II d-*tioa InaMi • itr f *l'«s^. ili I. . and Marine Insurance Company. This Com- OUTI-^OMETHINO Nr.W Whose statesmanship ' land and book speculation to a he avy 7*i the Editor of Thr Shelby .Xew8: LOOK PLAN OF THE I.OTTEHY W WITHER3POO> d J AMES SX1FLE pany isttne oh lie satest and l>eet managed Companies |g an in- In addition AT WILLIAMS- GALLERY — J hiving ptirchaaed the r-.^' t»f K. elding Nrel The Numner- from ! to *• 000 correaponding with J • - will also reeom- Sir: I i telligent amount. The Committer- Dear — know you personally, and tineas, 1 c«>»>itn. d'»M. in the West construe ihe Cniied Siatcs to my Daguerreotype bu 1 am now introducing those Numbers <>n the Ticket* printeded on *eparvr*epara'c the Sbelbyvil.e and L- -ville A. n * ' ,n i ' woh I § MA t 1 I * "' BrReed all : li» cards ider the head ot Special Constitution mend that ihe Times' correspondent be ex- believe you will willingly publish the fol- THE COLLODIOTYPE. «lip. ot paper. *re incircled with small 'in rube* and e plnced in >>ne Wheel. H Y«»ING e.t*bh-hed a Daily Li n J^ ^ Neil' written a picture that i* claiminir the admiration of the civi lh»w political dogma, nor its can- pelled from the House. lowing, this rainy day. I promised 1'he first 212 fntes. similarly printed and encir- rhetr schwdnle u» a. f liied world The process affords" admirable taciiitie» Shel''*vill* rrrry mori U'ii kXi ep< Sur.dav SRW Vt»\ ttTIM Ml.NTS L'le.i flaced in ar«iiher »heel. Leave I have atlracted the attention of ' » « yon, some month ago, to notice our practi- ' pictures of children. then •t 3 ••'cUHrk; arrive r»i L<»tii-»l!ie a< I2» o'rhw k. ond all o'» for taking y jung The anV*»b are revolved, and a number i» the Missouri Leave l»ut»>ville every moniife rexcrp' -nnday) c- oigent voter, unlets under the blind- ryBoth houses ol Left*t*v e^l mech nics. who had taken premiums at These pictures are permanently sealed between drawn from the »h«e! of Nutnbera. and at 'he same I to the at ek; at Shelbwilk- at 3 lime a Prize ia drawn front the other wheel. The 9» o'ek arrive a.toxtcation itid-dehasing madness ture have passed 1 re 1 «upplied Give them a call oas«?'re resolution was der it sweet, bu' leave the teeth white aa alabaater I Thc 3 000 Prizes ot 120 will be determined by the fraud.—still. Black Republicanism is whil- The "f this M any per.ons do n> I Union, the American party was organized, t it into a cocked-hat. Mi-rder in Ohio.—A man by the name turer in the county. Ought not the citizens BRILLIAST'—456.456 DOLLARS! February 11. IS37. «*«9 kept by us: In the language of ourcorrespondent, Heav- of Ward has been arrested in Sylvania, of such mechanics, Maryland Con*o' Mated Lottery. j of Shelby to be proud I Avre's Cherry Pecnral and I'tUe; his wife, POST, Ohio ' for the supposed murder of give their ptlronage for plows ? Bull'. Sarsapanllas, CLASS THE SATURDAY EVENING We bad a hesvy storm of wind, accom- , ing Slaverv to take care of itself,"—(to and them Hurley's and CORBIS 4- CO. AGESTS. t I'f bC ' n the way I Rlni'kwt-H'a Sarsapanlla and Versicola; rut BEST f a / f r k panied with considerable hail a deluae uhirh 1 live fifteen miles from him — and ta.k it k fully competent,) -the . lt's Scnapp-; in these Certificates of Packages Etam- time,2? and^she had been missing2*2!!.for weeks.'T* Wi Scheidam 93r Trv Package* 'XMPI.E rtUwll*gi^>% slswai si* ^ have to travel now, and I consider it lime Tonic Syrup; Miller's Tonic Svrnp: tioo to th* nuMi^hers, of rain, on Wednesday last. American party desired to relieve Smith's a* Wh .les, .... S*J1 »ur»elvr. ^prly the in the ashes A thorough search was made well spent to go that far and buy my plows, Hosteller's Bitters; Stewart's Dyspeptic Bitters; 26 Halve*. DEX' OX h, PETER*r»N. Tar; rd Street P .l-d-tf>»>e« minds of the people from the dangerous about his house, and a jaw bone and other rather than work a crop wilh an indiflVrent Rogers' Liverwort and SN f>i,r»era. .... 66 So-l h Th lie ghagan's Hydropn er, 26Kight:i*. 13 i „— This foreign mountebank is tension that fragments of human bones were found : also perpetual interference with this one. Bennett'a Syup of Milk Wiliow; scbrjie: HOWARD is< >t'l kTION. t, hook and eyes, lock of a trunk, etc., show- till he other Remedies; Packago of 26 Tickets Last fall he gave *800 to matlPr a d produced. This and greater This will not be seen bv Brinly, R-jwand's Tonic and 15 Prues in each prill. \ lafll P"i * BBBBBaaaaaw —— " —— ! — 1 . . j . — ! 9 Horses' Coats. —Lately going to rties attending them. Reapere and Mowara : FOl KT If DAY. head of the inatrument to see what hie oe- This brought them near the church, and the EM I NENCK PA I R. 1H57. Ltghtneaa of draft: 1 Ease and facility of adjust- the conversation was dropped. As they country to speud a few weeks DRAFT HORSRS. rtipalion war, for she knew that that waa with a friend nt; 3. Speed; 1. Quality of work done. FAIR over. ..j is broad isle, Pfctor open- SEVENTH ANNUAL Best Stalhon 4 years and always put down on deeds. She read walked up the Mr. ol mine, I drove a very a hadsome horse, and or the vmea THOROUGH BRED HOESBS. Stallion 3 yaaraand under 4. 00 entered. oe "Chsrles Lindsay, Clerk!" ed his pew door, and Kale .1/rrtculturat and Mechanical Stallion 2 years and under 3 1 a good 'un —but was always annoyed about ETNo others admitted. Pedi«r«ea to ha exam- Lind- TO BE AT 1 under i. 8 00 M Aha—he's a clerk," she said to herself. But— what meant that? Charles HELP THE ined by Commit'ee on Pedigrees. The Judges not Stallion vear and his coat, as it was more like a lot FAIR GROUNDS KY.. Stallion 1 year. 3 OU was making his way towards the pul- of bris- NE\R BMMBNCE. to see Pedigrees. under "And he must be a good one. And he'll say IO 00 On the M, llh, Hih and fa) aVfa of October. 13VT Best Mare I veara and over. I lor* mT lore in the days of '-rwe, StulllOHt pit. Yes he ascends the stairs ! — takes tles than a horse's smooth skin, and all the 8 or most likely be a merchant one of these — 3 under I And for her sake each living thing; HE Fair will commence oa the First Tuesday Best 4 years old and over 10 00 Mare yeare and grooming he got 3. - .10 takes the Bible I "wouldn't do it T *1arc and under W* gather rartand* by tb* way. days/' his seat, and down no good." in 0(tober,\S^', at the Fair Grounds near Era 3 veara and under 4 2 years 1 year and under 2. 8 00 I of tb* .ow ly Msy. friend, is - Mare We pluck das o-oms So ran Kate's thoughts, and they were The house was crowded and all seemed My who a great horse breeder and inence, Henry county, Ky . immediately <>n the 2 years and under 3 00 under 1 vear I ot the wood*. w* trace the «:n Louisville and Railroad, '.' M 00 Mare Wt r.«tm anxious. fancier, made me try giving him a few Frankfort and will continue 1 year and under *s slrangely interesting lo her. Several of the car- Judges. Alteriftss Our w*kiru; thoughts are bright dn four days. Under 1 year 8 00 in The opening voluntary was performed : rots every day to eat out of hand, say- J. A. Hornaby. Shelbv J. Harrington. Shelbv. lark *k« the company shook my . No bee on the bloMomi, n* more observing- ones of No animal or article shall compete tor more 'han l/.; . Thos. Kephart, Henry John G Mitchell. Henry I* h.ppier than mv love and 1. their heads knowingly, for they saw plainly and then Lindsay arose, and in a calm, ing that he would have a good, smooth coat one premium at ihe same Fnir. except m the Open Best 4 years and over 10 00 and Benj. Wifhoit, Oldham T Blakemore. < Hdham deep, clear voice, read a chapter from the in three weeks, and he right, Ring the Local Ring. Competition open to eve- 3 years and under 4 8 OO I.nve in the Summer tim#. « that Miss Kate Proctor was already — was for in I'll love my CMgh ry State in the Union. 2 years and under 8 00 SADDLE HORSRS. to their pnme; that time Our year* ahall ripen in love wit* her handsome companion And Book. my horse had a beautilul. sleeic. Persons dollnrs paying two bv the 10th day ot Sep- 1 year and under 8 00 Nora. All entriea in this ring an the little more, — We'll Kit m auade a Kale's mind, glossy coat, tember, will entitled to they couldn't think much less of Lindsay, The truth had burst upon and all from eating a few raw be the privihv* nl the Ring; I'nder 1 year 8 00 over, to be exhibited under -addle Beneaili IM elm treaa at the door; but will have lo pay gate fees. i tl r t. her head bowed, she concealed carrot* daily. tells it Judges. Bear Stallion 4 yeare old and over. lo We'll Mrairh with joy the children run, for he adhered to that particular chair and with He me is infallible. Persons not members will Ik- r'-iarsi'-i! Five Dol- J M. Todd. Shelby. C. 8. Moore, Shelbv. 3talhon 3 years and under 4 We'll give the world our benison: the powerful emotions which worked so which happened to be nearest to Kale with lars (or their entries. Franklin. IV. Vt Old'. too* A. G. Bacon, Moreland, Stallion 2 years and under 3. • No bird in ita neat on tha tree logh wildly within her. The prayer was made No person but the real owner, grower, &< .. <>l » a pertinacity which surely had meaning F. Han-ington. Oldham. A. D. Stallion 1 year and under 8 00 Love and I. Shall be ao bathe sa my fHisrrllanrous. stock, and articles manulaciiired. srown. Sec. shall and the text had been Stallion under 1 year. - ut in it. —the hymns sung— Committee to emmine Pedigree om Thoroughbred exhibit anything tor competition, all nnd manufac- 'I Steel. J. Beet Mare 4 yeare old and asjsji I reader of : man #he could n.'l endure; and a man who 1 knowthat he loves you, Kate : and 1 know do do Corn Bread I OO I^mg Wool every clans they furnish a as lierself. Soon after these circumstances Judg Uttrnates. Hi SI Buck 2 vears and over. satisfactory record of the current literature of tha assumed airs on ihe strength of his kr.owi- .aa'. Ve is worthy of you. Do you think GRE AT LI CK! GRE AT LUCKJ 10 00 a communion was to take place in the Hurnp'v Marshall. Henry W. Tribble. Shelbv Buck 1 year and under day. throughout the world, than can be B. 8, 3 00 | ! ire she abo-ninaied. But Charles Lind- thai vou could love him ? What tears!' 2 .IOO tained from — neighborhood, and Dinah prepared to go. Kr »a SOLD! _cg Isaac Everett, Louisville Dr Willett, Oldham. Ewe 2 years and over. 10 00 any oih Eairly Copies, »y was nothirc like any of these. He die* ottered the parent in surprise, as he saw In ihe Grand Consolidated Lottery. Extra Class One, Robert Grey. Henry. Robt S Owen. Henrv Ewe 1 year and under 2. 8 00 The receipt of Her mistress remonstrated with her, and ' Pair Lambs. from the Bntiah r pi.. VI 1 gre«t kno edge hia daughter how her (Havana Plan.) I 00 without seeming head, and noticed the POI LTRV . mentioned the goose afl'air as a sufficient The above handsome Prize was sold bv T. II. Judges these Reprints, it to kn a/as un gay and happy bier drops trickle down between her fingers. Turkeys, pair i U0 I. Moody. Henr in the hands of asal reason for her not to offer herself on such Hi*bb»rd &. Co , Baltimore, as follows: W. Henrenry. as could be, without the least or "I had not thought it would offend Muscovy Ducks, pair 3 00 John Barnhill, Oldii.uu ginal editions. coarscnees you so. " 0w Half teas sent io Virginia, John Tucker . Oldham. holy occasion; to which she replied: I Poland do do 00 loss of dignity. The fact was just here, Surdv, mv rhild. you do not think that he One Quarter to Boston, I W. Armstrong. Shelbydelby Henry — aint gwine to turn my back on my brrsseit Out Eighth to Cincinnati, Game Chickens, do I 00 Muldle Wool For any one of the lour Reviews, pee «*»nsi, 93 Ot> though Kate (Jul tiot probably see it at is un the !'" Shanghaea do For > Massa for no old goose One Eighth to Nerc York. do I 00 Best Buck 2 years and over. 10 00 any two ot the four Reviews do 91 Cochin China .'. For any three time; He engaged her heart, and at the Mr. Proctor whs interrupted by Kate's The CASH ia readv for the fortunate holders. do 1 00 Buck 1 year and under s oo of the four Review* do 7 ok I The Havana Plan Lotteries have become the pop- Brahma Pootah do •2 on Ewe I years and over. 10 00 For all four of the Reviews rio 3 ot) same time kept :i firm hold upon her re- tailing upon ni» neck ; and as she did so Judges. itBsrawslas For Blackwood's Magaaine Ouk Homes.— What is theireorner stone ular Lotteries of the day. Every prize is drawn out, Ewe 1 year and sBsaWS. 4 00 do 3 00 spect. There was a peculiar •he murmured : air of educa- John I and consequently when th«> tickets are all sold, eve- Moody, Shelby. Wm. Long. Shelby. Pair Lamb-. 8 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews do 9 00 but the virtue of woman, and where does ted refinement which at once manifested it- "Oh, I do lore him father* 1 love him ry prize must be sold Burket Bowen. Henrv. John Berry, Henrv. Judges. Alternates For Blackwood and the four Reviews do 10 0U .' Addis'n Ballard, Oldham | Keerian, Payments to be social well-being rest but in our homes next takes place in city, John Oldlum i John B. Hays, Henry. J. P. Watkins, mad* in alt cases in mduanes. Mo. self lo her, and commanded her ndmiration; with mv whole heart I f cant help these The drawing Baltimore Henry. February 28; Capital Prize 433.000, Tickets $10. Nathan Miles. Henrv. Calloway Sr Oldham new current in the State where tsned mill Ae r*ret*W not trace all other blessings of civ- AORIC1LTIRAI. IMPLEMENT- \NU PRlllil its. t W. and she admired it because she teiTF..' Must we discovered I Order early: address T. H. Hi-bbard Sl Co . Bal- W Wil-on. Sr Shelb J. C. Booker. Sh-lbv. ilized life to the doors of our dwellings .' Best it without bietrving in show it. And then The parent caught his child to his hos- timore, authorized Agents for the Managers. Harrow, 2 horse 2 Oo A discount ol 25 per cent, from the I ATTF.O SHEEP. I 'uhivator 2 00 above prices she found a Are not our hearth-stones guarded by holy will be allowed to Clubs ordering fonr had such fund of wit and humor ND* ami in earnest tones, he said : best fatted Sheep. Farm Gate •2 00 Five HI oo or more copies of any one or of the forms, conjugal, filial, and paternal love, for more above works in him. which, while it you. Rich Schemes February, 1857. captivated he r with -Bless Kat-— Bless you. I should Large Roller I 00 Judges. Alternate* Thus: four copies of Blackwood, or sj one Review the corner-stone of church and state, more R. &, CO.. Straw J.Maglennery. Loui'vile L. Rheme, Louisville. us brilliancv. did not fail to entertain her love to see you his wife, for I love him my- FRANCE MANAGERS. Cutler 9 00 will be sent to one address for 9s>. tour cooiee ef the Thomas Todd, Shelby. Frank Hamer. Louisville. sacred than either, more necessary than tiranrt CannoUelalcd t.nltrru of •Har.vlantt. Hay Rake I 00 four Rev iews and Blackwood for 9.10; and so