
<p> : — —1 A — —; — . .</p><p>)fctc &b</p><p>F. BY HKMJI MIDDLETON. > TRUTH AND OUR NATIVE LAND - —FEARLESSLY, TT: ; — rro" ?' FAITHFULLY » H l) FIRMLY $2 PKK A \ \ I M . I \ V t s AD \ X t | VOL: 18:—NO: 8. SHELBYVILLE, KY.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBKl A IJV 85, 1857. WHOLE XO:89-i.</p><p>Good Ones from Hooper. — Hoopeb, au- far 'i-.r aiwlbf The Ik rarrfcli) $f)elfc| Birth-Day of H^uhtngton. The bone- ..| hints are hollow. tilled £ Xrtos. thor of » Simon Suggs," and editor of the FOR 1A1.E. Wiih reverence With and gratitude On Prtttntation an air instead of marrow. suoaciiber. having determined to discosmesis Montgomery Mail, fires off the following of Album THE v j Thy memory must e'er be viewed: hou«- keeping offers for sale his - remises in > O Lady, wilt thou receive DOLLARS A YEAR, good one : this book from me. North Shelbyville. consieti of a very comfortable IN Sales or Alihough no monument may rise. ADVANCE, Kenticky Bank Stock.— At As a token of my love. ^alcs of EanD, &c. FRAME DWELLING, with nearo. me«« and car- Bribing Congressmen—"A Joke." With lofty shaft to pierce the skies. —We j riage *JS aO payable withinf. hous«» ; a large Stable, all in the bestest repair, month*aftersubtcrib. the Philadelphia Stock And on its fair pages written thou'lt see Board, on Tuesday believe that it was $1500 that Congressman Thy name immortal will endure. about 50 fruit tree* the < h<»ice< ir . 7. —at will of whichtime all*ub*cript ion* beconsid- j 'Tin thee, TAVKKV and only thee. I love HOfem FOR SILK. three to four of last week. 45 shares Northern of Edwards, of New York, Till lime and tide to years old; grapes, »trawotrri<riM. flo»* Bank offered Mr. Paine, shall cease flow S I wish lo renre due. andcbargeable with interest. Nopeper ; \ to the coumrv. I am induced lo era. shrubbery. And wilt thou too. Ac . tegather with 10 Acres of g/oond of North C arolina, for his vote. No crumbling pile remembrr nie i X- offer my House ,.„! < Kentucky stock sold at s}113; 18 shares Edward* heneedelh here, Lot for sole, m (ir»fenberf. iiB—t inucd. except at theoptionof the Editor un- * attached Whilst t»r ,h ' ,b away I rove; ' conn, ». Ky li is a first rate says it was "all a joke." This Who lived without reproach of tear; y Tavern Stand, This is d.-sirable » it all arrearages _' reminds us i preperi v. and ,\\ «,ldo» vary arepaid. A failure to notify adit- Bank of Kentucky M £109. and shares and will pay sny m*n well who VI y life, my heart. I give to - will accommodate reasonable term* l ~ of the story of old Parasot, the Mississippi Whose glorious mission 't was to ae, th^e- W'.f v }<>S the puhli. 1 Hill will be considered anew engaeemew. ,«|| „n (sir :rrm, Tho*> who Shelbyville, Farmers Bank of Krntnckv at *107. Canst thou return 1 Oei. i». IrO ioe«7« my love ? 1 The , infidel Frenchman, champion bold of Liberty; aredi«it dtspo-fii •"• • who once blasphemous- *t in 'he t will d» wi io call on me ly With steadfast aim to persevers. Say yes ! and Hope, the f l> JOHNSON J" I B| .ers«n procuring us subscribers and declared to a friend that our Saviour stole brightest star ; FIVE February li FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. MM 1 the jackass Till all her sky was bright and clear; — That shines on love's domain II 'E offer at privaie sale remit ting us t lO.wil) receive a copy on* year gratie. —The National intelligen- on which he rode into Jerusa- ike F A K M ot Joan Will »» Ford. Je,r d situaie in lem. But, a year or two afterwards, A model hero, patriot, sage. hgbt me to that land atar. Shelby couniy. on the iu .-omcs 9 30: and larger clubs at 'he same rate. cer says:—"There seems to have been an the SERVANTS FOR SALE. Shelbyville and Prk'e, Taylorsville turnpike. 4ix »<iles frosa old fellow took the boast, and glory of his sge And light me back again. V V F.RY raisabi< negro Woman and four Chil unnecessary cholera, and had two i Shelbyville. containing Mt Aere«. 220 of which panic among the people in re- - » dren— three boys and one ' girl the is to — eldest H years are ia a fine state The circulation the Shelby Weekly is stout negroes rubbing stimulating liniments Behold him, in his early Hope love a beacon light ef cultivation, the residue wall of News yauts. old - are offered tor sale. JOHN gard to the effect of the new coinage bill CARVER timbered There is a large upon his That guides it amaasW c4 stooe ssacaasi tortured abdomen, Guided on the way; February 1 1 urge, and is constantly increasing As a medium of when, mindful by virtue and by trath; 1 . "57 (o«890 the farm, and ulenty of rock. The improvements before Congress, and speculators will find of his No The heart would sink in communicating withthe public, itsgeneral and wide blasphemy, he exclaimed, between weak indulgence mnrred his moid deepest night. are a large brieg Dwelling. w: h -even rooms, and II \ PINE '1 by its kitchen under -•' the heists To vice gentle ray. RESIDENCE the same ruo: . < initiation affords rare opportunities. a pause in their progress if the Mouse of the disease: "Oh, mon Dieu! and folly disinclined. u J it>ies, barna. |< BALE.—The Residence now negro !— No wild occupied by cabins. Ac. and ia tne y*rd i»„ie ol lha bast For t he better conception ol advertisers we —mon Dieu -ven I tell old Mat low --zat ambition filled his breast. The dreams ot love are haunted by Euclid should concur, and doubtless it will, in the 1 Hickmnn. East End of Shelbyville ia for - Sheezas Nor selfish •ale. This m a fine rord square ie Christ— vns sfraf zat jackass— nimsby him possessed: The smilo of joy and youth, opportune v for any perron dc For iartlwr info amendment adopted by the Senate. 1 sinn* go.*l The To a residem e !.. obyiin it. i high it oop incH lon£ tras /oAy/" command he made his way. And on the heart doth li 2 htly he B FORD. amendment provides that, for the space JOHN CARVER W STO.\£. TBBMS OF arVEKTISlXtt. of Edward's is just such another joke. By early learning to obey. Its fragrance and its truth Was****. rehruarv 11. 1867. Sep, 10. 1** Es^tutors For each inch <a length or leaa, first insertion,* 1 00 I two years, it shall be lawful to pay out at The foeman conquered, he resigned. F>r*oi//«». Ky., February. iai7. Inch additional insert ion, per iaeA...... Papl's Salary.— At a meeting of the With private life * content his mind. FOR SALE. the Mint the new cents authorized to be CO IO\ER'S SAL,e7~ Tor transient advertisementsexeeedingtix in late American Board, Dr. Bacon made a spicy In TMIE residence of James S. Sharrard will t>e W. vain we search the A d. . Plaintiff*, month. historic page. Ac i ehes in length, if published for one ' 1 offered lor sale considered for the fractional parts of the to Busmrss iTavDs. on the second Monday of . . *• In rent, will allusion this topic. Perhaps our read- From earliest dates to present age. S EaMjaTf <»r longer, a deduction of ten per March next.rj: being county court day. Joel dollar at The^k McQuaid. Ac . Deleadau'o \ their nominal value of iwenty-fivc ! ers would like to see the be made. thought as first His equal, there can ne'er be found. term* ot sab. mad« *. d^JmrnnX .1 O II know n on thai day N e. H V . MONDAY. I*. I - For one inch, or lets, three months 4 00 PET ON MARCH Ml h being a 8tate(1 b v rra (J i » old SkmrtH. Who?*- praises o't r BROWN cents, twelve and half. etc. It has be«n as- . »> (Sermon on the world resound. of L NEEL. Circuit Court For one inch, or leu, six months 7 00 j MANUFACTURER and .fc.W* hi Hoot* day.— in virtue of a decree of the sfhoes, Assignees of J. S. Sharrard. Shell. 00 ' W wa « ****** His and Shelbyville. Kv 734 y Circuit Court, rendered in the above case at 12 '. bright example, For one inch, or lees, twelve month? certained that the S pai „.h com,, which arc "\ may it be. tcbruary II, 1S57. td*f<90 r set J "J! the September term. 183*. I will, as Special Foi six inches (quarter ol a column twr've . , . .. K»od the ministry before Paul at first; Com- , ,. , A beacon light to guide the free. 3n on not defaced or chppcd. are in rcal.ty worth T. B. Cs missioner of snid Court, sell at public saU>. to the months, or a column three months i«J wiU , how hi|n „ rent BflHLT & CO., j how ihingB he mun{ Vnd HOUSE AM) LOT highest twelve teach them, if they would obtain tl4NlTFACTlTHEIts. bidder. 11 the Court Hu-c do.»r n -be town For twelve inches (halt a of column) PLOUGH v , t?Om SAI.F something more than the American. The suffer for name's sake." -ON MONDAY, the tthday of Shelbyville between the hoorsol six ••• 40 00 my Show him Their right? to break oppression's ville, Ky., keep constantly 011 hand, of their own b>o'.-'oek. a. m. months or a column months — chain A of March, 'it beins Countv Court day/, the and » ./.lock a. m.. For twentv-four inches .one column' one vear. W> 00 object seems to be to drive how great things he must suffer for manufacture exclusively, any quantity of SOP am' THE TRACT OF L.VND.of out of circulation I my \nother lesson that he taught, timlcr^ifned will offer for sale their House _ which James McQuaid die.1. st.zed and 1 50 *' STUBBLE PLOWS. Thai warrant their possessed. Posrinc Notice*, each animal » 5 e al Plow Lot. in the Hist end ol am - Wi» motive to engage Vnd which Is with th- Town ,.f Shelhvville. on situate the smooth light pieces so common in small **K > true wisdom fraught: to perform well, or return the purchase monev. in Shelbv countv. Ky.. 3i astle 1 south of Yearly advert isera have the privilege ot alter- Main street, f*e» tront. and rnnn rr Shelbyville. - ]vij ( to undertake an ! and oniainit.- man office \ow-a-dav* li we would not be enslaved. 0""A11 orders for Plows, left at the Drus'and Hnr>! \ « Rs. dealings: but it is likewise concluded th at The House contains three. $oo«l m* their advertisements four tii ware Store of in order to give a greal idea of it Joseph Hall. Shclbwillo. Kv., will hi Te«j»s --The purchase monev l.-rthe land will a church, Have ever on our hearts engraved. amoke-house, milk-house, and *v,-,,id- be promptly attended to. to , w,!l be in doing this there is no necessity for required be paid a* follows:- one 'hird of the a j 9 said ; It good cistern at the pur has such and such advantages, Knowledge and virtue, hand in hand. kitchen door. not considered by the year, half- T. F. C. RRINI.Y &. CO Trrmt ninde chase money cash in hand; the balance in oce and Advertisement!- sudden movement, which can so in cash, so — known ..n dav 01 sale only much much in small titles Should be diffused through all the land: October 26. MM ti719 - two years from the day of sale, the purchaser living W K A- 0 F. veal ly or quarterly . unlcst specially agreed upon; and rAFLlNGBI and so much in great titles. R< bond with approved security. —the bond to have to the benefit of speculators." St. Paul saw mindful —ne'er lorget to te ich, February t, 1857. the confined to the privilege o( yearly advertiaws will be MARBLE force and effect of a replevin bond ai mammy—-to the ministry only as a path full of thorns The freedom of ihe Press and Speech: MANUFACTORY, secure the payment 01 the purchase money, ; heirregnlar basinets, and other advert laements, not SHELBYVILLE. KY. which and briars, Crown all STORE HOUSE AM) GOODS and he experienced, through all with just and wholesome laws: ia lo bear interest from the day of sale; and a iien will relating to their business as agreed lor. to be paid for rF The following is published at the par- TAMES FALCONER, from Madison, Indiana. SALE*—A *-ood and substantia! House the course of his life Then we deserve FOm be retained upon the land until the purchase the truth of that idea the world's i has opened a Marble Shop in She Ibvvilb . sml IWMB hn or lota in rhe village of Pleaaureville. extra. Advertisements not marked hv the advert iae* ticular request of a young woman: is paid. JOHN ROBINSON, Sprrtai Co which was given him of his office. Hear will keep on hand a full variety of Henry county, immediately on the Louisville and 'he number of tnaertions.wiU betnaerted till forbid. So ignorance rmd superstition. February U. 1857. *-yi> .1/ Franktort Railr»»d. calculated and need for * Startling Occi-rrenci. — At a church in the catalogue of o .v . his suffering? ; "Of the v m e y T S ot public meetings, speak- That so debase, degrade a nation. W II advertisements of the latest and most approved stvlcs. NTORF.-KOOM hiM F \ Vf Il.V an Bsamfactun d HFMDIIM I , adjoining county, a Sunday or two since, Jews fivo times receued I forty stripe? sav« FIXE FARM FOR SALE, ings, fairs, fraternities, all notices of private U'oold disappear.—their race from the purest Italian '- etc.; and soon run. and Vermont nrhl>g, V with ,i just as the congregation well -elected STOCK OF OOODS. ot- the !iuej>f Oldham and Shelby counties, con were about to I one. Thrice was 1 kneel beaten with rods, once Like mists before the ON enterprise*, or to promote private interests, must be rising sun. TOMBSTOXES. tered for sale on liberal terms: the ill health ot the taimn?tain 329 Acres: about down to prayer, a lady, ;d : the in a tone of horror, was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a both plain and owner compelling him t.> t\- naid tor. Where the obiect is manifestly for the pub- These, if banished from the land. ornamental, of every BSSS »nd Btf/ll V Winess. Enouire of balance all deadened. The juaiity of the land mout raised ia Nov S. 1856 the cry of s-n-a-k-e ! Great excite- night and a day have I Then Freedom's The marble shipped directly from tin. ipmnna. siu863 H. K. LUCAS. is equal to any in the se< ic good, or tor benevolent purposes, we will pay fby been in the deep.— Temple firm will stand: Our Union, and lie will sell for Cash, ns cheap s« anv rtther man- where it lies. The farm joins Robert ment prevailed, and there was a mighty In journeyings often, in gathering strength anew. .Mattory.-^" c^ducting hmf the? Advertising fs6> perils of robbers, 1 1< ufacturer in the West SHELBY WiUeti Taylor, march to glory Would pursue. FARM FOR SALE. and others. It is twenty 1 rush from the dangerous locality. At length in peril* by my own countrymen, in perils will WRegular edvertisersand all others sending com- The Nations, longing to be free. »-AII orders ha aaaajaajltj »,te-,.led 10, r.nd 'T'HE undersigned is desirous of selling his tarin in I.ouisviiIe. seven from Laerange, .>u the</p><p> a gentleman advanced to the spot, a the Shall taste the neatly executed. ! I Shelby county, and will and Frankfort Railroad, he 1 as, or requiring notices, designed to call at- gazed by heathen, in perils in the city, in per- sweets of liberty. sell a great bargain to f improvement* April 9. 18.16 .1*4,. one And as the car ot Time rolls on. any wishing a good stock farm". The land is comfortable brick Dwelling House, 1 to any public entertainmer, moment upon the coiled monster, and then ils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, Millions of freemen yet unborn, situated near the Shelbyville and Frankfort Turnpike rooms, and all outbuildings nsually V pouncing upon it, for admittance; all notice ol private awo- held up to the view of the in perils among false brethren. In weari Shall Road, nine well hail the name ot VaasmtBtVe). E DG A R N E E DHA M *S milea from Shelbyville and thirteen from improved tarms. from the 1 startled of the to attention to crowd a whalebone hoop, which nest> and painfulness. in watchings Oldham county, Ky., 1857. I rankfort. containing 260 acres, with good land to grass and ihe almndant supply of 1 notice designed call often. in E. P I - < ) improve- M All B E W R K s . had wriggled itself out ments, and is in fine repair, well watered and timber- water, it could be made one of the best Stock Farms !ed to pro- of a lady 's petticoat hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold t.iP Jejerxon Street, opposite O*.,,,', HefwJ ed, and is in a high slate of cultivation Any one in the State. There are about 100 acres in Wheat. tint and quietly coiled itself upon the mote the per- «.* o. .Quiir', or floor. and nakedness." Good God! What a LOUISVILLE. 1 Jfttrvcanttlr ant) ,iFurntsjrjing. KY. wishing to purchase, will receive all necessary infor- ij~ \* mi anxious to re angee to Miaesarl sjssbj This is fact, spring. interest; willonlybe inserted a and ought to admonish salary for a ! this old mation as to 'ertns. hv to I would like 10 sell butore ihe 10th of do not posses* general the minister Hunger, thirst, fast- AT Establishment may be found a large Ac applying the under- March. and varied stock ot signed on the premises. »r to 1857. Possession can be given at that time. For with the understanding that the same is to be paid for, ladies of the danger of not securing the ings, nakedness, perils, persecution. -Chris- MO N I' M E NTS V A U LTS Thomas J. Throop. in TOMB. STONES, Head Shelbyville. further information apply to ROBT. MALLORY. snake-like circles DISSOLUTION and Foot Stones. Iron THOMAS JONES ai the rate otter ce«f* per line. If inserted in the edi- which encompass their tian Intelligencer. Dec. 1*56. or to the suSsrrt^r. »sr THE copartnership heretofore existing, under the Railings, and every description of work suitable tor % aasf BallardsviDe. Oldham only at the discretion of lower extremities.— SBjBSjsn, Kv. torial column, which can be Clarktvilkf Tnmeuee J the name and .style of Standeford A Newland, Grave Yards or Cemeteries. The itibeeribcr jru«r- WM M.GIBSON. is this aatees January 1 1. the editor the same will beehsrged, at the rate of not Chronicle. Anecdote ok Andrlw Stevenson and day dissolved by mutual eonsent;-the name his work to be done in ?he best style, and has sM fe#887 Administrators Sale. TW u lapia Mw i 1 1 mm* li) »w «awff taa iton mill Ml ot the firm to be used made arrangements to deliver set it when necessary in elosin? tht and *ip in fJrove <!w lat a* Man*, isalm hi aj momml iUi let* than tmrntw cent$ oer Itne. Mr. Fillmore.—The death of the distin- H KDNKSI) \ V pm «MU Md mod Wm business of said firm. Hill Cemetery, when required to do so. No Be- n'* ON MlMII, ft, at the »«ce 5»r -wllacrloo. NOTICED Tnbutea ot Re- guished Virginian, whose name leads in the late residence of Shannon Reid. *y OBITUARY Neobo Case in Those having claims prior to the 1st day of Janua- are employed, consequently the SgSJMry nsjavSgewi Congress.—The mile north Sl-elbvvi - eeoft sac* ten ry, lf57, will pleuee has no agent's profits to from will be sold to the e'e . will be charged ft/ty p*' caption to *^is article, relating to him and present them for settlement. pay. SHELBV FARM FOR SALE. highest bidder, at public 1 the Washington correspondent of the N. O. Those created since Reference is permitted to '^lirk personal prop- , that date bv or for the benefit Hardin. F.-n, . and FARM of the late Richard S. Owen, dae'd, fl to ar"*mnanii tke manu$eript. Mr. Fillmore, which was narrated to us last ertv THE of the firm, to William of said decedent, to- will be made out against A. Jones. E«q , ol Shelbyville. Ordc is ottered at private sale. It is situated - ri— •*-- 1 v Delta, writing on the 27th William Stan on Float wm niiitiiiasji' - -ir" of January, summer, at Saratoga Springs, by Judge detord, who alone is responsible all from anv rt °* 'he country re«nectful| -oli.-iied Household an Creak. >n the southwestern for such claims ! P* y and pan at* Shelby county, «»• • . Wayne, of against said firm. promptly attended to. ten milea from the Supreme Court of the Uni- Those who have accounta with farming ftrwils is • Sbelbyviile. and 2J miles from Louis- us will please call ville, ted States. and close them by note or cash. ! BOO \R NKEDHAM. fine Reaper: and not more than two mile* from the >umpike It runs thus : Mr. Fillmore , sting case was before the House All must Uee.;t.l856. i i < 7 . • know the importance and necessity of at * m8Sl leading from Taylorsville to Louisville. The tarm Havine recently added a vai.^ of new type to our „,„ „ m . , u r 2-2head HORSES and COLTS, amonj; whichare free made his debut in the National House of t.-nding yesterday. A negro died lately in the promptly to this notice. 10 or U fine brood Marea; contains about 500 Acres; *bout *30of which are in JOB OFFICE, we are now prepared to execute all Aly possessed of considerable real estate. Representatives, when the Hon. Andrew Very respectfullttjr, yourobt. servants, head of CATTLE; several -ood milch Cows and cultivation, and the balance well set tor of orders any and every kind Job Printing, in the WM STANDEFORD. iLouisbillr .HfJbrvttsrmrnts. Calves, and 2 yoke of Oxen; On the linn i- i milortable dwelling, with His wife and children are slaves in Virginia. Stevenson, a staunch Democrat, filled the moat elegant style. on short notice, and at prices tb»t H. T. NEWLAND. «0 head STOCK HOGS; 30 or 40 Sheep; rooms; also necessary barns and outbuilJingt. "ft Speaker's chair, The properly vested in the States with characteristic and Shelbyville, Ky., Feb. one of the b«;st of stock farms. 10.I h«»mp can «'«o be United 13, 1857. e/891 iialf of a fine Jack. 1 Jennett, I two will not faii .ogive J. WOOD \VII,SO\. Om year old blended dignity, firmness, grown on a portion of it. The whole of it «asss> for the want of heirs. The bill proposes to and courtesy. Jack Cab, 1 yearling Jack colt and 2 <a href="/tags/Mule/" rel="tag">Mule</a> Colts; w WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FORWARD- lent wh»-at and corn limd. 1 Rockawav. 1 Buggy, and 1 Carriage: £ Wagon*. re-invest it in his wife Mr. Fillmore, a member ol the Whig parly, MKTICANTILE NOTICE. and children upon ING AND COMMISSION I MERC HAN and a one-horse Cart; Anv one d^irou* M'sssng :He Kirm c-an J.> «o by Dealer in rose to make his maiden speech. A set of FOR SPRING, 1857. Produce generally, So. M;l M„rk> rl atrwet, their being released from slavery by their One- third interest in a pair of large Cattle Scales; applying to RICH A RL> M OWEN, on the premi- Dry Goods business between First and Second, south side, proprietor ill-mannered will hereafter be con- ses, or to the Executors I. M. Shelbyville. HUBCHES. present owners. It is understood that the and rowdy democrats imme- THE 10 Shares of S:ock in the Branch Bank of Ashland; oWEN. ducted, at the old stand of Standeford &. New. of the house late Wilson & Head v. has associated 10 Shares of Stack in Clear Creek Turnpike ROBERT COCHR \\\ neirVandv ke's Mitts Mia ia i>es owners are prepared diately endeavored to cough and scrape him land, by with him in the above S. Road; tht to liberate the slaves the undersigned, and the best assistance he business, Mr. H. Shallcross. Nov 19, 1356 tfBTV under A lot ot new Bacon; a quantity of old Corn; lyviUe.**. on the passage of a law authorising down. Mr. Stevenson, observing tlip noise can employ. He returns his thanks for past favors, the style of Wilson St Shallcro?*. and will them to 25 shocks of Com on the farm purchased ol II Y and discourtesy, rapped •ind would solicit a continuance of the patronage continue the business in all its branches. They will J W. Wallkr, Pesioi. . r take possession of the property. bill strongly8 and loud- Offutt; Hay. Oat!., and Rye, in the stack; a lot of The - which his be ever ready to wait 1 , . friends and a generous on former customers, and de- • .,1 o 1 , ... public have hereto- at 11 o'clock, em. and at ly, with the Speaker s hammer, and called Hemp. &c. ie. Ac. Boston ^fjbrrtiscmfnts. assed the House by a large majority, and u>rP. extended to him, in connection with his former sire to increase the number in future They have rer meeting every Wedncad '" Terms —For all sums of 910 and under, cash in ''Order'Order ! Order !" in an ilpr>iaii>*> inn. ami partner-,—nartiierx —and will justinat on hand Mnd will keep in his store assortment of •II go through the Senate with little Order in decisive tone, and here give an From J. Co.\ Advertising . Sabbath school 9 o'clock, a.u. but hand; over tlO a credit of nine months will be giv- E. FaawELL A. Agency the best nrticles in their line found in the West said: —"The honorable member from New en—the purchaser giving note with approved Xo. %\ Congrrs* utreet. Boston. Ma -Rev. W. C. Mattbews. Pastor, tion. This is believed to be the first WILS'-N & SHALLCROSS securi- NOTICE ty . negotiable and payable at the office of the Shel- tbbath at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 3 u. York will take his seat, until order is re- e since the adoption of the i«i Consti- Thai he daily in expectation of the rereipt of a byvi'le Insurance Company. rer meeting afternoon, «KV %I>AHS' Thursday tution in stored." iMr. Fillmore accordingly sat large Having withdrawn from the firm ol Wilson v which the North and South have invoice ot Sale to commence at 9 o'clock, a. m.. when due a'h School at 9 o'clock, a. m. Heady, 1 take pleasure in recommending my forni'-r harmonized on a bill involving "legislation down, and on the disturbance being entire- attention will be given by BODICE VXD CORSET v. J. W Cunxinohaw, Pastor. partner, Mr. Wilson, and his present associate. Mr DOMESTIC GOODS, J M. OWEN, \\"AREROOMS re removed from Waahinaton on the subjeet of slavery." ly quelled, Mr. Stevenson said: "Order Shallcross, who will continue the 10 at 11 o'clock, a. . and business. my v 2-i Fabbath m direct from the East,— \dtmnistrator of Shannon Reid, deceased. v Street 10 No. W nter Street. Boston Tba consisting in part of the lol- friends generally. raver meeting c-ve- having been restored, the M P HEADY. 1 Wednesday honorable • mem- lowing articles, viz: J. Dklpm, Auctioneer, of Lexington, Ky. Warerooms of Washing -n Street, for thirty yt January 7, 1857. too885 Sebbath School at 9 o'clock, a. m. in 1 ber from New York will proceed with his 4-4.5 4.6-4, 10-4. and February 11. 1857. f»890 established Dr. Jack lvM brown and bleached Louisville, January7, \M7. ta#5-885 S F. Thompson, Pastor. Shackelford.—The Alabama ^lieetiugs Mvxh-21. 183 Ser- remarks." Mr. Fillmore, on this intima- and Shirtings; >bath at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 3 p. m. announce 4-4 blue and striped 0*uaber s the death and Bed-Tick- \ o. of this gentle- tion, again rose, and gracefully expressed S x. smith, l russkll. s.shasks. moruis tho.mas. Administrator's Sale. Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Indian Medical Institute. He died at W I I» FS|>AY. I, 1XS7, as -school at 9 o'clock, a. m. Church- Courtland. Alabama, re- I his acknowledgments to the Speaker for his Baltimore, Virginia and Blue Lick and furniture SMITH, RUSSELL & CO. APRIL Ad minisirator. with ESTABLISHED by the New England I uneas. Saturday before the first Sab- Plaid Cotton*: MANUFACTURERS OF 0\ the Will annexed, of JOHX cently. in the 06th year of his kind interposition, and added: —"I sat- I age. Dr. S. am R. BAKER, deceased. 1 will sell, J Medical Society lor the suppreseioi Hh. at 11 oV I'nion linen and apron Cheeks; Star and Tallow at public sale, to isfied, Mr. Speaker, that the interruption I Candles and Soap, ihe highest bidder, at the late residence ery, and the successful treatment of all participated in the Texan struggle for inde- 8-4 bleached and brown cotton Diaper, of said Ba and 40 inch ati'sal or Isdia.x system of Meutci.te. j ker, near Harrisonville, in Shelby county, about on tan N H)D FELLOWS. experienced did not proceed from the gr/i- ivvilled Bagging; blue Drills and Denems, and Ripka LOUISVILLE. KY Ky pendence, and achieved a eaat fifteen miles south east All persons afflicted with disease shooM address a lg;e. i '.. name truly envi- FACTORY' end of Main Street, near the of Shelbyville, all the per- X: I. O. of O. F. Reg- tleinen on the other side of ihe Cottonade. Krimlins, brown and bleached Crash, dec. House, Af- bridge on ihe sonal property belonging to said letter to the Supemterdent. Dr R G1EF.N. 36 even Mondavnirht.at Odd Fellows' all of which I Shelbyville road. Office ,,u -2d decedent, vit: able for gallantry. He was captain in am determined to sell on as good terms that ter that, continued Judge Wavne. " a pin Street, between Main anil Market Broomfield street. B..»'on. Mm -••cboset's. and re- Mo-k as can be afforded in this market for ca$k, or to punc- IIou*e and Kitchen Fnraitun : fatal (C^The highest prices in cash ceive free ot charge, the Socie'y'e Newspaper, giv band of patriots under Col. Rannin, might have been heart! lo drop, while Mr. tual dialers. Very respectfully, paid for Hides, 30 or t'»0 head of CATTLE, 10 fine Milch Cow-. | ing full description uf treatment and reference to ca MASONS. WM STANDEFORD. Tallow, Lard and Grease, delivered at their factory About ?00 head of STOCK HOGS; which was defeated at Goliad and Fillmore went on with a speech, which at - massa- October 1, 1856 Lodcr, No. S, F. and A. M. K< , February 13, 1821. bm8?2 20 head of work HORSES and <a href="/tags/Mule/" rel="tag">MULES</a>: et89\ I January 21 . 1157 once gave him rank among the ablest deba- ot tine e second Monday night of each the , A pa.r CARRIAGE HORSES ered by bloody tyrant Santa Anna. His < Hall at t> o'clock, ters ol the House." GOLD & SILVER WATCHES. About 300 Shocks of Corn in the field, at ihe J«ee Judge Wayne was 1 867 NEW GOODS. 1857 j life was spared because he was a physician, are now prepared to show the largest dent's lute residence; also tOO Shock* of Corn on ROSS X PEAK! trail Arch Cbapter, \o. t. Regular himself a member of the House at that time, WE jQL T. O. stock of Watches to be found in the citya*tj ir^U the Davi* farm; Importers. Manafact uxen, and Wholesale Dsilsrsia i the. first Monday in each month, a' SHACKELFORD Ma- that his services miaht be made :ivailtble occupying a seat in the immediate vicinitv TS receiving some verv desirable as of Louisville, consisting of Chronometers, Du- A laruelot of FARMIXG UTEXSILS < Goods, such -i,\'D c'cloek. I COTTON' P»*tVJP I plex, Lever, Cylinder Harness, in the Mexican army. of .Mr. Fillmore, and ;?aid that, from the HEAVY COTTONS, COTTONADE*, and Escapements, at prices va- ! Carriage «nd two four horse Wa^(,ii» a nd d \K every description. Cotton Seine Tninei loan. rying from f 30 to #2.'>0 for Gold, and from $12 to $30 Gear; &c. &c 8tc TOWX OFFICERS. foregoing incident, he bad imbibed the most Bed-Tickings, heavy Checks, plaid Ginghams Flax Baling Twin** F! 'hllutt Twmet. for Silver. Before purchasing please call ami exam- . Term*. On all sums over credit Tta Judft —Fielding Winlock. French kid, silk and Cashmere fit) a until the S«U Twin**, Herring Tu»nas. £F*While two little girls, one the favorable impression, which subsequent ine styles, quality, and prices. daugh- ' s-a Manhal: —Ephraitn G. Dser. first day of December, 1857. will he given. —pnrcha- " Horn T»in*t. Druggist Tu-met ter events only tended to confirm, of JOHN KH Ts A. CO. uttiet —T O. Shackelford, Chairman; R. of a clergymati, and the other the child one who *ers giving bond with approved security. Sums ol IVovl Twine*. Tooaeco Twines. Louisville, July 2:1, 1856. too- I Neel, E. B Sain, R C. Tevis. J W Hick of had afterwards filled, with erace and pro- fllO and under cash in hand. The cash must be Broom Upholster*' one of his parishioners, were playing to- long WhaleboDc, Ac, which will be sold 10 his old Twin**. do rosn.C C Watte. R. A. C. Martin. paid, or bond given, before the property r» removed gether, they priety, and with honorable fidelity to the friends and the public, very cheap. j Seine Twine*. Cordage, nil kinds Jacob Owen. fell into an angry dispute, as STOIVE & WARRKX, from ihe premises. Treamrer: — M. ; Seaming Twine, Variegated Linen and Cotton Collector children often will, in Constitution and the I'nion. (he Presiden- offers Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Sate 10 commence at 'J o'clock, a. Clerk and t —Jol imitation ol their se- He his remaining stock ol j m. Twine. Saddlers Thread. Upholsterers' «nd Car- English, French. German .liner Strret Surrevnr, Wn'rh. fi.r of the and lean ROBT. J R. BAKER. laWniiCi alu niors. To mortify her antagonist, the lay- cy Republic. r.age Makers' Webbimj Also. Shoe Thread Lin- J. D Hasting*. Winter Goods *,th tke Wot annexed, of J R Baker, der'd en. Cotton Silk, 01 satiation, for man's little girl at Cost, and sooty de Sew saw fit to remind the other W W Parks*. JsJSttessn consisting of all classes GOODS, \ of DRY Tiik Two Heirs.— -I remember," says ( IKCl'IT COURT of her father's well known poverty, 430, south Market street, between 4tli and in- NO. and CT .Ve 7. Lite. Bn*t„ Regular Terms commence th a late Postmaster General of the United SAME TIME iff on Mb streets, Louisville. Ky., where may be found j AT THE IND PLACE, 1356 timated rather tartly that, had it not been January 21, day in March and third Monday in .and a complete assortment of all Goods in their line, States, "tlie first time 1 visited Burlington, at I will also offer FOR HALS, or RENT, t for her father's benevolent interference, j M •tmtinue twelve juridical days the ' H.. Y. 4i CO.. Vermont, as Judge of the Supreme Court. RICH FANCY DRESS SILKS, REAS0XABLE PRICES. previously disposed ot, poor minister would have been in the work- Ladies' J r* Equity Term commences first Monday in Julv. r LANNELS, and every thing else on hand Also. Mantels of every description. Our at I I had left it many years before, a poor boy. belong- T II E I) A V I S F A K , COPAL r A MM 1*8 houff. "Well. I don't rare," ing to stock of Domestic Goods never was belter than at Ja4fge-Wi!lism F. Bullock. of Louisville. replied the the Winter Season. Those in want of 4:1 Msnula. tured by Stimson, Valentine A C such containing about 1 ACHES, and situated 4 miles At the time I left, there were too time. t families Goods can obtain 'Cfvrry reot the present We would be pleased to see our GsaVMs Attorney—E. 8. Creig.of Louisville. other "if it hadn't been for my father, K hargains by calling south trom >belbwille. It ie well improved, and in 55 Bro,»d Street. Clfrk—William ' of special note for their standing and wealth. rorly.Jza friends and the public in general, n-? we feel confident A Jonea. yours would have been in hell long ago !" a high state ol cultivation. Term* of sale, or rent, \T the Mechanic*' Fair, it January 28, 183?. that we can suit all. Matt is Chancery—Henry Bohsnnon. (00888 made known at the time. ( \ \ \ Each of them had a son about age. the ommilieeof whicli Dr. my own (^Remember that we have bui one pricelxt ROBERT J. R BAKER. Adm'r * Silver , 4> Aseayer. was Chairman, awarded MEDAL » w »» v «.v poor and they were very rich. Persons can then rely on obtaining good Goods, at COl C^This ,. rOUHTF RT—COrXTV wtnter. the degree | WINTER OFFICERS of oId STYL E s7 February 18, 1857. tda*V»l to 3. V. A Co . tor their -uperto' Varnishea. _ During the long years ol hnrd toil which fair prices. Call and see for yourselves. We think The Presiding Judge holds his Quarterly ... , ; HAMILTON FRAZIER announces to his cus- 21. s,-7 Court mm. throughout America, hurope, and we can sell Goods as low as the lowatt. Asia, .-o tomers and the public generally, that n the first Monday ot March. June. September, pa88etl before my relurn , I had almost for- he has FOR SALE. j fcWanes. Linsey, Stockings and Sock- tak. ia received a beautiful assortment of n and December. far as heard from, has b«en extraordinary. V>1 " | gotten them. They had already forgotton exchange for Goods. The cheapest Farm In Kentucky T* The Presiding Jndge will be at the Court House WTNTER STYLE HATS AND CAPS, Storms of snow have occurred inthc Island me. Approaching the court-house, for the STONE WARREN. INTENDING to leave Kentucky. I propose to sell ^Th N T* jjMs?n!jsM on every Friday, to traaaact Probate business. for men's, boy's, and youths' wear, to which he in- Market et, 4th door below 4th. LssjawiBl the best bargain in Kentucky, in > Farm sit- mgn County Court first time, in company with several gentle- pi AN be consulted personnllv on all Diaeaosn 10 f Terms commence second Mon- of Cuba, and the city of Mexico, vites the attention of all who want two Irora Frankfort, and in It- a neat, cheap and March 19, 1656 iy84t uated miles on Big Ben- jSjCs which "human flesh is heir." on the first three day in each month. Court of Claims held at Met men of the bench and bar, I noticed in the durable article. Especially attention is invited to my son, and immediately on the Frankfort and Term. aly, even whitening the palaces of old Ve- davs of each week. Sunday* excepted, trom 9 » n. stock . of Soft Hsts. H. FRAZIER. A. 8. WALLACE. J. S. LITHt j . ttatRT tiiomai Louisville Railroad, and the main county road to Presiding court-house yard, a large pile of old fnrni- 10 3 r. at No. 63 Cambridge Street, corner of Judge: —Joseph P. Foree. nice, for the first time, so far as December 10, 165A triet contains B54> to TOO any record tfB42 Louisville. The from Chamber. Uormerlv 1T;< On the intervening day* County Court Clerk: —Hector A. China. ture about to be sold at auction. The WALLACE, LITIIGOW ft CO. shows or tradition Acres, one-half of which is cleared, the balance Sr in ai'endsne. County ttomry reports. Extraordinary a competent person will Medicine A —Thomas B. Cochran. scenes with I 6. C. of early boyhood, which was MT.RATH & CO., MANUFACTURERS of Stoves, Grates. Cast, heavily timbered; there is about 250 acre* of bottom to any pert of the world Skerif:- -John Rohineem. snow storms have blockaded the roads in eem ings, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, and dealers in land inexhaustible in richness of soil, and sboat 100 Deputy surrounded, prompted me to ask whose it MERCHANT TATT.ORS, If you want to know anything ot ihe D Sheriff —G. H. Gregory. J. R. Beckley England and Spain. Is the world acre* ol table land, cleared and in a good state of grow- SHELBYVILLE, Tin Plate, Sheet-Iron, Wire. Copper. Tinmen's Ma- call at his office and see his certificate*, Joi/o«-. —Moees A. Dear. was. I was told it belonged to Mr. J. KY. ing colder. chines, Hand Tools, be. No. 536, N. IV. corner cultivation, of which 50 acres are in wheat. h-imorx. worms. Ac, taken from patieni i4«*M«er.— Alpheus P. Hickman constantly on hand a large and complete Mr. J. \ I remember a family of that name, KEEP Third and Main streets, Louisville. Ky There are three good improvements on tin place: School assortment of Residence neer Giimpu« Ha : Mi 'to tttlevitk Executor,. CLOTHS. CASSIMERS and is a large two story Irsme building it April 18, 1855. tnn7$< the main building Road, Pelham. N. five milea very wealthy; there was a son, too; can VESTINGS. of every shade and grade. H , from 1 oV— James S. Whitaker. Rights o» Marrikd Women is •kith «even rooms, all new and in good repair: rissts >~ Indiana. ' Januarv 21. l« be he I was told that it was even — twenty step* of the The House of READY-MADE CLOTHING TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. is an excellent spring within Magistrate*.— Magistrate'* — Representatives of Indi- for Courts.— Constables. He was the son of one of the families at- men and boye; Shirts. Merino and Silk Under- A NP all others who design erecting new dwellings dwelling, enclosed by a stooe spring- hous« : negro HOSTON FOI VDRV. tst ana have passed a bill, TYPE District—H FsAztcs and securing to married or refurnishinc old our-,, the .ttbscribfrrihrr*rs would cabins in good repair, sufficient for titty nejrroes; 1 Jo«a Hall, lk A j Magis- ready alluded to lie had inherited more .Established in II and cambric Handkfs: fj — excellent barn, stable a, id L Drawers; ice-honse; 1 TLl I^'J^^ say: 1 Constable. women whose husbands i Hosiery; Shoulder good meat and «. *T " <k>urta: first have abandoned i,„j j „ ,, than 1 had earned, and spent it all; Friday in March. June, and Braces, etc.. at low prices. We arc now manufacturing, and have constantly cribs situated in a stock-lot in which there ja 1 Urire Types. I renes ami Printing- Muieruiis. September, and Decem- them, either voluntarily, or the by compul- O-AIIot the failing water. now his own family was reduced to want, above named articles have been ae- on hand, several different patterns of Cast Iron Man water trough with never THETH BEST VITALITY mrn.shed prompt BACNt>E«ts and sion of a judicial sentence, in cases felo- rG , styles. have, for last the most eligible locatioua the OF A Ba«witt. Magistrates; of f lhe fir wilh 1 tela, of various We the six This is one ot m and his very furniture was that dav to be ^" ? . K™ lv by JOHN K ROGERS ACX> Jos C. " -care, in, n the citiesilt !7 ^VtTi ? M tot north hill side there D»ar, Constable. ny, all 1 ol Philadelphia and months, been getting out our patterns, and perfecting west for a large distillery; on Courts: Saunders's, their own property, real and person- u c j if. i . New York, -i sold for debt. I January went into the court-house and they are prepared to make to order any our plana, ao that we are now able to offer a better ar- a a deep ravine running into the hill about 300 yards. al, all they may make during such deser- garm.'.i >n his line at low price as rat b» had in the Es«t else- it it stopped by a steep dotlivity; this suddenly, yet almost glad that I was poor. short notice in the be*t style. ticle at as or at which point CURED, t no aJoc*fnb*T tion, and all the proceeds of debts due their per n a'h where. ravine is about SO yarns wide, and snrreumfed on all DEAFNESS I was soon absorbed in the business before ! king o| a waun can Wwitc and Jobs- Dav«. CL*"( «»lo»» ItIVer*? °Vr !. in ot the . except the northern opening, which is of Magistrete- husbands, for the support of e . - a. 1 and Cutting expeditious y exe- We are making Mantel* munition toHo* sides, easy Rtv- themselves and Sc Letter* of enquiry addressed to Dr. Etna. Constable Courts: me. O ne of the first cases called originated u ted. varieties : hill* and clifla at least 60 feet high, H Whrt,.,'^ Oct 15, 1856 tfB45 ing of Marble accent." bv so , ne families. The object of the Suffolk Place. Boeton. atten- bill, the Indian- in BOA RDM H y and Daji.'a on the last Friday in a low drunken quarrel between Mr. Egyptian ; Sienna that the sun maket scarcely any heat the ravine. IB H snd \prwratn* terti by Ex June September apolis Journal considers, is declivity and to give desert- Brocatelie Pyrenose ; the southern there gnahe* "nt. at least December. XEW ; In and Mr. A. Mr. H., thought I, that is a FIRM. DuirLAf the level of the valley, 0 . and J. Verde, Antin,uo and Jasper, faet above E SnowaaT, Megis- ed wives the benefit of their own labor and THOS. J. THROOP & BRO.. having purchas- Agate; 50 an inesbausn H Maso*. Constable Caurte: familiar name. Can it be? In short, I ed the W. are_ also making them plain and black Enameled ble spnng of pure cold water. * htch ha* neve? failed fourth earnings, and secure them against old establishment of Joseph Hall, from in March. June, the ex- prepared to tntt til tastes and rircnm- th* recent dry tpella- lie ty to the . September and Dec'r. found that this indeed was the son of the J. S. Marshall 4. Co., have just received freah sup- and arc fully dunn; D wallcr and H B. Olivm. Magistrates; actions of mean husbands. As the law pHes, and are ttancet. ' river end situation immediately on the WANTED. other wealthy referred to I prepared to furnish the community with man was over- to»bip \CTIV E AGENTS tor ev*rv county in th* New D. C Tal»«tt. Constable. Courts : has advantages of these imitation Mantels over eoanty road to LouitvtUe. enables the bolder Waller's been, a worthless husband, after an ab- the best articles of pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, The t whelmed alike with astonishment and portion of the England Statee, to whom the beet 'ndiicement* on first Friday, and Oliver's on the Thursday sence PAINTS. OILS. GROCERIES, those of the pure Marble, ere— grain to and products from it to snv L of years, HARDWARE, f i'I tj4dV»*«. stamp enclosed.ton. td in could return and deprive cannot affect fhem; 2d. Oile cannot stain South. Weet, East, or n»»n Monday Mart' thanksgiving—astonishment at the change FARMING IMPLEMENTS. of lat. Heat j North the every de- Ft. B. SKINNERKINMER. wife of all that she might have accumu- them; 3d. Acids cannot injure them; 4th. They The place ie Susceptible of betng divided into two in our relative standings, and thanksgiving -W M Pcob and Nt.i lated, easily broken or defaced; 5th. It defaced farme, with good on each, which will If M*mmac J. H. 1, Magistrates. W while he was away playing the sot. The establishment, already well known, will be cannot he improvement* that I was not born to inherit wealth with- sold together if desired Jesmory tl. 1857. H Gravis Constable Coartat lad Saturday •mder the they can ba repaired and made as good as new; 6th. be done to tuit purchaser*, or ^ The Indianapolis Journal remarks: direct control of Dr. Gso. A. Taaoor, an in March. June, be told at about one-third to one-half lees I will tell Ftrnrmg Utenaila to work the September and December out toil." experienced physician and druggist, who will super- They can Stock and to the pureht- P. F. DOIHiE, i. CAtirss and W. We hope this coet ; 7th. They can be so securely packed ns*o be place, and hire sufficiency othende 7*-H M Boaatrr, Magis- bill will pass the Senate That poor boy has since been Postmaster intend the compounding of Physicians' prescriptions a trates; W. W. MAOBIIflST Paseir. Constable. Conns: Car- and become the law. and the general management of the concern. trentported to any part of the world. ter tor this year. PUNO-rORTB It is » righteous law, General of UnitetJ States, is to rut's, on the second Friday, Burnett's the the and now Any good Bricklayer can put these Mautcla up. I will tell the place to any one deemng purchase and on with March 12,1856 bm843 red iy in March, much provision against evil, will warrant to tell a better article than can be on four payments: one- fourth in cash, and the bel- jua», geeaesabe r. Do and a few one of the United States Senators from Ver- We 10 Beach Street, Boston, ond West obstructions in the way of TRON— large assortment of Iron always on hought'elsewhere, more highly finished.Jtnd at ea low anee in three annuel payments. For further infor- good in it. Mr. mont. Those fathers provide best for their BOKINi otk—O. M. Rajtoall and Wat. L. MoBatva. Mac i- hand by T. J. THROOP Sl BRO. price as in any other market in the United Statee. mation ddrean the attdotxagned ai Frankfort. Wj. PLATE Denby, of Evansville, deserves rnannfoctarx W. S. Ptsraaaroa. Comtahia. Coins. credit for children who leave them with the highest Call and examine for yourselves, at the northwest T. M COX the his introduction gtn*. executed wrtl and support of this mea.- education, the Durast morals, and—the laast MEDICINAL LIQUORS.—A supply of choice corner of Third and Main street, I.ouiiville R>. February IL 1867. *te»*> ^Liquors for medicinal pjBrjpoaos, >ejrt_sJway Th* Shelby Newt publish oil axhtd ana tend bail T. J. THfcOQP • MO. AnjUlMtU. - 1 —! — ' — A —— ——' > earn</p><p>3L</p><p>For The Shelhv News Mother and children are at home—gath- Pleasant run. in Nelson, afterwards Wash from Nicaragua —The steamship Ten- Ew*A young bride riding out with her l^"The Mexican «*orTes»pondent of the ered to them a few years since, her ashes ingtou county. Kentucky. neeaee n husband in Montreal, in Canada, a N. Y. Herald, under date of Feb. 1st, Monument to OoL John Hardin. arrived at N'evr York nej ihe 2lat. *PPJ stales , In the year, he volunteered under * * ' mingle with htr children*. Other relatives same 1 feW ce wa8 ,rnzen U> d*** b on en n "«»»y Hill Cemetery bringing the latest news from Nicaragua' ™ ' * ^ ^ « » for expedition; *V""'" ^ were buried there alto, from time to time. General Clark, the Wabash . - * , husband a side. Physicians teetined that been signed between the I nitec doubt the severity of the Cols., . r We have no without 1 rrcsand Lockbbioos. with their re- AMERIC ANS SHALL Rt'LE AMERICA. I have almost unwittingly, occupied more and was appointed quartermaster— her death wajJ c>U(fe- by frMl on th. brmiB< M„ ie0t hy which ,h,s Government is to weather, since the erection of the splendid nevertheless, of the cruita, had given battle to the Co»ta Ric space than I intended in this article; but funds. It is evidence, from the exposure of the top of the he*d to loan Mexico tl5.00v.Mv. (it sJail sum The Shelby Newt it the large* and rheepeei « the of Col. John held. •nonament to memory this attractive spot is destined in a very few good reputa in which he was ans. There have been several contests, in the cold. She wore a fashionable bonnet. 03,000.000 goes o . .v \ urr;can claiote. newspaper published in ResKentucky_ - hir an abatement is— in psrsblt — interest in the heart of al- There was in 1787 and '88, As for I . s. 12 advance; #2 50. Hardin, has prevented numbers of our cit- years to have an which Walker's men had iheb*«t. Walker > security Uaejoaae the :%rc ha time all eub line, at which citizen of our county, for al- of Indian hostilities at least, no formida- receive per cent, si .he interest beautiful piece of most every — Remarkable Cabb.— Talton B. Bullet, 15 ssjaOajasja \r d chargeable with izens from seeing this has, all told, but 800 effectual men in Nica- though little more than a year has elapsed ble expedition took place, which called for rangementa are also to be in^de for ragua. timber cutter of Scriven county. Ga.. a sculpture. It is, we believe, the only re- other depre- ARY 8ft. I***- since it was laid off for a cemetery, there retaliation. In 1789, among went to Savannah sinCe Christmas, ally fine specimen of the kind in our coun every sec- dations, a considerable party of Indians has been laid there some from timber, and was taken eick. and it at the time, From the Pacific—The War Depart- Esq.. we ty ; and the monument, together with the tion the county. The grey haired fath- stole the horses of Mr. Hardin, WTu William *- Jonbs. of thought died. There being a his neighbors; paper* er, and the stalwart son, the household pel, called Major, and those of ment has received intelligence from Gen. to leave, in •re indebted for file* of New Orleans beauty of the Cemetery grounds, will well his remains were deposited a without as leaving him one for iitnirational Xotirrs. ind the breast that nourished it. On every so much, Wool, dated Benici. Califor. ia, Jan. ceffin and sent opening the repay a visit. 3d, home. On in advance of the when the season permits, may the plough. The marauders were pursued; fine evening, saying that peace and quiet prevail coffin after its arrival, he was discovered to SHELBYVILI.E This monument, erected to the memory Ohio through- be seen numbers of visitors, attracted thith- but escaped, by crossing the smile. Medical assistance was immediate- FEMALE COLLEf.K. For out the department of the Pacific, which he Mr. Pbexticb.— of his father, by our esteemed fellow-cili- place, the mel- In the course of the year, he was up- 1 er by the beauty of the and ly called, and it is said that he is fast fecov- * had no will TVonday^lpih^!'''. have been, circulating in the papers, that interest that attaches to its silent pointed coanty lieutenant, with rank of col doubt continue as long as the len, Mark Hardin, Esq.. is of fine Italian tsjetotj ing. He was in the coffin nearly two days( num. there at mid- onel, which gave him the command of the Indians treated ' 1» I'rf.micb, of the Louisville occupants and hearts are are with ordinary justice. and nights. Board and Tuition. lBcludwa- waahiaa, Mr. Qm marble, from the work-shop of Mr. Edgar — j Kajfa militia of die county. I and fuel. chief editorial night. The disposition of the troops is Journal, wi< about to take Louisville. It is in exquisite such as " Board. Tuition, Nebdm am, of ._, , . ., , ; Jtc. with* the of the mother's love. As the summer advanced, he determined For on memory I lix V ikoima V olcabo. It is said that Painting in . charge of s new paper to be established not only to give protection to ihe white set- — Oil Colors. proportion, from the base to the capital, and Siill cornea in slumber, all the winning life, to cross the Ohio with a strong party of his the hav- Eagle and The merry prattle, and the rinping Uugh, tlements, but to restrain statement in reference to a volcano at Si. Louie. The Memphis the symbolical allusions admirably devised militia, aiil scour the country for some the Indians should ^"''Kawin^'ea. And little ringlets danro in frantic glee ing Modern Languages. follow- there were any recently made its appearance in Pend- , 1 Enquirer, of the 4th instant, has the Around her cheiub'e head — mile* ou:; in order, if they exhibit any intentions to renew the arid executed. . . . Embroidery and Worst-d. : . ,7 . n to io Ol camps of Indians in that quarter, to break leton county. Va.. on the great Back-bone paragraph on the subject: war, which from the information has re- Mu9ic . W)tn a#e 0 , !n,crB>B—tf ing well known character of Col. John An<! then. he J5 'O The his desire half of the above ehara. 'he liiy's cup. them up. Accordingly, he made Mountain, is true. The Cumberland Tel- understand from a reliable source Aeor< upturned from passing eload ceived, he does not in the least "We Pioneer, Soldier, apprehend. Day scholars will be charg tuition IKrdin, as a Christian, Orehadnw t.preodin« wide fro«, -aii ure'f wing of assembling volunteers known; and was I in egraph : the College that this distinguished gentleman has, at the says Department. - A tearful change hath come upon her hihe ! tlS 00 and Patriot, is beautifully set forth in ex- joined at the place of rendevous, by two Prunary Department, earnest solicitations of the Americans of St The pulses ..f her heart ia stilled, and memory It is at a point on the mountain directly 10 00 hundred ready for the enttr- Blunificent. Gkorgb Pbaboov. the Fuel in public room*. quisite has-relief by the sculptor, in the 'woking, mounted men, - I 00 Lou s, consented to take the chief editorial between the heads Pupils will of the dry fork of Cheat be charr*d i the fW. rhr.i.iuh ten r dimmed eyes. urise. With these he proceeded across the great American Banker of London, who is time »hey enter charge of a new political and news journal open Bible, with ihe dove and olive-branch, - and the south till the cjoee ol the >duct ion Where moomheains break up I litlIs mound b- ,,ch of the Potomac rivers, hems made river, and on one of the branches of the now on a visit to his native country, for thous- has absence, except in case of protracted iilneaw soon to be etartedin .hat city. Fifty the .Id fashioned Kentucky rifle and pow- at a place known hy the name ofthe»Sinks" We rejoice in the appr-<puati n and rare fell a camp of about thirty All bills to be settled by caea Wabash, on presetted to ihe city of Baltimore or note at the clow and dollar*, we learn, have been rai«r<1 for 0300.000, so called Irom the depressed condition of ofeach aeseion der-horn, the rannnn and small-arms, and bestowed upon this cemetery, as a resting 8h wanees— v horn he attacked, and defeat- I'nseiiled accounts will bear interest. ihp purpose This arrangement, we furth- lor the purpose of establishing and endow- the mountain at that poir.t. These "Sinks" Thoee who desire further information are reques- place for our dead, There are now l\ in^ ed, with the loss of nine killed, and two t e flag of niir country. Iib*rty-cap. &c, ted to visit us. or addreae the Conductor* er 'etr... will t'.ot interfere with Mr. Pren- are hv euer ing an Institute, open to all classes • f citi- fimnel-shaped, jnd each one embraced there those, who on there dying bed rejoic- Natost prisoners. Two of his own party D T STUA0T. uc -'- connection with the LouisvrfU Joor- and in the fim ly sculptured eagle that sur- as of fit place hu- much as an acre of ground. On the first ed at the preparation a for were wounded —none killed, nor taken.— fwn, and embracing within its scope a free kv.. H- wii! sjhawsMle between the two mounts the capital. day of the reports J^elbvviUe, January 14. I°^T i Ml. burial, and said. *hairy nie thawr . — J:muar> caused by the man From these Indians, Colonel Hardin re-- library — annual lectures on science, aiill at Louisville." and , in .king hi* home bursting forth of the subterranean fire wsre Not having space in this article, we give And there Ins been brought there, the dead covered two of the horses, and some colts K ENTl'CKY the arts— a gallery of choice painting? and of ago. from the silent and neglected heard for a distance of twenty or thirty miles in another column some extracts from Mar- years which had been stolen in the spring of the FEMALE nOLLEOm »at jettons— Mr E. H farm burial ground, to mingle thete ashes stMuary—an academv of music—and an- Vast columns of flame and smoke issued hmELBYVII.LR, — Da shall's History of Kentucky, of the char- year. And it is worthy of note, that no ky 4T from the ° r ' fires - and red hot stones were Rev T^R. Palmm^A vf P .rteb. of Memphis, Tennessee, has do with those wh.> have b»en their eomnuN more hoises were stolen from that neigh- nnal prizes to the graduates of the Public Col. whose life ol Mental and acter and deeds of Hardin, ,, ' row in l tons in life. And the custom of farm buri- » »P >" " veral ***** borhood, during the residue of the war. Hi,h schools, and the School * i Rev J. \V. Gooduav. \ n«ted to the Presbyterian Theological Se of Designs at- Profreaorof Ancieiit was* sacrificed in a mission on which he to he the things above the mouth of the erater. Our mf k- Languages. als is beginning of thnt His subsequent military transactions I at ten thousand acres of tached to the MaryLnd Institute. And, minary Danville, mant add9 tnat the pe „ | e in lhe vicinity are J L. C 4.LDWBM Eso.. Profe^ departed, attended only by an interpreter, were. *Tis well, it should be have already been interwoven with similar p of Political Sc.ence. j Mis. Maxt L. Pilmir. IWher ol A rkansas lands, valued at 550.000. lie hat Reform. we see by the letter of the donor, published becoming alarmed at the pertinacity with' Mathem-mea. a' the reqnest of Gen. Washinoton, to the occurrences, into the genera' history; and Mi»sSr«TiraEjroa. Teacher of Xar ir- in the Baltimore Patriot, that • w h>ch the flames are kept up and the red also donated a like amount of Arkansas need not be repeated for they will not be Mr. Peabodt *1i*s Lucy Coll«». Teacher n» Kngliah ruthless savages, whose inroads upon our — Branches. hot m a ' sei of ro g ° Ut AheiVV " DrPrv Principal From Marshall's History of Kentucky. ***** - Prmary e o e does not limit the gift to ' D.-parment lands to the Presbyterian College under forgotten. the sum already , 1 ^ JostriiS2*K Prof. „f fnarrnrrema! settlements were in blood and • iioisp, marked like i bam earlv rumbling distant thunder, is con COI.. JOHN HARDIN. i . j l . .l r» . .1 55* He was a man of unassuming manners, donated, but the Patriot states HsbB P K-sk AsaiatantT . the Memphis. upon author- . n .i .u i charge of Synod of " tinuallv reveroerating[ throughu the deep cav- ashes, and in the broken hearts ol the sur- The subject of this biography, was born and great gentleness of deportment; yet of j Music. ity, that he has made provision to H. P. Brodkax. Esq., recently deceased, extend of the > Mr. ti H Nasov.) erna mountain, which at times seems T>sch*rsot O r ,, vivors of their ferocities. We sre glad that in Fauquier county, Virginia, the 1st of singular firmness, and inflexibility, as to amenit | Mrs. E. B.Naso.t.J Branchee. of Russellville. left a leracy to the the amount to half a million of dollars. ' to tremble from summit lo base. Ky., October, 1753. His parents were poor matters of truth and justice. If he loved his memory is thus to be perpetuated, and Trrwe-per aWsSM of" Fi»e Montkt Lin ville Theological Seminary amounting people, who obtained an honest lining, by principle to Mr. Pbaboov enjoins upon the trustees, ' Board, including popularity, he sacrificed no ...... washing, lights, and fire in that our State will do still m earnestly hope father, re- WhO are the Hobitee.— In the Louis- sleeping room., their labor. Martin Hardin, the gain, none to retain, the possession. And, to whom he has committed the supervision rm.riiueg. aSelaiJet 9io oo to down to posterity the memo- Depart n,.nt. more hand moved from Fauquier to George's creek, in degree, ville Courier of the 20th we find the follow- ^""J - H 00 although he was popular, a high j Tuition, in and control of the Institute, that they shall I Collegiate i . Department. Junior when bis son John w us ,n BBJBJ whose deeds of Monongahela, • Cl«am>' ry of her gallant pioneers, it to purpose of self aggrandixe I caae in- he used no S id 00 Void.— A no . onduct it "through its whole career as about twelve years of age. He had already T - ,n CwlI««»'« Department. in the wilderness, during our settlement ment. Sinister designs, he never formed Riot in Hudson City.— There ars •«me! Seator ^]^) 1 volving co:. tracts made lor electioneering the use of the rifle, and delighted in t0 leach » nd "I'Sio"" charity, tol- learned It was not UMt^tsTre had d^islt'ii^bbed 1200 Irishmen engaged on ihe Bergen Tun- ^- : * the of 1 French.' Span.ah. as -r - *f V struggles, if performed in days Mar- | Ml purposes, has recently been decided in New hunting the deer. g Colonel Hardin, by the liberal gift operation and beneficence, that it may thus nel of the Erie Railroad, near Hudson City Mueic. on Pianoor Cuisr 'nm athon »nd Thermopylae, would have been In the spring of the year 1774 rendered Use of Ioatrut York. The facts were: The Black Re- splendid qualities; but she had with the j prove itself be. all N. J., and Saturday being pay day, they to in contingencies and Drawing and marble, and filled by the expedition of celebrated in brass and memorable in Virginia, together her 11 a dexterous hand ol care, mixed , celebra,e(1 wilh r»nd "touaal. Whia- publican Vigilance Committee of New York ,, * Embroidery. C4>n dj t j on t , ne true friend of our inestima- Governor Dunmore. against the Indians, Vocal mueic where to be it was I . the text-books of our schools; best elements, in his temperature . , - ky flowed freely and a "muss" took place. re-ted a large hall for the meetings of the — ..... b,e nmn of >nstituttons of • then at war. young Hardin, not then twen- ' ' " cho°' roor *• ' ignorant ol the semi-barbaric heroes of not that he possessed literarv acquirements; | ""J beginning between Corkonian and a Far- ^jj » partv. specifying in the contract that they ty-one years of age, was appointed an en- tt«« covernraent, and of liberty regulated for even his English education, was very ! by Downer discussing briskly the merits of half Greece and Rome, is a lamentable manifes- ofalUhwJI? ^ymV^J^c^S agreed to pav for the use ot ihe hall so much military eoinp;iii) . In the August sign in a imperfect it was not that he had gained their tactions. argument came early bon made for absence, nn! ra*. — | law." Noble precepts these, and alike The m tation of ignoranee. while not one in ten volunteered with ' per month until John C. Fremont wa$ ensuing, he Captain Zack any brilliant victories; on the contrary, he t0 * knockdown, and both parties soon be- wort hv of the writer himself and of the ob- jJj^JJJj of^he'aiawoo^ the of the gallant pi- Morgan, had an action with a party of In knows of even names had been repeatedly defeated— no; it was, . remrorce<* bv fr'*n d9 lh fi*h< became elected President the United State*. So ! ; ' « Th« nest Sehoiaauc of ^ ^ des res to promote \ dians, in which he waa wounded, while on Monday. i.-jv - oneers of the western country, whose deeds because his readiness to serve his country, general throughout the village of shanties A a. \ soon as the result of the election was known his one week at Chrietma* ho|>da\ one knee, the better to support rifle, in was the most conspicuous trait in his char- bordering on the tunnel. In a verv short . ofchivaln and noble magnanimity surpass lie of June. 1857. they abandoned the hall, and tendered it to aiming it against the enemy. The ball The Burdell Gate. despatch from acter—it was. that he" never avoided the — timc f„u fivp hundred Irishmen xvere en- even embellished classie story. T R. PALMER. proprietor. He refused <o receive it; as struck his thigh on the outer side, ranged York, under date of post of danger— it was. that no man could I New February 15,says gaged in a most terrible riot and fight. J W tJOODMAi The rapidly increasing number of white it about seven inches; and lodged near JaasvflLMN '"^§ Fremont had not yet been elected Presi- up attach to him any real fault; or show, that the long pending investigation bv the Cor- Nor was it quelled until the military w tablets proclaiming from the groin— whence it never was extracted. the refusal of the Black and monuments, the thing done by him, could have been bet- called out, and one of the rioters k.lled.^ev- dent. On Repub- nrnfr . ,„ lhtJ B!Inle „ murder case, was HENKV MALE sKMlMKV: The enemy were beaten, and fled. Thus ter done it was because, of his sound . .„. eral fatally wounded and hftv taken pris- RBW t UBT1.K, to rent, the proprie- afar its appropriation for the dead, has al- — ... , kt:vri(io licans continue to pay brought to an end yesterday evening. The ' early, was he initiated info the mysteries ol E ^XT SESSH >N of ,h„ practical good sense, his eapacitv for what __.». A little girl whose father was among , T» Inaoruoo. «»* therefore, ready given to Grove Hill the appearance "- tor of the hall sued m the Marine Indian warfare. ""dirt™ r<1 1 **«»f the«» e jury hand, over«> v « Mrs. Cun- 1 * he undertook, the sterling worth efof his >*7 t he arrested, was so injured in ihe ,nelu uJT^^^^^^^*^ of a much older cemetery,—being little Hardin, recovered from Court, t!ie members of the committee and Before Ensign feelings: it was, in fine, for the ningham and Eckel to the grand jury, as that she subsequentlv died, There was who would either fit moral com- tbrmewive* for- -MfTwrfkM/ «*«- more than a year since it was surveyed and this wound, or could dispense with his tar* »f h/e, or prepare them* Ives their sureties. In delence, it was urged, pound of his physical, and inte'lectual ser principals in the murder, and Snodgrass as more fighting on Sunday afternoon, bnt no for the kigkett »tatio*» •/ honor, by a hromd y«f thorough crutches, he joined Dunmore, on his inarch '• Colltgtatr laid off for that purpose. Our Representa- vices, and capabilities, that he was beloved, fler ' 0 "'' r ' ot **** a(M that all cot) tracts for the payment of money accessory. The result is approved. Since P' E4*cat*»n. It ia also provided with Apparatus. to the Indian tow ns. In these transactions, Maps. Charts. tive, Marion C. Taylor, Esq., having ob- confided in, esteemed, and employed in SSSU for illuaira::;u the Sciences, as for election purposes were void, as contrave- the close of the testimony, another witness aval a* the ablest is to be seen the spirit, which prompts, to public office. Teachers ti.« country affords, lor tained from the Legislature of 1854 a char- the purpoeee ot instruction ning the election law. The Judge coincid of hunting, and the enterprise has appeared, who was willing to testify, .-<a href="/tags/Wolf/" rel="tag">Wolf</a> \a an estimate §f the exercise The particular manner of his death, has high regard accorded this Inv;- !<i«7 nearly ed with tins position, and decided accord- ter <° r » cemetery company, under the title of w ar: the spirit, which elevates men, into D. S. Senate. February, 5. 1857. hundred Student* not been ascertained, with any certainty of that he saw Farrall on the stoop of Dr. B's . ailed themselvee of ite the earnest instance of heroes; and devotes them to the service of At Mr. Thomp*^, ttuvanta»VJ' firri.YT ihe past rl ingly, dianissing the complaint with costs, of the Shelby ville Cemetery Company," detail. Even the account which has been house, on the night of the awn from murder—and al- v their species and to fame. of Kentucky, the Senate proceeded to take »« en different Stateeot the L>. Politir.il bodies must be pir-red after this tne Commissioners named in the charter, — given by report, is not very circumstantial. j so that he saw the door open with a man in as, Soon after the peace which ensued, Har- up for consideration an ac. still fat*. ex . to pav their wav advance, in view of e. u i i . What has been learned, is, that Colonel 1 Ja&J^ • examining everv suitable locality in \ if u standing in it, in his shirt sleeves. tending the time Kir the sale of certain such a vexatious defense as is here set up, din turned his attention towards Kentucky, Hardin, attended hy his interpreter, "ii his pub- Beeidee a thorough Academic education. Prasasssw the ririnit 0< our lown Emitted the unn- lie DoDow.vubashadtheimsaa has had the advantage ota I i.verMiy Course, to ,' > ' as to a scene for new adventure; and had Dr. Woodward testified, that lands which had been granted bv Cos- they tmmm mfkm be favored with any route towards the Miami villages, arrived at he had tried ™* the with *ress to aid in the construction and main- ! vailed attractions of Grove Hill, and deci- actually prepared for journey, Col. a amount ol credit. an Indian camp, about a day's journey from duplicate ofthe dagger purchased by Snod- ^^^e^t^^^.^i this tenance of the Kentucky Asylum for the of High Schoole and ded on its purchase. Without a dollar of Crawford, and some others; but was where fort Defiance was afterwards built, grasa in Broadway, on a dead body, and Professor Collect Mr. Key E D. ISBELL. A.M.. ia Professor ol Lan declined probably on account of the in- by Wayne, and nearly the found the wounds the same in all respects Deaf and Dumb. Yulee stited thatthe „ find the it General same I e in — • guagRfl. Loui funds on hand.-- h no very flattering pros- i i . i- 1 . ne services ot w r» as j ii _ _ Q. this irem icman have been— war, lands in question were located in the Slate - • creasing rumors of approaching on the distance from a town inhabited by Shawa- as on Dr. Burdell. ^uredtothe Seminary a* p r of ville Courii the following report a caae ! pects of a subscription, unwilling to become of Florida, and had been granted in the year Hu ia a raduat«; Atlantic coast. For, his ears, seem to have • The jury considered . of Cussjai li that, v. I r. — . Helen_ . and Augusta a nees,ucco, anda u vswDelawaresm ol ca-——mi heno wasa a wellwen re J •«•,,, in the criminal court that city, of the I on personally liable for the purchase money, been forever open to the voice of Bellona. Cunningham in possession ol 1826, since which date several acts of Con- ceived hv the Indian, in camp, but had not the facts of ^SVntffia^J before re9 h betfl1 pawed eitending the time 19th instant, Judge Johnston: and the only security that could be offered The American Congress, having deter- been long there, before five Delawares camt the murder, and that it was the duty of the K » ™ has perhaps Hut feweaaaia| for tne,r 9ale **e thought some good rea- w.-h gentlemen of en. deferred mined to raise an army, the business of re- coroner to hold them for the future action - rips James Gr a case, was pre- to the seller of the grounds being a lien up- in from the town : upon learning of which, "hould be assigned for this renewed sented tor receiving and selling stolen cat- cruiting, was extended into the part of the the colonel to them, to go with of the grand jury. Farrall is also retained »»« on a grave-yard, there was very little in- proposed T_ U demand. In a short speech of greal good ^ tle, knowing them to be stolen. country, where young Hardin resided, in him, the same evening, to the place. They a witness, the city providing for his fam- ?u,nintosd tothe patrons oi ducement to sell to the Company. All humor and pungency Mr. Thompson urged Mr. Husb. from Shelby, appeared and 1776; to which he applied himself. His however refused to go back that day, but 'ly- Bxp«n»«a, per these difficulties u Senate high obligation of still that he had lost three steers, and were made known to Mr. success enabled him to join the camp, with seemed peaceably disposed— and he conelu- Anonvmous letters have been sent to the Pon lhe the r«wi»a. 916 to tis Hardin, the owner of Grove Hill; who the of a second lieutenant. He coroner threatening his life continuing its fostering care over an insti- thi accused say he had sold the cat- command ded. to camp wiih the Indians, the ensuing because of the ^M-W however readily made the sale. On the to rifle tut.on erected for the beneht of those unfor- tle, having obtained them from a negro map. was afterwards attached Morgan's night; whiich he did, without molestation, course he pursued in the examination. It rj" For further particulars election of the Trustees, it was decided that mnates who had been deprived by Provi- . v of Mr. Hus*. The cattle were stolen in corps—which was generally upon the lines: In the morning, however, without provoca- is understood that the grand jurv will com- a eW Caetle. H-nry county no deed should be accepted from Mr. Har- he served, until his resig- Jence of certain invaluable attributes of hu- November, r nd the owner overheard the and with which tion or particular teason, a parcel of them mence with the case immediately. din, unless the full amount of the cost manity, and enforced its claim by a refer- conversation 'aet Saturday. One of the of the nalion of a first lieutenant's commission, in shot to If with him death. any peculiar The New York Herald makes these re- grounds was obtained by subscription. Af- ence to the expansive benevolence and high steers wa* a yellow red. and the other two December, 1779. In the mean time, he ac- circumr tances of barbarity, is not known. i3rofrsstonai ter a long effort, was still lacking. marks touching this strange case : intelligence which presided over its admin- were spotted r"d and white, each weighing t900 quired, and held, a high place in the confi- They seized his horse, gun, and saddle- ; Mr. Hardin immediately subscribed for of General Daniel It is finished. The inquest in the mat- istration. It was not simply a Kentucky about 650. dence and esteem Mor- bags—expecting, no doubt, in addition to DR. GEO. A. T that Es CT Fl , tenders hi Mr. Moorf ratified lo rinding amount in lots, subject to sale by the gan. By whom he was often selected, for ter of the death of Harvey Burdell is over, asylum ; its doors were closed upon none LY Green who the former, that they would find L ; two mo- ^I V vieea_ ^5,to tbe cmaena of Shelhv trustees, and generously permitted the pro- After fourteen days of investigation ev- who came to share its privileges. Besides confessed to r reiving the cattle while liv- enterprises, of peril, which required discre- the 1 ney, and presents, in the latter. His com- ity" 7 in the practice of Medicine and ceeds from sales of said lots still remaining unsold had dwin- to he used 1 idence ha9 been completed, the the land, r^-'( ing here in Louisville, from the negro in by tion and intrepidity combined, to ensure panion, they made a prisoner, and taking Coroner Office at the Drug Store ol jfc Bro question, and selling them for *36, the Company, as a loan, to enable them to success, in their execution. h".«umme«^ the jury has rendered its died down to an inconsiderable remnant of I divid- him with them, on the road towards San- I *f> commence the improvement of the grounds, verdict; one or two thousand acres, and he thought ing the money with the slave. He sold There are a few anecdotes committed to dusky, murdered him by the way. Mrs. Cunnnigham, Mr. Eckel, and though them to a German butcher. until they should be able to repay him. Mr. tradition, that deserve tob* commemorated. Mr. Snodgrass arc held as having been im- the zeal of lhe Senator from Florida, DR. W. Ml'IR RC Hakdin stated his intention to devote near plicated in the will commendable for its spirit, somewhat over- Said Green is presumed 1 1 be crazy, or While with the northern army, he was >ent murder. They be held SURGEON DENTIS A good many ipcrs have lately been p lo it it lv everr <**»Har of the purchase money in out on a reconnoitering excursion, wiih or in custody to await the action of the Grand strained in respect of the object which /"vrFICE on Main str insane; but was in prool that there was I sold hy recording, very unsuspectingly, the after stating that from ,ha Shelbyville Im some method in his madness. Watchman meeting costly monuments to his father, ders to take a prisoner, for the purpose of Jury. was directed. Mr. Yulee. murder of John E. Kaik. a descendant of wh «oiher, and family, w hich he has aire . obtaining information. Marching silently, A great deal has been written about the his principal purpose in raising any ques- *g^ Hxmmond testified that Mr. Gunkfe told dy 4 J 0yvi'll^ F?** J the well known chief, Cornplanter, by be- donf> lo * erv reat necessity him he was about to purchase the cattle of, - *• f embellishment of in advatice of his party, on rising tothe top philosophy, but the real point of tbe matter tion reapfcting the ofthemeas-i ing burned to a cinder, before a fire. It was ihe 4 < I accused, hvt thought there was somethiog tne fr«und«- The success of company of an abrupt hill, he m I two or three Brit- has never been touched. Without enter- ure proposed had been to ascertain the DR. W'Il L AM SIX.'l a clear case of overdone "Johniiie-oake." VI * in rcat measure.due to Mr. Hardin's ing into the ofland involved in its passage, with- p rm * n*n ly !oeB*#d ,n> h wrong about it. The man was questioned K ish soldiers, and a Mohawk Indian. Tde question as to the guilt or the amount || ^° ^ 1 , ^ d h 1'herality, as they would otherwise have was both critical, awful. innocence of the parties accused, a very val- drew his objections on learning that that and said Ins name was Jones, that he had moment and Har- Still Advancing.— At a municipal elec- the eitisens of tbe town and vicinity. been cramped and retarded for want of uable so the bill was pass- rniaed the steers, but afterw ards confessed din fell no hesitation — his rifle w as instant- tion held a few days ago in the I2ih ward moral is to be deduced from the rev- amount was small, and that be was eeMmg them for the negro means. To Mr. Bexj. Grovb. of Louie- ly presented. and they, ordered to surren- of the city of Baltimore, the American can- elationa in regard to a certain class of New ed without opposition. ville, the engineer, and the lamented the Sen- The here continued a week. Mr. der. The British, immediately threw down didate was elected by an increased majori- York society, which have been given by On motion of Mr. Cbittbsdes. j. j. v BBfjaaM Ross, of Cave Hill Cemetery, is due the this the joint res- their arms— the Indian, clubbed his gun. ty of ihree hundred votes over that obtained investigation. We have had a house ate then proceeded to consider DRS. BAKER & rurajLx praise of the moat beautiful cemetery de- They stood; while he, continued to ad- unroofed before our eyes. We have seen olution concerning Wolf Island, lying in Horriri.k. —.A shocking case of inhuman- in the same Ward in November. This is HAVING sign in the western country. We believe vance on them; but none of his men hav- a proof of the flourishing condition of tho a woman and her daughters absolutely be the Mississippi river, opposite to Hickman mm ity has come to light on Slalen Hand. N. and vicinity. Grove Hill Cemetery can justly lay claim ing come up with him, and thinking that party in Maryland. coming bvigands of society. The mother county, in the State of Kentucky. The ne- Y. A woman named Mrs. Ma ilda Deck- OFFICE—on to it. From the high bluff* on which it is was at legislation proposed with he might want some assistance, he turned the same time for the , er, of Long Neck, having last June obtained the miatress of two cessity Charch! situated, the graceful windings of the creek his head a little as he called to them to A Tall Snow Bank.—The -old people" men each of had reference to this island arose from certain a young girl about nine year* old. named — whom another mistress around our town, its waters, kept in deep- talk about a snow bank opposite the hotel Anna Hilton, from the "Five Point come on; and at this moment, the Indian all the women occupying a semi-respectable conflicting land claims between parties who House » est shade by stately old elms and syca- warrior, observing his eye withdrawn from of Aunt Sally Crocker," in this village, positions— half to hold under Kentucky and others «• ' cbaib. ol Industry." (Mrs. D. presenting letter way between heaven and assume mores, through the sweeping branches of htm, reversed his gun, with a rapid motion, some forty years since, which was about earth. to hold under the United States, of recommendation from a Methodist cler- The resident mistress visits in Fifth whoassume CRAIG & ELLIOTT, LouiaviUe. which, the bridges that span the creek—the thirty feet high. An arch was cut through ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. Kv . wil but 'her in order to shoot Hardin; when he, catch- avenue gives a toiree dantantet. without a on the plea that Wolf Island is not an inte- gyman.) subsequent tieatment of — ( promptly attend ro all business entrusted to their town with its many spires, and woods, it, under which the funeral roll- ing in his vision the gleam of light which procession of a cent in her pocket— is a strict member of. gral part of Kentucky, but is rather a de- the child is believed lo hive caused its in the Courta_ of 3helby^ Spencer. I ing fields and farm-houses for miles around, was reflected from the polished barrel of distinguished ciiizen — Gen. Lothrop pass- the church, and has a "clergyman's son" pendency of the Louisiana acquisition. death, on Wednesday last. The child ap- — | form a most romantic landscape. Ever this instrument of death, and with equal ra- ed. A drift almost equal in size now occu- cavalier to the re- mi Mh. peared to have been starved and beaten, tervientt to her daughters, in order, Mr. Crittindbn proposed amend since the settlement of our town, this has pidity apprehending its meaning, was pies the same spot, and is an object of spe- to give States, while an odor of sanctity to her establish* , solution so that the United and its feet badlv frozen. The following j LAW been a favorite resort on summer evenings. prompt to prevent the dire effect. cial interest to all the juveniles. Barntta- He ! ment. proprietary right in said is- verdict wa» rendered, upon an inquest held These parties visit each other's disclaiming all ' I'pon the trunks ol the old beech trees, brings his rifle to a level, in his own hands ble Patriot. sleeping apartments— live on the Mormon land, should recognise that of Kentucky, c by Coroner Pearce. of Richmond: within and around the nounces himself an applicant for pr< Cemetery, may still —and fires her— without raising her to his principle generally, and have a "nice time" Upon this a debate sprang up, which was '•We find that Anua Hilton came Isj her Fatal Affray. — A difficulty took place j nsss. WTHOS. N LtN'DSFY. he traced the initials of many a youth and face he had not the attempt of — time— would in this it, until one fine morning the person who participated in by Messrs. Gey er. Crttten- fort, will be death by being beaten in a city t>n Thursday last, between two j fair one, early of days, the letters, by the have given the Indian the first fire — on that finds the funds to carry the den, Stewart, Green, Bayard, Collamer. importance. from exposure, and from a it of proper negro men, viz: Leander, belonging to Mr. on revelry is Office on the south side of the Public growth of the bark, now twisted and carv- depended life, and death he gained it; and tT | — found with his carotid artery severed, and and Thompson, of Kentucky. Mr. Geyer nourishment, a Matilda Thomas Bradley, and Thornton, belonging fhelbytille, Ky. November '2b. 1306 i* led into the most grotesque and fantastic gave the Indian a mortal wound: who, also Decker." to Judge Buckner, in which the former was three wounds piercing his heart. A direct opposed the amendment beause he thought i shapes; and some of them, perhaps, like firing in the succeeding moment, sent j his personal benefit is to accrue to the its terms involved an unwarrantable inter- Mrs. D. has struck on the head with a rock by the lat- parties THOS. J. THROOP, 1 the carved hands that them, almost oblite- ball through Hardin's hair. in part Congress in TTORNEY-AT-LAVT, Shelbyvilts. Ky.. ter, from the effects of which he died on who have been sheltered his house, and ference on the of a ques- A rated and forgotten. i"Sa What a combination of circumstances the public voice aecuses them of "the ,io„ l iat .iTr; Monday morning. Thornton was deep rfi.ai tmmm faaA, Mhat the Catholic* ' struck j-h*S^fe»j£S£-- are to Eat.— The opening of these grounds by the What facility what precision what forti- — — several timea, as we understand, by Lean- damnation of his taking off." Missouri, which latter, as well as the for- a^-Enrrance bv the iron *iair-way atthc The Bishop of the diocese of Louisville has tVinetery Company, was not, however, the tude, ia here displayed. A happy associ- What a picture of metropolitan life does, mer, asserted a right over the island. He' F«b 31. MM der, and was pretty severely bruised in the issued an edict regulating the diet of par- ' origin their as a of use resting-place for the ation of intellect, and dexterity, ensures his this case present! The initiated are full was willing that the United States should roncountre. The difficulty, it is stated, . ishoners during tlx - ifts*>a*on J. C OIL LOCK* >f [. {dead. More than forty years ago, Mr. superiority, and saves his life. well aware that we have many women in disclaim its right so far as was necessary grew out of a debt of twenty-five cents, AND COI W.LORS AT r»f the fdmiwing rules: Hardin purchased them at the high price The rest of the party, made no reaistance, our midst who live splendidly by forced to quiet the title of those who had become' A Ky. Office in rbe brick I. All pereone which one of the parties claimed to be due over twenty-one years on the r off of tl25 p*r acre, and with admirable taste, but were marched to camp. On this occa- levies from wealthy bachelors, and whose grantees under Kentucky, but he held that of the public square from the other. Thornton was arrested January 4. ISM age, not lawfully excused, are bound to fast 1 selected a small knoll, commanding all the sion, Hardin received the thanks of Gen. bank aeeount has the te- it was not competent for Congress to pro- immediately after the hold upon a fat ' death of on one full meal a day, from Ash Wednes- Leander, and beauty of streamlet and hill, as his family Gates. nacity death itself. The victims bleed, nounce upon a duestion ofjurisdiction which; JOSHI A lodged in jail to await an of TEVIS, 4ay to Holy Saturday—both included— investigation of - burial ground; and on the 15th January, At another time, while the British held and bleed, and bleed, and say nothing.— belonged rather to the judicial tribunals of, * rvev **t Sundays only excepted. the affair.— />.r. Obs. s> Reporter. CI Aw" \ O? m Vf *V° 181T, the sod waa first broken for the re- This view was also enforced, Philadelphia, and General Waahington waa The victimixer holds up her head in the ihe country. Cyurt Plawe, oppowts Court H< t. Custom has. however, the introduced ception of the dead. Elizabeth Looan endeavoring to circumscribe them within the best box at the Op- by Messrs. Green, Bayard, and Collamar, Sixth, between Chestnut end as Executed.—The execution of three of drawing room— has j Beoedwaj use sj | cup of coffee or tea in the morning, Hardin, Jsnaary saW lym* infant child of Marx and Elixa- narrow bounds as possible; Hardin, being the five murderers of Mr. Green, of Prince era—the finest sables on the promenade and an amendment was offered by Mr. Stu- with a very email piece of bread, and a col- bbth Hardin, was buried, and for a long on the lines with hia lieutenant's in the fashionable church. art according to which the United States, command, William county, Va. took place on the 13th. the softest cushion T w . aao w* v e wwraksb lation in the evening, which should not ex- time was the right to only sleeper there. Two oth in order to pick up stragglers; and receiv- They confessd their dreadful crime some She is oftener in society than society im- disclaimed all proprietary Wolf Is- ~S^Ti eeed the fourth v s &. XV H IT I K rn of a meal, and at which er daughters and withou. deciding the question of dis- ; a son followed, and of the ing intelligence that some of the tories. from time ago, and since then have professed great agines, for her work is done secretly, and land .^^SyXaT^ neeh, if Deed, ehould be served . up cold. spot Mr. H.Hardin counties, puted jurisdiction between the two States, tentton *o all touchingly wrote the back were driving several penitence for it. At noon, the three —Old she enjoys almost entire immunity. Gen- fx business en •.ruetedto their care m S. Meat is allowed, by s*<*hy and thea4joimn« lines some years ago: Crittenden and Thompson, ' counties, end the wagons laden with provisions, down to the Nelly, aged from 65 to 76, her daughter erally the victim is tractable ; when he re- Messrs. of Ken- m Ceavt all the meals on Sundays, at Ob* ramble more, and we here done: city; he determined at every haxard to Jane, and the eldest boy, (the two younger bels—well, we have seen how insurrection- lucky, defended the historical claim, ai\*jl*^™^ on all the other days. Fridaya, Ash Beyond that clump of beecben trees, seize them. Accordingly he threw himself boys, twins, aged fifteen or sixteen, being ists are treated in Bond street. It is the their State to the island in question, and — iya Treed eottiy by tbe lettered atone. and Sat- and party, on their route; thirst for the desire to outshine your thought it proper that Congress should pees T • B . COCH R A X And breathe one sifb upon tbe breese and pursued respited)—emerged from the jail under the gold— of Ember and Holy TTO T"AT-LAW, I Week. within sight of the enemy's to astonish people with your mag- a declaratory reaolution in accordance with A *£_? kTTille, them, outpoats, guard of the High Sheriff of the eounty, neighbor, Oafcessi — ?^? (including oysters) The babe, the prattler, and tbe youth. l i i . • m t and flesh %re with the that leads to such as the the truth of history. At the close of the There, aide by aide, in silence lie. before he eame up wagons; which, his deputies and the jailor, and, mounting nificence, crimes Ott 23. itj© to be need at the came meal during Aad she who bare them all in sooth with the escort, he captured—wheeled a two horse wagon, were conveyed to the murder of Dr. burdeT- Moreover, it teach- discussion the amendment of Mr. Critten-i 1 ta L Lent, even on Sundays. Lives bat to live, so she tnsy die;— ' "* u ,* ™ « axiom tatlos. about the teams, and drove them to hia own place of execution, where a space of near es the oft repeated lesson to the youth of ded was lost and that of Mr. Smart adop- 'i ,</p><p>5. Those not bound to fast are not re- - • Wane— with— «™ wawsisuch |>patience,aiiBejws, shewww may.ma; . after Mas camp. • • an acre in extent had been cleared for the this community : "Beware of strange wo- ted, whieh the joint resolution was CAI^PWEVL & TAYLOR, stricted to aoe meal in the uee of meat, on Till her last suffering hour ehall come In April, 1786, having a wife and family, erection of the gallows, standing room for men—their feet lead down io the pit I their AllG liOptfl, At DO fm\T diattVTsf dly*i " fane days when it ' \ 1 T« sleep with them, aad fee at hope. he them from Monongahela, to the spectators, etc. steps take hold en bell !, flm\ a) ''wt.'i/ i . \t</p><p> mXttt BBBBBBBBBJ . . - . ° — . — ; 8 , 1 .</p><p>— EF" We learn b\ a telegram, tlatei! at PF"On th« Mpl instant, thr grand jury .Thu Eichiuuud Whig will ra.tke the pub- LOST, Orleans, the 21st instant, lic b i,s announcement that Lieut, LOST. New on thai our of the city of New Y..rk, returned true bills y vTommrvrtal t-ntrlligcnrr. ^( RIP fat fiv«.Sha-ea Bank of A.Man i 8t^. E> N< lit »L' i - \ DETACHED LEVER Maury, who has been prying in,-, th. OM, dated May 12. 1856. wsued by Cf>mm«^,or T fellow ntizen. Mr. William F. against m> ^A (HDNT NG) CASE Watch.* BbcuKVi Eckei. and Mr,. Ci'xninoham, CORRECTED Dp TO MONDAY EVENING era ot the Shelbyville are teries of the seasons, g-.vos us to Branch. Allperaone Wt *ith • «- n expert a white lia! plate, and a died a few days' previously i~ a bv warned against p-irchaainv: *h- same if preaem* in I^oi; » *i r» oharg.ng ilu-ni with t!u m.irdrrot Dr. Bi b- '»•>* , ato*. Nr 7817 or 1533. ! gome hirty or forlv more winters aB co,j L»H 1SVH.LE MARKET. •• T D BA^ YK M ed and case richly chased, was k»i on a Hie remains are orrthe way up, [ ami will, dell. Vouug Snodoras* was directed to as the present and the last. Sheep? hoad l irfviry 00 25. IR57. f»rtW2 Thr Whig, Mm throuRh the Y arrtt of Jlr. Nancy Harwo.*! ahoai 4 2 Cow *'30<3*0 on their arrival, be interred in Crov Mill however, is determined to use the prophecy * * miV. aomh* be held to bail as awiims*. 'Saving Sp? * »t from Shelbvv lta. on Thurada*. ^ih *jij}*..r A TEACHER WASTED. January. The rinder w 'je tn.p.y rtwi.,,. i. Cemetn, at this place. * « for a practical purpose, and advocates at HandLoom i.ifi^li N Orleans *> gi* Uji7i W. wiah to employ in D atnci adjoining un »svir^ .• . Nu. -( , P°*« r uli< c . -t »'°°''> Sugar WE - once tne building of railroad 11020 House 79990 alone the i the town — — Public Document*—Senator John B. ol Shelbynlle, a prnfeet il Teach- ISAAC NEWMAN. er, qualifid to to »earb the higher branch**. Th*</p><p>1 gckool pavs vrR JOHN ROBINSON. • . . , . 'J supposition that an tee t-rnoanyo is to he Cotton iarnt — ,, , ... , fork. Mess II OOvr at this place, celebrated the able public SAMUEL ROBER TS Anniveisary ol ilocumrnts. , Dbxen Yarns 500. llMl, Baeon- p , aced upon thc laH( r roulc nf , ndf, ^ JAME^ -IMRALL i^Y " in . .it our enure mrere*» n thc birth of Gen. Washington, ou Mon- Representative II»aWm Marshall travel. for several succeeding winter* " FeKro.rv iS. 1*57. (•**»> SJjo 'SSj* R^bifees omii > » f iothing 3<or* at th* comer o* t'.Mirt sqiiar* day evening. Loitisvillt Journal. Cordage in fiii* pfac*. l« Liebten. Lowemhal * Co »h. m Thc voung men acquitted will also accept our thanks lor lavnrs. Clear do lOottOi SWA.\ & COS* LOTTKRIES: « - re' mmrnd :o oar f-.raaer p*> HI VR1 themselves very handaomdv. th« Ctty UaU^flle'tlke F. MIDDLKTON A friend yf^l\mml* ft iE^JS, J^S^SSiw., S? irons J 4 1 *!U.ER. Shelhrvi 1*. K».. J-»n U 1«*7 has promised a full William Mr^cRovf E^<j.. Editor of the lead the **m*t from WB 0nfl ~ nrrAPiTM PRIZE notice for our next is?ue. HP . in building Kentuckv Rulroid. 8 RMNtljQ Sur **j>Qx p^T" Owing m the gr«at !a»«« wv.h «f « ft., pt> «SfSl *• Se the Lexington '•American Citi- Iter th <>'ir S'ng'e «iM.r p— fMissourO from limits to the Tennesser Mne, via: Hard Steanne (9 riearsidea 'loftio* (i 1TF. KEF. PENS. Mill » u'. ton if l lo-u^f*. Number Lof^erif * ha»e Seen rece'.ve<i by the pub- ••rasMS. ti Pressfd Tallow &13 Ribbed side,. N El*mr n for fowr Oala Keepers will be held at MMM Evidence Of Returning Reason. zen," died on the 1th instant, after one Shelbyville. Harrodaburgh. etc. through -fljo lic, and the large demand for ticket*, th* Managers. A Coal Shouldera 5-, £\ the ofTie* of the Bf*-dot In rtial Iniprnvf S. swam 4. C .. will have a drawing each Saiur- M Can't th( Morth week's illness, of He wa> Si 6 of Shelby Cujnty. in Shelby m Monday and the South come to- pMUMOtti*. the coal ftelds of Pulaski adjoining I md day througl.o:; t)>* year. The f->;!owity Schen.e U ARY 2o. ih.%: 2nd. ot tbe ri- geUur ugain, 3 Clovw 7 50iS7 75 will He <traw* <n on *imericuni*m<— having native ol Virginia, lived for years ' «>aeh d their T,»tt<ri*» fm M*rch. jnd some counties. If this road were rompleted. Pom^roy •3 / a.i,-i*i Orchard (irars 1 50(31 75 185-; SON. in Mason county, in this State, prior to go- Timothy { 50S3 75 Kt Louisville would never suffer from ~ ctAss ae, •»»(W ia»§jB 1 7.V31 25 Sale*. ad*ertited in fAe S*.-% -Vet. .«.«»«/ Wis The above interrogatory was addressed t t> Of u , 0 "^ rawn ln 6S0Ur i. ' 'fc 1^ Mi again sh« Rio.cominori. ]0|< Flaxseed ' > Atianu Georgia, pi puMtc \OIIC K. UMM Besides, would at once 1 75S1 80 I EXKCFTDR'S rrm(frf«l the Scvs Of cr to by a Laguyra us • distinguished ' Black Republican, . 12J<313 Blue Grasa 2bCc 1 50 B \TURD4Y. 7. LL PERSONS indebted to Dr. I M Al.I.EN. , .v MARCH ISU reap * rich harvest. !rom her commerce Mocha 17320 Salt. d, either by not* or aeentiat . ara a*»aay of a sister State, who has occupied mcsi Named Changed. W. Lee White, ed- The Tsvptu Stand of P. D. Johueon at Grafen- — with the ^mumk, na whn bu'h • 'f.ASB rr. to coma forward artrt u.aaa iaimed*a>r pay- one of wealthier portions of the , . \n m ?? * ^Gxn ^ 1 J Mn « tl>3A5 . ; Liverpool And ail per*om> hav<:i* rla.maagaimt ihe ea- Jm honorable position in the public confidence, iior of "Counterfeit , . coarac t rtl " •ny.-)f Atlanta. »' and publisher the best G**>re:*. in rnWie. The excellent («rm«l m M. Gibson, of Oldham State, whose trade now principally goes to Lmacv wina Sugar. tate of aaid daceder.t avail pr*-*r,t them properly au- S«Tf RDAY. MARCH 14 The question, we are happy to «ay, indi- ' Detector and Bank Note Reporter" pub- r MM thenticate J for satilament, wi bout delay count . adverti^em' nt ^•" - N Orlcana com. v Sw enrich Cincinnati. M . . _ 10Ka.H City mills eupr 5o3 • all The fine of Jones See advertmn't .. .„ ! 5 fa.r ty Fur amounia due th* dsceden* lor medical Farm Thomas cates the first ,„ .. . , „ ]\\CS\\i symptom of a recovery from lished for thc West, South-west and South, • « 1 \ S s i» A fine Karrn —pan o! the farm of Win. Waters, de- Were this road built to Kuoxvillc, it Cout.try. aupr 5 5rv3 prime r^llf f at rvicea n«t« swill be reeeired payabiain four month*. cease See *n insanity the CornmeaK^ bur 26b T • hs drawn in the c :y ot Atlanta, Georgia, in public Tho** that ara no: aettlad within a month, by eaah advertisement. most suicidal — the most has changed the name, of his folio sheet to would be to Louisville what the Baltimore choice (Si? The valuable Farm. lielonetfiir to the estate of R. S. St Loin? cmshedl3^il4j MTCRDAY. MARCH 21. l»57 will be placed in tha hand* of an ofacer tor disastrous, that ever was inflicted a free Sentinel."- It is wen. See advertisement." on ["The published monthly is Apples.^ bbl 35 00 '• powd J. H WILSON. Er O deceased and Ohio Railroad to Baltimore. Let i lm T 4 f Good H " d enli ,,te " L' d co lt ha8 always at edits per annum; o' per annum , • I, ASS »», * ^ P P>«- ; 75 Louisville ! act about this road, as Baltimore PeachS ao .1 r>?3^ oT S^K tifcaT Serad^nTsen^m.^ , Lug. 9 00/310 oo IT MI ST BE DOSE. To be dra<» tne. citv of Ailant*. Oaorgia. if> us, Gmit,. m h public, amazed beyond ail the bound? of ra- for the Detector Sentinel. should 1 . The Houae and lx>r belonirmc 10 Wm A Jonea. and We AlAdid *mULwith k_her m~*Aroad to the f\u.l~Ohio, u~~abend every Leaf medium IS 50aH 00 IHAVEeoldmy St- am MM etc and intend I***- — j , ,.^ SA T">c Farm of John F»rd.de enw-d. See adVt Red rh 31 10 ' prime 12 00(al3 30 HO RDAY, MARCH Ma 1857. ing Kentucky in a lew weak*. 1* become* n* tinnal solution, that so many intelligent, think » very busmees man would take the A neirro Uomen and f >ur children, by John Carver. Mflgft exert every influence, strain every i Com •>5iS60 " ehoice 17 S0Cdl8 tS On th, Plan of SISGLE SUM BESS. cc***ry. therefor*, for all indebted to ate. hy not' See advenifw-ment. and, as we have reason to believe, honest two: — the Detector is published on the 1st 370 Kymaniifac 7S(afi0 Three ihouaand two hundred or account, to call and tettle immediately. tT IT nerve, to build and equip it: anil her har- ; oltji ».(>3fi5 A fine Residence in Shelbv ville, by John Carver. See Va d<. 25360 More than one Prise to every ten MUST BE DOSE Ar.d those who neglect ihi* men, should have followed to their ru- of i very month; the Sentinel on the 15th. advertisement. own vest therefrom will be munificently great, Hemp. Tallo»- Tickets. nonce will find tbair ooua and acc. ante in the ha j 1 of officera for A very euperior Farm in Franklin county, by T. M. • Dew- rotted. Ky 'f>3l 10 immediat* collectumi. f , T , f .... i Rendered ejtl ttaeaMPMM n an J lI5at n f thoir country the most de- I j Cox See advertisement Lei Louisville keep the promise made three All paraon* having claim* igairst me are ret jjatt Rou«h @7 1 Prize ol 150 000 ia enptive of all phantom lights ever exhaled £F*The «ife of Hosea J. Gardner, at Country drv ed to cai! without delay. JOHN C.\RV| j I2JSU IFoo/. 1 Prize ot iO 000 i* at rrei.ic **le. or four years ago, and she will find that Shelbyvillc. Fa ->. 11. Hingham, Massachusetts, is under arrest Calf, green 12*3 Tu'n washed 31 j-31 1 Prize of !0 000 M 10 000 to 'mm the putrefactions of modern politics— i February 25 : Thr neraonnl property belongine Lire Shelby—which has already subscribed and Stock. Pulled 26Ca29 1 Prize ol 9.000 h 9 000 th* estate of Shannon Reid. dece^"ed. by J M Black Rej»ublic:ini>ni. for murdering her husband, by administer- j 2ora23 1 Prize of S.000 i* 8.000 Owen. Admini.triior. See bills at<d adv.-rm't expended some 8220,000— will rtf* Wr Notice. | U^^StiS^^ 1 Prize ot 7.000 is 7.000 «• Look at it !— Of what did it consist? Of ing poison to him, whilst he was sick. T March Hon-* and Lo- of Win. F and O. E p«r*ona iitdei.:. d :j :ae -MAN 8500,000 additional; Mercer w ill give her 1 Prize of 6.000 is 6.C00 ALL advertisement. Caplinsrer. See lata'.ate of countycounty. . |*i - 1 Prize of is 5.000 NON REID.RLID Shelby Ky de >n idea.— ihe restoration of thc Missouri . <M . 5.0W 9. late ie-ideoee of J. Sharrard, March The S in already will , either by note ire ii*re*>>- uoti 8250.000. voted; Anderson Special Xotircs. 1 Prise ot 4.000 i» 4 000 or accojui. k ; Sh« ! >vv lle advert iaement Compromise; — and lor what purpose I — to n-"" Accounts from Southwestern Mis- fied that they niiu: come to.-** ^ ... i . ind 1 Prize of 3 000 i* 3 000 raise 8100 000; Pulaski will give her 8300,- Marrl, jr.: The Farm l^elongme to : lie eatate of Jaa. aettle orT. all hmiiu' ihe 1 Prize of 2 000 is 2.000 And person* baaing c.aimj inhibit negro slavery in Kansas! What souri state that a ereat destruction of prop- A IMTOL HOTEL, McQuatd. deicosed. by John Robinson. Special t eatate of «aid decedent, era a*qii«*t*d to pre-":' ;h-aa 000 to *500.000; and other counties along f* 1 Prize of 1.000 ia 1.000 Commif* toner See advert iaement ^ properly aathanticaied for *et»:«m*n-. embodiment of its principles, intellect and crty had bepn occasioned by the recent tin- FRANKFORT. KY 100 Prizes oi 100 are 10.000 Februarv?6: Sale of i he Personal proper* v of the tho route v. ill be equally liberal. Knoxville J. M. Adminiatraior. JO HS T. ROBERTS, rrcP r, e tor M7 10O Prizes of 50 an MM) OWEN. la e Henry M Basket t. decianed. See bills statesmanship did it offer to the considers- precedented rise of the river: that the part February 11. 1957. r**>90 will mr t t us at the line. All ArraoxiXATio* raizae: March ?: Ne?rroes and Personal property of Geo Tennessee tion of the American people? John C. 1 of the State loss on the Iron Mountain Rail- IICSURAlfCE AGAINST FIRF:. I Prizi-a of t250 approz to 950 OOOprizearctlOOO I) kmhm fcaMb. is that needed to carry the enterprise 4 200 •:oooo ?-00 April 1- The Davis farm, and a large amount of The Skelhycillr Fire. Life, and }larin* Insu- ! i is estimated at Fremont — an adventurer, whose exploits road 8200,000. ' All peraon* indebted to tho estate ot John R. Ba- 1 4 100 10 000 400 personal property belonging to the eatate of Jclin through, is an energetic and determined rance Company continue to make insurancea against 4 90 9.000 320 ker, late of Shelbv county, Ky . deceaaed. either by K Baker, deceased. See advertisement and billa. were inferior to those of Daniel Boone, 1 • " start; fire on buildings located in the country, detached it. hereny thai '.her r and an active perseverance of the 4 *5 90no 260 are notified must }• is stated that Mattison, ti il bert and and did not surpass, if they equalled, those S buildings in villages, and on 9tocks of merchandize. 4 60 7.000 240 immediately aad set'le »&. And all ,"7 work, after it is begun. after v II. And two or ihe estate oi de- SPI CIAI. NOTICE*. 1 6 4 55 6 000 an claim* agaiaat «»'d h s.oi York, and Welsh, ofCon- . This Compa.iy lake no risks on h»ll9 of steamboats, of Kit Carson—his guide. —Whose intel- New tu pn.perly 4 50 5000 . ie*<ed prvaem ihem aa- • . . . 300 Tettlr—Brrtith—e'omplnion. Read the bishop" , r ; three years, the ice antl low water embar- — ' »hips a'teeh.oron property in large cities. They of f ongress the . , _ . 45 4000 180 theni catcd f.jr Mtilemem. lect has not,—-e^en with the assistance of .cut, are the members ... , 4 ot ^ Co . New York all you who desire FmiKi _ goes upon the Ohio, woiilo not effect Lou- .cek no business but a cautious one. and having bfrt 4 40 1»0 R J R BAKER</p><p>; orrupt.on ( .ommittee will report in favor to h8\c while teeth, sweet hrcath. and a l«eaut ful a sprightly wife, highly educated, and f ^^u^tie w-uld he independent of them. the one office, their affairs are perfectly under their 4 30 2 00O 120 Adm' r of J R Baker d"'d, knowledge Harrwnvill* Kv , Feb l«. 1857 e^91 c jmplexion of expellinji. The evidenceaoainst Messrs. and control. 4 25 1.000 100 tered by the aid of high-placed patrr t >a> < J M OWEN, Secretary. to^o '/Oar* 60, 00 W iHi'i'W kmmmm Compel,,. Owners of pro- et Mattison and (Jilbert, it is said, will insure y OT The Shelby News, Sthelhvville. ^ep« 27. 1H5I 7R~ WINTER AKK.lSUEJflEJfT. shown with sufficient merit M rj it- j y the ot the Shelhwille Fire, '*2t<0 Prizes amoun ing to #2i'mmo The >aelk\ taMe ami tii—nMH Arcommo party are referred to Card | ^ ?_ tinguished even in a pr their expulsion. They are charged with At I1«»mk, Feb 20. 1857. him 'ickeUSIO: II d-*tioa InaMi • itr f *l'«s^. ili I. . and Marine Insurance Company. This Com- OUTI-^OMETHINO Nr.W Whose statesmanship ' land and book speculation to a he avy 7*i the Editor of Thr Shelby .Xew8: LOOK PLAN OF THE I.OTTEHY W WITHER3POO> d J AMES SX1FLE pany isttne oh lie satest and l>eet managed Companies |g an in- In addition AT WILLIAMS- GALLERY — J hiving ptirchaaed the r-.^' t»f K. elding Nrel The Numner- from ! to *• 000 correaponding with J • - will also reeom- Sir: I i telligent amount. The Committer- Dear — know you personally, and tineas, 1 c«>»>itn. d'»M. in the West construe ihe Cniied Siatcs to my Daguerreotype bu 1 am now introducing those Numbers <>n the Ticket* printeded on *eparvr*epara'c the Sbelbyvil.e and L- -ville A. n * ' ,n i ' woh I § MA t 1 I * "' BrReed all : li» cards ider the head ot Special Constitution mend that ihe Times' correspondent be ex- believe you will willingly publish the fol- THE COLLODIOTYPE. «lip. ot paper. *re incircled with small 'in rube* and e plnced in >>ne Wheel. H Y«»ING e.t*bh-hed a Daily Li n J^ ^ Neil' written a picture that i* claiminir the admiration of the civi lh»w political dogma, nor its can- pelled from the House. lowing, this rainy day. I promised 1'he first 212 fntes. similarly printed and encir- rhetr schwdnle u» a. f liied world The process affords" admirable taciiitie» Shel''*vill* rrrry mori U'ii kXi ep< Sur.dav SRW Vt»\ ttTIM Ml.NTS L'le.i r.re flaced in ar«iiher »heel. Leave I have atlracted the attention of ' » « yon, some month ago, to notice our practi- ' pictures of children. then •t 3 ••'cUHrk; arrive r»i L<»tii-»l!ie a< I2» o'rhw k. ond all o'» for taking y jung The anV*»b are revolved, and a number i» the Missouri Leave l»ut»>ville every moniife rexcrp' -nnday) c- oigent voter, unlets under the blind- ryBoth houses ol Left*t*v e^l mech nics. who had taken premiums at These pictures are permanently sealed between drawn from the »h«e! of Nutnbera. and at 'he same I to the at ek; at Shelbwilk- at 3 lime a Prize ia drawn front the other wheel. The 9» o'ek arrive a.toxtcation itid-dehasing madness ture have passed 1 re<o|iui,iu declaring our Fairs; but have di fered it from time to two glasses, and will successfully defy thc hand of In Shelby ville.ai rung Red- & Co.. *rl > "'r' | Number and r*r:ze drawn out are open d and exhib OFFICES — Am*- time, and every element save fire. M t ding House." In Louisvll*. at th* Gab H».i>e. Deakr^. of utter fatiatiei-m. Suppose we were to emancipation of nejro sl ivery in the State time. And, this being a rainy day, ac- red to ihe audience, and registered by the Commia I will be in charge of thi- line. ai.mer*: th." Prize being placed against the number Th'-mss H Youn* <;rorerl« -.it, i „,, iui|>leuieuls«vr. grant, that of Missouri, impracticable, inexpedient, and The Drivers are ci>mpe'en*. cirebil. cU-v»<r. obli«>n§ the repeal of the Missouri Com- counts for the article being forthcoming at White Teeth, Perfume.) Ilrenth and Beau- drawn. Thi* operation i* repeated unt 1 all the pri- &• reliable and accomm- 'dating. t>t»-rir.ired to u-e ev- —The advertiser™ J. Tnaoor Bao . tiful Complexiou—can bo acquired bv using ihe ses are drawn out. : unwise. In the House the vote stood: p promise was impolitic — n?.v. suppose we this tim . It is due to their enterprise, in- eflbr to accommodate tbe public, we sol*i'. and - "Balm of a Thovxanl Flower*.'' What lady or gen- Approximation — two preceding and ery •rill attract the -.i our readers Their Prizes The '" endvavor to turn' a fail .-ii. re ..f rhf o'lhln- caa- to admit, fo. the sake of argument, yeas. 107: nays, 9; — the members from St. dustry and ingenuity to be thus noticed. tleman would remain under thc curse of a di«a«rce the two succeeding Number* 'o tho** assortment . laree; and addition* are be H. YOUNG & ' O. able brea-h when by using the "Balm of a Thou first 12 Prizes will be entitled to the 48 THOMAS ' weekly, article that it Louis voting in the negative. Yerv respectfully. &c. Farm™. lt>56 mg m« so that any in their was wrong—ths' it was political sasd Flowers" as a dentifrice, would not only ren- tion Prizes, according to the scheme Dec 3.</p><p>1 «upplied Give them a call oas«?'re resolution was der it sweet, bu' leave the teeth white aa alabaater I Thc 3 000 Prizes ot 120 will be determined by the fraud.—still. Black Republicanism is whil- The "f this M any per.ons do n><t know their breath i* bad, and last figure of the Num'ier that draws the #50 000 st. T. Brinly and Davis. j D B»sYshaelosthiscertificnteottive| : because of the election t3f)ila&clpi)ia Hfjcatisrmrnt^ . thought expedient subject ia so delicate their triend. will never men drawing ihe oot a p 0 i ogv >j 0 soun d motive of po- the Prue For example, if the Number A It is an admitted fact, that Agricultural tion it. Beware of counterfeits Be sure each hot- ends with No. 1. men all th« Ticket- of Mr. Palm a. Bank Direc.or, and to, »»- #50.000 Priie -"LI I ** - nrged to CO.. _Y. entitled to ia 1 will ZZl t':' *£J<£?,ZZ I — Fairs have done more to improve Agricul- Ik signed- FE FRIDGE * V. where the number euda in oe f20 tfterrttittih' funis. : , * his Abolition views by the For tale by all Druggists. eowbmb92 If the Number enda with No. 2. then all theTickete nlf.— It would still be but ! dorsement of ^.ouldr- nothing tural Implements, and the breeds of' ani- I where the Number enda in 2 will be entitled to t20. rlf|*e "tkmmtMBj'* of Mat> all thp written essay* and pub- HILDEBIRN & BROTH FT* H Mia Anvpe' -.toiutlum in its most offensive shape. — UtaJfaf *MMM mals, than j and so on to 0. j IMPORTERS OF lic speee* ever published. the Fairs MAKMIBJDi Certificates of Packages will be sold at the follow- oneed For no intelligent man ever believed, or souri. At j ing rates which ia the risk: WATCHES, JEWEUKT. PI ATE ^ - On the 17th inatant. at the residence ol Mr. Sam- ov. R.^rr-,. ™. the v- . .nimals and implements are , Certificate ol 10 Whole Tickets. #d0 now bc , lcVf8 lhaf tht> repea , of th( Mi5 uel Roberta, of thi- county, by Rev G. J. Reed, .Mr. ofPackaiie Imp rter* aiul \\ h< le»ale l'ea'er» in and by comparison, we and fvMiui.i t& The mock-philanthropist Black Re- bl aether, THOMAS R. REID. of Lincoln county. Missouri, 10 Half - 40 souri Cotnprnin^e « ili add the South •' CUTLERY. M mure readily appreciate their ex- and Miss SARAH R WALLACE. daughterof Mr. 10 Quarter " 20 FINE AND COMMON l.oit. ii. .. pcr*ot» who o.un Um; la- tv publican journals of the northern States late of this county. tCT In ordering Tiekrt$and Certiorate*—Enclose i one inch more of slave territory. Then oncies, and detect their imperfections, Arnon Wallace, deceased, vors of Dame Fortune, ».r deeire to eo. with tick- ' do the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on February \S '.''»! terribly exercised at thc proposition, (M • last i ets in Lotteries, are referred to the advtrtisement oi Black Republicanism pres. nts itself to the Hence, we see that, within thc few receipt of which they will e forwarded bv first mail in figure »|i being discussed in some m; Sou;h- I yearp, quite a number of Agricultural As- Purchasers en hare Ticketa ending any M4RB>4C*KE «f X RI. ' 1 ffSMIRY. W. S NKS'OS t-'wa»! & C... Their Lotteries areButinTi/cd !>y thc country, in exactly miiip niEf>. the odious light, they mav designate. • formed, and are an- county, ! suciations have been States in winch they arc drawn, end no doubt arc to . tirofli the 2d infant, at his residence in this C< ern States, exempt M tw On The hat ol drawn Number* and Prises will be sen MOORS, HENZET A that surround" nullification--! willingness the 65th voir of hi* ' exhibitions, and dispensing HENRY M. B.ASKETT. in drawisg. IMPORTER $ OF conducted on hotioralile principles Tin. drawing* and lenure to Wdi le purchasers immediately after the ecution. tlmt | of H to imperil the existence ol the I'nion age. will please write thei' sitmstnrss are m p«bi!<- in the presence of sworn commissioners ou » the advantagei? derived therefrom. I am 83T Purchaaere j Hardware, Cutler/, Gnns : te slaves.— tn Mai tdicriptut glebtf,— plain, and give their Post Office. County sad State. mt rc abstraction. a scntimenf is vi- gratified, to look back and know, that (our) Marx land latent- t orblu A I \ eiits. Such erery Priie ia drawn and pay No*. 1S1 Market a^ \6 Coremer S j ty Remember that Mael .e, and transferable wilh r. cious, it is even treason. Eminence Society is tho second, or next Hobntiscmcnts. deduction. H. art otiitropportuiiui.s tor the courtiers ot For- . — ^riD able in IM without PHILADELPHIA tST All prize* ol tl.OOOand under, paid immedi- tune, to their devoirs. It will H act nf the Mississippi Legislature, oldest society in the State. Who, that is Februanr 11 1W7 pay afford Messrs. { The Democracy a political sd- Plant here your niMKs Reap thence your dollar* — — ately after the drawing—t-thsr priws at the usual Cokbix 6i Co great aaeaaure to fill all ordera tor in the habit of attending such exhibitions, , .•o-'inpting from execution one slave, and if lime ot thirty days. distinguished for embracing eve I ice. .in & FRALfcY. plainly see, quite an improve- tickets of tjcket f R'Td :he;r ndver- ' ... cannot see— communications strictly confidential. 1 GROCERY, DRUG, AXD All thc one selected by the ovvner is a female, j Tj|E proscribing evcrv ... otbar Tirk*t« josbrbs or »H ,ne ex- ment in our mode of farming, improvement Priie Ticketa cashed or renewed in twelve years of VARIETY STORE* at either office. cuse of fanatj verdelest- then all her children under in superiority of our ooons. our stock, and thc im- - straw To Merchant 'chants who visit Philadel FARMLRS RESORT and COR If E R Address Orders ior Tickets or Certificate* of Pack- this and Wool Hats. 3 iionest age. has thrown them into spasms. Yet, plements particularly of our plows. of THOMAS J. TIIROOP & age* of Tickets, either to Silk. Cassimere. phia this spring., re peri "uloriv relcrrcd to the eat I — coolly, and — STORE, BRO.. hiving survived the drought ol last year, are S. SWAN fc CO.. Atlanta. G*. K s^JOII!*, SILK Wi\MTs, I U »" se-ppration whom are we, the citizens of Shelby of Philadelphia ...... ate villany. act, tending to prevent the ol To for party purposes • carefully assorted stock of i . m receipt of a large nnd or S. RWAN. .IrtifUiml Flaurer; Me. 1 v. j .l t p r> o_... • county, more indebted, than to 1 .E.CBbin- , fine - {rKt>ie to exempt all Fmrmt»f imple- jonly, let loose upon the country, by the families, and the proposition DRUGS, MEDICINES. February 25. 1857. to le. Ut Inrk^. l»i '^m-n-rrr V.rerU. LY. for the many good plows now be | ment a. Iron, and Castings. and thus give the slave a most flagitious legislation, sectionalism from execution, Thankful for past favor* we respecttuliv solicit PHILADELPHIA j found in the county I Mr. Brinly. long i Maryland Lotterie*! . „<• ' public patronage Come and examine our stock and F«brn*ry II. 18»7 'i*"* fi position, promises more good to the i i.! f Lt„„i o.,,.•#/,.-..„ . p »ed i from every quarter.— appealing to the low- I since, learned the trade of blacksmithmg * Tm m ; ricc9 yo eee ,oo can do as well or better J and i OKBIN & CO.. Ageata for t. an." negroes than all the Black Republican dem- but, unlike most who pursue that profes- i here than elsewhore r. have received, will publish in nixt, a est and basest passions of the heart, ! We and our human .1 FORTt.VE FOR THE TM1.1L: follow in the > . beat Mi: tiotn oi;: '•<•, et-eal «-<>rn»«|»ond. Van Buren. ion, he was not content to is tide in th* affaire man, KILGORE, WILSON ftn i until, from Maine to Georgia—from the At- agoguism. of Martin and John RODUCE oT ALL kTnds received ,n ex" •There a of O wake of his fathers, and, being possessed p TThich, i/ta\enat the Jlood. lead* to fortune" Herchants, em. Miss Minm- ^Iat King. Horace 1 hange for Goods, at T. J. Thnwp A. Bro "s. Grocers and Commls»l<m - Preston hntic to the Pacific—the freemen of Araeri- w - H Seward, Splan. of a natural genius, he set his wits to work 'J" One trial may m«sa yon rich for life. Siath Street, near Market. Also, an eReeller.t coniributiou from Miss Enrra No. 14 S-JUth 'Greely. David Wilmot. Robert Rantoul, to the Corner Drug Store, if vm wish drawing daily. Send your orders to ^ ca were ready to rush into fratricidal strife, visited the various exhibitions and contests CONE did Schemes Philadelphia Pa. a pure article of Drugs, Medicinea. and Medicin Corbin & Co.. tha old established suthonwd Ag*nts II. ('lark, Benjamin F. Hallett, VV •Or Pancular sttention grv«n to Order* X4 and settle bv blood, the questions of debate. Myron for suprHinacy ; 'and his mechanical eye al Liquors, of which a large vtppiv is kept constantly have sold more rriea than any other office in ' who The srticlf ol /.. a it." although po»se«*inr' some 11. 1857". «v*^» P. Willard, and the hosts of Abolition Dem- soon detected the faults, and suggested im- on hand. the State ot Maryland. All priie* guaranteed by the men*, we d<> not think would be relished even by the All this was done to galvanize with .some State provements, until he has turned out the TIIF. TOILET, diC—W'e have a large k CO., he to read it in print. life the already putrifying carcass of De- ocrats and Whigs, have accomplished in FOR SingU- Tickets, Whole* tl; Halves 50c Quar. 25c. WRIGHT, SMITH & plow now known as the " Brinly Plow amount of all th* more popular Hair Re.tora- :MroRTXa.> a so ioaBEaa or Certificate* »f Package*. mocracy, that had reached the last stages their thirty years' war. or ever will accom- tivea, Colognea. Pomades, Toilet Sosns tn ^reat va- which, for arti6tical skill and mechanical 26 Whole Tickets. 116 00 Queensware, fleanne thr Syatrm - #*rrrm/ IHurate.—Hur- plish. riety, and patent Medicines "00 China, Glass and of decay and corruption, under the Admin- ingenuity, is certainly hard to beat. •26 Halt Tickets. . ley's Saraaparilla ia iinqoeationablv the most surpri- 205 Market and 26 Commerce Street. 26 Q.iarttr Tickets. . : istration of .Mr. Brinly has lost a great deal of lime, PAINTS. Oils. Varnishes, etc.—We keep the m -„... *!9L sing and wonderful medicine of thc ape No matter Franklin Pierce. One con- VESTLRE -SOTHISC, GAIS. PHILADELPHIA Jas. Summons' Case.—The Supreme best pure White Lead and Zinc; green, blue. red, SOTHISG and expended considerable money, in per- are always the < the oil; Tickets bought by the packaga CP" Particular attention given 'o )rder«. jC§ how mvetera'c disease, or of what duration or , Solation is, that the fraud was not ac- yellow, black, and other Painte, ground ia Var- to the ourchssers. Iry package*. » Court of Ohio have refused a new trial to fecting his plow. has, however, come paifit and varnish Brushes, most profitsble F*braarv 1 1 . 1 857 . « ^ ebararter. it •«. rertnin to reach it. Thousands use He nishea of everv kind; and companied—nor will it be followed, by the For #25 we send package Whole*. H*lvee and Qusr off with laurels ol which he is, as he should it during the spring to puritv the blood. — Bnltimorr i * Summons, and he is to b'' Hanged on Halves and two SHED, powdered, ters. For $10 we send package PETER T. WRIGH Chpprr miracle of a Democrat's resurrection from silver CRI .| be. proud. He has ahnut jorty-fivt • ticket* For $5 we sand package Quarters * - i Sugars. the 14th of April next, unless ihe Govern- and brown Ja Who'e naroavaa* * . waoLaaa lr a* Look at ih* following apfen. that ignominous grave, to which the public the long agony cups, as premiums, which were awarded vn, Lsguirs. and Rio Col- and one Whole ticket. or interpose Thus ends at o'clock MEDICIM'S. tee imperial. Y. Hyson and black Teaa. eter and Jid Schemes, one ot which *re drawn \i DRUGS, him over all competitors, at the various ; — We are rjlad to en- contempt will con*ign the stupendous sys- ' which has wrung the hearts of his parents Tobacco, and we*k. JV. tallow Candles ; Rice. Molasaes. and each day of the Paint*. OU*. Due-HtukT*. F:iirst, at Lexington, Danville, 1 and "fiends for «even or eight years. — viz: Paris, other articles in the Grocery line. roll on our list of valuable cxehanres thc tern of chicanery, fraud, and corruption. CAPITAL PRIZE £5,000. PROPRIETORS OF Bloomfield. Eminence, and Louisville, at and F*v*r; 1 Wng'ro's Tonic Miatur* tor Chill* " " " Hardware, I \TAPSCO INSTITUTE LOTTERY Philadelphia the o' which has so long ruled ' In our stock of Dailv Sun— "tAmeri- and corrupted pub- " their also, at Paris, Anthelmintic or Worm Confection annual exhibitions ; the farmer and mechanic COR BIX d> CO .AGESTS. »• Wt in this Republic. William C. Redfield, of New York, died 102-ScnaMi: premium Kathairon for the Hair. ean.ndoneofthesblea. cor J dailies this last year,—being the State Exhibition. cannot fail tu be suited in Ci.st* on Uie a o1 ,n " •• . Essence ol Jamaica Ginger To arrest Il tft Tools, such ns Augers. Draces. Planes. Files. Chis- snd punish . « the deliberate and , has, also, at thc State <f P The w edition is *^. He taken premiums Mr :41 Market street, above 6ih. Philadalphia. flamation of the lungs. Mr. Redfield was i _ els, Guagea, Squares, Locks, Bolts, Pullies. Hinges, to. 11. 1*37 selfish obtrus.on upon the publ.c mind, by 1 air in Indiana ; at the Fair in Nashville, daily use. We keep B -all . . and the hundred other things of fMM j contains vvell Unnwn amnn? ac;l€fnifiC men , on ac aw Jo. f to *•? rra Tennt ssee, and, I believe, at some Fairs in Brlnly's celebrated Plows; also mill, cross, cu' and at do. »a±* ihe j s aoR». Democratic party, of this question of nvtca. v.*. ttvtcx. i nam. jr. ed in the daily. count of his celebrated theory of slorms, hand Saws; Spades. Shovels, Rakes. Forks. Hoes. a. a. Ohio. He has established a reputation for TDK I Hill Mil FtVOHITF. ajavery —to soothe and quench the frenzied which won him much distinction ns a wri- Trace-Ch tins. Hames. &c. LEVICKS, BASSETT * Kl E!f, his plows in the South, as well as at home. rORBTS <$• CO. AGESTS. ler on meteorology. He took a warm in- r Lass 255—Shr*r: fee,in ? of mutual haired, that i Setts i vears Onion teletrranh bill has P of told me, a few days since, that he had GARDEN SEEDS.—Garden Seeds. SS.'W CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE, He l pri/t S> ' - «-« terest in the study of natural history, and Potatoes now on hand. IJSS . .t.;f» — a it • i 3 and Neshanock 1 te. South- Fas' rorn*r Siith and Market Street*. • * l rite on this question, hundred, to r -i engendered by the ! , lately received orders for three 1 a*. I.SSS . wwithim some ameuumeiii*amendments . u r.u . . w a s one of the most active members of ihe as FhttmAermkim. j 1 Ob. . f . can turn TASTINGS. A lame kw of Iron Democratic patty, had infused into to be sent out immediately. He IKON AND — 1 So. sss the : >ut the most objectionable features are still , in this city. will find a LARGE and COM ^a- | jVceum 0 ( Natural History and Caatings; cast, spring. A B It E B Steel, plow 1 da. us Binmi out, when under full blast, fifteen plows r er til Ju. to ns priaw sBaaaaaaj » ataas He lowest price* Tt 1 Skillets snd PLETF. SI h eart * * nd minds of the two sections of the ! Wings. Wagon- Boies. Orens. Pols, in it. lt is thought the Senate will knock . ... . proportion. day. He is decide lly the largest manufac- Lids. Andirons. &.c. Tickets Vl —Shares in and on tbe beat t«rms if</p><p>I Union, the American party was organized, t it into a cocked-hat. Mi-rder in Ohio.—A man by the name turer in the county. Ought not the citizens BRILLIAST'—456.456 DOLLARS! February 11. IS37. «*«9 kept by us: In the language of ourcorrespondent, Heav- of Ward has been arrested in Sylvania, of such mechanics, Maryland Con*o' Mated Lottery. j of Shelby to be proud I Avre's Cherry Pecnral and I'tUe; his wife, POST, Ohio ' for the supposed murder of give their ptlronage for plows ? Bull'. Sarsapanllas, CLASS THE SATURDAY EVENING We bad a hesvy storm of wind, accom- , ing Slaverv to take care of itself,"—(to and them Hurley's and CORBIS 4- CO. AGESTS. t I'f bC ' n the way I Rlni'kwt-H'a Sarsapanlla and Versicola; rut BEST f a / f r k panied with considerable hail a deluae uhirh 1 live fifteen miles from him — and ta.k it k fully competent,) -the . lt's Scnapp-; in these Certificates of Packages Etam- time,2? and^she had been missing2*2!!.for weeks.'T* Wi Scheidam 93r Trv Package* 'XMPI.E rtUwll*gi^>% slswai si* ^ have to travel now, and I consider it lime Tonic Syrup; Miller's Tonic Svrnp: tioo to th* nuMi^hers, of rain, on Wednesday last. American party desired to relieve Smith's a* Wh .les, .... S*J1 »ur»elvr. ^prly the in the ashes A thorough search was made well spent to go that far and buy my plows, Hosteller's Bitters; Stewart's Dyspeptic Bitters; 26 Halve*. DEX' OX h, PETER*r»N. Tar; rd Street P .l-d-tf>»>e« minds of the people from the dangerous about his house, and a jaw bone and other rather than work a crop wilh an indiflVrent Rogers' Liverwort and SN f>i,r»era. .... 66 So-l h Th lie ghagan's Hydropn er, 26Kight:i*. 13 i „— This foreign mountebank is tension that fragments of human bones were found : also perpetual interference with this one. Bennett'a Syup of Milk Wiliow; scbrjie: HOWARD is< >t'l kTION. t, hook and eyes, lock of a trunk, etc., show- till he other Remedies; Packago of 26 Tickets Last fall he gave *800 to matlPr a d produced. This and greater This will not be seen bv Brinly, R-jwand's Tonic and 15 Prues in each prill. \ lafll P"i * <Sc 'a Remedies; Jayne's Medicines; ing that a trunk had been burned. Search it to Louden Co > Sdaaat - • - - Ml paper, and I think due all establish a Fremont paper in Minnesota, or reads it in your 11.011 IMPORTANT A?fKOtn«TCX»mrirP.-T» ques tions, calculated to unite the American BoltoWay's Pill* and Ointment; in his premises shewed that the bed-clothes So, person- offlic rd wnl» .- » I lh««,s^-. nm\ a* merit, that he should be thus noticed. Hotvensack's Pills nnd Vermifuge; ].*•> Wisconsin- we forget whicb; and invested ^pernutorrbcB ». Sennna! W.- S »- . G,,n rrh(g i im- peop i e for the consolidation, of their insti- had been recently washed, and marks of on Mi Lean's and Hart's Vermifuge; farmers, if you want a good Plow, send Fshnstock's. :'>> r potence. Gleet. Syphilis, the V, > 1 . 1 all his means in aiding the cause of Black Radway's Ready Relief: tutions,— for their protection from foreign blood were found on the featherbed. There your orders. Don't be afraid you can't I Abuse Ac sV, Killer; Perry l)avis'a Pain of »he .wf.l it*- Republicanism; although the most of it had were strong indications that the woman had will sup- Th* H -w.rd \..oria>ion in vt^w intrigue.—from ecclesiastical interference get them in time; fifteen per day Oriental. Mustang Chinese. Nerve and Bone. Ed strncion f hurnan life, r* <.ed S, vial »,-•••«*«. been soil. been murdered, cut up, and burned, and that monda' Gardner's. Farrell's and Winch-a acquired on Southern It is said ply quite a number. ipoo th* .1 " 0.1 * at home,— to preserve the election fran- •"•! anW ilv de«-epti n* precise ) ter'a Kentucky Liniment; her trunk and clothes were burned with her. thus mtieh for Brinly, i.« ' b^ve BBSS SI 1 d hc is But, while I say 1 Ti t victims of snch di-ea-e. Ql*A about to resume -the fiddle and the chigP froni constant and Ringold's Worm Loienges; increasing corrup- *• B t awi i iatls *c \Vard has been examined and committed to ! 'heir Conaahing Sura^-n. justice to another of Shelby's blacksmiths, Caih< licon; Fiich's Remedies; >22 and make another tour to replenish Marsi all's * * MEI'ICAL A 1W\ 'E t ion. to restore it to its pristine of th*.r name. t."c I VE — purity,— jail in Toledo, a passing notice. Our frisnd and Grsstei.barg *iedicines; Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers; requires 10 ail p^aew»t»»i* a6»i»:i*H. wbo .pply by his purse. will give the Liquid Amber. 4c. Ac Slc GRATIS We presume he t0 develop our resources of though not McGee's dewcription of tk*ir jonditi..n (aae or. wealth, Nation- ~ acquaintance, John T. Davis, BRO. Tickets $8— Shares in proportion. ietter. wvh a THOMAS J. THROOP & lit*. Sic ; anrl in c**»* e\<rr m* South a wide berth: or if he does i.ot. is — certain. ; Drawn Billots pa'ion. habn*of a l an d State, these were, in Interesting Case. The Cincinnati carrying on so largely, some. 25. 1857. bvMl — brief, the great — Februsry salPenng. >o fwraiah BaeUicin*)* free We invariably answer le'»*rs by retnm ma t. en- p.»»ertv and people should give him one. G Ue 8a >' 8: He never visited the Fairs, like Brinly ; ; eharre. obj ects ol the American Party, which po- , closing the tickets in a good safe envelop*, and al- of "f „ . State vs. at and watch the Howard Association is a benev- fent lrtstir n .... , ,. . 1 he case ol the Frederick Bau- content to stay home, [ After The in- . , , was ways observe the strictest confidence. the . Iitical profligacy on one hand, • % i . • enrt.. * r -a and blind j- t , . .l n j send the official tion, e*t»bjished hy special i, t i: i_ -j.u / » »•« er( ind, c ted for manslaughter, in the alleged improvements as they came from ths Brin- drawing is over, we drawing, wi'ha , \j r avp M„ M f rt of -be mrk snd d^re^ed afllic.ed wnh Vi»w|.M fanaticism on the other, has only for a Co. wri-ten eiplanat on of the result of -he venture All , mo- . Dodd . when & . , ki | Un2 of Barbara Forman, terminated on Shop. He (Davis) always rejoiced If bought at thi* offie* are pavahl* inxrwrWely Kp»«Vni c D/«e*»*« 1 er houae of import.nce,-the telegrams are prii** j L m ent retarded. . at which 'he Directors ha*« voted *m eipand in the ,? lh in8lant> The jurv returncd a ver Brinly got premiums, (except when Em- after th* drawing in currant money, and w« take m**na, WHOLESALE DEALERS, th* abev* ,io.ice i s atedtsaa to iid too indefinite. Some several of the : in payment adver innt Sena- If our correspondent, and others, as dis- diet of guilty of assault and battery. This inence;) for it was his determination to so bank noiee ol any State, or bank d**fte •hat th* ftir tickets at par. For odd amount* in making tors, last Saturday, took ultra- American 00 remembered as the case which ere that it would take from construct a Plow 1 tinguished and influential as himself, had Furs change we reeeiv* poatag• stsmps. they b*mg nvire skill of th* ago, lau- Hats, Caps, ; treatment. in a discussion in thc ated considerable excitement last fall. Bau- the chaplet of the vioter some of his convenient than silv.f. Correspondents may place modern grounds, Senate— ed and acted that Raport only ad opt upon senti and s*fetv ol Just published, by th* Association a oa er was a school teacher, of the Roman rels. He had been working for thia object the utmost confidence in th* reeuieritv Seward, and Douglas occupied the anti-A- of motley Sperm.-orrbcf.. or Seminal w -«ka.«. 'h*»wW 0 f Heaving Slavery to take care of Palm Leaf •he mails, as very few or no rn.se.rnag*. ^ cathonc er7u,^on,\"«d Barba;: was one several years, and has at last succeeded. M^tarb.tion. or S*lf Abaaa. and ...h*r p to aa B* careful Oaarnam. | hsppen•spp*„ wh*nwhan properly sail I mencan platform, whilst Biggs. Broad head. ... prormly aw itBe i f and not attempted to regulate an Davis met Mat* DisMse* of th* Sexaal Organ*, by th* Comn»>iasr of his pupils. Bauer laid BarbaraBarba on her At the late Fair at Eminence, .md Straw Goods. that you mention your post offic*. county and cannot lo** 8.irgeo». which will ha sant by mail. :m s sealed en- Brown, Bell of Tennessee, Mason, Butler, chest, on a chair, held her there, beat to Davis's Stubble Plow was Give ua at leeat on* singl* tn*l—yoa institution of which they were entirely ig- and Brinly, and iet of staBBaw stnjile trial may make yem v*lop* free of *aargs aa iha taaa rw understand, much, if not gain Ona and Crittenden advocated the main princi- with a Piere of * hick or cane ' the cup awarded. Mr. Davis, I Thar* should b* norant, Millard would on the , y MAIN ST. independent for life- TRY US. Fillmom ^ "ffj L 144 CaLawaa. Conswsraaa reason assigned for beating has a " few more of the Addr Dr. Gaoaea R. our party—that citizens of the Uni- The her, was, still carries on, and no inch word aa fail. Addreaa ple of 4th day of March, 1857, instead of James Surgeon. Howard Ai No. % *mth Niash . Agent*. she attended the Ragged Sabbath left. So, neighbors, send in OORRIN CO same sort" Pa. Bv order of tha Directors, ted Slates alone should hare a voice at the Buchanan, Cincinnati. Box 190 Po*t Office, Bsltimor* Mary Straw. Philadelphia. have been inaugurated Presi- School (Protestant.) It is claimed that her your orders. Years ago, I used one of free. cootaiaiaf all tha EZRA D. HKARTWELU We shall have morr to say OT Circulara. polls. Good' dent of the Republic of the United States death, two or three weeks nfterwards, re- them, and frequently say it was the best " sulted from the Plow ever made. Fahmer. F.brtsary 83. ls»7</p><p>BBBBBaaaaaw —— " —— ! — 1 . . j . — ! 9</p><p>Horses' Coats. —Lately going to rties attending them. Reapere and Mowara : FOl KT If DAY. head of the inatrument to see what hie oe- This brought them near the church, and the EM I NENCK PA I R. 1H57. Ltghtneaa of draft: 1 Ease and facility of adjust- the conversation was dropped. As they country to speud a few weeks DRAFT HORSRS. rtipalion war, for she knew that that waa with a friend nt; 3. Speed; 1. Quality of work done. FAIR over. ..j is broad isle, Pfctor open- SEVENTH ANNUAL Best Stalhon 4 years and always put down on deeds. She read walked up the Mr. ol mine, I drove a very a hadsome horse, and or the vmea THOROUGH BRED HOESBS. Stallion 3 yaaraand under 4. 00 entered. oe "Chsrles Lindsay, Clerk!" ed his pew door, and Kale .1/rrtculturat and Mechanical Stallion 2 years and under 3 1 a good 'un —but was always annoyed about ETNo others admitted. Pedi«r«ea to ha exam- Lind- TO BE AT 1 under i. 8 00 M Aha—he's a clerk," she said to herself. But— what meant that? Charles HELP THE ined by Commit'ee on Pedigrees. The Judges not Stallion vear and his coat, as it was more like a lot FAIR GROUNDS KY.. Stallion 1 year. 3 OU was making his way towards the pul- of bris- NE\R BMMBNCE. to see Pedigrees. under "And he must be a good one. And he'll say IO 00 On the M, llh, Hih and fa) aVfa of October. 13VT Best Mare I veara and over. I lor* mT lore in the days of '-rwe, StulllOHt pit. Yes he ascends the stairs ! — takes tles than a horse's smooth skin, and all the 8 or most likely be a merchant one of these — 3 under I And for her sake each living thing; HE Fair will commence oa the First Tuesday Best 4 years old and over 10 00 Mare yeare and grooming he got 3. - .10 takes the Bible I "wouldn't do it T *1arc and under W* gather rartand* by tb* way. days/' his seat, and down no good." in 0(tober,\S^', at the Fair Grounds near Era 3 veara and under 4 2 years 1 year and under 2. 8 00 I of tb* .ow ly Msy. friend, is - Mare We pluck das o-oms So ran Kate's thoughts, and they were The house was crowded and all seemed My who a great horse breeder and inence, Henry county, Ky . immediately <>n the 2 years and under 3 00 under 1 vear I ot the wood*. w* trace the «:n Louisville and Railroad, '.' M 00 Mare Wt r.«tm anxious. fancier, made me try giving him a few Frankfort and will continue 1 year and under *s slrangely interesting lo her. Several of the car- Judges. Alteriftss Our w*kiru; thoughts are bright dn four days. Under 1 year 8 00 in The opening voluntary was performed : rots every day to eat out of hand, say- J. A. Hornaby. Shelbv J. Harrington. Shelbv. lark *k« the company shook my . No bee on the bloMomi, n* more observing- ones of No animal or article shall compete tor more 'han l/.; . Thos. Kephart, Henry John G Mitchell. Henry I* h.ppier than mv love and 1. their heads knowingly, for they saw plainly and then Lindsay arose, and in a calm, ing that he would have a good, smooth coat one premium at ihe same Fnir. except m the Open Best 4 years and over 10 00 and Benj. Wifhoit, Oldham T Blakemore. < Hdham deep, clear voice, read a chapter from the in three weeks, and he right, Ring the Local Ring. Competition open to eve- 3 years and under 4 8 OO I.nve in the Summer tim#. « that Miss Kate Proctor was already — was for in I'll love my CMgh ry State in the Union. 2 years and under 8 00 SADDLE HORSRS. to their pnme; that time Our year* ahall ripen in love wit* her handsome companion And Book. my horse had a beautilul. sleeic. Persons dollnrs paying two bv the 10th day ot Sep- 1 year and under 8 00 Nora. All entriea in this ring an the little more, — We'll Kit m auade a Kale's mind, glossy coat, tember, will entitled to they couldn't think much less of Lindsay, The truth had burst upon and all from eating a few raw be the privihv* nl the Ring; I'nder 1 year 8 00 over, to be exhibited under -addle Beneaili IM elm treaa at the door; but will have lo pay gate fees. i tl trn.it r t. her head bowed, she concealed carrot* daily. tells it Judges. Bear Stallion 4 yeare old and over. lo We'll Mrairh with joy the children run, for he adhered to that particular chair and with He me is infallible. Persons not members will Ik- r'-iarsi'-i! Five Dol- J M. Todd. Shelby. C. 8. Moore, Shelbv. 3talhon 3 years and under 4 We'll give the world our benison: the powerful emotions which worked so which happened to be nearest to Kale with lars (or their entries. Franklin. IV. Vt Old'. too* A. G. Bacon, Moreland, Stallion 2 years and under 3. • No bird in ita neat on tha tree logh wildly within her. The prayer was made No person but the real owner, grower, &< .. <>l » a pertinacity which surely had meaning F. Han-ington. Oldham. A. D. Stallion 1 year and under 8 00 Love and I. Shall be ao bathe sa my fHisrrllanrous. stock, and articles manulaciiired. srown. Sec. shall and the text had been Stallion under 1 year. - ut in it. —the hymns sung— Committee to emmine Pedigree om Thoroughbred exhibit anything tor competition, all nnd manufac- 'I Steel. J. Beet Mare 4 yeare old and asjsji I <A- I'll love mv love in tha Amenn. *vee. read, ere the wonder-stricken girl dared 10 Horses — Captain Thomas Franklin ; Dr. BJ half past ten. Kate said she must go t*JIM' tured artidea must have been made within two years barley EM fOtt the .»it/,/o,y: Lowerv. Shelbv: Holton. Franklin; Jo- Mare 3 years and under ft, 3 00 We' I! gather in our sheave*; John A. lift her head. prior to the exhibition. Persons exhibiting Plows home. Lindsay offered to accompany her. Gib- Mare I years and under I 3 00 reap our com. we il praae oar vinea. seph Pryor, Henrv ; E. T Berry. Henrv | John We'll Scor tile's Fam ily Gazette. will have teams in waiting. the 1 under - uv We'll bear on the hilla our towing ktne; She accepted the offer, and when she did The sermon was commenced— from son. Oldham. Mare year and 2. IO~ All entriea must be made bv 9 o'cl >ck. on ItJS from tha ~*'!. \N independent weekly journal published in New Mare under 1 yeai. ^ m We'll pluck our pcachet that the text, "Come unto me all ye that labor, and day of exhibition. dav. so. she turned away her face so York— is the cheapest and heat aeom 'Wll give our triend* a festival: News and Lit- Judge* A Itsrnults are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," A violation of any ot the rules ot the Aaaociafien other* see it. erary Family Periodical in ihe world. Il contains BLOODED CATTLt John H. Moore, Clark. i Kanabrough. Sneil There ta no joy tha world can buy. could not | I will sixteen large nl preclude the person from ever alter competing: —and as the speaker warmed with the sub- pagea, a form auitable lor binding, T. Met W H , Cnder. Oldham we ahall not ahart . my Love and I. beautiful one; the That The evening was a j and, it a member, wi'l be expelled. Ms- and. beside.- all the News of the day. Pryoc. comprises Sto HHF. I Jd*. Hrnfy Meet. Kale forgot all her strange trouble.— Kverv expense Best 4 years old and over 10 00 moon uo and shining brightly, and the air ries, Anecdote*, entertaining and instructive Mis- and trouble will be incurred la I'll 'me mv I^ov* in the Winder told; and under 4 beantily the grounds, enforce good order. L-utcrtain feaea 8 00 OfR\ RI*e FOB MBJBMBB, a grateful It was a noble theme, and it was handled cellany, and every variety as curious and rentl- A loaded with | rare So ahall my tale of lite be told; soft and cool, and 2 veara and under :t 8 00 agreeably, and to promote to the largest extent the Best Stallion. 10 00 | Best Mare. was to intr, and at the followin" unprecedented prices: We'll «it together by the hearth. flowers. with great power. His aim show I year and under | S 00 fragrance from a thousand dewy objects of the Association. A band ot music will he Judges. A V r 'nmtc». A single copy, . 00 of a younger mirth; $1 Under 1 Spectatora ' tile giving influence of the Gospel, year 8 00 about the calm and peace in attendance each dav. 8. H. Mylea. Sheibv 1 John Clark. BkeBw. Lindsay said something Right copies. . . 00 And a* the children come *«d go. Lut y a firm reliance nn the love of God and ROBERT MALLORY. Fr—idnH G Mallorv. Jeffarsor I J M. Calloway. Henry and Twenty copies, [ta one address./ . 10 ib* influence of a qui»t summer's evening 00 1 We'll dwell ia light where their fee** glow; holy : Beet >ear.-« old and over 10 Wu.i.mm B. Hf.i.m Secretary. Einiuen* •>. K'v 00 Berry. V. invariably in advance. this E. T. Henry. Rev T Bruce Henry painted the holy joys of the Newspapers publishing t We'll live in love; and loving die. Upon those who were il peace with the Christ. He years and under 1 9 00 notice entire, and aending a marked copy, will re- SADDLE GELDIK* « m> MARE. And Mil live on, my love and I. true Christian in such resplendent colors, LIST or PREMIUMS. L ? years and under 3 8 00 world and themselves, and who could look ceive it for one year. I ve r and under 1 3 00 Best saddle Geldinc 10 on that all hearts were opened; and souls that JOSEPH A '<_ • All premiums ot Fire Dollar* nn«i npwnrds, up to the Giver of all good with grateful BCOVILLE, PnUulKr, I'nder 1 year 8 00 Saddle Mare. IO OU for years, awaken- <\ Frankli* Strut, .V. V to be pnid in silver cups -'.he receiver paving the hearts. It was not spoken tanctiraoniously had lain dormant were Jndgrs. Alternates. Judges AUsrmmte*. 1R5:. iUfcrewee. Teh. 11. larfN J. (i. Tavlur, Henry. Robert Scott. Franklin. S. McWiIImiiw. She. ,v A B> Frederick. Shelbv pi- ed to a sense of love and gratitude. M:tny n"r yet with the least outward show of ruwr day. IT. $ifrtllmm Thomas. Shelby. I S. Todd. Shelbv. N. J. Smith. Henrv. R P Pepper. Woodford wiped as the Bibl« was at the heart, an eye was ,,„/, . C ety. It was a thought from N O T r C B . noMV.«M< m \\i kac 1 1 r.K.s. — //e*/ /„ m T Garrard, Bourbon Z. Smith, Henry. L Railey. Woodford. J.J. Railey. Louievillt length closed, and one simultaneous mur- and pure. persons indebted to JOHN STAPLES, /) fakes prentitna. BOARDING THE MINISTER. warm ALL // LOi AL RIMI. CATTLE. CARRIAGE A*D HORSES »\D MARES. of half a thousand deep-drawn breaths eithsr by note or account, are hereby notified to Kate made a modest reply, and a conver- mur Janes, tine, 10 yards . •.'> 00 ('tile .»\\!),-.l in Shelby. Henry and Oldham coun- Beat pair Carnage 10 OU come lorward and mnkc payment to Tyler Elliott, BT SYLVANTS LOBR, JR. :t ties, told how all had been enchained. do negro, 10 yard* no reeeswaa this ring. C2T Any animal owned in pair Carriage Msr*- :o fei followed. In a short time the fair, immediately. Further notice will noi be given, the Linsey, white, U» yard* :» 00 either ol the above counties, taking a Buggy Horet. Sa> • But and premium PJ you don't mean to .r.y that you're Kate saw the old men and young men books, sjscm, . , all from fe< Imvine been transferred to us. ii girl is tears, and '• gh ,.hearted in do colored, 10 yarns 00 in the Blooded Ring. excluded from thi«. Otherwise Buggy Mare. m v a going to board him! old women and young women—crowd about TYLER ELLIOTT. pure gratitude to God for the thousand do plaid, 10 yards H it is free Judges Alttrmitirs. A. BUSEY, white, '•I have told him that we minister, as down from the pul Flannel, Myaeds 1 Bulls J. W. Bran non. Louisv'e would." blessings she enjoyed. Her companion the he came JAMES MOYERS, carpet, wool, Bast Bull I years old BeM 20 yards I OU I and over. lo 00 A. O. Braonin, do. "But it mustn't bo. W hat! have a pit, and how warmly they grasp- min- talked as she had never iieard any one talk she marked CtzyviBaf. Woe If. ISStt ife;'." A*$n;Hte>. Second best, do I Bull n ?" do 00 vears and under 1. 8 00 J T McCampbell. Shelby in the house aM the time ed his hand, and how eager they were to * beiore. He presented the subject to her so Best carpet, wool and ra;? rilhnu It v«rn« 00 Bull 2 years and under i. 8 00 February 18, 1857. II I 1>K S AV ?" AXTED :1 Bull 1 "Ana krlrj not so gain his smile. Then it was that a feeling Second best, do do do 00 year and under 2. I 00 kindly and sweetly, and his words were the sign of the Big Boot GEO. ROW Bass eatpet, all ml' lilting do "i 00 Baal under 1 year. "B cause it'll just keep us in starch and of pride of deep, holy gratitude came AT I 00 FIRS W 111TED. full of love and devotion, that ere she knew — — DEN. at the Shelby Boot and Shoe Manulac Blankets, oo !" pair 1 Cofs HIGHEST PRICEUS. in CASH, peid lor ' You shan't do it upon her soul. He, so honored and flat- tory, Shelbyville, Ky., will pay in Boots and Shoes, it she found the whole theme of heavenly Hose, woolen i 00 Best Cesj I pasee aU asavAssss M oo Hnfkr-tt. f/tmn. and other Furs, bv Leather. Saddlery. Dry Goods, or Cash, the highest f'ow :i ••I tar* giv< ! my word." tered he, whom all seem so anxious to Halt Uae, anise I 00 years aiid under X. « 00 — ' HAMILTON FR \ZIF.R goodness opened to her mind. market price? for HasW, Culf am! Sheep Skint, to Suit ol Clothes cut and made by a lady 9 00 ( 'ow 2 years and under 3. 8 00 ••Tt.cn Til make this hmiee too hot to know— he, so powerful in mind, and so el- Jan. 7. 1857. le«MS> From this topic he pnssed to the subject be delivered at Bull's Rope \Valk. near the Fraukfoit « Best m;«le lim-n shirt 3 M ow 1 von;' and under 2 8 00 bold him! Mark my works!" evated in manhood loved her boat of all. Bridge. Fhelbvville. of astronomy, and Kate listened with eager — Do cotton shirt, iineu collar. BSMSSBV Cow under I vear. 8 no This conversation October 12. 1855 iy822 and wristbands Judge HORSE S TK AY I I ». waa between Mr. interest while h° pointed out some of the She walked out by her lather's side, and 3 QO Alternates. .'» the Oth instant, straved >rl Specimen Needlework 00 X. J. Viley. Beat, B. W ir field. Jr Fayette. »ron Thomas Proctor, a mister carpenter and erelong the minister found the old place at ONof constellations, and then related to her some QUIT DRIXKiyn POISONOUS LIQUORS. do Embroidery I 00 J*mes Youii!.', Trimble George Fern, Trimble. the subscriber. ab<i his daughter Kate. Kate Proctor was a the left walked a long dis- byville.a .bout » or •> old . hand. They Coverlet, woolen 5 00 wbb. Keaave, Bearrlea. .1 McClelland. Fa vet'e. BAY HORSE, yeare of the curious mythological stories which Patent Improved Process for Making ; T three white feet; no shoes; a white spot in hie fee*: '• 3 lie' hearted. joyous, do cotton 00 i iaugluer-loring girl tance in silence. Finally Kate said : kindt the ancients associated with them. AU of Liquort and Vinegar inttnntly bif ute of TATTED CATTLE. about \h\ hands high. of eighteen or nineteen; pVitnp Coiton Quilt, white I 00 and rosv; "It was— was—" Best fatten Sieer. 1 year old end under 2. .8 00 reasonable - They walked very slowly; and as Kate LECOUR'S ESSENTIAL OI|J8. Net Quilt, eatteti patili wast 10 oo A reward will je ven for hie retawn her bright fr.ee all smiles I yeara old and under?, 8 to or for -uch informar.on ..* and dimples, and "Waa what?" asked har companion, ga- OILS sre at Second best do 5 00 me. will lead to hia re- discovered that her not know THESE obtained by Distillation the do do 00 companiondid 3 y*ears old and under t s her l<»"Mi as pure and as Chemical Laboratory. Parish of Jefferson, of Best Quilt, worsted patch- work 10 00 00 tender conld be. zing earnestly into her face. j house, led 4 vears and over, ' 00 ^'.November 19. It06. the most direct way to her she !" Pierre Lecour. auuior of Lecour's Chemical Analy- Second best, do do do 9 00 Ever since she could remember, ehe had "It was cruel to deceive tne so Best fatted sis, 9 Bu!l.x-ks. 10 00 him a long way out of the nearest route. . .. Laeour's Chemical Manipulations. Lecour on the Besr Quilt, silk, patch-work lo 00 i a!ted Cow. rREitll sm her teller's pew every Stindsy and "Cruel Kate! when you told mi" with Manufacture of Liquors. &.c. Second do do do j 00 Free Martin, or apaved M JACKS. was reached at last, and ere they But home FL-ifer. 1 yearold and Under 2 | 00 Jis:»n» I « Best matte j I die lark and gloomy preaching your own lips, that vou would ROt halve the Leconr's Oil of Cognac converts neutral snirft Cloth Com 5 00 m parted, the maiden reminded him that her 2 rears and under 3. 8 00 [m B™ndie, vi 2 Best made Hat . ,5 00 of the Rev. i'i!v,n Lea^»»r. She could minister in your house ?" f , IT 'ILL each stand at stable J £Otard. j?™£ .3 years and under ». 3 00 mv in Spencer parents had invited to call upon them, . Sazerac, Marett Cosnac. Potilinev. Seigneite, do pair Boots 3 00 him ... | ,, » v ty. five rea-trn.Sr r ii..i> he. 1 venr« nnd over. 8 00 Ky miles south from Taylnrsville. il had frowned upon her "Ah— but you know what I meant. United Vineyard Proprietors. Castilion and London do do Ladies' Sho-6 3 00 she hoped he would not forget it. He season, to • and Be-t \oke ol Oxen. 3 00 comoasnea the 1 MS of March, and end ihe fr >m that Inch prS;i. '.. :i little » Dock Brandies. These iiijuora will have a full fruity eh# was a "So I did. You meant just what you i article manufaciured by machinery shall •' D^No • l.M h of November next. pr. mised that he would not, and then took Milch Cow. . be milked in the ring. 8 00 pi'!. • 1 flavor and a beautiful sparkhnecolor. rec- t'nv, r> « • Common be allowed to crfmpeie wi'h the handiwork ot the I***] chijed her at her own said ; se I meant that vou *hould know the Judgr. MAMMOTH is 16 hands high, and perhaps the tified will he Alternates. his leave. ! Whisky chanced hy th« uae of the. Oil Ladies in the list. 1- above Ben. S!ieli»v. lack of his age in Kentucky. will serve hou«e for l>eint' so rude. The on »hn»»p/ht man before I mtrodueed you to the minis- Bailee, , '.'jrren Moody. Shelby. He of Cognac to New York Brandv, Pine Apple Bran- Xot> Domestic manufactures are the products Without going into any extended show — Abram Nicholas. Shelby, at #,30 for a Jack and eC5 f >r a Jenny coh flu C'i£rnii- A.'O'Bannon. Henry L4d minister" was of a white ter. I saw the difficulty. You thought all Common Brandy, Sec of machinery moved hy hand, except the carding, of developments, will simply say that Leyvis Ashbrook Kenton Oldham 0SCEOL \ is 14 hands 3 inches high; and will we Lcconr's Oil of change* recti Whisky ft***, nt -rk-haiuikerrl i f. Rye 8*4 which mnv be done bv anv machinery. very st?rch erd prime ministers were alike ; and if I had told you rve mares exclusively at 910 to insure. Further to Mnnongnhela N K.tte Procior was in love. She loved R'- e Whiskv, Old Virginia Mob Judges. Alternates <>H nrvo IOR CATrLE—(WITH^ RIO ARD particulars — •. i. can be ascertained by reference lo bills. long t. ; stern, c and a frown al- that I w as 'the minister,' at fir«t, you w ould \Vhi«k<-. Rooritna Whixkv, Sic Charles Lindsay with her whole heart; he John Ifnll. Shelbv. U rn. B. Wilson. Henrv T'» AOE. A #10 silver cup awarded to the beat - Jack colt, wsva rea«U f<r mile ; j-st, like ea a Oil of CodratchnnL"-* common rectified or hate been coy and reserved. You would Whisky Thos Rodman. Henrv J. H Stone. do.' snd an S8 silver cup to the beat had tsken it captive. He had charmed her Animals that have t-reviously taken premiums -n Jennv colt of Mam swee;.s the io Old lri*h Malt Whisky, and a anperior nnicle of Dr. Brodnax. Oldh.un. A. Hardin. Oldham cloud over eutint landscape. not have learned me as 1 am, nor would you G. compete in this ring. oioih's get ihia season. A »5 silver cap awarded <o ftney, and at the same life seized upon Scr»rh Whisk V. !" Bt st Bull. the best Mule coll of Osceola's get this season shai.'i roroe eb« ' 10 00 | best Cow. 10 00 "H- repeated, and have opened yoi.r soul to me as you have I Oil of Peach chanees common Whisky to Vir. MANt'FACTURKS UY MACHINERY. sjsf respect and esteem. She not only car- Judges. JONATHAN DAVIS her aunr-vVurla ginia Pencil Best 10 vurds ol fine Janes 5 00 Alternates. shook ag hit*, as she brought done. I think I am right." Brandy. &c. Oil of Peach and Oil of Februa. t Adam S.-earce. Shelbv Joseph 11. 1837. r - J in her mind the image of a handsome G. Bird. Shelbv. her b^arl Couimc will convert common Whisky to Apple 10 yard- netro Janes 3 00 " back with dettrnvraiion. "Let "Perhaps you are." Austin Dot'uv. Henry. B. rf. Dale. young man, but in her soul she held the as- Rr«n.1v Pair Blankets 5 UO J. Callowav ftr AUDITIN G him find a place i re else. Henry. Mir IT V somewl There "I think I may feel sure of it. But now Oil of Gin convert' the poorest Whi>kv to Hol- Par'or Stove I 00 surance that he was noble and pure. So Jesse J. Csrd well's Administrator sre the >ore^oo.l mmilv. they are hndtfliius^eheidam Scf inpps. Rose Gin Gin, Cooking Siove 5 00 ) M just you know the man, I trust you will take Swan ve she not only loved, but her love was strongly Gin Marblrized Iron Man'le, and Gra*e 3 00 M n Equity the ones to End*** fkc. Best a?ed Boar, lu 00 hoard him. They e*n be as him for what he is. A i-l if. upon fair tri if, His Heirs and Creditors l will five hours Box of Smr Candles 5 ft) •• fortified. Lscour's Concentrated Acid in aged Sow. JO 00 Burton's Administrator C "oini h« he ran. 1 should love to Abraham ) How you d> not I ke ihe inin -t. r. we Will keep al'cr b»*i ? in X-'d chnnge five gnllons of good Vine- do Tallow do 5 M Boar over 6 months and under 12 months. 8 00 < In ' ve Bquay t>- • On the following day but very little was v t <• do g.^p 3 00 t-h'e together. The old him only for ih»- p insh. \Vhm*;iv ynQ t irnr a"d I went y-five gallons ol water to thirty gallon* Sow over 6 months and under 12 months. 8 00 1 ,n( r ,or "" ot .,!, ..-.>.. '.i said nbout of the mo«t arid Vinegar that can be found in the Barrel Klour 3 00 "j ! Mr. Lindsat; Kaie seemed to Pair P.gs under |« r flown ht^r f»ee— •r>_" 'vBut your d.-ed a*id you were a clerk." 6 months. 8 00 C W m'x™ ^ mirkei. By the use of Lecour'a Concemra'ed Acid Judge* Alternatts Sow and sucking <a href="/tags/Pig/" rel="tag">Pigs</a>, 3 ' avoid the eohjeot. the day succeeding 00 ve > In Equity. mi !» -ie i »e isj haaic«ajsal «»f ihe im On ,v Bjtsta> "Ah, my I'Ula inini-ier-hater, you are vinegnr enn be made for one dollar and six'y cen s m. A. Perry. Henry. I Gideon King, Henry. Three failed Hoga, » 00 His Heirs and Creditors ) • ' i] tint, when Mr. Proctor drne home in the per bnrr»'l Wm Armstrong. Shelby S. H. Mvles, Shelbv sjf* "A»id then if.* min- not w t|l r« in leg;. I Judges. ad lore. The w.od Alttrmattt. THESE caoea having been -eterred o 'he nr>der- l.ecour's Oils no James Sp^ar, Oldham | Andrew Crow OlewSSR i-' would <! evening, he brought Mr. Lindsay with him. For Making Liquors, require T. C Crmcher. Shelby. S. McWdhams Shelby. a* >wn hia Inne^r s* > 1 1 1 ; a»td clerk is from the Litin dericu*. and was signed, as Master in Chancery ol the Shelby preparation —oulv pour the Oil into the whiskv and J .hn La.ld. H-nry. Isaac So Kair- spent another evening in hiseom- fRJBffffl AND YFOETABLFS. H Bonra. He Circuit Court, for the purpose of receiving proof >t I M ** Prudence would try to ouidraw formerly applied only to clergymen ; and fhake well The liquors thus made will have a fine Albert Hardin. i Oldham. Thomas Davis. claims -onnected with said cases. NOTICE IS :' ajsjsjjr, When the maiden laid her head Bushel of Apples 3 (0 ktfSjii Sjn4 rn i.»d br anmeb <d\ jaw is s'ill retained. jrnsj natural aroma, n full. rich. oily taste; I beaniiful trans- ' in law, the term If HEREBY GIVEN ihat I will attend at the 4 do Peaches 3 00 OPEN RING FOR HOGS. Com <• upon parent color fi'ie bead. L»-co .'- Oils exert I pillow and b»rniiip > her thai night, she knew that a SJMSjH i» •r ted misaioner's Office, the >>i will give me leave. I will tea^h you law do 3 00 Best Boar. in town Shelbyville. •» the three dis inct properties in converting common whis, i Peats 10 CO I Beat Sow 10 00 *he loved. tried to hide Second Mnndaii and the dai*. i She the lact follosomg in And hen p r. K: t- burs' »»Mo fit no of Decem- a of and Latin, so thai in the future you may kv to brandy, gin. ilkc The first property combines Peck Grapes 3 00 Judges Alternates. ber. January. February and Mar -h, to hear and take mere. She first examined her heart, and t do Tomatoes 2 00 C L. White, Shelby 1. Booker. Shelby laughter. H. r faiit^r ehuok hiv head, and not fall into such traps of error." with and subsides in the form of fioculent par-idea C proof of all claims, die . proper to be taken in said \ bushel Carrots 2 00 F. II. Goodrich. Henrv. Wm Dodd. Henry she found that "Charles" she loved that ihe whole of the grain oil. lAmvlic Alcohol : The with some ligi.t remark, turned away. — Kate smiled; and was very far " caeca; and all claims, &c. at iseee in said cases are she from 1 do Beets 1 00 Mieajah Fible, Oldham. Ned Tavlor. whisky is thus deprived • f that peculiar irritating and few *\- ,{r . name— had the whole of it, Then she ex- expected to be filed on or before the second 1 uesdav A S a flf r lM j w< Kve had i do Turneps 2 0(1 wishing to scold any more. Night came burning taste, and becomes a neutral spirit; the se- l>RENNON*S COLTS. her On in March. 1837. H. BOHANNON. M C ssj iiivii d: .r. :< spend the evenirg with amined judgment, and she could find no cond propertv consists in an oily mucillaginous taste t do Parsncp? 1 and ere Kate Proctor »lept again, she had (Premiums by N. J Smith, ot Henry Nov 12. 185b eT>.-*7s f> to the liquor, it head ol'Cabbege 2 00 Diinkler. :1 reason why she should not love him; but imparted which renders mellow, and Mrs. > friend of the family . She to board for life Best horse Colt of anv age. bv Drennon. concluded the minister ; t bushel Oh'.ins 2 00 to imparts nn appearance ol great age; ihe third prop- L- SCOTT «\ CO. S REPRINT OF are** w ith her father and mother. she found a hundred reasons why she should Second oest do do.' do 10 I TBS Quite a and so far from making "the house too hot erty is exhibited in the rich vinous nutty odor that i peck Salsify 2 00 love cherish, respect, Best mare Colt do do. do 20 lmle company was present, and the eve- him, and and honor is imparted to the liquor, which rendera distinction Judges. Alternates. BRITISH PERIODIC A L> to hold him," she kept it so pleasantly Second best do. eW do 10 him, too. from the genuine brands impossible. George W. Reily, Shelby. I. T. McCampbell S'y. J.M*D THE ;./«.f / .. t. I I it r niij; promised to pass pleas mil y. Among warm with her deep and ardent love, that Judges. Alternates. Oils plit in flasks; F. H. Goodrich Henrv. f, B 0 Bannon Jefn. These ara up quart each flask Woddy, Reduction in the Price of the • fubitcajion. lh« victors w s a yuung was in- Onthe evening of the next day, Mr. Proc- Wm. Shelby. Dr. Hansbrough, Shelby. man who he seldom left it, save upon those pas- contains sufficient oil for making three hundred gal- Henry Button, Oldham WBB. Wade, Oldham. Dr. Simpson. Owen H Benton. Montgomery. "I SCOTT dt CO.. New York continue to pub troduced as Mr. Cliarles Liv 's«y. He was tor called Ka«e aside, and told her thai he lons ot liquor. Full and comprehensive directions torial duties which he wished not to avoid, Rr/TTER. CHEESE. H<»N E \ AND WIS' Wm Moxley. Boone F. Blakemore. 1 j. Iish the following leading Brmah v accompany the bottles. Price, $2 per bottle. | sor.« here :.i>e..: lour and twenty, and noi had a matter < f importance upon which to his Quarterly Conservative. and even then she kept company when Butter, f> pounds 3 00 For sale at the corner of St. Charles and Poydras THJatO DAI Kdlnburch W'h only a man oT ; ipcrinr and intellectual speak with her. She gazed wonderingly Cheese, The Review w ap- she eould ; for the good parishioners said streets. i pounds 3 00 SHEEP. The >orth British Review Free Honev, .'> 3 Ci pearance, butaisooi much peraonal'^eaiity. into his face, for he looked very serious and One bottle of each ol these Oils, five in number, pounds 00 that 'twas only half a visit for the minister n«e IVool The Westminster Review Liberal.; will 8 bottles domestic Cider 5 00 He seemed to take quite a fancy earnest. be securoly packed and shipped, with bill 'of Br»t £ for Ks^e, to come without his sweet, gentle wife. "> Buck year* old and o»er 10 00 Blackwood's Edinburgh tfagaziae Tory.. lading, to the do do Wine 10 00 any part of country, upon the receipt ! .' - and ere l. Buck 1 year and u nder no These Periodicals ably represent the three great ng the feeling was reciprocated. "My child," he said. "I have seen Mr. 1 Judges. Alternate* of 5f 10. tothe address of P. LACOUR. Ewe I vears and oi 10 00 political of Britain I. Shelby. parties Great — Whig, Tory, and 'I he light-hearted girl bad nert r before met Lindsay this afternoon, and he has asked New Orleans. F Collier, Si.clby. Ben. Mason. Ewe 1 t, Radical:— tut politics forms only one feature ot their Story. negro soon ' • A Goose — A woman, W. S Pryor. Henry. Geo C. Roberts. >w , :l . with one « ho s-i completely pleaded me if he might sue for heart Purchasers are requeated, as a guarantee of good I Pair her. your and hand. John Lambs. Oil character- Aa Organs s*J the most profound writers after having experienced religion, stole a faith, to furnish us the name of any house in New Gazlev, Oldham. Dr. J. Swain. Oldham. cnyg Judges. AlternttteS. a.^t Religion. Staid, and over modest people shv •'.-«! not j,,-^ are tne f, r8t person whom he on Science, Literature, Morality, OtfT goose to make merry with her con sort from Orleans, and we will ship them a package of the oils. BACON AND BRE W>. T. G. Grimes. Bourbo John Hare, Jefferson. stand, a» they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world like nor did she like such wild, rerkless has loved as he now loves, and he feels as- If they do not perform all that is claimed tor titcm. : John P. Crabb. Henry J. P Hill. a neighboring plantation. Of course she Best Cooked > 00 Henry- of letters, being considered indispensable to ik they will cost nothing. Ham men as =!:r h?d often seen. 4n ignorant sured that y ou will make him happy always. Dr. J. Lowerv. Shelby Harvv Tucker. was whipped, for the good of others as well do specimen of Wheat Bread » 00 ar and tha professional man. while to the in January 2i , 1857. I7887</p><p> reader of : man #he could n.'l endure; and a man who 1 knowthat he loves you, Kate : and 1 know do do Corn Bread I OO I^mg Wool every clans they furnish a as lierself. Soon after these circumstances Judg Uttrnates. Hi SI Buck 2 vears and over. satisfactory record of the current literature of tha assumed airs on ihe strength of his kr.owi- .aa'. Ve is worthy of you. Do you think GRE AT LI CK! GRE AT LUCKJ 10 00 a communion was to take place in the Hurnp'v Marshall. Henry W. Tribble. Shelbv Buck 1 year and under day. throughout the world, than can be B. 8, 3 00 | ! ire she abo-ninaied. But Charles Lind- thai vou could love him ? What tears!' 2 .IOO tained from — neighborhood, and Dinah prepared to go. Kr »a SOLD! _cg Isaac Everett, Louisville Dr Willett, Oldham. Ewe 2 years and over. 10 00 any oih Eairly Copies, »y was nothirc like any of these. He die* ottered the parent in surprise, as he saw In ihe Grand Consolidated Lottery. Extra Class One, Robert Grey. Henry. Robt S Owen. Henrv Ewe 1 year and under 2. 8 00 The receipt of Her mistress remonstrated with her, and ' Pair Lambs. from the Bntiah r pi.. VI 1 gre«t kno edge hia daughter how her (Havana Plan.) I 00 without seeming head, and noticed the POI LTRV . mentioned the goose afl'air as a sufficient The above handsome Prize was sold bv T. II. Judges these Reprints, it to kn a/as un gay and happy bier drops trickle down between her fingers. Turkeys, pair i U0 I. Moody. Henr in the hands of asal reason for her not to offer herself on such Hi*bb»rd &. Co , Baltimore, as follows: W. Henrenry. as could be, without the least or "I had not thought it would offend Muscovy Ducks, pair 3 00 John Barnhill, Oldii.uu ginal editions. coarscnees you so. " 0w Half teas sent io Virginia, John Tucker . Oldham. holy occasion; to which she replied: I Poland do do 00 loss of dignity. The fact was just here, Surdv, mv rhild. you do not think that he One Quarter to Boston, I W. Armstrong. Shelbydelby Henry — aint gwine to turn my back on my brrsseit Out Eighth to Cincinnati, Game Chickens, do I 00 Muldle Wool For any one of the lour Reviews, pee «*»nsi, 93 Ot> though Kate (Jul tiot probably see it at is un the !'" Shanghaea do For > Massa for no old goose One Eighth to Nerc York. do I 00 Best Buck 2 years and over. 10 00 any two ot the four Reviews do 91 Cochin China .'. For any three time; He engaged her heart, and at the Mr. Proctor whs interrupted by Kate's The CASH ia readv for the fortunate holders. do 1 00 Buck 1 year and under s oo of the four Review* do 7 ok I The Havana Plan Lotteries have become the pop- Brahma Pootah do •2 on Ewe I years and over. 10 00 For all four of the Reviews rio 3 ot) same time kept :i firm hold upon her re- tailing upon ni» neck ; and as she did so Judges. itBsrawslas For Blackwood's Magaaine Ouk Homes.— What is theireorner stone ular Lotteries of the day. Every prize is drawn out, Ewe 1 year and sBsaWS. 4 00 do 3 00 spect. There was a peculiar •he murmured : air of educa- John I and consequently when th«> tickets are all sold, eve- Moody, Shelby. Wm. Long. Shelby. Pair Lamb-. 8 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews do 9 00 but the virtue of woman, and where does ted refinement which at once manifested it- "Oh, I do lore him father* 1 love him ry prize must be sold Burket Bowen. Henrv. John Berry, Henrv. Judges. Alternates For Blackwood and the four Reviews do 10 0U</p><p>.' Addis'n Ballard, Oldham | Keerian, Payments to be social well-being rest but in our homes next takes place in city, John Oldlum i John B. Hays, Henry. J. P. Watkins, mad* in alt cases in mduanes. Mo. self lo her, and commanded her ndmiration; with mv whole heart I f cant help these The drawing Baltimore Henry. February 28; Capital Prize 433.000, Tickets $10. Nathan Miles. Henrv. Calloway Sr Oldham new current in the State where tsned mill Ae r*ret*W not trace all other blessings of civ- AORIC1LTIRAI. IMPLEMENT- \NU PRlllil its. t W. and she admired it because she teiTF..' Must we discovered I Order early: address T. H. Hi-bbard Sl Co . Bal- W Wil-on. Sr Shelb J. C. Booker. Sh-lbv. ilized life to the doors of our dwellings .' Best it without bietrving in show it. And then The parent caught his child to his hos- timore, authorized Agents for the Managers. Harrow, 2 horse 2 Oo A discount ol 25 per cent, from the I ATTF.O SHEEP. I 'uhivator 2 00 above prices she found a Are not our hearth-stones guarded by holy will be allowed to Clubs ordering fonr had such fund of wit and humor ND* ami in earnest tones, he said : best fatted Sheep. Farm Gate •2 00 Five HI oo or more copies of any one or of the forms, conjugal, filial, and paternal love, for more above works in him. which, while it you. Rich Schemes February, 1857. captivated he r with -Bless Kat-— Bless you. I should Large Roller I 00 Judges. Alternate* Thus: four copies of Blackwood, or sj one Review the corner-stone of church and state, more R. &, CO.. Straw J.Maglennery. Loui'vile L. Rheme, Louisville. us brilliancv. did not fail to entertain her love to see you his wife, for I love him my- FRANCE MANAGERS. Cutler 9 00 will be sent to one address for 9s>. tour cooiee ef the Thomas Todd, Shelby. Frank Hamer. Louisville. sacred than either, more necessary than tiranrt CannoUelalcd t.nltrru of •Har.vlantt. Hay Rake I 00 four Rev iews and Blackwood for 9.10; and so <xe. w ith it« . self. to p mi and sound sense. May he come see you to-morrow ! N. Magruder. Shelby. J Radford. Two Horse Wago | 00 C Henrv Pottage.—In all the principal cities and town,*l*s*< was a both ? Let our temples crumble, and capi- CLASS D ehes'-plarer. and at leneth He leaves for Harrison in the afternoon." Saddle and Bridle 9 oo works will be deli v ered free of pottage. sent To be drawn SATURDA Y. FEB. 91, ort\ RING EOR SHEEP. When tols of state be leveled with the dust, but Blue Grass Seed Gatherer :t dul Mr. Lindas v understood Of course Kate said he might, In Haltimore. Maryland. oo oo by mail ihe poetage to any pert of the Fmted States Best Buck. 10 | Best Ewe, 10 00 spare our homes. Let no socialist invade ( 'orn Planter 5 00 will be but *«4 cents a vear for Blackwood, and 1 the pame S ie proposed a trial, to which And he did come. And he and Kate had Drairings conducted under the superintend. i,rr of Judu,s. Alteruatt Clover Seed Gatherer 3 oo cents a year for each of the his wild plans thr State Isottcru Commissioner. Z. Smith, Henrv. S. R he gladly first long talk them with of community. P. Henry Foree. Henry. | M M U. The game she a toee'her; and they told each do do Sower 1 00 ,N. B. The p- ice ia Groat did not invent, and he cannot A LL nUXBB. Phil . Barbour. Jeffers Conway Herr, Jefferson. w Tl won; and the other plainly of their love. Man improve do do Huller I 00 riodicil* above »ant*d is ell third was ; UCs* and every Ticket in this Lottery will P. Bast ass, Oldham. Michael C y- Each Spinning •2 30 a or abrogate them. A private shelter to Wheel drawn game. '•And now," said Lindsay, after they had l>e a Prize, for all those Tickets without r drawn | AMI MI LES. hearts Bread Corn, 1 bushel I 00 F \ R.M E9PSj At nine o'clock Mr. Prrctor conversed a long while, "on eve- cover in two dearer to each other number, are each entitled to a *5 Prize THE and his wife Sunday Stock Corn, 1 bushel 1 00 Be-i Jack 4 years and over, 10 00 FIC ASD PRArfy 1 than all the world ; high walls to exclude S62.620 162,630 •2 dad h^M.e. but K .;e could not think ning I shall he here again. I cannot ask Corn Meal, I bushel 00 Jack 3 yeara and under 4, <* 00 By Henry Stephens, F.R? 12,500 25,000 > the profane eyes of every human being; se- Hominy. ; bushel 00 Jack | years and under 9. 8 00 lateJ. P. Norton. Professor^ of leaving ao ear!«- "We w ill see hersafe- you uow to give me a final answer. But 10.000 •.'0.000 Irish Potatoes, 1 bushel 2 00 Jack 1 year and under in Yale College. " clusion enough for children to feel that B, 8 00 New Raven V Iv h ;e sai.i «.he host. Mr Dunklee; at that time it is the day after to-morrow 8,000 16,000 and — Swce: Potatoes, 1 bushel 1 00 Jack under I year, 8 00 1600 pp.. and numerous wood and steel Engravi 6.000 12,000 mother is a holy and peculiar name this Wheat, 1 bushel •2 thereupon h< r parent* »»"ni without her. —I may ask vou if vou will give me vour — Red 00 Jenneit I years and over. 10 00 This is. confeaeedly. the most complete work on | .-.,000 25,000 is home; and this is the birth-place of eve- While Wheat, 1 bush.el 2 00 Jennett 3 years and under I, 8 00 Agriculture ever published, and in order to give it a "Oniy thirk." cried Kate, after a laugh Innd for life." 10 1,600 Vl.OOO Rye, 1 bushel | 00 Best Jennett 2 years and under 8 00 wider circulation the publishera have resolved to re- had passed upon some joke of Kate rrsied her head upon his shoulder, ry secret thought. Here the church and 1% 400 78,400 her own, Oats. 1 bushel 1 00 Jennett 1 year and under 2, I 00 duce to 9)5 far the two Volumes state must come for their origin and sup- 66 •200 13,200 ••Pa says he i* going t;> hoard the minister. and told him she would think seriously of Barley, 1 bushel 2 00 Jenneit under 1 vear, 8 00 When sent by mail poet paid) to California and 66 100 6,600 port. Oh! spare our homes! The love we Wheat Fan 5 00 Mule 3 vears and over, 10 00 Orea-on the price will be 97. To every other part ol Did you ever hear of such a thing ?" it. She meant it pleasantly, for she had 66 *) 3.940 Wheat Drill 8 00 Mule 1 year and '». 9 the Union, and to Canada post paid; gives our faith in under 00 96 tTTh>* "Oh, I have Iieard tilings experience there us an in- 66 66 :i,960 of worse than thought enough in her own estimation. Hemp Break | 00 Sucking Mule. 8 00 work is xot the old "Book of the Farm." goodness; the purity and disinterest- 4.09-2 40 163.680 stale returned Liniis iv.stn.'ing. He sat by Sunday morning came, and at nine o'- finite Sample Leaf Tobacco, 10 pounds 5 00 Pair draft Mules. | 00 XJT Remittances for any of the above publicaiioi 25.740 20 514.800 from her side, edness of our home is our foretaste and our Hemp bresk 50 pounds dew rottfd 5 00 Judges. Alternate*. should always be addressed to the publishers. and g.ized into her face as he clock Charles Lindsay made his appearance. 45.760 3 228,000 * i bushel Clover Seed 5 00 Jacob Sodowskv. Shelby. O. L. Harbison. Shelby. earnest of a better world. In relations there LEONARD SCOTT CO.. spoki . "Suppose your father should take "I thought you were not coming till eve- i do Timothy Seed* 1 00 Wm. Coleman. Trimble. W. Chenault. Madison. No, 54, Gold street. New York 76.076 Prizea amounting io 81,-202.000 <a href="/tags/Tiger/" rel="tag">tiger</a> ?" established and fostered do we find through i do a into tl.e. house. f.>r instance ning," said Kate, as she gave him a Orchard Grass Seed . 2 CO M. Blakemore, Franklin. Jas. Calloway. Henry. January 14. 1857 lp88t warm Wholes 920. Halves 910: Qusr. 95; Eighths 92 50 life solace and joy of existence. 1 do Blue Grass* I 00 "Ho_ V o;i enchain <a href="/tags/Liger/" rel="tag">liger</a>." the grasp. the chief $2."«6 OPEN KING FOR ASSES. I gul re- Certificate of Package of 26 Wholes, cost 50 One horse Buggy 8 00 cost • iyer'it Cherry Pertoral. turned; t.i.tyo . do. 26 Halves, 128 25 Best Jack. 10 00 Best c , n't do that to a minister. "I thought I would come and go to meet- Do. Two horse Carriage 10 oo | Jenneit, 10 00 Quarters 64 will c«rr« rid of Moths. A year Do. do. 26 12 Best written Essay on Agriculture the Judge*. Alternate*. the rapid cure of Cough*. Colds. Hoarser He I i« lot rf-— just where he ing with you," he returned. "You have no How Wt got — and FOR Do. do. 26 Eighths, cost 36 06 M. Psrker. Kayetie. I J. B- Jones. Henry. Bronchitis. Whooping- management of a Farm. 10 00 Cough. " pleases, and • o U since we had occasion to store a lot of fur- can't help it. But I won't * Samuel Tinslev. Shelbv. S. G. Henderson. ON THE HAVANA PLAN. Raised or produced in Kentucky Shelby. Asthma snd Consumption, is uni- have it: and I i with a considerable amount of wool- E. Bsrrow. Oldham. M fa ro. Why—only "Not anv serious ones." she returned, niture, Judges. Alternates. | Wm Hyatt. Henrv. versally known ae the beat reme- Lottery of Maryland. Grand Consolidated dy ever yet discovered for every t >»; a mi 'terin ire garments, carpets, bed-rlothing, &e. As Robert Doak.Sr . Shelby. Newton Bright. Shelby. hous- all the time !" smiling. en Extra Clasa FINE HORSRS. 2. Barnhill, variety of Pulmonary disease So for storing was Wm. Oldham. James Vincent. Oldham. Best Stallion "You d >n'i mean what you a:.; At the preper time they set for the the house necessarily used be drawn in Baltimore. Maryland, Saturday.Feb- 4 years and over. 10 00 . Miss out To John Strother. Henry. A. C. Crabb. Henry wide is the field of its usefulness Stallion 3 yeara and under 4. t cockroaches, we ruarv 28, 1937. 8 00 . oung and Pr c man said half smiling ehureh. infested with moths and so numerous the cases of i DID SCHEME. PLOWS. Staliion 2 years and under ?. 8 00 SP LEX i « M I hat almost every secttoe •n » -it earnestly. Whjr had some fears on that account; but we pro- cures, —ff you hold "Our new minister is to preach to-day," Tickets I—1,000 Prizes. Stallion 1 jear and under 2. 8 00 30,000 Best S <d Plow 8 00 the country sbounds in persm feelings now. I ahall pound and a half of gum camphor, Staliion under 1 year, MM Mat to see you Kate said on the cured a I prise of 931 000 d 00 way. Smbble Plow 8 00 pubhclv known, who have been i 11.7*0 Beat Mare 4 years and over, <bns"!i> ihe OMMatftr* vnu;* -if one and packed all woollen materials in a sin- 1 prixe of 10 00 ing and evea desperate diseases at the lung* by ita g of these -So I understand," returned Lindsay ; One betea Plow 5 00 3 prixes of 5,000 Mare 3 years and under 4, S 00 dsys." close room, with large lumps of the Judge*. Alternates. aee. When once tned its superiority over every "and that is one reason why I was anxious gle 4 000 Mare 2 years and under 3. 9 4 prixes of J. G. Thompson. Shelby. John Aud Shelbv. 00 other medicine of us kind is too apparent to escape Me board a nvniater? I ea.nphor, in several places. The room was Mara 1 year and under 3. •Mi to be here." 4 prizes of 3.500 John Bruce. Henrv. Sam'l Mcllvane. Henrv S 00 observation, and where its virtues are known, tha so left until a few prizes of 2 500 Mare under 1 year, 8 00 heard anything absuid —never." "Dn you know hire !" then eloeed up tightly, and 4 Pollock Barbour. Oldham. J. Hardin, Oldham. publie no leoger hesitate what antidote to employ for 4 prize of 1 300 Judge*. AUsrnat**. distressing dangerous affections it, we found il ibe and of the pul A hearty laugh followed ihis retort; and "I know days since. On opening Xote.—Trial of Plows will take place at or near J. him pretty well." M. Calloway. I I prizes of 1,200 j Henry John H. Moore. Clark. monary organ* which are incident to our cliasste. thought some of a strong odor of camph r. the Grourds on the 1st day of the Fair. Pointa of : John Hall. Shelbv Kate them laughed rather What kind of a man is he !" still filled with 175 prizes of 400 Lud Rak Shelby. By us timely nee many, nay almost all sttacks of din- consideration by the Judge* — 1st, Lightness of draft v\ | m. M Gibson. Oldham Ralph Tarlion. Oldham. funnily. But the conversation took anoth- ••Well he is lump* of gum whirh were about the APPROXIMATION miZES: | ease apea the laags or inreM, are arrested, and thus — spoken very well of. I The in relative size of Plows, and depth ol slice; 8, Man- «40) approximating to 933 ono HARNESS HORSES. are saved many thousands every year from a press* er turn, and ere long. Lindsay and Kate think he means well." site of a hen's egg, when put in, had now 4 prizes of ner of leaving the same. 4 prizes of 300 11.760 Ratal — All entries in this ring, two years old and ture grave. No family should be without it. and were again conversing together. They "Then he ian't much lost about half of their hulk, and not a sin- of a minister, is he t" 8 prizes of 200 soon MACHINES. over, io be driven in harness. those who do neglect to provide themselves with a t hooui various cloth in the room had Best Stallion 10 00 which ward* off this dangeroua clan* of die- dked things; and after a "There may be different opinions upon gle thread of any 16 prizes of 130 4000 Best Mowing Machine 9 00 4 years old and over. remedy 100 3 500 Stallion 3 yeara and a nder 4 8 00 ease will have cause p deplore it when it Is too hue. • ?'i told his fair crnpan- that point. Suppose we been injured by mo»h or insects. 16 prizes of Threshing Machine 9 00 j compare notes af 16 prizes of 80 3,300 Stallion 3 years and under 3, S 00 Proof* ot the surprising •Acacy of the Cherry Pan- tie ns not a little; the Reaping Machine 8 00 haJ been purchasing a p'«<-e <-f land i ter we have heard him T" thing surprised One prises of 60 1500 Stallion 1 year and under 2. 9 00 tor*! need not be given to tha Americen people. 16 Judgm. Alternates covered i ii l ie place, as he thought of making that We will. But he shan't board with us. ceiling of the room was literally 20 prizes of 50 1,300 B'allion under 1 year. 9 or hey h*v* living areola in every neighborhood Baa T. G. Dunlap. Shelbv. S H Mvles. Shelby. though none prizes of 40 300 Best Mare 4 vears ana over. 10 00 those who wlaa to read i he statement* of those whoa* town fiis home. Don't you think it would be very unpleas- with thousands of moths, 700 Aaron Burnee, Henry. R. T. Herndcn. Henry. Mare 3 yeara and under 4. 900 whole health ha* been reeiored and whose live* have dollar expen- •*l have bought it of our friend, Mr. Punk ant to have him poking about the houae all were found elsewhere. The Presley Yaager, Oldham. James Speer, Oldham. under 3. ita find in 1,000 prises. 9I98.9O0 Mare 2 veara and 8 00 been saved by uee, wui tbesa my Aanart of camphor, 3. ihe below lew," he said, at the same time drawing a the time f I am sure I couldn't endure it- ded in getting a Urg* amount Lowest regu'ar nriie $300, lowest Approx. 940. JVote —Premiums will be awarded upon trial of Mare 1 year and under 9 00 can Almanac which Agent named ha* to . Machines. Notice will be given of under 1 vear. 9 00 fumiah grati* for every on paper from ^is porket. could you ?" probably saved us from many dollars' loss, Wholes 910; flnlves 90; Quarters 92 5 time and rise- Mare J. C. Address all orders tr.— at which Competitors and Judges will attend. Point Judges Alternate* Preperwl by Dr. ihen showed her by the Tor Well," replied the man, "If since bit of stair carpet and an old fur a young you a I He deed— i T. H. HUBBARD 6c CO. of consideration by (As Judges. Threshera: 1. Light- John Robinson, Shelby J Hansbrough. Shelby chomtt*,—end sold by by deed it was—where the lot was eituated. •t endure it I'm tore I could not." muff, which were left in another room with -Weil-I eauoot." entirely destroyed.</p>
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