Dik-Dik Madoqua spp . To 17 in. (43 cm) H Small has a long, flexible snout. .,9-10 in. Common Hippopotamus amphibius Oreatragus oreotroqus To 5 ft. (1.5 m) H To 2 ft. (60 cm) H Has dark 'tear stains' at the corner of the eyes. Downward-pointing hooves give the impression it walks on 'tiptoe'. Found in rocky habitats.

White Black Raphieerus eampestris 1 in. White Rhinoceros To 2 ft. (60 cm) H Large ears are striped inside. Ceratotherium simum Muzzle has a dark stripe. To 6 ft. (l.B m) H 9-10 in. t Has a square upper lip. The similar black rhinoceros has a , pointed, prehensile upper lip. t . eWhite '~'rBlack . Common " . Sylvieapra grimmia ". To 28 in. (70 cm) t1 t Has a prominent black 1 in. 'a: stripe on its snout. Inhabits woodlands lion and shrubby areas. t

Forefoot , e+ 24-28 in. Ourebia ourebi African Elephant To 2 ft. (60 em) H Note short tail and black 1.5 in. Loxodonto africana Hind foot spot below ears. Inhabits To 14 ft. (4.2 m) H grassland savannas. Hind print is oval-shaped. t

This guide provides simplified field reference to familiar tracks. It is important to note that tracks change depending on their age, the surface Hippopotamus they are made on, and the animal's gait (e.g., toes are often splayed when running). Track illustrations are ordered by size in each section and are not Antidorcas marsupialis To 30 in. (75 cm) H illustrated to scale. 2 in. Note white belly and Most animal illustrations show the adult male in breeding coloration. dark flank stripe. Lyre- Colors and markings may be duller or absent during different seasons. shaped horns have Animal measurements usually denote approximate length (head and body prominent ridges. length). Some measurements indicate the shoulder height of species (H). Waterford Press produces reference guides that introduce novices to travel, languages, science and nature. Product information and hundreds of free educational games are featured on the website: Phaeochoerus africanus www.waterfordpress.com To 30 in. (75 cm) H Long canine tusks are key t Elephant field marks. Holds tail 2 in. ByJamesKavanagh aloft when running. Illustratedby RaymondLeung Text and illustrationscopyright ISBN-l0 1-58355-037-2 S5.95 II t Cl 2000 by Waterford Press,Ine. Potamoehoerus larvatus All rights reserved. To 3 ft. (90 cm) H To order, call 800-434-2555. A hairy version of a For permissions, or to share comments, 11111IIllilll 1 :n~liIINOO~~I~ domestic , it inhabits e-mail: [email protected]. dense forested areas and t For information on custom-published reed beds. Tail is held 2 in. products,call 800-434-2555 or down when running. The e-rnail [email protected]. : 1111~~~~~II~~lnIJIIII~1.1111111illll similar forest bush pig has a reddish coat. t Printedin China 073501 10 9 8 7 6 5 ..• 3 2 1 HOOFED MAMMALS HOOlED MAMMALS HOOFED MAMMALS

Common Zebra Bushbuck ellipsiprymnus Equus burchellii scriptus To 52 in. (1.3 m) H To 56 in. (1.4 m) H To 32 in. (80 em) H t 3-3.5 in. Has a distinctive white One of several species 4 in. Note white throat and 1.5-2.5 in. ring around its tail. Found of African zebra. Most white spots on flanks. The along rivers, marshes and ~~ species can be be most widely distributed in dry floodplains. distinguished by the spiral-horned antelope. ~a size and pattern 0 of their stripes.

Impala Aepyceros melampus (Tsessebe) To 40 in. (1 m) H lunatus () Note black banding on tail To 50 in. (1.25 m) H Oryx gazella ~ ~ L>-'_""_ 4-5 in. and rump. Widespread Coat has a purplish sheen. ~'VH5;' To 4 ft. (1.2 m) H throughout the savanna. Note dark patches on Both sexes have long, upper legs and face. straight horns and t black facial patches. ,~

Grant's Gazella granti t Tragelaphus spp. To 3 ft. (90 cm) H 1.5-2.5 in. To 56 in. (1.4 m) H 3-4 in. equinus Prominent white rump patch Tall, narrow-bodied To 56 in. (1.4 m) H is bordered in black. antelope with 6-10 Told by black mask, Common in East Africa. vertical side stripes. t white muzzle and Males have long, ~,t ,~ curving, deeply spiralling horns. ridged horns. ~""l"" Thomson's Gazelle Lichtenstein's Gazella thomsonii t T042in.(1.1 m)H 1.5-2.5 in. Alcelaphus lichtensteinii Note bold black stripe on To 4 ft. (1.2 m) H 3-4 in. Tragelaphus oryx flank and face. Common Coat is tan and lacks black To 6 ft. (1.8 m) H on EastAfrican plains. t markings. Prefers woodland Large, thick-bodied A edges to open grasslands. antelope has prominent shoulder hump. It,,,I,," 4' Is independent of water and found in a variety of habitats. Alcelaphus buselaphus Tragelaphus angasii To 4 ft. (1.2 m) H To 42 in. (1.1 m)H Red-brown in color. Note 4-4.75 in. Male has a white chevron 2-2.5 in. dark marks on upper legs. between its eyes, side Found in open grasslands stripes and a shaggy belly. and savanna regions. Syncerus coffer Note yellow 'socks'. To 56 in. (1.4 m) H ~, ~, Large -like animal has Blue prominent _t,+," recurved horns. (Brindled Gnu) Common Connochaetes taurinus Redunco arundinum To 5 ft. (1.5 m) H To 3 ft. (90 cm) H Cow-like animal has dumpy 4-4.75 in. Forward-curving horns 2.5 in. horns. The similar black are partially ridged. wildebeest has horns that Found in reed beds curve upward and forward. ~~ near open water. t Giraffe Giraffa comelopardalis ~, To 18 ft. (5.4 m) H The tallest in the world, it can reach leaves 6 m (20 ft.) high. Both Red Hippotragus niger 7.5-8 in. To 52 in. (1.3 m) H males and females have Kobus leche Coat is brown to black. short horns with rounded To 40 in. (1 m) H Note horns and white 3.5-4 in. tips. Coat patterns vary t Short forelegs cause body to belly. Lives in open among subspecies. slant forward. Always found woodlands near water. near water, it feeds on grass ~~;J5L ~~ t and aquatic plants. " TRACKS WITH CLAWS TRACKS WITH CLAWS TRACKS WITHOUT CLAWS

Large-spotted African Hedgehog Black-backed Jackal , Genetta tigrina Atelerix albiventris mesomelas • To 7 in. (18 cm) To 16 in. (40 cm) H To 22 in. (55 cm) .75 in. 1 in. Has coat of stiff spines. Cat-like animal is .", Black 'saddle' is key field 2 in. Rolls into a ball mark. The similar golden •••• solely nocturnal. The similar small-spotted II when threatened. jackal found in northern t Africa lacks a dark saddle. genet has a white- t ~ tipped tail. Tree Squirrel •• ' African Wildcat Paraxerus cepopi •.. African Wild To 8 in. (20 cm) • t libyca • (Cape Hunting Dog) , Common on the savanna. 1 in. . To 14 in. (35 cm) H Lives in holes in trees. One Lycaon ptaus Resembles a gray 1-1.5 in. To 30 in. (75 cm) H ' ' ," of 10 similar species. 2.75-3 in. domestic cat with , Blotched coat and . t .. long legs. Note dark white tail are key field rings on legs and tail. t marks. Lives and hunts ' t -. Striped in packs of up to •. 40 individuals. (Zorilla) ~ Idonyx striatus Felis serval " To 15 in. (38 cm) To 2 ft. (60 cm) H Note long legs and "0 Black and white 1 in. Southern African ." large ears. Primarily markings and bushy tail ,~",L," Crested Porcupine are unmistakable. When , nocturnal, it feeds on Hystrix africaeaustralis .ii. small and threatened, it sprays . ~ 2.75-3.5 in. •••• To 30 in. (75 cm) invertebrates. aggressors with a vile scent. Large rodent has long coat of barbed quills that it rattles when threatened. •• t Cape Clawless Slender •• copensis , sanguineus Honey To 3 ft. (90 cm) To 12 in. (30 cm) .1· Aquatic mammal is • 2 in . Tail is black-tipped. 1 in. (Ratel) • ' found near water. One of 24 species Mellivora capensis . .- Webbing between of African mongoose. ~ To 30 in. (75 cm) t Varied diet includes bee 3.25 in. toes may be visible . in soft mud. hives and dung beetle ",•. '.- Suricate balls (from which it 1/1 extracts larvae). Is aggres- t () ,. sive and has been known Suricata suricatta to attack humans. To 12 in. (30 cm) •••• Felis caracal Burrowing creature lives To 18 in. (45 cm) H 1 in. Striped Hyena in large colonies in open Told at a glance by its 2-2.5 in. arid areas. They often Hyaena hyaena large, tasseled ears. •••• stand or sit upright. To 32 in. (80 cm) H Feeds on small to Note shaggy coat and mid-sized mammals •• prominent mane. '". and birds. Bat-eared Common throughout northern Africa. W'T Otocyon megalotis ,. • To 12 in. (30 cm) H Told by huge ears and 1.5 in. bushy, black-tipped tail. L" . pardus Feeds mainly on insects. To 2 ft. (60 cm) H The similar north African ~ Crocuta crocuta Thick-set cat is told t fennec fox is smaller and To 32 in. (80 cm) H ,•i' t by its spotted coat 3-4 in. has a tan coat. Note spotted coat and and long tail. ". 4-4.75 in. sloping profile. Also 'I/: A solitary, I , called laughing hyena secretive species of 'A Proteles cristatus for its varied repertoire renowned cunning. To 20 in. (50 cm) H ,,1. t of calls. 1.5-2 in. Dog-like mammal feeds primarily on termites. Lion Note long neck and ~ jubatus Panthera leo side stripes. t • To 32 in. (80 cm) H , To 4 ft. (1.2 m) H ' Key field marks are The largest African _'." ~.t4 slender profile ... 3.5-4 in. cat is the only one Civettictis civetta •• - ~- and dark 'tear that lives and hunts To 16 in. (40 cm) H stains' under in a group (pride). ,II • . eyes. Claws are Eats everything from Cat-like nocturnal creature n '~'''r;" non-retractable and mice to elephants. has a black mask and ~. l.5r . -.' white muzzle. Feeds on show clearly in tracks. insects, fruit and small animals. o UNUSUAL TRACKS DUNG DUNG z o I The color, shape and consistency of dung (scat) is affected by many factors m Scrub Hare including diet, stress, age of scat and whether or not the animal is in motion CIJ as it defecates. Lepus saxatilis To 2 ft. (60 cm) •••• Dung reflects an animal's diet. Herbivore dung is fibrous and often loose. Found in wooded and dung is usually solid and contains hair and/or bone fragments. grassy areas with scrub 1 in. The following are generalized descriptions of the dung of a few common species. Fox/ cover. The similar cape lion/Cats To 8 in. (20 cm) To 6 in. (15 cm) hare is found in more Elongate scat usually open habitats. t Normally contains hair and may t contain porcupine quills. contains hair and bones When a lot of blood has been of prey. Color varies from ingested, the dung is blackish brown/olive to white . Rock Dassie and highly odorous. Other cat Dung size varies Procavia capensis dung is similar, only smaller. with size of species. To 2 ft. (60 cm) Chubby, short-legged •••.ft 1.25 in. Black White CJ1 animal is found in rocky Rhinocerous • • • 'f ~ • I\) Elephant ,': ,':,' inhabits sandy areas and t .~. feeds on vegetation. ,'~ Hippopotamus Porcupine ---., To 8 in. (20 cm) To 2 in. (5 cm) Vervet - To 2 in. (5 cm) Hippo eat primarily grass. Elongate pellets are Pangolin Dung often contains fruit When on land they usually Antelope & Allies often /ttached seeds, vegetable matter Manis temminckii , scatter their dung with a To 1.6 in. (4 cm) To 2 ft. (60 cm) t and grass. sideways wagging of their tail. Most have pellet-like dung that 0 Body is covered ~ with heavy scales. 1.5-2.75 in. occurs singly or caked. In many, the dung is concave at one end Rolls into a ball and pointed at the other. Many when threatened. -" defecate in communal dung piles ~~~ ''':,' ....~. Eats primarily ants -" that mark territorial boundaries. and termites. ~ Dung size varies with size Aardvark of species. Baboon To 3 in. (8 cm) To 4 in. (10 cm) Oblong droppings are Droppings are often found Aardvark composed mostly of sand African Buffalo concentrated beneath trees (Antbear) and are relatively heavy. CJ1 To 12 in. (30 cm) :_;j'~ "~r:' and places they roost. Orycteropus afer Similar to cow dung but .~..•.. ., To 52 in. (1.3 m) darker in color. Often loose. Note elongate pig-like 3-3.5 in. '.Zebra'~..<. . "'s 'ij snout and large To 3 in. (8 cm) ~ , " ears. Feeds Elongate pellets are often . ,,!,'- . primarily on ants and cracked across the middle. Pi t- termites it digs up with fii1j its powerful claws. " Hedgehog To .8 in. (2 cm) Giraffe Distinctive pellets are Rabbit/Hare 0> To .8 in. (2 cm) Vervet Monkey cylindrical and contain the To .6 in. (1.5 cm) "Similar to ante.lope dung. As exoskeletons of insects. Distinctive round scats are Cercopithecus aethiops lit t a result of falling such a long To 20 in. (50 cm) , often found in large 0> distance, pellets tend to be Wildebeest communal piles away from Note black face ~nd 2.75-3.5 in. scattered over a broad area. To .8 in. (2 cm) " W burrow entrances. long tad. Gregarious t Pellets are found singly and social, it lives in or in clusters. troops of up to 20 -...J individuals. -...J Otter Savanna Mouse/Tree Squirrel To 2 in. (5 cm) To.4 in. (1 cm) Baboon Droppings are deposited in Rat Cylindrical scats are rice-like Papio cynocephalus piles near water, and often • To .8 in. (2 cm) in shape and size. To 32 in. (80 cm) •••• contain fragments of crab Larger versions of Grizzled coat varies 6-6.25 in. shells or fish bones. Warthog mouse scat. 'II To 2 in. (5 cm) • in color from olive to yellow. Rounded pellets are t green-brown in color. I\) 0 en