G;A~ Soeiologieal Soeiety
P,~g;a~ Soeiologieal Soeiety ROBERT E. PARK ' J-~1944 j ,. '···i~>t<: -~ _·' --~ s~i_f,J'fX(flltdt¥)'); Mondu,~ T~dtl]l · : ')])~~ ~1,:28. 39 M\i ~o, l947 · •-,_, ' ~:?· '\- .,';'o;.,:·· '· ~r .' --- .. ,·- , ,l c~ r -.... _ ,, r :, GENERAL .TOPIC OF ·~ETING: "Present Status and Prospects of Research in the Fields. of Sociology'' ' i . OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR. 1947 President, Lours WmTE;, University ,of (:;hiqg~ . · .·· ... · .. ' ;· Saturday, !Jecember 27 .' ·First Vice~President, ·R FJ0NK:LnrF:RAziEa; Ho:w;t~d,Umvets,ity; '.d ' . ' Second Vice~President, RoBERT C. ANGELL, Ui}ivdrsity 9f Michigan,· 2:00P.M. Meeting of the Executive Committee, Room E Secretary-Treasurer, E~NEST R Mowrum, ~orthwest~m1Jhiversity · Sunday, December 28 ~CUTIVE pcn.n.rirfEE 9:00-10;00 A.M. Registration, Main Bail 'Room Foyer Loms WmTH ·E. F~ FRAnk· RoliER'r C. ANcmu: 10:00-12:00 M. RESEARCH METHODS (Joint Meeting with the Amer- ican Statistical Association), Main Ball Room · Fainter PreSidents Paper:.RAYMOND V. BoWERS, W~shington, D.C. GEORGE E. LuNDBERG, Univ. of WaSh... Rvl!tJt'r B, VANCE; tJniv. of North Carolina KrMBALL YoUNG; Northwest~ Uni~;·· (4R£' G;TAYI.q,a,. U. S: Dept. of Agriculture Discussion : TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University PHILIP M. HAUSER, University of Chicago GEORGE A. LuNDBERG, University of Washington Elected at 1,-lirge RhBERT S. LYNn, Colum~@ tT.hiversity '. · -" Fto~·Zrr~, Umv, of Il11riois POLITICS AND iNTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, Lours WIRTH, University of Chicago : KA~ Joe~ Urtiy', of No .. Car. West Ball Rocm CHARLEs S. }oHNsoN,,FiskUnlyersttY ~~A. ~'!:de~ R<~TV<ttd Univ. Paper: W. REx CRAWFORD, Vniversity of Pennsylvania '· Discussion: STUART BuRGESS, Temple University Ele.ciecl fro~ Affiii~telfs SbMl,iis:': ~ ~ RAYMOND KENNEDY, Yale University .
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