With Beya Capital for the Kingdom of 28 October 2016 | NDA Strengthening & Country Programming


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Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposal

Readiness - Information on the process for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme can be found here (link to Handbook). Additional information on the Programme can be found at: http://www.greenclimate.fund/ventures/readiness - Countries can apply to Readiness and Preparatory Support under one or several of the following areas: o Area 1: Establishing and strengthening National Designated Authorities or Focal Points o Area 2: Developing Strategic frameworks for engagement with the Fund, including the preparation of country programmes o Area 3: Selection of implementing entities or intermediaries, and support for accreditation o Area 4: Developing an initial pipelines of program and project proposals

How to fill this document? - This document should be filled by National Designated Authorities / Focal Points with support from their delivery partners where relevant - Please be concise and precise - If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal

Where to get support? - If you are not sure how to fill this document, or need any kind of support, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. We will aim to get back to you within 48 hours. - You can also fill as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected]. We will get back to you within 5 working days to discuss your submission and the way forward.

Important note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender Throughout this document, when answering questions, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, in particular to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues.


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To be filled by all applicants Country name: Morocco Name of institution (representing National Designated Authority or Focal Point): Ministry of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment Name of official: Her Excellency, Ms. Hakima El Haité 1. Country submitting the proposal Position: Minister Delegate in charge of Environment to the Minister Telephone: +212.537.570.470 Email: [email protected] Full Office address: 9 Avenue Al Araar, Hay Riad, Morocco

2. Date of submission 15/10/2016 3. Which entity will  National Designated Authority  Delivery partner  Accredited entity implement the readiness and preparatory support Name of institution: BEYA Capital project? (Provide the Name of official: Mokass Mustapha Position: Executive Director contact information if entity Telephone: +212.661.143.206 Email: [email protected] is different from NDA/Focal Full Office address: 3 rue Abdelkader El Mazini 20000 Point) 4. Readiness and 1. Establishing and strengthening National Designated Authorities or Focal Points Preparatory Support 2. Developing strategic frameworks for engagement with the GCF, including the preparation of area(s) country programmes (Please tick all that applies) 3. Support for accreditation of direct access entities 4. Developing initial pipelines of program and projects 7. Total requested USD 300,000 amount and currency 8. Anticipated duration 12 months

Yes No

8. Is the Country If yes: please attach the relevant scope of work, and briefly list below the support provided by receiving other Readiness other institutions: and Preparatory Support related to the GCF?


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SECTION 2: COUNTRY READINESS SELF-ASSESSMENT (Please fill out the self-assessment table and list proposed activities to improve the readiness of your country. For further guidance on completing the self-assessment, please refer to the guidance in the Readiness and Preparatory Support handbook.)

OUTCOMES1 MILESTONES PROPOSED ACTIVITIES 1. Country capacity strengthened 2-8 1.1 NDA/focal point lead effective coordination 0 1 2 - A process for supporting coordination across stakeholders mechanism and facilitating engagement (governance body, piloting body, 1.2 No objection procedure established and 0 1 2 meetings / workshops frequency, GCF outreach workshop to projects developers, potential candidates for accreditation) implemented - Set-up of non-objection procedure and a management 1.3 Bilateral agreements between the country and the 0 1 2 methodology to help NDA screen and select projects (paper GCF executed and digital) and communication to GCF. 1.4 Monitoring, oversight and streamlining of climate 0 1 2 - Annual report on activities of the Fund and other relevant finance funding mechanisms and institutions in the country - Capacity building tailored 2 days training to NDA climate finance team to master GCF access, procedures, investment criteria, M&E rules etc. - Capacity building tailored 2 days workshop open to every ministry, civil society and private sector interested to learn on GCF access, non-objection and accreditation process. - Each relevant ministries permanent members of NDA to nominate one NDA focal point within their ministries (5 cross-cutting Ministries: Interior; General Affairs; Foreign Affairs; Finance; Environment. - Developing a consultative committee including all sectoral ministries and representative of civil society and private sector able to provide recommendations and comments on programmes/projects (consultative committee to nominate a focal point and initiate learning work on initial projects). - Capacity and systems to monitor, evaluate and report on the activities of the Fund and other relevant finance mechanisms and institutions established. - Web-based GCF-morocco portal with all information on GCF procedures of the fund in local language, projects, accredited agencies, roles, system for reviewing and shortlisting project proposals against GCF investment criteria to make non- objection easier for NDA and M&E transparent and efficient. 2. Stakeholders engaged in consultative processes 1-8 2.1 Stakeholders engaged in consultative processes 0 1 2 - Identifying the government's mitigation and adaptation 2.2 Country programmes developed and continuously 0 1 2 priorities in accordance with its strategic policy documents, updated other sectoral programmes and the Fund’s Initial Results Management Framework;    2.3 Stakeholder consultations conducted with equal 0 1 2 - Identifying a list of programmes and projects, including representation of women public-private partnerships, consistent with the Fund’s Initial 2.4 Annual participatory review of GCF portfolio in the 0 1 2 Investment Framework; country organized - Identifying the roles of prospective public and private sector entities that may be accredited by the Fund in implementing Morocco’s programming priorities with respect to the Fund - Organising trainings, workshops and consultations with relevant non-state actors from the civil society (including representatives of indigenous people) to identify opportunities to engage with, academia, private sector (micro, small, medium enterprises), NGOs, on GCF related issues, including consultations on the development of a country programme. - Organizing a stakeholder consultation processes with equal representation of women for the development of the country programme through NDA and consultative committee framework. - Identifying how the GCF can build on the ongoing work of other development partners in the country, and deliver its support in a manner complementary to the efforts of other

1 Based on decisions: B.08/10, annexes XII, XIII & XIV; B.08/11; B.11/10, annex I; B.12/20, annex I


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partners. 3. Direct access realized 6-8 3.1 Candidate entities identified and nominated for 0 1 2 - Several entities identified and nominated by NDA. accreditation - Assisting identified and nominated entities to identify 3.2 Direct access entity accredited 0 1 2 their needs of support in accreditation process 3.3 Entity/ies annual/multi-annual work programme 0 1 2 - Delivering tailored training and capacity building for developed ESS, gender and project investment criteria support 3.4 Funding proposals through enhanced direct access 0 1 2 - Developing tools and modalities of dialogue between modality approved NDA and entities seeking accreditation and/or accredited - Strengthening funding proposals through direct access modalities 4. Access to finance 1-8 4.1 Structured dialogue between the NDA/Accredited 0 1 2 - Formalizing tools that allow good dialogue between entities and the Secretariat organized NDA and accredited entities 4.2 Country programmes, concept notes developed 0 1 2 - Assisting accredited entities and candidates in that implement high-impact priorities identified in helping country ownership to develop programmes, INDCs and other national strategies or plans concepts note of high impact priorities identified in 4.3 Project/programme preparation support to develop 0 1 2 INDC. funding proposals provided - Developing technically projects/programs identified 4.4 Funding proposals that are aligned with country 0 1 2 by strengthening funding proposals. priorities approved - Enhancing direct access for funding proposals in line with country priorities 5. Private sector mobilization 3-8 5.1 Private sector engaged in country consultative 0 1 2 - Engaging dialogue with private sector through processes consultative process with NDA (workshops) 5.2 Enabling environment for crowding-in private 0 1 2 - Assist private sector candidates for accreditation in sector investments at national, regional and developing consistent funding proposals for GCF international levels exists - Identifying ESS, Gender, investment criteria capacity 5.3 Funding proposals for private sector 0 1 2 building needs of the private sector to develop projects/programme approved consistent projects/programs 5.4 Funding proposals under the Private Sector Facility 0 1 2 - Identifying SMEs needs and gaps in order to be able programmes (small- and medium-sized enterprises and to propose programs/projects mobilizing funds at scale) submitted and approved TOTAL 13-40


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Indicators for Proposed outcomes of Indicative list of activities reporting progress Baselines Expected outputs/targets the readiness activities (List activities to be undertaken to reach each one (Please list one or two (Please list the existing baselines (Please list expected outputs from the (Please list planned of the outcomes. Please make the description of indicators per outcome against which the indicators are planned activities. The outputs should outcomes of the proposed activities self-explanatory) using the self- measured) be measureable) Readiness Program) assessment tool) 1.1 Identify the appropriate institutional arrangement Write up of the institutional arrangement Outcome 1: that will support collaboration between the 1.1.1 Optimal of the NDA made available to relevant Government and the GCF, and facilitate its nomination institutional NDA operating under an institutional stakeholders, including the GCF. 1. NDA capacity to as the NDA arrangement arrangement that is expected to be undertake Fund-related - Consult different Ministries to discuss, assess and identified and further improved. Write up of the coordination process and determine the optimal organization that will allow to implemented at responsibilities and convening schedule NDA to fully perform its roles and responsibilities NDA Absence of NDA framework and engage national - Design a process for supporting coordination across 1.1.2 NDA/focal point coordination mechanism Meeting minutes and participant lists stakeholders stakeholders and facilitating engagement (governance lead effective documenting engagement of at least 3 strengthened body, piloting body, meetings / workshops frequency, coordination groups of relevant stakeholders. national workshop on GCF outreach to projects mechanism Absence of non-objection procedure

developers and potential candidates for accreditation) A no objection procedure in place and a - Set-up a non-objection procedure and a management 1.1.3 No objection description of the procedure is made methodology to help NDA screen and select projects procedure available to relevant stakeholders, including (paper and digital) and communication to GCF. established and the GCF. implemented 1.2 Strengthen the knowledge and capacities of the NDA coordination team to fulfil its roles and Electronic copy of the annual report, and responsibilities; 1.2.1 Capacity of NDA details of public dissemination channels. - Strengthen knowledge on climate and finance and national Weak capacity on climate finance and GCF priorities, including through: stakeholders on of climate team within NDA Two days workshops minutes/list of climate finance and participants to the capacity building - Tailored capacity building 2-day training to GCF procedures Weak capacity on climate finance and GCF training to NDA Ministry of Environment NDA climate finance team to master GCF strengthened of other ministries, civil society and Climate Finance Team. access, procedures, investment criteria, M&E private sector rules etc. 1.2.2 Mechanisms for Two days workshops minutes/list of - Tailored capacity building 2-day workshop monitoring and No monitoring system in place to follow participants to the capacity building open to every ministry, civil society and NDA oversight are non-objection process stages and project training to all ministries teams in charge of private sector interested to learn on GCF in place, and life cycle from submission to approval climate, civil society and private sector. access, non-objection and accreditation streamlined to from GCF Board


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process. facilitate access of A web based portal operational able to - Prepare annual report on activities of the Fund and national manage life cycle of every project other relevant funding mechanisms and institutions in stakeholders to submitted to NDA for no objection from the country climate finance submission, technical assessment against - Capacity and systems to monitor, evaluate and report GCF criteria, recommendation from on the activities of the Fund and other relevant finance consultative committee, final no objection mechanisms and institutions established. to submission to GCF and M&E of projects.

1.3 Coordinate and liaise with other ministries, relevant departments and agencies on key issues relating to the 1.3.1 Effective No balanced representation of sectoral Agendas and minutes of the consultative GCF, including consultations on the development of a coordination between ministries (set up of consultative committee meetings available country programme; NDA and key ministries committee) - Each relevant ministries permanent members2 of NDA and agencies Links to electronic copies of presentations, to nominate one NDA focal point within their ministries No climate finance nominated focal point information materials, climate and (5 cross-cutting Ministries: Interior; General Affairs; 1.3.2 A communications within sectoral ministries development information disseminated to Foreign Affairs; Finance; Environment. plan including various distribution lists where relevant - Developing a consultative committee including all communications and No dedicated communications plan and (NDA/Consultative committee). sectoral ministries and representative of civil society and information products is tools yet private sector able to provide recommendations and prepared and A communication plan is implemented and comments on programmes/projects. implemented at least 100 brochures/leaflets on the GCF - Developing communication and information materials developed and disseminated to at least 100 regarding the Fund, its collaboration with Morocco, the people (from government, civil society and plans investments, etc. private sector) including summary of Morocco strategic framework 1.4. Build the capacity of the NDA to engage stakeholders and organise multi-party consultations. 1.4.1 Information related No dedicated information on the GCF has Information, including in local languages, - Develop a web-based GCF-morocco portal with all to the Fund and the been disseminated so far on procedures of the Fund to disseminated information on GCF procedures of the fund in local readiness project made to country stakeholders language, projects, accredited agencies, roles, system for available to national reviewing and shortlisting project proposals against GCF stakeholders. investment criteria to make non-objection easier for NDA and M&E transparent and efficient. 2.1 Develop a country programme, including elements 2.1.1 Stakeholders Copy of country programme, completed Outcome 2: provided in the Fund’s Initial Guidelines for Country effectively engaged in No dedicated engagement of national using the initial guidance on country Programme consultative processes to stakeholders to discuss country programmes prepared by the GCF 2. Strategic framework design the country programme priorities secretariat for engagement with the - Identification, through consultation of targeted programme stakeholders, of projects and programmes that are No country program developed so far Background documentation on the

2 Note that, under the current institutional arrangement of the NDA, a group of Ministries (Interior; General Affairs; Foreign Affairs; Finance; Environment) constitute a permanent committee which receives inputs from a consultative committee formed by non-permanent representatives of government, civil society and private sector.


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Fund developed already launched for programming-related evaluations 2.1.2 Country programme identifying country priorities in engaging programme, and links to public - Identifying the government's mitigation and adaptation developed and with GCF in accordance with NDC and dissemination channels priorities in accordance with its strategic policy continuously updated Government’s climate change documents, other sectoral programmes and the Fund’s commitments Engagement of private sector, civil society, Initial Results Management Framework; government and local government - Identifying a list of programmes and projects, including Non accurate identification of most stakeholders on priorities for engagement public-private partnerships, consistent with the Fund’s appropriate potential entities for GCF with the fund (engagement documented Initial Investment Framework; accreditation. with specific documentation) - Identifying the roles of prospective public and private sector entities that may be accredited by the Fund in implementing Morocco’s programming priorities with respect to the Fund; 2.2 Develop priority projects and concepts for accessing Agendas and summaries from workshops, the fund 2.2.1 Stakeholder No stakeholders consultation process in consultations convened as part of the - Organising trainings, workshops and consultations with consultations conducted place yet country programme process relevant non-state actors from the civil society (including with equal representatives of indigenous people), academia, private representation of women Summaries of meetings of multi - sector (micro, small, medium enterprises), NGOs, to stakeholder engagement, including list of identify opportunities to engage with, GCF related participants issues, including consultations on the development of a country programme. Country programming document - Organizing a stakeholder consultation processes with developed and published in adherence with equal representation of women for the development of the initial guidance from the Fund the country programme through NDA and consultative committee framework. Short note on lessons learned from country - Identifying how the GCF can build on the ongoing work programming, and good practices in of other development partners in the country, and stakeholder engagement deliver its support in a manner complementary to the efforts of other partners.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please explain how this grant will help deliver on the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions and other relevant strategies and plans (maximum 200 words)


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Due to strong impact of climate change during the last 30 years, Morocco has resolutely adopted an integrated approach to fight climate change. This political is reflected in the Charter for the Environment and Sustainable Development, resulting from a broad-based consultation process. In operational terms, several sectoral national development strategies followed, in order to transition towards a low carbon economy trajectory (9GW Renewable Energy Strategy; etc.).

Morocco’s INDC key sectors are water, green energy, forestry, agriculture, urban planning, transport and waste management (table below sums up NDC areas). Specifically, implementation of mitigation options in the INDC will allow Morocco avoid 401 MteqCO2 (2020-2030), while strengthening the Kingdom‘s ability to adapt to climate change. NDC implementation requires an investment budget of US$ 38 billion over 15 years. Obviously, the Kingdom cannot implement this ambitious portfolio alone and must rely on partnerships with climate funds such as the GCF to succeed in financing its climate-smart objectives. …………………………………… Given the diversity of challenges and importance of aligning the GCF with existing climate finance initiatives supporting Morocco NDC, Morocco seeks readiness support for finalizing the NDA establishment and strengthening its capacity in order to effectively fulfil its GCF-related tasks (A1) and develop a country framework (A2) to engage effectively with the GCF. The country programme developed in the context of this GCF grant will take into account INDC’s priorities and ensure that the climate-smart investment priorities submitted to the GCF as part of the country programme allow achieving INDC’s objectives.


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Proposed outcomes of Indicative list of activities Indicators for reporting Baselines Expected outputs/targets the readiness activities (List activities to be undertaken to progress (Please list the existing baselines (Please list expected outputs from the (Please list planned reach each one of the outcomes. (Please list one or two indicators per against which the indicators are planned activities. The outputs should be outcomes of the proposed Please make the description of outcome) measured) measureable) Readiness Program) activities self-explanatory)

X I: DETAILED INFORMATION FOR ACTIVITY AREAS 1 AND 2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please fill out the accreditation self-assessment tool3 and provide here the summary of the results of this assessment. (maximum 200 words)

3 The self-assessment tools can be accessed at: http://www.greenclimate.fund/ventures/accreditation/fine-print


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Proposed outcomes of Indicative list of activities Indicators for reporting Baselines Expected outputs/targets the readiness activities progress (List activities to be undertaken to (Please list the existing baselines (Please list expected outputs from the (Please list planned reach each one of the outcomes. (Please list one or two indicators per against which the indicators are planned activities. The outputs should outcomes of the proposed Please make the description of outcome using the self-assessment measured) be measureable) Readiness Program) activities self-explanatory) tool)

Outcome 1:

Outcome 2:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please detail below the preparatory activities to be undertaken with the pipeline development support, and explain why these activities are necessary for the 1. development of the project/programme

2. Please detail below the key deliverables to be included in the Terms of Reference

Please provide evidence of Government’s commitment to the project/programme and outline how the underlying project/programme is in line with the 3 country priorities


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Proposed Proposed activities Total Cost Cost Category Assumptions outcomes

Please include all information Please report the same expected outcomes Total cost for Consult- Work- needed to understand why this Travel Others 3m 6m 9m and activities listed in the Annex(es) above each activity ants shop budget line is justified (includ- ing unit costs) Outputs: study assessing the stakeholders and the best - Design a process for sup- cross-ministerial governance porting coordination across possible for NDA and consulta- stakeholders and facilitating tive committee (piloting body, engagement (governance frequency of meetings). Na- body, piloting body, meetings 25,000 20,000 5,000 25,000 tional consultant= USD 400*50 / workshops frequency, na- days = USD 20 000 tional workshop on GCF out- Outputs: 1-day workshop held reach to projects developers with at least 60 participants and potential candidates for from government, civil society Outcome accreditation) and private sector about GCF 1 outreach. = USD 5000 Outputs: No-objection proce- dure in place and a methodolo- - Set-up a non-objection gy to help NDA screen and procedure and a management select projects (hiring digital methodology to help NDA developer to set-up the digital 15,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 screen and select projects platform of Morocco AND and (paper and digital) and com- provide assistance in initial munication to GCF. starting phase). National con- sultant: USD 600* 25 days = USD 15 000


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Outputs: Survey on climate finance flows to NDA, linking global climate finance under- - Strengthen knowledge on standing of NDA and Morocco climate and finance climate finance priorities. In- ternational consultant for 15,000 13,000 2,000 11,000 4,000 approx. 20 days of work= = USD 750 * 20 days = USD 15 000 Outputs: Including travels costs = 2000 USD (transportation and priorities established. accommodation of the consult- ant) - Prepare annual report on Outputs: Annual report on activities of the Fund and activities of the Fund (corre- other relevant funding mech- - - sponding to contingen- anisms and institutions in the cy/reporting costs) country Outputs: Designing of a 2 days’ capacity building training per- formed to a group of 4 to 10 team members of NDA (objec- tive understanding climate - Carry out tailored capacity finance architecture; GCF ac- building 2 days training to cess; procedures; criteria, NDA climate finance team to 10,000 4,000 6,000 10,000 business case work on national master GCF access, proce- projects...). 1 international dures, investment criteria, consultant at rate of 800 USD * M&E rules etc. 5 days = 4000 USD (2 days for training preparation / 2 days providing training). 6000 USD to book training venue, coffee breaks and lunch for 2 days.


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Outputs: At least 50 people to attend, services provided (cof- fee breaks and lunch, renting a hotel conference room, etc.), design of the workshop, issu- ance and management of invitation, logistics manage- - Carry out tailored capacity ment (potentially some cost building 2 days workshop covering for civil society / open to every ministry, civil cooperatives fin the far south; society and private sector 40,000 10,000 30,000 40,000 including travels costs etc.). An interested to learn on GCF international consultant will be access, non-objection and hired to prepare design of the accreditation process. workshop and provide the training (10 days: 6 days prepa- ration/design + 2 days delivery of workshop + 2 days report of the training and action plan). Consultant for 10 days at 1000 USD/day = 10.000 USD Outputs: tools developed to - Capacity and systems to assist NDA to monitor, evaluate monitor, evaluate and report and report on activities with on the activities of the Fund 10,000 10,000 10,000 the fund (thematic presenta- and other relevant finance tions, thematic leaflets, the- mechanisms and institutions matic reports etc.) .

- Each relevant ministries Outputs: each relevant minis- permanent members of NDA tries permanent members of to nominate one NDA focal NDA have nominated a focal point within their ministries (5 - - - - point within their ministry to

cross-cutting Ministries: Inte- follow-up proactively activity of rior; General Affairs; Foreign the NDA in country and with Affairs; Finance; Environment. GCF.


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Outputs: study prepared by a national consultant to under- stand the best structure of the - Developing a consultative consultative committee (mem- committee including all sec- bers, balanced representation, toral ministries and repre- gender representation, rec- sentative of civil society and 5,000 5,000 5,000 ommendations on roles of the private sector able to provide consultative committee, devel- recommendations and com- opment of brochure presenting ments on programs/projects. the consultative committee its role and duties). USD 400 *12,5 days = USD 5000 Outputs: a leaflet and other communications materials (to be further defined) developed - Developing communication on the Fund, NDA framework, and information materials collaboration with Morocco regarding the Fund, its collab- 10,000 10,000 7,000 3,000 and investments plans. The oration with Morocco, the costs cover for the write up, plans investments, etc. the design and the publica- tion/printing of the various communications materials. - Develop a web-based GCF- Outputs: development of a morocco portal with all in- web-based GCF-morocco portal formation on GCF procedures that will facilitate: submission of the fund in local language, of projects by entities or minis- projects, accredited agencies, tries; technical screening of roles, system for reviewing 15,000 15,000 15,000 projects against GCF invest- and shortlisting project pro- ment criteria; communication posals against GCF investment of consultative committee criteria to make non- recommendations; no- objection easier for NDA and objection emission; M&E once M&E transparent and effi- project approved. cient. For BEYA Capital as delivery Project management fee 13,500 13,500 5,500 8,000 partner of this readiness grant


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Contingency 5,000 5,000 5,000 Other (including audit costs) 4,000 4,000 4,000

TOTAL A1 BUDGET 167,500 95,500 2,000 41,000 29,000 51,500 104,000 12,000

Outputs: Survey and technical assessment of NDC, national strategies, NAMAs, etc. Identi- fication and initial design of best potential projects for GCF - Identifying the government's (against investment criteria). mitigation and adaptation Copy of country program, priorities in accordance with completed using the initial its strategic policy documents, guidance on country program other sectoral programmes prepared by the GCF secretari- and the Fund’s Initial Results at. Background documentation Management Framework; Outcome on the program, and links to 65,000 60,000 5,000 30,000 35,000 2 public dissemination channels. Initial technical development of priorities projects of the Coun- try (travels costs). Expected 50 days of consult- - Identifying a list of pro- ants (1 international = USD grammes and projects, includ- 700*40 days = USD 28 000 * 2 ing public-private partner- consultants = USD 56 000 ships, consistent with the 1 national = USD 400 *10 days Fund’s Initial Investment = USD 4000). Each international Framework; consultant will have a per-diem & travel of approx. 2000 USD


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for total mission period. Local consultant perdiem of 1000 USD. - Identifying how the GCF can build on the ongoing work of other development partners in the country, and deliver its support in a manner comple- mentary to the efforts of other partners. Outputs: Market analysis study and bilateral consultations of potential candidates to accredi- tation and implementation of GCF projects: civil society, - Identifying the roles of pro- women led organizations, spective public and private private sector, local govern- sector entities that may be ment, others government accredited by the Fund in 5,000 5,000 5,000 organization, stakeholders’ implementing Morocco’s analysis on priorities for en- programming priorities with gagement with GCF. National respect to the Fund; consultant: USD 400 * 12,5 days = 5000 USD


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- Organising trainings, work- Outputs: Consultations with at shops and consultations with least 60 stakeholders; Agendas relevant non-state actors and summaries from work- from the civil society (includ- shops, consultations convened ing representatives of indige- as part of the country program nous people and women process. Summaries of meet- organizations) to identify ings of multi -stakeholder opportunities to engage with, engagement, including list of academia, private sector participants. (micro, small, medium enter- prises), NGOs, on GCF related issues, including consultations on the development of a 31,000 26,000 5,000 10,500 14,500 6,000

country programme. Meet- 1 consultation workshop set- ings to take places in several up. Moroccan cities (decentraliza- Consultants will be hired to tion: Casablanca; Marrakech; support these activities in Agadir; Essaouira; etc.) - contents and in design in order Organizing a stakeholder to reach effectiveness for Ap- consultation processes with prox 32 days consultants. Trav- equal representation of els costs of 2000 USD will apply women for the development for int. consultants and up to of the country programme 3000 USD will apply to support through NDA and consultative local consultation tour in Mo- committee framework. rocco. All workshops will be hosted by municipalities at no costs.


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Outputs: Country programming document developed and published in adherence with the initial guidance from the Fund; Short note on lessons learned from country pro- gramming, and good practices in stakeholder engagement

A reserve for travel assistance able to provide travel assis- tance to people unable to pay for transporta- tion/accommodation (margin- - Additional travel costs 9,000 9,000 3,000 3000 3000 alized stakeholders unable to cover costs to come to work- shops or consultation venue: mainly NGOs; SMEs; Young and Women leaders of environ- ment and climate change. For BEYA Capital as delivery Project management fee 13,500 13500 13,500 partner of this readiness grant Contingency 5,000 5000 5,000 Other (including audit costs) 4,000 4000 4,000 TOTAL BUDGET A2 132,500 104,500 19,000 0 9,000 48,500 66,000 18000 GRAND TOTAL AA1 / AA2 300,000 200,000 21,000 41,000 38,000 100,000 170,000 30,000


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ANNEX V: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION Please attach an “implementation map” or describe how funds will be managed by the NDA/FP or delivery partner

BEYA Capital – Climate Finance Advisory will serve as the delivery partner and will take responsibility for implementing the readiness activities under the leadership of the FP (and later the NDA, when it is established). With the guidance of the FP (and later of the NDA), BEYA Capital – Climate Finance Advisory will hire the consultants and procure other services to deliver the planned activities. The detailed procurement plan and consultants’ terms of reference will be provided with the first request for disbursement.

BEYA Capital has been selected as Delivery partner for a matter of extreme need of efficiency in such decisive and important year for Morocco with COP 22 to be held next November 2016. BEYA Capital has been selected through a consultative process following specific selection criteria: 1. Delivery partner must have knowledge of climate finance global stakes, stakeholders and especially GCF Process; 2. Delivery partner must be a national entity of Morocco in order to promote local skills and capacity building; 3. Delivery partner must have a very good project-based technical knowledge on climate mitigation and adaptation of Morocco, have staff available, in order to support the NDA in developing high level terms of reference that fit the accurate needs of NDA.

NDA and BEYA Capital declare that there is no conflict of interest between NDA (or its officials) and BEYA Capital (or its officials) as of time for this readiness application. This readiness delivery partnership is the first contractual relationship between the NDA (or its officials) and BEYA Capital (or its officials). All activities carried out by Beya Capital as delivery partner will be reviewed and cleared by the NDA, and documented as part of the annual audit process.

Procurement Plan

In line with Beya Capital’s procurement rules, the following national process thresholds shall apply to procurement of goods and works:

Procurement of Goods and Works Method Threshold Open Competitive/ Full Tender –or- >MAD 500,000 Request for quotations from all pre-qualified suppliers (equivalent to USD $50,000) Request for three quotations (RFQ) MAD 30,000> MAD 500,000 (equivalent USD $3,000 - $50,000) Single Source/ Shopping

Consulting Services Method Threshold Open Competitive/ Full Tender –or- >MAD 500,000 Request for quotations from all pre-qualified suppliers (equivalent to USD $50,000) Request for three quotations (RFQ) MAD 30,000> MAD 500,000 (equivalent USD $3,000 - $50,000) Single Source/ Shopping

Consultancy Services:

The procurement method used for the following services will be request for three quotations since they are all below USD 50 000: • 1 National consultant= USD 400*50 days = USD 20 000 for designing a process for supporting coordination across stake-


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holders • 1 National consultant: USD 600* 25 days = USD 15 000 for setting-up the digital platform of Morocco AND and provide assistance in initial starting phase. • 1 International consultant for approx. 20 days of work= = USD 750 * 20 days = USD 15 000 to strengthen knowledge on climate finance • 1 international consultant at rate of 800 USD * 5 days = 4000 USD for a capacity building training on climate finance • 1 international consultant at rate of 1000 USD * 10 days = 10000 USD to prepare the design of the workshop and provide the training • 1 national consultant at a rate of USD 400 *12,5 days = USD 5000 to prepare a study to understand the best structure of the consultative committee • 1 national consultant for the development of a web-based GCF-morocco portal = USD 15 000 • 2 international consultants = USD 700*40 days = USD 28 000 so for 2 consultants = USD 56 000 to identify the adaptation and mitigation priorities and design the country program • 1 national consultant = USD 400 *10 days = USD 4000 to identify the adaptation and mitigation priorities and design the country program • 1 National consultant: USD 400 * 12,5 days = 5000 USD for the market study • 2 international consultants: USD 800*16,25 days = USD 13 000 * 2 consultants = USD 26 000


The procurement method used for the following goods and services in relation to workshops will be request for three quotations since they are all above USD 3000: • 1 day workshop for the coordination mechanism = USD 5000 • 2 day workshop for a capacity building training on climate finance = USD 6000 • 2 day workshop for a capacity building on GCF = USD 30 000


The procurement method used for the following goods and services in relation to workshops will be request for three quotations since they are all above USD 3000:

• tools developed to assist NDA to monitor, evaluate and report on activities with the fund: USD 10 000 • a leaflet and other communications materials ; the costs cover for the write up, the design and the publication/printing of the various communications materials = USD 10 000

Other relevant information

The readiness grant funding will be transferred to BEYA Capital, who will act the delivery partner, in three tranches:

The first disbursement, which amounts US$ 100,000 will be transferred upon the signature of the grant agreement and the provision of the first request for disbursement which will include TORs for the consultants to be recruited. The $100,000 requested in the first tranche will go towards consultancy fees, project management, workshops and some travel costs;

The second tranche of US$ 170,000 –will be transferred upon submission of an interim progress report and financial report, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund, including an audited expenditure statement; and

The final disbursement of $30,000 –will be made upon submission of a completion report and financial report, in form and substance acceptable to the Fund, including an audited expenditure statement.


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ANNEX VI: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CAPACITY ASSESSMENT (FMCA) QUESTIONNAIRE Please answer the following questions in relation to the entity that will implement the Readiness project, as identified in Section 1 above. Note that the GCF’s accredited entities do not need to fill this questionnaire. Other international entities and entities accredited to other multilateral funds such as the Adaptation Fund, Global Environment Facility or EU Development Cooperation may consult the GCF Secretariat on whether they need to complete the questionnaire.

1. General and contact information 1.1 Title of Organization. BEYA CAPITAL (“BEYA” means “Environment” in Arabic) 1.2 Organization code

1.3 Organisation size Please provide i) List of head count/staff count: 18 staffs (16 in the below charts + 2 administrative assistants not in the chart) ii) Location of headquarters: Casablanca (Morocco) iii) Location(s) of local and/or regional offices: Dakar (Senegal); Abidjan (Ivory coast); Accra (Ghana)

1.4 Full address 3 rue Abdelkader El Mazini 20000 Casablanca - Anfa (Morocco)

1.5 Contact person MOKASS Mustapha – Founder and General Manager World Economic Forum – Young Global Leaders 2015 (selected for his commitment to fighting both poverty and climate change in Africa). More details here: http://www.hec.edu/Masters-programs/News/2015-04-07-The-World- Economic-Forum-names-HEC-Paris-alumnus-Mustapha-Mokass-a-Young-Global-Leader 1.6 Contact details M: [email protected] P: +212.661.143.206 2. Legal Framework

2.1 Is the organization legally registered? Yes, since May 2011 at Casablanca Commerce Court.

2.2 If no please outline the reasons

2.3 If yes please outline the legal structure of the organization: Please also provide the founding legal document. Please find enclosed the legal document of BEYA Capital entitled: “Copy of founding legal document BEYA Capital”. BEYA Capital is a unique shareholder owned company SARL AU (Unipersonal) founded in 2011 in Casablanca specialized in strategic advisory in the field of climate finance in Africa/MENA region. 2.4 If yes, does the organization have the necessary registrations, permits and licenses to undertake planned activities? Yes.

3. Structure and culture 3.1 Use an organization chart to describe the hierarchic structure of the organization


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Mustapha Mokass

CFO & Internal Control Ahmed Meggouri

Treasurer Accounting Manager

2 Senior Accountants

Director of Mitigation Director of Director of Capacity Director of West Adaptation Initiatives Building and M&E (Transparency Africa (Dakar) (Gender Responsible) Responsible) (ESS Policy Resp) Lauren Carter Hicham Bouztnari Tarik Bennani Samba Kane

1 senior 2 senior 2 engineers 1 engineers consultants consultants Casablanca Casablanca/Abidjan Casablanca Dakar/Accra

N.B: chart is not including support staff (2). Please refer to Audit report for justification.

3.2 Describe the administrative structure The head of the Administrative unit is the Chief Financial Officer. The manual of the organizational and management has the following objectives:

- Describe the organization and procedures of the Administrative and Financial Office of the BEYA Capital;

- Contribute to the improvement of the management practices and optimize the methodology for the follow up of administrative, technical and financial procedures;

- Allow all of the personnel the opportunity to understand the functional mechanisms of the various procedures employed by BEYA Capital;


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- Ensure that BEYA Capital personnel have an effective mastery of the texts and rules that are in perpetual evolution;

- Provide a shared understanding of BEYA Capital management mechanisms.

The perimeter of activity for the Administrative and Financial Office of the BeyA Capital is organized around eight different structures, as described below:

1. Purchases and Logistics: This process consists of two procedures:

- The Purchasing Procedure through the use of the Order Form

- The Call for Tenders procedure

2. Management and Maintenance of the Staff Support Facilities (Transport; Office; etc.)

3. Management of Human Resources

4. Management of Legal Affairs

5. IT Management

6. Project Management

7. Treasury Management

8. Administrative Management

3.3 Specify the position of the controller (or person responsible for financial management and financial oversight) within the organization The internal control is the second highest position in the hierarchy of BEYA Capital and performed by the CFO, Ahmed Meggouri, who has an outstanding national and international track record in control and accounting management (international fiduciary standards).

The internal control function has the duty and responsibility to ensure that all the procedures and internal management rules are fully respected. The internal control function reports directly to the CEO of BEYA Capital and to the Board.

The internal control functions are organized by activities cycles which leads to the redaction of audit reports including recommendations for the Audit Committee. At the end of each fiscal year, a follow-up report on each recommendation made is done.

3.4 Specify which parts of the organization will be directly involved with GCF related activity: BEYA Capital is an organization founded to assist developing countries in Africa in their fight against climate change. Therefore, as such, the entire organization will be involved with GCF related activity. In particular, the CEO and the CFO in charge of unit for administrative and financial matters. The head of project management and capacity building trainings provider will also be needed in assisting the development of terms of reference for consultants to conduct trainings, workshops, etc. aiming to support in the field the effective implementation of several key decisions of the Paris Agreement signed in Dec 2015. The understanding of the climate finance and capacity building needs of Morocco NDA by BEYA Capital staff will allow to assist the most effective way the NDA in the development of terms of reference for the needed consultancies to be hired to perform technical support.

3.5 Specify staff numbers for the division involved. A total of three staff will be involved directly with GCF:

Two staff of the CFO unit will be involved with GCF: Ahmed Meggouri CFO and Samba Kane Head Accounting of Africa


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And the CEO in charge of overall strategy and commitment to deliver partnership agreement objectives and perform the strategy.

3.6 Provide details of staff code of conduct and conflict of interest policy

There are various documents for staff guiding their conduct within BEYA Capital in carrying out their functions, including the status of BEYA Capital staff, the covenant of good management of the Government of Morocco in addition to various grades service. The Staff Statute of BEYA Capital provides that:

"Under penalty of disciplinary action under this statute, the active staff is required, while exercising his duties, the following obligations: ▪ Execution of the tasks assigned as part of its duties, discipline and respect for authority and respect of working hours; ▪ The professional secrecy. It is prohibited for any staff to publish or disclose without authorization of the Director General, in any form and to anyone, any document or information from the services of BEYA Capital, the work being carried by it, the results of such work or their interpretation and which the person could not have known that by his work according to the BEYA Capital regulations; ▪ The prohibition of professional practice as a private gainful activity of any nature whatsoever or to have, either di- rectly or through intermediaries, with the interests of legal entities or individuals likely to compromise his independ- ence in the exercise its functions. This prohibition does not apply to the production of scientific, literary or artistic; ▪ The observance of safety regulations and hygiene and care of property, real estate and generally any material be- longing to BEYA Capital”.

In addition, a code of values and ethics of BEYA Capital (enclosed in annex) is signed by all the employees following the guidelines of the Central Instance for Prevention against Corruption. In addition, Moroccan laws combating fraud and corruption such as the Penal Code are also tools of REFERENCE to all staff of BEYA Capital.

There is a department of litigation which is part of the Administrative and Financial Direction of BEYA Capital which receives all complaints and grievances of citizens. However, until now this service has never received any claim or complaint regarding an act of corruption or fraud or embezzlement. The HR department is also attentive to all staffs, and he hasn’t received any claim about this neither.

The establishment of means able to protect workers of BEYA Capital from situations of real or apparent conflict of interest is the concern of the draft Code of Values and Ethics of BEYA Capital. Confidence and anonymity of the informant are the best guarantees to push the agents of BEYA Capital and the public to report acts of fraud, bribery and embezzlement all. 3.7 Was your institution ever subject to any fiduciary standard checking by any international organization (e.g. United Nations, Multilateral Development Bank, European Commission etc.)? If yes, please provide the following details a. When was it done? b. Provide outcome of the same and subsequent contract with those organizations. c. Was there any violations by the entity against those fiduciary standards and what actions were taken thereafter? a. In 2012, in charge of the entire fiduciary standard accreditation process of ADA (Agricultural Development Agency of Morocco), BEYA CAPITAL welcomed international auditors mission of Adaptation Fund in the context of the accreditation of ADA Moroccan implementing entity under the Adaptation Fund. BEYA Capital was subjected to fiduciary standards checking by international Auditors (cf. supporting documentation: BEYA Capital International Audit Check). b. In 2013, BEYA Capital was hired by international audit firm mandated by the World Bank to Audit Morocco Climate Investments Funds received by the country. Enclosed contract relative to both references (including accreditation of ADA under Adaptation Fund). c. No violation of any fiduciary standards.


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4. Financial management

Please provide details of the following:

4.1 Accounting Standard (GAAP) followed by the organization Morocco GAAP

4.2 Accounting software Sage Generation Expert

4.3 Describe the composition (quantity and qualifications) of key staff in the area of financial management 1 CFO – Graduate on accounting and international financial management from Paris 1 La Sorbonne University with 15 years of international experience. 1 Director – Graduate from MBA HEC Paris with 7 years’ experience in field development (Africa) 1 Director – Graduate of Ecole Ponts et Chaussees with 10 years Project Finance experience through African Investment Bank. 1 Treasurer – Graduated from ESCIA Pontoise (France) 1 Accounting Manager – Graduated from Ecole Nationale de Commerce et Gestion de Casablanca 2 Senior accountants – graduated in corporate Finance INSEEC Bordeaux (France) and graduated from graduated from Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d’Administration Entreprises (ISCAE) Casablanca – option Finance. 1 Secretary – graduated from private administration school of Marrakech. 4.4 Describe the organization’s accounting system including the internal control framework In order to respect the regulation and limit the risks: - The secretary receive and file all financial documents. - The senior accountants are in charge of the bookkeeping. One of them is in charge of all invoices and the second one is in charge of the other documents (especially bank statements). - The manager has to review all accounting prepare by the senior accountants. - The Director review and validate the final accounts. - The CFO provide final review and endorse the final accounts.

BEYA Capital is then subject to an external additional audit control done by HPTS International Accounting and Fiduciary Firm with offices in Casablanca, Europe and USA (enclosed the external additional audit report for 2014 and 2015). 4.5 Internal audits including whether outsourced or in house. Include copies of last 3 reports. Enclosed the external additional audit report for 2014 and 2015. Not applicable as the international audit function has started in mid-2015. 4.6 Financial statements for the last 2 years Total Balance Sheet: 2014 => 512 227,18 2015 => 1 601 623,31 Profit: 2014 => 120 730, 00 2015 => 673 432, 00 Please find enclosed audited financial statements for 2014 and 2015. 4.7 Describe how the organization ensures zero tolerance for fraud, financial mismanagement and other forms of malpractice by staff members, consultants, contractors, etc. In defining the internal organization and related controls, a strong emphasis is put on the clear segregation of duties and the distinction between the persons defining the flows and those approving them.

In relation with the expenses of the company, a specific organization, control and authorization process has been implemented.

All payments are executed by the Bank only upon receipt of the evidence of prosper authorization, in accordance


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with the delegation given by one of the Directors to the treasurer. All invoices or relevant documents have also to be transmitted to the Director and the accounting team at the same time. 4.8 Describe how the organization ensures that the resources are only spent for their stated and agreed purposes. - The separation of tasks in the Company is the way to ensure that the resources are spent for the stated and agreed purposes: purchase orders have to be validated and signed by the 2 Directors. All payments can be made only by the treasurer and Directors cannot made payments. - The information system is well secured by an external provider. - Our Bank call us (the Directors) if the amount transferred is over 5000 $ - Each month, the accounting team provide us a reporting and indicator. These documents can help the Company to check invoices and payments. 4.9 Give the name of the organization responsible for independent auditing and specify how the audit recommendations are followed up. Accounting and Financial Auditors of HPTS Experts

5. Procurement Please provide details of the following:

5.1 Procurement procedures including procurement methods for both selections of consultants and procurement of good & services BEYA Capital has a charter that shows the structure of both “the Administrative and Financial Office” and its sub- divisions, and also “the Procurement Service” as set in the project management processes. In this context, therefore, and as part of the overall aim of putting of robust procurement system, BEYA Capital has set a clear reporting system between its sub-services.

BEYA Capital has its own documentation for procurement. It is a basic principle of procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there are justifiably exceptional circumstances. The type of competitive process can vary depending on the size and characteristics of the contract to be awarded and the nature of the contracting authority.

In the few lines below we describe BEYA Capital procurement process that shows the final approval of the act of contracting is however up to the contracting authority represented by the CFO and Mr. Mokass Mustapha, the General Director:

Procurement Low Value Requirements

For contracts or purchases below the procurement regulation values and not part of a ‘draw down’ on framework contract, less formal procedures may be appropriate. For example:

• Supplies or services less than 3000 USD in value might be purchased on the basis of verbal quotes from one or more competitive suppliers;

• Supplies or services contracts between 3.000 USD and to 50.000 USD in value might be awarded on the basis of responses to specifications sent by fax or email to at least three suppliers or service providers, an open bidding process is required if the contracting authority (we mean by contracting authority “The General Director who approve the considering contract of BEYA Capital”) aims a better quality of the deal by opening it to the competition.


Contracts above 50.000 USD in value must be advertised as part of a formal tendering process. Publication online generally meets national advertising and publicity requirements and significantly reduces the need for expenditure on advertising. Notices can be placed by registering online. The site is a key reference point for potential suppliers and service providers and the service is currently provided at no cost to contracting authorities.

Depending on the nature of the requirement, it may be appropriate to supplement national website advertising with


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advertising in other media, in trade publications and / or other websites. An abbreviated notice indicating the publication of tender details on the website should be considered in such cases. Details of an advertised tendering procedure may be sent directly to candidates who may be suitably competent to participate.

Direct Invitation (without advertising)

Alternatively, a process of direct invitation to tenderers may be used. This may involve:

- Invitation to firms appropriately qualified for a particular project (this may be appropriate for specialized requirements in markets where there is a limited number of suppliers or service providers);


- Invitation to tender to firms on a list established on an open and objective basis (normally used by contracting authorities which have a frequent or recurring requirement for supplies or services or those wishing to maintain a well-organized ongoing procurement system).

Contracting in Open bidding process

The contracting authority is required to state the product/service desired and make the contract open to the bidding process. The contracting authority may have many submitters that state the cost of the product/service they are willing to provide. Then, the contracting authority will usually select the lowest bidder. If the lowest bidder is incompetent to provide the desired product/service, the contracting authority will then select the submitter who has the next best price, and is competent to provide the product/service. Regarding to the procurement regulation there are strict rules on procurement processes that must be followed by public bodies, with contract value dictating what processes should be observe (relating to advertising the contract, the actual process etc.).

5.2 Levels of endorsing and approving authority. Please specify particularly i) Procurement guidelines or standards including composition and role of Procurement Committee; ii) Procedures for overseeing the procurement function; The Procurement Regulations of BEYA Capital offers a Procurement Committee with a wide scope of powers and a very serious public responsibility to examine the offers and gives guidelines for the contractor to consider the valid offer;

The Procurement Committee is composed by the CEO, CFO, the Treasurer, Accounting Manager and the External Auditor which represent a high level of transparency and 5 levels of approving authority.

In this context the committee examines in a public session the administrative and technical file of the tenderers first which prove the valid and regular administrative situation, at this same session a sub-commission is appointed to exam the technical offers of the tenderers in a separate private session, the financial offers remaining sealed.

In view of the sub-commission report, the commission designs the successful tenders and proceeds in a second public session to the financial bid opening. However, it should be noted that in all the cases in question, the financial evaluation method is decided before the opening of technical and financial bids, which excluded any discrimination or favoritism in the award of the forwarding contracts. A minute of each session is foreseen.

5.3 Policy on fraud and corruption In addition to information on part 4.7, BEYA Capital provides communication and understanding of the importance of integrity and good ethics of its staffs by the support of teamwork, the dissemination of information, the creation of posters of dissuasive corruption. There are also outlines ways of raising awareness to come.

There is a department of litigation which is part of the Administrative and Financial Direction of BEYA Capital which receives all complaints and grievances of staff and any of citizens. However, until now this service has never received any claim or complaint regarding an act of corruption or fraud or embezzlement. The HR department is also attentive


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to all staff members of BEYA Capital, and he hasn’t received any claim about this neither. 5.4 Ineligibility criteria Please refer to parts 5.1 and 5.2.

5.5 History of managing funds from other donors including multilateral development banks and bilateral donors BEYA Capital has a long experience in accessing and managing international funds and is a firm that is well-managed, structured and controlled with strong internal and external procedures aiming to contribute to capacity building of African countries in climate finance.

BEYA Capital has contributed to mobilizing (M) and structuring (S) project financing from the following international donors or in providing consultancy (C ) : - World Bank Group IBRD (soft loan for agriculture green morocco plan 2011) (M/S) - Global Environment Facility (project financing grants for agriculture, 2012) (M) - Global Environment Facility (project financing grants for energy efficiency, 2011) (M/S) - Climate Investment Funds (Audit of CIF Morocco, 2013) (C) - Adaptation Fund (International Audit of Morocco Accredited Entity, 2012) (C)

BEYA Capital is built on its founder working background in climate finance institutions (Global Environment Facility, reference enclosed) and within the World Bank Group.

While BEYA Capital has received funds from international donors for feasibility studies, audits, project management related to climate change (Adaptation Fund enclosed a reference letter/Climate Investments Funds), BEYA Capital is owned and managed by one shareholder, Mustapha Mokass, who has an extensive several track record of managing donor funds in other contexts.

In fact, he is the Founder and President of the Moroccan sustainable development NGO, Amanar, founded in 2009, which has executed successfully funds from several international donors including the World Bank and international foundations such as Man and Nature (enclosed World Bank Grant Agreement managed).

Being under similar leadership, BEYA Capital’s role as Delivery Partner for the GCF will be executed with the same level of efficiency, effectiveness, financial management and good conduct as shown throughout the experience of managing successfully donor funds in other context.

5.6 Size(s) of projects/programmes undertaken from the MDB and bilateral donors, including total project costs in US$ and duration The answer to your comment for this question is the same as above on 5.5.

World Bank IBRD Green Morocco Plan (GMP) Soft Loan: USD 137 million (over 20 years) Global Environment Facility Grant for GMP (2011): USD 10 million (over 7 years) Global Environment Facility Grant for Efficient Lighting Morocco (2011): USD 5 million Climate Investment Funds Concessional Loan for Renewable Energy National Plan (2013): USD 660 million (40 years) Adaptation Fund Grant for Small Farmers Program Morocco (2014): USD 10 million (7 years).

5.6 Procedures for allocating resources Allocation of resources need to be approved by a four level steps: - Definition of the allocation of resource in the annual strategic plan of BEYA Capital - Approval by relevant unit director - Signed approval by the CFO - Signed approval by the CEO - 5.7 Criteria used to evaluate service or good providers BEYA Capital has a documented monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework (including detailed procedures,


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formats, and responsibilities). This system is used to monitor quality, costs, deadlines and risks for the projects under implementation including the service or good provided.

BEYA Capital has a web-based monitoring and evaluation system for the active follow up of all procurement or projects under implementation. This web system is shared with all partners (implementation, financial partners), which provides on a regular basis data and information on project implementation. The access to this system is based on password and login which are possible for people of project, financial and direction services.

Monthly reports and weekly notes are done by the project unit, which facilitate a high level active follow-up of the projects goods or services provided to BEYA Capital or any of its projects.
