TELEPHONE 365 STAR OFFICE STAR NOW LOCATED AT Business Office HAWAIIAN McGANDLESS BUILDING New Ornamental Parlor Alarm Clock Free to Star Subscribers.

VOL. XV. HONOLULU, HAWAII. MONDAY, APRIL l, 1907. No. 4885 TheMcCandless Building The Star's New Home Maluika Site Is Chosen

(Associated Pre Cable to The Star.) WASHINGTOjJ, D. C. April 1. Tho King-stre- et site has been selected as the location for tho Fedoral public building1 In Honolulu, provided that a new street will bo opened from King street to Merchant.

This cable announces tho victory of tho Mahuka site property which Is on tho mtikal side of Kins street between the line of E. O. Hall &' Son's prop- erty and the easterly side of Bishop street extended. This was tho site rec- ommended by H. A. Taylor, who rep- resented the Treasury Department. RUEF ft!

D f! 'f! "ft

(AsHOciutod, Press Cable to The Star.) . April 1. Aba Ruef has appealed to the Supreme Court of tho state for a release from the custody of the elisor, W. J. Blggy, ho has been guarding the Indicted boss since the latter was Arrested. TEDDY

(Associated Press Cable to The Star.) CHICAGO, April 1. President Roosc- - elt has endorsed Busse the Republican Engraving by "The Paradise of th( Pacific." H. L. Kerr, Architect candidate, for mayor of Chicago, whllo W. J. Bryan endorses Mayor Dunne for The- - McCandless Building THE STAR'S new home, is situated on the corner of King and Bethel streets, in the very heart of Honolulu. The magnificent building covers 40 feet on King street and runs along Bethel street a dstance of 142 feet. The engraving shows the imposing appearance of this structure of four stones and a large, high and modem basement. The building wll be a popular one; the owners state that two-thir- ds of 'the entire structure has been rented. The top floor will be the home of the Commercal Club; this floor commands a superb view of Honolulu and approaches. The next two lower flcprs each contain 14 modern offices. The upper three floor will be served with an Otis passenger elevator. The ground floor is divided into 6 stores; two are now occupied by the Post Office one as a money order office; the other for the registry division. The store on the right of the main enrtancc is now ooseve occupied by THE STAR and is divided into a business office and editorial room. The largest part of the modern basement contains the STAR'S plant. Here has been installed the large, new Babcock newpaper press and all the newspaper and printing plant. " ' " Just as soon as we have everything in order, we will issue a general invitation to our friends and patrons to visit our new home. v .' ?'f' "? Against State wnership tarthquako at Bltlls caused much dam rea to some coasting vessel and then (Associated Press Cable to Tho Star.) age. Tho number of deaths Is unknown bo taken to Vancouvor. Tho idea of TWO DRAMATIC WASHINGTON, D. C. April 1. In a were course Is Japanoso will ultl Missionaries' rendered homeless. that tho letter In which ho discussed the mately make their way across railroad the bor situation, President Roosevelt ex FOB. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS. dor Into tho United States. Tho steam has INCIDENTS AT pressed himself as opposed to stato, quick or rate i3 named Is $40, but tho The relief from pain affordec that ownership of railroads. Make People by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm hotolkoepers are charging $32, the ex makes It a favorite with sufferers from KALAUPAPA tra $12 being a commission. rheumatism, sciatica ,lan.o back, lum SCHEME The now dodge has caused a groat bago and deep seated wid muscula-pains- . THE SIMPLE ELOQUENCE OF A SUFFERING WOMAN THE DE- deal of discussion among tho Japanese. An elegant Men's Shoo Is Homeless For sale by all dailers, Benson SPAIRING EARNESTNESS OF THOSE DIOMED BY DREAD LEP- But comparatively little la known of tho ROSY RISES TO TOUCHING ELOQUENCE IN THE CREDULITY Star.) Smith & Co., agents for liawall. (Associated Press Cable to The AND ANQUISH OF THEIR CRY FOR HELP. (Continued on Pago Five.) CONSTANTINOPLE, April 1. An Printing, OF JAPS Fine Job Star Ofllce. I:. Thoro were two exceedingly drama- Impassioned eloquence was protesting tic Incidents In the meeting of tho against the legalized sale of liquor In yesterday of Ian lepers afternoon, In front the Settlement. WILL SEND ISLAND LABORERS A MATTER OFHEALTH Potay i the Superintendent's house, In the vll The other was, when tho gathering Gamble TRANS-SHI- Don't P WalK Over Slioes lage of Kalaupapa, at whloh the mem- of lepers presented two of their num- BY KOREA TO AT bers of the legislative committee were ber to the legislators, as living evi- FRISCO FOR VANCOUVER. listening to the petitions and protests dence, In the restoration of their atlff-nne-d Against Odds of the lepers. hands, and the Improvement In IMMENSE NEW STOCK was a woman, plainly Japanese hotel-keepe- have hatched One when their tubercle swollen and clcatrlcod The new showing ravages efllcocy a new schomo for frustrating the im dark shade of ton and IN ALL STYLES. the of the droad dis faces, of the of the Wallach 1 ease, In her drawn face, and he wast- - migration laws regarding tho move the fine wearing qualities of this 84.50 $4.00 S5.00 ed hands and feet, with simple, but (Continued on Page Seven). ment of Japanese Immigrants from Ha- You should not make any Invest waii to the mainland of the United shoe mako It one of the most ments without first securing reliable Stutos. Tho schomo is a bold one, but $3,000 stylish and popular shoes of tho advice. The odds are all against you as there Is said to bo at least possibly more money to be made, If you do. We make a study of In- 10V TO man and season. Tho prlco Is $3.W. vesting and are In a position to give Ladles Sorosis HA! the hotel men are naturally dtsirous Shoes , you sound advice. Consult us. mm of putting the scheme through. Ask for No. 361. 1 It is understood that they are nego-elatl- BLACK AND TAN, CLEAN HOME to secure transportation for 300 KEEP C01II Japanese on the S. S. Korea to $an TINTED CANVAS BALS. Francisco this week. Whether suoh (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) (Associated Press Cable to The Star.) transportation has been granted them POWDER Hawaiian Trust Co,, $3.50 S4.00 5.00 SAN FRANCISCO, April 1. Twelvo SAN FRANCISCO, April 1. IS. V. by the local agents can not be staled Absolutely Pure hundred laundry employees In this city Halsey of the Pacific Telephone Com- at present , but some of the hotelkeep-er- a IIMIIIUMIUIUIILUU , UilUl UU. COO re- Be- HAS Limited and 1n Alameda County have gone pany who wag arrested in Manila are representing that they have NO SUBSTITUTE 1 1 1 1 on a strike, demanding eight hours cently on an indlotmenb by the grand aured this transportation, it is not in A Crisam of Tartar Powdor, Jus? in.. onnMttei with toynfelf jgggMi tSai$Mlrt to lanjj tgft Japanese. fro from alum or ptios,- - Fort Streeet. TWO THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907.

For San Francisco, per S. S. Korea, (4 April 5. SCHOONERS BEACH KIKKO-TE- N Oceanic Steamship Company. INCOMING. (For additional andIllil!latei shipping 3e From Sati Francisco, psr S. S. Doric, 3E5est: Soy ''ages 4, I or S.) April i From Colonies, per S. 5. Moana, Ap 3. HILQ AND MAHUKONA TIDES, SUN AND MOON From Victoria, per S. S. Aorangl, Ap 0. The lino passenger Steamers of this line will arrive at and leave this Full moon March 29th at 9 a. m, From Colonies, por S. S. Ventura, Ap 4 port as hereunder: S Ia per S. S. April II. C. WRIGHT FROM FRISCO AND as S?M5 tn - c S From Orient, Korea, FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. O 3 9 a C. O. M. KELLOGG FROM EUREKA 5 2 as ALAMEDA APRIL VENTURA APRIL 5d Xli U. S. A. TRANSPORTS. 13 01 w ARRIVE LAST WEDNESDAY. CD 'ALAMEDA APRIL SrEIUlA Al'KIIi 5 Thomas, sailed from Honolulu for Ma- aWLMHDA 51 AY IT ALAMJSDA..-- . MPltth 10 s: nila, March 14. C3 'jClAMKDA JUND 7 SONOMA APRIL 23 1 1. Last quarter of the Moon April Stli. Bufqrd, at Sun Francisco. The arrival of the S. S. Kinnu from p.m. ft. a.m. a.m. Rises Logan, sailed from Honolulu for Guam Hawaii and Mnul ports Saturday o 1 0.02 1.0 S.17 11.13 5.62 0.15 0.29 and Manila, Feb. 11. gives news of the two vessels from Sherman at Sun Francisco. tho Coast reaching other Island ports. tli a.111. x ... 2 0..68 1.6 5.6S 11.47 0.40 6.61 G.16 10.38 Sheridan, at San Francisco. The schooner II. C. Wright, Captain p.m. Dlx sailed from Honolulu for Seattle, Nlolsun, arrived at Mahukona on Wed- . 13. ... 8 8.08 1.0 G.4C 12.30 1.68 G.53 G.1G 11.31 March nesday Inst. 'March 27, 21 days from c 4 0.18 1.0 7.62 1.34 3.4G 5.49 G.1G San Francisco and tho schoonor O. M. P ARRIVING. 1.G G.1G 0.3G Kellogg reached Hllo the same tiny. 21 5 10.29 9.40 2.42 6.30 5.49 Sunday, March 31. p.m. days from Eureka. a.m., S. S. W. 0. Hall, S. Thompson, from 0 11.42 l.G 11.2S G.31 4.1S 5.4S G.17 1.31 Kauai ports, 5:30 a. m. At 1:30 o'clock Saturday tho KI- Agents C3 In connection with the sailing of the above stoaniers, the are p.m. S. S. Iwalani, Plltz, from Molokal nau passed the A.-- S. S. Texan en passengers coupon any prepared to Issue to Intending through tickets by 7 12.3G 7.11 C.43 6.17 G.17 Maul and Lannl ports, 4:40 a. 111. louto to Hllo from Knannpall to com- Cf3 HdlroRd from San Frnnclsco to all points in the United Stales, and from S. S. Noeau, Pederson, from Hono-l;na- , plete sugar cargo for Snllna Cruz. a o by steamship Hno to all European Ports. n. m. New York Tluies ot the tiae ur taken from the at 4:40 The .five-mast- schooner "V. H. U. Survey ta- Combos, 7 H for FrrmiEit particulars apply to 3. Coast and Geodetic Hr. Cableshlp Restorer, Marston and the bark Annie Johnson, blet. The tlde.i at KahuliU and Hllo days from Esqulmalt, 9 a. m. COo occur about one hour earlier than at Launch Wnterwltch, Young, froir at Hllo, havo about finished loading i sugar Honolulu, awulian rta durd time Pearl Harbor, 5 p. m. for the Coast. Tho S. S. Enter- W. G Irwin C 10 hours 39 minutes slower than Green- S. S. Klnnn, Freeman, from Kalau prise leaves Hllo early next week. (LIMITED). wich time, bring tViat of the meridian liapa, with legislative party, 0 p. mr At last 'reports tho S. S. Noeau, .10 storm-boun- of Managers is called to this or 157 degrees minutes. The time A. if. 3. S. Arlzonian, Tapley, from which has been d on the The attention Plantation brand oi p. Is S. S. Company, whistle blows at 1:30 m., which Seattle, 10 p. m. Hnmnkua coast, was at Kukulhnele, Soy. Years of experience have brought it to the front and it now '.neral Ages Oceanic 0 nours, 0 the same as Greenwich, min- Monday, April 1. loading after nearly two weeks delay. ranks as the best Soy in the market. utes. The Sun and Moon are for local Gaukroger, from time fei the r.'hole group. P. M. S. S. Doric, San Francisco, duo p. m. Saturday, 30. INTER-ISLA- U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL- March FOUR ND SOLE AGENT. lanadian- - Austra ian Roa TURE WEATHER BUREAU. At Hllo: A.-- S. S. Texan, from The following data, covering a period Kaanapall. 25 Hotel Street near Nuuanu. Telephone Main 399. of 32 years, have been compiled from DEPARTING. BOATS SI and McKlbbln re- the Weather Bureau 30. raw Saturday, March cords at Honolulu, T. H. They are Br. S. 'S. Pondo, Large, for Vancou- to show have Issued the conditions that ver, 4:30 p. m. STEAMSHIPS KINAU, LIKELIKE, In question running in the CANADIAN-PACIFI- C prevailed, during the month a, Steamers of the above line connection with S. S. KInau, Freeman, for Kalaupa-p- AR-'RIV- E period of years, but must NIIHAU AND KE AU HOU TtAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, for the abovo with legislative party, 11 p. m. of tho N. S. W., and calling at Vlototia, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, Q. not be construed as a forecast Sunday, March 31. KINAU FOR MOLOKAI. Veathor condition )for the 'coming Launch Brothers, Young, for Eleelc DUE AT HONOLULU ON OR ABOUT THE DATES BELOW STATED, VIZ 6 m. month. point, a. Four Inter-Islan- d boats arrived Sat- April 32 years. Waterwltch, Young, for VANCOUVER. Month for Launch urday . At 2:40 a. m. the Ke Au Hon, FOR . FOR Ford's Island, 9 a. m. G TEMPERATURE. AORANGI ; APRIL MOANA APRIL 3 entered port from Kllauea, Kauai, MOA'NA .'. MAY 4 MIOWERA MAY 1 Mean or normal temperature, 73 deg. PASSENGERS ARRIVED. with 3,400 bags of sugar. As passen- MANUKA JUNE 1 FANUKA PAY 1 The wormest month was that of 193, Per S. S. W. G. Hall, March 31, from gers she brought a police officer and Cool With Gas MIOWERA JUNE 26 with an average of 75 deg. Kauai ports. A. Alnsle, H. E. Picker, six deck travelers. Tho coldest month was that of IMS, S. Sheba, Mrs. R. M. Carrelra, E. Om The Llkelike arrived at 5:25 a. m. with an average of 71 deg. eted, Mrs. Troelich and son, Dr. Cobb from Kaunakakal with C. A. Hartwell, CALLING AT SUVA, FIJI, ON BOTH UP AND DOWN VOYAGES. The highest temperature was 8G dog C. P. Morse, J. D. Cook, Mrfs. R. W. Professor D. L. Van Dine and Dr. on April 25, 1S92. T. Purvis and daughetr, G. W. Carr Norgaard as passengers. C. A. Rice, W. M. Skeyer, Takemoto Tho lowest temperature was 59 deg. At 9:40 the 5000 THEO. H, DAVIES & CO.. Agts. J. Nawal, W. E. Chambers, A. Hum Nllhau came in with Ltd., Gen'l on April 21 1899. bags sugar. burg, L. Kahlbaum, 37 on deck. of W. W. Jarrett acted PRECIPITATION. Por British cableshlp Restorer as purser for this trip. AWRRICAN HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. (Rraln 1877-189- 4, 1903-0- .) March 31, from Victoria Mrs. Combes The KInau arrived from Hllo and Average for the month, 2.41 Inches. and daughter, Mrs. Larnder and son. way ports at 9:45 o'clock with a good- Average number of days with .01 of Por S. S. KInau, March 31st, 1907 ly passengers HAWAIIAN number of and miscel- DIRECT SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND an Inch or more, 13. to and from the Leper Settlement laneous freight; she sails for Kalau-pap- a ISLANDS, VIA PACIFIC COAST PORTS. Tho greatest monthly precipitation Senator V. O. Smith, Senator W. tonight with members of the Leg- was 7.95 Inches In 1890. J. Coelho, Senator J. C. Lane, Hon. islature Express Co., and others going to Inspect OnionBRANCH UUSTACE CO., LTD. .D. A. S. Kalelopu, PECK Tho least monthly precipitation was A Castro, Hon. and visit Molokal FROM NEW YORK TO HONOLULU. W. B. Nalllma, the settlement. 0.18 lnchese In 1906. Hon. J. Kalana, Hon. QuLeexx Nakaleka, Hon. 03 Street Weekly Sailings, Via Tehuantepec. greatesct amount of precipita- Hon. 0. Akau, Hon. J. The S. Kahana, Hon. P. Pali, Hon. J. H. Freight received at all tinjes at the company's wharf, 41st Street, recorded In any 24 consecutive tion Coney, Speaker H. L. Holsteln, Sec. MEDICAL BRANCH Caving baggage contracts following; Steamsklp South Brooklyn. 30, 1885. with the Co.'i IAna: hours was 3:30 Inches on April A. L. C. Atkinson, High Sheriff Wm. FROM HONOLULU TO SAN FRANCISCO. RELATIVE HUMIDITY. Henry, Sheriff C. P. Jaukea, Dr. Wal Oceanic Steamship Co. , Average 9 a. m., 68; average 9 p. m Brlnckerhoff, H. P. O'Sullivan, Mr. Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. S. S. NEVADAN To sail April 20 ter Pi--lf- lc Mall .Steamship Co. 74 (1893-1904- ). Average 8 a. m., Ludloff, B. Kelekollo, J. M. Brown, FORJTANFORD SAN 66; Toyo Klsen Kaisha Steamship Co. FROM FRANCISCO TO HONOLULU average 8 p. m., 70 (1095-6- .) John Clark, C. Kiilehua, Rev. Lono, S. S. NEVADAN To sail April 5 CLOUDS AND WEATHER. D. Sheldon, M. Decoto, G. Kalilikane, We check your outgoing baggage r.t your homea, uvlne 70U ta trrabl BILL GIVING UNIVERSITY annoyance (1890-1906- H. Boyd, R. Mossman, S. POWER and of checking on the wharf. TACOMA .) J. T. P. FROM SEATTLE AND TO HONOLULU. M. Incoming baggago checked on steamers abov companlM Average number of clear days, 11; Correa, E. L. Like, J. Poepoe, E. of ud 411v S. S. ARIZONAN Direct, to sail March 20 Kruger, J. H. Wilson, T. Onodera, R. TO CHARGE TUITION IN PRO- red with quickness and dispatch at your homea. northeast (1875-189- 4 ennq80n31.!n08 O. Matheson, E. P. Irwin, C. L. Rhodes, FESSIONAL COURSES,. cloudy days 14; cloudy days, 5, partly D. KalauokalanI Sr., H. A. Juen, w. 'TDeleiplioaa.ei , 1. Ss Main SO Haokfeld Co., WIND. K. Simerson, S. Camp.J. D. Marques, Tho prevailing winds are from the It. S. Conness, Klmo Poal, (Special Correspondence). C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent. Agents. F. J. Testa, second meeting of present year on northeast (1875-189- 4, 1905-6- ). Kekumu, S. Nuuanu, J. Emmeluth, Gus STANFORD UNIVERSITY, March the tho evening 8, Mr. Mrs. Tho average hourly velocity of the Rose. E. Stiles, Wm. Savldge, C. Clark 9, 1907. Tho California legislature has of March and STRONG E Larnach acting as host and hostess. wind is 9.3 miles (1905-6- .) Norman K. Lyman, T. P. Joseph, R. Just passed, and Governor Glllet has EI The highest velocity of tho wind In C. Coelho, J. H. S. Kaleo, Kalani, J. S, signed, a bll giving Stanford Univer- Pacific Mail Steamship Co. SUPREME COURT CALENDAR. 1905 and 1906 was 29 miles from the Rodrigues, T. P. Mellln, J. L. Paoo, sity tho power to charge tuition In the E. woodward, H Following April T AHRENS NE on April 20, 1906. A. Fernandez, J. professional and engineering courses. are the cases for the AGIo Occidental & Oriental S. Co. Hakuole, President L. E. . Plnkham, session Supreme begin- Station: Date of Issue: March 29, 1907. Heretofore no tuition whatever has of the Court Supt. J. D. McVeigh, E. Van Lll, Mrs. ning April 1: 9 averages been 'charged University, Toyo Risen Kaisha S. S. Co. o'clock from records of Rose Lnhalna, Mrs. S. K. Kaunamano at Stanford SAIL MAKER ALLEGED TO HAVE Territorial Meteorologist; 8 o'clock this being the consideration upon In the matter of the estate of Hika-nla- nl which the University property and H. JJoholoa, deceased. Rehearing. ADMITTED TO SETTING FIRE TO Bteam.ra of the above Companies will averages from Weather Bureau records, PORTUGUESE IMMIGRATION. call at Honolulu and leave this buildings taxa- Magoon & Lightfoot for appellant; port on or about the dates below men tloned WM. B. STOCKMAN, EDITOR STAR: The Bulletin of last were exempted from VESSEL TRIAL IN PROGRESS. tion. Although Stanford has the larg- Holmes & Stanley and C. H. Olson for FOR CHINA AND JAPAN. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Section Director, Weather Bureau. evening doubts Atkinson's conclusions to est endowment fund of any university appellees. KOREA FEB. 12 SIBERIA FEB. 5 and calls It hot air, but according existence, income, C. B. Mailo vs. W. tax as- Tho trial of C. Ahrcns on a charge MARU FEB. 20 CHINA 12 Its own figures over 200 Portuguese loft in still the net all of J. Pratt, FEB. of setting nro to the cargo of tho 8 IBERIA FEB. 28 MONGOLIA Feb! 19 on .thn Inst Alameda and according to which Is applied for higher education, sessor et al. Appeal from Circuit 1 TV. British ship Claverdon, was resumed CHINA MAR. 7 NIPPON MARU FEB. 26 'J r 1 T 5 very reliable statements, over 500 more Is not as large as it Imght bo desira- Judge, First Circuit. C. Ashford, MONGOLIA MAR. 16 DORIC a ble to present step Derby C. Crelghton petit- Saturday. Very strong evidence MAR. 9 snipping in rort will soon leave. have it, and 'the 8. H. and for long ioner-appellant; Magoon & Light-fo- ot the defendant, was given. Nor- If we understand right the emigra- has been contemplated by the respondents-appellee- s. man Watklns superintendent of will offer them larger tfoard of trustees as a means of ob- for tho For general Information apply to tion Dromotors Hawaiian Fertilizer Company, (Army and Navy) pay. But they must understand that taining additional funds. The step is In tho matter of the guardianship of testified U. S. R. C. Manning, Joynes, from not a radical one view Rob- to having heard tho defendant confess wages- - Is main object or in of the fact Mabel, Helen, Elsie and Edith sp. Loch strand- the not the to Kamalo where Garve $2 that the University of California and erts, minors. Appeal from Circuit to setting fire the cargo. ed, March 8. their dlsatlsfactlon and therefore most American colleges havo always Judge, First Circuit. H. G. Middle-ditc- h A number of other H. Hackfeld 8c (Merchant Marine.) moro will not Induce them to stay. It witnesses testified Co. charged special fees in the courses to for appellant; IE. C. Steamships. Is a homo this people aro looking for, 'Peters for that the defendant had cither admit- which the bill applies. appellees. ' Br. cableshlp Restorer, Combes, Es and while there is no such thing In ted setting fire to tho cargo or elso quimau, March 31. sight for them here under the present Tho primary purpose of this bill Is to Emily Rodrigues et al, minors, by had staed that hewanted to fire tho A.-- , S. S. Arlzonan, Taploy, Soat-tie- conditions of affairs, they are bound to assist In the establishment of a medi-l- al their next friend, Joaquin Garcia, v. ship. J. A. Magoon and J. Lightfoot March 31. great department, a measure long consid- The Portugueso are conducting the defence and IS. T. But Now Is The Time For Happiness leavo and look for their deslro Mutual Benefit Socie Sailing Vessels. country. Therefore if you ered by the trustees. For a number of ty of Hawaii, a corporation. Submis- Prosser of tho attorney general's de- And In another years Ger. sp. Hertzogin Cecolle,Dlotrich, wish themhto stay offer them homes there have been frequent rumors sion !E. A. Douthltt for complainants; partment Is conducting tho prosecution. Lelth. March 3. ' suitable to establish themselves and of tho a illation o fthe Cooper Modlcal E. M. Watson for respondent. Am. Sc. College Alice Cooke, Ponhallow, become small farmers, but not as has of San Francisco, tho leading James E. Fullerton v. James R. RESTORER FROM ESQUIMALT. Fort Ludlow, March 5. medical school of the boen done, by offering them lands tor Pacific Coast, Pierce et al. Exceptions from Circuit The British cableshlp Restorer, Cap- Br. sp. Loch Garve, Ritchie, nitrate with Stanford, and is now believed homes were they will starvo out In a it Court, First Circuit. H. G. Middle- - tain Combs, arrived hero 0 p. m. ports (3 days ashore at Kamalo) March that this will soon bo at go the consummated. ditch E. W. Sutton iplalntlff-- 1- -2 8. year or two and havo to back to and for yosterday, 7 days from Esqulmalt. Bock the right- The law department will also bo di- nppellant; W. S. Fleming for sp. plantations. There Is whero She left hero in December lost Br. Clavordon, nitrate ports via rectly benefited by tho now measure. for an Kahulul, March 9. ful soreness of those people comes and overhauling. Officer In this connection 'Dr. Jordan In refer- First Larader Am. sp. Astral, Durham, Yakkalchl, it only can bo righted by giving them and Third O cer Horsfnll are new, suc- ence- to the bill said: LUMBER TRUST CASE. Japan, March 14. a fair chance ceeding Barnoson and McMunn. First Am. sc. Robert Lowers, Underwopd, KAMAAINA. "It also permits a Xeo for Instruc- Tho Lumber Trust case was resumed Officer Larader brings his wife anfl Beer tion in law, a matter accessary to before United 17. the Prompt with tho opening of the sea' Port Townsend, March States Commissioner son. Captain Combo is accompanied FOUNDERED. full and proper development flrst-cia- ss yesterday. son, the Honolulu Brewery places on Am. sp. Edward Sewall, Quick, San NEW LAUNCH of a Hatch J. A. Kennedy, E. by his wlfo and daughter. Two cable A $3,600 steam launch of tho Hawaii law school. This R. tho market its annual supply of BOCK Francisco, March 17. the board of Adams and Peter High were the operators, one for Honolulu and one for an Sugar Co.. founderod near Akula trustees Intends to accomplish at once. witnesses. 13EER. And a more delightful drink Am. Sc. Mary E. Foster, Johnson, Port was broughl Guam .were passengers. could not be found. Dolnt. Kauai, last weelc It Two now full professors will bo ap- Blakoly, March 21. from tho Coast on the deck of the S. S. Am. bkt. Mary Winkclman, pointed within tho next month, and the Eureka, Nebraskan which wont from hero tc BIG OIL CARGOES. TO LOAD 'AT ELEELE. March 22. law library will be made completo." load sugar at Makaweli and Eleelo Tlio S. S. Rosecrnns, with tho bargo The barn Foohng Suoy, arriving last Oil Dargo Monterey, Nelson, Monte was put in tho wator at When this is dono the law depart- Tho launch Monterey in tow, which arrived Sa-- Saturday from New York with 1600 rey, March 30. for Makaweli. It is ment, always recognized as ono of tho Eleelo and started turday from Monterey, brought 10,-ton- s of general Am. Bb. Fooling Suoy, Willett, New swamped off strong departments of Stanford, will freight, for Honolulu, PINES FOR GERMAN LLOYD. supposed that it was 000 barrels of oil, tho barge bringing will sugar Dorby was appolntod guardian ad York, March 30. point heavy weatnor. be placed in tho foro rank of Amer- load at Eleole for Delaware Ukula in l'rl 19,500 barrels. Tho former discharg- - A quantity of preserved plnoapples litem of Mattlo and Hazol Rowland brought the news Satur ican law schools. is believed Breakwater. vato wireless It that es at Kaanapall and tho latter hero.) , , , has been orderod for shipment on tho minors and B. L. Marx was appointed Nothing was said of the charging day evening. of tuition In tho coursos Tho Montoroy wns towed into tho har- - North German Lloyd training In a similar position to was lighter - fhlp Harry and loss of life. Tho launch named will result In a etlll higher bor Saturday aftornoon. Tho Rose- - THE PECULIAR MOTION. George Horzogln Cecolle, for the company. E. Godfrey, minors. sugar to tho big steamers. standard and greater efficiency than crans will call here for tho barge of railway cars cause many to suffer The Mails that which now characterizes Stan- on her return from KnanapalT. from dizziness, ftomach AGENCY TRANSFERRED. sick and head LAND REGISTRATION COURT. THEY HAVE APPEALED. ford, and that the students, also will achecar Sickness. This vnrv annnv- - Tho agency for tho Charles Brewer bo W. G. HALL'S CARGO. Antono Rodrlguos benefited by It. No students at jng trouble Is always cured by taking Henry Peters and C. B. Peterson ahd live othors by OUTGOING. &Co.'s vessels has been transferred present Da- - in tho University will bo affect- Tho S. S. W. G. Hall madfi port early Dr. Miles' Antl-Pal- n Pills, tho havo Mod answora to tho petitions of W. C. Achl attorney appeal from tho from C. Brewer & Co. to T. H. "Little For Orient, per S. S. Doric, 'April 2. vies & Co., this city. Tho barks Nuu- ed by the change as It Is specially so yeBterday from Kauai with A0OO bags Comforters." Theyrellovo tho pain, IValter E. Wall and Herman Foekn for order of Judge Lindsay approving tho per 3 For Victoria, S. Moana, April anu nnd Fooling Suoy and ship Tlllle provided; and moreover tho remainder of sugar, 12 bags of ompty bottles, 2 and soothe tho nerves sco that all un-- account of J. A. Magoon, trusteo of For Colonies, per S. S. 'Aorangl, Ap 6. E. Starbuck belong to the fleet. of the departments will remain on tho plgs and a horse. Sho reports 145637 pleasant sensationu disappear like ma-ba- gs toy. .ucii 01 me respondents claim tho estate of Antono Rodriguez, de For Ban Francisco, per S, S. Ventura, I same basis as heretofore. of sugar awaiting shipment on glc. First package benefits, or money ceased. April 4. Fins Job Printing, Star 9J1cb. The Stanford "Hut Hawaii" held its, Kauai, ' . i 1 back, J Vvt

WW. if

x :


Rev. A. V. Soares preached the tho Portuguese Her Friend Told Another. Friend CELEBRATION OF Easter sermon . at THESAKE CASESTQ r,a . I Evnngellcul Church and nt the Chrls-tlo- n Fr I What She had Said About the Church Rev. G. D. Edwards 9rfirl building fund. There was $10S0 given, MAK1XI DISTRICT. BE MAY EASTEHSERVlCES preached the sermon of the day. The men's services at the Y. M. n. llouso containing parlor, 2 bedrooms A. were led by Rev. John L. Hopwood. DAY WAS OBSERVED THROUGH II. J. JOHNSTON TUB BROKER dining room, kitchen, pantry bath- Rev. J. W. Wadman of tho Metho- Tho result uns that two WHO THE QUESTION thee room. OUT THE CITY MANY DIFFER dist Church dellvured two sermons. In RAISED Of friends each bought a LEO- subject tho morning his was "The CLASSIFICATION TO THE COAST NARD) being fully convinced Servants quarters and Garage. ENT SERVICES HELD. In Garden," In the Earthquake the and that It was the easiest refrige- Fart cash, balance on long time. evening the subject was ''Humnn Life The celebrated sake case Is now rator to clean, kept the food In services wcro well nttonuou An Evergreen." At the morning ser-vlc- o set Easter hearing Circuit Court the best condition and required yesterday all ot the churches. The Mrs. Grace L. Crockett was ac- for before the at of Appeals In Francslco for May tho least Ico. This seells tho & was beautiful and large crowds companied In her solo by Mrs. Yarnd-lo- y San day 7, having tho re LEONARD, and tills Is why w to the discourses on tho piano. Prof, lngalls on tho been continued at wore iprcsont to listen quest of tho government. wo have Just received a largo ministers. organ and Mrs. Ingnlls on the violin. 5 of tho various H. J. Johnston, tho customs broke: new stock, our old stock being St. Andrew's Cath cdral there The solo was entitled "Tho Resur- FOR RENT. At who raised the question of tho classl sompletely sold out. Ltd, were six services held during tho day. rection," and her rendering was ex- ficatlon nnd thereby tho rato of duty Wall, Nichols Co,, Houso 3 bed rooms Pawaa. . $30.00 Many people made their communion at cellent. Four little girls, Misses to bo charged will leave hero tho last 7 while Hcd-wl- g House 3 bed rooms Walklkl $30.00 tho 6 a.m. and a. n. services, Wadman, Francis and of April to bo present during tho trial. H. HACKFELD & CO., a. m. ona v-- Schmledte, in quartet sang "An will accompany Ltd 71, 73, 75 King Street. Houso 3 bed rooms Pacific Heights at tlio services at n a ills family him. the edifice was too small to hold Easter Carol." The government has been defeated WHOLESALE AGENTS. $20.00 tho crowds that went to attend. The In the evening service the young in every court so far, but because of offerings of tho day with tho exception ladles of the Kalulanl Home, nrcom-fmnlo- d tho amount of duty Involved tho Trea- of the children's service, will go to the by Mrs. Honpy, sang two se- sury department Is loth to acknowl- building fund, here was $1680 given, lections. edge Itself beaten. At the samo tlmo h'o children's contribution go to for The services at Iho Leahl Homo were tho amount eventunlly to bo returned THE MOST CONVENIENT AND Importers if eign missions and amounted to $190. conducted under the direction of Pet- to the their contention Is In RELIABLE DRY BATTERY IS Commandery Knights Templar er wore aus-- tho end sustained Is Increasing The of E. Tosh and under the steadily. already amounts to con & Go. 7:30 p. m. Rev. pices Epworth League. It W. G. Irwin attended at service of the sidorably more than a million dollars E. T. Simpson preached at this ser- At Oahu Prison tho services in the vice. Bishop Restarlck preached at afternoon wore characterized by nu WANTED DIRECTED VERDICT. 11 a. m. service. His text was: merous musical selections. Prof. A. B. ilHfOl the prosecution caso THE closed AGENTS FOR 1G:G. lngalls presided organ. "How The us olumbi Ho Is Risen." Mark at the The 924 BETHEL ST. against C. Ahrens trls morning who is Liverpool, Entr, Easter services at tho Catholic Girm a Fountain" was first sung by Royal Insurance Co. of on trial on a charge of setting fire to Cathedral began at G avm. A Portu- tho audience. Tho Oahu Prison Glee & Ins. Co., of cargo ship Scottish Union National guese sermon by Father Valentin was Clug sang "Low In tho Grave," and the of tho British Claver ScotlauA. don. J. LIghtfoot, for defence, owners Edlnburg, followed by Holy Communion. Mass Philip Hall sang "Calvary." Sergeant tho This battery is very, popular among automobile moved for directed verdict. Tho Wllhelmlna of Madgeburg General Ins, was celebrated again at 7 and at Vft. Major Snyder and Miss Waddlngton a and is well adapted for all sparkling purposes. It will wear Fire insurance! court motion, so de Company. m.; Father Francis preaching tho sang a duet. W. A. Lovo rendered two denied the the longer than any other dry cell, and is also the strongest. fonse will now begin to offer evidence. TTnfVn A wanrnnpn CO. Of violin In exquisite style. Ho Sold also by E. O. & Son, Ltd., and Schuman Vijm mni - - - English sermon at tho latter service. selections Hall the tl Atlas Assurance Company Lordship Bishop Zuegina piayeu a London. His the of "Alona oe'' and "Like No BROTHERS TO THE RESCUE. Carriage Co., Ltd. of .London. celebrated high ipontlflcal mass at 10 Like." Ho was applauded. Miss Yar New York a. m. row delivered an address, as did The launch Brothers left this port Underwriters Ser pur JB M. PHILLIPS & CO., At St. Augustine's Chapel at Wal geant Snyder. John M. Martin conduct- early yesterday morning for tho H Agency. post engines 1 Impo klkl, Father Valentin conducted the ed the services. of saving the of the Ha Wholesale Providence Washington In watian Sugar Co's wrecked launch near And Jobber of Easter service, preaching in the Eng surance Company. S. PONDO FOR VANCOUVER. Eleele, Kauai. Tho halving party ory goods lish language. W. Ellis directed the ano mm male choir. Princess Kawananakoa The British S. S. Pondo, having dis consists of John Young, Pete Baron awaiian Electric Co,, 1500 and Harry Gahan. She went ashoro lit urn officiated as organist. charged tons of coal hero, left . of Eleele point on her way to Makawoli Corner of ort bjnA Queen St. "HE B. F. DILLINGHAM CO., L1HITE1 At Central Union Church an Easter Saturday evening for Vancouver with Eleele. Tho breaking down ot DISTRIBUTORS. Agents praise service took tho usual regular freight from Wellington. N. Z. from General for Hawaii. engines was the cause of her drift arth Floor, Stangenwald Building. Sunday morning service. Rev. J. W. her King St. near Alakea. Phoue Main 39a 4 CASES MOULDING Sylvester spoke on the next: "If a MAIL DUE TODAY. ing on the point. Die, He Again." Mrs, RECEIVED BY NEBRASKAN. Man 'Shall Live Tho S. S. Doric, with 8 days , later Mnckall and the choir sang, Mrs. Mao NOEAU HOME AGAIN. PACIFIC PICTURE FRAMING CO. mall, Is due this afternoon from San LBTEST THING kail giving tho "Resurrection" by Francisco. The S. S. Noeau arrived yesterday Nuuanu St. near Hotel. Shelley. "Christ Is Risen," was the morning from Hawaii after one of tho title of another solo by Mrs. Mockall. Thore are days even now when the roughest trips of her experience. She Awake Up My Glory" and "Christ, papers como out without a report oC loft here Mach 19 and has been storm THE UAWAIIAN REALTY Tho Lord, Is Risen Today" were the a mg rauroau acciuent. urom mo hound on the Hamnkua coast. IN ' AND EATUUITV CO. Ltd. HUE titles of the music by the choir. Kansas City World. and A Mortgages, .Loans Tidy Meal Real Estate, Investment Securities. Homes built on the Installment plan. Building, T. H. Home Ortlce: Mclntyre If you would enjoy a meal you must have in your L. K. KENTWELL, General Manager. Kinus ot annuities to protect you ice chest one of the many good things that arc needed Residence, White 861s Of- Telephones against the vicissitudes of old age fice, Main 298. . on the table. Let us suggest an inquiry into our stock GOMES' EXPRESS CO JUST OUT. of delicatessen. There is plenty there to suit your taste. pay you Furniture Moved With Care to All It will as it has paid other Parts of the City to Investigate these poUcles befor in r f t OFFICE 716 FORT STREET. creasing your insurance. Call or wrltf Building. Near Queen, opp. Hackfeld for particulars. Metropolitan Meat Co., Ltd COMPANY, LTD. GasiiG & COOKR Sole manufacturers and agents of buy poor Genuine Kola Mint. (Don't GENERA AGENTS. Imitations.) Phone Main, 71.

CLOTHES CLEANED AND A. B. ELNER, Special Agent. PRESSED BY THE Honolulu Renovating Co. MnhHnTwn T. FUJI, MANAGER. & Ltc1 IS A LEATHER BAG MI Telephone Mescages Promptly W.G. Irwin Co., Deliver. A,nded To. Wo Call For and Wm. G. .President and Manager And we carry the largest and best stock of these bag's in 878. Irwin. Telejvono Main John D. Spreckels. First Vice-Preside- nt the city. They are made of the finest leather seal, fancy and Street ",n: Vice-Preside- Richard W. M. Glffard.... Second nt carved and are prettily designed. H. M. Whitney Treasurer Y. SING CO. Richard Ivers Secretary LOOK. THEM OVER W. F. Wilson Auditor GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC. California Butter, 40c. lb.; Cooking SUGAR FACTORS, COMMISSION AGENTS Hawaiian News Company, Ltd., Butter, 30c. lb.; Island Butter, 3sc. id 1186-11- Nuuanu Street. AGENTS FOR SB Alexander Young Building. Telephone Main 238. Box 952 Oceanic Steamship Co., San Francisco, Col. Western Sugar Refining Co., San Fran Honolulu Iron Works. cisco, Cal. Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadel phia, Pa. . Newall Universal Mill Co., Manufac A RAINIER TOAST. BTEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, turers, of National Cane Shredder, BOILERS, COOLERS, IRON, BRASS NowYork, N. Y. AND LEAD CASTINGS. Pacific Oil Transportation Co., San Francisco, Cal. A toast, the Kamaalna! Though tourists help a lot, T Machinery of Every Description Made Order. Particular attention paid to They're but a passing fashion, " ' t. '8 Blacksmlthlng. Job Worlc Bx x ecuw o nShort Notice. uun uunuiD' He's "Johnnie on the spot!" J. P. COOKE, Manager. The tourist says "Aloha," CO, LTD, c, a He always OFFICERS : has his say, QUEEN STREET. The kamaalna feels It HONOLULU, H, H. P. Baldwin President For loved J. B. Castle First nt Hawaii Nel. W. M. Alexander.Sccond Vice-Preside- nt AGENTS FOR. L. T. Peck Vice-Preside- nt Third New strength and vigor In every drop. Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ona-m- ea J. Waterhouse Treasurer Sugar E. E. Paxton Secretary Rainier Beer. Sugar Company, Honomu W. O. Smith Director Company, Walluku Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Plantation Company, C. A. Papeekeo Sugar Co., Kapapala Ranch. Sugar Factors and NELSON Planters Line Shipping Company. Commission AGENT. LIST OF OFFICERS. nerchants 'PHONE WHITE 1331. Charles M. C ke President Geo. H. Robertson. .V-Pr- & Mgr. (A E. Faxon Bishop. ...Treas. & Secy. AGENTS FOR F. W. Macfarlane..e Auditor P. C. Jones Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Com Director pany. C. H. Cooke Director Haiku Sugar Company. J. R. Gait Director Pala Plantation. STOVES AND RANGES Last Week Sale YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY AT OUR REDUCTION SALE OF All of the above Maul Agricultural Company. named constitute NEW GOODS AND SHOES' ARRIVE D (PER ALAMEDA. COMB TO the Boo- -' of Directors. Klhel Plantation Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. JAPANESE. AND AMERICAN Kahuku Plantation Company, No. 1 2 nrtrl 1 a TClnrt .Q DRY GOOD. Kahulul Railroad Company. FOUR THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907. Mexican War Vet DAILY AND SEMI-WEEKL- Y. Dies In Waialmi STEINWAY One of Many of McCall's STARR AND OTHER PIANOS. Pitta whlishtid every afternoon (except Sunday) by the Hawaiian Stai JOHN ANDEltSON', SB YEARS OF THAYER PIANO CO. Newspaper Association, Limited. 156 Hotel St., Opp. Young Hotel. AGE PASSES AWAY AT HOME OF Phone Main 21S. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SUPTRVISOlt COX. TUNING GUARANTEED. UHtti, per annum $ S.oo Foreign, per annum 12.00 v John Frederick Anderson, a voti-ra- Payable in advance. of the war between the United .States utrHl Ht Post Office at Honolulu, Hawaii, as second el&sg mall matter. and Mexico airtl n friend of the father El Paleucia Cigars ot Supervisor Andrew IS. Cox, died Fri- The finest selection of the latost In day nlffht at the Walalua. residence do regularly favo lat this line. DISTRIBUTORS subsorlbtis who not get thetrpupcrs will fer a of Mr. Cox, nbout 0:30 o'clock. y notifying the Office; Telephone 365. Star Anderson was horning In New Jersey TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. Hnyselden Tobneco Co. S6 yearn ago. lie arrived In these Isl- FRANK L. HOOGS MANAGER PRICES AIIE RIGHT. ands August 2", 1860. He worked with Lowers & Dickens, lumber dealers, for April 1, NEW 0A1LU CARRIAGE MONDAY 1907 a few years. Ha was a carpenter by MAN UFACTUltliN G CO. trade and constructed the woodwork of . The Star is now in its new quart-- the Mrst sugar mill on tho Island of Any kind of repair work on carriages. Kauai, at LIhue. ,...... t.-?- v ers. Though not quite settled, and Horses shoed. From Kauai he to 1179 the confusion incident lo came Oahu and No. River street, Honolulu. Tile Stcir'S though put up' some houses for Mr. Moffat at moving has not all bce.i scra'ijht- - w Vpvv - Kahuku ranch. Somo of these build- "wiiit- cnctl ou(. as yctj thc pal)cr has com. ings are still standing. He then made Catton,' Neill & Co. Wrawnterm-mrum- menced some of the improvements his home In Wnlnlun, residing there- LIMITED and enlargements for winch it has for over 45 years. For over forty years us grow n; he was an olllcer of tho government. only awaited the opportunity ot quarters large enotign lor Engineers, Machinists. Blacksmiths needs. Ho was school agent nnd was also an agent for granting marrlnge and Boilermakers. The issues today as a seven column paper which will be its licenses First class work at reasonable rateB. Star For tho few yerffs ho been the enlargements and last had regular size hereafter. This is only the first of feble and hnd no occupation. Ho lived will be as soon as pos- Printing, improvements it ccntcmplates. Others added alone until about 8 years ago when he Fine Job Star Offilce. sible, and as occasion requires. went to Cox. E.W.Jor live with Andrew He was dae&Co. Its new quarters are in the McCantlless Building, a cut of which an officer In tho cavalry In tho Mexicon is shown on the first page. The Star's mechanical department occu- war nnd leaves his sword and belt to pies the larger part of the basement of this building. This has been Mr. Cox. designed ami arranged especially for the Star. It is well lighted and of the Whitney & ventilated and affords room for the greatly increased plant Two New Boats Marsh paper, a plant that constitutes an equipment not equaled by that of 1 any other evening paper in the Islands. Here arc the three linotypes For Pacific Run the paper, its new Babcock Press on which the paper is printed, the of CANADIAN half dozen other presses of various sizes, and the other machinery PACIFIC WILL. PUT BIG and equipment of the establishment. ATLANTIC LINERS IN THIS The business and editorial rooms of the paper are on the first OCEAN WITHIN THE YEAR. 9 floor makai of the main entrance of the building on Bethel street. Otir PreInventory Sale They are connected with the mechanical department by modern meth- SEATTLE, March 21. Local offl BERRIES AS DELICIOUS AS clals of IF ods, of communication, and altogether, the new quarters, when every- the Canadian Pacific Railroad company today confirmed the report OF thing shall once be arranged and in place will give The Star quarters that tho company would, within the EATEN FRESH FROM THE FIELDS. unexcelled by any newspaper establishment in Hawaii. coming year, transfer its handsome The Star is now in the beginning of its fifteenth year. It has con- ocean liners, tho Empress of Britain From Northern Oregon, we have received a shipment of stantly progressed in influence as well as in material prosperity. It and the Empress of Ireland, to the ! luscious berries. These berries are put up in their own juice Pacific run. Tho steamers are now Remnants 2i-pou- strives above all newspaper alert active, giving its Remnants! in tins. The natural flavor is perfectly preserved. to be a and to on tlio Montreal-Liverpoo- l run. Tho readers all the news within its field, and giving it to them in a well addition of theso steamers will make Have some written form and free from any bias. It strives to give the news as the Pacific service the best it has eve' it is, and as it occurs, reserving to the editorial columns, the expres- been. BLACKBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, sion Tho supply the place of these two l3eo:lm. on. of its opinions, and comment on the news itself. liners tho company is making arrange will RED RASBERRIES, BLACK RAS BERRIES, The Star believes that this policy is appreciated bv the public. ments to build two now vessels for tho It believes that is one source of the paper's increasing influence. The Atlantic run. Sir Thomas Shaugh-nessy- , GOOSEBERRIES. Star has received many congratulations on the evidence of prosperity president of tho company, has1 gone to its new quarters afford, and hopes to will London to see about lotting Monday Morning, April 1st merit the good of its friends tho contracts for t..o boats, which will and the public of which it has manv and constant proofs. bo constructed In Liverpool. enry May & Co , Tho Empress of Britain and the Em" Ltd press of biology Ireland cost $2,000,000 eacllj Telephones 22 and 02 Apropos to a question of and are of 8,024 net tons. They were Eemnants of all descriptions Boston Block, Fort Street 5 and ethnology which has been put on tho Atlantic service last May") A Question $ br'ought very strongly to public The vessels well each accommodate' in all kinds of goods. attention lately, and upon 350 first cabin passengers, 350 second Of Biology. which very 'strong sentiments cabin passengers and 1,000 third class-The- ASummerProposition are 570 feet long and have 18.- - have been intimated by the public, SALE BEGINS MONDAY MORNING Well, now, there's the May we suggest that If you the following from Herbert Spen- do not use an Oscillator, you cer to Baron Kaneko is exceedingly interesting, and perhaps instruc- ICE QUESTIOxN! oughi to use one, you should; tive Certainly it is doubtful if the same opinion expressed by any New A. H. Boat it will pay you, and increase Tou know you'll need Ice, you know your is said buslneaa. other man in the world would carry so much weight. What it la a necessity In hot weather. We you is in reply one of questions by Baron Kaneko of Launched Saturday If send out circulars, to several asked the oelleve you are anxious to get that lea you cannot afford to Ignore which you Mr. Spencer, seeking advice in regard to Japanese national policy. S. S. , 11,000 TONS CA- will give satisfaction, and the quick practical, econo- Mr. Spencer said: RICHARD 'd like to supply you. Order from mical method printing PACITY, WILL BE AT HONOLU-- L HUDNUT'S of "To your remaining question respecting the intermarriage of for- them through the medium of THE ICE ELE6IR1G 60 eigners and Japanese, winch you say is "now very much agitated UIN SIX WEEKS. H a the Edl n Oscillating among our scholars and politicians,' and which you say is 'one of the Famous Extracts Face Telephone 3151 Blue, Postofflce Box 600 American-Hawaiia- n Powders most difficult problems,' my reply i's that, as rationally answered, there The launcing of the freighter Columbian at San is all. -- no difficulty at It should be positively forbidden'. 'It is not at was fixed Saturday, AND- Francisco for MATTRESSES root a question of social philosophy. It is at root a question of bio- March 30. Tho vessel has a carrying; logy. There is abundant proof, alike furnished by the intermarriage capacity of 11,000 tons and will make ship, J. HOPP & CO. of human races and by the interbreeding of animals, that when the 12 knots an hour. Her sister Manicure Hawaiian Office Specialty varieties mingled diverge beyond a certain 'slight xlcgrec, the result is the Mexican, was launched last De- Accessories a for the YOUNG BUILDING. inevitablv a bad one in the long run. I have myself been in the habit cember and smaller vessel CHENEY'S LISTERATED TOOTH POWDER. Finest Made. . ..I- ,- 1 1 : .. r , same line will bo launched in May. Makes Teeth Ivory OOMPANTY . .t.: White. Kills Decay Germs. . , i:viui;iiLi; uuiumij wus manv s uaar. it luuMi ' hi o uii Hianir iur j vciii - 1 All three are bidding at tho Union iiiu my Luuviunuu is uitsuu un uumciuus mcis uenveu irom numer Iron Works. Tho Columbia will reach ous sources, ilie physiological basis ol this experience appears to Honolulu in about six weeks. ta. 931 Fort street Tel. 14S. WOMAN'S BOARD. Main quires a certain constitutional adaption to its peculiar form of life, SOLE- - AGENTS FOR HAWAII. ftllsslons will anu every other variety similarly acquires its own adaption. I lie con-- The Woman's Board of 169 King Street. Telephone Main 240. W sequences is that, if vou mix the constitutions of two widelv diver meet In Centrnl Union Church on Tues- day afternoon, April 2, at 2:30 o'clock. Corner Y. ISHII, gent varieties which have severally become adapted diver- Beretanla and Nuuanu BU. to widely Continent" topic will be "A life, The "Dark HARNESS HEADQUARTERS gent modes of you get a constitution which is adapted to the Study of Mohammedanism," under tho JAPANESE DRUGGISTS --v,Jrt f t!frt r :i.i. ,i .1 ii , 1 t ' wuw juv U iivitlil H W111L11 Will UUl WUl K 1)1 U IJUUVi leadership of Mrs. William Forbes, STABLE SUPPLIES Whips, Oils, Dressing Soap. GENERAL MERCHANDISE uccuubu u ib nui nneu ior any set ot conditions wnatever. neports will be given by the Lima EXPERT HARNESS WORK. PRICES LOW. All kinds American patent medlclnea Kokua. and the Pauahl 'Society. 82-8-- 3 t low prices. Strangers as well as friends are cor- r r i irvrc Pone On December 30, 1903, the dially mi world was horrified by the Iro- invited. caMara & CO LIQUOR The Iroquois quois Theater disa'ster in Chicago DEPARTING. DEALERS. in which 596 lives were lost. The Monday, Aiprll 1. $1-5- Disaster Queen other day, 'Will J. Davis, the man- - Am. bkt. Kllkltat, Cutler, for Port 0 Turkish Bath $1.50 Corner and Alakea Streets oi Townsend, 10 a. m. PHONE MAIN 492. ager of the theater at the time AND P. O. BOX the disaster, was acquitted by From Ililor Am. sc. H. C. Wright, 664. - for San Francisco with sugar. ILI1V. iLl lilt: UII UL LUlirL. UII .LI I I11111L:L1I1C11L 1UF Illclll SlilLlL- III CI . at here arc, ot course, no technicalities which set one tree from moral From Makawell: Am. bk. W. B. Flint, for San Francisco sugar. HOTEL BATHS lilt. Even the admonition 'Tiulrrp not. that ve be lint iudo-e- " dries with FOR SALE! not reacn mat iur. nwi leirm imut. wnicn cienenus iinon tne woruinu . "1 7 111 11 "1 . . -i : 1 n n 11 1.11 . I .111 iv . . v ...... 1 J I 1L SiULUl.ri I J 1 (111 UlUlilUllliLi 17. IIIILLIiiiiiiinii1.111. l I I I II I II 1' II I whiskers. Illlll't' llll brought back to life the victims of the ghastly crime, as his lawyers 6 .Cottages iror-te- and Leasehold Interest nn. hv wllir-- IJnvis was mven n i vprrlict nf nrninttnl ins and the court that freed him took occasion to remark. If, however at once more. Cunha's Lane, These houses are con- cmonstrated this his escape on a technicality sliould tend in any degree to relax the 'By the size of tho libel suits he has nected with sewer and brings The ordinance of the Chicago city council on which the prosecu a month- care and watchfulness of those responsible for the' lives of persons in brought against the Chicago Tribune, ly rental of $72.50. tion was rinspfl rlirl lint snv i'1ioc flnH. it clinii11 Un lr nrninilo thp theaters and similar places of assembly it would indeed bave a deplor- Hearst must think he has been dam- prescribed safeguards for theater audiences. Hie term large as ap able result. On the other hand, lesson municipal the that ordinances aged considerably. APPLY TO phed to a. theater did not classify it with sufficient clearness. The must be explicit in their terms and based on authority actually dele- MERCHANT TAILOR. ordinance did not apply to theaters in some parts of the city and the gated to the city should be valuable. Suits Made to Order. in C. F. council, the judge's opinion, lacked authority to legislate thus by The case, aside from being one of world-wid- e interest is of especial Berlin is the latest city to want an Best Linon Duck and Silk Pongee. GILLILAND, 923 districts. Wliile deploring the fact that the state would be deprived interest in Honolulu. Amongi its victims were two who 'had been resi- exposition. She Is to have one In 1913. All Suits in the Latest Style. FORT STREET. of privilege of securing a ruling 10,006 Nuuanu, near King, P. O. Box 017 the from tlie Supreme 'Court on what dent here for some time. It touched the community in a personal Those last two figures do not seem he held to be vital defects in the ordinance, Judge Kimbrough declar- and an intimate manner. to scare Borlln at all. Apparently tho Telephone 101 ed it necessary to bring the prosecution to an end. So he instructed The lessons of the disaster ought lost Main not to be on ais. There is Germans have como to the belief that P. O. Box 683. the jury to return a verdict of not guilty. first the lesson of appropriate safeguards and protection in buildings Those Now Yorkers make more fuss pParls is not the only place for holding over six of snow seems clear at last nobody ever will pun- ss inches six It that be convicted and where large gatherings congregate. Then there is the les'son of care-fulne- than feet HAKRY a World's Fair. of It would cause ARMITAGE ished by law for this monstrous crime. Yet the recklessness of those in drafting legislation, so as to hold to responsibility those in this section. Stoolt Ci.x3.c9 Bond who took chances by crowding an unfmislied building with human be whom it is intended If there are any more Hrolcor..,, and attempted to so hold. candidates for Member of Honolulu Stock and Bond ings, the levity of public officials who were easily satisfied that no ac-,,.- !,t WING SHOTS. senator in Wisconsin the raco will have Exchange. ,... 1 -- 1 .,,..1.1 n ..,i 1 :ui t- .- 1 l.llll.'II I IVUIUII I ITAIlll. .11111 III IT llll III I 1ISKK it.IIKI'II 11V iiIIII1VM Tl I'lKirill' Mill City highway men appear to to bo run in heats. TO PROTECT THE JEWS. Kansas showed a sonso of the! . v .. 1 1 v. fitness have quit night u 1.1 r i.iiij .1 l u i 111. uii. cumuli: iyiiii uuiuu. i work, finding it Just as Thaw .being mad of course he needs Few shares of following stocks foe of things. Kansas - akos were a multitude of human lives and death swent tbe stakes Kansas has refused to erect a statuo "iias and (fill pro safo and, more profitable- tvtransaci a muzzle. Bale: Pioneer Mill Co., Oahu Sugar duce greator brown, all by'd--- ' Co., Ewa hetapiQ. whole combination Qf airotimstancQiS 15 lastuc to John Brown in the Hall of Fapio-- i wn than., John their business v Plantation Co.. TTnwiio lhe ii P. ScannqH's appearance a sa cham-- Sugar Co., Walalui jflUjttaP wlols all Agricultural Co., THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907. FIVE

Hon of the second district mnglstrnte the same casus. He moved to defer1 at $7 per day, the same committee action on the bill until noxt Saturday. Judtfo Do Bolt reported In favor of Its passage. These Disbarment Coney also wished the matter laid reports were tabled to be considered ovor. Uluirges Grand Jury with the bill. Kalelopu raised a point of order holding that his motion to table had INQUISITORIAL -- bill 92, relating NEW BODY IS Full Line of-- House to private precedence and was sustained. A volo FLOWER SEEDS, VEGETABLE SEEDS, SORGHUM AND rights and water ways was reported on lesolution being taken the motion carried and GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS AND PRE- .favorably, Judiciary committee ALFALFA SEEDS. the the resolution was tabled. PARES TO ASSUME DUTIES. "The Bc?t Seeds Make the Best Flants." Cox Seeds Are the Best. favoring the amendments made by the Pall's April Fool Joke. House. Tho report was adopted pass- Is Ti bled The resolution Introduced on March UNFURN1SHJCD. ing the bill. 22, to allow "Dr." Waliach to practise Judge De Bolt empanelled and Lunallio Street HONOLULU DRUG COMPANY. charged $80.00 Hnyseltten Introduced a resolution In the leper settlement, which had the Grand Jury ac follows thie Street 49. 00 on by mo- morning: Brtnl Fort Street, between King and Merchant. that a monument be erected to comme- HOUSE AFRAID OF ATTEMPT TU been laid the table Pall's Aloha 1mm 18.00 tion to be considered on April Fool's Gentlemen of the Grand jury: morate the act of Kamehameha in ATTORN I'.Y.s BeVeMfil Street H.0O in PREVENT FEDERAL Day, came up and was read. The oath which you t.. signing tlie ilrst constitution of Hawaii ha'e Just taken Walklkl i6. ' Coney niovod to i eject the petition. in the In 1810 at Lahalna. The resolution PRACTICING. combination of Its letter and King-Stree- t .' 30.00 Moanauil, who had Introduced the spirit, concisely, clearly and compre favored the erection of the monument resolution .spake in support, as- Nuuanu Avenue 60. 00 its hensively contains In the particular spot where the King HOUSE. serting that the "Doctor" was able and constitutes the Nuuanu Avenae , 80. 00 sum total of your duties. And it ne had stood at Lahalna when he promul THIRTY-FOURT- H DAY. to cure leprosy, and that It wag wrong Thruston Avenue , 40. e cessarily follows, only gated the constltutKm. The sum of MORNING SESSION. to refuse to nllow him to practice. Ho that by a faith Beretanla Street 25.00 r ful adherence to the mandates $500 was to be expended on the monu- Tho House was colled to order at 9:40 said that proof could lie brought that of this Klnau Street 26.00 the man had oath can you satisfy your Judgment ment. Tlie matter went to the public o'clock by Speaker Holsteln and prayer made successful euros Penaacota Street 26.00 and ho thought that no harm at least and your conscience, and likewise sub-serv- o lauds aomniittee. was offered by the chaplain. Tlie min- Wilder Avenue 40. 00 could result In allowing him access to tlie onds of public ' On motion of Coolho It was decided to utes of tlie last Saturday soaelon. were Justice. Gullck Avenue 35.00 the Kalllil receiving station. Grand Jurors are watchmen, upon OF make the hour of assembling on the read and approved. Kaleo spoke in support School Street 15.00 also of the whom, by their oalli and the law. there Sherwin-Wiluam- morning following adjournment be 9:30 A communication whs road from tho motion to allow tho prac Poiwacola Street 30.00 s "Doctor" to devolves tho duty to survey the The Paint o'clock Instead of 10 a. in. County Clerk of Hawaii, giving a cer- tice at tho Receiving Station. Ho conduct Manoa Valley 80.00 of their fellow citizens and to Inquire gives satisfaction. No paint can give more. No man A communication from Secretary At- tified statement of the amounts due claimed that ho had received tost! FURNISHED. mony from two Chinese during tho vi when, whore and by whom public au- satisfaction-givin- g kinson announcing tliat the governor police officers of that county, payment Corner Kowalo and Wilder Ave... $60.00 can expect more. S. W. P. is a paint. to the settlement yostorday, to thority lias been violated; and no mat had signed tlie following: House bill of which is the subject of a bill now sit the Thurston Ave 100. 00 the with which effect that they had boon cured by tho ter what the conscquencos may be tliej- - The materials that enter into it, care it is No. 53, relating to writ of quo war- before the House. This data' was fur- "Doctor's" treatment. should not stop short of a full and com- bill 40, requiring street nished on account of the House, after made, the men who make it, everything connected with ranto and House He asked that the "Doctor" bo a! plete vindication of the majesty of the Henry Waterhouse Trust Co,, Ltd railways to sprinkle certain streets in tho bill ennio up for a third reading last of satisfaction-givin- g kind. never lowed to demonstrate his ability on law. it are the It disap was week and was greeted by; a volley of Honolulu, road. ten lepers for a period of six mouths A Grand jury shall be composed of Real Estate Department. is to amendments increasing tho amounts to Ho to postpone points. Always does the work it expected do. Costs Chillingworth moved that the con- moved action until not less than thirteen nor more bo paid various officers. The report Wednesday. than least. Does most. Color cards free. sideration of Senate bill No. 42 tho twenty-thre- e members, tho Fort and Merchant Sts., Honolulu. was to Police committee. .Kanlho moved to take the matter up concurrence Municipal bill, be taken up at night referred tho of nt least twelve being The Senate reported to tha House tomorrow. essential to SOLD BY sessions beginning tomorrow,- night. Conoy the finding ot an indictment. is not the passage of House bill 41 a third moved to postpone until the It This motion was opposed and, after of Mny, to necessary, however, your foreman Classified Advertising reading. This bill relates to the pro- first which however failed that some discussion, the bill was put on carry. concur in tho finding of an E. O. HALL & SON, UNITED mulgation of new laws by publication Indictment. the order of the day for tomorrow. The motion to defer till Wednesday although ho Is required to sign tho same For Kent In newspapers. Comer Fort and King Streets. Senate bill No. 10, tho impounding carried. as such foreman. , No. 123 was reported as Furnished Rooms. Hot anil rnlrt measure, came up on third reading. House Bill A communication from tho Execu- Water. having passed a third reading In thc- tive Department advised the House Rent Low. Makekau wanted to amend tho bill LADIES COSTUMES FOR SPRING. MRS. amendments. This bill that the Governor had signed House BILLMORE, by making the expense for an estray 50 Senate with Tho most elaborato collection of 1C3 SENATE BALKS AT Territory Bill 53 relating to Writ of Quo War- Vineyard Street cents as In the original bill, Instead of provides that no officer of the nowest Spring Models In Ladles Cos- hold moro than one office at the ranto; and House Bill 24, an act re- tumes, $2.50 as amended on previous reading. shall quiring street railway companies to hialudinc handsnmn Sliir nmi Wanted bill same time. The amendments Inter Wash Suits, In braided, embroidered Hayselden favored tho amended sprinkle a. portion of streets In Ho- Second-han- d HOUSE AMENDMENTS pointed the bill to read "more than one anu lace effects aro now being shown Remington Typewriter; which placed the maximum cost of $2.50 nolulu. must bo good Apply salaried" office. Tho House on motion expens- at Sachs. in ordor. Star for impounding estrays. Chillingworth The following statement of office. contended that such a law would place concurred in tho amendment and the es of the House to date was mado by CONFERENCE COMMITTEES AP governor approval. too much discretion In the hands of bill goes to tho for the clerk: Delicious pies and cakes. Candy Sowing Machine, second hand, light reported passage The following statement of expendl every POINTED TO HANDLE SEVERAL the poundmaster. He wanted to make The Senate also the fresh day. New England Bakery. running, good, cheap; glvo make and 52 152 which reports ture from the Federal Appropriation price. tlie maximum $1 of House bills and X Star Ofllco. J. BILLS. were received and filed. by the Legislature as follows: THERE IS NO OTHER. SanforJ Woods and Smith favored the maxi- Houso ?C,S58.82 A compositor. Apply at Star Office. I mum rate. Houso bill 52 relates to reserved You can't find an enual to tho im- Senato 3.C45.87 ported For Sale GRADUATE OPTICIAN SENATE. questions; House bill 152 relates to coro- German beer, Pilsner and Chillingworth said the farmers had Wurzburgor, sold at tho THIRTY-FOURT- H Inquests. Senate also, al Criterion, Boston DAY. caused tho $2.50 rate to bo named. Sen- ner's The Total $10,504. C9 At a bargain, house in Pawaa, four Building Port SL Houso MORNING SESSION. ator "Woods, Smith and Coelho said tho request of the House, returned Agricultural Commlttco 11.15 bedrooms, parlor, dining room, break- President Bishop who had been ranches had favored it. Chillingworth bill 13G (County Salaries Grab Bill) and Nuuanu Dam Comm.ltteo.... C22.7C TRIP IS ENJOYABLE. fast room, bath, kitchen, pantry, ser- ab 227.50 sent some days suffering from a severo withdrew his amendment. Makekau's it will be acted on by the Houso this Educational Commlttco Tho pooplo who go down to Halolwa vants' quarters, artesian water. Military Committee 9.0C Invariably como attack of dengue, was ablo to appear in amendent was put and lost; the $2.50 afternoon. back to town feeling Public Expenditures and Accts. for tho trip. Angeles' the Senato today for the llrst time being left In the bill PRATT GIVES OFFENCE better Tho management Los Tourists we would sug- since amendment Committee 342. 2 of tho hotel pays to his illness. He was heartily congra to amend sec A petition was received from members attention tho gest that whllo looking for souvenirs Makekau wanted that Health and Polico Commltteo 1GG.00 wants of tho guests and In most In tulate by over convnles to jurisdiction of magis- of the Kalhenul Settlement Association, of Hawaii you should bo suro you do tho Senate his tion relating Rules Committee 5.00 stances thoy aro anticipated. Tho bod- - cence. protesting ugalnst tlie revocation of 142.50 not overlook one of the most charac- He presided. trates and opposed therefrom. Ho Judiciary Committee ding is sweet, al- They the rooms clean and teristic souvenirs of tho lot. Senate bill No. 44 was returned from trates and appeal therefrom. He de- their titles, to homestead. claim Pub. Lands and Improvements ways well kept 281.80 aired and well and tho If you call in Myrtle Cigar the House with several amendments. sired the section to show definitely ed that they had to tho best of their Commltteo cuisine is better than anything offercJ at the - "nad Printing Committee 231.00 Store, Fort street, below or This bill exempted' certain Industries which of the parties to tho dispute over ability lived up to tho laws,- and in tho other hotels throughout tho Ter- Merchant, Miscellaneous Commltteo 113. 0J) FitzpotrlcJc Bros., cornor from taxation. Hewitt moved not to the Impounding of an animal, would made extensivo improvements. They ritory. Possibly it Is because tho ac- of Hotel and asked tho Legislature to give them per- Finance Commltteo 12.90 Fort, you will find tho genuine HA- concur. Tho motion prevailed and tho be defendant and which the plaintiff. Investigation 241.20 commodations aro limited and tho to barrow monoy on their hold Lnnal manager WAIIAN CIGAR mado of Hawaiian bill then went to conference. Hayselden ifolnted out that the for- mission Compensation i,80.00 has an opportunity to como ings, as being poor, It was the. only way In guests. grown tobacco. Also you will find the Tho Houso had amended the bill so as mer section of the act covered that Officers 1.7C4.00 closor contact with tho most te to include copra and to cut down the point. Smith said that there would be they could meet tho demands of the Engrossing 47.01 Booms may bo engaged by telephone stock of pipes, smok- requests area of exemption of pineapple lands 200 no confusion. The amendment was law. The petitioners to the number of Supplies 32C.20 or by letter and such will ing tobacco and cigars in the city. havo immediato attention. Lottoru BO eleven, had filed their statements In tho 529.1 -- to acres. Hayselden, Dowsett and defeated and the bill then passed third Translating nnd Proof Reading seven-roo- m to Clair Bid-goo- Splendid house hM"i were appointed on commit- Public Lands office and asked that they Incidentals G7.20 should bo addressed St. Young Hewitt the reading. i Manager. street, Pawaa. R. Star Offlc" tee. Houso bill No. 26, providing for the bo carefully examined by the Legis- Mileage 554. 4C county lature In order that thoy should not Printing Offices 2.C04.50 Senate bill No. 73 relating to counties impeachment and removal of 357.00 officers passed third reading without only lose their land but also their Im- Typewriting F. J. TESTA aoes Conveyancing should not bo granted, and that nollco exercising the right of eminent domain Adjusting Realty discussion. provements. Searching Records, of this order be published In tho Eng- relative to condemning lands for public Total ?1G,G25.5 Claims, Property Dealings and Ap- lish language, for purposes Houso bill No. 103, relating to terms Tho petition was referred to the com- three successive was returned from tho House Tho Houso tooe a recess at noon un. praising, Collecting, Typewriting, weeks in Tho of circuit courts, passed third reading. mittee on Lands. Hawaiian Star, a dally with an amendment, which placed tho til 2 o'colck p. m. awaiian Interpreting and Trans- newspaper printed published bill No. 117 providing for the House bill 184, providing for fixing the and In period for the award of damages by House lating, and General Business. Ground " gov- pay of Ta'borers on public works at $1.25 Honolulu, Oahu. supervisors at 3 months Instead of 10 disposal of funds received by tho DIED. floor, "Waverley Block, Bethel Street per day, passed a second reading. Dated at Walluku, Maul, March 7. days before condemnation proceedings ernment from tho sale of improvements SHIPMAN Mrs. Shlpman, wife of near Hotol. 1907. The Meal Department placed thereupon by, House bill 138, to establish the Ha- In event of refusal of the owners to ac- on public lands, Supervisor O. T. Shlpman of Hawaii (Sgd.) A. N. KEPOIKAI, homesteaders, came up on waiian Library, and to provide for' Its cept the award, could be instituted. The settlors and County, at Hllo on Friday. Deceas- Judge of tho Circuit Court Opens 6:30 a. m., n came up for a ofthe at Senate refused to concur In the amend- third reading. On motion of Haysor-de- care and maintenance, ed was a well known Hawaiian lady. reading, and carried, Kanlho, Rice NEV ADVERTISEMENTS Second Circuit. Closes at 8 p. m. ment on tho ground that the period the bill was amended to provide third Sho bad but recently returned from and Waiwalole, voting "no." Attest: (Seal) was too long and it might unnecessarily that tho disposition of tho funds did not a trip to San Francisco on the S. S. (Sgd) EDMUND governor. Senate Bill providing for tho desig- II. HART, delay public improvements. have to be approved by the . Clerk of tho Clroult Court of the whether tho bill was nation of public and private schools, Smith, Gandall and Hewitt were ap Dowsett asked reading, without oppo Second Circuit. not an to tho land laws. passed Us third pointed a committee on conferenco on amendment sition. 4ts Mar, 11, IS, 25, Apr. 1 Nobody any Information on tho measure. advanced Senato Bill G providing for the use DftlLY STOCK REPORT Smith for tho Judiciary commlttco the subject. The bill then passed third of English In public and prlvato IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE. reading, 11 ayes, 2 noes. reported on Senato bill No. 48 which schools, came up for a third reading Between Boards: 25 McBryde, $4.75; Second Circuit Territory of Hawaii. Rubber Tho Senate then took a recess until and passed, Kanlho and Mahoe, voting At Chambors. changed tho legal rate of interest from 480 Olaa, $3.50. In Probate. 8 6 2 p. m. "no." In tho Matter of per cent to per cent. The commit- 10 Oahu Sugar, $24.73. SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 2 P. M. v of the Estato Kamala CD mannor Session Sales: tee recommended that the bill be laid Senate Bill providing the (w), ito of Hana, Maul, deceased. prlvato shall bo es C. Grower & Co $380.00 $ on the table. He moved that tho re- BOLD SCHEME' OF JAPS. In which schools Order of Notice of Hearing Petition for Tho bill carried, tho follow 23.75 26.00 In aid of District Nursing and tho Goods Ma-kek- au tablished. Ewa Plan. Co Administration, port of tho bo adopted. committee (Continued from Page One.) lng votes opposing: Hughes, Joseph) Haw. Agr. Co 137.50 work of tho settlement. On Reading and Filing tho Petition- - moved that tho report be tabled Kanlho, Keoull, Mahoe, Nakaleka, Pa to be considered with the bill. Smith It by the foreign element. Naturally Haw. Com. Co S4.25 83.50 of Wm. A. ICekahuna, a son of said ll, Sllva and Waiwalole. , Building, King deceased, withdrew his motion and Makekau's tho hotepkeepers and their agents are The matter of tho proposed memor Haw. Sugar Co 30.00 At tho Settlement of Hana, Maui, alleging that 11.50 12.00 Kamala (w), Hana, ln- - FRESH LOT JUST TO HAND rnotlon prevailed. not ovor-deslro- of the general tacts ial to President of tho United States Honokaa Sugar Co and Lllllia Streets. of Maul, died The samo committee reported on Sen- beingknown relative to this scheme, asking that tho Fedoral Dis- Kahuku Plan. Co 25.00 27.00 teslato at Hana, Maui, on tho 20th flay ato bill No. 72 exempting lepers from Upon Us face It would seem to be an trict Attorneys bo prohibited froirr de- Klhel Plan. Co 8.23 8.50 of February, A. D. 1897, leaving proper- real and personal, property and specific easy evasion of tre law. But there are fending prisoners In Criminal Courts McBrydo Sugar Co 4.025 4.75- - ty In the Hawaiian Islands necessary taxes. Tho committee recommended legal phases will undoubtedly be of the Territory, on tho ground that Oahu Sugar Co 24.75 24.875 to be administered upon, and praying that to Prevailing coldB and fever require an amendment providing that so long discussed if an attempt Is made to put owing to the different nationalities Onomoa Sugar Co 37.50 that Letters of Administration lssuo to bo with, much misunderstanding something In this line. as lepers were retained at tho settle- tho scheme through. dealt Ookala Sugar Co 7.875 9.50 M. H. Router. results from tho practise came up. ment, they should bo exempted from Olaa Suga rCo 3.50 3.625 It is Ordered that Thursday, tho 18th AIR CUSHIONS FOR INVALIDS. been ap payment per- Tho Bar Association liaa Olowalu Co 100.00 BARON, day of April, A. D. 1907, 10 o'clock the of personal property, TAX THE GROSS EARNINGS. to Its opinion, but for a PETER at HOT WATER BOTTLES. pealed for Pioneer Mill Co 12.00 m., be nnd hereby Is appointed for sonal taxes and specific taxes. If the legislature wishes to romovo tlmo failed to have taken any will bo ready April 1 to instruct ladlos, third Agr. Co 75.50 77.00 hearing said Petition In ATOMIZERS. Smith for the same committee also the public service kxirportions from action. Walalua gentlemen nnd children in tho delight- the Court Walalua Agr. Co 75.50 77.00 Room -- f this Court at Walluku, Maul, SYRINGES FOR BABY AND ADULT. reported on Houso bill No. 86, tho law politics it will provldo for their tax-tlo- n Kalelopu, moved that tho resolution ful art of Sugar Co 210.00 Swimming, which time place persons sought to give county supervisors tho on a gross earnings basis. As bo tabled. Ho thought tho object ot Walluku at nnd all FOUNTAIN SYRINGES. Sugar Co. .. 166.00 any the Hoalanl Boat Club may appear right to regulato cortaln matters and long as tho public servlco corporations tho resolution was to prevent the Unit Walmanalo at hour at concerned and show cause, Walmoa Sugar Co 57.50 House. Tel. Bluo 2S1. I if any they have, why said RUBBER SPONGES. to provide fine or imprisonment penalty aro taxed on a direct valuation basis ed States Attorneys from lawful prac Potitlon I. I. S. N. Co 127.50 N should not be granted, nnd that notice ICE CAPS. for offence thereof. The committee just so long will thoy attempt to In- tise of their profession In tho Terri Haw. Electric 140.00 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THT3 of this order be published In the Eng reported an amendment against giving fluence tho taxing officers from as- tory, and thought that tho Bar Asso Hawaii was responsible for Hon R. T. Pfd 102.50 Second Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. lish language for three the supervisors such authority but pro sessors to the stato board of equaliza- ciation of successive, tho Introduction of tho resolution. Hon. R. T., Com 57.50 63.00 At Chainbora. In Probate. weeks In The Hawaiian Star, a dally viding that the only alternative of !m All public service corporations tion. Rawlins took tho floor in defense of Mutual Tolo. Co 9.00 In tho Matter of the Estato of P. newspapor printed and published In prlsonmont was In event of falluro to bo taxed on tholr gross earn- should tho Bar Association. Ho stated that Nahlku R. Co., Pd-u- p 100.00 lato of Hana Maul, Honolulu, Oahu. pay tho fine, which could not in any ingsPrinceton Union. Ltd, ho would not put hlmsolf on record Nahlku R. Co., As 10.00 Dated at Walluku, Maul, March 7, BEHSOH SMITH & CO,, events bo over $500. Tho Imprison movomont, oltlior for or against tho Oahu Railway 96.00 Ordor of Notice of Hearing Petition for 1907. mont could bo only until tho fine had SATISFACTORY, known the reso-lutlo- but ho wanted it that Hon. Brew Co J 27.75 Administration. (Sgd.)' A. N. KEPOIKAI, been paid or else worked out. The re- had not originated from tho As The stern but woalthy parent met the Haw. Ter 4s, C 100.00 On Reading and Filing Petition Judge ot the Circuit Court the port .was tabled to bo considered with sociation. Personally In order to keop F .... tho of young man at tho front door. Haw. Ter 4s, R. 1905 100.00 .... of Wm. A. Kekahuna, son of said Second Circuit. tho bill. out of tho matter ontiroly ho had kopt a Oregon Restaurant "Here," ho growled "Is where I glvo away from tho Bar Association, meet Haw. Ter. 4 l-- 100.00 .... deceased, of Hana, Maul, alleging that Attest: (Seal) Tho samo committee also reported 1- HOY WO, Proprietor. your attention to my daughter a check" Ings of tho Executive Commlttco, a Haw. Ter. 4 -2 100.00 .... P. Kokahunn, of Hana, Maul, died In (Sgd) EDMUND H. HART, some to Houso No. 137 l-- amendments bill "All rlht, old main," Jroplled the momber of which ho Is, but ho foil Haw er. "3 100.00 .... toatate at Hana, Maul, on the 27th day Clerk of the Circuit Court of the relating to Reopened under nev management acknowledgments of Instru- youth calmly. "Make the chock for that tho Association should havo time Haw. Govt 5s 100.00 .... of January, A. D. 1004, leaving proper- Second Circuit. ments. On House bill No. 104 relating Boat 25 cents Msal In Twn. $1,000 and It will bo perfect satisfactory to get tho necessary quorum In ordor C'al Beets 6s 103.50 ty In the Hawaiian Islands necessary 4ts Mar. 11. 18, 36. Apr. 1. to of mortgage Open Tuesday December 18. foroclosuro tho same to mo." that It might oxpressod Itsolf. Haiku Sugar 6s 102.75 to be administered upon, and prayl. ft committee reported soveral amendments Kalelopu donled that ho Intonded Haw. Sugar Gs 101.00 .... that Letters of Administration to to l4u Tolophono Main 2GG . P. O. Box 915. providing for the publication of the no CLOSE TOUCH. to Imply tho origin of the matter Hllo R. Tt. 6a 71.00 M. H. Router. tice of foreclosure. Both reports were With the most romlnont exporting tho Bar Association. Hon. R. T. Cs 107.50 .... Is - WO TAT&mO motion to It Ord"- at Thureday, the 18th WING & Co. tabled to bo considered with the bills, meroanttlo house o ''ohnma, togeth- Kanlho socoudod the tab'e j 100.00 Won Loui verbosity Kahuku On House bill No. 102 relating to er with tho large carries on the resolution, with much ...... ;. the th rooninMnn . Oahu Railwtiv Plumbers and TItners drawing of Grand and trial juries, the with the plantation ' overdhe ...Sheldon Bunnnrrnrt SIX THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907.

Energy, Ambition, Cheerful- Wows Thou followed an extended discussion mltcee on reception to tho Congros- - ness, Strength, a Splendid Foreign II THE ROUSE In which Mnltekau, Smith, Knudson, slonal partyi McCarthy nnd Chllllngworth participat- - J Senate committee No. 103 relating to Appotite, and Perfect Health Bv Cable was see Pall thought that the County super ed. Tho motion to return tho bill to C.rcult Court terms, called on Houso ond rending. It passed. ON SUOAR. visors could be relied upon to act just the carried, TARIFF 1IoU8 b"1 109 relating to costs nnd DENVER, April 1. Tho Legislature ly toward the people. linns., bill Nn. 14S. second readlnir of' foe9 imo up on second reading. Action of Colorado has adopted a raemor a; Kalana also supported tho bill, and Joint resolution No. 2 providing for the THRbE RASE HALL BOYS most of the other members took a turn ' JAPS win to Congress urging it to maintain tho appointment of a Joint commission to. , , . TTn. expressing their opinion. About an nf tariff on sugar. at oxnmlno into the ownership, etc., of all hour and a half was spent In debating wallan Relief Society, was announced wharves nnd landings fn territory by tho chair. RACES GALUSHO GROW DEAD. the bill. Tho motion to Indefinitely the II JUNIOR for tho purposo of roportlng to tho next Tho Senate adjourned until 10 a. m. PHILADELPHIA, April 1. Gnlusha postpone action on the bill failed to 011 Monday. Grow is dead. carry. legislature, was called. T.he matter NUMBER OF TEAMS TRY FOR A motion then made to ass tho bill was referred to tho public lands com ANNUAL FIELD DAY OF BOYS' DR. MILES' HEART CURE Gulusha Aaron Grow was horn In at Its third reading carried, six mem mittee. HONORS ON DIAMOND C. A. C. HONOLULU, PROVES tlle r pumps tho CLUBS OF 31, 1S22, so bers opposing It as follows: Alawa, Houso bill No. 47 fixing certain holt- - ltPalrsi Connecticut, August that (llln 4 1, . I At. i, DEFEATED BY KILOHANAS. Keouli nnd u,"ul "IU VU,"H' tu"vl!... INTERESTING. ho was In his S6th your at death. He Kaleo, Kalelopu, Kanlho, days, came up on third roadlng. Action , moved to Pennsylvania In 1S3I, gra- Mahoe. Knhana and Rice wore absent. was deferred until April 15. I l"" may bo secured ly all who follow the compose uuuy, mar. 'B". - 1314 Senate Bill 44, to exempt from taxa uiu contain tno example cf young lady who gives litis In tlie base ball game played yostor- on Satur- duated at Amherst In nnd was ad Senate bill No, 1 fixing salaries of , , ... . , the In tho Held day ovonts held tion property used In certain agricul- : day between the Cliineso Athletic Club, mitted to tho In" 1817. Mr. Grow county officers on second reading was testimonial field, an interesting bar mates the man. Keep your strong 1 day at the Boys' tural Industries, enmo up for a third heart " Kvery spring, fcir ypnra, used to liavo and the Ktlohauas, the Chinese went was a member of Congress from 1851 to deferred for one week. Senate bill No. en- somo motion, with and hcaltn ana lt wlll nourIah your Intoierable lieuiLiulms i.iul total loss of down to defeat and thus lost tho cham series of contests were held and 1S63, for the first six years being a roadlng. It passed on ergy, to that ilio soason uliirli should liO following against Akau, 86 and 87 wero referred to committees. wnoIo body. Soi,j under a guaranteo pionship between tho two teams, this good work done by tho youthful athle Free Soil Democrat nnd the last six tho votes it: welcome! by mo a dread; fnr, M the Alawa, Joseph, Keouli and Mahoo. Senators Lane, Knudsen, Woods and that flrat bottle will benefit, or your warM,llenaiit d:ijsnrrivod, thoy brought to being, the third gamo of a series of tho two classes of races, tho years a Republican. Ho was Speaker mo A roe tes. In 30, relating to tho Ter Coelho were appointed a Senate com- - money back. Iaeltudo and iain. friend adrUed three played. Tho Chinese had won In the 37th Congress, from July 4, 1SG1, Senate Bill to tLe honors in the Junior events were car ritorial salaries, was called for consid- the first of tho three, but wont down to March 3, 1S63, and again a member of by Japanese aggregation eration, on motion deferred until to defeat In the other two. The game ried off tho Congress (from Pennsylvania at large) but next week when It will probably como was a hard fought one, and the result In both team and individual contests. 3, and chairman of tho commit for, up at a night session. Ayer's was due in no small part to Esplnda, Tho handsomo koa cup contested tee on Education In tho 54th, 63th, 56th Henry Smith, clerk of the Judiciary the Kiiohana pitcher, who struck out bv tho Junior teams was won by the and 57th Congresses. From 1871 to 18 ?6 department, to whom had been refer- fifteen men during tho course of the Japanese Excelsiors, and the individual ho was president of tho Internat'onal union Pacifiic red a question of the citizenship of tho saparilla game. Tho lino up was as follows: medal for tho tho h'ghest number of and Great Northern Railroad. In 1879 Interpreters In the Circuit Court of tho C. A. C. Kong Chew If.; Alt Kolng, points was won by Yamashlri ok tho he declined the tender of tho mission I commcn.-r-d uainj; It and have not hadsince First Judicial district, reported that HOURS Kong, p.; C. Exeolslors, who made 19 points. to Russia.- homo was at Glcn-woo- d, then tlir first symptom of lic.uUehc. My c: Joe Ping, lb.; Ah His tho two Hawaiian Interpreters, C. L. appetite is? iilcmliil.and I pprfurni my duties Hong ,3b.; Sing Chong, ss.; Tal Chap Tho Palamas' senior team won tho Pa. , To Chicago with a cheerfulness and energy I surprise Hopkins and Fred W. Bccklcy, being liailroad hit cf.; Apia, rf.; Ho 2b. other koa cup offered, for team work, myself. I take pleasure in tilling nil my Lin natlve-blr- n, aro citizens of tho United Willie Desha carried off tho indi- CHICAGO ELECTION. friends of tho merit of Ayei's tiarsaparilla. Kllohnnas W. Esplnda, p.; Kupu, and States. Chang Kim, George Yamada, SUGGESTS and tho liappy results of its use." medal in tills class. 1. From San Francisco, The 2b.; Kabral 3b.; Cluna cf.; Bill Bailey, vidual CHICAGO, April Both parties Chinese Japanese interpreters, al- sports were by a much and There are many imitation ss.; M. Shulty c; Zerbo if.; Joe Branco Tho witnessed claim a victory of 40,000 in the election though having lived hero since early transcontinental they deserved, eft.xB.c3. Fastest train. Sarsaparillas. Hawaii Herald. smaller crowd than on Tuesday, tho fiercest mayoralty con- childhood, aro citizens. attending not American Speed Be sure you get "AYER'S." SALOON MEN PLAY. many being deterred from test in the history of this city. The report was ordered filed. by the threatening weather. Tho events b. game nl Tho following bills came up from Comfort Prepared by Dr. AyerS Co., Lowell, Mccs., S. K In a played yesterday at J.C. were all Interesting but tho time was STOLPIN GOGS PRESS. Overland Park by the Encorers and tre the Printing Committee and wero re- AYER'S PILLS, the beat family laxative. slow. 1. Fashions, two teams mado up from tho ST. PETERSBURG, April Pre- ferred to the proper committees for papers Fraternal jleotings ranks of saloon men in the city, the mier Stolypln has ordered the report and second reading: Tkree trains dally through can, arm Limited to on dis- 164, ind second class to all points. K won by score 9 to G. refrain from commenting tho House Bill granting electric Fashions a of laced rates take effect soon. Writ The teams lined up as follows: orders in Roumanla. light and power privileges to C. B. HARMONY LODGE NO 3, 1. O. O. iew. Electric lighted, Buffet, Li- F. Encore Mockett, 2b.; Howard, 3b.; Wells, Geo. H. Robertson, OI, P. Rob- ROUMANIA QUIETING DOWN. inson, D. H. Case and Henry B. Pen-hallo- w brary and Drawing room com Meets every Monday evening, 7:30, Milton p.; McGuire c; Hilton lb.; Law-to- n at BUCHAREST, April 1. The situation In Walluku district, of to Odd Fellows' Hall, Fort street. Vis. ss.; Riley, cf.; Maughtby, rf. YACHT TQCOME HERE Island partment, observation car, with In Roumanla Is growing quiet. Maul. Itlng brothers cordially invited to at Fashion Vida, 2b.; Matt, rf.; Bower diner. Telegraphic news post- tend. Grimes p.; Buchanan If.; Scully cr.; House Bill 1G7, requiring tho supreme c; ROCKEFELLER DONATES LAND. 8. . Booth ed, on train. C. A. SIMPSON, N. G. Osborn ss.; Soy 3b.; Strcln lb. OWNER OF FAST RACING CRAFT court to render opinions to the legis- CLEVELAND, April 1. John D. B. R. HENDRY. Secretary. Umplro Rlngland. lature and governor. EXPECTS TO BRING HER TO Rockefeller has given Forest Hill city Genera Agent. Scorer M. Lambert. House Bill 168, a bill similar to HONOLULU AERIE THIS PORT THIS SUMMER. 600 acres of land. House Bill 1G4, 140, SEVERAL MINOR GAMES. granting an electric F. 0. E. light and power franchise to H. p. Several games by minor clubs wore RUEF CHARGES CONSPIRACY. Baldwin, R. A. S. . SAN FRANCISCO, March 17. Tho Wadsworth, J. N. No. 1 Montgomery Stre-ot- Meets on 2nd. and 4th. Wednesday played yesterday at Aala park the SAN FRANCISCO, March 31. Abe sloop Aeolus, one of tho best known Williams, D. C. Lindsay, C. D. Lufkin, ; evenings of each month at 7:30 o'clock most important of which was between Ruef, in an Interview, denounces his Pacilc yachts on bay, will be sailed in J. L. Coke and W. T. Robinson, ct al. San yranclBoo. Sottta m K. of P. Hall, King street. Visiting tho Chinesco Alohas and tho Kaalas, tho prosecutora and declares that he Is Eagles aro to the and races of the Hawaiian for tho district of Walluku and else- Invited attend. the former winning out by a score of cruises kept In a private prison, in violation Club summer. Dr. where In the Island or Maul. SAM'Li McKEAGUE,, W. P.. 11 to 9. Tho Alohas lino up follows: Yacht this Stuart of precedent and legality, Is In tho H. T. MOORE, Secty. Dujnbar, purchased speedy House BI1P1 169, relating to judg- Qimn Chan a; Chang Yen, p.; Ny who the care of a private Jailor, and is hound- West-crflel- d ments, executions, etc., and providing Sing, lb.; Ah Kee 2b.; Sut Chen ss.; craft from Bob Morrow and Carl ed by private prosecutors privately two ago. for their Immediate entry by the clerk Ah Yap 3b; Ah Hoy If; Ho Tong cf.; years has planned to yet ho charged with public of- paid; la upon their being rendered, and Hang rf. spend a few months in tho Islands and Ruef, basing allegation on Nanu fenses. the Houso Bill 170, imposing a fee will shortly send his yacht to Honolulu expects prove license theso facts, to himself of $230 per year on trust companies. The Best Roofing Is on a transport. The boat is being a victim of conspiracy. ETUTT thoroughly overhauled out at Stone's WHERE THE BILLS ARE. Dr. Dnbar will lly the burgee of the LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS. Tho clerk reported that at the pres- Golden Club. ent time there arc 49 House in THAN Gate Yacht LONDON, .March 31. Britain bills Great ind over The Only Double-Trac- k the hands of the Senate at the ipres-en- t Railway between the Missouri River has made an official request that Rus- I 'hito and HUlTUfMlMir CONSCIENCE time. Twenty-si- x bills Miave n I1U IJL LEAL'S CLEAR. sia shall include the limitation of ar been Ruberoid nilLltflUUIlL Detectlvo Leal, who In tho Governor's hands signature; Joe feels that maments in her program at Tho for Tlxroe 19 of which wore signed, 3 Trains Daily nn "It is said" in tho Referee Is Hague Conference. vetoed, nnd VIA THE WINNER OF THE SECOND directed at him, declares at 4 unacted upon. Of the 3 vetoed 2 that he is SOUTHERN PACIFIC.It UNION PACIFIC AND TRANS-PACIFI- were PRIZE IN THE C any and all times ready face any BRITISH REVENUE INCREASING passed over tho veto. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS. c f affidavits regarding alleged ill treat The Speaker announced that where OVERLAND LIMITED, acldproof, YACHT RACE. LONDON, March 31. The returns of VESTIBU LED. Leaves San Francisco fell? It is waterproof and ment of one Ah Pop, alias Ah Pol, who as tho Senate at present holds unact 11:00 a. m. odorless. It does not the exchequer for tho fiscal year show 49 most elastic and was arrested for tho robbery of Heff-ner- 's ed upon bills of tho House's, the The luxurious train In the world. New Pullman drawing room a revenue of $775,182,290, an Increaso of stateroom cars and require painting when laid, and Tho San Diego Sun of recent date Jewelry store on Alakea street House only has 9 of tho Senate's bills. built expressly for this fumous train. Gentleman's buffet and $5,787,960 over tho provlous Lady's Book-love- rs weeks ago. exhibit. The Judiciary Commltteo reported parlor observation car. Library. Dining car meals a will last longer than iron or says: The beautiful yacht Anemone, several la carte. lighted upon House Bill 124, authorizing Electric throughout. shingles. You can rely on It to owned by Charles Learning Tutt, the JAMAICA'S NEW GOVERNOR. the EASTERN EXPRESS DISAPPROVES OF FLAT RATE. election of road supervisors, filed a VESTIBULED. Leaves San Francisco at :00 keep out dampness. wealthy mining man of Colorado LONDON, March 31. King Edward m. dally. Through Pullman Palace and suppllmentary minority report recom Tourist Sleeping Cars to Chieare. Springs, Colo., is being generally over- Superintendent of Instruction Bab- has approved the appointment of Syd Dining Cars. Free Redlining Chair Cars. mending that the bill bo tabled as the hauled and renovated throughout, pre- bitt has written to Senator McCarthy ney Oliver as Governor of Jamaica, in ATLANTIC EXPRESS. VESTIBULED. Leaves San Francisco at l:M matter is covered by 178, a. m. Daily. paratory to going into commission expressing disapproval of certain de- p.ace of Swoetenham, resigned. Houso Bill Standard and Tourist Sleepers. since Introduced. report about April 1. tails of tho proposed flat rate in tho This was In PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS pay accordance with majority report It will bo remembered that the Ane- of school teachers. The nronosed GUITBRREZ TO BE THE the Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays, The best of everything. rendered days ago. re- mone is the yacht which came around schedule cuts out all specialities and HONDURAN CHIEFTAIN. several Tho Tickets to and from all points in Europe. does not port was adopted. tho Horn last year from New York, make provision for vice WASHINGTON, D. C, March 31. Kalelopu introduced a bill provid- and was one of the three boats which General Guiterrcz will probably bo ing for tho establishment of a bureau R. R. RITCHIE, Q A. P. I IKE entered in the yacht raco June chosen president of the provisional 617 Market last of conveyances for tho Territory In Street. Central Building, San Franclsc. from San Pedro to Honolulu. Sho equipped government of Honduras. General Bo-nlll- a, IB with a power quad- connection with the treasury depart- took second honors In race and a tho Is said to bo the ruple expansion englno and heretofore ment, and an officer to superintend framed certificate hanging on the wall surrounded. LIMITED burned coal, but now oil burners and same to bo called the Registrar of in the main saloon shows that sho maro tanks aro being installed which will Conveyances." tho trip In 14 days 60 minutes, Juno connect her to an NEW ELECTIONS IN SPAIN AGENTS. oil burner which will MADRrD, The bill passed a first reading. 11 to 25, 190G. March 31. King Alfonso eliminate the dirt and grime to a min The 'House adjourned noon to 177 KING STREET. has dlsso'vcd tho Cortes, and fixed at SOUIJ Captain R. H. Harding, accompanied imum. meet 9 April 21 to May 5, for the of at o'clock Monday morning. by W. C. Spinney, election First Mate arrived Mr. Tutt is expected to arrive In Rnn deputies and senators. direct from Now York a few days ago Diego about March 25 from Colorado to repair- take charge of the work of according to a statement mado fcy GENERAL BOOTH IN SEATTLE Ill THE SENATE when goes ing and to command she Captain Harding, and contemnlates SEATTLE, March 31. General Wil- into commission. A gang of from ten 01 for this spring and summer an exten-- liam Booth, commander-in-chie- f of House bill No. 78 legitimatizing chil men of aro I to fifteen various trades slvo cruise on tho Pacigc which will the Salvation Army, has arrived here, dren in certain cases was called on kept very busy, scrapping woodwork, rango from Alaska on tha north to en route to Japan. third reading and went to tho Judiciary CoinmlBBlo.i Merchants etc. Sho Is varnishing, reflnishing, Honolulu in o. committee. Sugar Factjrs. CANADIAN TEACHERS. Senate bill No. 79 relating to trusts WASHINGTON, O. C, March came up on second reading, Smith moved Roosovelt received 600 Cana- to table-- the measure. Tho motion AGENTS FOR dian teachers yesterday. was lost. Chllllngworth amended tho MOTHERHOOD bill so as to include a section prohibit- Rvvn. Plantation Comnany. 'FRISCO WOMEN TO STRIKE. rhn requisite ing the fixing or reduction or incroaso The first of a good SAN FRANCISCO. March 31. A is good ex- of rates of insurance, exchange or labor California gunman . mother health, and the strlko of telephone girls Limited "nn ii riiicilix oukcii j perience of maternity should not bo Is imminent. or compensation for professional ser rhe laundry workers will go approached without careful physical on a TO. preparation, as a woman who is in strlko Monday. vices. Tho amendment carried. As .American steam rump to, . good physical condition transmits to did the section as amended. Knudson The George R. Blake Steam Pumps. her children the blessings of a good FAIR WEATHER wanted to defer action until Monday Chicago i 3 Centrifugals. DAGGETT. in Days Weston's constitution. Ono of tho arrivals by the S. S. Enter- and it carried over Makekau's motion The New England Mutual Llfo Insur- Preparation for healthy mater- prise was J. R. Daggett, the Fran- to adopt. ance Company of Boston. nity is accomplished by Lydia E. San LEAVES EVERY DAY of cisco capitalist who, since the Houso bill No. 26, providing for tho Tho Aetna Firo Insuranco Company Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, shake, At 9:20 a. m. Conn. which is mado from native roots has been residing In Los Angeles. removal of county officers from offlco Hartford, and In With National Firo Insuranco Co., of herbs, more successfully than by any Hllo ho has becomo known as "Flno camo up on second reading and carried, Diners and Sleepers. other medicine becauso it gives tono Weather" Daggett for ho has visited Houso bill No. 112 passed second road- and strength to tho entire feminine lng. to disposition ot ii ii twrvc- - . r here until this time. He had begun This relates tho organism, curing displacements, ul- MRS, money ceration and inflammation, and the JAMES CHESTER to bellevo the stories as to HIIo's be obtained from certain sales of improvements on public lands. House Passenger agent, G. result is less suffering and more children healthy at birth. For more ing a rainy town as myths until Satur- W. Irwin & Co., Office SHIRTMAKER. day disillusionized him. Ho claims bill No. 136 relating to salaries of cer tain county officers, was called on sec- Shirts mado with materlr.' furnishei all tho credit for bringing tho fine Lydia E. spell ond reading. This was tho moasuro U.00, $1.50 ,$2.00, $2.60. Whon cus- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound since. Hllo Tribune. has been standby that tho Houbo had asked to bo return- tomer furnishes material 60c and 76c. the of American mothers In preparing for childbirth. NotewhatMra. JamesChoster.ofW W. 88th St., New York says in this HEAVY ed. There was considerable discussion Ewa side Nuuanu St. near Berotanla r: WEATHER SINKS SCOW. Shipping Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- "I wish every expeotant mother knew about Tho over the procedure to follow In dealing Lydia B. Pinkham's Vogetable Matson Co, lost a valuable scow Compound. A neighbor who had learned with tho measure. Somo desired to re Taluo ot th'8 t7lng period, of a woman's life urged me Friday during the heavy woathor. Tno BISHOP. f J6? to try scow, turn bill PLANTERS FAVOR and I did so, and I cannot say enough In regard to the good it didm. loaded with feed and other mor-chandi- tho while Makekau felt that It is reported that a meeting of tho I rooovered quickly and am In the best of health now." was towed to the Hllo Sugar tho Senate should take action now. It Receipt Lydlo B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful Company's landing was too late to reconsider tho first Planters' Association waa held yestor- - remedy at Wainaku bv tho for the peculiar weaknesses ana ailments of women. Lurllne reading. Coelho declared that the Ps'.rinv nftnrnoon whon It was decided to Itihfin mtrAil afmnif. Avan, fM a 17mbu nAn.Mli.fnt. ri l o when the line partod and tho tow wont ashore. tho cargo reason tho House wanted, tho measure Gov-- tlona, Weak Bapk. Fan- - and Displacements, Inflammation, UlceMfc- - Part of Books Bishop for - greepmmend E, Faxon Dlse-Jlasti- back s Jump- tlon and Organlo ng n and was saved but tho scow was a loss. was because the had .Childbirth and during ilh Inw I WhlMfa. Hllo Trlburt.0. ed on them for r tie salaries, of BOLD AT Ruwiinnr.ani THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907. SEVEN

THE leprous boys of leprous parent;', was "because he often goes down In his DRAMATIC now Hssured, so that these would be own pocket to help us, and If he gets HAWAIIAN SOCIETY TWO pmy ANK OF AWAII protected from the danger of contagion. more he can help us more." Steam H Complaint was made Against the pui AT THE BISHOP HOME management of tha dairy; that partial- ROYALLY LIMITED. INCIDENTS AT ity wa shown In the distribution of CELECRATES tho milk. The facts in regard It TELEPHONE MAIN 434. From the Baldwin Home the party to o aio that white patients are allowed a Incorporated Under the Laws the returned to Kalaupapa where a visit Merchant and Alakea Straele, KALAUPAPA pint of milk day as a means of IMPRESSIVE PARADE AND MON- Territory of Hawaii. was mnde to the Bishop Home for somewhat equftllHtaff to diet- Girls under the charge of the Fran- them the STER LITAU SATURDAY AFTER- ary, which 1 for the most part based CAFITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS troatment, urged a man who with carved figures ciscan sisters. There are 88 girls here. James T. Taylor, and tht of the Holy family on the tastes of the native element. NOON AND EVENING. to he able to cure leprosy, and of A program of Instrumental and vocal M. Am. Soc. C. X. $1,020,300.00 claimed the apostles, nil the work of The remainder of the milk supply and gavo such proof of his power, Father Joseph. music was rendered which was most which Is now about 240 quarts a day, Brain and brawn and buxom beauty ought not to be denied a dying com Interesting. In spite of the visible CONSULTING HYDRAULIC Is entirely under the were well represented In en impressive PNQINEER. OFFICERS. munity, especially as the doctors they AT ravages of the disease the girls seem- control of the THEBALUWiNHOiViE physician who prescribes It hb a mat- parade Saturday afternoon of the Honolulu. T. H. Charles M. Cooke President had did not profess to he able or even ed happy ami contented and were able o ' ter of diet to those who need it. There members of the Hul Ilookuonoono C. Vice-Preside- nt hopeful of curing the disease. to render Instrumental music quite ef- P. Jonea First Many of the visitors Joined In the are about 300 on tho average, who be na Olwl Hawaii and Its branch society F. W. Macfarlano...2nd nt The woman's simple eloquence was fectively. A short address was made services which was concluded about cause of advanced leprosy, or some were 230 white-cla-d men and 1M C. H. Cooke Cashier the protest of the sentiment of at by Sennto- - Coelho and one by Senator of There better 10 o'clock. Immed.ately worshippers other disease need milk as women, also in white who marched C. Hustace Jr Assistant Cashier the community against the introduc- Smith. a part of Cashier and visitors repaired to the Baldwin their diet. tltrmiffh tha nrlnclnal streets of the F. B. Damon Assistant tion of further brutalizing and demo- - From the Bishop Home the visitors Zeno K. Myers Auditor Home which Is only across tho Following this meeting the new city, headed by the Hawaiian band I'allnlliG- - In fl lion naa l, n fimiit.tnti 1 t road. repaired to Superintendent McVeigh's BBldwin Home band played num- - which it was proposed and everywhere they excited the DIRECTORS: Chas. M. Cooke, P. C. that already had more than Its a house where dinner was nerved in the to Bishop, .hare ber of selections, and ;Islt earlier In the day, were visited. of the crowds that turned Jones, F. W. Macfarlane, E. F. of sorrow and woo. So convincing and then Senator form of a luau. This was most appe Tennoy, McCandless, C. H. Coelho, and the party out to take In the uncommon spectacle. E. D. J. A. overwhelming was the woman's appeal chairman of the joint commit- nding and was thoroughly enjoyed. and sailed Atherton, C. H. Cooke, F. B. Damon, tee for Honolulu at nbout 4 o'clock, The parade and the luau nt Brew- announced the purpose of the visit. While this was being Ka- arriv- that of the one hundred and fourteen served the 9. sti.'i-- t near F. C. Atherton. T,Hjy wuro relldy- - ing nt er's wharf in the evening wore to River Hotel. who hmi stnr.,! .h ntmn . ho Hd to hear any laupapa Band iplnyed and tho people f, celebrate the fifth year of the great PHONE WHITE 2676. saloon, not one dared openly her'""" U'a the vcoXo hntl t0 nml from nil parts of the Settlement gath- COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS DE- face Hawaiian mutual benefit society. scorn or reply protest. their whole desire was to do what was ered to present tho matters of Inter- THE HEW HOSPITAL PARTMENTS. to hor Society members marched four Tho appeal to employ best for tho settlement. Ho had with est to them to tho legislators. "Dr." J. Lor headed by Samuel Dwight, S. SAEK9, Wallach 'In elo- him a number of petitions which had Among matters of the greatest Im Strict attention given to all branches the settlement had the president; Joseph Fern, quence despair. was tho been prosonted to tho senate regarding AT portance at tho Settlement Is the now of Ranking of It appeal and Frank Harvey, treasurer. Head Bamboo Furniture of tho credulity doomed, In affairs In tho Settlement, and things hospital, tho site for which has been of the ing the ladles were Mrs. Dwight, their A.ND - promises In liopo, no desired there. chosen and work is to begin. JUDD BUILDING, FORT STREET. and matter how Senator Coelho nrosldod t this about president; Mrs. Kantthele, PICTURE FRAMES. absurd or Improbable. 1'allkapu, olio of tho Inmates, seemed Tho site Is near the sea and near th meeting at which thero wero several Mrs. Blshaw, financial secretary: Neat and Handsome to" bo tho principal spokesman. He Pall, Just outside the village of Ka Designs to Claus Spreckels. "Wm. G. Irwin. It was Charles Kawalnul, a member hundred presont. Mrs. Kaleo, recording secretary, and made order. especially desired that the clothing al- laupapa. has splendid drainage, t Beretanla Street, near Punchbowl of the Kalaupapa Band ,a resident at S. K. Kaunamano presented a se- It a Mrs. Low, treasurer. lowance bo Increased from $5 each six good soil, and is moro protected -- BLUE I8L tho settlement for nine years, still a ries of measures that It was desired from The narade formed at the drlllshcd, .2LEPH0NE ClansSpreckels&Go young man, months to $S each six months and that the wind than any other spot. The in- - who made the most stir tho legislature snould consider. These j went down Beretanla to Fort, thenco It bo paid In cash Instead of In an or- stltution Includes u ' general hospital ...... ring appeal. were: (1), an Increase of the poi al- K,,,fT' ...... 10 uown 116 by 73 to alonff K,nf? :suuanu' der on the Board of Health store. He 23 feet, a nurserv 34 hv 70 feet.' BANKERS "Dr. Wallach says ho can cure the lowance to pounds a week; (2), an . , Nuuanu to Merchant, alonp Merchant HONOLULU H. T. seemed to think that tho Goard of nn III worst case of leprosy In six weeks," increase of tho clothing allowance , to so back to the drlllshcd. Health on too rpQ .,, , , Frt and i Kawalnul exclaimed. "Hero aro two insisted largo a profit from $10 to $16 ia year and payable In w San Francisco Agents The Nevada on tho goods handled so In all hospital cases whether duo to len-- of our number who show you that they that for cash; (3), tho providing of machinery urewer s wnarr uunoing was tno iarg- - OUEEN STREET National Bank of San Francisco. stance, If one on receiving his half Tosy or not. It Is Intended whero DRAW EXCHANGE ON have been much benefitted by him af to cut firewood; (4), an Ico machine; that est affair of tho kind ever celebrated yearly allowance of $5 then bought a ivyiyja? ucvciuua 1 ill US LU reilUCr U. , .ftrtrt . . , . nvrtA BAN FRANCISCO The Nevada Na- ter only two week's treatment. Dr. (5), repairs to the houses of the lep W num. uver wvu puupie were ieu; juuv Firewood, Stove, pair of shoes for $3.10 that left only ers; (fl), system leper helpless he shall be brought to tional Bank of San Francisco. Goodhue, and every doctor that has a of fire hydrants ., , , , pounds of pol wero consumed. Eight and Blacksmith $1.90 not enough to buy necessary Steam LONDON Union of London & Smith's ever been here never claimed that ho other throughout tho Settlement; (7), an In- hundred pounds of lmu-cook- pig and clothing. of being to neg- Bank, Ltd. could cure It. Ho never treated tho crease In tho wages paid lepers for stead left the care or tho usual great variety of other tempt- Exchange Na- lect of kokuas. Is NEW YORK American disease to euro it, but only to relieve One of tho petitions received from work done; (8), Increased pay for po- It intended In this ing Hawaiian dishes were eaten. Tho tional Bank. way eventually to away WHOLESALE AN) RETAIL. some of tho suffering, to cure us of here had been to ask that "Dr." Wal lice officers; (9), an appropriation of do with the Ha wallah tho Gleo CHICAGO Corn Exchange National kokua system. Band and Ellis fevers, and rheumatism, and other lach bo sent to treat tho lepers. There $200,000 for tho sunnort of the Settle Club furnished music. Special Attention Given to Bank. nursery PARIS Credit Lyonnals. sickness. Why not try this Dr. Wal- seemed very little support of this peti ment; (10), a twice a month steamer The 1s intended for babes born leprous DRAYING BERLIN Dresdner Bank. lach? If ho falls he cannot do worse tion at this end of tho Settlement, and servlco by which relatives could come of mothers. They are to SHIP INCENDIARY SENTENCED. ALSO WHITE AND BLACK BAND. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA JEne than other doctors have done. They the highest praise of Dr. Goodhue, and to visit friends at the Settlement: (11). bo taken from their mothers at birth C. Ahrens, tho sailmaker of tho Hongkong and Shanghai Banking. do not even try euro that Kalaupapa should be port so as to prevent tho danger of conta-- t guil- ' to the disease. his assistant Dr. Hollman was given. tho first British ship Claverdon was found Conioratlon. '? Look at these people around me," he Representative Coney told them of call on this servlco; (12), bettor ac glon, during the period of infancy and ty of attempted lncondrlsm by a Jury Vienna Bakery NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA that they continued, pointing to the disfigured Wallach's claims on the very face of commodations than deck passage for until are old enougn to be sent on Saturday afternoon. Tho defend- Bank of New Zealand, and Bank of ' persons to non-lcpro- HOME-MAD- faces and the evidences of the dis- them were ridiculous, quoted being brought to the Settle the homes for children ant was sentenced to three years' Im- GOOD Bread, the only B jVu S tIfll El S i L and what membering ment; (13), extending of leprous parents. Thero are now 23 BREAD town. All VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bank action of the disease In Wallach claimed was the formula for for tho break- prisonment. Ono Incident of tho trial in kinds of cakei those around him. "Are we to bo left his medicine, which Included water at the landing: (14). that "Dr." babes In the Settlement under a year was the attempt by M. F. Prosscr of our spoclalty. Wagon delivery throufi of British North America, "moss old. city. to die as we are, when this man claims from female rocks found 1200 Wallach be sent to tho Settlement to tho prosecution to put on Cnpt. feet below Phone Main 179. No. 1129 Fort St. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING ho can heal U3 and has shown that ho tho sea," and other similar nonsensical treat them. Tho dispensary is now Just complet- Thompson in rebuttal to some testi- AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. can at least help us " things. Senator Coelho, Senator Lane, A number of these proposals are al ed. It has a commodious dispensing mony of Ahrens. who admitted having ready provided It was in vain that Representative and Representatives Philip Pall, Ka- for, and others are an room; an operating room for serious called Thompson a scoundrel becauso Deposits Received, Loans Made on Coney, proved by the Board of Health and operations, and another operating the master of the vessel had told tho Approved Security, Representative Philip Pall, lelopu, and Nakaleka all spoke against CLEANED AND PRESSES Commercial and 'Representative Superintendent McVeigh. The room for minor operations and dress- firemen not to put the hose Into tho Travellers' Ex- Kalelopu, and Senator Wallach. Credits Issued. Bills of the timo and attention of meeting ings. It 4s equipped equal to hold of the vessel during the fire. change Bought and Sold. Coelho and others pointed out tho ridi- It was at this meeting that Represen the tho Honolulu Clothes Cleaning Co "Dr."' was taken up with tho saloon and tho Queen's Hospital, it is said. Judgo Robinson ruled that Thompson 'V culousness of Wallach's claims; tatlves Kaleo of the Fourth District nd the insult to their intelligence Wallach matters. In- - regard to the Tho now visitors' could not bo called In rebuttal as tho COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY AC- that tho Kahana of Hilo, made their furious house provides Alakea St., near King. Phone Main mere statement latter, Charles Kawalnul presented means to witness had been allowed to remain in lit COUNTED FOR. of his formula was, ch speeches. Kaleo was for visitors see and converse much tho matter and then Introduced two the court room during the trial. The with its "moss from female rocks found more conservative than Kahana. He with their leprous relatives or friends, men wno claimed to have been greatly court Instructed tho Jury that if it be- twelve hundred feet down In the sea," said that he was ready to do anything but without the (possibility of contact. Koa Furniture puerile benefited by Wallach's treatment. The lieved the defendant had tried to set and other claims. These peo- devised by tho Board of Health or res There are sleeping apartments for vis- Made to Order. ESTABLISHED IN 1858. ple know first of these was AnI Pake, a itors compolled fire to tho cargo and not tho ship, It that they were the victims ponslblc scientific men. rather by steamer schedulo Upholstering and Repairing. of a disease, But if War dignified, mlddleaged Chinese. Ho said to should return a. verdict of acquittal. which condemned them to lach could cure leprosy he remain over. WING- CHONG CO. exile, favored glv that his right hand had been so Magoon & Llghtfoot appeared for tho from which they were slowly ing a chance to prove that A now laundry Is Just being com- Cor. King and Bethel. P. O. Box 1031 dying, it. He how- ne could not open It and his ears and defendant. BISHOP SCO. and that the regular physicians ever did not believe the pleted and so Is a new steam poi nt them gave vaguo sentiment ex face swollen with the leprous tubercle. little or only pressed in the petition favoring hopes of cure, while hero was man Wal He had had the disease a long timo. SHE WANTS A DIVORCE. a lach originated in tho M. OHTA, BANKERS who made the most positive promises Settlement, but tie was treated for two weeks hv nr. Flora K. Crowell of Honolulu has JAPANESE CONTRACTOR outside. THE LEPROSAR brought Clem1-en- t of cure, and gave what In the credu- Wallach last July and as a result of a dlvorco suit against AND CARPENTER. lity of their despair seemed earnest of Kahana said he was In favor of Wal the treatment the stiffening of hla C. Crowell of Walluku on tho maa ground this power In the two men, AnI Pako lach or nnyone else who can cure lo nana (passed away, so that ho At tho other side of the peninsula of failure to provide suitable Houso No. 762 Shoridan'St Commercial and Travellers' prosy open the Kalawao many and Kananl Ah !Fah, who unquestion- and will prove it at his own ex couiu It fully, as ho demonstrat- side of the visit- maintenance. She asks for the cus- Telephono White 801. pense. ed, ors were tody Letters of Credit Issued on the ably believed they had been bneefltted He declared that he himself and tho swelling of his ears and shown tho slto and plans for of their one child, Harriet K. Bank of California and The Lon- by Wallach's treatment. knew of cures effected by Wallach and face had gone down. Wallach had the now United States Leprosarium. Crowell, seven years old. Tho parties Tho wero don Joint Stock Bank, Limited, The scene was pathetic and Impres could produce the evidence if It would assured him he could cure him in six site faces the sea, and Dr. married February 2, 1900. Horse (flipping. weeks, says London. sive, it was the anguished appeal of not result In Wallach being arrested for but after two weeks treatment Brinckerhoff it has tho most pic- ho hnd been to turesque view in tho FILES A DENIAL. Correspondents for the Amer- tho dying. Tho baselessness and tno practicing medicine without a license, sent the settlement world. Rogers Is again nnu naa oeen Luke baok from ican Express Company, and ultimato cruelty of the pretensions of Ho believed thoroughly that If Wal there over since. 'He The plans are for a thirty-be- d hos- W. R. Chilton, doing business under Maul, clipping horses at the old stand, Wallach lach were to come ws confident that If Wallach pital providing the name of Hawaiian Company, Thos. Cook & Son. to which their hope clung to the Settlement had been for completo separation Pawn orner Punchbowl and King streets. couia not he could cure some. uione ne could euro him. for tho sexes; a well' equipped tho mama of Hawaiian Pawn Corn-ha- s Interest allowed on term and detract from the lmpresslve- - ji labora- ness of It, and the fact that tho mem Theso speeches of Kaleo and Kahana Kanani Ah Fah was the other Wal- tory largo enough for three to work In; filed a general denial to tho com- Savings Bank Deposits. lach bers of the legislature could not, produced a remarkable effect one patient. His face was much dis- administrative quarters; resi- plaint in assumpsit of J. a. Lehribergor and that figured, and do true to themselves, promise oven was not entirely nullified by tho earnest and his hand was stiffened. dence for physicians and attendants. & Co. Ho what to these people seemed a poor speeches of Coney, Lane, Coelho, Pall, said he had first heard of Wallach One rather unexpected thing about Doon maeed, did not detract from tho and Nakaleka not to allow themselves through one of tho lattor's circulars tho plans aro tho provision made for CONDON WAS DISCHARGED. ho quarters R. W. Condon, charged THE melancholy impresslveness of it to bo Imposed on by a designing man which had found at a political for anthropld apes, and other with assault Tho commute of tho two houses of who made promises that he was meeting last fall. He hunted un Wal animals. Dr. Brinckerhoff conceives and battery on a polico officer, was utter discharged by Limited. tho legislature, together with a few ly unable to keep merely for tho pur lach and was treated for two weok9 that the most important work the in- Judge Robinson on ai ESTABLISHED 1880. others, left for the Leper Settlement by poso of lining his own pockets. by him when ho was arrested and sent stitution can undertake is, first, to bo nolle prosequi entered by County At to torney tno Klnau at 11 o'clock Saturday even As to the petition urging the legal the Settlement. He claimed to have able to reproduce tho bacteria of tho cathcart. Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000,000 ing. been greatly disease so Tho steamer faced heavy north-oa- st izing of the sale of liquor in settlo benefitted by the Wallach in animals that It can be Capital Paid Up 21,000,000 the treatment. CHINESE PYTHIAN trade all tho way, and after it ment, Kamealoha, a policeman was studied in all its stages, and tho jifo KNIGHTS. Reserva Fund 13,700,000 tho Thero Thanksgiving services wero rough trip anchored at 6 o'clock Sun principal speaker. He said were speeches by a number of of tho animal sacrificed at any stage held by that vile lepers, the Chineso Knights day morning near the Kalaupapa land swipes wero made in tho and the impassioned address of sclenco demands, something that is of Pythias at HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. Settlement, meir hall on Vineyard street vontnr ing, tho peninsula on which tho Settle- acspite every effort to prevent It. Ho itawainui mentioned above. Coelho In of course impossible when the disease Absolutely a speech urged Is being day afternoon. Officers of tho lodge Branchos and Agonclost ment is located sheltering the water in thought It would be much better to them to be hopeful. studied m human beings. covo that everything was being for uenvcred addresses. Honolulu, New York, San Francli. tha littlo and giving a smooth and have the sale of puro liquor legalized done Tho Settlement displays more evi- The Latest comfortable landing. mom that science could do .that the dences progress London, Lyons, Bombay, Hongkong, The Kalaupapa This proposal seemed to met with lit- of than it has over BAND band together United States Institution under Dr. been able to CONCERT. Dalny, Newchwang, Leayang, Fekln, with by far the larger tle support, and Senator W. O. Smith show to anyother legisla- A public moonlight Patterns Hangkaw, Shanghai, Chefoo, part tho population Brinckerhoff would soon bo in opera- tive committee concert will bo Tientsin, of of tho Settlemont upbraided Kamealoha for urging tho that ever visited it. It Biven by tho Mukden, Antung Hslen, Kobe, Naga were tion, and that Dr. Goodhue was ex. la being Hawaiian Band this In suitings for Spring and Summer at the landing to welcome tho Introduction of something that must transformed from tho nrimi- - evening 7.30, akl, Toklo, Osaka. porlmcnting along hopeful Lop-ros- y, at at Emma Square, tho wear. Theso goods aro limited to one visitors, for tho biennial visits of com- necessarily breed disorder trouble lines. tlve village lifo of a native settlemont, program The Banks buys and CoV and he had being as follows: suit per pattern. receives for mittees from tho legislature are tho In the Settlement. no doubt could bo cured, to a sanatorium where medipai a.H lection Bills of Exchange, Issue Drafts If only cure bo PART I, Good dressers will not have their the could found. Ha surgical appliances . greatest ovents In tho life of tho Settle- Kahalckukona spoke In favor of In are at hand, and Tit Imnli liml. r '' and Letters of Credit, and transacts a had known of cures In tho settlement Ideas Imitated If thoy buy here. general banking business. ment. creasing tho allowance of pol from 21 by remedies cent to It by Akeoha, a medical care tho unfortunntoji Why? Bocauso no tailor suits lo Tho visitors repaired at once to pounds a week to 25. Ho claimed of nn Ballad, "Moon - that woman. whore, and Coon" Ffahnr- town are qulto like our"s and also be- tho Superintendent's resldonce, whero If It were Issued to them as palal abovo all, research Intn thn Selection, hard This speech was adrlotlv turned dlseaso "Sullivan Songs" ....Rappey cause wo carry an cxcluslvo lino. Honolulu breakfast was served. By tho time 21 younds would bo sufficient. itself is being carried on. Branch 67 King Street But It against the legislators by the nro- - PART II. Try us and bo satisfied. this was over a large number of horses, camo to them as thoroughly pounded Dr. Ooodhuo la very hopeful hn Vocal, Wallach advocates. They said that Dr. of Hawaiian Songs. Ar. by Gergor saddled and bridled, had been brought and thoreforo they It, eucalyptus treatment which Is Selection, HAND PAINTED NOVELTIES. as called soft urincKernorr only Intended to experi- now "Princo of PIIsen"....Luders XtcX to tho place, and under tho direction pol, 21 oemg tried. Its palliative Finale, W.W.A Co. and pounds was not enough. ment on them; that he had no ouro effect. r "Red and Black" Cooto MerchanthanaTailors. At of Sheriff Walmanu of Kalawao County Representative evident and abundant, Pall In a speech di yet, and that cures had been mado by and he sees "Star Spangled Banner." those were distributed among the visit- somo things to give him hope O. Y. ITOW rected principally against tho saloon tno remedy of this woman nroved that that it Phono Blue 27U. ors. Tho plan had been to visit the proposal nus curativo properties. EXHAUSTED completely captured tho gath- thero wero cures. Why not, BRAIN 62 Beretanla St. near Honolulu, said they, Is a No. King Street Emma site of tho now hospital, tho now dis ering and received much applause. let Wallach come, frlutful cause fit porosis, paralysis, pensary, and If ho cured tho ORAND JURY DISCHARGED. epilepsy. Insanity, tho visitor's houso and. other A most affecting incident closed the disease tho Immense cost keeping etc. Tho oarly symp- new In of The grand Jury toms aro First Clas3 Meals Served. and proposed improvements visit at the Baldwin Home. Four of up tho Settlement bo away mado tts flnni mnnrt headache, sleeplessness, irri- MIRIKIDAMI would dono to Judgo tability, Kalaupapa before going to tho Baldwin tho Inmates sang with guitar accom-panlamo- nt with. Robinson this morning. W. etc., and tho prevention and BARBER SHOP. W. Homo "at Kalawao, across tho penin a song of their own compo Speeches Harris was tho foreman. Tho re- pormanent euro of nil such disorders Is Opon from 6:S0 a. m. to 9 p. m. I much tho samo as tho. port sula. But this was misunderstood, and sition expressing their gratitude at tho already mado at Stated that all Of the lnrtlomn Dr. Miles' Rostoratlvo Norvlno. At HOT AND COLD BATHS. the Baldwin Homo had been most of tho party wont at onco to Ka visit of tho law makers of tholr wore1 mado by returned and thore was noth- - druggists. Tf first bottle falls to ben- Four modern bath tubs with shower. Hotel Street, near Nuuanu. tho members of tho grurthor lawao whero thoy found tho boys from in to roport. Judge Robin-eo- n efit, money bnck, Nuuanu Street near Pauahl. OPEN ALL NIGHT. thanked Jury tho Baldwin Homo as Indeed most of Pallkapu asked about the new divorce The members of tho KalaunaDa (Band the and discharged Short Orders a Specialty. 21 thorn. Tho now grand ASSESSMENT Meals, I4.E0 the people of tho village of Kalawao, law which had been Introduced In the asked for a salary of $5 a month Jury for tho NOTICE. engaged In worship In the April term will convene next Easter legislature. His understanding was apiece. MolanI asked for an incrcaso week. By Da-mie- n, order of the Board of Directors of church originally built by Father that It compelled dlvorco between hus- in tho pay of (McVeigh. UTILIZING THE tho Nahlku Sugar .Company Ltd., As- though greatly onlarged by tho - VISITORS. Importers Dealers In IF YOU band and wlfo whon ono of them be- About this time, tho malcontents sessment No. 6 of 2 per cent on and WISH TO ADVERTISE present rector Joseph. It is reported thnt the English, Cry i Father Near camo a leper, and to this ho was very seemed to have got In control of tho capital stock of tho company Is duo American and Chinese IN Da-mle- n. volt will furnish a NEWSPAPERS this church Is the grave of Father much opposed. Roproscntatlvo Naka- meeting, and complaints of all kinds balloon In which and payable at the office and principal Goods, Chineso Grass Linens, ANYWHBRB AT ANYTIMH Commander Poary may make his 1021 Not far away aro tho gardens leka explained that It did nothing of were made. To tho Dronosai to in next placo of business of tho Company, Nuuanu St. bot. King and Hotel. CaU on or Write dash to tho polo. will-b- o whore tho boys of tho Baldwin Homo crease Dr. pay It an eas7 Stnngenwald Build' Honolulu. T. IT. tho kind, but only provided means by Goodhue's thoso mal- matter for tho Whlto E.C.DAKE'S ADMTISIBG AGE5CY under tho direction of Mr. Dutton and contents replied: Houso callers nn Apru it uajgt May 1st, which those who doslred dlvorco might No; wait till ho -- Sanaorno to furnish tho hot air. Washlncton CHAN KEE; 134 Street tno lour urotnors or tno vatnouo mis- - obtain It. Coelho closed tho mooting shows that he an oure leprosy,; Qna Post, BAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, j olon raise abundahco of flofvura, Within ! by announcing that he had unnA manlhoiiB-i- i i ---: the ohurnh - EIGHT THE HAWAIIAN STAR, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1907.

HAND MADE formation. His father was an English schoolmaster, and tho funds necessary j MALTESE LACBS J nines F. Morgan, James V. Morgun Page 8 Hid for the payment of his musical educa- Page 5 Us! House Committee Notice tion woro provided In a large measure AUCTION, jCH AND Notice of Appointments Page 6 by a lady who admired his unusual BROKER. 3 Millinery Ruin er Boer Vage talent. Woman's Exchange 4W-8- Oefiiu From There were tho brothers stalner the Kakumnu St. Til. Mala. 7:. Hotel Street near Union. IP. O B8- -. IM. NKVS l.N A X UTS HELL one a celebrated German violin mak- er, the other a Tyrolone violin maker, A Very Attractive Display of I'uiiiKnijilis Unit (ilvc C'OlllloUOtl who flourished about the year 1700, but P,v;hkco.S. cvs o! the liny. rizonan It Is Improbablo that Sir John Stnlner SWELL HATS could be drawn from cither. Tho most exqulsito creations of the foremost stylish designers; A.-- FREIGHTER ARRIVES FROM Yours faithfully, It will pay you to mako your R. REILAND BODE. wo show the correct shapes and styles. wants known. You can do this TACOMA WITH 4000 TON'S OF most effectively by cheaply and FREIGHT FOR ISLASD PORTS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF TRIMMED HATS. using the Wunt Ad column of Doric From Coast Is Immense, and still no' two hats are alike. Wo have a special lot of The Star. Want Ads Inserted Not until sho wns within five miles With8 Days Mail times for 25 cents. TRIMMED three of Onhu did tho American-Hawaiia- n CHILDRENS HATS -4 S. S. Arlzonnn, which arrived off port SAILS FOR ORIENT FROM CHAN- Very- - Moderately Priced. last evening and entered the hnrbor NEL WHARF AT 11 A. M. TOMOR. THE WEATHER. this morning, sight those Islands. Local Ofllce, U. S. Weather Bureau, There was a very heavy mist on at the ROW. MONEYBAK SILKS. Young Building. time and, about 5 o'clock yesterday af- Honolulu, T. H.. June 1, 1907. A new assortment just opened; Taffeta and Peau do Sole. ternoon, the veil suddenly lifted and With eight days later mall the S. S. the beauties were MONEYBAK SILK is the Silk you can depend upon; the Silk Temperatures: 6 a.m., G9; Sa.m., 73; of Oahu discovered. Doric, Captain Gnukrogoar, arrived this Tho Arlzonan lay off port last night, with a written guarantee to back it; a Silk with character repu- 'llfflllF 10 a.m., 72; noon, 71; morning mini- afternoon from San Francisco, docking and COMB docking at the railway WITH A mum, 67. wharf about nt tho channel wharf at 2:12 o'clock. tation; a Silk that we tako pleasure in recommending to our Patrons. OR IIAIH BRUSH. 9 o'clock this morning at once 'Barometer, S a.m., 30.14; absolute hu- and Sho sails for the Or ont, calling nt Ma- AUCTION SALE commencing the of discharge. midity. 8 a.m., 5.357 grains per cubic work nila, at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. MONEYBAK TAFFETA at $1.35 per yard and upwards. She sailed from Tacoma at 10 a. m. Paeheco's Dandruff Killer Is the only foot; relative humidity, S a.m., 61 per She left San Francisco on March 6 SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1907, on March 22, making the run to port MONEYBAK PEAU DE SOIE SILKS at $1.50 a yard. medy that will effectually destroy the cent; dew point, S a.m., 59. Threo stop.ovor passcngors tand hor. In about 9 days. She brings 4000 12 o'clock noon . u.udruff erm, and promote a luxu Wind: velocity, 6 a.m., 9, northeast; about Tho cabin list through is large. In tons of general freight, 2000 nt growth of half. S a.m., 4, oast: 10 a.m., 9, northeast; of which tho steerage are 87 Chinese and 29 At my land salesroom, bold by all Druggists and at Pache is for Honolulu and the rest, about 1000 noon, 10, east. THE BEST YET -- ' Barber Shop, Fort street. tons oach for Kahulut and Hilo. She OFFERED. Rainfall during .24 hours ended S n. N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Go 232. will load sugar probably PHONE MAIN m., .02 Inch. at Kahulut, ARRIVING. Party leaving for the Coast, - Kaanapall and HHo Total wind movement during- 21 for Sallna Cruz, Monday, April 1. Residence of Mrs. Gares, leaving here Sunday next for the oth- hours ended "at noon, 271 miles. O. & O. S. S. Doric, Kaukroger, from KING STREET. er Islands. 26. doekorl B. ' Frannlsco. March .it WILLIAM STOCKMAN, TnnTurlnrl. ...Im l.n nMn nAA . . . YOUR FACE ..v.. n.n.feu llma ,channel Wharf....2:12 p. m., with 8 days Section Director. flour and feed from the Puget Sound No how bright, your lace loses mall matter Flourlng Mills. Sho took to Tacoma ELL half its charm liy the exhibition of unsight- Low prices at New England Bakery. DEPARTING. ly teeth. If extracted the gum may shrink If your sowing machine needs repair- from Salina Cruz considerable general Tuesday, April 2. 488. cargo Ne.w and make bad wrinkles. If neglected they ing, phono Bonney & Co., Main from York which was tak- O. Ss O. S. S. Doric, Gaukroger, for will spread decay to others aad make your Lodge en to by Tehu-antep- ec Regular meeting of Harmony Sallna Cruz way of the driont from channel wharf, 11 a.m. SUILT breath bad. Have your teeth attended to this evening. railroad. PASSENGERS BOOKED. now. Tho Enamel ware, tho right kind at tho Arlzonan brings tho first freight Per S. S. Klnau, for Hilo and way Dlmond & Co. shipped from Tehuan-tepe- c F. L. FERGUSON, D. D. S. ' right price, at W. W. New York via i ports, April 2: James Dougherty, Miss Benson, Smith & Co. have the larg- for these Islands, he Is not tho Olympla Osorlo, L. C. Lyman, J. R. of 7 rooms, servants' quarters, stables, THE EX'rgRI DENTISTS first b est stock of rubber goods In tho Ter- of tho Ileet to bring New York Paris, (Mrs. Georgo Robinson, J. F. etc. Free artesian water. V.0. freight hero IN FINE REPAIR. Arlington Hotel, - Hotel St. ritory. via Tehuantepec, but she Wood, E. P. Low, J. L. Coke, Miss The woman who has never tried regu- carries of-- You don't have to spend a cent. Hawaiian Lodge will hold their the first the freight out of WIckstrom, MIsV M. Rogers, J. W. Now Size of lot 70x2G5. Lot runs from lar meeting this evening. Transaction York for Hawaii via Tehuante- Dunbar and wife, Mrs. Walgamat, iff pec. King to Young street. Finely planted. of business. Miss J. S. Sparke, D. J. White, wife Bottom rock upset. Just what you Sweet Violet Butter Sweet Violet Creamery Butter, tho The Arlzonan is the first of tho fleet and child. peer, C. Q. to bring Diego have been looking for. For further butter without a at Yeo San freight to Hono Per S. S. W. G. Hall, for Kauai, Ap- Hop & lulu. From particulars apply to :o.t. has never tasted the best In the Honolulu market. Co. Sallna Cruz sho went to ril 2: Miss Shaw, Miss Weber, Miss .. The cholco household furnlturo of A. San Diego, thence north and so here, De Brewvllle. :. It comes to you protected against dirt and germs B. Arlelgh Is will bo sold at auction on lliero one change to be noted in PASSENGERS ARRIVED. JAS. F. JIOltfMN. by a woven wrapper on It Wednesday. the personnel with tho mark of the Violets . of tho Arlzonan. "For From San Francisco, per S. S. Do mer Chief Engineer AUCTIONEER. The Pacific Plcturo Framing Co. re Parp Eoes to the ric, April 1. For Honolulu: Charles :5 4 new S. S. ceived cases of moulding by the S. Columbia, of tho same line, j Pettit, C. B. Myers, Mrs. L. J. My ers. & LEXRHDER S. Nebraskan. nuntuuu iuhi aaiuruay, and tho new Tor xoKoliama: ,T. K. Ohl, Miss Ada A gobd chief of tho sized crowd visited the Arlzonan was formerly the Hodgins, J. Melczer, C. K. Marr, E. grounds nrst P. YOUNG of tho Country Club yester- assistant engineer, H. Trlnnenso Salisbury, J. J. crotty, T. Christy. T. day. Many people played golf. , JA Shimosaka, 'Mrs. G. C. Phlnney and The annual meeting St. of Clement's maid, Miss CM. p. Klessel, K. Kitada, MOTEL congregation will tako place umo excursion Us. this even W. Kohrs, Miss Cojistance Hodgins, ing in the parish houso at 8 o'clock. CENTRAL Reaches W. Foster, J. J. Carter, C. Stewart, C. A very enjoyable concert was Son Pedro r ABSOLUTELY HONOLULU given B Wallace, Jr., Walter Groves, P. on Saturday evening H. FIRE-PROO- F at Kakaako mis PROMOTION COMMITTER sunnp. Bowie, Mrs. J. L. Franken, Miss Mar- sion, which was largely C. Q. YEE HOP & CO. attended. garet Pack, C. H. McCready. For Na- Tho S. Doric TARY RECEIVES CABLE S: from San Francisco FROM gasaki, A. Kantor. For Manila: H. "v.. l with S days was sighted PAN HOTEL later mail off LOS ANGELES VISITORS. Krafft, F. J. Torras, Rev. P. c. Jones. v: Koko Head at 11:53 V o'clock this Miss G. Henley, J. A. Pottoroff, Mrs. WAIKIKI BEACH !' C. W. Keith, A. C. Mlnnlng, W. M. 2 51 ,V good, Secretary H. P. Wood Tel. Main healthy drink is the now of the Hawaii Brown, Mrs. C. GENERAL MANAGER P. Jones and child, J. College by Trs to C F Peter J. H. HERTSCHE, Bock Beer which has just been placed Promotion commltteo this morning re- Oahu rf. Magulre, C. W. Keitr. For Hong- Rel on the market by the Honolulu Brew ceived a cablegram from Secretary son Par kong: M. S. Silverstone, Det-rlc- k, W. PATTERSON & CO. ery. Wiggins of tho iMiss A. F Peterson and wf to Irwin H R. Los Angeles Chamber of A. S. Macdonald, Commerce who J. J. Rubon. Beadle Tr , D THE FINEST CANDIES Mr. and Mr3. L. A. Thurston are tho was one of tho chief Miss A. L. Broome, Contracting and Jobbing. among tho Los Arthur 'Silverstone, Georgo Rodlek and wf to Ivancohe General guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shtpman, Angeles excursionists cnocic Chong, Miss B. are Gunter's. A new shipment lias been received Hauscpalntlng, Paperhanging, Grain-- Macdonald, W. Rice Mill Co Ltd D The will be here about a week longer. recenotly here, to the effect that the S. Bessom. PALM. Kalsomlnlng, and March 29, 1907. by THE nc. Brick, Cement Hawaii Herald. Ohio arrived at San Pedro from Ho Entered for Record tone Work. Shop with Whittle, tho 9 a. m. to 4 p. home-mad- e There will be an Important nolulu this morning with everybody REALTY From m.j WHEN IT OOM'ES to Candies, lrn painter, 1168 Union street. Phone meeting TRANSACTIONS. to Hop Yee Wal of tho Auto Club aboard safe and well. Lum Yip Kee et al PALM is far ahead of all. A large assort- Main 324. at tho offices of the Entered for record March 27, 1907. Hel THE Co home-mad- e Promotion Committee, tomorrow even 9 ment of also at From a. m. to 4 p. m. . to W A Telephone I.aln 193. P. O. Box 192. ing at 7:30 o'clock. BANGALORE IS CHARTERED. F. Peterson and wf Cora E by M Among the charters made public in Townsend and hsb Attv Tho Pythian sisters will have inltia Ule- - San 20 to William R Castlo D Lyle A Dickey to Henry Van tlon this evening and afterwards an Francisco on March was that the D H Hitchcock and wf to W. R Cas sen Tr AM PaJj2a of American ship Bangalore for su- entertainment to which each member tlo !b Chung Cafe to gar Foo Seo to Sun Kwock bo Hotel Street. Successor is entitled to invito a friend. from Honolulu to Delawaro Break LORL & BELSER, water for orders. M Keolo to Nettle L Scott.. .Rel Dow Ltd L Upon examination you will be ! im Wing Chong Co Co-- P D Mrs F R Lucewelko adv K W Jor GENERAL CONTRACTOR mediately convinced of the superiority BARK CURTIS SAILS. Bishop & Co to A Harrison.. Par Rel dan & Co. Ltd Jdgmt of the Leonard Cleanabla 'Refrigera The American bark George Antone Fortes to W H Harbottle.JM W H Cornwell adv E W Jordan & wra, Dredging, Grading, Paving, tor. H. & Curtis Hackfeld Co., Ltd., have sailed Allen & Robinson, Ltd, to Kekaikul- - Co Ltd Jdgmt Teaming, Crushed Rock. a new stock. from San Francisco for Hono Alameda Arrivals lulu on March 20. hala Mahaulu et al Rel Oliver C Scott and wf to Eva M A fair In aid of district nursing and Sarah R Kay to Stephen Mahaulu.. M Belser ..: D Black and White Sand and S the work of Stephen For Sal the Palama Settlement HIGH SCORE BOWLERS. Mahaulu and wife et al to will be held on Saturday next at the Tho March tourney ended at tho Ho San Antonio Port Ben Soc of Haw.M Recorded March 20, 1907. Embroidered and Yoke Laces In many Colors and Patterns. Settlement building, corner King and tel Baths last evening with some good W K Mahaulu and wf by mtgee to and hsh fflce and Yard, South and Kawalahao high Elizabeth Itenjes and as Tr A large assortment of Back and Side Combs at Llllha streets. scores after a very hard con Tr of See Dal Do Soc D , Streets. test. (H) to W M Giffard, D; Int In kul Mrs. Mabel Wing Castlo expects to See 'Dal Soc by Tr to See Dal Co ap 2, etc, Kalawahlne, Ho T. C. McGulre led with a score o bldgs, "THE ROWING GIRLS!" leave for New England some time dur- Society , d nolulu. Oahu. $1. B 292. p 13. Dated ing this month, See Dol Do Soc by Tr to Western & 30, accompanied by her blnson 242, P. O. Schmidt, 230, P. C. Jan 1907. daughter and niece. 'Hawn Investmt Co Ltd M A now Regatta Postal. Mats Fans. Before returning Hall 232, Dick Young led the Duck-pi- n Annie L Itego and hsu (J P) to Joa they m s lirinuaum to Kaoleku S Baskets. Teco Pottery and Russian will probably visit Germany. players with 115. Co....L quin S Mello, M; premises Berotanla Ying Chong Co.c V G ah E Todd and wf to Ilrassos. John T. Baker will $5.00 pair shoes Mfg. Shoo Co. a E W Todd.D St, Honolulu, Oahu; $1000. B 289. p 462. K Kaialkawaha (w) to KING STREET EWA FISH MARKET leave soon for an exonded visit to his $5.00 hat, Kash Clothing Co. F Straucn...D Dated Mar 11, 1907. HAWAII & SOUTH SEA CURIO CO, former homo In Tahtl. Before return $5.00 sweater, E. O. Hall & Son. Entered for record March 28, 1907, $5.00 pipe Myrtlo Cigar Store. m Lucas and to A D Alexander Young Building. ing to Hilo ho expects to visit San it wf Pavao RESUMED PICACTICE. Francisco, the Colonies, China and $5.00 razor, T. II. Davles & Co. A Pavao and wf to Manoel Soares..D Dr. McLennan after a long absence $5.00 box cigars Bowling alloys. C practice, Our T'fttch Club will start soon Japan. G White to MHorlta et al L has returned, and resumed Some timo this week the team tour Royal Hawaiian Hotel grounds corner The regular monthly meeting of tho M Tavares and wf to A M Plres D 8tartS f0U0WlnS,Makua and hsb to Lllia Poohlna'.:'..D Berotanla and Richards streets. Phone Hooulu and Hoola Lahut will bo held teTmT 229. JOIN NOW. p to G S Qoodness et Main Wednesday April 3, 1907 at 10 o'clock fniinn w nni.lncnn T at ni J Gdness al.Rel u k to Anna ? a. m. All members aro requested to at E. A. It. Ross, II. B. A. Water-- ; "V;-;- A. R. VIEIRA & CO. award. Mrs N to.whTn"' tend at tho Kaplolanl Maternity Homo house, Capt, Nnkamura K Kadowaki.AL 115 Hotel Street. S to Berotanla street. Diamond Heads It. Riotow, C. Oss, McLain Tr of Mrs W Y Horner.M E. F. Schmidt, P. O. Schmidt, Captain' LIhuo Plan Co Ltd to D P R Ison Elder J. D. Whlto of tno Reorganized berg Church of Latter Day Saints, who ha W. L. Castle. Let your will govern your ac- Dealers in University Club Wm. Williamson' Henry Peters by Rogr Notice been engaged for some time In law Capt.; O. Soronson, W. II. Babitt, J. J Botelho to QI F Medeiros D your .where on tion. Put valuables practice Kauai, will loavo soon for II. Rowland. W. W. Thayer. Arthur 'Harrison and wf to Hono City ex The Doctor, Ada Kansas with his family. He Wola ka Niol T. C. McGulre, Capt.; lulu Brew & Malt Co Ltd D thoy will bo safe and relieve poets to return here at some later day, Bill Dickson, P. C. Hall, C. Sprlnks, J B Castle and wf to N R Rice D worry. The regular monthly meeting of tho O. C. Swain. Heela Agr Co Ltd to N R iRilce....D yourself of a source of Una "William al- Patti, Guild and Woman's Auxiliary of St The captains will meet at tho C Bolte Tr to N 01 Rice D loys ovenlng 5:30 and arrange Private boxes $4.00 a year at Andrew's Cathedral will be held at this at II Hackfeld & Co Ltd et al to Ka- - half past two this afternoon, the a schedule Penn, Roughrider, nt neohe Rice Mill Co Ltd Agrmt Henry Waterhouse Trust Co. residence of Bishop Restarlck, Emma ENAMELED WARES TO MRS. PRESCOTT. Entered for Record March 21, 1907, Square. Miss March will read a ipaper From 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Hawaiian Cigars. Proscott. on tho "Suwanoe Work in Tennosseo, Dear llrs. First Bank of Hilo Ltd to P C Boamor What Is a kitchen without enameled ware 7 Miss Agnos Smith, of Honolulu, I regret I have been unable to an AL The right kinds, and the right prices; with brothor, Ernost N. Smith, wh swor your letter printed through the her Jas N K Koola to First Natl Bank of " is in attending courtesy of tho Editor of Tho Hawaii Can be had as usual from the old reliable firm. " New York a national Walluku M A SPLENDID INVESTMENT of an 'Star in Thursday's Issue of that convention the Chi Pal Greek Letter Ida B Castlo and hsb to Mary E Fos Scotty, and Our SPECIALS for this WEEK Include the following: Bros. fraternity as delegato from Stanford paper. Buy a moal tlckot from Fitzpatrick tor Double Cooled Enameled Tea Pots 5 Charts only 50c each. University. Miss Smith will spend With you, I do not see any great ob you will bo drawing dlvldonds of good Malaoa (w) to L L McCandless D Single Cooled Bread Pans Only 15c Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. some time in tho east with relatives jection to the rendering of sacred health, morning, noon and night. Re Enameled each. A large crowd attended tho benefit music in buildings such as you men- mombor Scotty's noyal Annex Cafe, Just Opened Up. entertainment given on Friday night tion, hut it Is not always convenient cup Hawaiian Coffee in & Co., for Rev. P. M. Snodgrass of the Coolay to do so, and there aro particular diff- will buy a fine home. Tho best of W. W. Dimond Ltd. THE LEADING HAT CLEANER. and fe - ATr. presentation the caso Easy the city. New England Bakery Work All First Class. Mission, ICalihI. Sno'dgress iculties of suon In HOUSE expects to off for West of Stainert! "The Crueiflxion." Cafe. "THE FHRHISHIUe PEOPLE" leave 4 u" a In ml- - of gjr John Stain-- A.I QfflQOy 53.55-5- 7 King ydent DC" JoU. Printing Star; v Strrot, Honolulu, T. H. t Fine