International Psychic Gazette V22 N249 Jun 1934
i n n i ì > PSYCHIC No 249. Voi. 22. JUNE, 1934. PRICE SIXPENCE NET. OUR ITALIAN NOTE-BOOK. BY THE EDITOR. E had often dreamed of a holiday in the world. That prophecy was fulfilled fifteen W Riviera, with its warm sunshine, en years later. trancing scenery, and delightful breezes from the Mediterranean, while suffering from SIR WALTER SCOTTS APPEARANCE. the desolating effects of our bleak English Next, we narrated how on the following winters, but we had never really expected Saturday night, Sir Walter Scott was des that the dream would ever come true. cribed at an M.S.A. seance by the now veteran During the month of April, after a parti medium, Mr. J. J. Vango, who described him cularly trying winter, we received a pressing as walking with both his hands in front resting Invitation from Mrs. Gwendolyn Kelley on his walking stick, a characteristic attitude. Hack, the noted American authoress, to pay Sir Walter was so impatient that he inter her a visit at her handsome “ Villa Emily,” rupted the beginning of the seance, and came which stands on a steep slope towards the straight to us, though about twenty places sea, amid its cluster of tall palms, eucalyptus out of our turn. For the purposes of iden and cypress trees, at San Remo, Italy. tification, he described Abbotsford, referred We stood not upon the order of our going, to his deep interest in occult subjects and his but set out on May 1st, arriving after two books thereanent, and said he had come to days in the train, on May 3rd.
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