A Journal of Psychical, Occult, and Mystical Research. •• Light ! Moiir Light !Qortht. '‘WHATEVER OOTII MAKE MANIFEST IS LIGHT."—Pillll. Price Twopence. No. 888—VOL. XVIII. Saturday, .January 15, 1898. [a Now.pAp.r-J Per Poet, 10e. 10*1. per annum. STANDARD BOOKS CASH ONLY. Post free from the Office of ‘ Light,’ 110, St. Maktin’s Lane, W.C.,. at tlio prices quoted, Remittances must accompany orders, otherwise they cannot bo sent. iscourses through the Mediumship of Mrs. uman Magnetism ;’ or, How to Hypnotise. Cora L. V. Tappan.’ Comprising Fifty-four Discourses, Sixty- A Practical HandbooK tor Student* of Mesmerism. By Professor fourD Poems, and Twelve Extracts descriptive of Facts concerning the JamesH Coates. With ten plutea, showing induction of phenomena Spirit-World ami Communion between it and the Earth-Plane. Cloth experimental and curative. 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Containing illustraiioos of tho wonderful scientific invention, the apparatus for •Thought i’holo­ fter Her Death.’ The Story of a Summer. graphy and Register of Cerebral Force.’ New edition, croan cio€h. A By Lilian Whiting. Cloth, 8s. 6d., post free. IBs., post free. ii LIGHT [January 15, 18|)5 JHcbtnntship, JfltBintrisin, etc. MR. GEORGE REDWAY, BALING ART.-F.OMKRIN,G.C.E.R.,K.Ch.III., 9, HART STREET, BLOOMSBURY, LONDON bellow of several Scientific and other Learned Societies. — 8. BrtHTROni KTRKKr. CaVINniBH-MMUARB. W. Formerly of York-street. Covent Garden, and late Director and Manac< H of Began Paul. Trench, Triibner, and Co., Limited, bogs to annonn? puRATivE agnetism that, he has RESUMED BUSINESS as a PUBLISHER, on his "X M .—Mr. W. II. Edwards, account, and will be glad to hoar from authors with MBS. ready f, \z Clairvoyant and Magnetic Healer. whose remarkable cures aro well publication, and to consider proposals for new books. Address, as abotw authenticated and equal anything recorled, undertakes cases by appoint­ ment only. Mr. Edwards's guides diagnose disease, and have cured cases when other magnetisers have utterly failed. Mr. Edwards guarantees to relieve pain. Consultations 5s.—56, Lyndhurst*road, Peckham, S.E. (near RESEARCHES IN TIIE PHENOMENA Rye-lane Station). OF SPIRITUALISM. iss MacCreadie, Clairvoyants and Psycho- By SIR WILLIAM CROOKES, F.R.S. metrist. Hours 2 to 6 p.m., Saturdays excepted.—8, Oxford and Embodying tho following Treatises reprinted from the ‘ Quarterly MCambridge Mansions, Flat E (close to Ed gw-are-road Station), W. Journal of Science.’ Contents : Spiritualism Viewed in the Light of Modern Science; r. J. J. Vango, Clairvoyant and Healing Experimental Investigation of a New Force, some further experi­ Medium. At home daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., or by appointment. ments on Psychic Force. With sixteen Illustrations and Diagram/ MStances for investigatoro Monday and Thursday evenings, at 8 p.m.; proving beyond all doubt tho reality of the Phenomena. 1 also Sunday morning at 11 a.m.—288, Lad broke- grove, W. (close to * Psychic Force and Modern Spiritualism.’ A reply to the ‘ Quarterly Notting Hill Station) Open to appointments. Review ’ and other critics, to which is added Correspondence upon Dr. Carpenter’s asserted Refutation of the Author’s Experimental rs. Brenchley, Normal Clairvoyant, Psycho- Proof of the Existence of a hitherto Undetected Force, with two metriat, Healing. Diseases diagnosed. (Hours 12 till 4 p.m., Illustrations. Mprivate sittings, from 5*.) After 4 p-m. by appointment. Stances for in­ ‘ Notes of an Inquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual, during the vestigators, Tuesdays. 8 p.m 8.18,1s. Send Photo, Letter, or Hair. Fee years 1870-3.’ To which arc added three letters, entitled ‘ Miss 2a. 6d.—111. St Tbomaa*s-road. Finsbury Park, N Close to Station. Florence Cook’s Mediumship,’ ‘Spirit-forms,’ and ‘The Last of “ Katie King ” ’; the photographing of ‘ Katie King ’ by the aid of iss Findlay, I, Portsea-place, Connaught- the Electric Light. With sixteen Illustrations of appliances for . square, W., Bnsineas and Medical Psycnometrist.—At borne daily. the scientific demonstration of the genuineness of the Phenomena, _M 1 including Portiait of Mr. D. D. Home holding the accordion under agnetic Healer and Certificated Masseuse — the table while it was being played on by the agency.
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