Dressage Foundation News 2010 EDITION the Dressage Foundation Young Rider Olympic Dream Program Completes Its 9Th Trip!
The Dressage Foundation News 2010 EDITION The Dressage Foundation Young Rider Olympic Dream Program Completes its 9th Trip! he Olympic Dream Program Day 1: Monday 28 June 2010: Toffers an opportunity for gifted Travel Day Young Riders to enhance their under- We began our journey together in standing of dressage theory through an JFK, congregating from all over the intensive European tour. John Boomer, country: Mimi Stanley from North past President and CEO of TDF said, Dakota, Brian Hafner from California, Melissa Filipi (left) and Jenny Johnson “The committee was very impressed Christine Stephenson from California, discuss upcoming Foundation with the quality and quantity of this Kristin Schwaegerle from New projects at their new office. year’s candidates, and they have select- Hampshire, Ann Guptill (the primary ed a wonderful group of young riders.” chaperone) from Connecticut, and New Staff, The program is funded and adminis- myself from just north of NYC. We were tered by The Dressage Foundation. there with a purpose, having walked Expanded Programs, Join the 2010 participants and chap- away from our busy schedules to Big Gifts… erones as they tell the story of their trip! immerse ourselves in the German train- To read complete journals from the trav- (continued on page 4) and a New Home! elers, visit our website, www.dressage- 2010 Olympic Dream participants from left: hat a year it’s been! foundation.org. Mimi Stanley, Kristen Schwaegerle, Annie WJohn and Lynn Boomer Morris (chaperone), Ann Guptill (chaperone), retired. Two new staff members, Brian Hafner and Christine Stephenson. Melissa Filipi and Jenny Johnson, took over the reins.
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