Greater San Diego Hunter Jumper Association
Greater San Diego Hunter Jumper Association Established 2001 ! RULE BOOK Effective: December 1, 2020 !1 TABLE OF CONTENTS RULES AND REGULATIONS RULE I - MEMBERSHIP RULE II - EXHIBITORS, RIDERS, AND TRAINERS RULE III – PROTESTS AND RULE AMENDMENTS RULE IV - EQUITATION DIVISION RULE V - AGE EQUITATION RULE VI - GSDHJA MEDAL CLASSES RULE VII – HUNTER DIVISION RULE VIII –JUMPER DIVISION RULE IX – COMBINING/DIVIDING SECTIONS RULE X - CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW ELIGIBILITY RULE XI – YEAR END AWARDS All rule changes are effective December 1, 2020, unless otherwise specified, for the 2021 competition year. Rule book may be downloaded on !2 2021 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE GREATER SAN DIEGO HUNTER AND JUMPER ASSOCIATION All horse shows recognized by the Greater San Diego Hunter and Jumper Association, Inc. ("GSDHJA") and every person participating at the competition including exhibitor, owner, lessee, manager, agent, rider, handler, judge, steward, competition official, or employee is subject to the rules of the GSDHJA. In the event a show member of this Association is also a regular member competition of United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. ("USEF") and there is a conflict of rules, the rules of USEF shall prevail. In the event a show member of this Association (held within the boundaries of the state of California) is also a show member of another horse show association other than USEF and there is a conflict of rules, the rules of the GSDHJA shall prevail. Rule I- MEMBERSHIP PART I - MEMBERS The membership year is from November 1, 2017 until November 1, 2018. Section 1. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS consist of those persons or business who becomes a member upon filing an application for membership and paying the dues fixed by the Association.
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