dPEOIAIi nuiitBB. raiWKLLANEOlIS. THE JOLLY GREEN LOBSTER OF MAINE. pie come to our coast with the expectation TO SECURE AN HONEST ELECTION. ment to the United States shall pay no less BALFOUR GIVEN PARTICULAR ATTENTION. pistol. The negro was later arrested, badly THE CABINET MAKERS’ LATEST of getting all kinds of fish, the delicious lob- a rate of duty than may be charged by the wounded. EFFORTS ster included. Right in the of the country of export on like articles imported height An season, when our hotels are rail and there is into that country from the United States. Opportunist Victory. He Has Lots of Frlbrids at Augusta Mr. Mason Would Call Out The Treatment of Ireland the greatest demand for lobsters, the close Blue Sect. 3 fixes the following rates of duty De- Pajiis, Feb. 10.—The election in the de- Opposition to tho Selection of gx- TgreaTsalT Now. time is on and it is difficult or for Coats by the Regiment. on artices imported into the United States: nounced by a Great impossible Meeting. partment of Cote d’Or“, today, gave Bargy, Secretary Wlndom. us to get them it is Illegal for us to Eggs, 5 cents per dozen; hay, 25 per cent ad have them. But across 15 Opportunist, 32,774 votes, to 33,979 tor Tos — right the line in New valorem; straw, S3 per ton; potatoes, OF = All Want to do the hotels can have all to Define 1 cent Park Crowded And They Him a Hampshire the lob- A Law Suit the Duties of cents per bushel; fish, per pound; Hyde with Clubs of saint, Conservative, Miller Stock a Favorite in the Home sters they want. And I will tell that it trees, shrubs and vines of all kinds, Kindness. you Commissioner Morton. plants, Workingmen and Radicals. Foreign Notes. makes a great difference with us. People go 25 per cent ad valorem. of the President. from my hotel over to the Wentworth House Sect. 4 provides that all ad valorem du- Envoys from the Mahdl report that anoth- at Newcastle and to the Rye Beach Hotels ties on goods imported from foreign countries er attack will soon be made upon Suaklrn by But No Two Agree About What Mr. Edgerlon Thinks He Has Been The Fate of the French and there have all the lobsters they want. shall be assessed upon the actual retail Ministry to the Soudanese. Gen. Alger Says-He Is Not to Have Klndnes Is. There Is another to our Too Much of a at which such are sold for home Be Settled Prince Bismarck is hardship fishermen, Democrat. price goods Thursday. indisposed. a Foreign Position. NewDressGinghams who along the whole coast are to whenever similar action is A over and dependent consumption, great gale swept England Scot- a great extent the lobster fisheries for taken by such countries relative to goods land A bark was lost off We are prepared to show a upon Saturday. Oainsby very [Special to the Press.] their bread and butter. I don’t believe the Washington, Feb. 9.—In the House from the United States. and all hands drowned today imported London, Feb. 10.—Notwithstanding that Feb. 0.—There is s lull In full line of the Latest olose is lob- Indianapolis, Styles in Avgusta, Feb. 10. The lobster has been time necessary to preserve the office bill was a The Ameer of Afghanistan is collecting the post appropriation consld. Paid the United States Tax. heavy snow storm prevailed today, the Cabinet and the situation re- Dress ster and if it is necessary August is not the troops for a movement against Russia. speculation, Ginghams. These were attracting general attention at the State ered in committee of the whole. Mr. Mason demonstration in Park to time for it. We have a railroad that brought Washington, Feb. 10— During the last fis- Hyde denounce Gen. in an iutervlew declared garding its probable make-up remains un- made to retail at week Boulanger, 13 1.3 cents House during the just passed. From over into York last If the said he was opposed to the bill not so much the coercive measures in that his was the per 50,000 people year. cal year 760 persons in Maine paid theUnited government’s Ire- programme the adoption of changed. There Is no longer doubt about yard. Kittery to Quoddv the lobster is an of fishermen could the hotels and board- of the effect it aud to American constitution, but with a 10 years' object supply on account might have upon on retail dealers. Of the cit- land, express sympathy with William Mr. Blaine's acceptance ot the State ing houses where all the beople would liquor presidency, the formation of a council of portfo- the greatest Interest, and when theie Is the Chicago post office, as for the effect it was oarrled out. lio. His mean and prosperity for them.” ies Portland hadl34, Bangor 127, Lewiston 55, O’Brien, successfully state to prepare aud submit laws to a non- acceptance, however. Is said to be any proposition to change the human laws plenty the Seventh Uncle Otis Kaler, who keeps the Kirk- might have upon district of Bath 30. Rockland 29, Blddeford 21, Gardiner Thousands of citizens, chiefly from working- deliberative national council of 300 members, of quite recent date. Opposition to ex-Secre- Our PriCe Will Be 0 Cents Yard. his there is Insured a full wood at Scarboro beach "That close With this half to be elected universal and regarding being, says: South Carolina. preface Mr. Ma- 17,Waterville 17, Augusta 16, Belfast 13, Ells- men's and radical clubs, attended the meet- by suffrage tary Wisdom's possible or probable selec- of interested time Is a nuisance. Those summer visitors son to discuss the Smalls-ElHot worth Auburn half to chosen by the provinces, and to sit delegation fishermen, canners, proceeded 11, Hallowell 6, Eastport 6, 2, ing marching to the Park through the tion for the Treasury portfolio Is come here and want lobsters, and when they contested election case. If the channels of Saco 3. A large of the names re- only one month in the year, and the granting developing hotel men and philanthropists from all aloDg proportion storm with bands and banners. here to can’t get them they go yelling all over the crime were searched there could not be found corded are petitions notwithstanding the Speeches of limited local government to the provinc- some extent. Col. John C. New Is the coast. This last week have been bouse. I want no close time in es. they July, August one which the Democrats of the Seventh dis- rules declaring such registration illegal! were delivered from twelve platforms. The regarded by a numbei of local politicians as with the before the com- and September, and I want no lobster caught resorted to to cheat Advices from that RINES Wrestling question trict had not the negro. speakers denounced the government general- Chin-Kiang-Foo, say having a fair of offered tbs BROTHERS. News In prospect being (ebll d2t under 10} inches ia length." If he had his way, be would have a free bal- Washington Brief. Chinese soldiers occupy that place, and that mittee on Fisheries and Game, of which Sen- ly, and Baliour A resolution Treasury portfolio. On the other hand, some Fiske, proprietor of the Ho- lot and a fair count in South Carolina if Feb. 9.—The of especially. put quiet now prevails. The riots originated in ator of is chairman. Representative it Washington, resignation of the most prominent and Influential leaders Hinckley, Georgetown, tel Fiske at Old Orchard Beach, says: “I am took a of blue coats in simultaneously at all tho platforms was car- the antipathy of the to an unpopu- regiment every coun- H. M. Sewall as consul general at Samoa populace assert that Col. New's name Is not under The interests opposed to the present law in favor of doing away with the close time. ty and every penny in the treasury. He ried amid great It declared that lar police Inspector. POWDER ap- was received by the of state this cheering. consideration for the Treasury, and tnat be J. The present close time our sum- in secretary Rev. Charles has sent a letter to P. WELCH. have retained Baker & Cornish as counsel, damages pealed to the Democratic behalf of the citizens of London condemn the brutal Spurgeon Is booked the mer party his for Austrian mission. • business greatly.” the generations to come to rise above the morning. congregation saying he will soon see Pure. and True P. Pierce, Esq., of Kockland, has of “ Is stated here today, on information Absolutely Hon. Nelson Thompson, of Friendship party line, to rise above the color line, to rise Warner Miller tells his friends policy coercion, protest against the gov- them again and his limb is improving, for the Commissioner in Wash- from Washington, that John .Wanamaker appeared of Sea and where there are many lobster fishermen, above except the upholding of law ernment’s uncivilized treatment of political though he cannot use it yet. rhi« never varies. A marvel of have everything ington that he has been offered a has not bought a house there after all, and powder purity Snore Fisheries. They examined wit- says: “We have now a close time that is un- and the an act of even privately The of the Australian colo- and wliolesoiueness. More doing of ana exact prisoners, and demand the release of Irish governments the lloosiers who have 'treugth economical nesses, cross questioned them, and closed satisfactory. It does not please the hotel in General Harrison’s cabinet. The nies un.te in iavlting Canada to send dele- always Insisted that ban the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In justice. whose crime Is the Wanamaker was not in, this their arguments, and the complicated and im- men, the cottagers, the canners, the dealers Mr. of the 6lacelaine men admit that Platt is out patriots, only exercise of gates to Australia, to consider the question going regard 'mpetltlou with the multitude of low test, short Crisp, chairman committee on news as signtfleant. The be-t Informed alum or portant question has at last gone to the com- or the fishermen. Our however,want No Information has beeu received at the the ordinary of free The so- of closet cable communication. Instead of weight phosphate powders, Sold Only in people, elections, said he would not attempt to fol- rights speech. men, however, count Wanamaker as a cer- o mittee for settlement. state in to Ottawa. »». Koval Baking Powdsb Co.. 106 Wall the provision that no lobster under 10} inches low the gentleman from Illinois in the dis- department regard to the appoint- cialists one decorated Australia sending delegates with s N. occupied platform, tainty a'oug Blaine. Indications here V.iy2d&wtl The question is somewhat difficult to un- in length shall be caught or sold at any time. cussion of election case ment of a British minister to this The London News says O'Brien is .not ralj the upon this bill. country. with red and a with the are still in favor of Miller, and against WE HAVE THE VERT BEST derstand. because of the of different Here is our issue with the who The been flags banner, inscrip- as was Platt, variety canners, He denied the committee had been derelict department, however,has informed lying expected. as New York's representative, with the interests Involved. Along the western want no restrictions as to size. This is the that Mr. of tion, “Remember Chicago.” Perfect order A arrived at Cairo from Khar- THE PORTLAND DAILY part in pressing the case forward. He had only Edwards, secretary legation at Greek, just £varts for Attorney Oeneral compromise PRESS, of the coast those who send their fresh lob- whole issue. The use of those smalt lobsters who has been at London some was maintained. The host of policemen toum. reports that iienussl has taken El Published to state that the record of the case did not Washington, still In the air, pending the receipt of deA- RIIRRED every day (Sundays excepted) by the sters to market want one and is a cruel waste. For it not cuts off the time has sailed for this On arrival present had nothing to do except regulate Obeld and the Mahdl is alarmed. thing; along only sustain the statements made by the gentle- country. nite information now being gathered by Bus- PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY. tbe eastern part of the coast those who of future Increase but is a waste he will assume of the affairs of the A Mexico despatch that Louis {fuller, put hope present man, and if that gentleman’s friends would charge says sell Harrison and John C. New, as to what At 97 Exchange Street. Portland. Me. them up in cans want another thing. Then also. For it takes 9-inch lobsters to legation. This is understood to mean no im- concessionaire of the Lower California 10,000 take the trouble to examine the record, they n ■■ > n ■ ■ n >- r> the New York leaders think about it The or Advebtising—one Inch ol there are tbe hotel who mediate Branch of the ..Bates space keepers have wants come to $100 while if allowed to grow to 10} would feel sorry for the that be prospect of the appointment of international Company, is ac- that Miller has been tne length of or twelve Hues gentleman story offered bis choice column, nonpariei of thpir own. Each tells a story that shows inches and upwards, those 10,000 lobsters used this successor to Lord Sackvllle. cused of misappropriating funds to a large constitutes a "square.” had such language on floor. The Scrutin D’Arj.idissement Bill between tbe Department of Agriculture and SOOTS and wbat an fish the lobster really is would bring all the way from $500 to $1500.” Mr Arinmii arid cp<1 his rAmarlrt Ia (ha Senator Dawes from the committee on In- amount. SHOES •1.60 per square, daily, flrst 76 Important the Navy Department is believed here. It Is week; centsper to Maine. Several of them have talked with Mr. Leonard T. of dian with made week after; three Insertions or less, fll.OOcon- McLain, Pemaquid bill under consideration, and eulogized tbe affairs, today reported favorably, Probably to Pass Today. considered nearly certain that either Penn- by any manufactory for tlie Pmkss and told him their is a an Style, tinuing every other day after flrst week, 60 cents. correspondent Beach, fisherman who has had experi- letter carrier and advocated its ex- amendment, the bill to ratify and con or New Is Finish HA aniluro ili.arflnno ask |n>> etc n«n«. system, sylvania York to get tbe navy. and Durability, which we are llimu stories. ence in all kinds of “The fishermen firm an with the Creek Indian Paris, Feb. 9.—A meeting of the cabinet KILLED UNDER FALLING WALL8. fishing. tension. agreement The West Virginia situation Is t>eiiig selling at the very lowest on© week, $1.00; r>0 cents per week after. True P. Pierce, Esq., who represents the In our locality," says he, “want a law that Mr. nation for the cession of a part of their res was held M. the min- price*. Special Cannon moved to increase the appro- today, Floquet, prime closely watched, as there Is an idea that up- Our small expenses enable us to Notices, one-third additional. Commissioner of Sea and IShore Fisheries, will prevent the of all lobsters un- ervation to the United States. give Under head of catching priation for the pay of post office clerks by ister spoke in favor of giving priority in the on its issue depends the decision whether a better of “Amusements*’ and Auctioh says in relation of the question: “There der 10} inches in length; and they want also ua motion or Mr. the Honse to- Firemen Buried in tne Ruins at • you grade goods for Sales,” $2.00 three inser- *300.000. Dingier, Nathan Goff or Gen. J. H. Wilson shall be per sqilkre per week; are various Interests involved in the question the abolition of all close time. The smack- the Senate the the Chamber of Deputies in the scrutin the same money. tions or less. $1.50. After further debate, and a vote day passed bill for establish- Plra. of War and W *«._kl. a. _»_* .. pending Philadelphia cabinet represents Terms: Six For instance 547 persons in the vicinity of mu* ui kinuu auu uuaum iuai- on the ment of a life station near the mouth d’arondissement bill over the bill for the re- Secretary w ouvn g UUUBa Dollars a Year, or fifty cents a amendment the committee rose and saving ui me xMiiuer otate. month. When in advance. uonespori. peuuuueu rur me reuiuvHi ur an kets say that the town o( Bristol is the best the of the St. George river, Maine. paid When payment is House adjourned. vision of the constitution. He said he would The Interior Department Is being general not made in advance the price w ill be Seven restrictions. Then there are others, about supply-station for them that they can find on The conferees on the diplomatic and con- Philadelphia. Feb. 10.—The extensive Dollars. only raise the of confidence in the ly assigned to the Pacific coast ana to Swift, 1,449 petitions in all who ask for the removal the coast of Maine the season This sular appropriation bill have reached an question establishment of through. John Wyeth A Brothers, although Estee’s friends are making the J. P. THE MAINE STATE PRESS. of all restrictions on fishery between April is because there are more lobster fishermen MR. EDGERTON REMOVED. agreement, and will report early next week. government if the incidents of the debate WELCH, than in other rendered such action mat- manufacturing chemists, 1412 to 141(i Walnut most noise. There is no prospect that the 1st and July 1st. The remonstrances are there any of the State. The House representatives the Sen- necessary. The Published every Thursday at portion A accept Cabinet will be until within a Morning, $2.60 all alike. remonstrate The boats of these Bristol fishermen cost Difference Between the First ate amendment of for the ter would certainlv be made a cabinet street, burned to-day; loss between completed a year; If In *2.00 a substantially They Mug- $500,U00 mainte- quest- $200,000 421 paid advance, year. ion few days of March 4th. Congress St, Advertisements the against any Change In the present law, es- ftom $100 to $500, and they have made more wump and a nance of American rights in while should the attitude of any of the groups and (300,000, covered inserted In "Maine State Straightout Democrat. Samoa, nearly by insurance. This afternoon over 100 members of the Press" (which lias a large circulation in every pecially as to size. There are 3,830 of these money the present fall than they have .for a the Senate conferees agree to allow the pro- demand it. the NEXT FIRST PARISH Feb. 9.—The President has During progress of the fire, the central Marlon county Club called on (CLOCK) CHURCH. pan of the State) for *1.00 per square for first in- remonstrants. A very large percentage of number of years before. This is because the Washington, vision of $100,000 for tbe naval station at M. Floquet subsequently appeared in the Tippecanoe JauK sntl sertion. and 60 portion of the double Gen. Harrison and him a and ele- cents per square for each subse- tbe fishermen along the shore are on these lobsters have increased under the present law removed Alfred P. Edgerton of Indiana, Pago Pago to go into ths naval appropria Chamber of Deputies and demauded priority building fell, burying gave costly quent Insertion. no scrutin several firemen. George Showers was taken gant Bible, purchased by the club some time _ remonstrances. Now there has, I think especially under the 104 inch clause. But we civil service tiou biU. for the d’arrondissenients bill. After commissioner, and nominated out dead and Abraham and ago. Address au cuiuuiuuiuauous u> one will doubt, been a gradual diminution could not sell lobsters under 104 inches long The President will, in a few days, send to listening to M. Floquet’s address in support Savery William Assistant Secretary Hugh S. of Buzzard were injured, the latter seri- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. iu the size and numbers of the lobsters on in the great Massachusetts market because Thompson Congress a message stating in detail what of his position on the bill, the Chamber de- quite so South in Wyeth A Brothers the NOT COINO ABROAD. — our coast. This became marked that iu of their law. So, to do away with the 104 Carolina, his place. the relations between England and the cided by a|vote of 308 to 243, to discuss the ously. occupied 1883 a law was forbidding the clause would the factories And United States measure on whole of a large double marble front build- SQUIRE’S THE WEATHER. passed capture help only. Judge Edgerton was at the Capitol this af- are. There are many reasons Monday. Detroit Believes that Alger Will be 1412 and 1414 Walnut street, the of any lobster under 9 inches in length and if this clause should be repealed it would be ternoon. for believing that they are not happy. It is The Chamber also decided by a vote of 504 ing, except He says that he had received no front of the ground floor, which was of War. of any lobster with spawn or eggs attached. only a matter of time when the fishermen inferred that the President is awaiting the to 9 to consider the bill for the revision of the part Secretary Signal Opaicr, War Dkp’t, 1 intimation from the President of inten- leased Frank E. Morgan, as a retail That law made a close time from Aug. 15th would call for protection again.” any arrival of Mr. and that he desires a constitution on Thursday. In his address to by drug DrrnoiT, Feb. 9.-Last week Sena- Washington, D. C., > Phelps, store. The brownstone front No. Mich., to Nov. 15tb. and piobibited canning from tion to remove him until yesterday, when he personal interview with the returned minis- the Chamber M. Floquet Informed the mem- building, Feb. 10. 1889, 8 p.m.) 141*i was also occupied The tor-elect McMillan received from President- April 1st to August 1st, In 1885 tbe law was called at the White House. The ter to the Court of St. James before bers that the government would make both by Wyeth. Indications (or tbe next 24 AUCUSTA TOPICS. President sending breeze carried the brands towards Broad elect Harrison an Invitation to Pure hours (or New amended making the close time from August the correspondence to Congress. the scrutin d’arrondissement and the revis- vialt him this then requested him to resign his office, in or- and fell on Hotel to Strictly England are snow, warmer, winds becom- 15th to Nov. 1st and making the cauning As the Republican senators have ion bills a question of confidence. The cabi- street, many Stratford, week. The visit was made yesterday. Mr. practical- season 1st to 15th. In 1887 The der that it be filled Mr. he the the great alarm of the guests. The roof of Kettle ing in force. from April July Reform School—Prospects of the might by Thompson. ly decided not to act upon nominations be- net, said, thought piesent Chamber McMillan returned home this Rendered easterly, increasing should 1404 Walnut street an annex of the early morning, the law was further amended making the The President said that there was little hope fore the fourth of March, tbe successor of fulfil its mandate uutil the expiration hotel, Municipal Suffrage Measure. of its thus caught fire, but the was con- and soon after was closeted with Geo. close time from August 1st to September 15th of securing the place for Mr. Thompson as President Cleveland will be called on to legal term, assisting in the hold- damage wholly Alger! LOCAL WEATHER AMOK1-. of fined to the stories. The lower The latter was seen soon alter the confer- prohibiting tbe catching or sale of any lob long as there was no suitable vacancy on the name customs collectors in Maine for the dis- ing the approaching exhibition In the upper floors, PORTLAND, Me.. Feb. 10, 1889 with furniture and cloth- ence ended. __ sters under 10) inches in length and the sale [Special to the Press. 1 commission. Mr. tricts of Houlton and and an meeting place of the nations. M. curtains, carpets, Edgerton, however, Belfast, ap- Floquet’s “I am not at llbertv,” said “to > m of lobsters or attached. remarks were with ing of the occupants, suffered from water. he, say any- * 8 e^i any with spawn eggs Augusta, Feb. 10.—It does not seem declined to resign, that his praiser for the Portland Custom House. Un- greeted applause. prob- promptly holding The fire in the front of the thing about Mr. McMillan's conversation LEAF Barometer. 29.989 The amendment also prohibited the canning resignation would not be oolite, creditable der the incoming administration postmasters Feb. 10.—It is that originated part 30.103 Paris, expected the LARD! able that the Reform School Committee will cellar of No. 1412. Its Is a with Gen. Harrison. So far as 1 know, I am Thermometer. 31. 24 of lobsters between tbe first day of July and to himself or calculated to other will be early appointed at Chamber of will the origin mystery. Fut up expressly recommend help any Princeton, Presque Deputies pass scrutin at peace with all the world. There has been DewPoint. 17. 117. tbe fifteenth day of the following April. any change in the present rules person that Mr. Isle. Waldoboro and South Paris. The term (intimating Thompson could d’arrondissement bill tomorrow. The real some talk of differences between Senator Humidity. 90. i75. Under this law we contend that the lobsters of the Reform School in regard to not be confirmed if nominated). When Mr. of the Camden postmaster will March issue between the cabinet and religious expire opposition THE .STATE. Palmer and myself and between Senator FOR FAMILY USE I Wind.INW !Calm have grown more plentiful and that the great Edgerton reached bis office this he 30th, but tbe present will hold will be in the revision scheme o worship. They do not see how they can morning postmaster fought Thurs- Sherman and me. There Is in thee# Velocity.|c. industry has been much benefitted. It may found tbe over until bis successor is nothing In following letter: appointed and day. The fate of the ministry Is doubtful. so 3, 6,10 lb pails ana 10 lb Is for sale Weather.IBuow ICloudy that cannot be properly take any action to change the pres- stories, far as 1 know,” tubs; by be canning profitably pursued Executive i qualified. FRANKLIN COUNTY. every First-Class Grocer and Provision Dealer: M -an daily 1 Max. vel. wind.... 9 ent of Mansion, “It has been intimated that If you do not Cher....52.6 under this law; but they have only the ex- regulations the school. Washington. D. C„ Feb. 1889. Congressman Miiliken is credited as hav- Rev. by us is free from ail Cotton Maximum tlier....27.8 18 9, ( E. L. Wentworth, of Perkins Planta- go into the Cabinet you will go abroad as a Seed Oil, [Total prclp. perience of from last April to base tbelr It is Dear Sir—You are removed from ihe ing Mr. Blaine to tbe effect DEMANDED BY Talhjw, Suet, and other adulterations so Minimum liter....19.2 thought that the majority of the hereby quoted recently, WORKMEN. tion, is in for selling under false minister at one of the v j As to the close I am office of I'uited States civil service jail property larger capitals.” common Us^d, and is Warravi d "Hrictlv opinions upon. time, commissioner. that tbe probable Secretary of State of the judiciary committee will probably be against Grover pretenses. Wentworth described himself In “I shall not go abroad. None genuine without our name rather of the opinion that that is of no par- (Signed) Cleveland. incoming administration was in favor of the Frenchmen Who Want Laws to Fix stampedK To Hon. A. P. court as a half farmer as well as There Is every indication that upon the package. METEOROLOGICAL ticular benefit. municipal suffrage for women, Edgerton. of preacher. the talk be- REPORT. although they acquisition Cuba. Mr. Blaine’s two rea- and "A kind of lone he ex- ■ Wages Working Hours. farmer," jocularly tween Gen. Harrison and Mr. McMilMo has Mr. J. Wyman, of the firm of J. & E. A. have taken no and the When the news was communicated to the sons for this wish n ru Virot fhaf (Feb. 10,1889, 8.00 P. M.) action, members plained, and he admitted that the red oxen resulted in the offer of the of Sec- Wyman, of Millbrldgc, represents the inter- remaining commissioner, Mr. Lyman, that United States by Cuba could effec- Paris, Feb. 10.—Delegates from Socialis- position F. Observations taken at tbe same moment of cm e have not been expressing their views public- owning with brown heads and white stars in their retary of War to Gen. Alger, and that before JOHN . CO. at all stations. ests of the men on the Eastern coast, lie is officer was surprised, and found hiuislf in a tually out fever and tic and Societies met at the SQUIKg of them stamp yellow prevent Revolutionary faces that he sold to Charles Newell, of Per- tomorrow Gen. will to an able young man, posted in the ly. Enough hate been reported in predicament, as be was by no means satisfied the of to tbe morning Alger decide thoroughly favor of the danger contagion southern coast Labor Exchange today and proceeded to the kins Plantation, had a bill of sale upon them the Thermote’r Wind details of his business. He measure to ensure a report by a that he had to of this accept office. say.s: authority, single handed, dis- country; and, second, that the ac- running to Jacob Holmes of but he “The lobster law is fair sized minority, but it is by no means the formal of residences of Premier Floquet, M. Meline, Wilton, attracting considerable charge duties the civil se rvlce quisition would settle tbe sugar question for claimed that Newell knew this fact when ® certain that these have been he | I attention. It would be impossible to frame reports correct. commission. all time. president of the Chamber of and WALDOBOKOS It has been Deputies, them. This Newell denied, and LOSS. "® a law that would be more for tbe interests of generally reported, for instance, Mr. that he cannot purchased W. D, LITTLE Place of S 3 S Edgerton says recall M. Le Royer, president of the Senate, leav. the court found cause & that Senator against Wentworth, CO., Nova Scotia and New Bruns- Libby had announced his in- auy umcrruws wun me rresiaent Massachusetts, during * tention THE ing at each house a of resolutions and held him to await the action of the grand of 21 * | I 21 wick than the present law. In Massachusetts to support the bill. This report his term of office, except those growing out ICE CROP. copy Death George Allen, • Prominent «KAL liVSl RAACE | arose from the fact that he jury. Being unable to procure the (200 bonds AGENCY, Observation, there is the largest market lobster dealer in promised to pre- of what he describes as the fact that the adopted by the Workmens’ Congress at Bor- Citizen of sent the required, he went to jail. the Town. | | | Jl the United States. He has a at bill for the municipal suffragists in President is “the first in the deaux. ft> tablifibed In 1843. e®fj w || o > pound mugwump land, Kennebeckers Expect a Fair Amount The resolutions demand a reduction 53 a? case they should wish to introduce one be- while I am a KENNEBEC COUNTY. Vinal Haven, Maine, which they fill with straightout Democrat.” of the ai A mh rnm mm mm m m m — _ —__ fore the matter went to -Operations Elsewhere. dally working hours, fixing of mini- Waldo bo bo, Feb. 8 lobsters when they are and sell them committee. But re- He intends to write a letter to the President «>. u. aruruoca, ou years oiu. a v> aiervme Me., 10.—Georgs Allen, a«vnnnvE aiRBBI. cheap mum rates of to out in the winter when the price is high. ports that he has announced any decision as dent in a few days, acknowledging receipt of wages correspondent with shoemaker, was, Saturday, discovered In his one o( the oldest and most respected citizens to the merits of the have been ud- the minimum expenses of workmen in each .... question bis notice of and with throat cut. Bastport, Me 30.'0 22 N Lt Cl’dles Commissioner Counce says in his last report removal, perhaps adding an Augusta, Feb. 9—Kennebec operators are shop his He had evidently of this whose death eve- 4J1 kinds of insured at ai least so the of town, occurred last property lowest rates. Me 30.10 .... lounueu, iar as locality, manual labor Portland, 24 Clm .... Cloudy that they filled this with 900,000 lob- any expressions expression of his opinion upon the Presi- prohibition by been dead several First-class companies, American and Foreign. pound from him looking for a fair crop of ice. The ice is etc. days. was born In North Oct Mass 30.12 28 .... is Lt C 'dies stt»rs lit. 4 fwits p.imh in t.h« RMsnn nf 1KX7 nnri are concerned. Several members dent’s course. piece work, Extensive police precau- ning, Yarmouth, 29, oct29 snood tf Boston, KNOX COUNTY. Block island 30.14 80 _ A' 10 of the committee were forthe In its condition the Cl’dles sold them out in the winter at 20 cents per general woman making slowly. present 1801, and with the exception of two years, Nantucket.. 80.12 28 .... NW bill of two tbe ami the Palais du While gunning some time Richard or about 45 cents each. must suffrage years ago, but it is yet to MORTON AT LAW. ice fields of the river run from to ten Elysee palace Bourbon ago, which were ANtv* I'MR... They eight spent in be has ....I IN LI Ulcs pound, be seen what think lor (ear of an Anarchist riot. services son of James Walden of Hamden, Me., have made a net of at least one hun- they about the limited Inches The Walden, CamdeD, Pblladelpnia 30.16 34 .... NW Cl’dles profit in thickness. Cold weather will resided in this ktmn OYSTER HOUSE. bill of this year. A German Steamship Re- of the police were not required. No disturb- accidentally shot himself, the shot wounding place, coming here In 181A Washington. 30.10 34 .... SE Cl’dles dred thousand dollars. On account of the Company Drobably thicken it to 11 or 12 inches. There ance occurred. The delegates declared their his great toe. Lockjaw set in and the young He was In mercantile until Norfolk, Va. 30.14 30 .... SE L Ol’dles law the factories could not engaged pursuits present canning sists His Decision. man .... is so much ice” intention to wait M. and the died last Hatteras 30.12 40 .... N 16 last so “sap that it requires a good upon Floquet Thursday. he was wish to call the attention of the to Cloudy operate this season; and the Boston TO SUCCEED ADMIRAL LUCE. 1840, when appointed collector of cus- puplic .... Wilmington.. 30.0H 42 NK Lt Cloudy firm were able to fill Washington, Feb. 9.—Under an arrange- deal of presidents of the Parliamentary bodies Feb- PENOBSCOT COUNTY. WE the fact that they cau always find at the same pound for planing. The ice is generally of fair' toms for the district of Waldoboro Presi- Jacksonville 30.04 46 .... elm ... Rain ruary 24 to receive their Similar by Atwood’s Oyster House, all the best In about one cent each less: and they were so ment entered into between the Attorney The weather replies. Messrs. Brown Bros. A of St. .... is Co., Oysters Galveston... 30.18 54 N 12 cloudy quality. moderate, and the deputations called upon the of Stephen, dent William H. Harrison. He held this the market. New York. Stamfords, Cod much pleased with this law that they wrote Rear Admiral Cherardl May Com- General and prefects Ly- the concern which is to build the A (Jape Montgomery 30.02 46 .... SE Lt Cloudy the North German Lloyd Steam- thermometer Dexter and Blue Points, the hundred or shows considerable fluctuation, ons, Bordeaux and.Marseilles, and presented office until 1844, when he was elected by dozen, quart. New Orleans 30.t>8 48 NW 6 the Fishery Committee of our last legislature mand the railway, does not to do The Cods are Cloudy* Squadron. an amicable suit is en- the Piscataquis expect the Cape noted for excellence of navor a on ship Company, to [be not often below 10 demands. In reply, tbe prefects said the cashier of Medomak Bank, and remained Knoxville.... 29.08 40 .... SE Lt P C congratulatory letter printed page 2G of getting 'above, and fre- lurch work before March coth. The and are gettiug to the of the once noted government was engi- in that until his in position 2o.u2 38 .... tered in the United States Court quently above the considering many of the position resignation 1884. We Memphis.... 8W 6 Cloudy the last report of the Commissioner of very short- registering freezing point. neers are now the and Bhrewsburys. also have New Have'ts, Provi- 29.94 demands while others had no cross-sectioning road, He the church In Cincinnati,!!. 38 .... 8E Lt Cl’dles the Sea and New Yobk, Feb. 10.—Much surprised was Tbe Kennebec operators will need a substantial joined Congregational 1822, dence Rivers and Norfolks the or Shore Fisheiies. This ly to test the extent of the powers of the good many sub-contracts are being let. It is ex- by quart gallon. Pittsburg.... 29.98 34 .... S foundation. and was made a In 12 Cloudy letter alone is as caused at the many men, between 5000 and 0000, and some The workmen must not expect deacon February, 1841, Clams, Ketchup, Oyster Crackers iu any quantity. 30.00 very aonTlnclng Brooklyn navy yard to-day Commissioner of pected that an immense crew will be put on Buffalo, N.Y 20 .... SW 6 PC Navigation under the act 1500 to be settled 24. and was in that at his de- New York butter oyster crackers 12 to how the law suits tbem. Now a glance at horses. The wages paid men run from everything by February the and that it will serving capacity (handmade) .... when the fact became known work, be finished in short Cleveland.... 29.92 2e s 12 Cloudy that Admiral the office. The the to exercise its cease. Mr. Allen has been a resident of this cents pound retail. best In the map will show how our Maine coast is creating present commis- 51.50 to 52.50 per day. They begged deputation once Shrewsbury Ketchup Detroit. 29.S8 28 .... S lS Snow Glierardi had order commenced. the world) bottleor case, and all the articles us with the coast of received detachment papers Mr. influence to avert disorder. place about 74 years, and during Mm whole by Chicago, 111. 29.68 32 .... SW 10 Cloudy connected Nova Scotia and sioner, Morton of Maine, bolds that the Boston, Feb. 9.—The Boston Ice Compa- News of the suspension of Messrs. D. W. ually found in a first-class Oyster House. Any one and that tomorrow he will of that time has been looked upon as a man 8t. Louis. New Brunswick. From Eastport to Nova cease to be com- of the ny has sent a large number of their men to Clark A Sons of Carlton.on account of wanting Oysters in quantities will do well to send ships line referred to are not entitled heavy- ut most excellent in bus iu-»s mat- 18 .... judgment orders to Dublin. 29.86 NW 8 Cloudy Scotia is 50 to 60 miles, from Eastport to mandant of the station. It is Alton to cut ice for Boston’s losses sustained in connection with the Lin- us* the Oldest House iu Maine. thought he to free Bay daily use. PATRICK on Oyster Bt.Paul.Minn 29.86 28 .... NW 6 Snow entry under the President’s MOLLOY’S CASE. ters, both public and private, of burnish- Grand Menan is 10 to 12 miles, from East- will relieve Rear Admiral now in com- procla- The ice on the lake there is about 11 coln and will be beard St. Luce, inches, Pulp Paper Company, ms Vincent. 30.14 2 .... NW 10 Cloudy mation ed character, agreeable and emit In port to Campobello is 1 to 2 miles. Lobsters mand of the North Atlantic squadron sta- granting freedom from tonnage dues and of excellent quality. to Patrick Egan Called a Fenian and with general regret in the community. It is Bismarck.... 30.26 14 .... N 12 Cloudy They expect manners, generous In aid of p enter- 117-123 Centre in the winter off into water and in tioned at to all vessels entering ports in the United harvest about tons understood that a of .... drop deep Hayti. 30,000 which will meeting their creditors Street, Denver, Col. 30.14 41 NE Lt P C there, Invincible. prises and a li oral con- the warm weather come in on the so States from ports in the German empire, be- be to will be to a private charities, II. Halifax.30.12 18 .... NW Lt Cl’dles shores; shipped direct Boston. The ice on the held shortly consider prospltion j&nlBsnlm PORTLAND, cause in tributor to the cause of religion winch he to Montreal.... E0.06 14 .... 8 In the winter they off into the Bay of making their trips they touch at the lake at on London, Feb. 9.—The case of Patrick for a are that 10 Cloudy drop The Result of a Collision. Wakefield, Friday, was about compromise. Hopes expressed much loved and which he exemplified In hts and in the summer are as liable ports of Great Britain. The company thinks eight aud the will not who is with be made the firm Fundy just inches, company begin Molloy, charged having given arrangements may enabling life. For Mr. Allen was DYE HOUSE to In on the Nova Scotia and R. Feb. 10.—The that the fact that at dally many years NOTICE. go New Bruns- Newpobt, I., brig Favor- they stop Southampton cutting it unless it attains 12 inches in thick- false the to resume business. of the for should not bar them testimony before Parnell commis- superintendent Congregational Sab- wick shores as in on our shores. This is not ite, brought in here broken a few passengers from ness, when they will endeavor to harvest A scheme is before the Bangor city govern- tiarmentg Cleansed or and badly up benefits under sion was resumed in bath school, and was greatly interested in the Dyed Whole, all. In Nova Scotia and New Brunswick the Dingley act, and they pro- 200,000 tons. the Bow street police ment to make the force permanent ago is in of the mate a police up young, who always found in him a safe Dressed ready for wear, have a law that can not catch days charge awaiting test against the charge. There are still two court Patrick who to the of at they they any large stretches of open today. Delaney, gave age sixty years, which time they councillor and a warm friend. ~— ■ ~~ under 9 inches in this tug to tow her to New York for General Gailand and his water personal : at lobsters length (even repairs. Attorney repre- in Wenham Lake, one around the was recalled. are to be retired on a pension for life, as in P C—Partly Cloudy sentative in the testimony yesterday, He tes- law is not enforced) while on our coast the The arrival at New York of the bark treasury department, Judge pumping conduits of the Salem and Beverly some of the larger cities. There Is a differ- take issue tified that Patrick Egan, while treasurer of law prohibits catching any lobsters under Amelia which Carry, with Mr. Morton. Mr. water works, and the other across the centre ence of opinion as to the wisdom of the Disasters at Sea. FOSTER’S FOREST CITY DYE A., collided with her, on Morton does HOUSE, MAINE. 10i inches in length. So it can readily be not like this, and at a recent of the lake. The coves are and con- the league, was both a Fenian and an Invin- plan. 13 Preble 8l, Opp- Preble Bum. which the captain of the took frozen, Halifax, Feb. 10.—Steamer Si Pierre ar- seen we are protecting all lobsters from 9 to brig refuge meeting at the office of the solicitor of the tain some good ice of five to six inches thick. cible. He wait the organizer of the League. There was married Friday at Greenfield, at oct2« has not been reported and it is feared she from St. sndtf loj inches for our provincial neighbors. treasury undertook to assert that the depart- The ice varies from that to an inch in thick- The League originated the Invlncibles. the residence of Bowman Crocker, Esq., by rived today Pierre, and brought the After Collector Place. may have sunk as she was ment had no Page’s This is no doubt Christian-like but as they badly injured. power over his decisions, and ness, near the centre of the pond. On the Byrne, the secretary of the League, was an Justice Hiram White, Mr. Daniel McGrevie crew of the Gloucester schooner Fannie Feb. have in their favor and that no officer of the government had Mill in as was also Matt l.kOIALATIVE NOTICEN. Augusta, 9.—Hon. Mark Wentworth many advantages any Pond, Danvers, the ice Is nine inches Invincible, Harris, who of Bangor, to the daughter of Mr. Crocker, Belle, wrecked off Beach last week. even Providence has favored them right to advise a suit to test the which was a Langley o and Hon. J. Stuart of have for the CENERAL NEWS. rights thick. It is expected that preparations will leading member of the League. The aged 17 years. The bride's costume was of Kittery York, he claims are inherent in the The crew will be sent home Consul Gen- STATE PRISON. past two years by sending mackerel on their office, because soon be made to groove it for Mr. Invlncibles received funds from the Nile green silk, and she wore hat and by announced themselves as candidates for the cutting. League gloves the coast and none to our would it of wording of the creative act. O. F Putnam is off through Egan. “No. 1" used to mon- eral Phelan. The with Is a to- The State Prison committee will fishermen, The steamer reached holding for 10 incnes be- bring to match. The groom was in the Mexican vessel, cargo. give hearing! position of collector of internal revenue not be better to make a law that would Uaytian Republic There was a scene for some ey. The the on the lollowlng matters: for give Boston afternoon. very lively fore he begins to harvest. League officers supplied the Invin- war, and in after years was a most success- tal loss, except rigging. our an yesterday time, and read the riot On Tuesday, F b. 12—On act to amend section the District of Maine, New and fishermen even chance with them Judge Carry act to cibles with firearms, knives and daggers. ful distributor of tin ware about Penobscot Steamer Alpha, from Bermuda and Hampshire The woman bill has been defeated the commissioner. He 13, cli pter 78, and sedlii.n 17, chapter 128, of rather than to legislate in their favor? Last suffrage declined to recede Witness saw Molloy in the League offices. county. At one time In his life he was at Jamaica, today, reports that on Tuesday the the Verrmont, to succeed Collector Page of In the Dakota House by a vote of 22 26. from his STRUCK HER BOW ON. Revised Statutes, relating to tramps. season two ractories operated successfully to position one iota, and insisted that On cross-examination Delaney said he joined the head of a large and flourishing family. American three-masted schooner W. B. The above will Portsmouth, the hearings be held in the AdJ’t in Campobello, N.| B., where there never Dr. Flavius Searle, the oldest dentist in department of justice was doing only its the Fenians in 1868. Afterward he was in The Dexter lawyers, Water- Henn struck a sunken wreck off North Ber- Geul’s at 2 o’clock on encouraged by office, p. m. days of assign, were before; and if the present law re- died duty in attempting to get a competent con- Particulars of for five been convicted commenced to leak and ment. A Combination. any Springfield, Mass., yesterday, aged 74. the Damage to the prison years, having ville’s success in the legislature, think they muda, badly, during mains in force there will be three at least struction of the meaning of the act, whioh of attended the breeze full of water. Efforts Jan26dtd J. A. Edward J. Phelps, minister to England, da Schooner Wm. highway robbery. Byrne the ought to have a term of the Supreme Judic- strong got CLARK, Sec’y. Camden, Feb. 10.—The on where are has created trouble for the customs and B. Herrick. police yesterday opei ate Grand Menan, there arrived at New York at 1 o’clock ju- councils of the Invlncibles and named ial Court for Penobscot county once each were maue to bring her to St. George, but none from our not Saturday dicial officers of the ever since it the made a raid on 20 gallons of whiskey packed now, taking State only afternoon. government persons to be murdered. Wit- year for civil business. she got on a bar. where she remained when JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. the lobsters but all the labor and material was enacted. The solicitor’s office seems to ness had seen bank notes the sailed. in a sugar bariel, marked K. W. Currier, be- The Standard Oil Byrne lay and SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Alpha in the lobsters. can Company’s works at have won in the discussion, for the suit was Bermuda, Feb. 7.—The three masted gold on a table. Tbe court here Ob February Itlib. required canning They Constable N. adjourned. in_{ conveyed from the Boston boat to a hid- pack them into cans, them into the Lake, J., burned last night. agreed upon, and the case Is expected to be schooner William B. of A fight occurred on Ferry street, Bath, Fri- On petition of Portland Street Com- bring (Herrick Boston, Sprinkling place ou a truck team United States without a cent of Loss, $75,000. carried to the United States Court day evening, between a man named Savage, The French Parochial School Case pany to lay pipes and amend charter. ing belonging to Dep- paying duty Supreme Capt. Kelly, from Portland, for Carde- and fill our markets. If advocates Two and eventually, in order that the exact Me., a striker at the and two men be Also to estanllsh the salary of Reporter of Deci- uty Sheriff F. G. Currier, brother of the the of the professional burglars two negro powers of MANY VESSELS WRECKED. shipyard, Haverhill, Mass., Feb.8.—In the case of crooks were the of nas with a cargo of oak staves was towed to met. was knocked down and sions, and for State to own copyr of Maine Re present law are right and lobsters must be whipped at the post in Wilming- Commissioner Navigation may be de- Savage badly ght aforesaid saloon The local The Crest Storm In Holland and Plaquette, charged with keeping ports. keeper. police 101 Inches In length before maturity (though ton, Del., Saturday. fined. the Briddles, Feb, 3 at 4 a. ra. Jan. 29, when pounded, one of his fingers being nearly Joseph fehSdtd from a Joseph B. Pkakfs, Sec’y. are happy at tripping a queer combination I don’t see why a law can compel them to The works of the 305 miles W.N. W. of Bermuda she ran bow chewed off A crowd collecting, the three children attending public school, 5 V Advertiser and Wisconsin Sulphate Germany. Express copy. that is not the exclus- IN THE SENATE. on into the wreck of a three and Savage proceeded to a sur- heard in the court thia against the Maine law. grow length), catching Fibre Company at Monico, burned masted schooner The Feb. 10.—The storm escaped, police forenoon. Saturday with main Hague, is ex- ufflce.where his wounds were dressed. the defendant. ively of the breeding lobsters, killing the morning. Loss, Indian Affairs and the mast and mizzen mast gone and Judge Carter discharged He NOTICK. Inspecting Nromal $120,000; insurance, $80,(XX). Union Pacific ceptionally severe, and Is excitement of this kind is as did not the Farmington goose that lays the golden egg. and thus ex- Simon foremast standing. It was blowing hard raging throughout Spon’elore expected, hela that the law require appro* pertaining to game and J. Dillon, a gambler of in direction ,^LIuatters game laws School. terminating the lobsters faster than as if tne Waterbury, Funding Bill. from tbe N. N. W. at the time. The collis- Holland. The rivers are swollen. the builders are sending every al of the school committee in all cases of pri- will be cmwldered by the committee on was stabbed and greatly nsherles not to the Ct., killed during an alter- ion the for men, and do not intend to yield a point to and that and game on Feb fishing was confined breeding part cation with Feb. 9 —In the shook Herrick from stem to stern, vate schools, pareuts might use WEDNESDAY, 13. at 2 30 urn Farmington, Feb. 10.—Senators Poor and some unknown men Saturday Washington, Senate to- Rotterdam, Dordrecht, Schldam, Zwolle, the strikers. Jan25 nd FRANK S. of the fish, although the practical people who causing her to leak so freely that she soon their own jutfament In the matter of what WAKKEN, BecT- night. day, the Senate bill to establish a United and Kampen are Inundated. ship- has to Daggett and Representative Cole, of the are familiar with the lobster fishery claim Decame waterlogged. Heavy seas continual- Many John Rideout of Bowdoinham, gone school to send their children to. Thti de- drivers States Court in wrecks, with great loss of life are reported. to cut a frame for a schooner of I NOTICE. committee on are here. that the lobster will protect himself. They Thirty recently discharged by the the Indian Territory was ly washed over her decks and only the after Virginia cision ends the French parochial school case education, Tomor- New York Belt be built the sum- I say that he goes into the trap voluntarily and line put obstructions on the taken in house was left dry. On this the Beklin, Feb. 10.—Reports of heavy snow about SOO tons, to coming which has created such interest here. State House, Augusta, Feb. 8,1889. row they will inspect the Normal track last up conjunction with the House bill captain’s School, that there is no such as night. The police dispersed them a few stores and the boats nier by Horace and John Morse of Bath. I There will be a puiilic before the Com- thiug exteiminaling to the wife, and gear storms come from all parts of Germany. In hearing reurning to Augusta at uood. with broken heads. change Eastern and Northern judicial me Iranie win arrive me laner or mittee on Legal Affairs in the Senate Chamber them. Commissioner Counce says we are were placed. The Island was made Feb. 2, parr dUtrip.t.1) nf Toyaa on/1 Mr Voaf __a this city the snow Is a foot deep, and in the April. The where the schooner is to WEDNESDAY, Feb. 13tli,at2 F. M., on an act using each year ten million more than the in- Seuator Jones of Florida, denies that he with all on board completely exhausted. The yard ITEMS FOR HORSEMEN. appointm mts By Commander Bavarian has a of six be built has not been decided entitled “An act to Incorporate the city of West- crease. No doubt he has had on a diving h as ever been connected with the Fenians to state the purposes of the bills, which are, deckload and everything about the deck were highlands depth feet. yet upon. brook.” Drew. suit, roamed oceans and taken the AN aIIpUpi! llV I .a flnrnn in hie louiimnn. sacrificed to keep the schooner afloat. Tn fhi» Wpst and VnrthwAfit IhnnHar ansi WASHINGTON COUNTT. depths iu some respects. Identical. He moved, as a Our Livermore Kails writes O. B. CLASON, Secy. census. Again the close season comes dur- fore the Parnell commission. lightning accompanied the snow. Traffic Is correspondent feb8 did Lewiston, Feb. 9.—Department Com- report from the judiciary committee, to sub- Fire Saturday morning damaged the ing the time when summer visitors are stitute the almost entirely suspended in and A look among the horses at Livermore very The Ohio & Western Coal and Iron Co Senate bill for the House bill. Only a Technical Schleswig double tenement house at Calais, owned by mander F. M. Drew of the G. A. R., has desirious of and Shortage. Jutland. two having lobsters; prevents has failed It was backed by the Boston Mr. Jones of Arkansas offered another George B. Gardner, and occupied by Albert Falls reveals very promising brood NOTICE. Edwin C. Milliken of the hotel men from placing this delicous fish Feb. 9.—The appointed Portland, firm of Gliaden & Curtis, which failed a few substitute for the House bill. Boston, report published in Greenlaw and Martin Hanson. The loss is mares, Crescent and Nelson, owned by Committee on Mercantile Affairs and lu- their tables. Another Lady Assistant Adjutant Geneial and B. F. upon complaiut days ago. Mr. Dawes described the condition of the papers that Postmaster E. L. Mr. Pendleton Better. covered Insurance. Mrs. Hanson was sick THEsuiance. will give a on THURS- Beals onoincf vivo nrncnn ♦ 1 a tar ia KrrninLf Kn i... evening by Brothers, which were pure based by hearing, in the Indian as Noyes DAY, Feb. 14tn, ai 2 o’clock at the of Auburn, Assistant The Block in things Territory deplorable. Oarcelon of Winchester. was short in Feb. 10.—The in bed and had to be carried out. them from C. H. Nelson of WatervUle. p. m., Insur- Quar.ermaster Gener- dealers in live lobsters at Portland, who Empire Morres, N. Y., Mr. Edmunds Mass., Berlin, North German ance Commissioners’ on Bill an act to say burned explained the purposes of Eastport Is soon to a great redaction room, al for the The that the trade is into yesterday, loss, 823,000. Masons and his accounts and that his bondsmen Gazette a enjoy Crescent Is by Dictator Chief. 2.25*, brown amend sections 73 and 74 of 47 ensuing year. newly elected rapidly passing the the judiciary committee in tne would says gratifying change has oc- chapter of the Odd Fellows occupied the and lost reporting sub- of its insurance rates. Agents who have in- filly foaled In 1883,1st dam by Young Hiram Revised relating to Insurance council of administration met hands of dealers outside of the State. Is it building stitute. be called on to make the curred in the Statutes, agents Saturday valuable property. good deficiency, is lately condition of Mr. Pen- the established water system say Drew, 2d Old WithereU. 2.29*. Dictator and brokers. Per order. not time this law should be looked iuto aud After some debate the Senate spected by afternoon, and made plans for the agreed to not borne out by the facts. One of the dleton, the that he will soon that the town is unusually well protected and Chief 113; son of Uauibletooian ensuing run no longer under the disguise of Protec- Frank Pike, of Lynn, Mass., had a narrow the Senate post justifying hope by Dictator, Chairmen. judiciarv committee substitute for secured against another great fire. sire of 2.10; Pblllas. 3.13* year. tion to theLobster?” e>cape from s who demanded and the office inspectors visited the office In his offi- personally assume the direction of affairs at 10; Jay Eye See, feb7dlw S0CCLAHKAK'nNG’l highwayman the bill, fortification appropriation A.C. his YORK COUNTY. Director, 2.1T. _, __ HINCKLEY, Secretary. Commissioner Counce says: “It Is very money Friday night He outran his as- was taken last and bill up. cial capacity Monday, found every- the American legation. Mr. Pendleton re- Nelson Is Nelson. 2.21*. chestnut Skipped with a Stolen Team. noticeable that the last law of protection lias sailaut, however. Samuel and trader at Lady by An item of $200,000 was inserted for the correct until the cash turned to Berlin New Year’s day. The offi- Meserve, postmaster 1st dam son of Ilowea Mercantile Affair* and Insurance. had much to increase of thing balance was re- Ally, foaled in 1886; by Oakdineh, Feb. 10.-Herbert 18 do withjthe lobsters Brig Sparkling of is of movable submarine cial American overtures Buxton, died Saturday of paralysis, aged 70. he Luce, Water, Belfast, Me., torpedoes which was to regarding Samoa Bismarck; 3d by Emperor W illlam, 2.374, tlie past season for we have reports from all at au aud quested, found consist partially He was in the lumber business with J. O. A. Committee on Mercantile Affair, and In- y.-ars of age, came to Oarniner a weeks quarantined Port Prince with yellow fiurchaseinpelled controlled at will by power which were made at the foreign office Jan- Oen. Knox. Nelson 1 oung Kolfe. ago that have not so of local checks, received as accommodation He was a by by TIIKsurance will give a lieatilia on parts of the State they been fever on board. on from shore stations. The 7th are attributed to his Harmon of Buxton for 25 years. Thursday, and hired out as a Every person board was several amend- from st me of uary inlatlve. 2.21*; 1st dam Gretchen by Gideon, son of Feb. 14, on h 1 "An act to porter at the Johnson cheap and large for ten years. We said to be down with the townspeople, but which Odd Fellow. A widow and four prohibit diseivailtik plenty, it, but no deaths are ments reported from the committee on ap- prominent Hambletonian, 10. tlon in tile or et dowmeut Insurance H"use. Shortly after, the have abundant of this fact. A reason are not accepted by the department. As soon sons him. policies. proprietor, Mr proof reported. propriations were agreed to, and the bill Another Case Against O’Brien. survive 'It is expected that Crescent and Nel- Per order, Kdwakd 1 Cnair- the 9 inch lobster should not be as the banks were opened on morn- Biddeford citizen, Lady Harding, Johnson, began to miss boxes of why young An was passed. Tuesday Samuel aged son will taken next season Oliver C. men. cigars, etc., attempt made to blow the the Dublin, Feb. 9.—Mr. O'Brien has be to the River- Clark, | used, but is this, we never find any up ten- then ing, checks were cashed and forwarded, been widely known In York county, died in kezar A. C. lebSdtd from the store room. protected ement house at No. 7 Hester The Senate resumed consideration of side Park Stock Farm, recently Hinckley,’Stc'y. Saturday evening, the attached to a 9 inch street. New but In the meantime, the served with a third summons under He was 82 years old. purchased eggs healthy lobster, York, the Union Pacific funding bill, the inspector’s report the Falls Saturday. the Brothers. stolen property was found in the wliile the inch lobster has from yesterday morning. A slight fire question had been made that he found the office short by Noye» on porter’s healthy 10$ was put out a being on Mr. Mitchell’s motion to recommit crimes act. It is stated that he will be re- Hcttring Loci lion of siaie by lodger and near by were the amount of the checks. As soon as Post- Exercises at room. Luc« in some manner got wind of the 15,000 to 25,000 eggs attached. It will be seen found with instructions to the Special Religious the packages of gun powder. committee to report master Uarcelon found that this moved from Clonmel to the Tralee jail on The largest winner on the turf In this Cu|iilol. by tliis, if this little lobster is destroyed be- a also to the report had searching, anp going to the stable ordered Mr. Edward C. bill applying Central Pacific. Cathedral. fllHE fore, it comes to bow is the lobster Beck, assistant cashier of been forwarded, and knowing that a change Monday. Father McFaddee was escorted country last year was J. B. the total Joint select committee appointed to cousid- with maturity Mr. Stewart gave notice that he would Uaggan, er Mr. Johnson’s team which he to the Commercial Bank of St. of administration was soon to take ne A series of exercises for Jl the expediency of changing the location ol skipped. going be propagated on our coast? It Louis for the move instructions to the place, from Gweedore to Londerry by police. En- special religious of his stable la past five years committed committee to report in his earnings footing up $121,867. the seat of government ot the State, and of erect He was arrested today in Richmond and would be just as good for the farmer suicide at his home the sent resignation, which he now, under and at intervals of 300 the Sodalities commenced at the the policy a bill requiring amount of the debt to be gineers skirmishers, Cathedral e anew State n No one can the the Duke of Portland is at U bead log House, will give public hearing tsaui to his chickens before they are hens Saturday. assign aDy reason for the railroad present circumstances, regrets. The yards, watched the route in order to prevent England on the above matter lecovered. destroy his act. expended by companies in the last evening which will continue one week of list the with to his the at the Senate chamber of as the fishermen to the 9 Inch lob- He was 59 years old. office is still in charge of Mr. Uarcelon, and the rolling of boulders on the Fath- $131,577 credit,while destroy construction of Improvements on their main railway. took Thursday evening, February 14th, at 7.So o’clock ster. I am of the A his accounts are correct. will with under the direction of the Rev. Father largest winner In France down $S3,06# opinion that the canners negro named McGrath killed a man lines, including double tracks and er McFadden be charged complici- Byrne, “BfcY, Chairman do not tunnels to JUS£rHTOSFPH B.r f Children Cruelly Wronged. care to do much of lobsters named Holden in a Montreal and ty in the murder of Inspector Martin. S. J of New York. In his instruc- PEAKS, fciec’y. ftbSld canning boarding house avoid high grades, of branch and opening re- in as if did have Friday lines, Etlwood, a pacing sister to Arrow, 2.13* St. Feb. 10.—It ha s now been as- tMBjState, they they could night, nearly severing Holden’s head In the construction of such The In Her New Career. tion the the Louis, canned 9 Inch from his hydraulic works Novelty The of Parliament. preacher explained objects lobsters under the law up to body. McGrath also wounded his for as Congress Opening duced her record at Los Angeles recently NOTICE, certained that the indebtedness of Dieckmann 1st. irrigation may authorize, New York, Feb. 9.—The steamer of the retreat which will consist of a series July 1887, and this is as late in the sea- wife. He then escaped. with such limitations on Clyde London, Feb. 9.—Rt. Hon. W. II. Smith, from to 2.*). This Is the third record matters In relation to a In the law of son as freights and fares of 2.23* change the abscomliu* member the Merchants’ they usually care to can. Out of some *n as will insure cheap Ozama arrived from Cape Haytian today, practical instructions on the great truths ALLaffecting Menhaden and Mackerel, will he Boston horse cars transportation. He government leader in the House of Com- made over the Los Angeles track during Jan- on will be small. forty lobster and sardine factories in this with£>? the letters to address the on of this week there considered by the committee on tlsherles and Exchange, the floor, The “SAS” printed on them are proceeded Senate in elucida- having board ten of the crew of the religion. Every morning the Nutwood filly Irma basing paetd btate only fourteen or fifeen in 1887. mons, has issued a circular to the supporters uary. game, on FRIDAY, Feb. 16th, at 3.30 m operated the basis for a sensation iu a tion and advocacy of his plan. made a four p. amount of hi>}Iefalcation will be the inheri- I his season local naDer steamer Mercedes, formerly the will be an Instruction at 7.30 o’clock fob in 2.18, and Nehusta year-old lebDdtd FRANK 8. not more than five or six factor- which announces moved the Novelty, of the urging their attendance WARREN, Sec’y. that a band of Boston Mr. Hawley passage of the which was government record of 2.30. tance of the seven heirs and the ies canned purchased by L. Julia, the Do- lowed the blessed sacra- _____ Meyer three any lobsters. Canning of lobsters anarchists are believe! to House bill to for of Parliament on by benediction of In the I be arming and the provide the organization of minican Consul at this for at the opening February Guye heirs. His bouse, the M&untel-Borgess rovinces can be carried on at much letters on the notices the district port, ostensibly ment. The exercises will consist of horse was never LEGISLATIVE stand for Secret An- the militia of of Columbia San When the sailed he business of evening The well bred trotting NOTICE. Milling Company, has not suffered heavily, less expence than in this State and at much Domingo. Mercedes 21, when, says, grave import- is All the archist Society. A Senate bill heretofore passed on a sermon followed benediction of the worth as much as he to-day. world nor will his creditors and in the from here a month ago, Mr. Preston, the ance will come tor by here Chicago the zoning season lobsters same was offered as a up consideration. comes to the United State, for Us performers Railroad*, and be canSfikL be Pk_ A tramp was refused assistance at subject substitute for Haytian Minister, endeavored to have this blessed sacrament. The retreat will close on Telegraphs Expresses. among the the speculating fraternity hurt bought for 70 to 75 cents per hundred the the and without harness.—Turf Field and Farm. in house of Sam Brown, at House bill, action the Sen- her from but Denied Mr. in light by their losses. The mothers of the children the I this is more Cheyenne W T government prevent sailing, by Balfour. next with the bene- on Railroads, and Pi?dnds rovinces,and not ate adjourned. Sunday evening papal wTi’®.Co.mmlf,tee Telegraphs who are mills Saturday, during the absence of Brown He she was allowed to clear in view of the fact 'll their room on have been cruelly wronged the chief each. Men’s wages are Feb. 10.- Mr. of WatervUle. has a Wednesdays si^ivi na, a insulted the that the manifest was London, Balfour, la a diction. C. B. Gilmau promis- bondsmen daughter, and Mrs. declared that she go- long ____ a,X£?j'o8p8n7 of Dieckmann. so that their loss wome“ and boys about 50 Brown filly, a foal of 1888, that trotted a BENJAMIN will cents and therean? is loosened two bull dogs and locked the Foreign ing to carry coal to Monte Cristi. The ten reply to a correspondent dealing with the ing gray J, HILL, 1 Chalr- be total or largely so. no duty on the tin that the doors. Commerce. Transfers. recently led beside a pony la 1 JONATHAN G. cans are The killed the and men who returned said that the vessel uses to which Real Estate quarter Ot*. CLARK men made from. While in this State the tramp dogs set fire to the Washington, Feb. today party the Gladstonians put the January 9,1889. usual for house. Mr. Brown 9,-Representative weat to Monte Cristi and from there was transfers of real estate in Jaalldt" price a 9 inch lobster is about returned, extinguished O’Brien incident, savs the storm The following the of the #1.25 the fire and sent a posse after Baker of New York today in sent to where she was turned over was arti- Two of progey Maine stallion Snubbed the Legislature. per hundred pounds or about 1 the tramp. introduced the Samana, raised for the have been recorded at the cent each, and refused to remain ficially interests of the faction this county Regis- Rockofellar were recently sold for $l,0flu men’s wages from $1.50 to Saturday morning Officer House, lor reference to the committee of to the Haytlans, they and to POLICIES Protected BiSMAitcK, Dak., Feb. 10.—In a message #2.00 per day Kearney and her in the service. proceeds generally deny the charges try of Deeds: by the women and boys from 75 to Night Watchman Garvin of and means, a bill to by Haytian made to the House of cents $1.00 per Boston, got ways regulate commerce against the prison authorities. P. Baxter to L. M. II One af LeCaron’s Lien Representatives. Gov. It will De mixed ud in the dark Pori land-J. Lelghtoa. Nailed. day. readily seen by this that itis while looking for a between the United States and Popular Maine Non-Forfeiture Church yesterday attacked his more for the interest of burglar in a house foreign coun- A Si. Louis, Feb. predecessor the canners to oper- supposed on Girard street. that Not a Major. Struggle In the Dark. i. M Leightoa to il C. P. Baxter. |1 *r. Mo„ a—The testimony ot ate m the Provinces than During the scuffle which tries. It provides all articles Law issued the bitterly. Tbe legislature returned the at In this State. ensuad Kearnev Imported Feb. Beach, the _py, la the Parnell to the only by OLD UN- tack witb Representative drew Bis revolver and shot into the United States in Philadelphia, Feb. 10.—LeCaron, the London, 10.—Mr. Kent, keeper of an Inquiry, equal warmth, and theu postponed Marshall, of York, pro- Garvin in the leg shall, addition to Gladstone. effs;t that J. of the Marshall was well en- hotel at was this Michael Lomasney was blown answer until Monday to get it in prietor House, a large hotel Kearney pretty used up. Before the duty now assessed, pay a in witness before the Parnell commission, Swaasea, murdeied eaily ION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE vLJ?1™4!1netter at York harbor was duty equal Rev W H.S, Aubrey, L L D 11 lec- to the London shape. After in a represents another element further damage done the lights were a had him- up bridge explosion, u refuted sending message amount to any export duty which be tered the United States service during the morning by negro who concealed the Governor closed up his which Is that is very anxious for a change In the law turned on, recognition followed and hostili- may ture in the Stockbrldge course on G dstone, «®ee In this city, of Maine. office, assessed on their shipment to the United war as a buglar, and later rose to be first self In the room for purposes of robbery. S&uq®wnicli If A°r<1 ,°k COMPANY, Portland, considered a direct snul) the "The reasons,” said Mr. Marshall this ties Garvin Is now his Good seats shows that died hereon by legislature. “for suspended. nursing States. a colored He was next Wednesday evening. may Lomasney are that New York wound In the City lieutenant ill regiment. Kent was stabbed with a razor. Mrs. Kent June 13, l8»i,. f M Change and western peo- hospital. 2 that all apoplexy ftt the age of I Sect. provides articles ob ship- neither a major nor a staff officer. lighted a candle anil shot the burglar with a be secured at Htocklrridge’s. ywn. & so Portland Rochester? Why should miMCKLLANKOC*. nmt'lLE.ANSOtn. THE PRESS. __ much more care be taken Id the bill to guard flKAHClAL. A HC<* n «t r». the rights of other railroads than the rights MONDAY MORSlNbl, FEB. 11. of the public? The Board of Aldermen are to say on what conditions other railroads are CREAT “ooynoua letters and comrnu $100,000 use to be REDUCTION to the extension, these conditions 4th and addreas <* the writer' Popular subject to the revision of the Supreme Court. Uldl,P*nsabIe. '>ot necessary ily tor AT CITY Duhl,„TlI ubllcatlon but as Why should not the same arrangement be z HALL, a guarantee of good faith. Colorado Water x e cannot made In conditions on which Supply Co., Thursday Krealag, Dshraarr iln undertake to return or preserve regard;to ;the conuuuntcat the use ^ ions that are Rochester itself shall construct and — not used. roK — Lecture bv the famous Siberian writ* It? Past experience has shown, certainly, er aud traveler, Mr. George A 2> correspondent suggests that one effect that there is no danger that the Board will 2 of the M INDEED A LUXURY Mortise, 7 Per Cent. crow bounty bill will be the destruc- impose unreasonable or harsh conditions. ICES OF1 iS Bonds. tion of song birds. Under the guise of crow bread preparation. the *»l'K 1*109. shooting gunners will blaze away at any CURRENT COMMENT- JANUARY, bird Finzer’s SKENNAN!; they see, especially birds whose The 8im.nsc r In amt plum- only pure phosphatic powder made. -CainpiiiK Out Siberia __ age cau be sold. CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DDE. Cost of Plant X Kamchatka. \ th' tiling narranve of 2 About personal experience ana adventure. [Lewiston Journal.] Restores to the flour the nutritious phosphates lost in $450,000 It is said the Augusta boarding-house Ten days at the idea of rickets now on sale at Music Store. ago people laughed Bonded Debt .... Stockbridge's keepers are to the move- bolting. No other powder does this. It is healthful and STANDARD Half fare on M.C. R. R. to lecture tick- going feed the legislators moving tne State House; today CANNED all holding ttie GOODS. ynjIM remainder ment has through the eta. Late train on G. T. if R. of the session on the best the materialized, largely nutritious. fobs efforts of Asher C. Hinds of the Press, and Some market affords. Their 114 $200,000 ol these repentance is of the It will agitate the people of the State more bonds death-bed have been variety, prompted altogether too than any other question before the legisla- already taken, princi- much by to ture this winter. Canned Corn fear, inspire confidence that it is 8,10,12 and 14c can pally by Investor* who have per. 0029 per sincere. CONSUL GENERAL SEWALL’S RESIGNATION. eod&wGnrnrmtopofcolcm - ‘r Tomatoes 8 and 10c sonally examined the property. [New York Sun.} „ It is Peaches “ only justice to say that two mem- The request for the resignation of Mr. „ IO, 16 and 20c bers “ PRICE 103 AJD INTEREST. ol the present Board of Aldermen-Mr. Harold M. Sewall. Consul General of the Pears 16c Thomas Shaw and Mr. United States In Samoa, cannot he interpret- CO ", “ Tewksbury—were ed otherwise than as a of petty Green Peas ready to vote on piece spite, „ 12c the Portland & over at Rochester unworthy of any male person eighteen LU - “ M. , city extension Blueberries H. PAYSON & GO hall. and voted against asking the legis- years of age. Mr. Cleveland ought to have 10 and 15c lature been ashamed of himself when he ordered Three lor relief from the CO BANKERS, performances of Grand Opera responsibility the removal of Mr. Sewall. Mr. Bavard California which they assumed when Standard Fruit in und they allowed must have blushed when he put Ills name to heavy Syrup. KSTAHLIMUED 1*34. Monday Tuesday Evenings them to CO and mid become candidates for members of the letter. Peaches, Pears Apricots only 25 cts. each. Tuesday lUatlaec, the Board. » ME. MACAZINE NOTICES. Nuts, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, etc., at low- fllebll PORTLAND, ,Uf FEBRUARY 25th and 26th. The removal of est Civil Service Commission- prices. th it skmt -- er Edgarton ought to be generally applauded. Twenty years ago, when Andrew 1). White was We sell We In London to men goods cheap. don’t sell The only mistake about It Is that It was de- secure and material for the or- cheap goods. ganization of Cornell he the layed too long. Edgarton has made It a University, bought sheets of Peveril practice to discredit the law proof of the Peak, corrected by $100,000 which he was American Co. Walter Scott's own hand. He has turned these In our stock may be found Opera appointed to administer. He has habitually, over to K. |H. Woodrufl. who makes them the SO-AKTIITS-IO bjth in private and public, stigmatized clvi] text of|tbe first article in the February Scribner’s. The Brst appearance of the flnes! and most com" service reform as a Indeed no of- plete Opera Co. In the United humbug. A full page picture of Scott is the frontispiece as States. ficer under the present administration has well. The next article has a Scottish flavor, too, HARD LEATHER AND ELASTIC 10 Year 7 Per Cent Urand C, Grand d/rhr.tra of 20 N. behaved more or the RUBBER, V. musicians. Mprri.i and scandalously given better being continuation ot Steeenson's Master ot Neeaary of every kind. Our lone experience enables us to furnish TRUSSES practically constructed of the best MARRINER & Slogans reason for being turned out. Ballautral. But the artist, even more more than material. A PERFECT FIT Is guaranteed In every Instance. We would call special attention to our COMPANY, and the the lover of Scott's work, will be Interested la this Improved pad. By their use the most difficult forms of 1IUKNIA can be retained. following celebrated artists as principals. The cordial endorsement of the Hon. W. number. Some Greek Portraits, by Thomas Ser- Sopranos Louise Natali, Adelaide Randall. Cora B. Msaebam, Fannie Gonzales. W. for the Is a of a Thomas, Jr., Swedish mission, geant Perry, delightful study branch of Contraltos—Clara Poole, Lizzie art which recent discoveries have MacNIcboi published elsewhere, voices very opened up BONDS Tk.mius—CUarlesBassett,Wllllani Castle undoubtedly to the student and the critic. This article, with GROCERS, Tr/|-i^zer’s Thom- the opiLiou of the Swedish-Amer- Its Illustrations, will be of Interest to the great " Alonzo lcaus of the general reader as well. French Traits also fur- Corner und .. »— Stoddard. East, for The North Congress Franklin Streets, H Portland, Me, VW TDK Prank Vetta, E. N. Knlght.T. 8. Oul-e, H.Warren. nish this mouth the A rt Instinct as the subject of Star from which it Is M.W «Ftf - ••Old-Honesty taken is their study. The Picturesque Quality ot Holland, con- 203 FEDERAL Hen Brealaa sidered with STREET, WHITNEY BUILDINO. day (In the Stockbrldge Course representative organ east of Tiie reference to loterlors and Brio-a- In Chicago. Brac Is another article both the mt 18 place ofErmlnle) DouUeitl's Swedes of the West Interesting to fflb9___ WHICH THE Comic have already In terms general and special reader. Old Gar- upera. the which admit of no doubt of their dens, by Austin Dobson, Is ain.ther article Inter- meaning esting for Its treatment of the subject and from Hotel and Boarding: House t-Ay.rasru H uesire mat Mr. Thomas Keepers! CHEAPEST ARIZONA IMPROVEMENT CO. DAUGHTER should BESTV OF THE We keep all you ueed to furnish your house from cellar to attic. Special prices and RE6IMENT! be returned to the the Horn, hy K. H. Chapin, is a post from which he was Big pleasant discounts as or a to MORE TOBACCO THAN of a famous kind of The special made to you. No other house buys largely carries such selection AS IT CONTAINS Taceday Matinee, Vincent Wallace’s Grand retired a study game. Physical by change of administration. It is Development of Women Is another of Prof. Sar- choose from. Send to us aud tiud out our ability to suit your every need at better prices and ANT OTHER. QOOO CHEWING TOBACCO VOR MA1.K Bt THK Opera, useful at better terms than can else. SMOKING. established therefore that Mr. Thomas is the gent's studies in and of physelal culture. you get anywhere CAN NOT BE GOOD FOR The Action and the po-dry of this number aro also MARITiANA ! substantially unauimous choice of the Swed- up to the usual staudard. "OLD HONESTY" Taeidar Bwsiafs (la tlw ish-Americans of this Christian Work the RANGES AND ALL KITCHEN IB BOLD BY YOUR DEALER. Popular Course) country for minister Among Cree Indiaus Is the REQUISITES. Northern Vfrtl’i Popular Open, to Sweden. title of the Solid Banking opening article lu the guiver for Ket- and cheap DINING ROOM FURNITURE, in Walnut, Ash, Oak, or Imitations. Company. II Perforated and Wood Seat Chairs. Leather Seat and Back Chairs in Trovatore ! ruary, and this is followed by A Sermon ou Cane, Dining Dining Salt, DRESS Musical Director-Gustav Hinkkjhs. The Cost Oak. Ash and Sideboards. and Tea Sets in and of It. by Rev. Michael Easnvood. The Miss Hil- Walnut, Oak, Cherry Dinner China SALE! serial, Those Crockery. loot who TiPKKTS are opposing the removal of ary's Suitors, of which there Is a previous Install- By reason of a KKDI'CID tile State ment, and difficulty between the from (1.00, *1.25 and to 76c Capital rely upon one argument follows, then comes a paper of a more impor- Interest and Priuclptl are made pay- $1.50, and *1 OO Parlor ter and Including reserved se its; admission bUe: purely nature on Furniture of we able at the Matinee “It would Increase the theological Cod's Preventing Every Description. manufacturer, hare Jno.Finzer Northern Banking and to 3Au taxes,” they say with pur- § Bros., Louisville, Ks Co., ■prices reduced aud 60c. Now on sale at Goodness Santa Claus at Silk, Wool, Embossed and Crusted Plush Rattan Chairs and the of both la Music agiimaceof alarm. This is not so. Should CliftouCottage Isa Suits, (very neat) Suita, Easy chased a paymeut garanteed by Stockbridge’s Store wbere all the Librtltos Rockers of large lot of fine myl6 cod&wl vtopofcolcd and Music are (or sale. the very proity story, which Is followed by a paper on every material, every shape and at all prices. Extra Lounges, Odd Chairs, the Maricopa Loan and Trnst.Co. Legislature vote to move the Capital to Divans and 1 •'aroto Settees. .. The Joy of Christ. On the Lake of Thun Is tile allholdtngOpera tickets,on the M. marrow without a cent of c. d. K. (Including W hlte ML U T K. aid from Portland' title of a rather tong poem, with lllusratimis Div)and H.; by on P. & it. K K., Tuesday, to both Late and without a cent John brands Waller. Next is a paper Operas. of that direct tax by Bishop Our trains on G. T. on P. * money Alexander on The Seven 1-eaves of the Vlue. Chamber Set Special K.. Tuesday. Or- which is sure Department, FRENCH UEMflimiOAS $500 AMI der tickets at once of Ira C. to come to $1000. 124 Ki- Maine, under the Prof. Church’s thrilling To the are BAIRRITZ ! Stockbrldge, papers, in Sets of Lions, Complete Magogany, Walnut. Cherry, Ash, Maple, Pine and imitations of all cbmge street, Portland, (with money next administration If not nnder continued; the Hon. Isabel Plunket writes nf St. bard inclueed) this, n new woods. Send for cuts aud prices of all these goods. under Prospectus mailed to any address. (eb7dl w Colomb’s Cathedral. Londonderry; Prof. Blaikle greatly price, and will offer them capitol, that would be a to writes of 3 Pleasure Tours pride the State, Presbyterians In Council. There is an Personally-Conducted Interest July and could be erected lllustraied on Some Little Known Biblical at January. in Portland in six years paper today without Treasures, and a bundle of Short Airows of more TO WASHINGTON inflicting upon the tax-payers of than usual Interest. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Maine an This loan was taken the Northern 10th extra cent of taxation. The February numl.or of the Cosmopolitau from leading manufacturers iu the United States, warranted the finest of instruments and February 6th and 20th. and March 13th by STOCKBRIDGE Co. on the of Messrs. This year the State debt, on which shows marked indications of the vigorous guaranteed; cheaper and yet as handsome and sweet toned as any produced. Banking report At CITY the tax policy 59 Round Tickets 6ood for One Week. W. F. Lout HAIL, W-3UES )AY EVENING. FEB. 13th. of Its new Terms made to suit purchaser. CENTS. Trip and II. It. Hill, committee payers of Maine are six cent, management. It (opens atth a strong paying per No matter what you want we have it. No hunting around for a dozen places to sent to Arizona to all mat- Lecture by the English Author and Liberal States* will article on the Russian artist a supply The value is inre-tlgate be refuuded at three per cent. Tills Verestchagln, by your wants. Come to for EVERYTHING in the of regular $1. are to man, Mon. W. H. 8. fellow Headquarters way They beautiful 3 Pleasure Tours ters relating it. The following Is an will effect a countryman, V. Grlcayedoff. It Is profuse- Personally-Conducted saving of $100,000 a year for n.''__x .__-_a mm__ is_- ■ -__ goods and the best shades will soon extract (torn their report: ly Illustrated by sneclmens of Verestch.gin's jb- bbb ^ uuu jl «.■ ■ be sold. every year so long as we shall have a uiniiiups^ “We hare no hesitation In recom- State work. The other articles are All leading Around and for the LOWEST PRICES and MOST LIBERAL TERMS ever offered. To FLOhIDA and the the 7 cent Bonds debt. Apply this yeaily for six SOUTH, mending per of the AUBREY, LL. surplus Lake William Ilosea The season D„ Superior, by Ballou; Last everything came with a rush on us. This year we would like our to years to the patrons Arizona Improvement Co., of this Issue, Late candidate Tor building of a new capitol, and Koreans at Home, Frank G. send so that we can at rate be for to our staff of work- February 11thand 25th, and March Uth Parliament on the Gladstone hy Carpenter—both earlier, any prepared them, by adding as safe, and a most conserva- Liberal ticket. Maine would have a thus absolutely Party Subject: State House where the being excellently illustrated and The New York ers, filling orders promptly and maintaining the reputation we have made for ourselves tive and remunerative investment.” Clearing by A. L. Kiukead. The lit st in New as THE LEAI'ING HOUSE FURNISHERS. BROS. RouudTrip icketssoldfromKewYorkgoodforTwoWeeks Legislature could be House, vol- England .TURNER dtr accommodated and ley of centennial ll erature of the centen- Of course we need ____ where the apropos not remind you that Carpets are rising in price every week, but we WASHINGTON Round tickets will be lan4___dt!_ public archives would not be in nial of Washington’s In this trip GLADSTONE, Inauguration appears would advise you to call or send for samples, and make selections while old prices remain. TOI'BL sold from Boston and points constant number. Moncnre D. Conway some ol His danger of destruction. publishes It will be years after this, or may be never, when you will be able to a full five frane on tile New York & New Railroads as Characteristics; His Personality, and His letters never betore to the buy England uo Washington’s riven follows Career. But one proposes to use for six several of them in fac BONDS $100,000 world, simile. Elsie Leslie, ANNUAL 1. A ticket railroad Parlor Brussels for CLEARANCE SALE! covering fare, sleeping-car Evening tickets now on sale at the little actress whs $1.00 that charmiug has fascinated Pody Yard, — — Stockbridge’s. years, although could be done without bertb. and meals en route in both directions, hotel FOB Boston and New York by her impersonation of See to it that don’t miss this a cent to the you opportunity. accommodations iu Washington for 6V% days, a adding present burdens of the Little Lord KamiMeroy, has written an autobio- Plush Parlor Suits of six for $45.00, going like hot cakes. Extra help needed on carriage ride in the city, and a trip to Mt. Vernon, 500 RESERVED tax payers. Portland and graphic sketch. It is a sweet aud Ingenuous pieces her citizens pro- our Parlor floor all this week. Zero has stopped the “merry war,” Dut on we go next week Stock to be Sold of Cost. A at $38. JANUARY INVESTMENT. story, and portrait It. Edward Kv- Regardless Lady’s Watch Free Seats at 35 cents. pose to a accompanies with a line of Chamber Sets of 2. A ticket covering railroad fare, Other seats 50 cents, give magnificent site worth $100,000 ere.t Hale begins his new department. (Social special 10 pieces, $18.00. Solid Ash Chamber Sets, 10 pieces sleeping-car berth, and meals en route in both direct ions, at $20 dlw free of all cost to the State. Problems, In which he will discuss all of too, for $22.00, and Marble Top Sets, bevelled mirrored, for $50.00, and that’s not all. Every of Portland ft’s. They propose phases THIS FLWKIUA Rouud tickets, good for a two City feb?_ social economics la his well known wise and floor is full of at never before heard of. and on own terms. MONTH. trip to do more. wlli bargains prices vour Nobody —and— weeks’ visit in the will be City of Lewiston 4’s They give at least $100,000 brilliant style. need be without a comfortable home. ARE South, WE THE PEOPLE’S FRIEND. MOUT H. sold from New Yotk to Jackson- or Bath tt’s. PORTLAND THEATRE additional in clean MOR City cash. To build a suitable No trouble to answer your letter of Inquiry. A personal visit always pleases our custom- ISON & 565 ville at $48. The of the ticket includes Full- Mr. Thomas and the CO., Jewelers, Congress St., price City of St. Paul, Minn. 7’s. State House not more than Swedish Mis- ers, as they see novelties in goods that cuts do not properly illustrate. man accommodations and meal, en route in both TWO NIUHTS. $500,000 will then offer their entire Mock of City of Lonisvllle, Ky. tt’s. be sion. Come if you can,;but write if you cannot come. Always ready to receive and welcome Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silver directions. needed. There is due the State you. and Plated of Sooth Omaha, Neb. tt’s. The Ware, Kegardless of Cost. i City Friday and Feb. 15 aud 16. of Maine from the National Nordstjernan (Tbe North Stai) of Tourist Agent and Chaperon will company Each Party Maine Central K. K. Extension Gold ft’s. Saturday, For with government about New York, the largest and most influential itineraries, full description of the tours Maine Central K. K. Cons. Mort. 7’s. $400,000 of the direct tax and time-table of special trains, address 8. W. F. Grand Spectacular Dramatie Pro- Swedisbl paper this side has this Audros. & Kennebec K. K. 1st Mort. money, which this Congress or the next will ofJChicago, MORRISON Draper, Tourist Agent. 206 Washington street. tt’s. doction of & Mass. Boston, Portland Water Co. ft’s and pay back. The to say regarding the appointment of the CO., 4’s, tt’s. application ot this sum to Jewelers, Atkinson CHAS. E. PUGH. J. B. WOOD, Mass. Water Co. 1st Mort. Hon. W. House Wakefield, ft’s. W. Thomas Jr. to the mis- Furnishing Swedish 565 H. the erection of the capitol so much needed Co., Congress St., near Green St. General Manager. General Passenger Agent. RIDER HAGGARD'S sion: Cor. Middle and Pearl febl Watertown, Mass., Water Co. let Mort. would not add Sts., Portland, Me. du d3tteodtmar9 certainly any burdens to the Brn.chc— Bangor, febt_ ft’s. Seldom is it that opinion and Hockl.nd, Auburn, Hiddeford, Nnwap shoulders of the Maine tax payers. public the SL Croix Water Co. 1st Mort. ft’s. entire press of two opDOsinu oarties unani- febfldtf ISAAC C. ATKINSON, Gen. Ulan. But It is said: "You have naruiri 6’s. $100,000 to raise, mously recommend one man to an office. Information that we all county, unio, any WENTWORTH & CO., JEWELERS A 0 OPTICIANS Daviess Iml. 6’s. SHE I and that must come from the pockets of the Hut such is the fact in regard to the appoint- want. For the benefit of County, ment of a minister to Sweden aud to Buy their goods for cash. Omaha Horse Co. 1st Xort. 6’s. A SUPERIOR people.” Yes, it will probable be necessary Norway Railway COMPANY. succeed the incumbent. Swedlsh- THE SPRING or Denver City Cable Railway Co. 1st Xort. to raise $100,000 taxation. But present MEDICINE YOU WANT ourselves our friends: by let us see American citizens, the unauiiuous Swedish- Sell 6’s. who will at Bottom Prices. pay this. Of the State tax as as- American press and the Swedish press of To know itint all the troubles of FOB SALE BY sessed lu the year 1888 Stockholm, all unite in a fervent wish that Cumberland county French Cl »cks and Olaos* Spring complaints can be relieved °N President-elect Harrison might see fit to ap- Opera 8TACE IHWUJ uuc'iuui vu alKl 1 OI K COUllty quicker by ITIurdock’s Liquid THE_ point as envoy extraordinary and minister cs Wentworth & A CAK nearly one-tenth. So the burden of Paine s imported by Co., Food Ilian by all other prepara* LOAD OF SPECIAL that ter plenipotentiary to Sweden and Norway, Celery lions ns it will SWA5 Compound known, make & SCENEKY. $100,000 would fall about as follows: the Hon. W. W, Thomas Jr., of Portland, Jewelers. Purifies the blood and new This is the Top of the Genuine BARRETT, Cumberland Me. Blood, faster, blood will nearly.$25 000 cleanse the Intricate Vo,k. 10,000 His attainments in the Swedish language system of disease. Pearl BANKERS, Mechanical Effects the Berry Dishes and 12 Top Lamp Chimney aud literature, his experience as consul at Strengthens Nerves, Spoons. oz. Liquid Food will make Cumberland auu Elm-trie Illnainna York nearly.#35,000 under President and PRICES REDUCED. equal to 8 pr. ct. in similar are imitation. 186 Middle New Calcium A Hie rest of tbe Gothenburg Lincoln, weight and Allotheis, Street, Portland, Me. State about. 65,000 Swedish minister under President Stimulates the Liver, Arthur, strength weekly. Prices 60 and 3ft. When York and Cumberland are to and fit Mr. WENTWORTH This exact Label Jan2__dtt 7ft, Sale of seats Wednesday, willing eminently qualify peculiarly I CO., Jewelers end *itoh Makers, The <-e>ult obtained febl l bear all but Thomas for to the Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels, at our Free Surgical Hos- gf* $65,000 or 870,000 of the direct reappointment position. pital (or Women—114 beds and bed on PORTLAMD During the past Mr. Thomas every tree, is each Pearl burden of giving the State a suitable campaign Gives Life and to LOWEST PRICES ON including operation—confirm our claim, as there capital, rendered the Republican services of a Vigor every organ. lave party been between 2000 and 3000 patients, rep- ought the other fourteen counties to nature which no Top Chimney. grumble other American could equal. Solid Silver and resenting 90 distinct classes of operation, with WALTZING CLASS about tbe the Plated Ware. 22 and we -AT- expense? Many of them we know During campaign, tree trade herecies, There s like it Use It Now! JDly deaths, operate every week In the A dealer may say will not. championed by journals improvised for the nothing fear. During the summer months most of the Last, spring, being very much run down and used Paine’s lurglcal hospitals for women In the United States and think he has TRUST were your Celery COMPANY GILBERT’S occasion, inroads upon the •‘Ilavlng Compound atWENTWORTB& CO’S. making debilitated, I procured Borne of Paine's Jewelers. ire the Swedes as Celery this spring, I can safely recommend It as the closed, surgeons being unwilling to others as they never before had done, and The use Next A One Sided Measure. Compound. of two bottles made me most powerful and at the same time most pperate on account of the high rate of mortality. good, Begins Friday Night, Feb. 1st. it behooved the partv to counter- feel like a new man. As a Jut use First National Bank Republican general tonic and gentle regulator. It Is a splendid nerve tonic, by the of Murdock’s Liquid Food and Sup- BUT HE HAS NOT. It is curious how act the disease. I do not know Building. Terms tor sU much more care is taken spreading Influential men spring medicine, Its equal." and since taking It I have felt like a new man.’1 Forks and positories, before and after an operation, we build lessons. Gentlemen *2.60: La- W. L. Rogers’ Knives, Spoons I.abeland dles’ in the act which Col. were (needed to counteract the unhealthy Greenleaf, R. E Knoiir, Watertown, Dakota. ip tbe patient so much as to make it safe to Top. *1.60. lan iMtt Moore says has been General V. N. AT BOTTOH PRICES. For Sale Everywhere. Mare only ry growth, aud it was now that Mr. Thomas en- Brigadier G., Burlington, Vt. i pperate, and give.a rapid recovery, shown City, County and Railroad Bonds, and agreed upon by the Portland & Rochester tered the strife aud $1.00. Six for 15.00. At Druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co. Props. Burlington, VL contributed his name, in- 6E0. A. MACBETH & P* other First-Class SBVVITISStl. Railroad and the fluence and services. This WENTWORTH AND CO.. Jewelers and Ooticians By the last 7 months’ our CO., Pittsburgh, Securities. Company city government influence was nimnun n yfs cot°r ****** *"> mm**', i work, of Portland to felt from Maine to Minnesota, aud it is due ummunu urn* Eaiyt Elegant! Economical: I lactateFfooo »perations numbering about 500, protect tbe interests of otner a® aws — FOIl BALE BY — to Mr. Thomas more than to any other Scan- lanie PRICES REDUCED ON with hut two deaths. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS railroads than the interests of eod&wnrm4m the peo- dinavian agency that the result was brought 1«A 0godtl of Portland. The women who PORTLAND ple In the first section it is about, which has restored the country to the Watches and have been operated on have SWASEY, LAMSON & CO., UTIN SCHOOL of and Chains lurfered from l to 24 years, and were under med- specifically provided that the location party protection progress. cal Students are solicited treatment most of the time. nil. Tor the next half shall ke to the Wherever Mr. Thornes was advertised to POBTLAND, subject Joint use by other railroad AT WENTWORTH Many of them, brought in on their own year of the Portland Latin in such speak there would follow crowded audiences & CO.’S. Jewelers. beds, School,which companies manner and upon such terms tome In such condition from septic abscesses and feb27_FMWgwtf Local Investments. opens Feb. 11. as be of for Monday, may aetermiued by tbe Mavor and Alder- Scandinavians, which of us would not ilmllar troubles that we had to burn their beds, men of JOSHUA E. Portland, subject to revision bv the Su hear a Yankee discuss economic and political >y remaluintng 20 or 40 were restored URINE, Judicial SPECTACLES, days they prenie Court, as provided in section oue questions in the Swedish iu this 0 health. We nave had some of the severest Head hundred and language? feb7 twenty, chapter atty-oue of the Re- Mr. TbomaB was Eye and all «aad> in anr liac rases known in surgery. The women recover vised alalutea. city received with un- of Portland 6s. heir health and and are City Master._ bounded enthusiasm, and our city papers de- very Ln m Price. strength mured •• 1 hat is to ••rfulnesa; all gain In some cases say if any railroad company clared this the most successful weight, 46 of Portland 4s. INSTRUCTION Ml mass-meeting pounds in 16 weeks, 26 In 6 36 City mm A.\l) CLASS feels at the of the campaign; similar WENTWORTH & CO. pounds weeks, aggrieved conditions the Port- satisfactory reports pounds In 31 weeks, this case had 6 operations. reached us from the Scandinavian of Bath 6s. land * Rochester may it press of Pur women are In the hospital an average of 8 City ICAL STUDIES impose may apply the New States aud the and England West. lays prior to of 26 days after operation. To v f to the Board of Alderraon for New Goods and nake this TEEL Bath 4s. Given The Novelties PENS City to modification appointment therefore of the Hon. W. average, one remained 14 months, one private pupils by tbe subscriber of them. Indeed it to the W. would be 1 mouths, several 6 months, etc. SPENCERIAN may go Aldermen in Thomas, Jr., with Received Call la aad eiaainr al & regarded daily. Our Androscoggin Kennebec the first favor by Scandinavians on both sides of the patients come from all sections, from the j. u. instance. But suppose the citizens rTovlnces, and from the United Are the his nomination would do States as far Best. Kailroad 6s.>, of Atlantic; more WENTWORTH & CO.’s. kputb as West as Portland feel aggrieved nt the uses to than Texas, Nebraska, North as ■ AS PEAKI. anyone other appointment or act of Minnesota, and the Middle and New in"tiie ESSENTIAL qualities of STREET. which the extension is Mr. Harrison’s England Portland & Kennebec Bail- 'an put, what remedy coming administration to States, all of whom we are proud to refer To. as 24_ 4U render it Evenness of have they? None. They must grin and popular to that large body of citi- Lace Ear nany of them had been treated or rejected bv Durability, road 6s. and Rings, Pins, etc., liner uumuiuis. anu we ourselves bear it. The zens; lastly, the desired nomination Drops, priue ou Having find *66®lt niSTISOa. railroads are all taken “Castoria Is to well tot only the largest but tne best Point, Workmanship. carefully would add lustre and honor to the foreign adapted to children tliat I Castoria cures Colie, Constipation, equipped surgical Maine Central Cons. 5s. care but the are recommend It as Narked Down. lospital In the United States for women In sani- Samples for trial of 19 different etylea by mall, cm of, people left entirely with- diplomatic policy of the United States. superior to any prescription I Boor Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, ary, beating and ventilation facilities, and Is so receipt of 10 cent* in stamp*. Ask for card 8a & MAINE SAVIKUS out a But it known to me." H. A. KiU* w°rms, giree sleep, and promotes dl- Portland Water Co. 6s. BANK, remedy. will be urged Ancant, M. D., I WENTWORTH & CO., icknowledged by all surgeons and physicians that A Brave Woman. U1 Bo. Oxford Islt us. Iu our We. ION n.ddlr that the Portland & Rochester road is under St, Brooklyn, N. Y. | m«di^no« Massachusetts Liquid Fond Is a IVISON, BLAKEMAN & CO., 7Mn rw York. I First National Bank Birc«i, Wttlout'tnjurloua Jewelers asd Opticians, lousehold bottle for the it lias done Stock. to file [Pittsfield Advertiser.] good the obligations before the vote is taken “a Th* Cxxtacs Compact. 77 vomen of Massachusetts that have been annual BMietInu of the will be Murray Street, N. Y. operated apB dlawMly Cumberland National Bank held corporation full and The farm buildings of Mr. David Welts in >n. Their friends see and realize that It mus do as THE at their Hankins Room, on complete description of any such In- me Wednesdav such — 13th North with for their families, old and young, that are Instant, at 3 o’clock p. m. tended extension, and a statement Parkman, contents, were de- GOLD MEDAL, PABI8,187a Stock. Samuel of the Gold and Silver Headed Canes uttering and need local treatment, as new blood Roue, Alphus G. Rocehs. terms and conditions stroyed by fire Thursday forenoon between vlll cleanse the system of disease. **re,lit h verv SOOTHING, PAIN-KILLING, Moulton appear to be Liquid Food. R one cent a cup. It is delicious, Woodbury the question whether the uimcun leal lor her to perform. Neat stock CURATIVE and STRENGTHENING. II nourishing, strengthening, easily di- simply Portland & and sheep both went back to the burning ^ 1 Rested, and admirably adapted for in- Rochester shall extend its tracks the along building and had to be driven out the second It salitOea ^ k OTOTHRRS, Iff valids as well as for persons iu health. Park and I BANKERS, through the poor farm. The width time. She saved one shote by taking him by time, every I A If your does not thrive never Hold Grocers of the the uses to which it force from the pen. One other L P% baby by (verywhere. and location, shall be obstinately THY ONE NOW, I v Its Pianos Organs refused to be saved and was burned. ihunge food, put and many other which Mrs. i Cor. Middle and details, deserve Welts Streets. returned to her boy to find his clothes PIANO! Exchange of the best makers the most careful on I BAKER & Mass. TanS° dtl consideration, will be entire- fire as well as both beds. She soon extin- i CO., Dorchester, guished this AB ly lost of. Indeed there incipient and — riPfiT MADTA* AND RENT. sight is no provis- Iconllagration The;sole;1 ency of this world renowned lnstru TO SELL then turned her attention to the “AwT GUARANTEED. ion in the act which makes it jumper ment. obligatory on near the shed. •&r standing Jumper and cushion U\:§t First look/or signature of the on «« Mortgages. Six at Win. P. anybody to give the public any were on fire, but this too she soon proprietors, Hop PlAtTER Co., BOSTON, genuine poods. Per Cent. Cold Bonds 114 Exchange St., Hastings. extin- > N otes. and the was Coupon information whatever regarding the guished jumper removed to a OF novl2_sodom safe distance from the Interest payable Portland A Rochester’s intentions burning buildings. About this time Mr. Welts, together with SAMUEL THURSTON i semi-annually in concerning these details. The act some of the neighbors, arrived at the scene I N.Y., l’hila. or Boil The Denver Cable Co., simply provides City Railway that the location and the of the conflagration but too late to save any- ton. Prom pi terms and about 100 bushels of No. 3 : Dili M, conditions of its use shall thing excepting potatoes THE Free Street lllock Portland, of be ONION j HIKE IT. payment both filed I WANT IT. with the clerk. in the cellar. These were saved by city The Portland A Roch- throwing Principal and In- Interest Payable Jan. and July 1. In ester snow into the now nearly consumed bouse. terest Company is under no rf. IP* Ask OBOAN guaranteed by The English A obligation to for the BI'RDBTT tut add five or New York. submit them to the more drops at American Mortgage Co., Ld. Kansas City public, neither is the city Johnny Get Your Cun. uch of Murdocks feeding Kansas. Subscribed nn COUPON AND UIMTKKKD. government. all ■ Liquid and paid Apparently that the peo- To the Editor of the Press: ood, and Its lost or needed TUNING TO ORDER. vital, Capital, £120,000. ple have to depend on for a A |JTl> will be Descriptfropani. knowledge of bill now before the legislature of Maine [y restored in less than phlet on application. Central Trust Coutpany of New We are selllug od these terms and conditions is aud on lilrty worn Hooks at their voluntary its way for enactment without dis- days. York, Trustee. shop lo t H. over low prices and have the IT C KILBY, Agent, Wilson’s Tea Store. publication by newspapers. But ev- cussion. provides a State It Is bounty on crows. Invaluable when you are weaning the baby 114V4 Exchange street, Me. some good bargains en If r when Portland, of the at they get before the public the chances thousands of THE ONION It Is teething. If will take one tea- Secured by the first and only mortgage 10c, 18c, Many crows 26c, migrate through joonful to a you W.F&Mlyr a corporation now are that a of tablespoonful yourself before each novas_ Denver City Hallway Company, 86c, and upwards. great many the voters will never Maine every spring and under a charter exclu- autumn, and many *°U wlU recelve M much operating by horses giving TEA b fifteen car lines over 42 read and many more not be if HOT Buentfaa the sive horse-car rights; may killed the BEEF thoroughly under- people are baby.*' taxed to pay | In Denver, a city of 100,000 for them. 1 he best miles of track people. Stevens & stand them. As was said above the time to kill crows is secured a first and Jones, majority the The bonds are further by during spring and autumn nine and one-half miles of oftthe will vote on the migrations 1 only mortgage upon people simply general are -- 198 Middle st. when they congregated in AT ^ IURD0CK HOT track of cable road with land, viaducts, double whether the road shall large numbers. FOOD SODA! janai d6m question run A St&to on LIQUID CO., along the bounty thoir lives I CICM now being constructed the ni&y result in machinery, etc., by Park aud through the poor farm, and the such harassment as to make them hurrv Denver City Cable Hallway Company, which latter and avoid BOSTON. — AT — owns the horse car lines, and will effect of the along stopping on Maine farms to I*»» company oper- practical present bill will be to ate the two tu connection with each other. feed on the grubs and Insects they devour in THAT Schlotterbeck A Foss. systems WILL application. permit the Rochester railroad to get its ex- in and THE Particulars and pamphlets upon large numbers, April as ONION Autumn, well PKICK PAH and sect *1 Interest with the right tension it as at other if gets it at all, on whatever times, although Insects may in to advance the same wl' out notice. crease as their natural terms and conditions seem good to it. If it destroyers decreas, For sale by and various crops suffer in consequence SCIlLOTTERliECK & FOSS. wants to have the some in SOUTHERN PINE' privilege time the when the State nays for the fun. Then YELLOW VALENTINES. future of using the extension for a Johnny will get nis gnn. Cnocus. Suit All! LUMBER AND TIMBER. rail load yard, it has simply got Memorandums of Lumber furnished at the low. Largest ami most com- SWAN & est on tne or BARRETT, to market prices from our stock wharf, EXCURSIONS TO describe the uses in CALIFORNIA proposed general direct from our Mills, and In the I pete line of Valentines or ambiguous Southern Fine 186 Middle — HOT- language. Suppose It says the THE quickest possible time. £ Street, Portland, Me. extension ONION TRY nd lowest Whole- EVERY ALL LUES. dec 14dtf is to ONE. be used for traffic. That does GmmM, * CO., prices. not DEBBISC, WIKHLOIV WEEIJIA preclude its use for c ale ether purposes. Sup- aaa Caauaercial PorMaad, Me and Retail. pose it Street. says the extension is to be ’ *" cam For if i completed je4_ _eodtf gs«Bsnr.B!1-01,8,1 rates to all points West and A~i la a reasonable time. ,JU,U» JJK Who Is going to deter- .leeaudtf TEXAN AND MEXICO. Coffee and DISSOLCriON .f PdPASTflEBklllP __ Cream reasonable time is? Why i copartnership of Talbot aud Moulton was NOTICE. Heuai.monthly Forties,— — should the Personally conduct AT — city. In all these THEdissolved by mutual consent Januaryl. 188U; CHARLES *r8 Comfort—Low Kates- collateral ques- the OAV, notified to trust no one upon Bd.-comblning quick Time business wfil at tne old place \ Lt5!e„r*onl — tions, be left to CascoCigarCo. be continued Fro. Sleeping Cars. Call on or address nearest entirely the mercy of the fcb4 eidsimtui under the firm name hv Mathias Moulton. 544 or K. ME. a St. Ticket Ageut, K. CURKIEK. New England PORTLAND, feh8d3t* 'TALBOT & feba Congress fiinninnr laniiS eodtt "• Agent Southern Pacific Co. UP* Washington Schlotterbeck & "XKBSjffi « A/» si., Ko.ion, Mass. liySeouly Fo*j. *• ri beam got Its swing, and the well pleased stranger, •od N H ie*17c; fresh Western 16«1»%«; Can- BAILING DAYS OP niSORLLANEttlia. THE we presume, earned ofl bis pound (T) of butter, ada STEAMSHIPS. ■IMIIXMIOVI. PRESS. —Youth’s Companion. 14®16c; Michigan choice at 15318c, |Job- KHOM FOR hlng urlces lo higher. Circassian.Portland ... Northern choice at 18H17C; Liverpool.... Peb 7 Poultry—Turkeys, Alisa.New York..Jamaica.. .Feb 9 MONDAY MORNING. FEB. 11. lair to at choice North- Ball." good 12®15c; chickens, Alvo.N<*w 9 ‘‘Play ern 16®l7r; fair to I0®18; choice at York..HayttT:.....Feb most enthusiastic good fowls, Belgeuland.New York.. Antwerp.Jau 9 The patrons of baao ball are ll®12c; common to 9® 10; ducks, young La the men who sit good Normandie... Nbw York..Havre... Feb 9 THE PRESS probably on the '-blearhlne '8® 14;Western turkeys, choice 16® 16%c;fair to Pulda.New But who — York..Bremen .’.'.'.Feb 9 be of N hoards.’1 anyone occupies a teat there good 14c; choice at @14c; fowls, May obtained at the Periodical Depots Is liable to catch 9® chickens, Rotterdam.New York..Rotterdam ..Feb 9 U. cold; and managers should nr*v choice. 10® lie. Fessenden, Horse Railroad Station; Marquis even- Wyoming.New York Feb 9 sent patron thus exposed with a bottle Beans—choice small N Y hand picked pea at Liverpool.... 7« Exchange St.; Chisholm Bros.’, Onion De Adamson’s Botanic UIof Anchoria.New York..Glasgow.. .Feb 9 660 Cough Balsam. 5 bosh; choice New York large hand pot; Hodgson, 9(1 Vi Portland St.; John Oox, 00®2 05:» City Washington .New York..Uav & Mex.Feb 9 St.: Holden, ricked do I 80® 1 .'0: small Vermont hand pick- OVERSTOCKED! Congress St. j Costello, 7 Exchange Arizona..New 33 Peter- ed do 2 45; choice eyes 3 36 i.3 60. York..Liverpool....Feb 47 Middle St.: Jewett, 604 Congress St.; 86®2 yellow Valencia.New 13 and Hay—choice prime hay $18 6C®$16 60; lair to York..Laguayra....Feb son,2 Exchange St.; Goold, corner Congress Manhattan.New York..Havana.Feb 13 good at $17 00®f18 00; Eastern Ane $14;a$l7; •HIST BE OCT OF Chestnut Sts.; Chisholm, l6» OongressBt.: Hop- FINANCIAL Adriatic.New 13 CLOSED REGARDLESS COST. A TERRIBLE BREAK IS THE PRICES 243 Con- IAL. to $14®$17: East Bwale 10®$11 York..Liverpool....Feb OF OIR ENTIRE STOCK OF kins, Commercial, corner Palk AKDJEfl poor ordinary Oregon.Portland....Liverpool ...Feb 14 l,Mol[fii,1.Beardsworth. straw, choice, at $18 Oat straw gress 8t.; Hobs, 193 Congress St.: Rye 60®19 00; (Santiago.New 190 Railroad 11 00. vork..Ctenfuegos..Feb 14 87 India St.; Abbott, 243 Spring St.; Barter, Receipts. 10 00® Suevla.New ...Feb York St.: and of Chls- Potatoes—Houlton Rose —®60c V bush, H ebron York..Hamburg 14 Brackett St.; Elliott, 243 Athos.New Y ork. Kingston.... Feb 16 weak, lired, languid, exhausted all trains running out of 60c; Aroostook Uebrons 66@68c jBurbauks 38® holm Bros.’agents on Becelpu by Port- ...Peb 16 nerve and cars Maine'CentralSdlroad—Kot 40c. Pavonia.Boston.Liverpool In power physical theettv. iulscellaueouaTuierchaodtse; for con- _ Umbria.New York..Liverpool ...Feb 16 who noting roads cars 108 Elbe.New strength; pass restless and Auburn, Haskell & Reynolds. miscellaneous merchan- Domestic Markets. York..Bremen.Feb 16 Bath, J. O. Shaw. Helvetia.New York..Hamburg....Feb 16 sleepless nights, waking tired Blddeford, F. M. Burnham. (By Telegraph.] Polynesian.Portland... Liverpool... Feb 21 and unrefreshed; who are Irri- •• L. Jellerson. Feb. 9. 1889.—Floor A. GrainlQuotatiens. NEW YORK. market- Samaria.Boetou....Liverpool. ..Feb 23 table or depressed; who have WORTH OF MEN’S AND BOY’S PANTS MUST BE IN C. F. Kcnnleton. 8880 exports 1340 obi- and Vancouver.Portland ... Feb $20,000 OVERCOATS, SOLO 30 Bootbbay, OHIOAtlO BOARD OR TRADE. receipts packages; 6,- Liverpool... 28 SUITSIAND DAYS FOR CASH. Boston, Mass., American House. 692 sacks: quiet and firm; sales 13,150 bbls; low neuralgia, headache, rheuma- $10,000 Brunswick, B. I.. Dennison, Friday’s quotations. extras at S 06®3 60; city mills extra 6 00®6 20; tism or other pains and M1NLATUKB ALMANAC ..FEBRUARY aches; t uinberland Mills, K. 8. Ravtnohd, wheat. city mills patents]5 60®7 00; winter wheat, low 11. who have heart trouble, That means Worth Damariscotta, E. w. Dunbar. 3 60: to dyspep- $2.00 for $1.00; #1.00 worth for 50 Feb. May. grades at <’6®3 fair fancy at 3 65®6 60; loss of Cents. C> M. Record. .. July "*Mr sia, Indigestion, appetite, Deering, uienlng.... »»% 102% #1 patents 4 90®8 00: Minnesota clear 4 26®6 26; Sun set3. 6 Ofil*11**1 8 28 W. A. I. kidney or liver Freeport, Mitchell. Highest.. 101 lt»6 91% straights do 4 76@« 60: do patents at 6 60®6 90: constipation, com- J.C. do at 4 16: at 2 should read the Fryeburg, Gerry. u.west. ... »s% 10 Vi eoy4 rye mixtures 25@6 superfine 46® ?g7»s plaints, follow- HERE’S FIGURES THAT MEAN A JUBILEE FOR EVERY Kalrileld, K. H. Evans. OioslDg.... 101 108% #1% 8 30: fine at 2 00®2 86; Southern flour is quiet ing: VISITOR. Farmington, H. C. White ft Co. CO BN. and firm; common to fair extra at 3 06®3 55:good Gardiner, Palmer ft Co. Feb. Mch to choice do at 3 60® 8 10. Rye fiour Is steady \fA.RINE Cheter, n. Y. Jas. H. Irish ft Co. May. and 3 30. NEWS! Gorham, quiet; superfine 00®3 Buckwheat flour I was miserable, had no ambition, no Lewiston, Chandler ft Estes. Is State at 2 16%. Wheat re- strength sat steady; 06®2 PORT OP PORTLAND. was tired all the T. M. iz si — — in my limbs, and while. When I i for Long Island, Glendennlng. Lowest. 34% 84% 85% ceipts bush exports bush;sa!es I7,0 No 2 taken. I look and feel like another person since the H. B. Kendrick ft Co., Wm, Stackpole. Saturday's quotations. afloat; White 46%®46c; No 3 at 40®4lc; Sch Franconia. Price, Boston for St John, N B. CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS. In* Spring and W inter. Just an average half of Ihelr real value. |aco. A. Mixed < steamer I and recommend So. Paris, M. Gerry. WHEAT. Ungraded 40®4 %c; Mixed 41% Sell Ralph M Hayward, Baker, Boston for began to take it, it to all that Skowhegan—Blxby ft Buck., Geo. Cushing. ®4S. Oot» receipts 84,000 busd, exports 410 Bootlibay. are ailing. Thoinaston, E. Walsh. _ f'eb. May. July bush; sales 129,000 bush; weaker; No 3 at Sec; Sch G G Deerlng. Boston for Horse Harding, MRS. FRANCIS M. BODLE. Our {12 Overcoats, { 6.00 at this sale. I The Coals will go with a Ri'gil. Vinalhaven, A. B. Vtnal. Opening. 103% 00% White do at 30%®31%c; No 2 at8o%@31%c; Island and Baltimore. “ “ “ “ “ Higneit. 104 Waldoboro, G. Bliss. »l do White 33%®34c; No 1 at 32c; do While 38c; Sch Mollie Phillips, Wallace, Boston for Ma- IS 7 SO Lowest. 90 KP~Dislionest druggists may try to sell The are from to Waterville, C. H. Hayes. 102% Mixed Western at 29®82c; While do at34@40c; clitas. you K 4, 44 44 44 Pr,ces $2 $8 less Closing. No 2 their own or some article on Woodtords JI. A. Leighton. 100% 103% 00% White Slate 34®39c; hlcagoat 32c. Cof- Sch BT Biggs, Haley, Boston for St John, NB. preparation cheap fee—Rio lair at which they make a large profit. Do not be de- Yarmouth. W. F. Bennett. •' COHN. firm; cargoes 17%c. Nagar— Bell Saltlla. Scollleld, Bath for Darien. Will go 44 44 “ “ *• 1,11111 the bure eost of mate ials. raw market for refined la ceived, but Insist, if you would be certain of PANTALOONS. Feb. Mar stronger; fair demand. on the dock here for May. dry repairs. cured, having the most wonderful of 2d 12*00 Opening. 0 6%®6H; Extra t at 5% white Extra C being upon “ “ “ 34% 84% 36% @8%; Cleared. all remedies. it Lome quick if you want one. PORTLAND POST OFFICE. Highest. 34% 34% 86% 6%®6 8-16; Yellow at 6%®5%c; oil A at 8%® 25 15*00“ r‘~’ or 6 Mould A istauaard A at 8 New York—J B j “ Lowest. 84 84% 36% 7-160; 7% ll-16;Con- Steamship Wlnthrop, Bragg. DB. GREENE'S NERVURA, THE Closing. 84b fee A 6 1 l-l6cipowdered at 7%c; granulator* 7c; Coyle. 34% 86% GREAT NERVE style, quality and color of Beaver nud Chinchilla Overcoats “Tsrs.vs'i'.vsi.KiKsr* OATS. Cubes 7%c;cut loaf and crushed at 8%. Petra SUNDAY. Feb. 10. BRAIN, AND Every Fall and Winter leoas and quiet; united 88%c. Pork is STRENGTH in the store have been marked at the Oo«Llvely Prices. Arrangement. May. steady Arrived. RESTORER. ft*enlOg. 27% easier, but unchanged. Beef quiet.. Lard is Every $16.00 Overcoat on our counters will be closed f4tr $8.00. Steamer Forest Guaranteed and Highest. steadier and quiet; wesiern steam at 7 30; city City, Snowman, Boston. Purely Vegetable Harm under our 27% Brl Every dollar’s worth of Heavy Weight Clothing roof must OFFICE HOUBS. a Lowest. 27% steam 6 86; refined at 7 70 for Continent; 8 A at Sch Charles A as. Hammett. Norfolk—coal leu. Overcoats, Suits and Pants 8 66. Butler firm. Cheese dull. Sch Eunice P Newcomb. Deer Isle for Boston. go for what it will bring. Cashier's Office, Closing.■ 27% (Sunday excepted), 7.30 a. m. Sch Helen Rocklaud for 1 ou can consult Dr. Greene, the of Tuilor made Overcoats, desirable fine as to 7.00 order 9 CHICAGO.' Feb. 9. 1889-The Flour market Thompson, Averlll, proprietor Imported Kersey shades, p. in.; Money department, a. in. New York. this remedy, u-ho is the famous specialist In the to 0 p. in. Portland Dally Press Stock List. Is steady and Wheat dull j No 2 Spring can be produced in the world, perfect In style, shape and Hi, a grace- Registry department, 9.00 a. in. to 6 unchanged. treatment of nervous anti chronic diseases, p. m. 1 0"® l No 2 Red at 1 1 oO%. Corn BELOW- Sells Belle Hardy, ChasE and free of sold us all the season for Corrected by Swan a Bahbett, Bankers and 00%; 00® 8eari, or bu at his ful, nobby, gentlemanly garment, and by General No 2 Oats No 2 Clara Dlnsmore. charge, personalia letter, oftict. 34 Delivery, (Sunday excepted) 7.30 a. m. heavy; at 34c. dull; at 6c. No 2 Mass. must this or as as last, to 7.00 Brokers, 186 Middle street. Provisions dull—Mess Pork 1186 Temple Place, Poston, $30.00, go during sale, loug they p.m. Sunday, 9 to 10 a. m. Ryeat46%c. febll nrralt Carrier’s Deliveries, (8unday excepted)—In HTOClK B. ®i 1 40. Lard at 6 77%. Dry salted ahou ders FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT. bus ness section of 5 60®6 short clear sides 6 Whls the city between High and Descriptions. Par Value, Bid. Asked 00; 26®6 37%. PORT CLYDE, Feb 8—Ar, scb India key at 1 08. Governor, Lowe, OPEN street at 7 and 10 a. to., 12.30, l ie and Canal National Bank.100 149 160 Somes Sound for New York; C M EVENINCSITILL ^O’CLOCK. & n in In nt tapaanilriii. o _ V i __ _ Glllmor,Thomp- Oasco Nat. Bank.,100 188 140 Receipts-Flour 7.000 bbls.wheat 12,000 bush, son. Portland. p. m. Sunday delivery at Post Office window, 9 to Wlr«f Nnl Iomil Munir 1 /v. u.u no coru 169.000 UUS; oats 118,000 bu barley,;2U,too Sch Eastern Queen, from Grand Manan. of aDd STEINWAY 10 a.m. oush. rv- 8000 bush. Collections from street boxes at 7 and Cumberland National Bauk.. 40 45 «u for Gloucester, with herring, rau ashore on Hart’s 11 a. * ro., and 8 p. m. Sunday 6 p. m. only. Merchants’ National f.ank.. 75 117 118 •shipments—riour 8,000 bbls. wheat 10,000 Island Bar, at mouth of Port Clyde harbor, this bush, corn 138,000 buth. oats, bus barlev ABBIVAL AND DKJ’AKTUBK OF MAILS. National Traders’ Bank.too 129 130 71,000 morning at 8 A M. She remained until 6 PM and I TEMPLE Portland »6 lot-’ 50.000 bush, rye 1,000 bush came on leaking -I1ND|- STREETS, Southern and via Boston and Company. badly. Western, Maine Portland Gas 80 s: 8T. LOUIS, Feb. 9 1889.—The F'our m r^et railroad (Eastern division) Company. BO IOUTH —Arrive, 12.30, 6.00 Is quiet and unchanged; family 3 26®3 36; choice NoTES-Slilp Gov Robie, of Bath, Capt Blanch- Ax°isrE:i3L.3_.’sjir“E;p?sK‘Fi";]&ul4eo41m HOTEL. and 11.00 p. m. j Close 8.00 a. 12 6.16 BONDS. m., in., and at 3 60 a 3 60; fancy 4 26®4 66 ; pat uts at 6 06® ard, now on the passage from to Portland, 0 p. m.t 12.16 State of Japan Supplementary, and 10 p. m. Maine 6s, due 1889 ...ic<>% 101% B 20. Wheat lower-No 2 Ked at «3c Coru Is Vs has been chartered to io^d 80.000 cases refined Boston, Intermediate offices and Portland vanouslisi 116 connections, City ds,Mimlclp'l «%c below yesterday No 2 Mixed at 28Vic.O*ts oil at New York for Shanghai at <0 cts per case. KAILKOAUN. via Boston & Maine — es. HARDMAN railroad, (Western division) Portland City K. K. aid 1907...l22 12* firmer; No 2 at 24V»e. demand. Whis- The Robio passed St Helena Jan 16 and will be Arrive at Barley—uo 12.30 and 8.80 p. m.; close 8 a. m. and Portland City % 102% at l 03. Provisions at 312 due at Portland In March. 2.46 m. key stronger—Pork p. Bath Mun. ... City Ms, various... 102 105 Lard—prime steam nominal at 6 70. Dry salted A P Hodgkins, of Bath, Is building a fishing schr via Maine 6s SMOKE! Eastern, Central Bath K. R. aid FIRE! ICS ribs 6 for Portland parties. WATER! Railroad—Arrive, City meats—shoulders 6 26; and 20; snort 9 a. m. longs PORTLAND & WORCESTER and 1 Close 12.00 m. and i LINE p. m.; 9 p. m. Bangor City 8s, long B. It. aid.... 12 116 clear 6 40. Bacon—shoulders 6 62% ; mugs and One of the vessels to be built by H M Bean at Supplementary, 12.30 and 10 p. m. Bangor Otty 6s, long Mun.13U t32 ribs 7 0 >. short clear 7 26. Camden this year, will be a four-masted schr of Augusta, Intermediate offioes and connections, Belfast City 6s, K. K. aid. 104 .oB Receipts-Flour, 4,00o this; wheat 18,000 12,000 tons lor parties in Rhode Island, to be Portland & Rochester R. via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2 and 9 a. And. A Ken. H. K. various... .> K, fls, 102 103 cosh; com 59,000 bush; oats 1,000 bush;;rye commanded by Capt B Allen of Providence. in.. 1 and 6.00 a. Portland & Ken. p. m.; Close at 6.80 in., 12 m., K. H. 6s, 1895 net no 1.000 bush: barley, 6,000 bust;. In addltlou to the 000 ton schr to be built at 4.30 and 9 & p. m.; Supplementary, 12.8o and 10 p. Farmlng'tn K. K. «s.108% 110% Sbipments-Kiour, lO.ono bb's; wheat, 1,000 Columbia Falls by John H Crandon, a barque of PIANOS STATION. FOOT oTpREBLE STREET. m. Maine Central B. B. 1st mtg 7s. .119 121 b ish: bush bush; 760 tous will be built for J Swan A Sun. ol New corn, PB/XXt |9al» 67.000 rye On and after deader. Oct. 44, IHSm, Farmington, Intermediate offices and connec- Maine Central R. R. Consol 7s.... 131 13s 0000 bush, barley 0 hush. York. via 1,0< Train* will Leave Peril a ad tions, Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 1 p. Maine Central R. K. Skg Fond 8s. 10ft low John Shaw, of Machlas, Is to build a three mas- Passenger Close Per werreeter, (,'liaiva, Jaactiea. m.; at 12 ni.; Supplementary 12 30 p. m. Portland Water Oo. 6s,due 1891.; 103 1.4 ter of 760 tons for Capt Chas H and find sereral other well-known Makes Ayer * 1 Tnoinpsou, Wiadkaa and fJV Rockland, Intermediate offices and connections, ;• 1899..110 C12 Cotton Markets. others, of Machlas. .Naebaa, Irrlig at Via Knox " ’a. m. and I4.IM mm. and L incoln railroad—Arrive, 1 and 6.00 4s 1927.. 96 97 At John Currier, has contracted p [By Telegraph.] Newburyport, Per and p.m.; Close at 6-30 a. m. and 12 m.; Supplemen- to build a four-masted schr of 1400 tous for Sami daarheeler, Caacerd, polata North 12.30 m. NEW YORK, Feb. 9, 1889.—The Cotton market R.F. tary. p. R Crowell, aud of Boston. Geo E SOMERS. Currier, Boston Stock Marne. is easy; sales 7 <6 bales; at 7c; others, Per Walesa Skowheoan. intermediate offices and connec- uplands, ordinary of the same place, will build two four-masted schs tUcbetier/nerlagrale, Alfred, do at 8 9-lHc; low middlings at mid- and Bare hirer 7.30 a. tions, via Maine Central railroad-Arnve at 2 a. (By Telegraph.) good HVsc; of 1,000 tons each. kare, at at., 14.30 m.and Close at 12 m. dlings 10%c; Gulf ordinary at 744c; good dost *n« 3.30 a. at. 1p.m.; and u p. in.; Sup- The following of stocks are received Barque Alice, of Boston, 868 tons, bult at quotations 8 18-16c; low mid loVic. Wey- at 7.30 a. plementary 12.30 and 10.00 p. m. 9%c; middling mouth In 1884, now at New has been sold aa., 14.30, 3.00, dally; York, and 0.40 a. at. Auburn and Lewiston,—Arrive 2 and 9.00 a. m. at *27.000. PS.30, and Per t'Beaker lead 1 and 6 n. m.; Close, 6.80 a. m., 12 m., 4.30 bancor City 6s^l8«9.111% tufouean Mamets. Mlllbridge. Feb E T we our Mecrerer re, dtlle, Wet* 4—Brig Campbell, lately remove entire stock of Scotch all UO and B p. m.; Supplementary, 12.30 and 10 m. Boston & Maine Kallroad 7s, ; *03.110% auction at Hancock B Today Hats, Caps, Weedferd’. at r.3d p. purchased by by J Mauslold and 10.00 a. Bangor.—Arrive at 2 a. ni. and 1 and 6 n Maine central fc> Telegraph.] a., 14.30,3.00,3.30 and m.; Railroad.120*4 of Mlllbridge, lias arrived here with part of cargo Close at 6.30 a. 12 m. and 9 Saco water Power Machine !). 1889.—Consols at 98 13-16 for P» Hit m., p. m.; Supple- Shop...... 104% LONDON.Feb. bonded salt on hoard. kinds of Fur Ladies’ Umbrellas and r" mentary 12.30 and 10.00 p. m. AlldrOSCOCCm Mills..;;.;.... 140 money and 98 16-16 for the account. ; Gloves, Caps, Furs, Travelling 0.40 p. a. New The 14.30 W. at. train (rom Portland Iliddeford and Saco,—Arrive 10 30 a. m., 12.30 York and New England Railroad 47% Feb. 9—Tbe Cotton market Is FROM MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. soonevLt and LIVERPOOL, Ayer Jaatt. with "Ueeaae raaael 8.3o p. in.; Close at 6 and 8 a m. and 12 m.: Dopre llrt lull and raid- from our store 232 Middle to store Beale” generally In buyers’ favor;American □Sid fm 7th, steamers Dominion. Hags, 228 cor. foi the aad at 2.45 and 9.00 p. m.; 2.16 and Atch. Topeka rd Santa Pe Railroad Liverpool Cross; Street, Middle, West, Cate. *i-li«e. W.,“^- Supplementary 62% lltng at 6Vsd; sales 7,000 bales; spe, ulation Sardinian, Ritchie, and fcr Prerideace 10.00 p. m. J Id Colony Railroad. 170% Vancouver, Llndall, for ter, and New Verb ria snd export 1000 hales; receipts 7000 bales. Portland. ■Prerldeace Ltae" Canada,Intermediate offices and connections Ho A l eio twarnuetu traliroao com. 29 of and offer the entire stock at sacrifice These tor Nerwteh and New LIVERPOOL, Feb. 9. 1889—Quotations— Wiu- Sid fm Bristol 8th inst, steamer for Union, prices. via Urand Trunk railroad—Arrive at 12.30 p. m. 4 tit ret |>«% Toronto, Tl?. '!-*,wic,‘ L«ae”, with Beelea * ler at 7s 7d; wheat at 7s Club Portland. Alkaar B. K. lor the Close at 1.00 p. m. lei; telephone... 2 8 Spring Od; Wheat Wee! and New York, ftst»! i: Is Ud. Western *sl44d.Peas 6s 8%d. Ar at Rosario 7th Inst, sch R D Pink- are but as all rail Tin also with N. Y. * Gorham, A\ if.. Intermediate offices and connec- hAilroaa. ih> Corn.mixed Bibber, goods slightly injured by smoke and and we “•tariagPeld", East mess H8s haui, Portland. water, N. B. H.K. tions, via Grand Trunk railroad-Arrive at 8.40 a. alUorDl* SH »urn#>» ii ';. 20 Provisions, Pork, prime 9d; ("Steamer Maryland Route”) tor n< Bicon 33s Od for short near and 32- Od for Sid fm Gibralter 1st Ada P W m. and 12.30 p. m.; Close at 6.80 and 8.16 a. ni. atonal Albany. 210 long inst, barque Gould, Philadelphia! Balllatere, ■•hiaatea, and l.oo m. *>*rd? Hear. Che we 68s Od. Lard at 36s Od. Tallow 30s Heurabau, (from New York) for Cadiz. to over our old store on account of the and tbe Meath. p. Wl8C» a Northern... 62l,k 22d, barque Meguntl- Through Tickets to all point. West aad 8ont> cook, be nections, via Portland and railroad— Kasteru Kallroad oref. 122 Hemingway. Boston; 23d, brig Harry Stew- The Bay bad of 8. H. HKLLKN,Ticket Agent, Pock Ogdensburg PORTLAND WHOLESALE MARKET. art, Norfolk. Celebiated Smith Ameri- caused fire a few we to rid of this Arrive at 6.30 in.; Close at 8.00 a. m. Blake, by nights ago, propose get entire p. 9 Sid fin Matanzas 3d Bartlett. A'. H., intermediate offices and connec- Now York PORTLAND, Feb. 1889. inst, barque Chestina Red- can *octl»dtf J. W. PKTKR8 3ooC Stoax and iflt»n»Y 6srks man. Organs. tions, via Portland & Ogdensburg railroad—Arrive The following am to-day’s closing quotation* of Philadelphia. stock of at 10.30 a. m. and m.: regardless prices. 5.30 o. Close at 8.00 a. m. TBy Telegraph.! Brain, Provisions, Re. t and 1.30 p. m. NEW YORK Feb. 9. 1889.—Money has been Memoranda. MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD Rochester, M. intermediate offices and with no Flour. Crain. Sell Win B Herrick. from II., con- easy, loans, closing offered at 2 ,per cent. _ Kelley, Portland for For CASH or on INSTALL- via Portland Prune and H Mid Core. nections, & Rochester railroad—Ar- mercamiit paper I-In larger wh le fufwrtne 62®63 Cardenas, put into Bermuda 3d lost, leaklug badly We have a as we had received our Oa aad rive at sunplv, low 4 complete stock, just after Orcearber 31, INNN, Patera- 1.45 m.; Close at 7 a. m. the demaud grades. 76 lI.Mxd,Cora,new 48®4 9 aud struck a MENTS. Spring p. and 12 m.; has slackened somewhat, how 06®4 waterlogged, having derelict Jan 29, Praia* rates, (Boring and lots.. ger leave Pertlaad, ae fellawei Eastport, (weekly) via steamers Interna- ever, remain pracilcally unchanged, and 60 to Corn, bag .62*53 about 400 miles from Be.muda. She experienced StvlAS wllAll t.llA FirA AilltlA Atl tional 9 XX Spring.. 4 16 Meal, bag lots Steamship Co.—Arrive at 6 a. m., Friday; day indorsed bills receivable, four months 76*6 60*61 heavy gales, had decks swept, 1 sc deckload aud For Aabara aad Lewi*lea. 8.43 A m., 1.15 Close at 4.30 Patent car lots p. m. Monday. acceptance; at 4%f95 peicem., and good single soring. Oats, 87*38 everything movable on deck. The W B H was and 6.05 0. m. Lewletea ria Braaewieb, — lots Chcbeague, Long and Cousen’s Islands Arrive names with from four to s i months to run Wneats.700*726 Oats, bag 40*42 beached and it was thought she could be repaired 7.10 10.30 a m., 1.30 5.10 and 111-30 p. m., for at 10.(X) a. > 698; Mich, Cotton Seed. m.; Close et 2.0' p. m. Scrliug Exchange duff butjreauy; Government straight without discharging. WOODWARD & Bath. 7.1010.30a iA, 1.30and 6.1 Op. m.,aad Peak's are roller .6 00 car lots..26 60*27 00 This is not an We are bound Island—Arrive 10 a. m. Close 2.00 p. m bold dull S'lSl fflHv kanroad bonds fail]; 75*6 Gloucester, Feb 8—Sch M S Dyer, bound to SUM, advertising dodge. to sell these on Saturday! only at 11.30 p. m. Beehlaad clear do... 6 6046 76 do .28 active and strong. The stock market closed bag 00*29 00 Georges, spruug aleak aud put in here (or repairs. and ktet aad Liacela H. K., 7.10 Am. Stage Mails, Ac. stone 50 active hut weak, fractionally below first prices. gronnd.6 25®6 Sack’dKr’n N assau, N P, Feb 4—A survey on narque Plskata- and 1.30 p.DL Braaewieb, tlerdiaer. Hal It Louis st’gt 1 19 CO before as we shall then move back to our old Duck nm car lots from Pond. Westbrook. Windhom Tfti /->»!/# I The transactions at the Block Exchange aggre- 00*20 Buenos Ayres for Portland, recommend goods February 18th, lewrll, aad Aaga.ta, 7.1010.S0a. m., 1.30. roller.6 00*6 25' do 00 qua, ana boutti votes—Arrive at 11 a. in.: Close at 2 gated 12;.423 shares. bag...2000*21 llmt she make temporary repairs afloat and pro- 6.10 and tll.20 D. m. Paratia«tea ria clear do....6 19 p. m. 1 lie follow lug are to-day’s quotations of Govern- 60*6 78lMlddi lies. 00*2200 ceed. and as we an l,ewUtea,8.45 a. til., 1.15 p. m.; ria Breae- *Inter Wheat 00 store, have ordered entire new stock for the Bo wery Beach, Ocean House and Knightvllle- ment securities Ido bag !ots,21 00*26 London. Feb 8—Ship Lennie Burrtll, at opening wieh. 1.30 p. m. Tl.eet.u.h Wialhrep, Arrive at 10 a. l. Patents ...*(>'4W8% 1 for and l.ake in.; Close at 8 p. m. lilted St*!. S 9S .. Provisions. Rio Janeiro Portland, which took fire yes- Maraaeceek. Krtt.rld, Weklaad South N Fish. Pork- was scuttled aud suns our aad Nertb Portland, Ferry Village and Willard— »4», reg .... a 4 .4 terday, In too shoal water. of old we are bound to sell these smoked at Aaeea, 1.15 p. m. Water- Arrive ....l2ft»4 1 Md.*atl- Backs ...16 60 Her store, goods your at 8 a. m. aud 2.80 p. m. j Close at 8 a. m. New 4S, Cphp ....128-1,4 1 00*16 top is above water and tbe fire Is not out. It and •* Large Shore 4 60 *4 .. 16 2.30 p. in. New %s, .108 76 Clear ..1660® 00 uow thought she will be a total loss. tssv m., vU *di«u, 7.10 a. m, 1.3n Munlril Ri in <7 IUI Cl ■ nfl atalu hi id. 1 B Cf > own A line to be of and 1.30 m. and on at 730 *• m- i Oose at price. sacrificed 11 p. Satuidays to Waur- [’-.lllru -l'a,.ili.p 1 .tYYT! sma!!.8 26 Beet— complete 6 00 "leerinff~'Arriye 7644 think becauseDON’T you have villeat5.10 m. Belfast aad Beater. fi Fishermen. used many different rem. p. •ollocK.8 7543 601 Ex Mess. 8 7648 25 m. Detivet ®_R.(lr. 1st*..UO I 1 A rat filniippatpr Htli inst anha WIqa M Smith cdles and employed physlclansof varidus schools 1.16,1.90,111.30 p. Hanger rla l.rwla laddock.2 00@2 60; Plate.... 9 50410 00 turn, An Prte 2d*. .tux** ! [roin sell M 8 no 1.15, p. m., Tla g a.u>. 7.10 lake.2 261 Georges. Returned, Dyer, leaky. to beneflt, that your condition Is hopeless; WIT AND WISDOM. ttai sas Cortots... .,1U% 0042 Ex Plate 10 60@11 00 a. in.. 1.30 111.30 p. m. Baaaar aad JPacir.c lernna iLaro- neither think that you may never fall the victim of H. Oregon Nav. Isis ... .m% Domestic Ports. PUcaiagais K.. 7.10 a. m., 111.30 p. m. Dalon Pacific 1st 8caled*bx so a 261 Tubs#** 7X446X4 disease because you are now In the enjoyment of Kllawerth and Bar Barker 111.30 143 ASTORIA. 0—Sid 31st. Southard Hul- FUR SCOTCH 1.30, Iu Berecliurch, a Is told ot an •d Laud No 1. 16*201 Tierces.. 7X4S8X4 barqueC good health. whom we m. VeacePere, Ml. England, story Grants New Many supposed to be In HATS, p. Atephew (Calais,) Davis, for Portland. CAPS, CAPS, dackerei ebbl— 1 Palls. bert, (from York) UMBRELLAS, do GLOVES, Areeeieelt at. old church clerk,who,being unable toreador Klnklnu fund*., 7X4410% the height of their strength and vigor have been Ceaeiy, Jake, Halifax Shore is. 26 00428 001 Hams 4> ft, UXX@12 SEATTLE—In port 1st Inst, ship Carondelet, aad Ike ar- the suddenly stricken with or Preriaces, 1.16, 1.30, tll.30 p. m. write, forgot to announce that on the following _TUe following closing qoutatlons Of Store 2s.20 00422 00, do covered 18@14Xi Stetson, for San Francisco; barque Gen Fairchild, Apoplexy Heart Disease with that has tNfght express sleeping car attached, runs Sunday there would be no the vicar hav- stocks: Med.$18 0042000; 011 Boyd, do. ended their existence or left them In a service, PORT every night, Sundays Included, through to Ban- Feh 8 Feb 9. lArge .. $00400 00’ Kerosene— TOWNSEND-Ar 2d, barque Shirley. crippled and useless condition. but not to ing promised to officiate 'or a friend at a TRAVELLING BAGS DAMAGED BY gor, Skowhegan Monday mornings or neigh- San Francisco for Tacoma. FIRE. AU0.1S Exi)rei*...i..62 152 8roauC6, Po Kef. P»t. Hogan. to Belfast boring church. Directly tile congregation were 7X4 and Dexter or beyond Bangor, Sunday tiu voreSs.... 112 jranoerries— I Pratt's Ast’UPbbl. 12 PENSACOLA—Cld 8tli, sch John K Souther, outside, the blunt old clerk thought of Ills omis- New York. mornings. Centra! Pacific .1 _ >6 8 6049 00IDevoe’s Brilliant. 12 Thompson, sion, aud out and Sd54 CapeCod WHiri TIOt* AT AINA’ I. rushing mounting the nearest & rea Beans...2 MOBILE—Cld 8tli. sebs Alice McDonald. Duke- INK. tombstone, he sbou'ed: Chesapeake UMO 21 g-J% 0042 26jUgonla. 9% •' 5liIre, and Florence Leland. Adams. New York. This Is to Cteago * Alton... ..1ST 11175* Medium....2 0042 16 For Camper la ed Mills 10.10 give notice tnat there won't be no JACKSON VILLE-Cld sch Lois V 8.40, 4. m., church here dopref itto I60 Herman tn a 1. h. I Ibhd shooks and nas— 1 ds, Haskell, Wiscasset for sens Bal- mowledge of all chords and the relations oc26dtf A. ep good lookout ahead. Express 78 78 Oppers.S664S66 Charleston; they MONTGOMERY Pres. 119 (State Car. Broad 9.46,11 a. m., 1.16, 3.46, 6.16, 7, 8.46,12 p. m. ABBI71L8. Mrs. 5' nice, Joy, Rockland for New York Carrie the different and (Strert, hi., Beelan. Blobsou—Why? ash, St Louis ® Pacific .. 13*4 1354 Mol. city. .1 80@1 90 Select .$434*60 ; C 5®rso keys, proper lesolutlons Sundays, 9.00 a. in., 6.30,12 p. m. iVare. Portland for Belle Saw- 1 f all Pram Cewlatea aad Aakara, 6.36 a. m Blobsou—Because they would have their heads do ptef. .... 27*4 27 Sug. country 80a90cl Fine commoti$36@*40 Keene, do; Brown, dissonances, eventually becoming able to 1 •IQ__d«_ Connecting tickets are on sale at 'er. Rockland for 1 musical principal points 13.16,8.10 and 6.38 p. m. outofthecab wlnaowall the time ■Ve-tert! I'nl -n ( I Wilmington; Loduskia, Rot- at a glance, The J In or toshowihelr H65t 8654 onntrynioL ISpruco.*134*14 •nalyze compositions larpswell Steamboat Co. New England. Parlor sleeping cars on alt Pram 13.16and 6.38 new bonnets. I tlchmond a West Polut Mid shook 1 201 mis, Boston. eadlug of church music from four staffs Is taught Uarkaa, 8.36a.m., p. at, .27% 20% 16@l Hemlock.$114*12 trains.octlPdtl Pram aad 13.16 > EDGARTOWN—In of I ■y the same scientific fhleage Maatreal, and t i« 1, new. 954 « 1 Ihd. hdg. mol. I Clapboards— port.sch Lady the Ocean, method. Young children On and after Oct. 10, 1888, Steamer NIEK- Umw. Rockland for New York. < an easily master this б. 38 p. m. UslTenn. ref. ... 70 3s X.. *284830 knowledge a I IVGONBAG I 69% In.24@2«| Spruce. by having will leave Orr’s Island 6.46 a.m.; Pram m. -. 1 Ittle woven In Bostons tfnebec, 13.16 p. HYANN1S—Ar sch Am with each When Baby war sick, wo gave her Custorta, oo» r ■*•no Express. *40 140 f pi-nee 36 in ...204221 Clear.$204*28 8tli. Chief, Snow, from lesson. Thus without I lalley’s 7,00: Harpswell Great Hew York. 1 the 7.15; Chebeague ALLAN LINE. Pram l.laad Pend, (Mixed) 7.00 m. •r .... S oft 36 In. 22, 2d eglectlng ordinary their 1 Philadelphia' p. N.v 9654 S6 Pine, .20® clear.*204823 drill, advancement .45; Jenks 8.00; Island 8.05: Little Che- When she was a Child, she cried for Cantoris. BOSTON—Ar 1 a music as a e Hope Pullman Palace Sleeping cars on night train and . ‘t u ft Texas... ". 12 11 l lard Pin«-.H2 in 26«26i Nol.8164816 8th. sch M B Wellington, Rob- scien is equal to their prollclency t eagtie 8.16: Long Island 8.35. Arrive In Port- DIRECT STEAMSHIP LISE. tins, Hoboken I a It as an art. Terms 1888. Winter Arrangements. 1889. Parlor cars on day train between Portland and When she became Miss, she to labile® 11:110 954 10 1 loops 14 ft....*804826 Pfue. $264*60 upon application. 1 ind 8.15. Return leave Portland for Orr’s Island clung Castoria, •• Cld 8th. barque Fred E Montreal focrooo tan E!.. ..142 142 i2ft...420S*22 Shingies- Richards, Thorndike. nd all Intermediate at m. and Portland Merrier. When she had landings 2.30 p. From 30ST0R ffEORESPAT ind Lirerpaal TICRET OPPlCBt Children, she gave them Caatorin. ion a Tore Hau e 49 X cedar... 8 6o®3 76 Jemarara. oc2 own SATUBOAT. * 8ft....$10*$ 12, dtf l > ;«1 oak staves s>a 8 Ar 9tb, barque : Prom Liverpool I I From Portland Orel .t o 90 i Clear cedar.8 25 Kenuard, Bettencourt, Grand : SX KAMKK 16 Eiohiagt St., MdOuet Foot of !wtii Stni 1 I lox shooks_ 4i’@ X No 1_ 0042 60 rurk; sebs Roulette. Blake. Fortuue Bay; June 'HAS. From PHILADELPHIA own Tuosdai ud Fridai. via Halifax. | | via Halifax. ■ Nat (Joodwln tells this story about the absent- —. 421 W. * I No lcedai.l 2541 76 fright, Barter. Port Royal, SC; Jona Bourne,Cou- BENNETT, Lowest fares from Portland, Yarmouth Junc- mindedness of the 1 Baltimore. From Long Wharf, Boston, 3 THURSDAY, | THURSDAY, Byron, playwright. A new New York Mining Stocks. Spruce. ...125@160 lor, I8ELNRTBEBT. TRUE’S tion and Danville Junction as follows: To Chica- SALEM—Sid 8th, schs ELIXIR! p. in. From Pine Street, W D»rf, Dec. 8. Parisian. Dee. 27. play was running through the dramatist's as | Laths.bpruce 2 00®2 16 Augustus Hunt, Hall, J*11!® dlwteodSw go, $21.00 and Detroit, and bead, NEW YORK, Feb. 9, 1889.—The are or Philadelphia, at 12 in. (18.00: (18.76 following 1 Line— Cement. Philadelphia; Hyue, Hinkley. Port Johnson. I Kansas St. be was Fall Mall, when a friend I insurance one-half the tats cl Dec. 2oT Polynesian, Jan. 10. (16.00: City. (33.60 and $28.86; walking through o-day’s ons of mining 1 oh EASTPORT-Ar 8th, sch M M Paul closing quotat stocks: I Lime ® cask.. Chase, Holmes, vessel. $38.60 and »38.60; St. Loots ytn. Detroit, stopped him aud sai 1: 1 50 Hew York. sailing Jan. 3, ! Sarmatiom, Jan. 24, iomestake 13% osritase. ! Cement. -j Freights tor the West tbo Penn. B. K., aad (86.00and $21.36; St, Louis Tla. Chicago, (28.60 "1 am 111 great grief.” Ontario 1 lb Matches. GEORGETOWN, ME Ar 8th, sch Cornelia ft jl by 34 60 mer’n** 11®12I South Jan. 17, j Circassian, “What is it?” asked Byron, mistily. 1 loule, Francis, to load for New by connecting lines, forwarded tree ol com- Feb.^. Quicksilver 7 IH> (annia 16 417 1 Star, gross 60 Boston, York. mission. “I have lost my father.” Jan. 31. I Polynesian, | Feb. 21. lamlla Bolt Rope 17 X-b 1 Dingo. 394 41 SIO.UO. WM. IDulB. GcnL Pass. "Too too bad!” said with au air of Passace llsaad Trla BIN. Agent, bad, Byron, inssi do 16417 I Metals. Foreign Porta. Passenger accommodations Cabin JVSTKPHKNSON. I -#!;] unequalled. _ _ 8npt. Hock In* Coa;. .20 60 Sisal...... 13 414 At Plsagua Dec 8tli, Willard Meals and Hoorn Included. and Portland. Octobet 33.1888. about Icopper— barque Mudgett, $60, $86 $76; Intermediate, $30; steerage, octlftdtf tnr.uior J 90 1 14X48 com 26 28 I Jrocker, for Roads. For freight or pussag apply to weeks later he to he Hampton ; $20. bis play. Three happened Hale & Norcross. 40 brst" Bad IS yes* Cr Copper. 27429 Sid fin Nanaimo Jan 29, Snow & r. H. For to H. A A. ALLAN. the same mail came snip Burgess SAMPSON, Agettl, passage apply General again in rail when up ______lc1,1 Oxalic 14x48 for BOSTON AND MAINE Mall, I2g)141 plan frown, San Francisco. mil »> I ssi H S.rl, I1Q.I.S. Passenger Agents, 80 State 8t., Boston: and C. P. fir* to him aud said: tart.... 62 l California 60® ished. 37 Passed Prawle Point 3d Inst, ship Cyrus Wake- j WALDRON. 40 Exchange St.; T. P. Mining Stocks. / mmonla— HcGOWAN, la effect Jaawary -da, IA AW. Bolts. ® 25 1 leld, Hibbard,from Havre for New York. 432 Congress SL, or .or passage or freight to H. "Eli?" said Byron, absently. (By Telegraph.i curb. 16420 1 Y M sheatn 17 Ar at Pernambuco Jan 18. brig Waubun,Welch. & A. ALLAN, Agents, No. 1 India St., Portland. “I have lost moiher.” ■shes. Just my KAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 9. 1888—The pot.. 6X4® 8, YM Bolts.. SO I Jape Town. CGH. dtf WESTERN-OITISIOMs follow, fi»I’ i _no»20 _ the "Bear me!” said dramatist, petulently, WMIMl*. IWlft Kf 1JUVIV/1/ O. ■ ■ UVUUt, Sid Jan 18. 1 ng are barque Josephine. Brown, Cuba. file Trains leave " lost lather a little while ago. closing official quotations of miuing stocks eeswax. 33 Leading Portland. Union Station," “you your only 30® Ingot. Sid fm Rio Janeiro Jan sch International 17, Photographer, war nasiaa Edwjohuson, DOMINION LINE. a. What an exceedingly careless man you are!” o-day: Ich powders 5 Tin— rVarrcn. New York., tn., Jia.40, 1MHS-0 — 8.80 m. Baaiaa far Partlaad lorax. A at Nt .Tairn s/»li H T rntfpall iiAntimony. 14, Ar at St John, N B. 9th sch Bold, by All Srugclata. Nailiai Uairsi lust, Cathie C Berry, Ntw Hrauwlrh, Nan Mr.tin, Prise. Ed* 6.80, 8.46 a. m., 8.30 p. B). Nartb Bar- different so and their hus- Print Cloth Joes cape.... 16® 25|Zinc.7 00« Portland ; Stella PRICE and person,” they all say, Market. foster, K, Fowler, Rockland. 30c, SCO. «1.00. wards aad From BTnueuu From Portland er Irk, «real Falla. Deeel 6.30, 8.46 a. m., FALL Feb. amphor.... 33® 85ISolder VixVi. 1 O ACC INVESTMENTS Islawd, Cape Krttsa. 8TBAMKB8. bands say so ton! ItlVKit, 9, 1888.—The |Fall River Liverpool. | Yla Halifax. 19.46, 3.30 p. m. Bieier, Barer* \ lyrrb. 60® 661 iTIoluawa. Di. JOHN P. TRUE 4 00., The to I iriut cloth statement for tlte week a* Spoken. Proprietws, fayorlte^route raaspabella and si. 'Aa hill, f.awraara, auil I.awell, 6.30, 3.46 a. Is follow*: ! 'Plum.3 50®3 Rico... 8 ^ fJIBsa Capital, $780,000 January 10 Barnla. January 31. 76|Porto Dec 8, off Horn, E B WIU-UMUWI MAINE. drew., N. B. m., 13.45, 8.30 p. m. Bachrairr, Farm “You would be very sorry to lose your sister, ] ■roduction. £ hellac. 30® 8 Capo ship Sutton, Car surplus, AUBURN, 176,000 pieces 3S|Barbadoes.... I er, New York lor San Francisco. 400,470 Worms a Worms January a* Oregon. February 14. lagiaa, hliaa Bay, Walfbara, 8.46 a. no., lellveries. ! ndlgo. 86®1 ; stackers and 40® oakum. 9®10 ince. Miller’s I dec7dtf Oen’l Manager. *100, *126, *150* p. Returning leave "7.30,8.00 medicine (Is the The "Gamecock" It information bulls and 1)11 irate. 20m 22, poison distributes throughout the Fail formatted by Intermediate.. ?0, ..Return. 80. am.. 12.30 m. (~7.()0 m. Blddr printed guarantee ot the seders at 2 2.Vo8 40; oows, mixed 1 40 V Oil. p. p. dally). manufacturers of attacks ...... 20, .. Return *J (2 90; lexas steers—. M)- Vi® 81 Elaine. 52® adopted by Dr ■ole Proprietors. Saltrheum, Tet' ulpur.2 Vi® lanford in the of his (Connects with Sound Lines tor New York. and kindred d ui Provisions. Hr.: 8Vii Paiuta. preparation Radical Cure ter, Erysipelas diseases, are ay’s quotations las won North Berwick among no ld660®7 26 the hearty approval of thousands It Is Louisiana, Texas and Cuba, “West Division from those in which tbe Fork- l« liaexs at 1700 \ “ft" 22l ”1 “Discovery” effected marvel Long cuts 60*17 00; 80l Pure leads 60®7 26 Dstantaneous in affording relief In all head" colds I larrels and Kegs for VIA All trains arriving at and departing from Union 17 ends 17 6 1 -18 at \ To11"blue.. dry between Scar- ous cures. 60£lean ; fork tongues Uro 8®10 lEngVenRed. 3® 3Vi neezlng, snuffling and obstructed breathing and' Cider; BOSTON Station run via Western Division | 300; prime mess 17 OO.o 17 60. \ anllla.bean. removes the most F NEW and Portland. Crossing »10®*18lRia Lead ... 7® 7Vi apldly oppressive symptoms also IOO Bass' Ale SEND FOR PRICE IJST. ENGLAND & SAVANNAH borough When everything else Dr. Lard—Choice at SVi&sVic Pit in tcs and tubs, Am. learing the head, the Hhds., Through Ticket* to all points South ami Weil tails. Sage’s Catarrh , ,, Zlnz.6 00®7 00 sweetening breath, restor- uovlB ’)-lh In cases Ouch eod3m STEinsiMP rO.RP.A3fV. palls f-lh the senses of taste and — for tale at lalaa hiaiiaa, Ceagrrae hired, Remedy cures. 60 cents by 8t4i'^e; palls 9S9V4e; ] I Rochelle Yellow... 2Vi ng smell, hearing and FOR SALK BY — STEAMERS. druggists. a ». 9ki®»Vic. J iol. 33 the constitutional 4‘aaaatrrrial hired Htailaa, and at La lea ! Kice. leutralizing tendency of the "Crry ok Hams at 11: 12c. IK HEREBY UIVRhf, that the Steamships "Gate City” and ntrad, Dressed Jutids I 30 Rice, Ip lb.... 6 Vi® 7 ilsease towards the lungs, liver and WINTER Ttekd Kichaage Hogs—Choice i.t 1 th. : kidneys. VOTICEsubscriber has been duly appointed aud ARRANGEMENT. Macon” leaving Lewis Wharf, Boston, Thursdays RUBBER. Gen'l A man presented himself at a city dresson gs at Vie is J 10 10. 120 Rangoon. Sanford’s Radical Cube J. T. Manager, Boaton. farmhouse in a a luntrv do at 6y®6% consists of one hot ikeu upon himsellthe trust of Administrator of at 3 o'clock. n. J. uon. P.» T. 8s*c. ; t 10 Nalrralua. one KI.ANDKKD, A.. Boston. remote district of and 1 le of the Radical Cure, box Catarrhal te estate of Galloway wished to buy a Butter Western extra creamery 28A29e; firsts | RleAardoea A Hsraard, Ageate, M. I- WILLIAMS, Gen'l Agent, at Portion '. butter. * so 6® B* >ol vent, and Improved Fare $1.00. pound of The “ouncle extra firsts at 23*27c; extra Imitation era Ooapawder-Siai Inhaler; price, 91. ALBERT 8. TIBBETTS, late of Falmouth, Only 20 Atlantic Avenue, Boston. lanlO dtl weights”—which I. STANLEY _ t 20®llc; do at Potter Drug St Chemical Co., TH* riHST-CLAHS were usually nothing but beach seconds I7gl9c; choice factory, E 6M4oo Cassia,pure.. 16® 17 Boston. ISON, tbe of Cumberland, and NT RAM An s Janl6 eod3m stones, County deceased, given roughly ! INsw York and Vermont extra erm b *aatt,D*.3 60 to some „5* '8® porting.6 26@6 Clove*. 26® 28 j onds as tbe law directs. All having de- regulated standard- were 2 do persons Pails k rumaged over, W; ext firsts at shot. .. 6 Romford Bntkfield 24®2Cc; New York rand f •rep Ginger. 18® 16 * lands upon tbe estate of said deceased, are re Railroad but the “pun-stane” was nowhere to be dairy, gooq to at £08 5Sc to E nek. 7 KIDNEY FOREST us a a an dk cured without the nse of knife found ermopt, choice, ;fair Hue. 75® »o PAINS 410 Fora St., ulred to achtbit the same; and all persons In- CITY and TREMOR! Tbe wife took a OOP Eastern to choice Portland, Me. ‘111 fl R ior ligature, or deteution from fa effect October guld long thought, till suddenlyy i l8£19o; era, good 20.?: Nutmegs. 66® 70 nets J ebted to said are called to make leave 28, T8»S. her brow soove dtt estate upon aWraatclj FRANKLIN WHARr.rortlai ~. R RI ■ L business All diseases of tbe brightened. i Tv? auotatlons are reeeiveis* prices “ 26 ^ kcu h°w wholesale ';u-.i«!f,Iiper. 22® minute the ~-- 1 ayment to every week day evening a* ? •'•M'.rk iril ’rg'li' ■■ RKecmoi successfully treat-d Leave Portland.vlgO T we'll manage It noo!” she exclaimed. [ tots. Jobbing price. 1 h vr ( ressed.»16&* 16 (starch. \ n by Cidcira Aaii-Paiu NOTICE. PACKARD. Adm'r. reason fn, r* Railway, 8.48 a.m. and 'The man l^’^hctty l P1»mw. The first and NATHANIEL coaaerHen wl'h e*«it«ei it* in'. «... i1 | | 1 lbT Dr. C. T. HSH. I> guld brought hame a pair o’ tangs yes- * [raw .... |12@| only paln-sub- 4 !0 14ILaundry. 8V4@7V» JljjP A LI. persons are hereby cautioned aaalnst har. Falmouth, Jan. 30. 1888. febldlawM3w> potnls bevond. V I Kifa treen which weighed Just twa Sue ataud cUolce 11% «12Mi jlower grades Iron* Tea*. !ulug Plaster. Absolutely unrivalled as an Install- of VPIraiastS|.,Asburs,Jlc. andtfsSV^ pun. by. .t;“e“!mNorT« j rm boring or trusting any the crew of the Through ticket* lor Mrwrtde I.OWfM. and I’ll soon your butter.” Western at 11%«12«; sage at 14c. c oramou. 2 aneous and Infallible antidote to pain, lnftamma- i Mi«, | Cure At U.8. Hotel, Port land, Risuu weigh J mooqU* 'i/5 Vi®*V41 Souchong. 18® 60 rltlsh bark Captain < Neve At. guaranteed. the obhlng prices Vic higher. 4 lo loo and weakness. At all 96 -'Magnolia,’ Davis from Wmeiirr, York, 2 a. in to 4 in. Refer- Minot for Hebron Producing tongc In triumph she put oue leg j erviuy.. itV4l choice.. 60 druggists, cents- ave uenos us no debts of their i lti.evcry Baturdayfrom p. Academy; Buckfleld for W. la 36® or of Ayres, contractingK FH1S I'A PER Returning, leave INDIA WHARF, Bo Send lor llic scale and let the other hang out. The ex<™»<“ 16*il7c; fancy iwar-Py c ist steel. ..12 b I6iJapan. ac® 91.00; or, postage free, Potter Dhuo and 111 be master idTrrtuituu Diircuu n*i wlioro Advert ences given. Consultation free. parnpb ,l,r l^rni, Dlsfleld , ock paid by or.conslgnees. t BfTU<**»1 Htreyt). ery week day evening at o .’clock an,? Metis? n'*?*** Higher: Eastern firsts at 14$16e; extra Vi Ihemical Co., Boston, Mass. j;ui31ThM&w2w & jtoonixoAp•• U \| *V VOP' et. lovears experience. Hundreds cured, * ao for Bret tun's l.lvrrm.r* IcbSdbf JtYAN KELSEY, Consignees sep!7tf .». h. COYLK. Manager. oct*7dt,StavdlJ'4 Mill*, kcps eudtf L. L. LINCOLN, Snpt. The Death Rate. w«w *anaiTM«a«>Ts. THE PRESS. PULPIT AND PLATFORM. PERSONAL. _WFW ADTBBTIMnBItTI. The whole number of deaths In the city for ___WANTED. 4W1TIOH MLM. SECOND PARISH CHURCH. Bishop Neely is visiting Canada. :ast week was from WAUfSlOS G. MONDAY MORNING, FEB. II. 13, the following nI’KNekies_We want F. Rev. L. H. D. D., secretary of the Dr. N. M. Marshall of South Windham has FHOViuim.rellabi-, energetic men to sell our Nursery O. Cobb, sauses: Stock. BAILEY & C .-wards- Previous experience not necessary; any j imerican occupied -ernoved to Portland. man with * RIW % IN V KRTISBltlKltTN TO-DAY, Congregational Union, ToUl. tact and euergy ca succeed; terms Actionem and f#- he Diseases. 12 8 4 6 6 7 either ion Ncrrhau j' pulpit ol the Second Parish church yes- Captains Clarence Davis and L. H Walk- burn. liberal, salary or commission, Outfit free accidental and good For HaleitrooB IS amusements. t U. S. weekly pay guaranteed. terms, i.v ,K. Street. srday afternoon, and spoke of missionary er. A., were at the Falmouth Saturday Consumption. write at once. Mention this 1. C. ME It- I Convulsions. URRABEE & CO. paper. **J*,,'*V- I, *». 4LLIKI Portland Theatre—She. fork and i hiLL & Hartford, Conn. fob 1 leodht m?i’ church building in the new cities ind visited Fort Preble. Heart. CO., itf FINANCIAL. C f the West. He took his text from First Messrs. W. E. Rainey and A. L. T. Cum- Old age. E D to call your attention to our prices H. M. Paysou &Co_Bankers. ( Ihronicles, xxil, 19: of the Paraly-is ...... WANTon coffees. Best Mocha coffee, 86c per KiaiRKaa ««BUn. mings Biddeford Times were in town Pneumonia.. best NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. pound; Java, 32c ; good Java, 2He; best Rio, "Arise, therefore, and build ye the sanctuary of ~ ~ 28c; good all of Cocoa he Uml Saturday. Klo, 23c; brand constant- Statement-Mutual Life In».Oo. God, to brine the ark of the covenant of Total. ~5 ~2 T 8 2 13 ly on hand; best line of Teas east of the Portland 4. A. he Uml, and Mr. T. S. Auburn HAYDEN, Rock Isl an<< route excursion. the holy vessels of Hod, into the Calvert, publisher of the mllsTBIOS « Rochester R. R.; prices. 25, 3,i, 50. 110, 75, 80 1 ouse that Is to THE SHU man. be built to of 60TT0H cents Wanted- Capable the name the lord." Dally Uazette, and Mrs. Calvert were in -13V- per pound. We defy competition. F. E. Notice Is hereby Mr. The annual statement of The Mutual Life I.O\ El-1— 5-1 STENOGRAPH ER given. Cobb said, in the beginning: “It is as town at the Fal- Mlllelt. Evans & Co. yesterday, stopping the will more nt (he 1 home Insurance Company of New Tork shows continue one week **'• PoeitAjiD, ll» Froutblll nurseries. missionary for sixteen years that I mouth. | to call your attention to a few of iebi61'*EzcBA*°" remarkable made this institu- WANTEDour prices-Canned 13c two lor Owen, Moore A Co. ] lave had it burnt into me that 1 should come progress by wholesale prices. j peaches, Samuel Parsons, a former resident of Bid- ’lain 26e: fancy. 23c; Ooluen Gate brand, 32c; Hold- Bines Brothers—2. tion twelve months. The new bus- Lace Checks and to Cast and speak of the work. I am here to during Checks, en Gate lemon cling, 35c; California House let. deford, died at Kezar Falls Saturday morn- Chocolate and Stripes! evaporated WM. W. an Prints, Indigo Bine, MARKS " — 1 iness written amounted to 8103,214,261.32, runes, 16c pound; French, lie; new Turkish, eport to you what you are doing in the at the His will ing age of 80 years. remains White at 5c per yard. ALL NEW. I e: canned corn llancv) 13c two for 26c; com- Vest and increase of 833,756,792.95 over the new risks Grounds, The excursions to all points West, leaving Bos- South. Fifteeu or sixteen years be brought to Biddeford and funer- mon, 8c. >. E. 1 Monday a of LOVELI-_6 ton every second week via the Boston A I igo the population had the assumed in 1887, and gain 846,381,542 French Finished Sattnes In the latest I Albany, scarcely crossed al services will be held from the Methodist Checked Nainsooks at 10c D—To buy a first class store In over a contin- Extraquality per yard drug New York Central and Michigan Central R. R.’s the business of 1886—showing or a Card llisslsslppi. Hut a tide lias set in from the church, Monday afternoon at 2.30 o’cloe.k. Spring designs at 12 l-2c. “ WANTKcity large town doing good paying busi- Book, and tbe Rock Island Route, with car ar- uous and advance. The assets Plaid ness. For particulars address LUNAR CAU8- through vestern phenomenal Nainsooks at 12 — coast that has now met that of the Lieut. will leave on _ l-2c m- and no extra Leary of Fort Preble, 11 T1C, P. O. Box 26, Brldgton, Me. 7-1 rangements charge for sleeping ac- , last. of the Mutual Life now aggregate 8126,082,- 6c What is this population after? It Is the 19th to attend the annual of the Open Work Stripe at lOc commodatlons, oiler one of the meeting lease or hire a small Hotel Tery pleasantest liter the ricb9$ of the 153.56, indicating a ga*n for the year of 87,- of land, but as yet not National Guard of which Is to be GINGHAMS ! fewest in or 8ummer resort on the Maine coast. Par- an SCOTCH 25c ways making economical trip. Gentlemanly Vermont, an outstand- FINISHED styles Checked and Plaid WANTED-To nore than one-third of the arable land has 275,301. The Company has now 11 ties anticipating a change of management please conductors accompany all parties through. It Is held ot Montpelier. He will be accompanied White Dress Job Printer to Goods communicate the tame to “D" Press Office. 01 >een taken It U said that ing insurance account amounting 8482,- at 10c not necessary to purchase a round to up. we supply by Lieut. of N. trip Join Hoyt Platsburg Barracks, sources is rery flue elegant Styles, in I 11 **>a me-half of the and 125,184. Its total Income from all quality, Large lot plain White persons In want of trunks or INTKRRI’ Rtt uaaui, these parties, but simply a one way ticket. ADy gold one-half of the sil- Y, and they will present papers on military Lawns 10.12 1-2,15c to its mem- Stripes, Checks and Plaids, with Plain 11 WANTED—Allbags to call at K. D. REYNOLDS’. 664 of our readers ver used in the but as reported at 826,215,932. It paid j See our contemplating a trip to the West world, yet we have New Dress and 648 cor. of Oak; as we manu- #7 >-i subjects. and l-2c Ginghams at 7 l-2c Congress St., hxchange St., Me. send bers during the year for death claims colors to match at 12 per yard. our Portland, should for circular to W. E. Chatterton, Man- only sampled the minerals of the land. Wis- Rev. Cyrus Stone. D. D., pastor of the facture goods, and can therefore give you 296 endowments and other obligations, 814,727,- bottom prices. Trunks repaired,28-2 YINE JOB ager, Washington St., Boston, Mass. consin Is dotted with young cities, and they Methodist church at Hallowell, who died 10 10c PB1NTL1S A SPECIALTY 550.22 YARDS CENTURY PRINT FOR 63c. the thousand to are engaged in wood was a of by "“u manufacturing. They suddenly Friday, gradurte Boyrdoln call and relieved of their Rheumatic 01 Dr. George W. Chase will be at his old WANTED.-Customersget wirtUato*'" wtwM—ffg»j«YJ» office, make everything, from a bunch of matches and a teacher in the insti- issue of Northern & and Newell’s Mixture; 372 College, formerly The entire Pacific 10c Wnite Domet Neuralgic pains by taking Cumberland street on and after Wednesday, Flannel, short lengths 8c per yard price 6o cents bottle at C. WaY A CO.'S to a threshing machine. These are the tution. He filled several of the leading Montana 1st Mortgage bonds which were per February 13th. febll-tf MANSQN G. URRABEE & 15c and 17c Colored Apothecary store, corner Cumberland A Myrtle riches that the are after. j Domet in people We iuvite churches in the East Maine Conference and advertised a few days ago by Brewster, Cobb Flannel, 61 Ohonlrc DlaSHe omH ^ II streets._ come —w Advice the whole world to to share our wealth. later was transferred to the Maine Confer- & of —» 91/ Mathers—MRS. WINSLOW’S Estabrook Boston, has been sold. The w»lipvO| UMIJ hire 85000 at 5 per cent., a small SOOTHING SYRUP should always be used when Every year foreign nation comes ence. He leaves a widow and three chil- amount offered was 82,500,000. These are in WANTED.—Towith security ou real estate as good as the A toll In All Wool Tri- goods pieces of I to 5 are affords. Interest Address chlldreu are cutting teeth. It relieves tbe little here. They insist on their own dren. line of all colors yards; very city semi-annually. having way. A. R. H., Press office. 6 1 sufferer at it Peaks is the most toilet ad- 38 *or *a<*'e8’ once; produces natural, quiet sleep “Don’t you Yankees think you are going to Mr. S. E. Cushing, a prominent citizen ot Soap elegant cots, Inches wide, with Stripes for skirts, children’s under- the child from cash for cast- by relieving pain, and the little have it all your “we will died at his in that town junct. at 39c per or prices paid way,” they say, Freeport, home Sat. Combinations, yard. clothing, garment WANTED—Highestoff clothing, ladles or or STEPHEN cherub awakes as “bright as a button!.’ It is linings. gents, exchange BERRY, have the Fatberland over here and for Turkish Please sena letter or to by by.” urday, aged 49 years and one month. Mr. MARRIACE8. rugs. postal very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, soft- The original All Wool Tricot in four M. 84 Middle street. 6-tI2w« They are our was a DkGROOT, V, ens the breaking up Sunday schools, Cushing manufacturer and a leading emd gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu- shades or at 29c per <$oole) (genel &tirdc:f and establishing their own. The business man. He was gray, yard. Jed lates the bowels, and is the best knowu remedy Mormons, at the time of his In Willard, (Cape Elizabeth.! Feb. 8. byBev. OAMABED Wanted. the murderous B. P. Snow, Samuel L. and Miss Della UNDERWEAR. Mo. 37 Plum Street. and the atheism death commander of Taylor for dlarrlKES, whether arising from teething or Anarchists, James P. Fessenden We hare a foil line of colors In our pop- of the Black, both o! Portland. SECOND HAND SAFE, large size, In good other cauaes. West that our miuisters meet. If G. A. R. occur We shall offer this a Twenty-live cents a bottle, Post, The funeral will at his In North Sidney, Jan. 20, F. G. Morrison and ular morning large lot of Cents’ all A condition. Any one having one to dispose febl these things exist in the new places does it late residence Tuesday afternoon at 2 Miss Nellie M. Wyman. of please address, giving Inside dimensions and I _M,W.FAwly6 In Borne. Jan. 26. Prince E. Thins and Miss Wool Scarlet Underwear in all the usual DR. E. B. not mean wrong for the All sizes, at REED, Clairvoyant Hahcbr's Bazar—This beautiful country? the o'clock. Agues Keaton of Belgrade. feb4 dtf weekly pub- missionaries are doing their work to a disad- In Jan. Dr. E. P. Holmes and 50c PLUSHES. on|y 50c lication Is a welcome visitor to the Mr. E. O. Goodrldge, a graduate of the Waterville, 26, .... Pei’ piece parlor circle. vantage without church buildings. You Miss Lucia H. Noyes. The number fur the enaninrr weelr tins re. These show ■ and say, 'Why don't thev build their homo* Maine State College, class of '85, who for In Madison, Jan. 23, Charles Dunlap and Miss slight imperfections in only a few pieces IIHINKm CHADCKH. Botanic Physician. celved by N. ti. Fessenden, 484 Congress street. uiemseives( Well, Annie Berry. Our special Inducement in the Silk De- they try to, and 1 am three years has been connected with the civ- out of the lot we are to offer. loose and Office surprised at how well they succeed. In In Bkowhegan, Jan. 16. H. L. Colby and Miss be 10 large TVOR MALE—Provision store, snbnrbs of Bos- 3»9H Congress St., Portland, Iowa, il engineering department of the Montana Ellen M. Nortou. partment will pieces of Black For any case of nervousness, sleep- out of 265 Congregational had Ladies’ r ton. trade *460 to *500; rent *2o month; churches, they In Jan. 26. Herman of Damaged Undervests at 25c lessness. weak stomach, to be aided in Central railroad, has by recommendation cf Bearsport, L. Btudley, Grog Grain Silk, 24 inches side, very only team, order route, upright refrigerator, marble HERD treats all chrome diseases that flesh indigestion, dyspepsia buildiug 211. They cannot Rockland, Mass., and bliss Nettie A. Norris of have Spring Undervests slabs, lank, office: fish aud oysters pay expenses; Is heir all cases that are In- try Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Belief is sure. one-half as much money for building President Fernald of the Maine State Col- heavy, satin fli Ish, $1.19 per yard. I3C DR. to; given upas Bearsport. firm's wholesale trus tless demands whole atteo- iarable by the allopathic and homeopathic phy- The nerve purposes as tuey want. The life of a church Iu Montville. Jan. 20, Frank P. Bennett of We have a only medicine; for tbe price in market. lege, obtained a position in tbe engineering lot of Underwear to tlon; *1200. BAILEY & CO 4t> School street, ilclans, 1 will take their case to treat and eure out West is Bearsmont and Georgia E. Cram of Montville. large offer this precarious. These home mis- Spring hem. I Sod that about (our-aitns ut tne eases dwlw department of the In Jau. L. and Boston.__6-t _ sionaries a Hampton Agricultural Belmont, 26, Frauk Hatch of Morrill WEEK a spend great deal of their work at THIS ONLY. being little lame” want to start If up to die can be cured. Eaamlnatloos at a and bliss Julia E. Greer ot Belmont. early. SALE — bouse, 16 Pine [Iven The good old Vegetable Balsam- disadvantage. They do hard work in build- College, Hampton, Va. Lodging rooms, llstance by letter with their lull name and place Pulmonary In Byron, Jan. 23,* Leslie A. Dunn and Lulu L. want to central furnished bard- ing churches. The home work you ouy low come now. We will sell eve- FOKstreet, location, nice; >1 residence nad one 3 cent and (3.00 Ex- Best known cure for Coughs, Colds and Consump- missionary Hod gdou. wood furniture; carpets in good condition, stamp has gone about as far as it can until • MAINE TOWNS. tapes- tarnation at the office, 11.00. Consultation ires. lon. Genuine: Bros. & Boston. go we at less now try aud wool; full nice rent *62.60 Cutler, Co., have some rything price than later on. lodgers; Office hours 9 a. m. to 9 n. m. sen 14tt more buildings. The work needs month; If you want business don’t miss this; 03t24 eod&wCmos more Black money, and the church building is the DEATHS. New Dress Goods! *9Su, easy terms. BAILEY & CO., 46 Behoof to Cape Elizabeth. In order to avoid key the whole. Let me ask you to come street, Boston. 6-1 all danger of ruining your Mr. William Roberts of Cash’s Corner was to the rescue. We expect to us in EVERY health add 10 to 20 you help In this city Feb. 10, Maud, only child of John The finest line we have ever WORKING by drinking Impure water, badly injured a few ago shown to MAN room house, full of the beginning of thiogs If we could days by falling Doggett, 3 months and ?0 lodgers; NORTHERN PACIFIC drops of AagMiara Billers to every of only- 3utteown stairs. aged days. FURNACE—11nicely furnished with black waluut and cher- glass get the money, you be sure the work today at 2 m. from the resi- our patrons. To have yon appreciate may Mr. Edward Boucher of Cash’s Corner [Funeral p. parents' read this about Cheviot if ry ; tapestry and wool carpets, nearly new; rent water you octSeod&w will he done in a business-like had dence, No 61 India Street.] Shirting, you need drink._ manner.” an ice stuck with ns the good values to be found In good *42 mouth; In the centre of Boston; best ever of- pick in his hand a few days ago Iu Freeport, Feb. 9, B. E. 49 Castorla cures SCIENCE Cushing, aged Colored at Tow call fered for *460; investigate this. BAILEY A CO., Colic, Constipation: HALL. and is unable to attend to his duties. years 1 month. this we make Shirting very prices Hour department, special prices 46 School street, Bostou. 6-1 & MONTANA .-stomach, Diarrhoea, Kructatlon; The Clark & are ice on afternoon at 2 Gives subject of “The mystery of a double Chaplin hauling to Port- [Funeral Tuesday o’clock, to at our store healthy sleep; also »!ds digestion; land which at bts late residence. this week, inauoe yon to examine Tuesday morning. Without uarcotl and the measures 12 inches. stupefaction. oct&d&wly life,” announcement that Andrew In Jan. Charles H. One case MALE HELP. Mr.T. R. Phinney is filling bis ice house at Livermore, 26, Boothby.aged these new goods. good Shirting at 5 l-2c a Cross was to lecture on lit, was sufficient to Long Creek. 68 vears. “ yard Railroad In Waterville, Jan. Mrs. Martha Btevens, Extra wide Cnmpany fill the hall of the As- Libby & Co. have filled their ice 28, Shirting, assorted patterns IOc ACTIVE MAN (ONE Young Men’s Liberal house at aged 71 years. OUT their and WA6TED-ANof to begin ou fair salary and sociation with a re- pond are now hauling to their In North Cornvllle, Jan. 14, Mrs. Norris Whit- I5c employment! yesterday afternoon, Cheviot 12 l-2c a work himself up. representing, !u his own house at Portland. tier, aged 67 years 7 months. Shirting yard locality, first sum# n.n attentive and “ an old established house. References itiTtici spectable, highly appreciative In Chestervllle, Jan. Mrs. Morri- wide 15c exchanged Scarboro. 26, Josephine Colored Percales lie Address Manufacturer, Lock Box I3n3, S. Y. audience. Such was the treatment which son. light Howard son ]an21diawM4w Jones, of Mr. Scott Jones, Iu Waterville, Feb. 1, Mrs. Dorothy Chase, aged HANSON G. LARRABEE & I Mr. Cross gave the subject, and the valuable had his ankle 78 badly broken while hauling years. to collect small to to In pictures points brought out, that, upon the sugges- piling Portland last week. Whltefield, Jan. 21. Charlotte Colby, aged WANTED—Mencopy and enlarge in crayon, India Ink and 6 Per Cent. Mr. Ira C. Foss met with a severe accident 93 years. BED water and outfit free. Address daily' press tion of one of our citizens that the lecture SPREADS AT WHOLESALE color; salary paid In Belfast, Jan. Wm. PRICES. while last 29, Capt. Burkett, aged with references for REDUCED teaming week. His leg was badly particulars KABTKRN COPY TO be printed in pamphlet form, a lively sup- jammed and 73 years. I NO CO„ 21 Main Bt„ Bangor, Me.14-tf barely escaped being broken. In Jan. 26. Pbebe. wife of Thomas SPRING DRESS GOODS. GOOD BARGAINS IN port was given to the The read- Mr. Samuel his Morrill, THIS SALE. proposal. Libby had hip dislocated Storer, aged 69 years 10 months. COLD BONDS ing of Miss Ruby Cross was enthusiastically by falling upon the ice in Portland. He is Iu Waldo, Jau. 26, Richard Gay, aged 88years One lot of very flue lustre finish India size White rs.UALE HEAP. now with his father Mr. Eben in 8 months. Large Spreads at 59c each $6.00 A YEAR received, as was also the announcement that lAbby a Dated Wept. I, liss. Dae Heps. I, 19.1ft. In wife Twill Suitings, for with « helpless condition. Union, Jan. 26, Eliza, of Isley Martin, Spring wear, Bette. to do this lady would give a reading here next 84 qua",y capable girl general latereai March aad Sryieaher, payable ia When Paid In Advance. aged years. Plaids and for „ WANTED.—Abouse work In a small at No. Sunday. Next Sunday the interesting topic Deerlng. Stripes Combination at family—call New V erh City. will be to be 62 760 CONQREB.H ST., left hand bell.8-1 When Not Paid In continued, opened by Mr. Mr. E. L. 0. Adams has a cash dona- l-2c per yard. ||c Advance, 97.00. followed who will given Cross, by others, discuss tion to the Oakdale Association. COLORED SPREADS MARKED situation wanted by a Scotch tiie from different Chapel DOWN. question points of view. Rev. J. R. Crosser will give his lecture One lot Sebastapol Dress Goods in WANTED.—Agirl to do general house work or second- ISSUE $3,131,000. work in a private family; also 20 Irish American BRIEF JOTTINCS. “Glimpses in Italy,” in the Union course at Do You Suffer 40 inches wide. There One lot MUSIC AND DRAMA. Spring shades, fringed Colored Spreads marked girls wanted to take situations in boarding houses. Woodfords this evening. A delightful ev- Guaranteed and From iheumatism? If so, read the following are no goods in the market today that down from Apply at 1U6 Federal MRS. PALMER’S Principle ening is in store for the patrons of the $1.39 to 98c each over Park Rooms. Tbe police made two small liquor seizures “voluntary tribute” from a reliable, consclen Employment Office, Dining Interest by Northern Paci- A11EKICAN OPEKA CO. course. Mr. C. B. Fuller will operate the ste- give better satisfaction for durability One lot 5-1 yesterday. reopticon. tlous man, which appeared In the Geneva, N. Y., fringed Colored Spreads marked fic R. R. Co. A change has been made in the operas to and style than these, and at onr The Gazette, entirely unknown to us till after Its pub popular down “ boys injured by the accident of Friday Westbrook. from $1.25 to HI ISC E I, l A N E O E8. he given here by the American Opera Com- Ucation: 89c are Mr. 11 Farmers’ Loan k Trust night Improving. will Arthur Rice and Mr. Ingersoll re- $3.00 White Co., New York, pany. They sing Donizetti’s “Lucia di “Without doubt a large proportion of those who Marseilles Spreads at $2.49 There were 21 arrests last week, of which ceived injuries to their hands at the mills Middle Street Prices notes and bills of Forest City Lamuiermoor,” Monday evening the 25th, in last week. have passed the meridian of life suffer more or See the Co., were, and are to WAL- Trustees. 13 were for drunkenness. large Cray Bed Blankets we NOTICE.—AI1Packing paid by the course. “II Two new houses are and less from rheumatism. Up to three winters ago I LACE FkEEMAN, Commercial wharf. E. Dow, Stockbrldge Trovatore,” building there The To-night is gentleman’s of the Con- will be more in that we shall make on these Mon- have marked down to S2.4A n»ir Agent. 6-1 Nerthera Facile * liuuu R. K. night evening the in the the spring. bad never known what sickness or pain was; but goods Tuesday 26th, Popular U leased la the Nerthera R. K. Club — — Pacidc Ca. gregational at the Preble House. course, and “Daughter of the Freeport. during the fall and winter ol 1884, I bad a slight day morning 69c they are the best Regiment,” TO LIT 999 rears, and the l.rssee the Seme fine tourmalines, beautifully cut can Monday afternoon, the 25th, not connected J. H. Drummond will deliver the attack of rheumatism which, however, passed off value in the SAFE MONEY BY gaaraatccs with either course. dress at the city. BUYING FEATHER TICKING OF IS. semi aaaaal pa,meats af ihe aa be seen at Carter Bros.’ jewelry store. 5Hon. centennial of the town of toward spring, but the following winter it reap- Freeport and Mr. of TO LET—House No. 2 Halls the ahere aciisard heads as Iber shall he* Lorenzo will erect a SHE. Koopman Burlington, peared with greater severity. Not desiring to All Wool Henriettas, 40 inches wide, la Taylor large double a native of For a few we shall TENEMENTCourt, eight rooms, Sebago water and etc.; «a, aad alsa Ihs Rider Vt., Freeport will deliver the become crippled I thought I would try Hood’s days sell choice Feather dae, psraeal, af lbs bouse on near Cumberland street. Haggard’s wonderful story is famil- ail new shades, 60c Ticking sunny and pleasant, good neighborhood. Enuulre Preble, poem. i-uuR iuict uuiucs m anu am Spring per yard. •cm'-aaaaal iar I an, at of J. H. BLAKE, Office, Wl igery’s Wharf lit iattalaean fsr the slehlag tbe month to so many people that the mere an to the rheumatic ceased II l-2c per During of January the mercury pleased say pains my only yard. fend •aSciral la redeem Ihe heeds al and are as fine and as ar was nouncement that Atkinson’s The Atkinson House Co. appetite digestion became better, and my They heavy any being LET—Nice bri k bouse, French 10 above zero every morning at seven company will Furnishing Every shrewd will see at once roof, brfere aaalariir- Hands mar he based general health greatly Improved. I am firmly retailed at 75c. housekeeper that 60 TO rooms, hot and cold water, set tubs, bath parr o’clock. put it on the boards of Portland Theatre in The annual of the convinced that Hnod’s meeting stockholders of Sarsaparilla effected a cure to 76c will be on room, marble bowls, situated uear the Park; also hr ihe Trasters far Ihe staking faad after tine style, next and In as I have felt no recurrence saved a tick. The Friday Saturday, will the Atkinson House my case, of the grocery store on Oxford street, for cash. in Ihe Longfellow Chatauqua Circle will crowd the Furnishing Company blood disease.” Wm. cheap Kept. I, 1999, marhrt al IM aad house. Everywhere it lias been Schoon, Geneva, N. Y. AS. V. BLAU at W., »U C.AUU«UKO Ot. V*i meet this at the of was held at the office of the arcraed interest, hat No Horns CAN BE evening vestry the Chest- given hundreds have been turned away. corporation Sat- nut street church. urday afternoon. Hood's LBT —House No. 1 Prospect street, 10 CALLED BEPOBB NATUBITV, the NOTES. Sarsaparilla with a TO rooms; Sebago; sunny, pleasant loca- trast deed Stinson A The records of the last Sold nil 1 for 5. R presiding that the siahlag faad George Co.’s had a annual by druggists, $ ;slx f Prepared only ES tion ; to G. P. 620 Congress employes The meeting apply MITCHELL, success of “The Old Homestead” 1HANSOI O. BROS. •hall he increased at ride to the Ocean House were read and The by 0. I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. street. hr parchaaee hr Ihe and.had supper Sat- the Academy of Music lias been so phenom- approved. resignation _LI enal that Traslres af ether 1st msrtgage heads af urday. Denman has of Hon. R. Doruan as director was accepted. IOO Doses One TO LET.-The and flue Thompson arranged Dollar, large railraada ia tlaaeclal with Messrs Gilmore & Tompkins ap27 diSw STATEMENT office Hon. K. gaad staadiag ia The new building erect the Grand to remain 1 »ie president reported the volume of busi- OFFICESrecently occupied by Wilbur by at their show bouse for three Lunt and other vacant rooms In the First Nation- rase the ahere heads cnanel he beagbi al for years, aud ness at the Portland and all the Trunk, the stores department is now in possibly for five. branch LARRABEE i CO. °r al Bank building including steam beat, sates, ele 11>9 aad in tercet. dtf stores as increased the febll_ vator and service. at the Bank. use. There seems to have been largely during year. Janitor Apply ease an extraordin- The treasurer The is aatherixed hr a reealatiaa ary scene at the reported that the amount of 6-tf AiaiuMju ix uo. nave presented an eight weddiug of Miss Essie rtonlfol cfnrtlr HionnooH at nnp nn __ The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of ef the Nerthera PsciAc aharrheldere, and Jenyns Australia’s iu [carter's! New TO LBT—A fine Mary New- light office, day clock to the Casco Assembly fair at Andersou, 1.1889, was #243.450, leaving stock unsold to York, sunny Ihe CJCAHANI-EB OP THE NORTH ue&iegea oi. OFFICElighted and hea’ed, awning, call bells. aY’ 'v /“o.pBupw that date amounting to #256,550. The com- -e RICHARD A. BUN PACIPIC COMPANY fa •STAMP Deering. Andrew s Cathedral, and the marrioge party r McCURDY, President Sebago aDd water closet privileges, centrally had a from its profits has paid three semi-an- located on Commercial Street. Call and examine. ED ON EACH BOND. Saturday the pond at Park was struggle to get to the the actress pany Deering altar, nual dividends of five per cent, besides car- HYAN ti KELSEY. 1-2 tainting in her affianced arms. ladies Tor the The ahere reads were haill aa aa aclaal cleared of snow. Saturday night more snow Many rying from 3 to 3 3-4 per cent, to a year ending December Slat. 1888. and children also fainted from the annually LBT—House No. 20 < ash east at 949,900 mile. The head, fell. rough surplus fund and large blocks of stock Gray St., Is In good per treatment they received. contains ten rooms and Seats, railings aud have since been disposed of. TOcondition, all modern are listed ea the New Verb nterh Ex The annual meeting of the Young Men’s gas standards were broken down, curtains Total Asset.. conveniences. GEO. C. HOPKINS, 88V» Ex- The old board of directors with the excep- 8126.088.153 56 St. rhaagr. The reads are headed al Ihe Club will tom, carved woodwork and floral Tm weather today change 31-4 Republican be held this evening at chipped tion of Hon. R. Dornan was Mr. rale ef 049,000 per mile. decorations elected, is to be the rooms In destroyed. likely fair ITO I,FT —Tenement ot 9 finished rooms at Mechanics building at eight Lewis J. Bird of Boston being named as his The net rerenae la Ihe main line fram and mild, X No. 71 Federal St, all modern o’clock. successor. Improvements, ka.iarss The Oeerlng Annexation gas, Sebago, etc. Apply to MB. PRATT, at the derired film ihe Nerthera Question. The stockholders voted as a Portland, Feb. U. 1889. President J. F. Marston has unanimously house. 23-tf Pacidc- A fioaiaau Campaar ia ihe six resigned his The proposition to annex Deeriug to this mark of their entire approval of their chief CURE s in the Hick Ucsdsu'bo and relievo all the troubles inci- know we mealhs ending Dee. 1.1999, position Commercial Travellers’ Asso- is a officers,an increase of salary to both the make a TO LET-The beautiful constructed stors with riclded the city taking different form. The friends pres- dent to a bilious state of the such ar ibsjs- Sorthera and an ident and treasurer. system, X a basement, light and dry: No*. 117 Pacidc a gaad pinAt arer and ciation, election to fill the vacancy of a city charter there has Dizziness. Nausea, Drowsinesr, Distress after YOU of lovely say been no hear- On motion of Mr. specialty Gloves. A 119 Middle street, Thompson Block: suitable ■ hare gaaraatee. will be held Hogg of Worcester,Mass, Pain in the Side, kc. While their most February 23d. ing yet on their eating. ‘Sg tor wholesale or retail; It will be let or leased to petition, the legislative com- it was Increase Preri.iea is made far Ihe Maine remarkable success has been shown in curing And if you have ever during year. 10301 the right parties, low. of H. X THOMP- rcgistraliea af The Historical Society will hold its mittee of the Risks Enquire being opinion that there being “Resolved, That it li the sense of this ineetiog assumed.. 8103 214 281 SON. No. 184 Brackett street.6-9 he principal af the heads ia the near af winter field at the ?2 day the new Baxter building no a that price of the slocks of the corporation be Gloves from us opposition hearing was not uecessary. bought he heldera if drslrcd. on Washington’s be Increased to (12 per share on and afier April birthday, and President are Price 100 aa interest. They have, however, Informed the commit- 1st, and the officers are hereby instructed to offer you probably aware Bradbury will deliver the address. no stock at a It ss from date.” SICK tee to whom the charter has price that been referred Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are that the stock we “■SJt5rs*.‘reifrom all •JIY.ill-Jtt 1! Forest Home to The dates of the First Parish coffee On motion It was resolved carry Receipts sources,. par- that in case the committee are disposed to to insure the equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre- 886.815*932 58 ties have been life of the president for the venting this annoying complaint, while they also incorrectly given. The proper refer the matter to the next #100,000 proceeds is than all the 83.096.010 06 legislature, a iu case of his death to revert to the correct all disorders of the s towach .sti mulat e the larger nSrEZmSZSJ"*.raid Policy Holders,.- dates are corpor- u Lease. February 12th and 20th, and March ver 814,727.560 88 hearing is demanded, as the request ation. and regulate the bowels. Even if they onl*' others in Portland com- Brewster Cobb & Estabrook, 12th. “ Opposite Evergreen cemetery, the best emeuates from the town in its ca- The meeting throughout was harmonious THE ASSETS ARE Peering; corporate INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: in New KDgland lor a florist or Teague * Bennett will build a and enthusastic. Speeches were made bined. place nurseryman, So Congress Street, Boston. pile wharf pacity, hence it is entitled to immediate at- by fora farm. Apply to J.P. to Ieb9 for L. J. Bird, B. A. Atkinson. J. C. poultry BAXTER, 49t Mr. Peleg Barker, on the east side of tention. Woodside This fact si of no im- rear of Portland savings bank. JanSudlm and J. H. Wheeler, Jr. of Boston; if. L. HEAD Custom House 100x35 feet in Ache would be almost to those who wharf, size, for several Stockwell of they prioeless Real Estate and Loans on n. Saturday petitions were being cir- Worcester, Mass.; J. C. Riley to when collateral, ... «oi 70a to. fish of suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortn portance you A GOOD OPPORTUNITY buildings. culated in that town and its Grand Rapids, Mich.; J. J. Emerson, J. Cash in Banka and Trust at among citizens E. nately their goodness does notend uere.and those interest, 88313!277 60 ANNUAL The Donnell, A. W. Ayer of Portland, aud H. want an Interest Conyianies *or an man a Evening Express gave its employes a in this the leaders of the who once try them will find these little pills valu- you ordinary accrued, Premiums deferred and in enterprising with only small capital. city by annexation M. Sanborn of Rockland. transit. Etc., 83,248,178 46 The International Hotel in dinner at the Preble House Saturday able in so many ways that they will not be wil- complete repair will night. movement, intended to show the legislative ling to do without them. But after all sick head every day pair of the be leased at a moderate rental. Apply to AUG. Mr. Hibson _ 8186,088,153 66 gave the participants an __ P. FULLER. dec27d2m elegant committee tbe status of the town on the Important Arrests. common spread and it was kind, all deal- I have thoroughly enjoyed. carefully eaamined the .tatement and find the lame to be question. Frank J. O’Dowd was employed by Henry foregoing correct. A horse attached to a ers BOB HALF BARK double that A. DOWN col- The friends of a but N. SALE. M. sleigb, city charter are also Kimbets, jeweller, No. 11 Bos- keep sort, ____ WATERHOUSE, Auditor lided with the electric busy. Cornhill, ACHE pole in light Congress Today warrants will be issued for a ton, who sells on > the bane of so lives thst here is where if From the above Mated a dividend will be town jewelry the installment many you’re looking for an Surplus apportioned a, uwial HALF—We want the people to know a square The •> make our Saturday night. sleigh was up- meeting to be holden a week from O’Dowd succeeded in great boast. Our pills cure it while FOBlew of our prices: Best ball butter 26c pound: today, at plan. swindling his hers do not. odd shade to set and the occupants but no one match a RUk» ball butter 22c pouod; choice Vermont solid spilled out, which time the committee on Rub. _ by-laws chosen employer—so it is of arter’s Little Liver Pills are small and Year. n was hurt. alleged—out #1971, by very Assumed. Surplus. goodutter 22i 25c pound; best potatoes 66c bush- Our Annual Sale Commenced at the late annual town y easy to take. One or two Pills make a dose, a wrist Outstanding. el fi Oc meeting will Ireport. his sales, and a warrant for his arrest was costume, long ; good bushel; good Baldwin apples 60c The steamer i’hey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or P lo Rico molasses 36c nice Enterprise, running between Another of the is to is used last ,188*. 134,681,430. $351,789,285. $4,748,771 bushel; per gallon; object meeting see what December. Inspector Collins, of urge, but by their gentle action please all who one for a or corned bei 4c pound; roast beef 6c to this and wedding 46,507,139 ... 5 good 10c; city Bootbbay lost one this •sethem. In vialsat 25 cents ; five for 868.981,441. 012 631 JA trip Instruction tbe town will give the selectmen the Boston force, has been on O’Dowd’s $1. Sold l88®. round steak 10c pouud; best 12c pound; MONDAY, 14th, week on account of weather. The y druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. any occasion where 56.832,719. 393,809,203 5 648 008 8oodquire’s best lard 10c pound, by the tub 9c pound; rough In reference to the proposition to extend the track for some and located 1887 time, fiually him 69,457,468 427;6^;9^.!!!!!! 6 pork steak lie pound; sausage 10c pound; roast ind will contlnne the agent reports the boat as doing a busi- limits over CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. of the 294*4$ rest of the month. large oity the town of Deerlng; also to in this city, where he has been selling Bibles gloves correct 1888 .103,214,261. 482,125,181. 7>io!o63 of pork lOVkc pound; home made pickles 10c ness, and just now is very quart. 36c gallon; new Turkish prunes 6c pound; Several thousand dollars worth of busy carrying ship see what instructions the town w'll on the installment for a form are New vote to plan few days. The it York, January 23, 1889. choice French prunes Sc pound; good canned corn timber to be used at Boothbay on the vessels required, give their representative in the legislature, Portland police were notified, and Saturday Small PHI Small Boss. Small ft*6* 8c and 10c can; best canned tomatoes 10c can; now on the stocks. should be a matter of two cans June packed peas tor 26c; two can. of and in the meantime large numbers of the Officer Webster arrested O’Dowd OF TRUSTEES. evening in NEW yellow peaches tor 26c; smoked shoulders The ladies of Bos worth Relief are ADIEMTlMEinENTrt. satisfaction to Samuel E. Sproulls, Lewis May. Robert Corps charters will be printed, in front of the Kilborn block on Free street- know Sewell, Henry H Bnr.« foodOc pound; nice large Florida oranges 36c per andja copy placed Van 100TS Rkhssrlah. n: ten of and Invited to the Cue.., doz> pounds onions tor 25c: SHOES cordially spend with Mrs. shagbark day the hands of every voter of the town. inspector Collins came down on the train I.KT The Atwood two stories that such a Samuel dXSc^k H™," wTsl™'W. Smith, Charlesf- R. W."a£S5U D. House, as i; rvsA-KOCK’ {;BNRY Henderson, TheodorejE Moevokd. walnuts5c quart; English walnuts 10c pound: S. R. Turner at Turner on Tues- TO with French roof, pleasantly situated In variety Island, and took O’Dowd to Boston on the A. best Rio coffee 26c pound; best O G. Java 32c \ night Cape Elizabeth, with several acies of so Richard McCurdy, F. rill be sold at hair their real valae. All day, February 12, the 10.15 train Her Ninetieth Llgonla, ours is close at hand. Sum,’ rS^SsV^Pkkham. PrktoU pound ;we have all grades of teas tor 25c. 33c, taking from Birthday. Pullman. He thanked the force lan1 on which are fruit trees In also a CeSr^S *i>c, for their bearing; 50c, 60c, 76c, and our 3 «e tea takes the lead tor 1 olid reliable bnt broken Commercial street station. At the residence of Miss good stable. The house contains about fifteen If come goods, Int* Refreshments Mary H. Wood- promptness and efficiency, and Officer Web- you to the USfftSr* Stu"vvesakt the money; all these goods above warranted as t are to ro ins bath room, is heated a ^.“mannAlexander C^ost, H. Rice, ^ulIvOl^.Frederic Robert A. hot most be be carried. 113 Franklin Including by Cromwell, Granniss, Augustus D Juiluard advertised or delivered sold lo make room for bury, street, Saturday evening, ster In particular. furnace, is in cood and will he rented low r. Ratchford Starr, Jclien T. Nicholas C. money refunded; goods The repair, store to Gloves Davies, Miller, Charles E. Seller* in any part of the al JOHNSON & ! Portland branch of the there was a to a desirable tenant. to LOCKE &. buy you promptly city, Iprlng Styles. Don’t rail to call, It Land League very pleasant family gathering the man who was wanted Apply 24 Wllrnot street. holds its Bloodgood, by LOCKE, No. 180 Middle or to AUG. F. ROBERT A. LAMBERT’S, 8-1 meeting at 7.30 o’clock to celebrate her 90th street, are sure to a GRANNISS, Vice-President. will pay yon. Feb. 18 in birthday. Miss Wood- the on account of the row in No. street. get perfect ISAAC I. LLOV Irish police, McFar- FULLER, 432 Fore D, ad Vice-President TNOB Amorican Hall, Plum street. Mr. bury and her Mrs. Daniel F. as WILLIAM I EASTON. HALF—A good second-hand sleigh; call sister, Emery, land’s club room on Fore street, was arrested fit, every pair sold at Secreuly. X on J. and J. 6 Charles in a FREDERIC Assistant Fowler, Commercial Wharf; or O’Reilly, letter to Mr. T. F are the last of a SCHROEDER, Secretary. J. F. 26 long-lived family. Her by Officer Fickett Saturday. It seems that a the counter is FOWLER, Monument street. 8-1 Donahue, acknowledges the receipt of father, the late Win. carefully *157' Capt. Woodbury, was valise was stolen from the Boston boat, Jan. WILLIAM H. C. for the anti-coercion fund. NOW IS THE TIME fitted to the BARTLETT. LL.D., Actuary. XTOB HALF—Brick house, near the park.wlth tor many years President of the Merchants’ 11th last, it hand that X all the moderrn Mr. l.V. belonged to John Kelleher, a ERASTUS C. BENEDICT, Assistant Actuary. Improvements, brick house Greene & Co., Lang near hall; brick house on Wyer has.completed the fac simile Hank, lived to the advanced age of 89 veteran. is to wear city Carlcton street; years, Togus Officer Hussey found the it, and we FREDERIC CROMWELL, Treasurer. A. nice new of the Old Citv Itniiiiinur mhUl. I. a._ L. house on and I and attended to JOHN FONDA, Assistant Treasurer. Bramliall; plenty ol houses business to the of his valise and a In central ot mounted day got description of the man who take all the WM. W. RICHARDS, part city. L. O. BEAN A CO., 40 Ex- 539 St. on one of the old leath. Her risk. That Comptroller. WM. P. SANDS, Cashier street. Congress Corinthian col- mother lived to the great of at change 8-1 umns in age pawned it Sykeman’s laundry. Fickett, GUSTAVUS S M D Jan IBcoda Deering in W Vflara is the safest and WINSTON. WALTER R M I. Park, the spring. It is from the best GILLETTE. four and description, arrested Bloodgood, J. AlAKblf, M.D., Medical Director*. A PPLBH POM HALF A few nice Bald- one-half feet by two feet six inches Miss Is the last of Woodbury a company of and Mr. Sykeman identified him. He to and WM. G. UU’“C‘- and a complete says way buy gloves DAVIES, Solicitor FREE STREET:” reproduction even to the young ladies, who met his rpnl nnrnii ia T.pmria Traiphar and ih«t many Good Comfortables me most business signs. years ago,and formed satisractory j. w. the first Suudaj School comes from Wisconsin. FITZPATRICK, Mr. W. H. Milliken, and in Portland. She to to us. how- Jr., driver, were enjoyes excellent heath you, If, Grind thrown from Bound to be Opening their sleigh on State and retains her faculties to a remarkable Clean. General street, de- ever, you are unable to Agent, -OB’- Saturday evening, but not hurt. The horse gree. She was the recipient of many tokens For some time past Mt. Sweet, the proprie- 1 case $1.00 Comfortables will be J-. M. ton- Mm- and collided tor of write to our mail BOARDMAN, 15-4 New French sleigh with a jigger, corner of of affection, from her nephews and neices, the City hotel, has missed soap from sold at 76 cents each. 1 ease $1.39 come, Satlnes, Sew American Sat* I ark and Ines, French Sew Scotch Spring streets, and the horse freed and the delightful occasion was one to the gentlemen’s toilet room. Several cakes Comfortables will be sold at order a l second-hand IS borne Styles, long $1.19each. department p'®** powei • from the ran City Agent, M: engine, and one 14 hone trailer with Ingbams, Sew American (Ginghams, sleigh to Commercial street be remembered by ail present. would he placed in the room in the morning 1 case Comfortables will bs power $2.69 sold clear of pump, Inspirator and all at a Imr- Sew 4 4 and 27 Inch whe,e be was and ^statement just fittings Prints, Me- canght by Officer Phillips. disappear by night. Yesterday Mr. at $2.00 each. PORTLAND, MAINE. ,4,‘l'Kb*». West but afterwards satd the other put a DYER A. -AND- — with a nickel CO., brary met Saturday afternoon, Judge Si- VdaauyghauMreetreet’ A Pug llog collar cake in his pocket for fun, and, banded over & Ladies’ Gloves. will return to C. T. BENSON 511 CoBfreM itreci. monds in the chair. No street- <*"««« SMITH CRAM’S, LOATFinder please special business 6-1 .Masr'rine the soap. The man's companion declared he 43 Lafayette St. was done the 122 Exchange St., Men’s Gloves. beyond considering date pro- WU,l8t°“' Ab»' didn’t do of the kind. When the FRENCH SATEENS. anything where can better best place to beef—Koa sts per to fix upon for the Ipublic dedication of you buy Misses’ Gloves. WOUND-The buy 1'ar'9"- F‘r8t police appeared the man acknowledged he f 8,10,12. 15c; stsaas, 12 to 25c pound; the new library building, which was set street,Plymouth91 corned beef, 4, 0 and 8c; potaioes, 60 to Toe t for took the but said he did it in fun. He Gloves. i<*av, at iwoo’clock m.. accrtaiu note IUd'a 8lreet- SL soap Children’s beans. Uc qt.; Y. E. beans, 12c soniarj, p. Thursday, Feb. 21st. The Secfiud Paul's. bushel; pea qt.; f( r #7* o. dated June 16, ItUM, given Thom** programme and Parish.1-Uke'8’ is an amateur and that 10c evaporated apples. 8 to luo by job printer, EVANS red kid qt.; j »*■ to Albert one hundred other 8t' & at M.tlamblvu.payable, details will be announced later. Steplle“'8-8b Db'"‘- MILLETT, CO. Douud; oranges, lemons and Danauas bottom and “ »Uan in Boots two two accounted Shoes years, hundred la three nleTcXdS8**8tr6et' for the frequent heavy 3Uc. F. years, good flutter. 25c, fsney, E. LOV- ro black for the money than at any other place In town. prices; hundred In lour years, and two hundred in All branches of trade will marks left on the roller We this the finest of Scotch ELL. 5-1 '** Fire at North Gorham. shortly be visit- MOORE & CO. open morning rnrietr Ginghams and Frenchncl1 n years from date, and the mortgage deed of a towel in Fine Custom Boots and OWEN, * rer Sat®®11® ed by those who are the toilet room. The man was re- Repair- febll dlt shown in Portland. Come and see them. ircel of real estate (a part of the uavid KMer There was a soliciting in their re- best e In Portland to slight fire in the factory of leased on his ing a Specialty. pla buy fjj rm) given by said Jones to secure sakl note, of spective branches. Ifather’s recognizance that he choice grocene'* ole., Is at F. K. Lovell’s, e. on the United Indurated Fibre FOUND—The date therewith; the same having been as Co„ Friday should appear in court Tuesday. M. cornet of Oxford andJElbnot Sts. Washburn Su- gned said Hamblen to James K Chandler, JAS- SMITH, GEO. CRAM. and Best Pateut * by night. The fire was in the Entertainment to Deaf Scholars. perlatlve PillsJ7y's Flour, id him left In pledge and as collateral to his treating-room,but JanSO dtfebie *7.50; Washburn’s Best Patent, $7.25; St. Louis by it was quickly Medical Appointments. n >te, to saHI bank. extinguished by Supiintend- Saturday night Miss Barton, the millettTevans & half patent, $6.25; St, Louis, $6.00; Lower GORHAM HAVINGS BANK ent principal IN e Keyes and the are gratified to co, grades. $5.25, $5.60, 5-1 John A. workmen with the aid of Df the Beat School, gave a reception for the learn that two of our $5.75._ urer, Water man. the OTICE It* HEREBY OIVEJI, that the febOeodlw steam pump, with Portland boys have been u E. LOVELL selling whole bams j slight damage. pupils of the school at her residence on Free honored by Dr. ■ v subscriber has beeu duly appointed Execu- ROCK vyOl’ND—F. Weeks with ISLAND ROUTE f 12 to 14c. per pound; pork steak and saus- Z, itreet. About JO of appointments upon his staff at i« )r of the Will ot the pupils and many in- _ 11c; Twitched SCbampUn’s (Hatchet Brandi Break in the the Medical age. f1 r R ETIONT Water Main. rlted School for the term of ’86. SILAS M. ADAMS, late ol Deetlng. excursions sausage, 18c; salt pork, lue; 101b. tub HOUSB, guests were present and all enjos'td a They XXT A hr man to To Squire's are C. F. son TED—Capable superintend i the ot deceased, and has Kansas, California, lard, Squire's 10lb. tub leaf lard, Small, of Rev. Dr. Small as ot business County Cumberland, Colorado, fl.CO; $125; BOSTON noot delightful evening. Games were played Chocolate» Cream wholesale department large then himself that trust bonds as tierce 9 to 12c. per pound. diagnostician, and U. M. In upon by giving WEST, cars lard, 6.1 Nickerson, sou of New will manage brauch stores, t 1,115. Through leaving ind Mr. one of the en- A. A. England; le law directs. All personshaving demands upon w®e>tv. Free accom- land* Joseph King, pupils, Major Nickerson, surgical assistant. nuances, correspondence, shipping, and have 5£3uM„SIery,tW0 sleeping, WOUND.—That we still have As is the at le estate ot said deceased, are required to bkhUUoiis. Low Rates to all people In the AMERICAN PLAN. iertaiued the with a ability only recommendation charge ot over |4000, (wholesale) worth of to points. Express f who have not our ‘ttrttrSdfrL^'^T- company performance upon xhlblt the same: and all persons Indebted ou nearest city profiled by warnings d,,t|natlon. Call jour which such appointments are made the goods; must make <1600; cash deposit (no bonds lid estate to ,° and taken Way’s Compouud ol in Indian clubs. An lunch was bovs are called upon to 31 ike payment A*ent for circulars and Inlormatlou, or Syrup Lungwort I Inlet 93, 93.30 and $4 per appetizing may well feel proud of their salary lteterence. Address address for their coughs. Don’t put it off dny. positions. ^«JPted>WhBSl JlMOO. GEO. M. ADAMS, Executor. W. E. CHATTEKTON. any longer lerved. * * KK, Box station 1), New York. Manager, come with your 25c aud * IS, Feb. teblldlawM3w> Washington St., quick get a bottle at 34 Schlotterbeck & Foss. 11-1 Deering, 8,1889. tebll Myrtle street. 5-1 CHA8.1. HIL808, Staanr. Bogn^fjass. I*b» ua*