February 11,1889
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HULPORTLAND DAILY P71ESS. ISg] ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--VOL. 27._PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1889. EBMA'lHSiB PRICE $6 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. dPEOIAIi nuiitBB. raiWKLLANEOlIS. THE JOLLY GREEN LOBSTER OF MAINE. pie come to our coast with the expectation TO SECURE AN HONEST ELECTION. ment to the United States shall pay no less BALFOUR GIVEN PARTICULAR ATTENTION. pistol. The negro was later arrested, badly THE CABINET MAKERS’ LATEST of getting all kinds of fish, the delicious lob- a rate of duty than may be charged by the wounded. EFFORTS ster included. Right in the of the country of export on like articles imported height An season, when our hotels are rail and there is into that country from the United States. Opportunist Victory. He Has Lots of Frlbrids at Augusta Mr. Mason Would Call Out The Treatment of Ireland the greatest demand for lobsters, the close Blue Sect. 3 fixes the following rates of duty De- Pajiis, Feb. 10.—The election in the de- Opposition to tho Selection of gx- TgreaTsalT Now. time is on and it is difficult or for Coats by the Regiment. on artices imported into the United States: nounced by a Great impossible Meeting. partment of Cote d’Or“, today, gave Bargy, Secretary Wlndom. us to get them because it is Illegal for us to Eggs, 5 cents per dozen; hay, 25 per cent ad have them. But across 15 Opportunist, 32,774 votes, to 33,979 tor Tos — right the line in New valorem; straw, S3 per ton; potatoes, OF = All Want to do the hotels can have all to Define 1 cent Park Crowded And They Him a Hampshire the lob- A Law Suit the Duties of cents per bushel; fish, per pound; Hyde with Clubs of saint, Conservative, Miller Stock a Favorite in the Home sters they want. And I will tell that it trees, shrubs and vines of all kinds, Kindness. you Commissioner Morton. plants, Workingmen and Radicals. Foreign Notes. makes a great difference with us. People go 25 per cent ad valorem. of the President. from my hotel over to the Wentworth House Sect. 4 provides that all ad valorem du- Envoys from the Mahdl report that anoth- at Newcastle and to the Rye Beach Hotels ties on goods imported from foreign countries er attack will soon be made upon Suaklrn by But No Two Agree About What Mr. Edgerlon Thinks He Has Been The Fate of the French and there have all the lobsters they want. shall be assessed upon the actual retail Ministry to the Soudanese. Gen. Alger Says-He Is Not to Have Klndnes Is. There Is another to our Too Much of a at which such are sold for home Be Settled Prince Bismarck is hardship fishermen, Democrat. price goods Thursday. indisposed. a Foreign Position. NewDressGinghams who along the whole coast are to whenever similar action is A over and dependent consumption, great gale swept England Scot- a great extent the lobster fisheries for taken by such countries relative to goods land A bark was lost off We are prepared to show a upon Saturday. Oainsby very [Special to the Press.] their bread and butter. I don’t believe the Washington, Feb. 9.—In the House from the United States. and all hands drowned today imported London, Feb. 10.—Notwithstanding that Feb. 0.—There is s lull In full line of the Latest olose is lob- Indianapolis, Styles in Avgusta, Feb. 10. The lobster has been time necessary to preserve the office bill was a The Ameer of Afghanistan is collecting the post appropriation consld. Paid the United States Tax. heavy snow storm prevailed today, the Cabinet and the situation re- Dress ster and if it is necessary August is not the troops for a movement against Russia. speculation, Ginghams. These were attracting general attention at the State ered in committee of the whole. Mr. Mason demonstration in Park to time for it. We have a railroad that brought Washington, Feb. 10— During the last fis- Hyde denounce Gen. in an iutervlew declared garding its probable make-up remains un- made to retail at week Boulanger, 13 1.3 cents House during the just passed. From over into York last If the said he was opposed to the bill not so much the coercive measures in that his was the per 50,000 people year. cal year 760 persons in Maine paid theUnited government’s Ire- programme the adoption of changed. There Is no longer doubt about yard. Kittery to Quoddv the lobster is an of fishermen could the hotels and board- of the effect it aud to American constitution, but with a 10 years' object supply on account might have upon on retail dealers. Of the cit- land, express sympathy with William Mr. Blaine's acceptance ot the State ing houses where all the beople stop.it would States.tax liquor presidency, the formation of a council of portfo- the greatest Interest, and when theie Is the Chicago post office, as for the effect it was oarrled out. lio. His mean and prosperity for them.” ies Portland hadl34, Bangor 127, Lewiston 55, O’Brien, successfully state to prepare aud submit laws to a non- acceptance, however. Is said to be any proposition to change the human laws plenty the Seventh Uncle Otis Kaler, who keeps the Kirk- might have upon district of Bath 30. Rockland 29, Blddeford 21, Gardiner Thousands of citizens, chiefly from working- deliberative national council of 300 members, of quite recent date. Opposition to ex-Secre- Our PriCe Will Be 0 Cents Yard. his there is Insured a full wood at Scarboro beach "That close With this half to be elected universal and regarding being, says: South Carolina. preface Mr. Ma- 17,Waterville 17, Augusta 16, Belfast 13, Ells- men's and radical clubs, attended the meet- by suffrage tary Wisdom's possible or probable selec- of interested time Is a nuisance. Those summer visitors son to discuss the Smalls-ElHot worth Auburn half to chosen by the provinces, and to sit delegation fishermen, canners, proceeded 11, Hallowell 6, Eastport 6, 2, ing marching to the Park through the tion for the Treasury portfolio Is come here and want lobsters, and when they contested election case. If the channels of Saco 3. A large of the names re- only one month in the year, and the granting developing hotel men and philanthropists from all aloDg proportion storm with bands and banners. here to can’t get them they go yelling all over the crime were searched there could not be found corded are petitions notwithstanding the Speeches of limited local government to the provinc- some extent. Col. John C. New Is the coast. This last week have been bouse. I want no close time in es. they July, August one which the Democrats of the Seventh dis- rules declaring such registration illegal! were delivered from twelve platforms. The regarded by a numbei of local politicians as with the before the com- and September, and I want no lobster caught resorted to to cheat Advices from that RINES Wrestling question trict had not the negro. speakers denounced the government general- Chin-Kiang-Foo, say having a fair of offered tbs BROTHERS. News In prospect being (ebll d2t under 10} inches ia length." If he had his way, be would have a free bal- Washington Brief. Chinese soldiers occupy that place, and that mittee on Fisheries and Game, of which Sen- ly, and Baliour A resolution Treasury portfolio. On the other hand, some Fiske, proprietor of the Ho- lot and a fair count in South Carolina if Feb. 9.—The of especially. put quiet now prevails. The riots originated in ator of is chairman. Representative it Washington, resignation of the most prominent and Influential leaders Hinckley, Georgetown, tel Fiske at Old Orchard Beach, says: “I am took a of blue coats in simultaneously at all tho platforms was car- the antipathy of the to an unpopu- regiment every coun- H. M. Sewall as consul general at Samoa populace assert that Col. New's name Is not under The interests opposed to the present law in favor of doing away with the close time. ty and every penny in the treasury. He ried amid great It declared that lar police Inspector. POWDER ap- was received by the of state this cheering. consideration for the Treasury, and tnat be J. The present close time our sum- in secretary Rev. Charles has sent a letter to P. WELCH. have retained Baker & Cornish as counsel, damages pealed to the Democratic behalf of the citizens of London condemn the brutal Spurgeon Is booked the mer party his for Austrian mission. • business greatly.” the generations to come to rise above the morning. congregation saying he will soon see Pure. and True P. Pierce, Esq., of Kockland, has of “ Is stated here today, on information Absolutely Hon. Nelson Thompson, of Friendship party line, to rise above the color line, to rise Warner Miller tells his friends policy coercion, protest against the gov- them again and his limb is improving, for the Commissioner in Wash- from Washington, that John .Wanamaker appeared of Sea and where there are many lobster fishermen, above except the upholding of law ernment’s uncivilized treatment of political though he cannot use it yet. rhi« never varies. A marvel of have everything ington that he has been offered a has not bought a house there after all, and powder purity Snore Fisheries. They examined wit- says: “We have now a close time that is un- and the an act of even privately The of the Australian colo- and wliolesoiueness.