Proud to be in UNISON UNISON national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender committee Annual Report 2015 #ULGBT15 UNISON national LGBT committee annual report 2015 Contents Introduction from the co-chairs 3 Recruiting and organising 4 Bargaining 7 Campaigning 9 International 11 From the caucuses 14 In the regions 18 This report of UNISON‟s national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members committee covers our work from November 2014, following the last annual conference, to the end of September 2015. Actions on last year‟s conference decisions and monitoring information are included in a separate document. Please email
[email protected] for a copy, or write to Carola Towle, UNISON LGBT equality, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. UNISON is the UK‟s largest public service trade union. We have a proud history of working for equality for all. For more information on our work for LGBT equality, visit 2 UNISON national LGBT committee annual report 2015 Introduction from the co-chairs It‟s been a busy year with both positive and disappointing news. After conference last year, we geared ourselves up to fight for a change in government. With a strong message and pledges supporting LGBT equality, our members door-stepped on behalf of LGBT Labour parliamentary candidates, as well as supporting Labour candidates all over Britain. It was with shock and disbelief that we woke up on 8 May to find that we had a majority Conservative government. The only positive note was that UKIP only gained one seat. Following the general election, the Labour party has gone through its own leadership election and throughout the process our members were engaged in the debate.