ii c I c Q I\ L! CJ / c/ c, G c c1 C G c3 G c G G G G G General Motors Electro-Motive G c Model 567,645,and 71 0 Series Diesel Engine G e, G G C c G G (i G 6 0 G G c ti c c c G c G G c c G G c G 0 c; c Acknowledgements c. Gi This course was prepared by International Technical Services, a division of 984326 Ontario Inc., in Q cooperation with the General .\lotors Locomotive Group Customer Training Center, Technical Publications Dept. and Engineering Departments. 6, The course content is based partialy on previous publications produced by the Training Center, and pardy c on information gathered by the Training Center from Electro-Motive's Service and Engineering Departments. The contents of Chapter 7 were extracted from the EMD document, The Electro-Motive Turbocharger by c; William Badurski. 0 G 0 0 Developed in Cooperation with the General Motors Locomotive Group c ElectdMotive Customer Training Center. G c c G Copyright, April, 1997 The content ofthis document is the property ofInternational Technical Services, a division of984326 Ontario Inc.. All rights reserved. Neither this document, nor any part thereof, may be regroduced or stored by any means without c the expressed written consent of984326 Ontario Inc. Contact International Technical Services, 572 Wellington Street, C London Ontario Canada, N6A 3R3 Tel(519)439 -2362, Fax 675-1868 Internet:
[email protected]. L Second Edition - Revision 1 - August 1997 G c lntro - iii <-I c C 6 G G c c 6 c ci 6 G c 0 G G /ABLE OF bONTENTS G c G c Chapter 7 EMD Technical Publications & History G EMD History .....................................................................