Florida State University Libraries 2015 Public Diplomacy or Propaganda: A Case Study of Voa Deewa Pashto Radio Service for the Tribal Region of Pakistan and Afghanistan Mehnaz Gul Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION PUBLIC DIPLOMACY OR PROPAGANDA: A CASE STUDY OF VOA DEEWA PASHTO RADIO SERVICE FOR THE TRIBAL REGION OF PAKISTAN & AFGHANISTAN By MEHNAZ GUL A Dissertation submitted to the School of Communication in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2015 Mehnaz Gul defended this dissertation on November 10, 2015. The members of the supervisory committee were: Stephen McDowell Professor Directing Dissertation Lance Dehaven Smith University Representative Jennifer Proffitt Committee Member Patrick Merle Committee Member Jay Rayburn Committee Member The Graduate School has verified and approved the above-named committee members, and certifies that the dissertation has been approved in accordance with university requirements. ii This dissertation is dedicated to my husband Zia, our son Faiz and daughter Malina, to my parents, parents in law, brothers, sisters and their families for their enduring love and support. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This onerous yet rewarding journey of pursuing a PhD would not have been possible without the guidance and support of many people and organizations. I owe my gratitude to all those people and organizations that made this dissertation possible and because of whom I will always cherish this achievement. Foremost, my parents, for encouraging me to get higher education, for confidence in my abilities and for their unconditional love and support that made it possible for me to reach where I am today.