The BG News November 20, 1992

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The BG News November 20, 1992 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-20-1992 The BG News November 20, 1992 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 20, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5457. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. G The BG News Friday, November20, 1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 75, Issue 61 Clinton meets with party leaders byTomRaum The Associated Press start," Clinton declared at a news both Democrats and Republi- terest is moving our country He also jogged past some of the conference after a series of cans. forward," Dole said. "1 would city's most famous monuments meetings in the Capitol with both "I pledge to them an open door, guess you're going to find a lot of and dropped in at a McDonald's WASHINGTON - President- Democrats and Republicans. regular communications and ir- common ground." for an early-morning cup of cof- elect Clinton, energetically "We have to pursue a difficult regular communications" as fee and a chat with patrons. courting both course" in stimulating the slug- either he or congressional Clinton said he discussed his sides of the gish economy in the aftermath of leaders "feel the need." economic stimulus program with Clinton had breakfast with aisle on Capitol the end of the Cold War, Clinton "I believe the new administra- the lawmakers and that he would Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, today said. tion is off to a good start," de- finalize its details in advance of Hill and lunch with top Republi- pledged "an But, he added, "I think if we clared Senate Majority Leader being sworn in. He said he hoped cans and Democrats and also met open door" to work hard at it, we can have bi- to give a State of the Union ad- Rain, rain, and more rain: George Mitchell after the ses- separately with individual Congress to partisan cooperation. sion. dress that reflects the "consen- leaders of both parties. deal with "A lot of our problems are un- sus of where we ought to go." Friday, mostly cloudy. national prob- precedented," Clinton said, cit- Senate Minority Leader Bob High in the mid-SOs. East Vice President-elect Al Gore, lems that he ing strains that have developed Dole, R-Kan., also was conciliato- On a two-day get-acquainted who joined Clinton, said: "If you winds 10 to 15 mph becom- said were un- in the U.S. and world economies ing southeast 10 to 20 mph. ry. visit, Clinton made the rounds ol listen carefully you can hear to- precedented. Clinton over the past few years. Chance of rain is 20 percent. "They are Democrats, we are both official and unofficial Wash- day the first sounds of gridlock "I think we're off to a good He said he would reach out to Friday night, showers likely. Republicans. But our common in- ington. loosening." Low around SO. Chance of rain is 70 percent. Saturday, periods of showers. Thun- U lli VerSlty The Toughest Workout In The World? derstorms also possible. High again in the mid-SOs. Chance of rain is 90 percent. students On Campus help with Falconettes set to per- form: fun night The BGSU Falconettes will be skating prior to Sat- by Julie Tagllaferro urday night's varsity hockey administration reporter game at the Ice Arena. They will be performing a Thanks to University students, precision number choreo- Bowling Green Junior High graphed by members of the School students and their parents team, set to a variety of mu- can enjoy an evening of socializ- sical selections. Among ing, fun and games tonight at the them is a piece entitled "0- school's second annual Family lympic Theme," which was Fun Night. played during the 1992 Win- The event is a chance for stu- ter Olympics. dents and parents to spend time The team's skating time is together and have "an evening of scheduled for 6:45 p.m. fun," said Jim McFillen, Univer- sity professor of management Blaze in bathroom: and co-chairman of the event. A minor fire occurred Typically when schools host The BG DcLalUu Thursday night in a wom- events, it is the parents and en's rust room of the Math teachers who run the event, University students do a stepaeroblcs workout ID the multipur- The workout Is held from 4 p.m. until S p.m. Monday thru Thurs- Science Building. Two McFillen said. Although it is pose area of the Student Recreation Center Wednesday afternoon. day and is open to all BGSU students. police cruisers and one fire sponsored by the school's Parent department vehicle were and Teacher Organization, the dispatched to the scene, event will be managed by sorori- with minimal damage to the ty and fraternity representatives bathroom tile. as well as members from Circle Reactions to alleged rapist vary According to Sgt. Robert K, the University chapter of the Blackburn, campus police Kiwanis Club. responded to the call of the McFillen said he attended last by Eileen McNamara pear to be affected by the incidents. Accord- the car at night even though the parking lot fire at 9:09 p.m. He said that year's event with his son and was police reporter ing to Police Chief Galen Ash, a Toledo is right next to the building ... and we make the cause of the fire was un- glad to see University students woman who was nearly robbed Monday (by sure we park under lights because some known and is still under in- helping out. As co-chairpersons an assailant who did not fit the description of areas aren't well lit." vestigation. of tonight's event, McFillen said Despite an intense police search and much the alleged rapist) did not even know about McGuire, who lives off campus, said she he and his wife wanted to have publicity over the past two weeks, the man the sexual assaults, even though the inci- and her roommates have talked about the in- University student involvement who may be responsible for three recent dents and composites were publicized in the cidents and have agreed to increase their se- again in order to unite members Bowling Green sexual assaults has still not Toledo area. curity awareness as a result. of the community with the Uni- been found. Although most people are exer- "Probably a lot of people don't know," Ash Outside Campus versity. cising more caution lately because of the at- said. "... [And] there's a certain attitude that Barbara Waddell, public information offi- "The purpose of the event is to tacks, there are some who say they are not 'it won't happen to me.' cer for the Department of Public Safety, said Tis the season: promote interaction among par- very worried. "But there are also many people who are she believes many students are aware of the ents, students and teachers of the "I don't really think about it," sophomore taking precautions." attacks and added she would like to believe The city of Bowling Green junior high," McFillen said. "But nursing major Melissa Ankney said. Junior radio-television-film major Molly they are acting more cautiously. is set to kick off the holiday [it's also] a wonderful opportuni- "Whenever we go out, we walk in groups McGuire is one of those people. "People have been kept up to date pretty season this weekend with a ty to interact with University anyway." "It's not like [my roommates and I] sit and well," she said. "That really helps because it variety of special events. students. Ankney, who lives on campus, said she has think 'I hope he doesn't come around here,'" eliminates a lot of rumors and people know Starting at 6 p.m. today, the "We're trying to broaden the not taken any additional safety or security she said. "...[But] we always keep our doors what's really going on." American Boys Choir will be base of University contact so that precautions during the last few weeks. locked and at night we lock the chain on the performing inside the Wood residents [of the city] would have She is not the only person who does not ap- door. We're really careful when we go out to See LOOKOUT, page five. County Public Library, lo- wide-range contact with the Uni- cated at 251N. Main St. versity," he added. At 6:30 p.m., the official McFillen said 34 fraternity tree lighting ceremony will members and 28 sorority mem- take place at the Christmas bers will work at the event, as Reports show economic setback tree outside the library. The will 10 members of Circle K. The event is being sponsored by students will lead and supervise the Bowling Green Chamber the various games and activities of Commerce. which include Win, Lose or Draw; Claims for unemployment benefits jumped, housing starts fell At 7:30 p.m., Parnell's Family Feud and a hoola hoop by Dave Skidmore expected weekly movements in String Instruments, Hotel contest. The Associated Press Lobby Donuts and Uhlman's For participating and winning "There are a lot of signs that things are getting better and the claims number.
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