Gabriël Ditmar Primo Konat was born in The Language-Parametric Methods for Developing Interactive Programming Systems Language-Parametric Methods for Developing Interactive Programming Hague, the Netherlands. In 2009, he received his BSc in Computer Science from the Institute of Ap- Invitation plied Sciences in Rijswijk. In 2012, he received his MSc in Computer Science from Delft University of Technology (TUDelft). From 2012 to 2018, he was Language-Parametric a Ph.D. student with the Programming Languages Methods for Developing group at TUDelft, under supervision of Eelco Viss- Interactive Programming er and Sebastian Erdweg. His work focuses on lan- Systems guage workbenches and incremental build systems. Gabriël Konat
[email protected] You are cordially invited to the public defense of my dissertation on Monday, November 18th, 2019 at 3pm. At 2:30pm, I will give a brief presentation summarizing my dissertation. The defense will take place in the Senaatszaal of the Delft University of Technology Auditorium, Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC Delft, the Netherlands Afterwards, there will be a Gabriël Konat Language-Parametric Methods for reception. Developing Interactive Programming Systems Gabriël Konat Propositions accompanying the dissertation Language-Parametric Methods for Developing Interactive Programming Systems by Gabriël Ditmar Primo Konat 1. Language-parametric methods for developing interactive programming sys- tems are feasible and useful. (This dissertation) 2. Compilers of general-purpose languages must be bootstrapped with fixpoint bootstrapping. (This dissertation) 3. Manually implementing an incremental system must be avoided. (This dissertation) 4. Like chemists need lab assistants, computer scientists need software engineers to support them in research, teaching, and application in industry. 5.