The Newsletter of the and Week St. Mary Circuit 12/20 Bethel, Boscastle, Bossiney, Camelford, Delabole, Living Water, Maxworthy, Rehoboth, St. Breward, St. Tudy, Tintagel, Tremail, Tresparrett, Treveighan, Week St. Mary

1 Dear Friends As we move into November it is a month of recollection. In the Christian calendar we begin with All Saints day on the first and All Souls day on the second. Whilst some denominations, for example the Catholic Church, will mark these solemn dates most Methodist Churches ignore them. However, in the past I have been part of services where the families of those who have died during the year have been invited to join a quieter service, invited to light a candle in memory of loved ones and, on occasions, to receive a red rose to take home. For some the time is emotional, for others it is yet another milestone in bereavement, yet others cannot come because it will bring back too many memories. We deal with the loss of loved ones in different ways. For Christians we have a sure and certain hope beyond this world, the hope of resurrection life. Jesus comforted his disciples saying, “I am going there (his father’s house) to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). To those who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ there is the eternal promise, death is not the end but a new beginning. We are not to judge who will be in heaven, that is the work of God alone. Importantly, this year is the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice at the end of the first World War. Sunday 11th November will be a day of remembering, for some families it will be of ones who gave their lives in the hope of peace. For others it will be a reminder of the futility of war. “He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation 2 will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” Micah 4:3 Within the Circuit some churches will join with other denominations, many at war memorials, recalling the sacrifice of those whose lives were cut short. We also need to remember that millions who were wounded and lives were never the same again, as well as widows and children with no fathers. Alongside this we recall too the great acts of courage. At some of the services you will hear the words of Jesus from John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”. On a recent visit to the now closed Eden Chapel I discovered a war memorial in memory of those who died or served in the great war from the parish. If anyone knows of a good home for it, please let me know. Other chapels have memorial plaques in memory of those associated with their places and gave their lives, some at a very young age; all with the potential to become people who had so much to give, but life was taken away so tragically. Remembering can be hard and painful, but it can also mean we value those we have known but see no more. Take a few minutes this month to do just that, thanking God for the people who have touched your life. Give me the wings of faith to rise Within the veil, and see The saints above, how great their joys. How bright their glories be. (H&P 814, Isaac Watts)

With every blessing, Linda

3 Harvest Messy Church appeared to be a success in Tintagel, Camelford and Tresparrett. Kids Messy was also enjoyed at Living Water. Let’s hope that not only cress seeds were sown but also God’s words too. We looked at the parable of The Sower and sharing. The next theme will be Jesus the Light. The young people from Elevate appear to have enjoyed their first meeting after the summer break with worship, live music and marshmallows around a bonfire held at one of the member’s homes. This is now a bi-monthly event. Please watch for the advertisement of the next meeting. Talking of Bonfires, the plans for the circuit Bonfire Party are currently being finalised. Please come along to Canworthy Water Manse paddock on Saturday 3rd November at 6pm to join in the fun. Donations of fireworks and money gratefully received, refreshments available. Adult supervision of all children required. Living Water Remembers Like the grave of the Unknown Soldier, which lay in Westminster Abbey, Living Water will have at the centre of their display 10 silhouettes of people who could represent any person loved and lost in times of conflict. It is hoped that our event will enable people to think about the sacrifices made by so many people to ensure our safety and freedom. Our event is growing with contributions from church members and the community. We have been aiming at creating 100 poppies but we have a few more to sell and display. We will have refreshments and times to reflect. The Tintagel Male Voice choir will be joining us to bring our event to a conclusion. Please come and join us. 4 What do Christian believe? My belief is that the world is created by God. God created every one of us. However we all of us are different, but each one of us should be able to show something of the Love of God in our lives. We should treat people as Jesus would treat them. The Holy Bible records God's relationship with all people in changing times and contexts, and these writings help us to understand more about the nature of God. As a Christian I believe that the life and teaching of Jesus will help us to understand the love of God. Above all we can see this love revealed in Jesus' suffering and death on the cross, and in His victory over death. I believe that each one of us is accepted as a precious part of His creation and that nothing, not even death, can separate us from the love of God. This is one of my favourite verses in the Holy Bible. If we want to grow in relationship with God, seeking His wisdom and guidance we need to pray and study His word as we follow the wonderful example of the life and teaching of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Christ came for all. Whoever you are He came for you. Huw

5 Thurs 1st All Churches open for Prayer Coffee Morning WSM 10.30-12.00 Fri 2nd POPPY FESTIVAL (+ Memorabilia) Living Water from 2pm Communion Service C Water 7.30 p.m. Sat 3rd Sun 4th Family Breakfast Delabole 9.30- 10.30am Cafe Church WSM 6.30pm Mon 5th Prayer Meeting Cardew Bungalow 9 a.m. Tues 6th Community Lunch Delabole 12.00-1.15 pm Wed 7th Soup & Sweet Lunch St Breward 12-1.30pm Thurs 8th Sun 11th Tintagel MV Choir LW 7pm Mon 12th Coffee Morning Tresparrett 10.30-12 Wed 14th Ladies Bible Fellowship The Swallows 10 a.m. Women’s Fellowship Delabole 2.30pm Lunch Tresparrett at 12-30 pm Thurs 15th Coffee Morning WSM 10.30-12.00 Sat 17th Sun 18th ‘Rendezvous’ Cafe Church WSM 11am Mon 19th Prayer Meeting Cardew Bungalow 9 a.m. Wed 21st Good News Train Fellowship Bethel Hall 2pm Thurs 22nd Sat 24th Christmas Coffee Morning & Pasty Lunch, Delabole, 10.30-2pm Sun 25th Sunday Light Boscastle 7 p.m. Mon 26th Advent 1 Bible Study The Swallows 7.30pm Tues 27th Coffee and Chat Delabole 10.30 – 12.00 Wed 28th Ladies Bible Fellowship The Swallows 10 a.m. Thurs 29th Coffee Morning WSM 10.30-12.00

6 The congregation at Tintagel Methodist Church were very pleased to welcome the Rev. Linda Barriball newly appointed Superintendent Minister to the Camelford and Week St Mary Methodist Circuit to lead her first service with them. David Cook made a presentation of a Tintagel Chapel coffee mug and a Bible Concordance on behalf of the congregation to Daniel Bulgaru from Moldavia who has been joining morning services during the summer months. Daniel had spent the summer working in one of the Tintagel hotels before returning to his home country to continue his university studies. Daniel had made many friends and after receiving his gift thanked everyone for their kindness and support whilst here with the hope that he will return next summer to work again in Tintagel. Last Sunday Rev. Bryan and Sue Ede from Delabole led a Church Fellowship service. Visitors from the Forest of Dean were welcomed to the congregation. Sue for her address spoke of how we have a generous God and a forgiving God, asking is your God too small? Do we limit what we think he can do? Prayers were said for those suffering in the Indonesian earthquake and other countries and areas suffering during the recent severe weather; Brexit and the NHS and our local hospitals here in as well as the doctors, nurses, ambulances, air ambulance and all involved within the NHS. Tea and biscuits were shared in the schoolroom after each service.


Barbara and her daughters Some of Barbara’s friends who Joan and Giny came to wish her well

Barbara’s daughters Giny and Joan brought their mum all the way from Bristol on Sunday October 7th to bid farewell to her friends in the Circuit. After morning service a host of well- wishers from many churches gathered in Bethel schoolroom to enjoy cakes, biscuits, tea and coffee as they said a fond goodbye to Barbara Marsh who has now gone to live with her family in Keynsham. Barbara has played a big part in the life of the Circuit for thirty years and now is being cared for by her family as she approaches her 92nd year. We all wish her well in the years to come.


A roll-call taken at Tintagel Methodist Church for the Cornwall Autumn District Day of MWiB – Methodist Women in Britain - saw responses from ladies having travelled from Methodist Circuits throughout Cornwall - Falmouth and Gwennap; ; , and ; West Cornwall; Lizard and Mounts Bay; Launceston; and ; Camelford and Week St Mary; and Gunnislake; and , and . The new District President to be, Jill Nute had chosen Tintagel chapel for her Induction. Until recent years Jill and John Nute had attended Trewarmett and Tintagel Methodist chapels before moving to live at Wadebridge a few years ago.

Rev. Cathy Arscott, Rob Holmes and Jill Nute at the MWiB meeting at Tintagel

9 Sheila Flower and Joyce Brown were the day’s organists and the service was relayed on a power point presentation by Sue Ede. Coffee and biscuits was served by ladies from Tresparrett Methodist chapel on arrival. Rev. Linda Barriball extended a welcome to everyone at the start of the day’s proceedings. Rev. Cathy Arscott was welcomed as the new Vice President, notices of forthcoming events announced as well as those ladies who were sick or unable to attend prayed for. Jean Heywood from Tresparrett gave a review of some of the many books she and her husband Robin had available on their book stall. Retiring President Jenny Skinnard passed over to Jill a silver pendant necklace and ring as part of the President’s regalia. Jill thanked Jenny for her work during her two year Presidency and made a presentation to her. Chairman of the Cornwall Methodist District, Rev. Steve Wild welcomed and blessed Jill, Rev. Barriball, Rev. Cathy Arscott and Jenny Skinnard after which he and Rev. Barriball served Communion to the congregation. Jill’s chosen charity during her term in office will be Mary’s Meals. A very encouraging talk on Mary’s Meal was given by Rob Holmes. Mary’s Meals ( with its headquarters is Scotland has a simple format to provide one meal a day in a place of education, thus enabling children to be educated in over thirty two overseas projects, a global campaign with the format – food=education=hope. £13.90 a year provides meals for a child. The charity was formed in 2002 with the aim to feed 2000 children, at present over one million are receiving locally sourced organised meals with the aim of putting money back into the local economy. Using Mother Theresa’s words ‘If you can’t feed a 100 people, then

10 just feed one’. A Backpack scheme, often taken up by school is another of the charity’s projects with the aim to fill backpacks with educational needs etc. An Offering taken for Mary’s Meals at the meeting responded with over £630 raised. Following the lunch break Rev. Wild gave his address after Rev. Linda read from Acts 16 about Lydia, one of the few women named in the Bible. At the close of the service, a cream tea made with delicious splits by the ladies from Delabole was served in the Schoolroom by ladies from Tintagel chapel. Meetings in November:- November 8th at Maxworthy – Talk by Rev. Colin Short On ‘Mission Aviaton Fellowship’. November 28th at Tintagel Advent Service with Mrs. Sue Ede

A big thank you to all those who came to help us celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary at Otterham and hall on 7th September and for all the many cards and good wishes we received. We were pleased to see so many friends there. Thank you also for all the donations for the Cornish Air Ambulance. A total of £255.00 was raised. David & Anne

11 The envelope giving for Methodist Homes Sunday this year realised £335. This has been banked and acknowledged by the M.H. fund raising co-ordinator, supporting their work of care and accommodation. There has been a special Service of Thanksgiving to mark the Charity’s 75th Anniversary in October in Derby Cathedral. Thank you for your continued support. M. Mabson. MHA representative.

Coffee mornings every Thursday 10.30 -12 noon Messy Church Friday Nov. 2nd 4 pm - 5.30 pm Circuit Advent Service November 28th at 10.30 United Remembrance Service Nov. 11th at 10.45 am

Maxworthy Chapel, , Prayers were said by Mr Henry Dymond for the preachers, Rev Bryan and Mrs Sue Ede, before the Harvest Festival Service on Sunday morning. They did a harvest sketch to the delight of all and the singing of the Harvest Hymns was great with Mrs Pam Daniel at the organ. Bryans message was so well though out and we really celebrated Harvest. The chapel had been beautifully decorated reminding us all of Gods goodness to us.Following on a hot lunch, with delicious desserts and a cheese board was served.

12 In the evening Mr Derek Daniel lead with a Hymn and prayer and then introduced the Youthful Spirit singing group. They sang a beautiful selection of hymns and songs, one being 'We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land,' to a new musical score written by one of the group, Mrs Nicola Hoskin. Their singing was interspersed with thoughts and anecdotes from Mrs Eva Paynter. Then followed a very tasty supper served by Pam and Derek Daniel, Ray and Val Griffin, Carole Uglow, Val Uglow, Eva, Tilly and Henry Paynter.

With great joy we have welcomed the members of Brockhill and look forward to being one fellowship in Christ. We are hoping to share each others’ traditions, hopes and dreams. From now on the Bible Study at Higher Crackington will be known as the ‘Tresparrett Bible Study’. Please pray for us as we seek to demonstrate God’s love to our community. BIBLES: Carol Teague and Jean Heywood gave out twelve Easy Read Bibles to the new intake at Otterham School from members of Tresparrett Methodist Church. We first told the story of Zacchaeus, then each child was photographed (by a member of staff) receiving their Bible. They were received with great enthusiasm by children and staff alike.

on Saturday 3rd November 6 'till 8 pm In the Paddock at The Manse at Canworthy Water A crackling welcome to all in and around the Circuit. 13 Come along, bring family & friends. There will be hot food and drinks Bonfire, hot food, hot & cold drinks, great fun Parking available outside the garden and around the Manse and School hall. Contact Paul 01566 781572

Crackington Haven Bible Study Group on Wednesday, 14th November at 10.30 am at the home of Chris and Dave Smith 46 Lundy Drive, Crackington Haven Fellowship Group & Bible Study Celebrating Advent Come and join us for Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship, tea and coffee on Wednesdays 14th November and 28th November at 2 - 3 pm in the School Hall, Bethel Chapel All warmly welcome Need a lift? Call Paul 01566 781572 or Carol 01566 248697/07443 030176 Bible Study and Fellowship Together for Advent Come and join us for Advent Study, Prayer, Fellowship, tea and coffee at St Breward Chapel 2 - 3 pm on Wednesday, 21st November & Wednesday, 5th December The Good News Train Friendship Group 14 at Bethel Wednesday, 21st November from 2pm We look forward to Christmas Crafting with Ade and Jean and Robin sharing stories of faith and hope. Book reviews, news and Christmas gifts and cards from Aquilla Trust Bookshop, Launceston. Afternoon tea Contact Hilda or Carol 01840 261514/01566 248697 Come along and join us at our monthly Coffee morning at St Tudy Methodist Church in the Schoolroom 10.30.-.12 pm Enjoy good company, good coffee & refreshment Contact Jane 01208 850942 Tresparrett Methodist Church Come and celebrate the Season of Advent at our Christingle Service on Sunday, 2nd December at 3 pm Reverend Linda, Lay Pastor Paul and Carol Teague will be following a perpetual weekly rota for Hospital Visiting to visit members and friends in our county hospitals. Sunday 21 - 27th October ...Carol Sunday 28 -3rd November....Rev Linda Sunday 4 -10th November....Paul Sunday 11 - 17th November...Carol Sunday 18 -24th November ...Rev Linda Sunday 25 - 1st December....Paul Sunday 2 - 8th December....Carol Sunday 9 - 15th December...Rev Linda Sunday 16 - 22nd December....Paul Sunday 23 - 29th December....Carol

15 Do contact Rev. Linda for further information and for a specific request Contacts Superintendent Minister – Rev. Linda Barriball [email protected] Lay Pastor – Mr. Paul Harold 01566 781572 [email protected] Supernumerary Minister - Rev. Bryan Ede 01840 214818 [email protected] Safeguarding Officer – Mrs. Carol Teague 01566 248697 [email protected] Co-ordinator of the Circuit web-site Mr. Hugh Beswetherick [email protected] Tidings Editor – Glenys Poorta [email protected] Other contact details are to be found in the plan All articles to be submitted by the 22th of the month please. 16