Trac 2. CO Meter 3. 4 Mulm-‐Gas Detector

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Trac 2. CO Meter 3. 4 Mulm-‐Gas Detector HyaHsville Volunteer Fire 2epartment Training Gas Meters 7as Meter9s Carried on the Squad 1. Gas-­‐Trac 2. CO Meter 3. 4 Mul5-­‐Gas$Detector$8MiniMax$X4$Mul5$Gas$ Detector) 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Ga%*5rac General*@nformaon ,he$Gas$,rac$is$an$instrument that is$capable$of$ detec5ng$combus5ble$gases.$,he$Gas$,rac is factory$calibrated$for$methane$in$the$air.$,he$ alarm$Iill$be$set oJ$Ihen$the$methane$ concentra5on$in$the$air$approaches$20$percent of$ the$loIer$explosive$limit 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Most Common 2etectable 7ases • Acetone • Smoke$ • Alcohol$ • Steam$ • Ammonia • Industrial$Solvents$ • BenNene • Uet Fuel$ • Ethane$ • Lacquer$,hinner$ • Ethylene$ • Methane$ • Gasoline$ • Naphtha • Propane$ • Hydrogen$Sul[de$ • Refrigerants$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Direcons*/o*Dse 1. ,urn$the$Gas-­‐,rac$on$in$a non-­‐contaminated$ atmosphere$$$ 2. ,he$ready$light should$come$on$to$determine$ that the$meter$is$ready$for$use$ 3. ,he$L.E.D.$labeled$“Slight]$Iill$light Ihen$.1%$of$ the$gas$is$detected.$,he$“Medium]$light Iill$ light Ihen$1%$of$the$gas$is$detected.$,he$ “Alarm]$light Iill$come$on$Ihen$.%$of$the$gas$ is detected. 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Direcons*/o*Ds)*EConB.uedF 2.$,o$pinpoint a leak$source_$adjust the$“,icS$Rate]$ control$for$the$sloIest uniform$5cSing$sound.$ ,he$5cS$rate$Iill$then$vary_$corresponding$to$the$ change$in$gas$concentra5on$detected.$,he$5cS$ rate$is$independent of$the$lights$and$alarm_$ Ihich$are$calibrated$to$appropriate$gas$ concentra5ons.$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ CO Meter ,he$C0$Meter$should$be$turned$on$in$an$ uncontaminated$atmosphere.$ ase$common$sense$Ihen$using$the$meter_$if$ people$are$complaining$of$head$aches_$SCMA$ must be$Iorn.$ Donbt rely$on$home$detectors_$as$they$are$not alIays$accurate.$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ CO EIposure Chart EAll 2ata Based on 1 Hour EIposuresF • MNO*334*E3#0ts per*4illion) $no$health$risSc$normal$C0$levels$ COP in$air. • LMNQO*334*:OP*problem#$7ver long+'erm$&xposurec$-hronic$/0$ problems$such$as$headaches_$nausea-­‐$not the$most dangerous$ level • RMNRS*334*:Od$eu-­‐liSe$symptoms$begin$to$develop_$especially$ among$the$young$and$the$elderly • RTNOO*334*:OP$eu-­‐liSe$symptoms$among$allc$nausea,$headaches_$ fa5gue$or$droIsiness_$vomi5ngc$most*:G*;etectors*%ound*,U here • 100 ppm $severe$symptomsc$confusion_$intense$headachesc$ V*COP ul5mately$brain$damage_$coma,$and/or$death_$especially$at 00$to$ 1 200$ppmf$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ 4 MulFN7as 2etector Is$able$to$detect and$display$four$gases$ • Oxygen$80.) • Combus5ble$Gas$8LEL)$ • Hydrogen$Sul[de$8H.S) • Carbon$Monoxide$8C0)$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ 4 MulFN7as 2etector 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Parts On/Off Button 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Direcons*/o*Dse 1. In$an$uncontaminated$atmosphere_$hold$the$on/,U* bugon$for$two$seconds$ 2. Clearing$the$previous$S,EL$and$,hA$values-­‐$$hhen$the$ non-­‐Nero$S,EL$and/or$,hA$values$are$carried$over$ from$the$previous$measurement,$a “Delete$no]$ prompt Iill$be$displayed$Iith$the$gas$labels$and$the$ S,EL$and$,hA$icons.$Press$the$aP$or$D0hN$bugons$to$ scroll$to$“no]$or$“iES]$and$press$the$0N/0FF$bugon$to$ select.$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Direcons*/o*Ds)*EConB.uedF 1.$,o$turn$oJ$the$detector_$press$and$hold$the$0N/ 0FF$bugon$Ihile$in$the$measuring$mode.$A$ countdoIn$Iill$be$displayed$for$5$seconds_$and$ then$the$detector$Iill$beep$and$turn$oJ.$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Lis/*,A*:,4m,.*2etectable*:,4busFble Gases • Hydrogen$ • Propane$ • Methane$ • Mutane$ • Ethylene$ • Pentane$ • Methanol$ • 0ctane$ • Ethane$ • Ethanol$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ CombusBCle Gas Meter$Iill$alarm$at 10%$of$the$LEL$ PGFD$requires$SCMA$on$your$bacS$at 10%$of$the$LEL$ and$on$air$at .0%$of$the$LEL$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Hydrogen Sulfide*HIposure*Z)vels 0.11$-­‐$,his$is$the$odor$threshold.$0dor$is$unpleasant.$Sore$eyes.$ 2.6$-­‐$Strong$intense$odor_$but tolerable.$Prolonged$exposure$may$deaden$the$ sense of smell. 10-­‐.0$-­‐$Causes$painful$eye_$nose$and$throat irrita5on_$headaches_$fa5gue_$ irritability_$insomnia,$gastrointes5nal$disturbance_$loss$of$appe5te_$ diNN9ness.$Prolonged$exposure$may$cause$bronchi5s$and$pneumonia.$ 10-­‐100$-­‐$SicSeningly$sIeet smell$noted.$ 50$-­‐$May$cause$muscle$fa5gue_$ineamma5on$and$dryness$of$nose_$throat and$ tubes$leading$to$the$lungs.$Exposure$for$one$hour$or$more$at levels$above$ 50$ppm$can$cause$severe$eye$5ssue$damage.$Long-­‐term$exposure$can$ cause$lung$disease.$ 100-­‐150$-­‐$Loss$of$smell_$s5nging$of$eyes$and$throat.$Fatal$aler$m$to$2m$hours$of$ con5nuous$exposure.$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ Hydrogen Sulfide*HIposure*Z)vels (ConFnued) .00-­‐.50$-­‐$Nervous$system$depression$8headache_$diNN9ness$and$nausea are$ symptoms).$Prolonged$exposure$may$cause$euid$accumula5on$in$the$ lungs.$Fatal$in$2$to$m$hours$of$con5nuous$exposure.$ .50-­‐600$-­‐$Pulmonary$edema 8lungs$[ll$Iith$euid_$foaming$in$mouth_$ chemical$damage$to$lungs).$ 100$-­‐$May$cause$muscle$cramps_$loI$blood$pressure$and$unconsciousness$ aer$.0$minutes.$ 100$to$500$-­‐$ppm$may$be$fatal$in$1$to$2$hours$of$con5nuous$exposure.$ 500$-­‐$ParalyNes$the$respiratory$system$and$overcomes$vic5m$almost instantaneously.$Death$aler$exposure$of$10$to$60$minutes.$ n00$-­‐$Paralysis$of$the$nervous$system.$ 1000$-­‐$Immediately$fatal.$$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ GIygen Levels .1%-­‐$Normal$ 19.5%-­‐$Can$Normally$Func5on$ 1.$to$19.5%-­‐$Shortness$of$breath_$headache_$diNN9ness_$ quicSened$pulse_$eJorts$fa5gue$quicSly_$muscular$ coordina5on$for$sSilled$movements$lost $ 10$to$1.%-­‐$Nausea and$vomi5ng$exer5on$impossible_$ paralysis$of$mo5on$$ 6$to$10%-­‐$Collapse$and$unconsciousness$occurs$$ 0$to$6%-­‐$Death$in$6$to$m$minutes$$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ 4 MulFN7as 2etector Alarm Points Ga%*2)tected Range Alarm Alarm Level STEL TWA Level 1 2 Flammable$$ ?$'o 100% 10% LEL$ 20% LEL$ n/a n/a LEL Oxygen$ ?$'o 30 % 23.5 % 19.5 n/a n/a Carbon$ ?$'o 999 1j$Cpm 100 ppm 100 ppm 1j$Cpm Monoxide$ ppm$ Hydrogen$ ?$'o 250 )?$Cpm )j$Cpm )j$Cpm )?$Cpm Sulfide$ ppm$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$ STEL and TWA ,he$S,EL$and$,hA$levels$are$not for$our$purposes$ of$determining$concentra5ons.$,hey$are$there$to$ determine$total$exposure_$mainly$for$industrial$ use. S,EL-­‐$Short-­‐term$Exposure$Limit ,hA-­‐$,ime$heighed$Average$ 11/22/09 Gas$Meters$.
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