The Kommandeur Volume 55 Number 1 Publication of AHIKS February 2020 Serious Problem on the Horizon for AHIKS As you read in the last issue of the newsletter, our Web Site Manager, Tom Thornsen, is planning to step down. This may not sound very important, but the Web Site Manager completes several important functions. He registers new members, issues and changes passwords for our members, posts the newsletter on the AHIKS web site, makes repairs to the web site that occur occas ion- ally. Unfortunately, none of the other officers has the skill to do these things. Undoubtedly, there is at least a handful of AHIKS members who could do the job. If you would like more information, such as “ How much time does the job take? ”, feel free to contact Tom Thornsen: email:
[email protected]; or phone: 631 - 472 - 3566. He lives in Holbrook, NY. In the present age, a computer is essential. Were AHIKS to lose its computer access, it is hard to picture the results. If yo u a re unwilling or unable to perform these computer tasks, perhaps you could lend a suggestion. From Your President Bob Best Today is Friday January 31, 2020. As you can see from the camaraderie of fellow members. We need to have a webmaster headlines of our newsletter, AHIKS is in need of a replacement to support its operation and keep AHIKS functioning. webmaster to take over for Tom Thornsen. Tom has given no- 2020 is also an election year for the Executive Committee tice that he will be leaving the webmaster's job later this year to Officers.