Bolingbroke Deanery

JULY 2019 ISSUE 517

• Mission Statement The is called by God to be faithful, confident and joyful.

• Vision Statement To be a healthy, vibrant and sustainable church, transforming lives in Greater 50p



Principal Service

Sunday 7 July 3rd Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading 2 Kings 5.1-14 Isaiah 66.10-14 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 30 Psalm 66.10-14 Second Reading Galatians 6. [1-6] 7-16 Gospel Luke 10.1-11, 16-20

Sunday 14th July 4th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Amos 7.7-end Deuteronomy 30.9-14 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 82 Psalm 25.1-10 Second Reading Colossians 1.1-14 Gospel Luke 10.25-37

Sunday 21st July 5th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Amos 8.1-12 Genesis 18.1-10a Psalm/Canticle Psalm 52 Psalm 15 Second Reading Colossians 1.15-28 Gospel Luke 10.38-end

Sunday 28th July 6th Sunday after Trinity (Green) Continuous: Related: First Reading Hosea 1.2-10 Genesis 18.20-32 Psalm/Canticle Psalm 85 [or 85.1-7] Psalm 138 Second Reading Colossians 2.6-15 [16-19] Gospel Luke 11.1-13

Front cover photo courtesy of Raithby church 2


What does a call from God feel like? The Revd Liz Brown (Acting Director of Ordinands & Vocations) looks back at a well-received Vocations Day...

What does a call from God feel like? That was the question occupying the 30+ people who attended the annual Vocations Day at St Luke’s, Birchwood in Lincoln. The day was designed to allow people who believe God could be calling them to something new and deeper to meet with others, share their experiences and hear about some of the possible ministries available in the Church of .

From the outset we hoped to make it clear that when we talk about vocations we don’t have a mental picture of a big iced bun with priesthood as the cherry on the top. The wide variety of ministries open to people is something we haven’t always been good at communicating, so this day was put together with the intention of being about vocation, rather than specifically about ordination.

We heard from people whose vocations had led them in many different directions and included those who were certain their calling was to a lay ministry. Dr Sally Buck, Warden of Lay Ministry, and I shared something of own own respective discernment journeys, one to a calling to minister from within a lay context and the other to ordained ministry. We also heard from a distinctive deacon, an authorised lay minister, a priest who had experienced ministry as an ordained local minister and as a stipendiary minister, and from somebody who was just about to go to a Bishop’s Advisory Panel, describing going through the discernment process in our diocese. We heard from an oblate of an Anglican Benedictine community, who discussed the possibility of closer connection with a religious community or the religious life itself. There was ample time for asking questions and also time for people to get into smaller groups and discuss their own experiences.

For many people attending the day, the opportunity to hear from others in a similar situation was particularly valuable. Finding there were other people asking questions like “What? Me?” and “But surely I’m not good enough?” or “What if I’m imagining it?” can be very reassuring and it makes it easier to be brave enough to say how we feel without worrying that we’ll look silly. For many people considering a licensed ministry, the training involved can be a source of anxiety. “How long will it last?”, “Will I cope?”, “It’s 3 been years since I did any study”, “I’m not really very academic”. The Principal of Lincoln School of Theology, the Revd Dr Sally Myers, is used to dealing with concerns like these, and after lunch she led an excellent session which showed everybody that theological learning can be non- threatening and enjoyable.

The value of the day was most obvious in the change of atmosphere as it progressed. At the beginning there was some apprehension and nervousness as people wondered at what to expect, but by the end of the day there was a relaxed and positive atmosphere in the room, with several people asking what their next steps should be.

More details on possible next steps may be obtained by contacting the DDO’s office via [email protected] or by calling 01522 50 40 29.

Group Registers: Funerals: Cluster Arnold Richard Boyall 89 years Spilsby died 29.04.19 Denise Kathryn Paling 53 years Spilsby died 02.05.19 June Ingamells 75 years Spilsby died 11.05.19

Marden Hill Cluster Julia Katie Baxter baby West Keal died 16.05.19 Joan Coppen 97 years West Keal died 06.06.19

South Ormsby Group Evelyn Frost 99 years died 14.05.19

Weddings: Spilsby Cluster Mark Andrew Barratt & Jodie Patricia Wingfield Spilsby 01.06.19 Adam Toyn & Laura May Simpson 22.06.19

Partney Cluster Jonathon Peter Ranby Nuttall & Roxana Elizabeth Alavi Dalby 22.06.19

Baptisms: Skickney Cluster Harry Thomas Webster Stickney 09.06.19


Spilsby Cluster Paige Olivia Holden Spilsby 02.06.19

Partney Cluster Logan John Paul Dalby 01.06.19

Dates for the Diary July 6th Learning Communities at 6th Stickney Gift Day and visit from the Cyclists 6th Mid-summer Madness, church clean & BBQ 6th Flower Festival, 10am-5pm 7th East Kirkby Flower Festival 10am – Songs of Praise at 4pm 10th Diocesan Synod 11th Hundleby Teas and book exchange, 3-5pm 11th PCC, 2.30pm 11th Confirmation service at St James, 7pm 13th West Keal Strawberry Teas, 3pm 14th Deanery Gazebo at Spilsby Show 16th Home Communion at The Old Rectory, Stickney 18th Churches Festival conference, St James Church Louth 19th Toyntons PCC meeting, 2pm 20th summer fair, 2-4pm 21st Stickney Show 27th St James’ Fayre, 10am-12noon 30th PCC

August 3rd Garden Party 10th Crafter’s coffee morning at St James, 10am-1pm 10th Lusby Church teas 11th Lusby Church teas 17th Raithby Garden Party 20th HOP coach trip to Ely 20th Home Communion at The Old Rectory, Stickney 27th U3A visiting St James 29th Stickney PCC 31st & Lincolnshire Wolds & Coast Churches Festival 1st Sept


A very big thank you to everyone who helped in any way to raise over £1100 at St Mary’s, Hundleby summer fayre. It is very much appreciated – especially as the weather forecast was mixed! 5


Over recent weeks I have been encouraged to look back: – • within my Diocesan Role as Mission Action Planning Advisor as I write a report about the effectiveness of the Mission Action Plans produced to date, • within my role as a priest as we attended the Clergy Gathering, where we went to consider our original calling, and how it is now, • and even beyond my lifetime, as I travel to Launde Abbey to celebrate 900 years of being a Religious Foundation (and yes, this is how I choose to use some of my Annual Leave!)

Looking back is no bad thing. Sometimes it is good to see just how far we have come both as individuals and as a society. Sometimes, by looking back we can learn from the mistakes of the past so that we do not repeat them. Sometimes, by looking back, we can see just how God has worked and still is working in our lives.

But looking back is not the same, and must never be the same as living in the past. A few years ago, English Heritage started to introduce a number of living history weekends, and I really enjoyed going to them – but I also enjoyed coming away from them into the modern world and looking ahead with hope – if we have come this far, who knows how much further we might travel. Lets use our imaginations to see where God is leading us.

Just about 3 years ago, Stickford Church held a flower festival. As the arrangements were being set up, people in the community were astounded that, in order to get water, we have to transport them to the Community Centre and carry it back in containers. In this day and age, water, and toilets, are becoming essentials in our Churches. But the community did not stop there – they got on and started raising the money, in such a way that the Church was able to secure grant funding based on the positive support of the local community. And now, the work has begun, with toilets and a servery being installed this month. Congratulations to everyone involved, particularly those who looked forward with hope.

Raithby Village Hall Whist Drives

Coffee Morning Hundleby Parish Room We always meet on the first 3rd Tuesday each month 7.00pm Tuesday of every month. We are looking for new members. Our next monthly Why not come along and join us? coffee morning is on Cost £2.50 to include tea, coffee

and biscuits and raffle. Tuesday 2nd July

from 10.30 - 12.00 We look forward to seeing you



“Francis Drake’s Prayer” Disturb us, Lord, when We are too well pleased with ourselves, When our dreams have come true Because we have dreamed too little, When we arrived safely Because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, Lord, when With the abundance of things we possess We have lost our thirst For the waters of life; Having fallen in love with life, We have ceased to dream of eternity And in our efforts to build a new earth, We have allowed our vision Of the new Heaven to dim. Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, To venture on wider seas Where storms will show your mastery; Where losing sight of land, We shall find the stars. We ask You to push back The horizons of our hopes; And to push into the future In strength, courage, hope, and love.

The Clergy of our Diocese were recently invited to a “Gathering” at Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln. We were privileged to be joined by Bishop Victoria Matthews who has served both in her native Canada and in New Zealand as a Diocesan Bishop. She used the prayer above which has been attributed to Francis Drake but even if it is not clear that he wrote it I feel it has important things form us to hear and to speak from our hearts.

Bishop Victoria has had an eventful career and in particular when she was in Christchurch at the time of earthquake. It was fascinating to hear that Just like Paris the destruction of the Cathedral had such a profound effect on the community, believer and non-believer alike. She had quite a task in insisting that people come before buildings but it was really good to hear that the temporary replacement building is used for all the community and the carboard cross hangs in the midst of all that activity.


+Victoria also reminded us of the centrality of the Eucharist to our lives and reminded us that in every conceivable circumstances Christians known the presence of God with us by celebrating the Eucharist. From the trenches to the greatest Cathedral.

As on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday we celebrate the gift of the Holy Communion “Corpus Christi” I would like to share a little of the thinking of Dom Gregory Dix, 1901 – 1952 who opened up the Church to look again at the wonder of this eternal meal and whom +Victoria quoted.

“What was fixed and immutable everywhere in the second century was the outline or Shape of the Liturgy, what was done. What our Lord instituted was not a ‘service’, something said, but an action, something done – or rather the continuance of a traditional Jewish action, but with a new meaning, to which he attached a consequence. The new meaning was that henceforward this action was to be done ‘for the anamnesis of Me’; the consequence was that ‘This is My Body’ and ‘This cup is the New Covenant in My Blood’.” (Dix, 1986: 214-215).

“ … of ‘re-calling’ or ‘re-presenting’ before God an event in the past, so it becomes here and now operative by its effects.” (Dix, 1986: 161).

“The blessed Bread is broken that it may be shared, and ‘we being many’ made ‘one Body’; the blessed Cup is delivered that it may be a ‘partaking of the Blood of Christ’” (Dix, 1986: 1).

DEANERY CONFIRMATION EUCHARIST Thursday 11th July 7.00pm With Bishop Rob Giullian

Bishop Rob is serving in the diocese as an Assistant Bishop, and he has most recently been serving as Diocesan Bishop of Riverina, New South Wales, Australia.

Hope to see you there.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC 8


The singing of Land of hope and glory, Jerusalem and Rule Brittania could be heard in the upstairs lounge of Eresby Hall on St George's day, April 23rd, after the residents' flower arranging group had completed their displays. Two Union Jacks were placed in the centre of the display and red, white and blue flowers were arranged around them. Lesley, the new activities co-ordinator and Zoe, the Manager, seemed very impressed.

Fiona and her therapy dog, Maggie, visited the Hall for the first time in May. Fiona and Maggie went to Crufts this year for the first time to show the work done by these specially trained dogs. Maggie is used to being patted and stroked and when Maggie and Fiona went to Eresby for their interview it was the carers as much as the residents who wanted to stroke her.

Sainsburys are supporting the Hall by donating all the flowers that cannot be sold and three dates are being arranged by them for help in the Community to paint fences and tidy the garden. Thank you.

All Wrapped Up coffee shop is organising a raffle to raise money for the hiring of a mini bus to take the residents out for the day. Nine residents recently went to the Kinema in the Woods to see Mary Poppins 2. Plans are being made for visits to the Parrot Sanctuary and East Kirkby Aviation Centre and a Summer Fete is being organised to raise money for these events.


The Eresby Arms pub has been closed for a time but at a recent meeting one of the volunteers offered to open it up again so that residents could have a drink and play dominoes. Another new activity started by a volunteer is the building of a dolls' house. There's a lot happening at Eresby Hall. Anyone is welcome to visit or Volunteer.

The week of June 3rd was Volunteers' week and some of the volunteers went to Doddington Hall for afternoon tea when they were thanked officially for all their hard work. Cards were sent to other volunteers which said “Our wonderful volunteers make a huge contribution to the lives of our residents. They are happier, busier and have more fun because of you. Thank you for everything you do for them.” The volunteers continue to hold coffee mornings to raise money for the Hall. Look out for posters in the town advertising the various events.


A big thank you to all those who delivered envelopes and then collected them in and to those who arranged to hold events to benefit Christian Aid. The total amount raised this year and which has been passed on to Christian Aid was £1442.49. Last year the total was £2042.09.

Individual amounts were as follows:

Aswardby 40.00 17.15 East Keal 120.00 East Kirkby 62.00 Halton Holegate 106.33 Hundleby 150.00 Partney 70.00 Raithby 46.50 30.00 148.32 Spilsby 372.19 Stickney Cluster 220.00 Vicarage 60.00 TOTAL £1442.49



Wednesday 3rd July at 2.30pm Meet at Hundleby Parish Rooms for Hundleby history talk and 1.5 mile circular walk around Hundleby followed by free refreshments at Parish Rooms. Walk sponsored by Magna Vitae.

Tuesday 27th August at 10am Meet on roadside near Skendleby Church for 4 mile circular walk

Monday 9th September at 2pm Meet at Franklin Statue in Spilsby for 5mile circular walk

Friday 18th October at 11am Meet at Toynton Village Hall for 2 mile historic walk around Toynton

Please wear suitable footwear No Dogs Please For further details please telephone:- Stef 01205 270312 Gill 01790 754797


Saturday 6th July, 10am – 5pm Sunday 7th July – 10am – 4pm Songs of Praise

A Year of Lincolnshire Wildlife and Flowers

Refreshments Tombola


Every Friday morning in the Victory Hall, Partney

9.30am to noon

Come for coffee, tea, cake and a chat!

All proceeds to Partney School, St Nicholas Church and the Victory Hall


St Andrew’s Church,


10.30am In St Andrew’s Church

9th & 23rd July



Wednesday 10th July

Franklin Hall at 2.00pm

Speaker: Hannah Sylvester

‘A First Aid Kit in your back garden.’



Teas and Book Exchange

Every Second Thursday of the Month

Parish Rooms, Hundleby 2pm until 4pm.

Thursday 11th July, 8 August & 12 September

New books added each month. All Welcome

Bring your books to exchange or just come and enjoy good company and teas

St Helen’s West Keal


Saturday 13 July

3pm – 5pm

 Bell ringing  Bookstall  Quiz

Donations welcome

Enquiries to Valerie 01754 890016


SPILSBY SHOW – 14th July

The Deanery Gazebo and displays will be at Spilsby Show. Offers of help to man the stall during the day will be gratefully accepted even if it’s just for an hour or so. Just let Christine King or Jane in the Deanery Office know when you can help. So far we are having displays on the Lincolnshire Wolds & Coast Churches Festival and Lincolnshire Churches Trust Ride and Stride and bellringing. We will also have the fun craft table for young and old! It’s not too late to say if you have any other thoughts or ideas. We will also be having a seating area so people can just sit and take it all in or have a chat with those around them (maybe even be offered refreshment).


Brinkhill Open Gardens Sunday 21st July 2pm – 5pm Information leaflet and tickets available at St Philip’s Church, £3.50 per person

Teas, Plant Stall and Raffle of local produce at the church

Proceeds to be shared between Young Minds and the church

Halton Holegate 100 Club May Winners May June P Carpenter J Ashman D Hearn V Short A Holmes J Dennett M Clare J Crust 14


Happy voices and smiles started the Family service when Reverend Joan Thornett asked the congregation to say Good Morning to at least two other people and pass on their good wishes as the theme of the service was ‘Pass It On’. The smiles continued when Jane and Margaret gave the person at the front of the Church a ball of wool. They were told to hold on to the end and then pass the ball along the pew and finish at the back of the Church so everyone was linked together which is what happens when love and kindness is passed on. The person at the back of the Church then wound the wool back into a ball but once love and kindness has been passed on it cannot be taken back. The congregation were then asked to shake hands and share The Peace.

Peter read a poem and Martha said a prayer which she had written. Jane and Alan read the lessons. The seven children and thirty adults were reminded that June 9th is Whit Sunday or Pentecost and how Jesus passed on the gift of the Holy Spirit to the disciples. Reverend Joan then talked about Jesus's wish for Unity and not uniformity and how God's love challenges and enables us to live in unity. We must remember the love that God gave us and we must pass it on.

The next Family service will be on Sunday July 7th at 10.00am. Everyone welcome!

COFFEE MORNINGS Are now every Saturday 10am to 12 noon

27 July will be our Fayre to celebrate St James’ Patronal Day. Stalls, fun games and prizes to be won. Come and join the fun and have a coffee, cake and chat!

10 August – Crafter’s Coffee Morning, 10am – 1pm. Come and see the crafter’s at work and have the opportunity to ask questions as well as buy yourself a treat! If anyone likes doing a craft and would like to have a stall please let Jane know 01790 754803



I pass through the portals The worn, ancient pews the great carved arched door each fashioned with care and imagine the old folk by the hands of old craftsmen who have walked through before. who once laboured there. I glance up above At this beautiful church eyes glistening with love in wonder I gaze, to where celestial choirs with its battle-scarred stonework of children have sung. now mellowed with age. I stand here alone An errant tear slips 'midst the cold, grey stone, down my saddened face though now stark and bare for a long since treasured its beauty remains unimpaired. bygone age. I stand here alone Here, where I feel at peace, in God's own home, here, where serenity reigns, as his presence I feel here, where I find release it is reverence to kneel. from the world and all of its pain. This historical retreat I will go now outside that I love so much, and walk tree shaded grounds the stations of the cross where the founders of this church that I lovingly touch. sleep peacefully sound. The sacred altar is simple, The weathered old stones the scent of flowers fills the air, sunken deep in the earth old threadbare linen, immaculate, each add to its beauty from many hours of loving care. for 'tis nature's own work. A silent prayer offered The sun fading fast as at the altar I kneel, sinks low in the west, I sense a strange but spiritual ancient stone bathed in crimson, aura, perfect peace, so picturesque. so intense and ethereal. Dear battered old church I light a lone candle, we will take care of you a candle of prayer through many a long century to the Blessed mother and infant you’ve stood steadfast and true. who bide with me there. Standing battleworn and weary Just a solitary candle our heritage you own with soft light it glows and with God’s help you’ll stand where once myriad candles for centuries to come. burned For ‘tis here I feel safe, long years ago. here where I feel no hurt, The Chalice is gleaming, I am free from all harm there stands the old wooden in this Blessed old church. Cross to remind us that our Dear Lord Ema Fields suffered and died for all of us. 16

Falling in Love

For the last three days I have been at the Diocesan Clergy Gathering. It all sounds rather grand but it was an opportunity to sit and listen, to share, to remember, to revisit our calling. There were most of the clergy from our diocese there, all of us very different yet the the thing that we definately had in common was our love for God. One of the questions we were presented with, and there were many, yet none so profound as "could we remember when we fell in love with Jesus?" I can hear you say "that's a bit personal" and you're right, but that is just the point. It was about remembering the moment when it all changed for us.

That of course is not unique to Clergy; all are called by God to be his followers, yet not everyone responds to that still small voice of God. Reflection is always a good thing, it helps us take stock, to reasses where we are in our spiritual life. The important thing of course is not only to reflect but to learn from what comes out of the time reflecting, and to move on. The Lord is always there encouraging us to step out in faith, to try new ways of being a kingdom follower. That stepping out needs real courage and confidenece. We might think, "What on earth could I do; surely I could not make a difference?" We need to have confidence, not confidence in our own abilities, but confidence in the one we serve, the courage being supplied by God's Holy Spirit.

If we feel called to do something for The Lord, why not ask others to pray about it, and if it feels right even talk to someone about it; who knows where it may lead?

Blessings Teresa

HOP Trip This summer the Hundleby Outreach Project (HOP) has hired a coach to visit Ely on Tuesday 20th August. The coach leaves Hundleby at 8.30am and also will pick up in Spilsby. We will return by 6.30pm. Adults are £13, children £5. Please contact Jane on 01790 752541 for more information.


More Newhome thoughts on Computers

Well so far I have seen no sign of the new Windows 10 version, that I mentioned last month, being pushed our way. I can say that I have been encouraging one of my machines to go and get anything going but so far no sign of it.

What I have seen is that some Windows 10 machines, even those with fast drives, boot up fine and tell you that there is internet and that the whole network is up and running fine. Problem is, its lying, there network appears to be up and running but there is no internet. The solution is easy, wait, it will take about two minutes and then everything is absolutely fine. This is really just an annoying problem but one that I have not yet found the solution too. I mention it here as it might be one that you have and are wondering what is next. My attitude is that with the new release so close it might just disappear or get to be a problem that can be easier identified. So wait and see. There is enough real problems in life without chasing down a minor hold up.

Most of us are aware that some of the strangest problems with any computer, including your iPad or phone, can be cured by switching it off and restarting it. Well with all of the quick start and sleep facilities on machines nowadays it is worth pointing out that this generally only works if you can shut the machine down completely. The problem is finding out how to do this. One way if you have a laptop is to remove the mains power and the battery if that is possible. Modern laptops often have the battery hidden inside. With all devices, once it is started you need to go to the power control sections in the control panel (Windows) or settings (Android). There you will find how to turn off the quick start functions or force a complete restart. This is always the slowest way to start the machine so don't be surprised if it does not start as quick as normal. That is what you want. It needs to forget everything it thinks it knows and start again from scratch. Much like 'Pulling the plug' which will work if you still use a PC.

In any case, just remember that if you see your computer misbehaving that is it reminding you to back up your information. “I can and will go wrong, sometimes without warning”. There is no excuse now. Memory sticks are cheap, and most people can use copy and paste or have a tame teenager at hand who will pull a face and have it done before you have finished asking.




‘Let me think, who am I? Do I live at 10 Downing Street?’ Congratulations – Phyllis Pape

Just for laughs! ‘Note to self…’ – James Forrester

‘I have never been the one for paper hats!’ – Veronica Stonehouse

‘Am I Catweazle? Am I Cat Balou? Oh I hate this stupid game!’ – June Fitz Gibbon


Please send your captions, by 14th July to

‘Caption Competition’ The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF

or email to [email protected] 19

“Hundleby, this is who we are” Hundleby is taking part in the Lincolnshire Wolds and East Coast Churches Festival on the weekend of Saturday 31st August and Sunday 1st September. We are showcasing our villages volunteer and group activities in the church with refreshments and games. Come along and find out more about the glue that holds our village together or just enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

Ride & Stride

14th September 2019

This annual event is the main fund-raising activity for the Lincolnshire Churches Trust.

The Lincolnshire Churches Trust provides grant funding to churches in the Lincoln Diocese. In 2017, 17 projects received funding totalling £70,000.00. Some of the churches benefiting were Stickford, and .

In 2018 the Bolingbroke Deanery raised a total of £1613.00 with 50% of this paid to the L.C.T.

This figure was raised from only 9 parishes within our Deanery, and it would be wonderful if more parishes could become involved in this worthwhile activity.

There are many ways in which parishes can become involved. If just one person, or a group of people, from each parish or church could endeavour to become involved it would help to boost the funds raised. People can walk, cycle, ride a horse – on roads, bridleways or footpaths – not necessarily covering vast distances or visiting lots of churches, but just getting out and enjoying the wonderfully varied and beautiful landscape this county has to offer.


You don't have to stick to the Bolingbroke Deanery – boundaries can be crossed – drive a few miles away from your local area and plan a route somewhere you've never walked/cycled/ridden – see different churches – such an array of amazing architecture – the quirky, the cute, the stunning, the peaceful.

This may be one of the few days that a lot of churches are actually unlocked/open – take advantage of this – meet the people – sit and admire the views – take a picnic – and maybe an umbrella (you never know). Whatever you decide to do, I am sure you will receive a warm welcome, and maybe even a cup of tea and piece of cake for your efforts.

On the day of the event it is hoped that participating churches will have posters displayed, indicating their involvement. This can also attract other visitors/passing traffic, who may wish to stop and take this opportunity to visit your church. A manned church is always a bonus. Having done the event ourselves for a few years, it is always lovely to see people at our destinations, even if it is only for a couple of minutes to get our forms signed.

You don't have to man the church for the whole time, as this can be challenging, especially for some of our smaller rural communities, but maybe an hour or two here and there. If churches cannot be manned then perhaps a sheet where people can sign their names/times would be helpful. This year we have also provided 'we are sorry – church is unmanned' labels which can be made available in the porch or inside your open church.

Please make use of all the resources available - which will be given to your local parish organiser - if we don't advertise/promote the event, people will not know about it. Even if it is just a 'different' poster appearing in a window, on a wall, on a notice board – it can make all the difference. Maybe even get your local school involved?

If you would like any more information please get in touch or stop by the Bolingbroke Deanery gazebo at the Spilsby Show on July 14th. Christine King Ride & Stride coordinator for the Bolingbroke Deanery Tel: 01790 752660 Email: [email protected]



East Keal, East Kirkby, , , , Mavis Enderby, , Lusby, Old Bolingbroke, , Toynton St. Peter, West Keal Eastville, Midville, , Stickford, Stickney


7th July 3rd Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Old Bolingbroke 11.15am Service of the Word at Toynton All Saints 11.15am Eucharist at West Keal 3.00pm Flower Festival Songs of Praise at East Keal 4.00pm

14th July 4th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at East Keal 9.30am Service of the Word at Hagworthingham 11.15am

21st July 5th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Old Bolingbroke 9.30am Service of the Word service at West Keal 11.15am Eucharist service at East Kirkby 3.00pm Eucharist service at Hagworthingham 6.00pm

28th July 6th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at East Kirkby 9.30am Eucharist service at 11.15am

Marden Hill Cluster June Lottery Winners

1st No.9 A Cooper 2nd No.29 R C Lingard

Toynton All Saints June Lottery Winners

1st No.32 F Carr 2nd No.34 K Cash 3rd No.11 R L Pape As usual…many thanks to all our subscribers for this essential fundraising. Alf Tunnicliffe, Lottery Organiser



Eastville, Midville, New Leake, Stickford, Stickney


7th July 3rd Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Stickford 9.30am

14th July 4th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Stickney 11.15am

21st July 5th Sunday after Trinity Service at Stickney Show 12.00pm Eucharist service at East Kirkby 3.00pm

28th July 6th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist at Stickford 11.15am Eucharist at New Leake 3.00pm

Morning Prayer s

every Thursday morning at 9.15am at St Luke's, Stickney followed by a coffee morning at 10.00am



Ashby by Partney, , Candlesby, Dalby, Langton w , Partney, , Scremby, Skendleby


7th July 3rd Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Partney 11.15am Service of the Word at Scremby 3.00pm

14th July 4th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Candlesby 9.30am Eucharist service at Skendleby 11.15am

21st July 5th Sunday after Trinity Service of the Word at Aswardby 9.30am Service of the Word at Partney 11.15am

28th July 6th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Langton 11.15am Service of the Word at Sausthorpe 11.15am

Time of Prayer

Every Tuesday, 12 noon at St Nicholas, Partney

Every Wednesday, 12 noon at St Peter & St Paul, Skendleby



Bag Enderby, Brinkhill, , , , Harrington, Haugh, , Maidenwell, , , , Somersby, South Ormsby, & .


7th July 3rd Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Harrington 9.30am

14th July 4th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at South Ormsby 9.30am

21st July 5th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Somersby 9.30am

28th July 6th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Ruckland/Farforth 9.30am

Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 10.00am

at St Philip’s Church Hall, Brinkhill

Time of Prayer every Monday and Thursday 12 noon

at St Mary’s Tetford



St James Spilsby, St Mary Hundleby, Holy Trinity Raithby, All Saints Great Steeping, and the three St Andrew’s: Halton Holegate, Little Steeping &


7th July 3rd Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 8.00am Eucharist service at Hundleby 9.30am All Age Family service at Spilsby 10.00am Service of the Word at Raithby 11.15am

9th July Eucharist service at Firsby 10.30am

14th July 4th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Service of the Word at Hundleby 11.15am Eucharist service at Great Steeping 3.00pm

21st July 5th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Halton Holegate 11.15am Service of the Word at Firsby 3.00pm

28th July 6th Sunday after Trinity Eucharist service at Spilsby 9.30am Eucharist service at Little Steeping 9.30am

Daily Prayer: 8.00am Daily at St James Spilsby Wednesday: 10.30am St James Eucharist

Coffee and Prayer Socials Raithby every 3rd Sunday at 9.30am Hundleby every 4th Sunday at 9.30am Great Steeping every 4th Sunday at 3.00pm



On Monday 5th August at Willow Rise, Skendleby 6.00pm

Games, Tombola, Cake Stall, Bring and Buy

Proceeds for Church funds

St James’ Church - 10 August Crafter’s Coffee Morning 10am – 1pm.

Are you a crafter?

Would you like to show your craft to others?

We are having a coffee morning where crafter’s can gather to show their craft to others.

If you would like to join us please contact Jane on 01790 754803


Tickets £10 including Buffet Bring your own drink and glasses

Tickets from Maralyn 01790 752169 and Valerie 01790 763778

Raffle and Tombola

Popular Entertainer Karl Bird will be Singing songs of the time

All proceeds for the evening will go to ST HELEN'S CHURCH EAST KEAL


“Are you sitting comfortable? Then I will begin.” Last year I wrote my first children’s book ‘Barty and Darcy.’ It was published as an e- book in January of this year. Reviewers from the likes of Amazon, Apple Books, NetGalley and Goodreads have described the book as “cute’ – ‘A lovely story.’ – ‘A book which I read with excitement.’ (this was from a mother reading it to her 3years old daughter.) These reviews which can be substantiated by the above organisations, are from customers all over the world, especially the UK and the USA. Many of the reviewers are teachers and librarians who have recommended it highly for reading.

Aimed at the age range 6 to 10 years old, it is being read to children much younger, some as low as 3 years old. It is also being read by adults. The story is “cute” but it also has a meaning. The cost is only £1.99 and can be read on an iPad, a Laptop, a Tablet, or an iPhone. Visit, Kindle, Books, Goodreads or Troubador Publishing and buy at the low price. Let the young ones read it or read it to them. Believe me, they will love it! Thanks for reading this. Mo Bird – email [email protected] you can contact me on Facebook at Maurice Bird, (Lincoln, Lincolnshire.)

Can’t work these new fangle gadgets? Get someone you know to help you to buy it, don’t let your kids, your nieces and nephews or grandchildren miss out. Make someone happy!

Denise & Andy welcome you to:

HERON LODGE, Mavis Enderby, Nr. Spilsby

Relax close to nature in our 3 bed, 2 bath, self catering detached bungalow. Set in 23 acres of woodland, meadow and lakes, a haven for wildlife. Private exclusive fishing included. Sleeps 5/7. Children 12+ only. No pets.

Tel: 01790 378213 or 07502 044319

5% Off all services with this Advert when quoting Grape Vine




General Maintenance of JULY Home and Garden 4th Welcome to our School Play - 6th written by local script writer Emily Painting – Interior and exterior Clegg and is a joint Hambledon/Playgoers production. Fencing 13th West End versus Broadway Hedge trimming and tree work presented by Louth Playgoers with over 30 songs from both Bathroom and kitchen fitting sides of the Atlantic. Tiling Performances at 2.30 and 7.30pm 27th Sarah Munro Angel Road Tour. All maintenance jobs considered Following her sold-out shows at the Pizza Express Jazz Club,

Sarah brings her intimate show to Louth Riverhead Theatre.

Mobile 07422 515681 Box Office 01507 600350

Email: [email protected] Now booking on line


Local Builder/Decorator

Over 30 years experience Massage Therapist in the building trade Tel: 07500 946611

• Full Body Massage/Deep Tissue All aspects of Property Maintenance Massage • Back, neck & shoulders massage undertaken • Head, neck & arm massage

NO JOB TOO SMALL! • Seated Acupressure chair massage • Indian Head Massage • Thai foot massage Telephone: 01790 753253 • Facial Rejuvenation or 07875 643 851 • Hot Stones for a • Spa wraps FREE NO OBLIGATION ESTIMATE • Warm Bamboo

PHIL WHITE • Myofascial Release 73 Halton Road • Nutrition Advice Spilsby Any treatments can be tailor made to fit Lincs requirements PE23 5LD Email: [email protected] The Lodge, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PF




~ painting ~ ~ wallpapering ~ ~ tiling ~

07432 563722 01205 480434 [email protected]

Any size jobs considered

Free no obligation quote

BTEC Level 2 Painting and Decorating

RAITHBY VILLAGE HALL Planning a wedding, a party or just PRIVATE HIRE a family get together? Book our historic village hall for your

Looking for a venue? private function or for a meeting, lecture, or regular classes.

Look no further Full kitchen facilities, crockery and glassware with seating and tables for TOYNTON VILLAGE HALL up to 50-60 people.

❖ available for hire Disabled facilities

❖ up to 120 catered for Our rate is just £7.50 per hour, with ❖ excellent kitchen facilities special weekend rates for weddings ❖ fully heated. and reduced rates for regular bookings.

For charges and to book call Contact Hall Manager Sindy Prince on 01790 754020 or 01790 752249 07780 220913 or find us on Facebook or email [email protected]


Horncastle McTimoney Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic, Ultrasound, Remedial Therapy + Massage Treatments for: Back Pain Neck Pain Joint Pain Sports Injuries Daytime, evening and weekend appointments available

Lesley Rolfe DC, BSc, MMCA, MRCoC Established 25 years

Tel: 01507 527 085 37 High St, LN9 5HP General Chiropractic Council Registered No 00029

Julia’s “Happy Feet” Foot Health Practitioner Dip.FH. MCFHP. MAFHP Free Initial Consultation Routine Foot Care Finger & Toe Nail Trimmings Health Advice Ingrown Toe Nails Diabetic Foot care Athlete’s Foot Vascular & Neuro Assessment Cracked Heels Corn Removal Callus Reduction Providing care in the comfort of your own home Book for appointments with Julia Moore Tel: 01790 753161 07900 914897 32



Fenwold Veterinary Practice

Caring Compassionate and Professional Care for your Pets

Boston Road Heath Road 110 High Street SPILSBY PE23 5HD PE25 3ST LN12 1BG

Tel. 01790 752227 Tel. 01754 767444 Tel. 01507 478182


Partney Ray Ford Carpentry & Joinery Aided

Bespoke/Heritage Primary School

Mob: 07776 288639 • Beautiful rural setting on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds Tel: 01790 754006 • Only a couple of miles from Spilsby

• Distinctive Church School character 9 Winston Road, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5HJ • Strong links with our local community • Active Parent Association • Friendly, supportive, caring Staff and

Governing Body

• Unique opportunities for your child • Lots of extra-curricular activities

Eresby Hall is situated in Spilsby providing available resident ial care for older people offering high ‘A real small school family atmosphere’ quality long and short-term care and flexible day Come and judge for yourself! care in a homely environment. Our tea room is open: Maddison Lane, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4PX Tel: 01790 753319 Thursdays 10am–11.30pm Sundays 2pm–4pm Email: [email protected] Please contact Zoe Randall on 01790 752495 for more information. Headteacher: Mrs Sue Kay Registered charity no 1048355


The Compleat PAUL

Gardener Ltd We are, qualified gardeners working for domestic and EVERARD commercial clients throughout the area. REGISTERED PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTOR We have established an enviable reputation for our work and can THE BUNGALOW, TOYNTON FENSIDE, offer you a quality service backed SPILSBY, LINCS., PE23 5DB Telephone/Fax: 01790 753101 by garden design expertise Mobile: 07774 661017

We are also able to provide a Email: [email protected] total lawn-care package to give Est. 1973 – Time served City & Guilds you the emerald green lawn you Tradesman serving the area for forty have always wanted. years.

For further information and a free FOR ALL TYPES OF PLUMBING AND estimate – without obligation, HEATING REPAIRS AND HEATING please call CONTACT PAUL FOR FREE QUOTATIONS Mark Fort on 01790754479 AND INFORMATION

Jacky & Simon welcome you to



Tel: 01790 754970 Mobile: 07958 650927


Doing things good neighbours do…

If you need help or know of someone who would appreciate support please

contact: Telephone 07716 127186 or email [email protected] Simply leave your name, address and ‘phone number with brief details of the

help required and we will get back to you.


Domestic-Commercial-Agriculture 24Hr Electrician All Electrical work undertaken Check us out on, Facebook or

For a friendly and reliable service Call Blake on 07534262216-07496837860 Or Email us at [email protected]

HORNCASTLE EYE CARE NHS and Private Eye Examinations

Includes Digital Retinal Imaging

Budget to top designer frames

Single Vision spectacles from £19.95 complete Bifocals and Varifocals Pet Sitting, Dog Walking and from £59.95 complete Pet Taxiing in and around Repairs and on site glazing for a fast

the Spilsby area. service

Fully qualified & insured.

Contact—07766 954228 3-4 Market Place Horncastle [email protected] LN9 5HD Or Tel: 01507 526527 Find my page on Facebook [email protected]


J & J FUELS (BOSTON) Your local suppliers of

Domestic Heating Oil

& Farm Diesel ------Family owned and run for over 30 years. ------Prompt delivery Competitive prices Friendly service ------Contact us on

01205 760638 Anytime

All major credit cards accepted

Stephen Northgraves









White Cottage, Mill Lane, , Spilsby. PE23 4AJ

Tel: 01790 763791 Mobile: 07814 444533 39

Newhome Computers The ONE stop place for ALL of your COMPUTER issues.

New Number

01754 806 144 Same great service

New Number

Steve 01754 806 144

Or 01754 830 506 40

Garden Machinery  Kitchenware

Housewares  DIY  Tools Paint mixing now available

1 High Street, Spilsby ~ Tel: 01790 752548

ICB Fencing & Halton Holegate Church of England Groundworks Primary School All types of fencing work undertaken Halton Holegate is a good (Ofsted Ian Blackamore 2014) school with a friendly, family 07932 057580 atmosphere, encouraging children to 01790 756952 reach their full potential.

We are proud of our whole school community and invite you to make an appointment to look round and have a chat.

Head teacher – Andrew Leeman

Contact: Post & Rail, Picket, Close Board & Station Road, Halton Holegate, Stock Fencing, Equine fencing and Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5PB ménages. All types of timber gates 01790 752 575 supplied & fitted. [email protected] Manor Farm House, Main Road, or visit our website: East Keal, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 4AS


Family run independent company providing a personal memorial as a lasting tribute to a loved one in everlasting granite, slate, marble and stone

Visit our showroom: 110 Horncastle Road, Boston PE21 9HY Call us for a brochure: 01205 362652 or visit our website at:

Betty’s Sewing Box

Vesta House, Roman Bank, Skegness (next to bingo hall)


Alterations and Repairs

Tel Betty Lilley on (07593) 372104/(01790) 752071

MAGAZINE GRAPE VINE All copy for next month's issue to be with the Editor by the 14th of the month.

The Vicarage, Church Street, Spilsby, Lincs PE23 5EF

Email: [email protected]

Grape Vine Advertising

Prices per year 1 1 /8 page - £40 /4 page - £60

1 /2 page - £90 Full page - £160 42



Manor Care Home is a converted country house on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds. Constantly upgrading, we are able to offer the following:-

⚫ Residential care & Dementia ⚫ Friendly, caring staff ⚫ Respite and holiday care ⚫ Day care ⚫ Hairdressing and Chiropody service ⚫ Aromatherapy

⚫ Local library facilities ⚫ Weekly craft afternoons ⚫ Good home cooking with special diets catered for ⚫ Single, double and bed sitting rooms available ⚫ Fortnightly church service

For further information, or to call in for a coffee and an informal chat, contact

The Manager on 01790 763381 email: [email protected] Visitors always welcome Our Philosophy is: “To treat each resident as an individual; to care for with respect, privacy and dignity. To carry out tasks for that resident in the manner that, if able, they would do so for themselves”

MNM Pest Management

NPTA Accredited Technician

Problem with wasps, ants or flies moles, rats and mice?

Prompt, affordable, service, covering the Coast and Wolds in Agricultural, Commercial and Domestic Premises

Contact your local Technician, Mick Dales (RPPT) on: 01754 890637 or 07904 170033

Please call for any help and advice



For personal, caring and sympathetic service.

Family business established over 100 years.




Choice of Prepayment Plans – Private Chapels of Rest – 24 Hour Service.

16 St. John Street, Wainfleet, Telephone: 01754 880334

4 Church Street, Spilsby, Telephone 01790 754700

And 1, Sea Road, , Telephone 01754 873035


GM Electrical

Registered Domestic


For all domestic electrical work.

From the simplest of repairs to

complete re-wires.

Call Graham on 01754 830654

R & P or 0791 7058230 Part P Qualified, Fully Insured. Decorating Services For a friendly & professional All Painting and Decorating service. work undertaken.

Over 10 years experience.

For advice or quotation Ring Rob –

Office 01790 756877 Or Mobile 07950 244219






IN OUR EXTENSIVE SHOWROOM WE HAVE ON DISPLAY ➢ over 100 fridges and freezers ➢ over 40 washing machines and dryers ➢ over 40 cookers and over 40 ovens and hobs. ➢ vacuum cleaners ➢ microwave ovens ➢ cooker hoods ➢ all colours of kettle and toaster ➢ food mixers and fryers ➢ table lamps and light fittings



WE ALSO SELL • lots of different sorts of lamps including pearl light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and fittings • salt for water softeners • cooker hood filters and • spares for washing machines • plus lots of unusual bits and pieces


Due to redevelopment we have moved to a bigger showroom, more choice, better parking and not so far to come (What used to be Ashcroft Fabrics) We also have a Murdoch Troon kitchen display in our showroom




Acting The Rt. Rev. Tel: 01522 50 40 90 or 01522 534701 Team Vicar & Office: Edward King House, Minster Yard, Curate to South Ormsby Group Lincoln LN2 1PU The Rev’d Teresa McLaughlin email: [email protected] The Rectory, Skegness Road,, Partney, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4PG Tel: 01790 752344 email: [email protected] The Venerable Assistant Curate 01522 504039 The Rev’d Jean Coates [email protected] Contact via The Vicarage, Spilsby email: [email protected]

The Rural Dean of Bolingbroke The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates Deanery Synod The Vicarage, Church Street, Joint Chairmen: Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF The Rural Dean and Lay Chair Tel: 01790 752526 Mr. Bill Rose email: [email protected]

Bolingbroke Deanery Administrator Jane Howsam Bolingbroke Deanery Group The Vicarage, Church Street, Team Ministry Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 5EF Marden Hill, Partney, Tel: 01790 752526 Spilsby & Stickney Clusters email: [email protected] Mon-Fri 1pm-5pm Team Rector The Rev’d Canon Peter Coates (address as above). Retired Clergy The Rev’d. Joan Thornett Gardener’s Cottage, Harrington, Spilsby, Lincs. PE23 4NH Team Vicar Tel: 01790 754151 The Rev’d Fran Jeffries email: [email protected] The Rectory, Lane, Stickney, Boston, Lincs. PE22 8DQ Tel: 01205 481183 Reader & Community Chaplain email: [email protected] Mr Paul McLaughlin Tel: 01790 752344