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Holly Ann Hart December 5, 1960 - May 27, 2013

Holly Ann Hart, age 52, of McKinney, Texas, passed away May 27, 2013, in McKinney. Holly was born December 5, 1960, in Wellington, Kansas, to Denver Gene and Betty Joyce (Halverson) Cearley. She grew up in Garland, Texas and graduated from Richardson Berkner High School in 1978. Holly was a Bond Manager for Ward-Moore Insurance. She was a member of Christ Fellowship Church in McKinney where she was an active leader of the Celebrate Recovery Group. Holly adored her two cats, Spike and Lilly. Holly was known by everyone as a fun-loving, strong-willed, selfless and giving, wonderful person. She was also known for her infectious and very loud laugh which I, her daughter, have apparently inherited. She was the light of my life and my saving grace if ever I was in crisis or simply in need. She obviously adored her grandchildren dearly because everywhere she went she had at least 100 pictures of them with her! I will miss her deeply and cannot wait to see her again one day.

She is survived by her daughter, Crystal Goddard and husband, Heath of McKinney, Texas; grandchildren, Ava Goddard and Kennedy Goddard; parents, Denver and Betty Cearley of McKinney, Texas; brother, Kurt Cearley of San Antonio, Texas; sister, Kay Cearley also of McKinney, Texas; and a host of other loving family and friends.

A visitation will be held from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., Thursday, May 30, 2013, at Turrentine-Jackson-Morrow Funeral Home in Allen, Texas. A memorial service will be held at 2:30 p.m., on Sunday, June 2, 2013, at Christ Fellowship, 2801 Orchid Drive, McKinney, Texas, 75070. All family and friends are welcome to attend.


Holly and I were friends in the 70's she was my closest friend in Texas. Dear to my heart always .. She could get me laughing so hard I could pee my pants.. God bless . I was searching to re connect with her and found this. I pray I get to meet up with her again ... Ovaltine... fish tanks... trampolines and black lights.. all good memories.. :) SHARI MINTURN MCLEAN , DECEMBER 15, 2013 My BFF!!! That was what Holly and I shared for 10 years together! I loved Holly like a sister I always wanted but never had. We shared our love for Jesus with each other. You have left a footprint on my heart Holly, I will miss you so....Be free BFF, until I see you again in the arms of Jesus!! I love ya girl!!! Your BFF, Kristin KRISTIN WATSON, JUNE 4, 2013 Holly was one of the most influential people in my life and played an integral part in my healing and change of heart. I will be forever grateful for her life and all that she has left me with in my mind, heart and spirit. I am so thankful that Holly got to hear my testimony in late 2011. Here is an excerpt from my testimony: "Eventually, Holly Hart came to the CR program and took over as the leader of my step study group. Holly was like a beacon in the storm to me, and I experienced God through her. Psalm 6:2-3 says, “Have compassion on me Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, Lord, for my body is in agony. I am sick at heart.” I prayed, Lord, I am miserable in my situation. But whether you deliver me or not, please don’t let me miss the lessons. I wanted to deal with my past so it could no longer control me." God bless you, Holly and thank you for the way you chose to live your life. LYNNE KOVAL, JUNE 2, 2013 This is a story of warrior that battled demons of the dark throughout her entire life. This warrior was not covered in armor or weal ding a weapon of any kind, she fought the darkness with only the bright light of her heart. Engaged in a 24 hr daily struggle with acceptance and purpose, she fought hand in hand with with the source of all creation, she once was a lost soul just as many of us have been, but she found the strength to pick up the pieces and fight back, taking not only her life back but found a way to lead the others around her out of the darkness as well. As with any true warrior she never ask for any thing from those whom she lead, she only ask them to respect the process and to carry the message that the darkness was not going to win, that it would not have power here in her circle anymore. For at least 10 years she fought this war with an unyielding strength, a driven purpose and a pure heart. It is unclear just how many people she has saved or touched but its crystal clear that she changed the world around her. As you must now know this warrior was my aunt Holly Hart, SHe has been both an inspiration and a teacher to me in my own struggle with darkness. When i was at one of my darkest hour she continually would shine her light down on me and with a soft whisper she would call my name and say its not far now just head for my voice and walk in the light. I am so grateful for her voice in my head, even with her death it has not left nor will it i ever forget what she has done , where she came from , how she fulfilled her shortcomings and moved forward in life with a positive attitude and loving nature. Holly you will be missed but i promise not forgot. This is a poem i wrote about a year ago i would like to share because it was your voice that inspired its creation. It was a sunday night and a hard rain was coming, the sky was dark but for the flashes of lighting and in the distance you could hear thunder roll. I slowly open the letter form my long lost friend. It had been settled among a group of many envelopes as i had been on a journey life long in the bitter cold of of a far off dark place ,{ok} slowly i opened the pages and a smile crossed my face. It was from my from my young butterfly ,whom had also been on a life changing path, the kind that only the caterpillars are able to follow. As i turn the pages i am struck with the realization that my butterfly is growing and changing. No i can't see inside the cocoon she has woven but, i see the movements and hear the sounds that tell me it wont be long till this new changed beautiful creature arrives. Although as i turn my head from the corner of my eye, I see a cryptic message written in a filmier language on the wall of her deep sorrow. I am alarmed by the {MASKED INTRUDER}.... She is calling for help only i am not near, she is screaming out her pain and oooo how i can feel... she is being held captive in a dark, forbidden place. This intruder he has his entangled himself and he his strong not easily will he turn loose, whats worse is the pleasure he has given, leaving her confused and weak to make her move. The tears flow from my heart as i know his lustful grip, the symbols tell me she can never part ,{ now this i must prevent...}He tells her he gives her life and she can never run,{ "Dear butterfly if you can hear me you HAVE to RUN. This snake whom has entangled you he has no arms to speak of, he twists and turns and holds you tight removes the breath from your lungs, he holds you down and makes you think you can not escape, but hear me LOUD he is just a snake! his only grip it twisted lies he really has hands on you, NO grip at all to speak of... Center , focus, use your mind to tell yourself that you are well equipped. Do not listen dear butterfly to the lies this one weaves , telling you he will be with you, no matter what's to come... "Dear butterfly the light is dim only because of this cocoon you are in, don't think yourself one of them....." } You are beautiful ,you are smart, you are kind, and you are art... still being molded from day to day, soft and tender in the hands of your sculpture whom ever that may be. Listen butterfly listen to me....that hole it is in all hearts, in all souls, the need to be love and accepted just as you are today, not needing change or reformation in any way... I love you just as you are, no need to go to any other place..... acceptance is what you need? I have reserved it just for you. Now is the time to look within. it is all inside, you hold the lock as well the key... Forgiveness its for you , not a thing you can give ,not something for another. THIS is how we move and grow and turn the page of life this is how YOU let Go. YOU ARE LOVED more than you can ever understand, Butterfly now is the time to spread your wings and take flight in the power of the light. Thank you holly for being in my corner even when i thought you were not.?? AARON BRETT WOLSEY, MAY 31, 2013 Holly was a warrior for God. She made the most of her time, her life by serving others. She truly loved people and made a HUGE difference in the lives of many, many people. Over the past year, she has encouraged me at some of my most painful moments, demonstrated God’s love & grace when I was struggling, and challenged me to grow and mature on my recovery journey. No matter what I was going through she was there. She seemed to know what needed, even when I didn’t have a clue. She knew everything about me, the good and the bad, yet loved me anyways. When I got sidetracked or distracted, I’ll never forget her asking over and over, “How’d that work out for you.” When I tried to get by with a simple or cliché response, she’d smile as she challenged, “Now what’s your real answer.” Holly Hart Thank you for being a living testimony – a message that has touched my heart louder than any sermon preached. Thank you for modeling how to live an amazing & fulfilling life. Thank for allowing God’s amazing grace to overflow from your life when I needed it most. Thank you for helping me become a better person and showing me how God’s light shines even brighter through all the cracks in my life. Thank you me pushing me to dig deeper and not take the easy way out. You have stored up many rewards in heaven; my life is just one of the many jewels in your crown. I will never forget you. Goodbye for now, but don’t forget to Save a place for me! ERICA DAWN, MAY 30, 2013 Holly was my neighbor and always extremely pleasant. God Bless you Holly, for you will be missed. My prayers are with Holly’s family. TODD B. CLARK, MAY 30, 2013 Holly had been a friend and my next door neighbor for the last 9 years. She was such a dear person and boy did she have a green thumb! She inspired me to plant my rose bush and treated everyone around her as she did her flowers, with TLC. Heaven has gotten a wonderful gardener. I will miss her so. MARCY NUNNS, MAY 30, 2013 Although our hearts are sad we are rejoicing in the fact Holly is with Jesus today. I had the pleasure of working with Holly and the genuine devotion she had for the Lord and her ministry touch my life. She was one of the rare gems that you meet along your path in life. To her family my heartfelt sorrow for your loss. PAM BREWER, MAY 30, 2013 Spent the weekend with my sister Holly. We always had so much fun together and I loved her very much! Monday morning I went to wake her up and found that God had taken her during the night. I still keep remembering the shock and the helplessness I felt. I loved her so much and I keep praying and screaming at God for taking her so soon. She did so much for her friends and family. I know God had his reasons for taking her so soon but right now I'm taking it one day at a time. I just miss her so much. KAY WOLSEY JONDRO , MAY 30, 2013 "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference" You have now graduated and I'm proud of you. You will be missed forever From a friend of Bill W. MARIANNE LOWE, MAY 30, 2013 Holly, while I never had the pleasure to meet you individually, you have impacted my life and our families life tremendously. You were an angel that was sent and used to help my little sis, and the impact you have had on her life is indescribable. I don't know all the details, but I truly believe God has intertwined my sisters testimony that will one day be used to show Gods unfailing love and grace with your story. Thank you for being the hands and feet of our Lord and Savior. You will be dearly missed! YOUR SISTER IN CHRIST, MAY 29, 2013 Holly, Warrior of God; You are amazing women,and a wonderful teacher and friend. No matter how tired you where,you where always doing Gods work. You always said; I will keep doing God's work until I see him face to face. Revelation 21:14. He will wipe away from them every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, anymore. The first things has passed away. Rest in peace my dear friend. CARI AVIT, MAY 29, 2013 We have lost a dear friend. She was my sister, mother, and mentor. I love her dearly. Don't worry. Lilly is in good hands and is being spoiled rotten. JOSEPHINE MERKLE, MAY 29, 2013 A wonderful woman with a beautiful soul...thank you for lighting a new path for me to follow many years ago. GARY ALEXANDER, MAY 29, 2013 I was sadden by the news of you leaving us,but then I was happy for you are now with our Lord and Savior,I couldn't understand why He would take you from us so early, but I guess He wanted you with Him in Heaven to do your mighty work with Him. I was truly blessed to have known you even if it was just for a few years,but they were good years.I will miss you my dear friend. Rest in His presence. RITA SANCHEZ, MAY 29, 2013 I had the pleasure of working with Holly for a short time. She was such a beautiful person - inside and out. She left a wonderful heartfelt impression on me that will never go away. I feel comfort in knowing she is in heaven looking down on us all.... We love and will truly miss you!!! AMY WEBB-COLE, MAY 29, 2013 Holly, our dear and special co-worker! I know you are in heaven with our lord, Dancing with him! I can only imagen how happy you can be! We will miss you and we will never forget you! You were in angle in earth and I know God has a beautiful angel in heaven!!! Love WENDY DE PAZ (BALDWIN-COX AGENCY), MAY 29, 2013 It has saddened , and shocked me to find out that our Holly has left us so soon. She was such a loving and giving person, that helped so many find their paths back to a loving and personal relationship with God. She gave of herself so that others might find their way out of the darkness that is alcoholism and drug addiction. I could not lmagine just how many of us she opened the doors to Heaven for. I know in my soul that one day she and I will meet again on those beautiful shores. Until then, Thank You For all the unselfish acts of giving that you shared. You may be gone for now, But never forgotten. P. 164**** Our book is meant to be suggestive only. We realize we know only a little. God will constantly disclose more to you and to us. Ask Him in your morning meditation what you can do each day for the man who is still sick. The answers will come, if your own house is in order. But obviously you cannot transmit something you haven't got. See to it that your relationship with Him is right, and great events will come to pass for you and countless others. This is the Great Fact for us. Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us. We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit, and you will surely meet some of us as you trudge the Road of Happy Destiny. May God bless you and keep you - until then. See you then Holly! . ., MAY 28, 2013

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