Late Cenozoic radiometric dates, Seward and Baldwin Peninsulas,

and adjacent continental shelf,


Dan-ell S. Kaufman ' and David M. Hopkins 2

Open-File Report 85-374

This map is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature.

' Menlo Park, California * University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Fairbanks, Alaska


Page Introduction ...... 1

References ...... 24


Figure 1. -- Histogram showing frequency distribution of radiometric dates...... 3

Plate 1. Map of Seward and Baldwin Peninsulas and adjacent continental shelf showing locations of sites dated by radiometric analysis...... 28


Table 1. Radiometric dates...... 4 Late Cenozoic radiometric dates, Seward and Baldwin Peninsulas, and adjacent continental shelf, Alaska


Darrell S. Kaufman and David M. Hopkins


The Seward and Baldwin Peninsulas and adjacent continental shelf form the heart of Beringia, the vast arctic landmass that was exposed during Pleis­ tocene glacial epochs (Hulten, 1937), and is an area of wide interdisciplinary interest. Quaternary deposits there preserve an especially rich record of the paleogeographic evolution of Beringia. Stratigraphic and geomorphic relation­ ships between glacial drift and interglacial marine deposits and shorelines reflect the chronology of alternating seaways and land bridges. These relation­ ships have attracted considerable research attention (Hopkins, 1967, 1972, 1973; Hopkins and others, 1960, 1974; McCulloch and others, 1965; Pew£ and others, 1965). Less work has focused on the record of fluctuating late Pleistocene and Holocene glacial activity carried in four small mountain ranges on the (Hopkins, 1953; Hopkins and others, 1983; Sainsbury, 1965, I967a, I967b) and on the widespread Cenozoic volcanism of the central Seward Peninsula (Hopkins, 1963, Turner and Swanson, 1981). The greater part of the complex Quaternary geologic record preserved in this area lies beyond the range of radiocarbon dating. However, twelve previously published and one yet unpublished K/Ar age determinations on volcanic rocks provide a crude chronology of Cenozoic volcanism in the region. In addition, 156 published and previously unpublished radiocarbon dates obtained from 76 natural exposures, archeological sites, sediment cores, and test pits provide information about the paleogeographic history of the region during late Pleistocene and Holocene time. Table 1 is a comprehensive listing of reported late Cenozoic radiometric ages from the Seward Peninsula and area, and includes 26 dates published here for the first time. Omitted from the table are uranimum-series age determinations that have been attempted on marine mollusks; these have been discredited by Kaufman and others (1971). The nomenclature used in the table follows Hopkins (1963) for the volcanic rocks, Hopkins (1953) and Hopkins and others (1983) for glacial intervals, and Hopkins (1967) for marine trans- gressive units. Recent refinements in the glacial sequence and descriptions of the deposits mentioned in the table are presented in a surficial geologic map of the Solomon, Bendeleben and southern portion of the Kotzebue quadrangles (scale, 1:250,000) (Kaufman, 1985). The frequency distribution of 113 finite radiocarbon dates for 1000 year intervals is shown in Figure 1. If the distribution of dates is a true repre­ sentation of changing rates of organic productivity, then the pattern shown in Figure 1 may reflect late Quaternary environmental changes in the Seward Peni­ nsula and Kotzebue Sound region. The histogram can be divided into five distinct segments, each reflecting a unique environmental condition: 1) The period between 17,000 and 30,000 years B.P. includes only 8 radio­ carbon dates indicating that the climate of this period may have been unfavorable for the growth of vegetation. This period is encompassed by the Duvanny Yar

1 interval (Hopkins, 1982), which was characterized by extremely dry, probably cold periglacial conditions in unglaciated parts of Beringia, and by the Mount Osborn glacial phase of the central Seward Peninsula. The Mount Osborn interval coincides with the late Wisconsin Walker Lake glacial interval of the Brooks range which Hamilton (1982) has dated as beginning about 24,000 years B.P. and ending time-transgressively between about 12,000 and 10,000 years ago. 2) The period between 11,000 and 17,000 years B.P. includes 16 radiocarbon dates. Encompassed by this interval are five dates from off-shore bore holes that record an exposed continental shelf above approximately -20 m during the time when sea level was recovering from its Wisconsin minimum. The dates from this period establish the presence of large herbivores, and the initiation of an increase in the abundance of vegetation on the Seward and Baldwin Peninsulas. 3) The short period between 8,000 and 11,000 years B.P. is most distinct. A cluster of 28 radiocarbon dates records the rapid and dramatic environmental change of the late Wisconsin-early Holocene transition. This was a period of substantial climatic warming accompanied by the flooding of the continental shelf which brought an increase in moisture to the region. The time spanned by these dates is encompassed by the birch zone spectra in lake-sediment pollen cores (Hopkins, 1982) and was characterized by an overall increase in precipi­ tation and development of snowy winters with warm, dry summers. Evidence of a warm climate includes the extension of the range of beaver, the melting of ice-wedges, the presence of tree species beyond their present limits, and widespread accumulation of peat. Also included in this time interval are three radiocarbon dates that record the volcanic eruptions at the Devil Mountain Lake maars. 4) The period of 3,000 to 8,000 years B.P. includes a sparse 17 radio­ carbon ages reflecting environmental conditions less suitable to the growth of vegetation. This period may include one or more brief reversions to a colder climate and expansions of cirque glaciers along the crests of the Kigluaik and Bendeleben Mountains, as indicated by the presence of glacial moraines apparently older than Neoglacial but younger than the Mount Osborn glacial interval, and by the history of other regions (Calkin and Haworth, 1983; Ellis and Calkin, 1984). 5) Over two thirds of the 44 radiocarbon ages included in the period of 0-3,000 years B.P. were taken from archeological sites at Trail Creek , Cape Prince of Wales, Deering, and the Choris Peninsula. Evidence for renewal of ice-wedge growth near Nome (Hopkins and others, 1960) and the presence of what are likely to be Neoglacial deposits in the Kigluaik Mountains (P. D. Calkin, oral communication, 1983) indicate that this interval includes a brief cold cycle. Buried peat layers suggest that though cooler, precipitation was not greatly reduced.

-2- number of dates

--I W////////A


tr H-c H» O 3

H- A 09 Table 1. Radiometric dates [Locations, ages, and laboratory numbers are shown on Plate 1]

Quadrangle Lat. (N) Age (BP) Long.(W) Material and stratigraphic context Chronological significance Lab number^ Reference


Bend:C-2 Three samples of basalt from one or Dates the type locality of the 28.8 +_ 1.8 my Swanson and others, 65° 34' more flows exposed in east wall of Kugruk volcanics [the unit was (PT80-40); 1981; Turner and 162° 56' canyon. abandoned by Hopkins and others 28.1 +_ 1.4 my Swanson, 1981 (1971)] (PT80-38); 26.4 +_ 1.4 my (PT80-37)

Bend:D-3 Basalt from tholeiitic flow overly­ Dates flow contemporary with the 5.85 +_ 0.2 my Hopkins and others, 65° 34' ing terrace gravel at Lava Camp Imuruk volcanics. (USGS deter- 1971; Hopkins, 1972 163° 56' Mine on the Inmachuk River. mination)

Tell:B-4 Basalt from flow forming divide be­ Flow is cut by wave attack which 2.92 +_ 0.14 my Berry and others, 65° 25' tween California and Agiapuk Rivers. formed the inner edge of the York (MP-101) 1976; Hopkins and 166° 33' Terrace thus providing a maximum others, 1974; Turner limit on its age. and Swanson, 1981

Tell:B-3 Three samples of basalt from one or 2.7 +_ 0.2 my Turner and Swanson, 65° 18' more flows 15 km northeast of Teller (PT80-50A); 1981 166° 10' at hill 1220, near Eva Mountain. 2.6 +_ 0.2 my (PT80-51D)

Tell:B-3 Basalt from Eva Mountain, 15 km 2.5;+ 0.3 my Turner and Swanson, 65° 19' northeast of Teller. (PT80-50B) 1981 166° 11' Bend:C-2 Basalt from one or more flows 0.5 km Dates the type locality of the Imu- 2.2 +_ 0.02 my Swanson and others, 65° 34' west of head of Kugruk River canyon, ruk volcanics. (PT80-33); 1981; Turner and 162° 58' 2.2 +_ 0.02 my Swanson, 1981 (PT80-35A)

Bend:O2 Two samples of basalt from a single Flow contemporary with the Gosling 0.91 4- 0.09 my Swanson and others, 65° 34' flow that entered the modern Kugruk volcanics. (PT80-36A); 1981; Turner and 162° 55' River canyon. 0.82 +_ 0.08 my Swanson, 1981 (PT80-34)

Bend:B-4 Basalt from a lava flow assigned to Provides a limiting age for the 0.81 +_ 0.09 my3 D. S. Kaufman, 65° 31' the Gosling volcanics that overran Nome River glacial interval (84 AKn 106; 1985, unpublished 164° 09' a moraine of the Nome River glacial indicates that the Nome River U.S. Geologi- data interval on the right bank of glaciation is much older than cal Survey Minnie Creek where it bends sharp­ previously thought (Hopkins, 1967). determination ly to the west; north flank of the Age agrees well with others by by Nora Shew Bendeleben Mountains. Turner and Swanson (1981) from the and F. H. Gosling volcanics. Flow is mag­ Wilson) netically normal (Jack Hillhouse, written communication).


Cand:D-6 Log from the base of a 21 m Wood thought to have been taken >59,000 Noranda Exploration, 65° 56' core taken from Mud Creek. The from marine sediments. (QL-1725) Inc., unpublished 161° 59' hole penetrated 10 m of ice-rich data silt, 5 m of coarse gravel, and 6 m of sandy gravel.

Bend:B-6 Peat at top of silty, carbonaceous >45,000 Sullivan and others, 65° 24' layer intercalated in Kougarok grav­ (W-2161) 1970 164° 39' el of Hopkins (1963) in a pit at Kougarok landing strip.

Bend:B-6 Wood in carbonaceous lens of sand in >45,000 Sullivan and others, 65° 22' Kougarok gravel of Hopkins (1963) (W-2159) 1970 164° 41' from Brakes Bottom gravel pit.

-5- Seli:B-5 Peat from approximately 8.5 ra below >44,000 Stuiver, 1969 66° 15' surface of sea cliff at Elephant (Y-1352) 161° 18' Point, Kotzebue Sound.

Kotz:B-4 Shore bluffs about 0.5 km north of Dates eruption of South Killeak Lake >42,000 Spiker and others, 66° 16' Kougachuk Creek, west shore of Good- maar, shows that permafrost on north- (W-2670) 1978 163° 50' hope Bay. Sample consists of root­ ern Seward Peninsula has persisted ed stems of dwarf Salix and Betula for more than 40,000 years, and pro­ spp covering cryoturbated silt over vides well-preserved vegetation at an ancient ice-wedge about 3 m wide. time of eruption. Shrubs are buried by bedded tephra deposited as an alluvial fan at the time of eruption of South Killeak Lake maar; younger ice-wedge pseudo- morphs are developed in tephra fan.

Kotz:C-l Logs directly overlying till of Nome Thought to represent a buried forest >42,000 Levin and others, 66° 44' River glacial interval and overlain of last interglacial age. (W-1253) 1965 162° 28' by woody peat and silt on the Bald­ win Peninsula.

Seli:B-6 Wood from ice-wedge cast enclosed in Provides a minimum age for the last >42,000 Levin and others, 66° 24' beach deposits of last interglacial interglacial (Pelukian) marine trans- (W-1251) 1965; McCulloch, 161° 35' age on the Baldwin Peninsula. ression. 1967; McCulloch and others, 1965

Kotz:C-l Woody peat at the base of thaw-lake Dates beginning of thaw-lake. >42,000 D. M. Hopkins, 1979, 66° 40' deposits on the Baldwin Peninsula. (1-10,622) unpublished data 162° 08'

Nome D-2 Fine organic detritus from a low Provides a minimum age for the Sal- >40,000 Hopkins and others, 64° 59' horizon in lake clay over glacial mon Lake glacial interval. (1-7710) 1983 165° 59' drift of Salmon Lake age in Canyon Creek valley.

Bend:B-6 Plant material in block of silt ex- Provides a minimum age for the Koug- >40,000 Rubin and Alexander, 65° 20' posed in sandy Kougarok gravel arok gravel of Hopkins (1963) at (W-196) 1960 164° 40' overlain by 3 to 8 m of windblown the type locality. Reported as silt in a pit 0.5 km south of Quartz >30,000 years by Hopkins (1963) and Creek bridge. Rubin and Alexander (1958).

-6- Tell:A-6 Peat from a fresh water mud layer >40,000 Robinson and 65° 08' of a core taken approximately 31 m (USGS-156) Trimble, 1981 167° 36' below msl, 29 km northeast of King Island.

Bend:A-4 Peat overlying foreset (lake delta?) Thought to date the existence of a >40,000 D. S. Kaufman, 1985 65° 06' sand in a river bluff exposure moraine-dammed lake within the inner- (1-13,989) unpublished data 163° 31' on the Pargon River. most moraine of Nome River age.

Kotz:A-2 Deformed peat over interbedded silt >39,900 Giterman and others, 66° 05' and peat at a coastal exposure near (1-4099) 1982; Guthrie and 162° 50' Deering. Matthews, 1971; Matthews, 1974

Kotz:C-l Twigs in ice-wedge pseudomorph at Dates deposits of ancient thaw-lake, >38,000 Levin and others, 66° 40' base of youngest of three thaw-lake (W-1256) 1965; McCulloch, 162° 09' sequences in coastal bluffs, Riley's 1967; McCulloch and Wreck area, Baldwin Peninsula. others, 1965

Kotz:C-l Twigs from frost-stirred silt and Represents local ice-wedge melting >38,000 Levin and others, 66° 42' peat below pond sediments cut by of Wisconsin age. (W-1257) 1965; McCulloch, 162° 12' ice-wedge casts from which W-1262 1967; McCulloch and was collected on the Baldwin Pen­ others, 1965 insula.

Nome:C-l Organic material from thick marine Provides a distant minimum age for >38,000 Hopkins, 1973; 64° 31' sand and gravel overlying glacial the type locality of the Pelukian (W-810) Hopkins and others, 165° 26' drift of the Nome River glacial marine transgression and the pre­ 1960; Rubin and interval. ceding Nome River glacial interval. Alexander, 1960

Bend:C-3 Peat from 2.5 m below the top of a Pollen from this level assigned to >37,000 Colinvaux, 1964; 65° 34' core from Imuruk Lake. an alder and spruce zone comparable (Y-1143) Colinvaux, 1967 163° 12' to the surface spectra.

Tell:C-3 Deciduous tree wood from top of mar­ Indicates marine gravel filling >37,000 Masters and others, 65° 24' ine gravel, California River. old cut in California River is pre- (W-1984) 1969 166° 37' rather than post-Wisconsin. Report­ ed as >35,000 years by Sainsbury (1967b).

-7- Kotz:C-5 Cutbank of Espenberg River. Wood Abundance and size of wood suggests >36,000 Spiker and others, 66° 31' from 0.8 m layer of peaty pond silt that the thaw-lake existed during an (W-2881) 1978 164° 02' and fine sand 6.9 m below top of interstadial interval, perhaps the bluff near river level. Over- and Boutellier interval of Hopkins (1982). underlain by succession of thaw-lake deposits all resting on marine de­ posits of the Pelukian transgression.

Tell:B-4 Wood from beach deposits which en­ Provides a distant minimum age for >35,000 Sainsbury, 1967b 65° 24' close a wedge of conglomerate of the York glacial interval of Sains- (W-1984) 166° 36' continental origin which is overlain bury (1967a). Reported as >37,000 by thin glacial deposits of the York years by Masters and others (1969). glacial interval at the California River.

Kotz:A-2 Wood from coastal exposure at Cape >35,000 D. M. Hopkins, 1948, 66° 51' Deceipt. (W-192) unpublished data 162° 45'

Bend:C-3 Peat from 1.2 m below the top of a Pollen from this level assigned to >34,500 Colinvaux, 1964; 65° 34' core from Imuruk Lake. an herb zone. (Y-1142) Colinvaux, 1967; 163° 12' Stuiver and others, 1963

Kotz:C-5 Twigs in lacustrine silt interbedded Deposits contain a distinctive Pe- >34,000 Spiker and others, 66° 32' with sand in cut bank of Espenberg lukian (last interglacial) fauna. (W-2878) 1978 164° 00' River.

Nome:B-l Shells in marine nearshore sand, >34,000 Spiker and others, 64° 27' core depth 6.6 to 8.4 m, water depth (W-2116) 1978 165° 07' 12.9 m near Cape Nome.

Kotz:C-l Twigs and willow leaves in basal Dates deposits of ancient thaw-lake. 34,000 +_ 2000 Levin and others, 66° 42' transgressive layer of upper of two Should probably be regarded as a (W-1262) 1965; McCulloch, 162° 12' thaw-lake sequences in coastal bluff minimum date (i.e., >34,000 years). 1967; McCulloch and Riley's Wreck area, Baldwin Penin­ others, 1965 sula.

-8- Nome D-2 Fine organic detritus from a high Provides a minimum age for the Sal- >33,000 Hopkins and others, 64° 59' horizon in lake clay over glacial mon Lake glacial interval. (1-7709) 1983 165° 59' drift of Salmon Lake age in Canyon Creek valley.

Kotz:C-5 Peat, possibly buried turf, inter- Depauperate flora suggest full >32,000 Spiker and others, 66° 31' bedded with silt and sand, 1.8 m be- glacial conditions. (W-2882) 1978 164° 02' low W-2881, cutbank of Espenberg River.

Kotz:C-5 Screen residue from 2.4 m below W- With W-2806, dates part of sequence >31,000 Spiker and others, 66° 32' 2806, at base of thaw lake beds, of thaw-lakes and enclosed animal (W-2884) 1978 164° 00' cutbank of Espenberg River. and plant remains.

Tell:A-6 Peat under Yukon River silt, core >30,000 Spiker and others, 65° 05' depth 24 cm, water depth 36.5 m, (W-2534) 1978 167° 43' 36.8 km west of Point Spencer.

Nome:C-2 Wood in alluvium overlain by Holo- >30,000 Spiker and others, 64° 31' cene sand, core depth 3.6 to 5.4 (W-2115) 1978 165° 40' m, water depth 13 m.

Bend:B-6 Wood from the Kougarok gravel 0.5 Provides a minimum age for the Koug- >30,000 Hopkins, 1963; Rubin 65° 20' km south of Quartz Creek bridge. arok gravel of Hopkins (1963) at (W-196) and Alexander, 1958 164° 40' the type locality. Reported as >40,000 years by Rubin and Alexander (1960).

Bend:C-3 Peat from 7.5 m level of Imuruk Lake Date incompatible with other pollen- 29,000 +_ 1000 Stuvier, 1969 65° 34' core. stratigraphic and radiometric data (Y-1417) 163° 12' from core; suggests possible contam­ ination.

Kotz:C-5 Organic residue from loess exposed Indicates that aeolian activity was 28,700 Hh 1000 Spiker and others, 66° 35' in wave-cut bluff at Northwest Cor- not confined to late Wisconsin time (W-2804) 1978; Hopkins, 1982 164° 27' ner Light. but persisted throughout Wisconsin cold cycle.

-9- Kotz:C-5 Organic material at base of thaw- An age reversal between this sample >27,000 Spiker and others, 66° 30' lake sequence, artificial excavation and underlying W-2880 suggests that (W-2879) 1978 164° 06' in cut bank of Espenberg River. Same either samples were mislabeled in the locality as W-2880. field or that this sample consists mostly of reworked organic debris.

Kotz:C-l Twigs and peaty debris from thaw- Dates a mammoth skeleton buried at 26,900 +_ 3400 Reeburgh and Young, 66° 37' lake deposits underlain by glacial same horizon. Pollen suggests depo- (AU-90) 1976 162° 08' drift of Nome River age on the sition during interstadial interval. west coast Baldwin Peninsula.

Kotz:C-5 Well-macerated peat involved in ice- Unexpectedly old, ice-wedge collapse 25,390 +_ 800 Spiker and others, 66° 31' wedge collapse in exposure on Espen­ was thought to have formed during (W-2807) 1978 164° 00' berg River. Ice-wedge pseudomorph the early Holocene warm period. Ash lies below weathered loess and in­ may be correlative with ash collected trudes lake beds containing lenses near Kougachuk Creek dated as >42,000 of basaltic ash. years old (W-2670).

Bend:C-3 Peat from 7.5 m level of Imuruk Lake Infinite dates obtained higher in 21,700 + 2000 Trautman, 1963 65° 34 1 core. the core (Y-1142, Y-1143) suggest (1-415) 163° 12' error.

Kotz:C-5 Screen-washed organic material from Confirms that thaw-lakes existed on 21,600 +_ 600 Spiker and others, 66° 31' thaw-lake sediments overlying aeo- Seward Peninsula during Duvanny Yar (W-2883) 1978 164° or lian sand near river level on cut- cold-dry interval of Hopkins (1982) bank of Espenberg River. and dates enclosed plant and animal remains.

Kotz:B-6 Cutbank on thaw-lake about 1.2 km Dates vegetation buried by tephra 19,900 +_ 800 Reeburgh and Young, 66° 22' north of Whitefish Lake. Organic probably from South Devil Lake maar. (AU-112) 1976 164° 43' duff on soil developed in loess Upper tephra probably records erup­ buried by basaltic tephra covered by tion of North Kelleak Lake maar. 2.5 m of loess and aeolian sand, a few cm of basaltic tephra, and 1 m of aeolian sand and modern turf.

-10- Kotz:B-6 Silt (W-3492) and wood and rooted 19,600 + 1000 D. M. Hopkins, 1976, 66° 22* twigs (W-3488) from a bluff at the (W-34927 unpublished data 164° 43' westernmost tip of a small, unnamed lake, about 1 km southwest of White- fish Lake.

Kotz:C-5 Organic debris, 0.5 m below W-2879 Sample suspected of contamination, 16,950 + 500 Spiker and others, 66° 30' in cutbank of Espenberg River. Much (W-2880) 1978 164° 06' basaltic tephra is incorporated in deposits of a later thaw-lake 3.8 m higher in section.

Tell:A-6 Peat layer with wood fragments from Dates top of Pleistocene freshwater 16,540 + 200 Robinson and 65° 07' 120 cm level of core taken from 28 m sediment below Holocene marine sedi­ (USGS-356) Trimble, 1983 167° 31' below msl, 40 km west of Port Clar­ ment in region subject to uplift. ence spit.

Tell:A-6 Peat and twigs from freshwater layer Dates pre-transgressive sediment. 16,400 ^ 430 Robinson and 65° 08' in core taken from approximately 28 Helps establish history of Holocene (USGS-157) Trimble, 1981 167° 03' m below msl 31 km northeast of King sea level rise. Island.

Bend:D-3 Organic fraction of horse scapula Provides age when large herbivores 15,750 +_ 350 Larson, 1968; 65° 48' from Trail Creek 9. Found with were present on the Seward Peninsula. (K-1210) Morlan and Cinq- 163° 13' heel bone of Bison which apparently If carried into cave by man, it is Mars, 1982; had been worked by man. the earliest evidence of man in Alaska. Tauber, 1968

Tell:A-6 Peaty silt from 40 cm level of a Dates top of Pleistocene freshwater 15,450 + 250 Robinson and 65° 08' core taken 31 m below msl, 35 km sediment below Holocene marine sedi­ (USGS-357) Trimble, 1983 167° 36' west of Port Clarence spit. ment in region subject to uplift.

Kotz:C-5 Screen residue from lakebeds exposed Collected just below first appear­ 14,490 Hh 400 Spiker and others, 66° 32' in cutbank of Espenberg River. Un­ ance of Devil Mountain ash, provid­ (W-2806) 1978 164° 00' derlain by deposits of a series of ing a close approximation of the older thaw-lakes, one of which is date of ashfall. dated by W-2884 (>31,000 years).

-11- Nome:A-1 Lenses of peat from 1.4 m level in a Dates top of Pleistocene freshwater 13,770 + 210 Robinson and 64° 10' core taken 20 m below msl, 40 km sediment below Holocene marine trans- (USGS-352) Trimble, 1983 165° 28' south of Nome. gressive sediment.

Bend:C-3 Peat from 0.5 m below the top of a Pollen from this level assigned to 13,250 + 700 Colinvaux, 1964; 65° 34' core from Imuruk Lake. the birch zone (Colinvaux, 1967). (1-588) Colinvaux, 1967; 163° 12' Trautman, 1963

Tell:A-6 Peat and wood fragments from fresh­ Helps date history of Holocene sea 13,200 + 110 Robinson and 65° 05' water layer in core taken from ap­ level transgression. (USGS-155) Trimble, 1981 167° 43' proximately 34 m below msl, 20 km northeast of King Island.

Bend:D-3 Organic fraction of Bison heel bone Provides age when large herbivores 13,070 + 280 Larson, 1968; 65° 48' found in Trail Creek Cave 9. Bone were present on the Seward Penin­ (K-13277 Morlan and Cinq- 163° 13' apparently had been worked by man. sula. Found with horse scapula Mars, 1982; Tauber, (K-1210). 1973

Nome:C-l Wood and peat from silty colluvium Wood identified as Alnus (alder) en­ 13,040 + 300 Hopkins and others, 64° 31' overlying estuarine sediments of the closed in sediment yielding typical (W-463) 1960; Hopkins and 165° 28' the Pelukian marine transgression. herb-zone pollen spectrum with no others, 1981 Alnus pollen and very little pollen of Betula nana. This specimen also predates beginning of collapse over large ice-wedge pseudomorphs.

Kotz:A-2 Wood fragments in clayey silt from a 12,420 + 180 Giterman and others, 66° 05' coastal exposure near Deering. (1-4781) 1982; Guthrie and 162° 50' Matthews, 1971; Matthews, 1974

Bend:C-3 Peat from 0.4 m below the top of a Pollen from this level assigned to 12,355 + 160 Colinvaux, 1964; 65° 34' core from Imuruk Lake. the birch zone (Colinvaux, 1967). (Y-11447 Colinvaux, 1967; 163° 12' Stuvier and others, 1963

-12- Kotz:B-6 Peaty lamina 0.3 ra above base of 1.7 W-2801, W-2803, W-2802, and W-2800 11,610 + 500 Spiker and others, 66° 24' ra layer thick of loess-like silty form an ascending series that date (W-2801J 1978 164° 32' colluviura, the lowest unit in a se­ sediments accumulated during inter­ quence of non-volcanic sediments val between eruptions at Devil Moun­ separating tephra of North Devil tain Lake maar. W-2801 provides min­ Mountain Lake maar (below) from imum limiting date for South Devil tephra of South Devil Mountain Lake Mountain Lake maar eruption. maar (above).

Kotz:C-5 Wood fragments from base of thaw- Lake deposits contain rich "post­ 11,550 + 350 Spiker and others, 66° 31' lake deposits exposed in cutbank of glacial" biota that accumulated (W-2805) 1978; Reeburgh and 164° 02' Espenberg River. Represents young­ after end of loess fall. Young, 1976; est of a series of superimposed Hopkins, 1982 thaw-lake deposits.

Kotz:C-l Twigs in ice-wedge pseudomorph at Dates occurrence of Populus beyond 11,340 + 400 Levin and others, 66° 40' base of one lacustrine unit in com­ present limits. (W-1254) 1965; McCulloch, 162° 09' plex sequence of thaw-lake deposits 1967; McCulloch and in Riley's Wreck area, coast of the others, 1965; Baldwin Peninsula. McCulloch and Hopkins, 1966

Solo:D-6 Peat and organic silt from pond de­ Indicates that the Salmon Lake gla­ 10,880 +_ 160 D. M. Hopkins, 1973, 64° 57' posits over glacial drift in a ter­ cial interval took place more than (1-7702) unpublished data 164° 44' race of the Pilgrim River. 10,900 years ago.

Tell:D-5 Peat with wood in old filled lake in Gives minimum age for retreat of the 10,880 + 300 Masters and others, 65° 40' a cutbank of Pinguk River. Peat un- York glaciers. (W-1776J 1969; Sainsbury, 167° 05' derlain by shingled outwash of the 1967b York glacial interval of Sainsbury (1967a).

Kotz:B-6 Shore bluffs on southwest shore of W-2801, W-2803, W-2802, and W-2800 10,370 +_ 500 Spiker and others, 66° 24' North Devil Mountain Lake. From de- form an ascending series that date (W-2803) 1978 164° 32' trital peat and twigs 1.0 m above sediments accumulated during the base of 1.7 m layer of loess-like interval between eruptions at Devil silty colluvium, the lowest tephra Mountain Lake. of North and South Devil Mountain Lakes.

-13- Nome:B-l Wood picked from drill cuttings, 0 From an outwash fan of the Nome 10,250 + 350 Spiker and others, 64° 27* to 420 cm depth in core, water depth River. (W-23257 1978 165° 25 f 20.4 to 18.6 m just southeast of Nome.

Solo:D-6 Peat from a continuous layer in pond Indicates that the Salmon Lake gla- 10,210 +_ 160 D. M. Hopkins, 1973, 64° 57' deposits over glacial drift in a ter- cial interval took place more than (1-7701) unpublished data 164° 44' race of the Pilgrim River. 10,000 years ago.

Bend B-6 Wood from thick organic-rich silt Provides age when climate and vege­ 10,200 +_ 800 McCulloch, 1967; 65° 19 f overlying gravel at Coffee Creek. tation were much like present. (L-137G) McCulloch and 164° 40 f Hopkins, 1966

Nome:C-l Wood and peat from silty colluvium Dates local inception of deposition 10,050 +_ 270 Colinvaux, 1967; 64° 31' overlying estuarine sediments of the of colluvial silt and collapse of (W-461) Hopkins and others, 165° 28 f Pelukian beach near Nome. ice-wedges. Pollen spectra similar 1960 to modern except for abundant Juni- perus.

Bend C-3 Wood in lacustrine peat from a ter­ Provides a maximum age for faulting 9900 +_ 400 Levin and others, 62° 37' race of Imuruk Lake at Granite Bay. which warped the terrace and shifted (W-1213) 1965 163° 07' the outlet of Imuruk Lake.

Nome:B-l Peaty mud from 0 to 1 m below sedi- Date is minimum for sea level rise 9700 +_ 350 Masters and others 64° 28 f ment in 18 to 20 m of water off the to -20 m in northern Bering Sea. (W-1800) 1969 165° 07 f mouth of Hastings Creek, approxi­ Sample apparently represents subaer- mately 7 km east of Nome. ial nonmarine bog soil.

Nome:C-l Wood and peat from silty colluvium Dates ice-wedge collapse during 9690 +_ 400 Hopkins and others, 64° 31 f overlying estuarine sediments of the early Holocene interval of warm sum- (W-485) 1960; McCulloch, 165° 28* Pelukian beach near Nome. mers. 1967

Kotz:B-6 Peat from bluffs at southwest shore 9630 +_ 350 D. M. Hopkins, 1976, 66° 24' of North Devil Mountain Lake. (W-3491) unpublished data 164° 32'

-14- Kotz A-3 Populus wood from ice-wedge pseudo- Dates Populus beyond present western 9625 _+ 350 Hopkins and others, 66° 04' morphs at base of thaw-lake deposits limits during early Holocene warm in- (W-2620) 1981; Spiker and 163° 03' in coastal bluffs between Cape De­ terval. others, 1978 ceit and Rex Point on south shore of Kotzebue Sound.

Seli:B-5 Wood from a beaver dam 6.7 m below Provides age when beaver and forest 9480 +_ 160 McCulloch, 1967; 66° 15' the surface at Elephant Point, Kotz- ranges were more extensive than pre- (Y-1351) McCulloch and 61° 18' ebue Sound. sent. Hopkins, 1966; Stuvier, 1969

Kotz:B-6 Shore bluffs on southwest shore of W-2801, W-2803, W-2802, and W-2800 9410 + 350 Spiker and others, 66° 24' Devil Mountain Lake. From sedge- form an ascending series that date (W-2802) 1978 164° 32' sphagnum peat 0.6 m thick, the mid­ sediments accumulated during inter­ dle unit in a 2.3 m sequence of non- val between eruptions at Devil Moun­ volcanic sediments. tain Lake.

Cand:D-6 Wood from a beaver dam 3 m below the Provides age when beaver and forest 9400 +_ 750 McCulloch 1967; 65° 52' surface, enclosed in peaty silt at ranges were more extensive than pre- (L-137N) McCulloch and 161° 50' Candle Creek. sent. Hopkins, 1966

Kotz:B-6 Shore bluffs on southwest shore of W-2801, W-2803, W-2802, and W-2800 9350 + 350 Spiker and others, 66° 24 f Devil Mountain Lake. From peaty, form an ascending series that dates (W-2800) 1978 164° 32 f twiggy layer 0.5 cm thick within 0.5 sediments accumulated during interval m of colluvial silty gravel which between eruptions at Devil Mountain forms the top unit in 2.3 m se­ Lake. W-2800 closely dates the erup­ quence of non-volcanic sediments. tion that formed the South Devil Mountain Lake maar.

Bend:C-6 Wood from fossil beaver dam overly- Dates expansion of beaver far west 9330 +_ 300 Sullivan and others, 65° 44' ing auriferous gravel along Washing- of modern limits during early Holo- (W-2160) 1970 164° 52' ton Creek. cene warm period.

Kotz:C-5 Thaw-lake deposit containing beaver- Dates extension of beaver and Ano­ 9190 + 350 Spiker and others, 66° 32' chewed wood and Anodonta beringiana donta beringiana west of present (W-2619) 1978 164° 16' shells in exposure on shore of lake limits during early Holocene warm southwest of Cape Espenberg. period.

-15- Kotz:A-2 Fibrous peat more than 1 m thick 9150 + 150 Giterman and others, 66° 05' overlying platey silt in a (1-4780) 1982; Guthrie and 162° 50' coastal exposure near Deering. Matthews, 1971; Matthews, 1974

Bend:D-3 Marrow-cracked bones of caribou from Layer contains implements older 9070 + 150 Tauber, 1968 65° 48' Trail Creek Cave 2. than Denbigh Flint Complex. (K-980) 163° 13'

Kotz:C-l Wood in ice-wedge pseudomorph at the Dates occurence of cottonwood and 9020 _+ 350 Hopkins and others, 66° 43' base of thaw-lake sequence, coastal birch or aspen during early Holocene (W-1255) 1981; Levin and 162° 26' bluffs, east of Cape Blossom. interval of warm summers. others, 1965; McCulloch and Hopkins, 1966 Bend:C-5 Poplar log from 1 m below the sur­ Dates interval when poplar range was 8800 +_ 1000 McCulloch and 65° 31' face at Black Gulch. more extensive than present. (L-117F) Hopkins, 1966; 164° 12' Hopkins, 1967

Kotz:C-l Beaver-gnawed wood from a dam con- Provides age when beaver and forest 8550 +_ 400 Hopkins and others, 66° 36' taining spruce, birch and poplar ranges were more extensive than pre- (W-1249) 1981; Levin and 162° 05' logs within a silty peat over sent. others, 1965; deformed marine sediments on the McCulloch, 1967; Baldwin Peninsula. McCulloch and Hopkins, 1966

Kotz:B-6 Birch or aspen wood from a fossil Dates extension of beaver and birch 8480 _+ 300 Hopkins and others, 66° 30' beaver dam from shore bluffs north or aspen woodlands far west of pre- (W-2596) 1981; Spiker and 164° 47' of mouth of Kungealarook Creek, sent limits during early Holocene in­ others, 1978 Goodhope Bay. terval of warm summers.

Tell:C-6 Woody stems, some 6 cm thick and 0.6 Dates ice-wedge pseudomorph and pre- 8360 _+ 300 Hopkins, 1972; 65° 40' m long, in locally thick peat; pro- sence of large willow shrubs beyond (W-2592) Spiker and others, 167° 54' bably an ice-wedge pseudomorph expos- present-day limits, 1978 ed on south shore of Lopp Lagoon.

Bend:B-6 Wood from peat interbedded with silt 8350 +_ 200 Kulp and others, 65° 18' overlying windblown silt and auri- (L-117C) 1952; McCulloch, 164° 43' ferous gravel on Coffee Creek. 1967; McCulloch and Hopkins, 1966 -16- Page 5

Cand:D-6 Rooted birch stump (W-2809) and Dates occurence of species outside 8310 _+ 300 Hopkins and others, 65° 56' beaver-chewed birch wood (W-2808) of present limits. (W-2809) 1981; Spiker and 161° 59' from peat layer overlying course 8080 +_ 300 others, 1978 sand and overlain by about 2 m of (W-2808) even-bedded sand and silt on Mud Creek.

Bend:C-3 Wood in lacustrine peat from a ter­ Provides a maximum age of faulting 7400 +_ 300 Levin and others, 65° 39' race of Imuruk Lake at Salix Bay. which warped the terrace and shifted (W-1235) 1965 163° 10' the outlet of Imuruk Lake.

Kotz:C-l Log from a wood-rich basal zone Dates ice-wedge thaw and provides 7270 +_ 350 Hopkins and others, 66° 44' which fills ice-wedge casts in thaw- age when forest range was more ex- (W-1250) 1981; McCulloch and 162° 30' lake sediments, consisting of silt tensive than present. others, 1965; with fresh water mollusk shells on McCulloch and the Baldwin Peninsula. Hopkins, 1966; Levin and others, 1965

Kotz:B-5 Alder wood from cutbank of outlet Sample provides distant minimum age 7070 +_ 145 Hopkins and others, 66° 16' stream about 0.4 km downstream from for North Killeak Lake maar and (AU-113) 1981; Reeburgh and 164° Ol 1 North Killeak Lake. dates occurrence of large shrubs of Young, 1976 Salix, Betula, and Alnus at this loc­ ality.

Tell:B-2 Twigs from peat overlying river Mammoth and bison bones scattered 6485 +_ 110 D. M. Hopkins, 1973, 65° 18' gravel in a terrace of the Agiapuk along beach at river level indicate (1-7705) unpublished data 165° 45' River. that the gravel is of late Pleisto­ cene age; a greater age had been an­ ticipated for the buried turf layer.

Bend:B-6 Peat from the base of a 3 m thick Dates the base of a section analyzed 6450 +_ 240 D. S. Kaufman, 1985, 65° 18' sequence of organic silt and for pollen (T. A. Ager, unpublished (1-13,991) unpublished data 164° 44' peat at Dome Creek. data).

Nome D-2 Peat and wood from kettle-fill de­ Provides a distant stop date for the 6150 +_ 110 D. M. Hopkins, 1973 64° 59' posits in Canyon Creek valley. Salmon Lake glacial interval. (1-7708) unpublished data 165° 59*

-17- Tell:B-3 Twigs from ice-wedge pseudomorph Provides distant stop date for Pelu­ 5170 + 265 Reeburgh and Young, 65° 15' covered by 4 m of colluvial peaty kian marine transgression. (AU-109) 1976 166° 23' silt and intruding Pelukian beach sediments in coastal bluffs on shore of Port Clarence about 1.6 km south­ west of Teller.

Nome D-2 Two samples of peat and wood from Provides distant stop dates for the 5010 + 100 D. M. Hopkins, 1973, 64° 59' kettle-fill deposits overlaying Salmon Lake glacial interval. (1-7707) unpublished data 165° 59' glacial drift in the Canyon Creek 4430 + 95 valley. (1-7706)

Kotz:B-6 Peat from a bluff at westernmost 4300 + 200 D. M. Hopkins, 1976, 66° 22' tip of small, unnamed lake, about 1 (W-3488) unpublished data 164° 43' km southwest of Whitefish Lake.

Tell:C-6 Lacustrine sediments overlain by Sample unexpectedly young. Probably 4290 +_ 250 Spiker and others, 65° 43' about 2.5 m of dimicton in a bank of collected from kettle lake that was (W-2810) 1978 167° 28' an intermorainal pond within an end later covered by colluvium from a moraine of York age (Sainsbury, nearby morainal knob. 1967a) near Lopp Lagoon.

Tell:A-3 Peat from a high terrace of Gold Provides minimum age on an interval 4190 +_ 90 D. S. Kaufman and 65° 03' Run Creek. of alluviation. Beta-7762 D. M. Hopkins, 1983, 166° 12' unpublished data

Bend:A-4 Peat beneath fine grained tephra Provides a maximum age for a vol- 4000 +_ 100 D. S. Kaufman, 1985 65° 06' taken from river bluff exposure on canic eruption of an unknown source (1-13,990) unpublished data 163° 31' the Pargon River. which is possibly correlative with the tephra unit found at Dome Creek (Beta-7760, 7761), 75 km to the southwest.

Tell:D-5 Two samples of wood from upper part Interpreted as shrub vegetation 3760 +_ 250 Masters and others, 65° 40' peat deposit underlain by shingled growing on old tundra or around a (W-1823) 1969; Sainsbury, 167° 05' outwash of the York glacial interval thaw-lake. 3750 _+ 250 1967a of Sainsbury (1967a), on the Pinguk (W-1773) River.

-18- Cand:D-6 Wood from beaver dam burying flood- Date discredited by Spiker and 3600 +_ 500 Broecker and others, 65° 56' plain gravel with rooted stumps others (1978). Date of 8310 +_ 300 (L-117F) 1956; McCulloch and 161° 59' overlain by thick interbedded silt (W-2809) was obtained from the same Hopkins, 1966 and peat on Mud Creek. location.

Bend:B-6 Peat layer below very fine grained, Provides a maximum age for a volcan- 3340 +_ 90 D. S. Kaufman and 65° 18' 2 cm thick tephra layer at Dome ic eruption of an unknown source. (Beta-7761) D. M. Hopkins, 1983, 164° 44' Creek. A date of 2400 +_ 80 (Beta-7760) was unpublished data obtained on organics overlying tephra.

Bend:D-3 Marrow-cracked bones of caribou from Layer contained implements of older 2810 +_ 110 Tauber, 1968 65° 48' Trail Creek Cave 2. Choris or closely related culture. (K-979) 163° 13'

Nome:C-l Wood and peat from silty colluvium Dates small ice-wedges which began 2770 ± 300 Hopkins and others, 64° 31' over estuarine sediments of the Pe- to form after peat accumulated. (W-484) 1960 165° 26' lukian beach near Nome.

Bend: Dark-colored bones of caribou from 2770 +_ 110 Tauber, 1968 65° 48' layer in west room, Trail Creek (K-1290) 163° 13' Cave 9.

Bend:B-6 Sedge peat from 3 m below the sur­ Provides minimum age when climate 2750 jf 350 McCulloch and 65° 19' face at Coffee Creek. and vegetation became similar to (L-137F) Hopkins, 1966 164° 44' present.

Bend: Well-preserved antler of caribou Same layer as K-979. 2700 jf 110 Tauber, 1968 65° 48' from Trail Creek Cave 2. (K-983) 163° 13'

Sela:B-6 Charcoal from below roof level of From the Choris period, 2646 jf 177 Ralph and Ackerman, 66° 16' Oval House 2 pit, Baldwin Peninsula. (P-203) 1961 161° 52'

Sela:B-6 Wood from Oval House 1, Baldwin Pen- From the Choris period, 2635 ± 125 Ralph and Ackerman, 66° 16' insula. (P-96) 1961 161° 52'

-19- Bend:D-3 Antler from Trail Creek Cave 9. 2620 + 120 Tauber, 1960 65° 48' (K-147) 163° 13'

Tell:A-2 Wood from interbedded silt and peat 2605 +_ 90 D. M. Hopkins, 1973, 65° 10' on west shore of Imuruk Basin. (1-7700) unpublished data 165° 52'

Tell:C-7 Two samples of charcoal and charred Considered to be of Norton culture. 2583 +_ 60 Stuckenrath and 65° 40' sand from Norton stratum in House 2, (P-59T) others, 1966 168° 15' approximately 1 m below sod, Cape 2566 jf 53 Prince of Wales. (P-598)

Tell:C-7 Charcoal from Norton hearth on third Considered to be of Norton culture. 2402 +_ 43 Stuckenrath and 65° 40' beach line, Agulaak site, Cape Prince (P-599A) others, 1966 168° 15' of Wales.

Bend:B-6 Peat overlying very fine grained, 7 Provides a minimum age for a vol- 2400 ± 80 D. S. Kaufman and 65° 18' cm thick tephra layer at Dome Creek, canic eruption of an unknown source, (Beta-7760) D. M. Hopkins, 1983, 164° 44' unpublished data

Tell:C-7 Wood from post in pond associated Considered to be of Norton culture, 2306 _+ 38 Stuckenrath and 65° 40' with Norton houses, Cape Prince of (P-629) others, 1966 168° 15' Wales.

Solo:B-6 Charcoal from single habitation 2284 jf 56 Lawn, 1971 64° 30' level of Pit House 1, 29 km east (P-1633) 165° 00' of Nome.

Sela:B-6 Worked fragments of antler from From the Choris Period. 2244 jf 133 Ralph and Ackerman, 66° 16' floor deposits of Oval House 1. (P-175) 1961 161° 52'

Solo:B-6 Charcoal from hearth in single habi- Comparable date for same site: 2210 +_ 90 Fishman and others, 64° 30' tation level of House 285, 29 km 1970 + 100 (1-5379). (P-1809) 1977 165° 00' east of Nome.

Sela:B-6 Charcoal from Choris site, Area 3, Believed to be of Late Choris cul- 2190 +; 51 Stuckenrath and 66° 16' two beaches forward of the "House ture. (P-611) others, 1966 161° 52' Beach", Choris Peninsula, Kotzebue Sound.

-20- Nome D-l Organic-rich silt overlying gray Provides a stop-date for the Mount 2180 _+ 80 R. E. Nelson and 64° 57* silt which overlies Mount Osborn age Osborn glacial interval. (1-11,131) D. M. Hopkins, 1978, 165° 12* till at the mouth of Thompson Creek. unpublished data

Bend:D-3 Bones of caribou from Trail Creek Layer contained implements presum­ 2160 +_ 110 Tauber, 1968 65° 48' Cave 2. ably belonging to the Dengigh Flint (K-1289) 163° 13' Complex. Date is considered too young.

Tell:A-3 Peat from a low river terrace of Provides minimum age in interval 2090 +_ 60 D. S. Kaufman and 65° 03' Gold Run Creek. of alluviation. (Beta-7763) D. M. Hopkins, 1983, 166° 12' unpublished data

Solo:D-6 Twigs from ice-wedge fill material Dates thaw of ice-wedge. 2025 +_ 80 D. M. Hopkins, 1973, 64° 58' in lower section of terrace of Pil­ (1-7703) unpublished data 164° 43' grim River. 1985 +_ 80 (1-7704)

Bend:C-3 Wood from peat beneath white ash Dates volcanic eruption of an un­ 1655 +_ 220 D. M. Hopkins, 1961, 65° 39' layer at Salix Bay, Imuruk Lake. known source, perhaps the Lost Jim (1-8293) unpublished data 163° 10' volcanic flow.

Tell:C-7 Wooden dish from Kurigitavik site 1480 +_ 240 Ralph and Ackerman, 65° 36' located south of Wales. (P-63) 1961 168° 04'

Tell:A-7 Rounded shells in basal pebbly Helps establish transgressive 1400 +_ 250 Spiker and others, 65° 14' clay layer from a core at 47 m history of northern Bering Sea. (W-2684) 1978 168° 07' below msl, 43 km south of Cape Prince of Wales.

Nome:D-l Organic-rich silt overlying gray Provides a distant minimum age for 1390 +_ 85 R. E. Nelson, and 64° 57' silt which overlies Mount Osborn age the Mount Osborn glacial interval. (1-11,143) D. M. Hopkins, 1978, 165° 12' till at the mouth of Thompson Creek. unpublished data

Kotz:A-2 Birch bark from main room of Ipiutak 1380 +_ 200 Trautman and Walton, 66° 04' House, Deering. (K-532) 1962 162° 45'

-21- Tell:C-7 Wooden dish and shafts from Kuri- Associated with a Birnirk harpoon 1350 + 360 Ralph and Ackerman, 65° 36' gitavik site located south of the head. (P-68) 1961 168° 04' village of Wales. 1320 + 230 (P-68)

Kotz:A-2 Dog feces from Anteroom 3, Ipiutak 1290 4- 200 Trautman and Walton, 66° 04' House, Deering. (K-537) 1962 162° 45'

Bend:D-3 Charcoal from fireplace in Trail 1260 4- 130 Tauber, 1960 65° 48' Creek Cave 9. (K-108) 163° 13'

Tell:C-7 Wooden dish from Kurigitavik site Occurs with typical Thulepunuk arti- 1230 +_ 240 Ralph and Ackerman, 65° 36 f located south of Wales. facts. (P-67) 1961 168° 04'

Bend:D-3 Marrow-cracked bones of caribou from 1100 + 100 Tauber, 1968 65° 48 f Trail Creek Cave 2. (K-982) 163° 13'

Nome:B-2 Shell fragments in shell bed buried Helps establish Holocene trans- 980 + 200 Spiker and others, 64° 24' by fine sand from a core at 30.6 m gressive history of northern (W-2466) 1978 165° 35* below msl, 45 km southeast of Bering Sea. Nome.

Nome:A-3 Shells in silty sand from a core at Helps establish Holocene trans- 750 +_ 200 Spiker and others, 64° 14' 24.6 m below msl, 45 km southeast gressive history of northern (W-2462) 1978 166° 15' of Nome. Bering Sea.

Tell:A-6 Infaunal shells isolated in basal Shell species: Hyatella Arctica and 740 +_ 250 Spiker and others, 65° IT sand from 11 cm level of a core Mya Truncata. (W-2683) 1978 167° 53' taken from 31 m below msl, 48 km south of Cape Prince of Wales.

Bend:D-3 Light-colored bones of caribou from Bones from same layer as K-1290 510 +_ 100 Tauber, 1968 65° 48' Trail Creek Cave 9. (2770 +_ 110) suggest considerable (K-1291) 163° 13' mixing of bones in this layer.

-22- Shis:B-3 Peat underlying crossbedded sand at Provides maximum age of sand dune. 450 +_ 200 Sainsbury, 1967b 66° 15' Shishmaref. (W-1778) 165° 02'

Bend:B-6 Wood and sedge peat 1 m below the Indicates that deposition of muck- 450 +_ 100 Kulp and others, 65° 18' surface of valley fill material at like material has taken place during (L-117D) 1952; McCulloch 164° A3' Coffee Creek. the past few hundred years. and Hopkins, 1966

Tell:B-4 Deciduous tree from buried igloo ex­ Site was probably a bird-shooting 400 ± 250 Masters and others, 65° 22' posed in beach cut at site of an camp. (W-1998) 1969 166° 45' Eskimo camp on Breving Lagoon.

Shis:B-3 Log within crossbedded sand overly­ 200 + 200 Sainsbury, 1967b 66° 15' ing peaty zone at Shishmaref. (W-1771) 166° 02'

L Bend - Bendeleben quadrangle ^Radiocarbon laboratories as follows: Cand = Candle quadrangle AU=University of Alaska Kotz = Kotzebue quadrangle Beta=Beta Analytic, Inc. Nome = Nome quadrangle I^Isotopes, Inc. Sela = Selawik quadrangle ^Copenhagen Solo = Solomon quadrangle L=Lam Geological Observatory, New York Shis = Shishmaref quadrangle P=University of Pennsylvania Tell - Teller quadrangle QL=Quaternary Research Center, University of Washington, Seattle USGS=U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia W=U.S. Geological Survey, Washington B.C. Y=Yale Radiocarbon Laboratory Potassium/Argon laboratory: PT=Geochron Laboratories Division, Krueger Enterprises Inc., Cambridge, Mass

Analytical data: % K20 » 0.154, 0.154 -13 moles 40Ar_j/emAr d /g = 1.1.8675 x 10~ 13 , 1.7153 40Arrad' Artotal = °- 031 °- 018 f 1 - Constants: A£ = 0.572 x 10~w year" 1 , 4.93 x 10~ 10 year-10, \ , = 8.78 x 10~ 13 year -1


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