PROJECT Motorway,

Funding: National (Bulgaria) Duration: Jan 2011 - Dec 2013 Status: Complete with results


Struma Motorway is a major road infrastructure project located in the Yugozapaden region of South West Bulgaria. Running between capital city and at the Bulgaria- border, the total length of the motorway will be 173.8km.

Two sections of the motorway were completed in 2011, the 19km Lyulin stretch that connects the with the junction of Daskalovo near and a 22km section between Daskalovo and Dolna Dikanya to the south of Sofia.

The remaining 132.8km of the project has been divided into four sections. Construction of sections 1 and 4 started in 2011 and 2012 respectively. The construction contract for section 2 was awarded in February 2013.

Section 3, which is the most complex section of the project, is currently in a preliminary design phase, with the construction planned for after 2014.

Parent Programmes: OPT - Operational Programme on Transport 2007 - 2013 Institute type: Public institution Institute name: Ministry of transport, information technology and communications Funding type: Public (national/regional/local) Other programmes: Danube Bridge 2, Bulgaria Other funding sources: EU's Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession (ISPA), Daskalovo- Dolna Dikanya coop. European Investment Bank


Danube Bridge 2, Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Association for Geotechnical and Tunnel Organisation: Construction Al. Zhendov str. Address: 6 Zipcode: 1113 City: Sofia Contact country: Bulgaria The Bulgarian Association for Geotechnical and Tunnel Organisation Website: Construction

Key Results:

The preparation included three steps:

1. Preparation of preliminary design - The main task of the desiner has been to determine the optimal alignment and develop a preliminary design of the tunnel and the road sections.

2. Consultancy service from strategic advisor - The strategic advisor assisted the employer in respect to the technical, financial, environmental and management aspoect of the design process.

3. Envrionmental consultant - for the first time in Bulgaria, the consultant worked together with ecologists, in order to ensure technical solutions comply with environmental norms.

Documents: Broshure Struma EN_OPR.pdf

STRIA Roadmaps: Infrastructure Transport mode: Road transport Transport sectors: Passenger transport Transport policies: Societal/Economic issues, Environmental/Emissions aspects, Deployment planning/Financing/Market roll-out Geo-spatial type: Network corridors