White Heat Cold Logic

British Computer 1960–1980

Edited by Paul Brown, , Nicholas Lambert, and

The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts , England ( 2008 Birbeck College

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

White heat cold logic : British 1960–1980 / edited by Paul Brown . . . [et al.]. p. cm.—(Leonardo books) Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 978-0-262-02653-6 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Computer art—Great Britain. 2. Art, British—20th century. I. Brown, Paul, 1947 Oct. 23– N7433.84.G7W45 2008 776.0941—dc22 2008016997

10987654321 Index

010101: Art in Technological Times, 415 Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 192 2000 AD, 307 Air Loom, 412 2001: A Space Odyssey, 171, 224 AISB. See Society for the Study of Artificial 20th Century Fox, 201, 223 Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior A&L. See Art & Language Alan Stone Gallery, 422 AA. See Architectural Association Albers, Josef, 265 AARON, 4, 134, 145, 147–150, 276– Aldeburgh Festival, 182 277, 396, 422 Aldermaston March, 164 Abel, Robert, 399 ALGOL, 328 Abstract expressionism, 249–250, 291 Alien, 188–189, 199, 201, 315, 326 Abstraction, 4, 32n18, 122, 124, 248–249, Alife. See Artificial Life 251, 262n17, 269, 345, 390 Allende, Salvador, 198 ACM. See Association for Computing Alloway, Lawrence, 2, 7 Machinery Alphaville, 171 ACM SIGGRAPH. See Association for Altair, 385–386 Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Ambler, Pat, 354 Group on Graphics AMM, 219, 221 ACTT. See Association of Cinematograph Amsterdam String Quartet, 213 Television, and Allied Technicians Union Animation, 90, 108, 158, 188–189, 193, Adams, Ken, 220 199, 201, 222–224, 230–233, 234, Adrian, Marc, 224 235, 237, 238–240, 242–245, 282, AERE. See Atomic Energy Research 328, 373, 375 Establishment Annecy Grande Prix, 229 Agam, Yaacov, 21, 30n2, 32n18 Annely Juda Fine Art, 269 AHRB. See and Humanities Research Antics, 199, 213, 217n15 Board Apple Computers, 161, 211, 244, 271, AI. See Artificial Intelligence 356, 385, 386 Airfix, 328 Appleton, Jon, 183 Applied Physics and Information Science, Arts Council of Great Britain, 77, 85, 155, 143 157, 159, 170, 182, 270, 288, 321, Applied Psychology Research Unit, 192 342–343 ARC. See Augmentation Research Center Artshow Gallery, 397 Archer, Bruce, 198, 355 Arts Lab, 5, 221, 284 Architectural Association (AA), 41–45, 170 Artspace, 163, 171 Architectural Design, 38, 42 Art Strike, The, 170 Architecture Machine Group, 69, 198 ArtWare, 81 Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, 213 Arvatov, Boris, 121 Armory of the 69th Regiment, New York, Ascott, Roy, 3, 4, 9–16, 20, 22–23, 30n5, 75 66, 134, 172n13, 219, 250, 251, 252, Armstrong Jones, Anthony, 85 278, 288, 348, 419n29 Army Ballistic Missile Research Laboratory, Ashby, W. Ross, 10, 32n17, 219, 221, 174 227, 295–296, 304 Arnatt, Keith, 31n8 Ashdown, Paul, 369, 374 Arne, Inke, 412, 418n17 Association for Computing Machinery Arp, Hans, 129 (ACM), 160, 260, 349 ARPANET, 277–278, 350, 384 Association for Computing Machinery’s Arrowsmith, Pat, 164 Special Interest Group on Graphics Ars Electronica, 81, 406, 410 (ACM SIGGRAPH), 81, 133, 160, 260, Arslab, 81 349, 393, 399, 406, 420n44 Art & Language (A&L), 6, 255, 277, 324– Association of Cinematograph Television, 332, 330, 331, 334, 336–337, 340– and Allied Technicians Union (ACTT), 343, 381 234 Art and Interactive Telecommunications, Atari, 223, 356 288 Atkeson, Christopher G., 110 Art and Language. See Art & Language Atkins, Peter. See Kardia, Peter Art and Technology Group, 169 Atkinson, Conrad, 169 Artec, 81, 407 Atkinson, Terry, 255, 324, 325, 326, 331, Arte povera, 307 336 Artforum, 218n19, 275, 294 Atlantic Monthly, 32n22 Artificial intelligence (AI), 4, 31n12, 106, Atlas Computer Laboratory, 199, 201, 233, 109–110, 145–147, 159, 169, 191– 235, 237, 240, 354 192, 201, 276–267, 286, 303, 343, Atlas Titan, 43 353–355, 384–385 Atomic Energy Research Establishment Artificial life, 5, 31n12, 44, 56, 58, 62, 68, (AERE), 222 159, 275–257, 279, 281, 283, 285– Augmentation Research Center (ARC), 22 287, 289, 386, 408 Aulton, Derek, 25, 29, 33n34 Artists’ Union, 170 Auto-destructive art, 41, 163–165, 168, Art Journal, 423 172n12 ArtLab, 81 Autogena, Lise, 402–403, 413 Art-Language. See Art & Language Arts and Humanities Research Board Babbage, Charles, 2, 378 (AHRB), 7 Bainbridge, Dave, 255, 324, 326 Arts Catalyst, 76 Bains, Sunny, 399 Artsci, 405, 409, 417n9 Baker, Bob, 225 Arts Council of England, 392, 413 Baker, Kenneth, 394


432 Baker, Robin, 394 Bergson, Henri, 9 Baldwin, Michael, 255, 324, 326, 330, Berio, Luciano, 175, 427 331, 342, 381, 382 Bernstein, Basil, 20, 23, 25, 31n11 Baljeu, Joost, 269 Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 268, 344 Banbury School of Art, 291 Besant, Colin, 234, 237 Bangor Technical College, 53 BETA. See Business Equipment Trade Banham, Reyner, 2, 7, 39, 248 Association Bann, Stephen, 129, 281 Betts, Tom, 411 Banovich, Tamas, 414 Beyls, Peter, 132, 281, 284, 320 Barbican Art Gallery, 46, 419n31, 424 BFI. See British Film Institute Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, 324, 329, 342 Bickmore, David, 199 Baron, Wendy, 394 Biederman, Charles, 124, 133, 249, Barr, Alfred H., 75 262n15, 268–269 Barrow, Logie, 32n24 Bill, Max, 74, 123–124, 269 BASIC. See Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Billingsley, John, 89, 98 Instruction Code Birkhoff, George, 72–73 Basic Design, 3, 5, 20, 248–251, 258, Bisley, Roy, 292 262n20, 265–266, 271 Blacher, Boris, 183, 184 Bateson, Gregory, 16 Blake, Peter, 31n8 Bath Academy of Art, 78, 151, 269 Blaricum, 198 Bauhaus, 74, 248–249, 265–266, 268– Bletchley Park, 44, 324 269, 271, 294, 345, 390 Blinn, Jim, 160 Baylis, Mike, 189 Boden, Margaret, 354 BBC. See British Broadcasting Company Boeing, 74, 88, 92, 169 BBC micro, 374, 393 Bohm, David, 270 BCS. See British Computer Society Bomberg, David, 163 Beatles, The, 112, 364 Bond, Alan, 354 Becker, Lutz, 224 Boreham, Dominic, 132, 158, 281, 285, BECTU. See Broadcasting, Entertainment, 355 Cinematograph and Theatre Union Borough Polytechnic School, 163 Beer, Stafford, 4, 11, 41, 191, 196, 380 Borzyskowski, George, 238 Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruc- Boston University Art Gallery, 397 tion Code (BASIC), 120, 145, 156, 233, Bournemouth University, 421, 426, 428 279, 362, 374, 384–386 Bowen, Denis, 20, 30n5 Behaviorist art, 13–15 Bowron, Astrid, 174 Beigel, Florian, 320 Brach, Paul, 141 Bell, Robert, 28 Bracknell Play Group, 188 Bell, Stephen, 5, 132, 281, 284, 288, 307– Bramer, Max, 354 308, 310, 312–314, 316, 318, 320, 356 Breton, Andre´,10 Bell Telephone Laboratories, 75, 85, 88, Brieske, Jerry, 28, 34n46 92, 184, 213, 221, 229 Briggs, Asa, 15 Benjamin, Anthony, 30n5, 31n10 Brighton Polytechnic, 191, 193 Benn, Tony. See Wedgwood Benn, Rt. Hon. Briscoe, Chris, 5, 132, 158, 257–258, 260, Anthony 269, 270, 278–279, 284–285, 286, Bense, Max, 73, 76–77, 85 287–288, 304, 311, 319–320, 353, Benthall, Jonathan, 169, 181, 259, 305 369, 371, 421 Berg, Adrian, 30n5 Brisley, Stuart, 31n8


433 Bristol Polytechnic, 308 Bush, Vannevar, 22, 32n22 British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Business Equipment Trade Association 42, 87, 89, 175–176, 187, 199, 201, (BETA), 173n26, 191, 194 233, 235, 237, 242–244, 258, 369, Butler, Reg, 15 372–374, 380, 391, 393 Butler, Samuel, 10 British Computer Society (BCS), 47, 162, 168–169, 176, 178, 180–181, 188, CACHe (Computer Arts, Contexts, 193, 426 Histories, etc.), 7, 288 British Council, 154, 423, 425 CAD. See Computer-Aided Design British Design Award, 47 Cage, John, 41, 50, 55, 75, 88, 182, 294 British Film Institute (BFI), 238, 425 CAiiA. See Centre for Advanced Enquiry in British Library, 422 the Interactive Arts British Society for Social Responsibility in Calcomp, 88, 91, 143–144, 173n17, 215 Science (BSSRS), 34n40, 169 Calder, Ritchie, 15, 58, 278, 294 British Universities Film Council, 288 California State University, 156, 425 Britten, Benjamin, 182 Callaghan, James, 244 Broadbent, Donald, 192 CalState. See California State University Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinemato- Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts, 248 graph and Theatre Union (BECTU), 234 Cambridge Opinion,12 Brooker, William, 30n5 Cambridge University, 43–45, 53, 55, 98, Brooklyn Museum, 76, 422 163, 175–176, 192, 199 Brooks, Rodney, 103, 110 Camera Effects Ltd., 243 Brooks, Rosetta, 34n43 Camera obscura, 215, 379 Brougher, Kerry, 174 Canada House Cultural Centre Gallery, Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan, 270 393, 399 Brown, Paul, 6, 132, 157–158, 202, Canadian Centre for Architecture, 67 218n19, 257–258, 275, 278, 288, 320, Candy, Linda, 359 353, 406 Canterbury College of Art, 321, 381 Bru¨n, Herbert, 78, 182 Cardew, Cornelius, 219, 267 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 201, 240, 365 Cariani, Peter, 67–68 Bryars, Gavin, 292, 294, 303 Carpenter, Loren, 162 BSSRS. See British Society for Social Carroll, Lewis, 186 Responsibility in Science Carter, Angela, 394, 399 Buchanan, Bruce G., 288 CAS. See Buckminster Fuller. See Fuller, R(ichard) Cass, John, 320 Buckminster Catlow, Ruth, 411, 414 Bukhari, Salim, 114, 115 Catmull, Edwin, 367 Bull, Gordon, 155, 160 CAVS. See Center for Advanced Visual Bunting, Heath, 407, 414 Studies Burgin, Victor, 281 CCNR. See Centre for Computational Burke, James, 199 Neuroscience and Robotics Burlington Magazine, 424 CDC. See Control Data Corporation Burn, Ian, 324, 336 Ceccato, Cristiano, 38 Burnham, Jack, 66, 74 CEMA. See Centre for Electronic Arts Burraston, Dave, 288 Center for Advanced Visual Studies Burrows, Mick, 33n30 (CAVS), 74, 75, 390, 397 Bury, Stephen, 5, 265–266, 268, 270 Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, 81


434 Center for Research in Computing and the Coates, Paul, 46 Arts (CRCA), 422 COBOL, 362 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 223, Cognitive science, 31n12, 53, 109, 354 225 Cohen, Bernard, 30n5, 251, 267, 276 Central School of Arts and Crafts, 248–249 Cohen, Harold, 4, 13, 30n5, 133–134, Central St. Martins, 419n34, 420n47 141, 142–150, 219–220, 251, 267, Centre d’Etudes Industrielle, Geneva, 196 276–267, 288, 305, 396, 400, 422 Centre for Advanced Enquiry in the Coldstream, Sir William, 5, 250–251, 257, Interactive Arts (CAiiA), 81, 413 265, 278 Centre for Behavioural Art, 28, 34n45 Coldstream Report, 252 Centre for Computational Neuroscienc and Colloquy of Mobiles, 41, 54, 58–63, 66, 68, Robotics (CCNR), 421 79, 192, 388 Centre for Electronic Arts (CEMA), 287– Columbia University, 67 288 Comfort, Alex, 164 Centre Georges Pompidou, 379, 425 Committee of 100, 164 Cern. See European Organization for Committee on Higher Education, 261 Nuclear Research Commodore Personal Electronic Transactor Ce´zanne, Paul, 9 (PET), 46, 385 Chadwick, Brian, 268 Complex systems, 30, 32n17, 61, 62, 201 Chalmers, John, 200 Complexity, 42, 72, 109, 128, 134, 157, Chaos Computer Club, 65 162, 205–207, 246, 296, 298, 302, Charig, Alan J., 235 331, 337, 340–342, 351 Chelsea College of Art and Design, 265– Compton Gallery, 391 273, 381, 427 Computer 70, 173n26, 191, 194–195 Chelsea Polytechnic, 266 Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 46, 193, Chester Beatty Cancer Research Institute, 199, 200, 237, 361, 396 22 Computer-animated films, 77, 199, 245, Chettle, Stephen, 343 270, 283 Chicago Symposium on New Technology, Computer Arts Society (CAS), 4, 5, 13, 229 107, 166, 168–169, 173n24, 175, 178, Childs, Lucinda, 75 180–183, 187–189, 191–194, 198– Chomsky, Noam, 329, 342–343 199, 200, 202–203, 217n1, 220, 285– CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency 287, 349–350 Cinematograph, 234 Computer Bulletin, 162, 188, 202 Cipher Magazine, 273n25 Computer Image, 235, 239 Circle: International Survey of Constructivist Computer Museum, Boston, 81, 422 Art, 122 Computer Technique Group, 72, 85, 88, City of Leicester Polytechnic, 252 368 City of London Polytechnic, 396–397 Computer Weekly, 176, 181 Clark, David R., 15, 283, 391 Computing Then & Now, 203, 217n6 Clark, John, 15 Conceptual art, 5, 6, 21, 135, 251, 255, Clark, Lygia, 414 275, 277, 286, 323–325, 327–331, Clemente, Jack, 30n2 333, 335, 337, 339, 341, 343, 377, 382, Cleveland Gallery, 343 384, 386, 427 Cluett, Shelagh, 270 Concrete poetry, 71–72, 77, 85, 273n17 CNAA. See Council for National Academic Congress of International Progressive Awards Artists, 120


435 Connery, Sean, 375 Curtis, David, 221 Constructivism, 4, 19, 30, 119–122, 123, Cyberfeminism and Artificial Life, 68 124, 129, 130–135, 152, 268–269, Cyberfeminist practices, 423 271, 286, 294, 345 Cybernetic art, 4, 31n9, 53, 91 Control, 22, 352 Cybernetics, 2–4, 9–16, 20–21, 31n9, Control Data Corporation (CDC), 283 32n17, 38–39, 53–55, 63–69, 77, 90– Control Data Corporation computers, 142, 91, 172n, 191–192, 200–201, 247– 213, 283 248, 250, 304–305, 324–327 Convery, Cavan, 411, 414 , 4, 5, 30, 35n55, 41, Conway, John Horton, 44, 282, 286, 320 58–60, 76–80, 83–93, 113, 166, Cook, Sarah, 409 172n14, 173n16, 180, 192, 221–222, Cooper, Julian, 235, 237 275, 287, 414–415 Cooper, Muriel, 397 Cybernetic systems, 40, 55–56, 65 Corne, David W., 288 Cybernetic theater, 54–55, 67 Cornell University, 422 Cybernetic theory, 12 Cornerhouse, 419n31 Cornock, Stroud, 33n30, 252–254, 292, Dada, 119, 120, 129, 273n19, 294, 401, 294, 303–304, 347–350, 353, 354, 408, 411 356, 417n16 Dainton, Roger, 88, 282 Correspondence Art, 424 Dance, 41, 90, 188, 193, 203, 227, 237, Cosic, Vuk, 408 239, 411 Council for National Academic Awards Darby, Cris, 218n16 (CNAA), 254 Darrah, Philip, 220 Council for Scientific Policy, 261 Dartington Hall Summer School, 175, 184, Courtauld Institute of Art, 423 187 Coventry Polytechnic, 5 Dartmouth College, 183 Coventry School of Art, 255 Data General, 144, 158, 269, 278, 311, Coventry University, 325, 425 371 Cox Box, 235 Davidson, Donald, 343–344 Crabtree, Chris, 284, 304, 309, 317, 319, Davis, Douglas, 261 371, 373 Dawkins, Richard, 45 Craighead, Alison, 403–404, 410, 413 Day, A. C., 317 CRCA. See Center for Research in Day, Colin, 321 Computing and the Arts de Kooning, Willem, 262n17 Croft, Renny, 320 Deleuze, Gilles, 15 Crosby, Theo, 269, 271 Deller, Jeremy, 407 Crowe, Nick, 413 Denes, Agnes, 171, 174 Crozier, William, 30n2 Department of Basic Form and Research, CRUMB. See Curatorial Resources for 262n20 Upstart Media Bliss Department of Design Research, 192, 199, Crystal Palace Sports Centre, 39 200, 328, 383, 390, 392, 426 Csuri, Charles, 72, 88, 166, 279, 305, 368 Department of Education and Science, 261 Cubism, 119, 121 Department of Environment, 198, 200, 392 Culham Laboratory, 261 Department of Experimental and Electronic Curatorial Resources for Upstart Media Art (EXP), 5, 130, 132, 158–159, 254, Bliss (CRUMB), 416n3 258, 269, 276, 279, 281–284, 286– Curran, Susan, 66 287, 289, 294, 308


436 Department of Foundation Studies, 251 Driberg, Tom, 15 Department of Industrial Design, 248 Drummond, Fred, 223 Department of Mechanical Engineering of Dubois, Kitsou, 76 University College London, 101 Duchamp, Marcel, 124–125, 155, 273n19, Department of Trade and Industry, 424 278, 294, 324, 326, 384, 408, 414–415 Derby University, 300 Duchamp-land, 405–406, 408, 410–411, Derbyshire, Delia, 175 413–414, 415 Deren, Maya, 225 Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Design Council, 47 419n29 Design Research Centre, 427 Dungeons & Dragons, 307, 317 Design Research Society, 427 Dunn, Peter, 407 Design Research Unit, 198, 392, 394 Du¨rer, Albrecht, 154 Destruction in Art Symposium (DIAS), 166, 172n3 Ealing Art College. See Ealing School of Art Deutsches Filmmuseum, 228 Ealing Art School. See Ealing School of Art Diagrams, 3, 5, 21, 68, 125, 252, 271, Ealing College. See Ealing School of Art 310, 317, 323, 325, 327–329, 331, Ealing Jazz Club, 20 333, 335, 337, 339, 341, 343, 393 Ealing School of Art, 20, 22, 172n12, 250, DIAS. See Destruction in Art Symposium 267 Dickens, Cedric, 181 Earth Minus Environment, 170 Dickens, Charles, 181 Eastern Michigan University, 183 Dickinson, Rod, 412 EAT. See Experiments in Art and Dietz, Steve, 401, 409, 410, 411, 416n3, Technology 417n15 Eco, Umberto, 80, 88 Digital animation, 235, 428 Ecogame, 5, 191, 193–198, 200–201, 216 Digital Effects Inc., 399 Edinburgh College of Art, 426 Digital Pictures, 258, 260, 287, 371 Edinburgh Festival, 28, 33n36, 107 Dillworth, Norman, 152 Edinburgh University, 231, 396 Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear Edmonds, Ernest, 6, 33n30, 252, 254, 281, War, 164 284–285, 294, 300, 302, 304, 345– Disney, 393, 399 359, 417n16 Disneyland, 406 Edwards, Gareth, 374–375, 393, 397 Dissanayake, Ellen, 315, 321 Eggeling, Viking, 224 DITRAN, 142 Ehrensweig, Anton, 277, 288 D-Mac (Digitising Machine), 234 Electronic Cafe´, 278 Docklands Community Poster Project, 407 Electronic music, 175, 183–184, 188, 268, Documenta, 33n39, 330–331, 422, 425 427 Dodds, Douglas, 7 Electronic Music Studios (EMS), 5, 175– Doesburg, Theo Van, 119–120, 129 176, 178, 183, 188–189, 214, 427 Domike, Steffi, 57 Electrosonic, 194 Doran, Michael, 267 ELIZA, 385 Dovey, Jon, 417n16 Ellin, Everett, 78 Downes, Kerry, 154 Elliot, David, 30n3 Dowson, Mark, 78, 88, 192 Elliot, Tessa, 413, 417n12 Drew, James, 20 Elliot Automation, 199, 231 Drian Galleries, 19, 20, 21, 30n4, 31n15, Elliott, Brian, 30n3 32n18 El Lissitsky, 120


437 Elstob, Mike, 192 Fell, Mark, 357, 359n45 Em, David, 160, 397 Ferguson, Eugene S., 108, 110 Emmett, Colin, 199, 201, 216, 218n24, Ferranti, 33n34, 180, 193 237 Festival of Britain, 40 EMS. See Electronic Music Studios Fetter, William, 71, 74 Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Feyerabend, Paul, 329, 343 Enfield College of Technology, 257, 282, Film Business, 238 362, 365, 428 First European Management Forum, 191, Engelbart, Douglas, 22, 32n19, 32n20 195–196 English Electric, 380 First Report of the National Advisory Ernest, John, 127–128, 152, 268–270 Council on Art Education, 250 Ernst, Max, 315 Fischinger, Oskar, 224 Eshkol, Noah, 239 Flam, Jack, 174 Esltob, Mike, 201 Flash, Tamar, 110 European Organization for Nuclear Fletcher, David, 189 Research, 193 Fletcher, Trevor, 230 Evans, Christopher, 21, 31n14, 78, 89, FLOSS. See Free/Libre/Open Source Software 348, 391, 399 Flowers Report, 247, 261 Evening Standard,80 Fluxus, 227, 307, 424 Event One, 76, 166–168, 173n17, 180–182, Fodor, Jerry, 329 186, 193, 198, 220, 351 Foerster, Heinz von, 10, 68 Evoluon, 4, 100, 106, 114, 116, 275, 288, Fondacion Joan Miro, 425 379 Foonley supercomputer, 202 EXP. See Department of Experimental and Ford Motor Company, 169 FORTRAN, 42–43, 142, 145–146, 155, Experimental and Computing Department. 199, 221–222, 279, 295, 310, 317, See Department of Experimental and 321, 347, 350, 362–363, 365, 369, Electronic Art 371–372 Experimental and Electronic Art Depart- Foster, Hal, 7 ment. See Department of Experimental Foster, Noel, 30n5 and Electronic Art Foster, Norman, 31n10 Experimental Cartography Unit, 199, 201 Fourier, Charles, 10 Experimentellen Musik, 183 Fractals, 133, 144, 159, 162, 377, 379 Experiments in Art and Technology (EAT), Frame Buffer Show, 160 74–76, 85, 221 Francis, Alan, 199, 427 Exploratorium, 92, 98, 424 Franke, Herbert Werner, 173n18, 305 Frayling, Sir Christopher, 392 Faculty of Taxonomy, 409 Frazer, John Hamilton, 3, 37–51 Fahlstro¨m, O¨ yvind, 75, 76, 315 Frazer, Julia, 45, 47–48 Fearns, Bob, 320 Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS), Feaver, William, 267 135 Feedback, 3, 19, 21, 23, 31n9, 34n39, 56– Freeman, Jason, 57 57, 64–65, 73, 99, 110n2, 115, 129, Frege, Gottlob, 326, 343 164, 227, 250 Fuller, Matt, 415 FEEDBACK, 414 Fuller, R(ichard) Buckminster, 14, 75 Feigenbaum, Edward, 146, 276 Fun Palace, 3, 14–15, 37, 39, 40, 47, 50, Feines, Chris, 373 65–67, 69, 192


438 Furtherfield, 414 Goodman, Richard, 191, 193 Futuresonic, 420n43 Goon Show, The, 229 Goriunova, Olga, 410 Gabo, Naum, 121–123, 126, 131, 265, Gorky, Arshile, 262n17 294 Gosling, Nigel, 83 Galanter, Eugene, 10 Gouraud, Henri, 367 Gale, Colin, 285, 320 Government Art Collection, 394–395 Galerie, 39, 397 Government School of Design, 264n46 Galerie Mathoom, 155 Gowing, Lawrence, 266–267 Gallery House, 28, 33n35, 34n44, 170 Graham, Peter, 45 Galloway, Kit, 278 Grant, Iain, 417n16 Game of Life, 44, 282, 286, 320 GRAV. See Groupe de Recherche d’Art Game theory, 268, 270, 324, 344, 384 Visuel Gardiner, Jeremy, 6, 7, 389–390, 392, Gray, Carole, 285 394–396, 398, 400 Gray, Eileen, 269, 279 Gardner, James, 100, 114 Gray’s School, 285 Gardner, Martin, 282, 288 Great Exhibition of 1851, the, 204, 266 Gaudi, Antonio, 64 Green, William, 30n5, 31n8 Geach, Peter, 326, 329 Greenberg, Clement, 324 Gehry, Frank, 38 Gregory, Richard, 46 Gemeente Museum, 154 Grimshaw, Chris, 24–25 General Electric, 394, 396, 398 Grizedale Arts, 419n31 General Electric Hirst Research Centre, Gropius, Walter, 248, 265, 272n4, 390 396, 398, 400 Grossi, Pietro, 184 General Motors, 88, 169 Groundcourse, 12–13, 15, 250, 252, 267 , 129, 275, 284, 287, 410 Groupe de Recherche d’Art Visuel, 74 Generator, 3, 37, 40, 47, 48–49, 50, 414 Group Zero, 31n10 Geodesic dome, 194, 196–197 Growth of Knowledge, 343 George, F. H., 10 Guardian, The, 136, 175, 181 George, Frank, 192 Guattari, Felix, 15 German Cinamatheque Archive, 425 Guerra, Francesco, 43 Gerstner, Karl, 80 Guerry, Liliane, 9 Gibbs, James, 44–45 Gurdjieff, George, 11 Giddings, Seth, 417n16 Gilbert, Stephen, 30n2 Haacke, Hans, 33n39, 171, 414 Gill, Stanley, 176–177, 189, 192 Haile, Mike, 292 Gillham, Bill, 114 Halas, John, 224, 228, 230–232, 235, 242, Gillman, Clive, 408 424 Gips, James, 392, 399 Halas and Batchelor animation studio, 230, Glanville, Ranulph, 66, 68 232, 235, 424 Globe Theatre, 224 Halliwell, Albert E., 248 Glock, William, 187 Hamilton, Richard, 3, 10, 12, 20, 22, Godard, Jean-Luc, 171, 174 30n6, 31n10, 248, 249–250, 266–267, Godfrey, Bob, 224, 240 272n5 Goldsmiths College, 31n7, 219, 285, Harger, Honor, 419n31 419n29 Harman, Gilbert, 343–344 Goldwyn, 233, 244 Harris, Christopher M., 110


439 Harrison, Charles, 324, 332, 343 Honeywell Computers, 103, 232, 346, 364 Harrison, Ted, 336 Hooper, Daryll, 396 Harvard University, 282 Hopgood, Bob, 233, 235, 354 Harwood, Graham, 406, 407, 413 Hornsey College of Art, 251, 257, 270, Haskel, Lisa, 413, 415 282, 365–366 Hatfield Polytechnic, 155–157, 160, 281, Horvat-Pintaric´, Vera, 80 425 House, Gordon, 31n8 Hatton Gallery, 250 Howard, Graham, 5, 6, 323–324, 326, Hay, Alex, 75–76 327, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336, 338, 340, Hay, Deborah, 75 342, 344, 424 Hay, George, 31n14 Howard Wise Gallery, 166 Haydn, Franz Joseph, 214 Howarth, David, 189 Hayles, Katherine, 68 Howe, Jim, 396 Haynes, Jim, 221 Hudson, Andrew, 30n3 Hayward, Stanley, 5, 229–244, 364 Hudson, Tom, 262n20, 272n5, 305, 345, Hayward Gallery, 25, 33n31, 86, 267, 282, 357n4 330–331 Huffman, Kathy Rae, 419n31 Head, Tim, 412 Hughes, Malcolm, 4, 5, 127–128, 130, Heartfield, John, 170 132, 152, 158–159, 181, 254, 257, Heath, Adrian, 123 268–270, 276, 278, 304, 353, 355– Hein, Birgit, 224 356 Henderson, Nigel, 248 Hughes, Paul, 368, 374 Henry, D. P., 89 Huhne, Peter, 233 Henry’s Cat, 244 Hulten, Pontus, 75–76 Hepworth, Barbara, 121 Hume, Allan, 283 Herbert Art Gallery, 33n28, 326, 343 Hurrell, Harold, 324, 326 Heriot-Watt University, 426 Hyde, Gordon, 169 Heron, Patrick, 255 Hypertext, 22, 331, 384 Hill, Anthony, 123–128, 136, 152, 267– 270 IAMAS, 81 Hill, Gary, 417n12 Ian Fraser & Associates, 168 Hill, Murray, 229 IBM. See International Business Machines Hiller, Lejaren A. (Gerry), 213 ICA. See Institute for Contemporary Arts Hintikka, Jaako, 329, 343 I-Ching, 315 Hirst, Derek, 30n5 ICL. See International Computers Limited Hoare, Mike, 292 ICS. See Institute of Computer Science Hochschule fu¨r Gestltung, Ulm, 74 ICT. See International Computers and Hockney, David, 379 Tabulators Hodgson, Brian, 175 I-DAT center, 413 Hoffman, 394, 399 IFIP. See International Federation for Infor- Hogan, Neville, 105, 110 mation Processing Hollerbach, John M., 110 Ihnatowicz, Edward, 4, 41, 46, 66, 71, 73, Holley, Tom, 419n31 80, 88–89, 95–117, 259, 275–257, Holmin, Zaid, 214 285–286, 288, 294, 320, 353–354, Holroyd, Geoffrey, 2 358n19, 379, 414 Holzman, Bob, 160 IKEA, 121 Homer, 90 Ikon Gallery, 326


440 IMA. See Industrial Microcomputer Internet, 15, 32n20, 81, 135, 144, 171, Applications 227, 278, 350, 384, 403, 407, 410– IMAGINA, 133 411, 413, 423 IMAX, 284 Internet art, 350, 407–408, 411, 414–415, Imperial Airways, 266 417n15, 418n20 Imperial College, 173n17, 176, 198, 211, I/O/D, 410 234, 237–238, 240, 268, 384, 386, Ionist Art Group, 81 392–394 Ipswich Civic College, 252–253 Independent Group, the, 2, 3, 5, 247, 261 Ipswich School of Art, 22 Independent Television Network (ITN), 87 IRAT. See Institute for Research in Art and Industrial Light and Magic, 287, 374 Technology Industrial Microcomputer Applications irational organization, 407, 413 (IMA), 108 ISEA. See International Symposium of Information theory, 219, 267–8 Electronic Arts Innocent, Troy, 287–288 ITN. See Independent Television Network Institute for Contemporary Arts (ICA), 2, 4, Itten, Johannes, 265 20, 25, 30, 31n9, 33n31, 35n55, 41, 59, 60, 72, 77, 80, 83, 85, 86, 88, 90–92, Jackson, David, 186 98, 124, 180, 247, 269, 271n1, 275, Jebb, Alan, 234, 237 287, 378–379, 406, 419n34 Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), 159–160 Institute for Research in Art and Technol- Jewish Museum of Art, New York, 33n39, ogy, 5, 221, 223, 383 171 Institute of Computer Sciences (ICS), 14, John Weber Gallery, 332, 336 189, 261 Johnson, Ronald, 255, 328, 344 InterCommunication Center, 81 Johnson, Stephen, 68 International Business Machines (IBM), 77, Johnston, Nigel, 285 85, 88, 90, 142, 145, 149, 156, 166, Johnston, Rory, 110, 321 171, 173n17, 193, 198, 218n21, 246, Johnstone, William, 248–249 257 Jones, Amelia, 423 International Computers and Tabulators Jones, Chris, 46 (ICT), 220 Jones, Colin, 130, 292, 294, 300, 355 International Computers Limited (ICL), 5, Jones, Crispin, 411, 419n29 28, 168, 175–176, 178, 180–2, 184– Jones, Huw, 375 185, 189, 214, 220, 246, 261 Jones-Morris, Jonathan, 413, 417n12 International Faction of Constructivists, JPL. See Jet Propulsion Laboratory 120 Juda, Annely, 13 International Federation for Information Julesz, Bela, 72, 157 Processing (IFIP), 168, 176, 178, 183, Jurassic Park, 235, 374 189, 192 International Survey of Constructivist Art, Kahn, Erich, 30n2 122 Kamynin, S., 14 International Symposium of Electronic Arts Kandinsky, Wassily, 265, 424 (ISEA), 81, 406 Kane, Alan, 407 International Union of Architects Congress, Kaprow, Allan, 55 269 Karamjit, 343 Internationale Woche der Experimentellen Kardia, Peter, 219 Musik, 183 Karen, Guthrie, 412


441 Katz, Jerrold, 329, 343 Lambie-Nairn, Martin, 201 Kauffman, Stuart, 10 Lanchester Polytechnic, 255, 325, 328, 336 Kaufmann, Morgan, 288 Land art, 307 Kay, Alan, 275, 277, 287 Landau, Royston, 49 Kay, Peter, 155 Lang, Charles, 43 Kelemen, Boris, 80 Langton, Christopher, 289 Kember, Sarah, 68 Lansdown, Dot (Dorothy), 180 Kempadoo. Roshini, 407 Lansdown, Holt, and Patterson, 200–201 Kennedy, Robert, 85 Lansdown, John, 5, 6, 7, 45, 157, 162, Kepes, Gyo¨rgy, 74–75, 174, 266, 269, 168, 178, 180, 182, 188–189, 192– 390, 397 193, 200–201, 217n1, 220, 239, 242, Kerouac, Jack, 111 281, 349 Kidner, Michael, 127, 152, 268–270, 281, Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, 413, 355, 359n37 428 Kinetic art, 21, 32n18, 33n31, 73, 74, 89, Lauckner, Kurt, 182, 183 258, 298 Laver, Murray, 261 Kinetics, 271, 282 Law, John, 152, 273n25 Kings College, University of Durham, 3, 9, Leavitt, Ruth, 156 30n6, 249, 266 Le Corbusier (Charles-E´ douard Jeanneret- Kings College, , 10, Gris), 14, 64 20, 169 Le´ger, Ferdinand, 268 Kins Applied Technology Ltd., 243 Leggett, Mike, 284, 288 Kitaj, Ron, 30n5, 267 Le Grice, Malcolm, 5, 186, 219–228 Kitching, Alan, 199, 213, 237 Lehtman, Harvey, 32n21 Klee, Paul, 92, 249, 265, 266, 286, 390 Leicester College of Art, 251, 357n7 Klu¨ver, Billy, 74–75, 76, 221 Leicester College of Technology, 346, Knowlton, Kenneth, 88, 183–184 357n7 Koenig, Godfried Michael, 184 Leicester Polytechnic, 252, 272n7, 281, Kosice, Gyula, 30n2 291, 300, 304–305, 350, 353–355, Kosuth, Joseph, 171, 324, 330 357n5 Krampen, Martin, 80 Leicester University, 345 Krauss, Sigi, 34n43 Leith Festival, 27, 28, 33n37 Kripke, Saul, 329, 343 Lenkiewicz, Wolfe, 171 Krueger, Myron, 63 Leonardo, 184, 268, 269, 278, 350, 377, Kuhn, Thomas, 329, 378 384 KunstlichKunst, 33n28 Leonardo da Vinci, 108, 124, 315, 350 Kurzweil, Ray, 288 Leonelli, Dante, 282 Kyle, 223 Lerner, Laurence, 311, 321 Le´vi-Strauss, Claude, 271 Laboral Center for Art and Industrial Lewandowski, Simon, 418n22 Creation, 414 Lewis, Brian, 191 Labour Party, 1 LeWitt, Sol, 134, 218n19, 273n13, 275, Lacey, Bruce, 73, 80, 88–89 292, 414 Laing Gallery, 424 Lialina, Olia, 408 Lakotos, Imre, 343 Lifton, John, 73, 193, 220–221, 294, 354, Lambert, 182 383 Lambert, Nick, 287 Link, 213


442 LINUX, 135 Mandelbrot, Benoit, 282 Lippard, Lucy, 12, 277, 288 Manheim, Ralph, 389 Lisberger, Stephen, 399 Manovich, Lev, 406–408, 412 LISP, 146, 396 Mappin Art Gallery, 30n1 Lisson Gallery, 332 March, Lionel, 391, 392, 394 Lissowski, Andre, 282 Martin, Kenneth, 123, 126–130, 131, 269, Littlewood, Joan, 14, 39, 55, 65, 192 355 Liverpool Polytechnic, 279 Martin, Mary, 123, 127, 269 Liverpool Technical College, 53 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lockheed Georgia, 169 (MIT), 7, 67, 69, 74, 103, 110, 171, Loeffler, Carl, 278, 288 198, 228, 288, 324, 342–344, 384, Logical Mole, The, 216, 218n23 390, 396–397 Logical positivism, 327 Massey, Anne, 261 Logue, Christopher, 164 Mateas, Michael, 57 Lohse, Richard, 124 Mathews, Max, 213 London College of Printing, 200 Mathews, Stanley, 14 London Film Makers Co-operative, 5, 221, Matisse, 86 225, 284 Mattox, Charles, 184 London School of Economics, 42 McCail, Chad, 411 London Zoo, 112 McCall, Antony, 194 Long, Richard, 309 McCartney, Paul, 364 Longson, Tony, 4, 130, 151–154, 156, McGowan, Bob, 345 158, 160–162, 281, 288 McGrath, Frank, 336 Lorenz, Edward, 282 McKinnon Wood, Robin, 15, 55, 78 Los Angeles County Museum, 145, 422 McLuhan, Marshall, 324, 343–344 Loughborough University, 281, 321 McNulty, Christine, 194 Lovebytes festival, 420n42 McNulty, John, 194 Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael, 423 Media Centre Huddersfield, 413 LucasFilm, 287 Meertens, Lambert, 176–177, 182, 213 Lucas Research Group, 380 Meltzer, Bernard, 354 Lyapunov, A., 14 Memes, 405 Lynn, Greg, 69 Mendel, 163 Lyon-Lamb, 244 Menuhin, Yehudi, 14 Lyubimskii, E. Z., 14 Metzger, Gustav Metzger, 4, 41, 73, 163– 170, 178, 180, 267 MacGregor, Brent, 4 Michelangelo, 108 Machine, as seen at the end of the mechanical Michie, Donald, 40, 44, 110, 181, 192, age, The,76 321 Mack, Heinz, 31n8 Microsoft, 135 Macmillan, Tim, 287 Middlesex Polytechnic, 6, 157, 257, 282, Malevich, Kasimir, 123, 265, 286, 390 361–363, 365, 367, 371, 372, 374, Malik, Rex, 78 375, 393–394, 396 Malina, Frank J., 78, 278 Midland Group Gallery, 33n30, 34n54 Mallen, George, 5, 21, 28, 34n47, 178, Mignonneau, Laurent, 63 180, 188–9, 191–202, 216, 217n1, Mikardo, Ian, 15 220, 252, 259, 294, 349, 355, 383– Miller, Henry, 111 384 Miller, Jonathan, 201


443 Milwaukee Art Center, 33n39 Nake, Frieder, 73, 88, 348 Minimalism, 273n13, 292, 307, 323–324, Nalecz, Halima, 19 407 NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Administration 421 Nash, Katy, 184 Minsky, Marvin, 11, 276, 396 National Advisory Council on Art Educa- Mintech, 246, 247 tion, 250 MIT. See Massachusetts Institute of National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- Technology tration (NASA), 159–160, 170–171, MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies. 239, 319 See Center for Advanced Visual Studies National Film Board of Canada, 229 MIT Department of Architecture, 74 National Museum of Photography, Film MIT Media Lab, 69, 198, 384, 390, 397 and Television, 417n12 Mobil Oil Corporation, 169 National Musicians Collective, 188 Moholy-Nagy, La´szlo´, 122, 265–266, 278, National Physical Laboratory, 21, 31n14, 294 78, 89, 233 Mohr, Manfred, 156 National Research and Development Com- Moles, Abraham, 78, 268 pany, 233 Molton Gallery, 13 National Science Foundation, 145 Monash University, 287 Natural Environment Research Council, Mondrian, Piet, 122–125, 154 199, 392 Monet, Claude, 268 Natural History Museum, 235 Montague, Richard, 344 Nature,87 Moorcraft, Colin, 170 Naval Ordnance Laboratory of the German Moore, Henry, 309 Democratic Republic, 384 Moore’s Law, 149 Nedkova Iliyana, 419n31 More, Thomas, 10 Nees, Georg, 73 Morgan, Edwin, 88 Negroponte, Nicholas, 67, 87–88, 198, Morgenstern, Oskar, 268, 324, 344 384, 390, 397 Morton, A. Q., 88, 90 Neilson, Peter, 240 Motorola Semiconductors Ltd., 33n33 Nelson, Paul, 237, 240 Mouches, Constantin, 30n3 Nelson, Ted, 384 Mourik Broekman, Pauline van, 414 Neo-constructivists, 130, 132 Mulvihill, Paul, 418n22 Nesbitt, Lowell, 88 Mummery, Roger, 217n1 Net art, 409 Murphy, Myles, 267 net.art, 260, 401 Muse´e d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Neumann, John von, 268, 324, 344 397 Neumark, Norie, 423 Museum of Computer Art, Brooklyn, 81 Newcastle University, 9, 155, 390 Museum of Modern Art, New York, 48, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, 155 76, 166, 262n17 Newell, John, 32n25 Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 19, 170 New Media Projects Fund, 413 Musgrave Kinley Outsider Art Trust, 424 New Media Scotland, 419n31 Musgrave, Alan, 343 New Scientist, 31n13, 32n25, 49, 110, 231– Musicolour system, 41 232, 244, 278, 424 MUTE, 171, 414, 423 New Statesman,39 MYCIN, 276, 288 New Tendencies (Nouvelles Tendences), 74, 186


444 New Vision Centre Gallery, 20, 31n8 Peltu, Malcolm, 181, 189 New York Institute of Technology, 188 Penrose, Lionel, 78 New York Times,68 Penrose, Sir Roland, 77, 78 NeXT computer, 162 Perrin, Brian, 30n5 Nicholson, Ben, 121 Personal Computer World, 188, 189, 214, Nigten, Anne, 418n27 427 Nitsch, Hermann, 172n13 Pettican, Anneke, 411 Noll, Michael, 72, 85, 88 Pevsner, Antoine, 121, 265 Nottingham School of Art, 24 Pfeifer, Rolf, 109–110 Nottingham University, 346 Philips, 100, 106, 114, 116, 259 Phillpot, Clive, 267 Ohio State University, 279 Phong, Bui Tuong, 374, 367 Oldfield, John, 231, 234–235 Piaget, Jean, 221, 276, 396 Ong, Walter, 324, 344 PICASO. See Picture Computer Algorithms Ono, Yoko, 414 Subroutine Oriented Ontario College of Art, 421 Picasso, Pablo, 71, 121 Open Society Institute in Budapest, 425 Picaso’s Rendering Image System (PRISM), Open University, 53, 237, 242, 391, 427 257, 373, 374 O’Reagan, Brendan, 15–16 Picture Computer Algorithms Subroutine Oscar (Academy Award), 240–241 Oriented (PICASO), 6, 257, 282, 361, Ouspensky, P. D., 11 363, 365–369, 371–375, 396, 428 Outsider Art, 424 Piene, Otto, 31n10, 74 Pierce, John R., 75–76 PAGE, 168–170, 173n28, 180, 183, 188, Piero Manzoni, 31n8 193, 202, 218n22, 267–268, 285, 355 Pilkington, Philip, 324 Page, Robin, 31n10 Pillett, Edgar, 30n2 Paik, Nam Jun, 73, 80, 85–88 Piper, Adrian, 134 Pangaro, Paul, 67 Piper, Keith, 412 Paolozzi, Eduardo, 248 Pitteway, Michael, 364, 365 Papert, Seymour, 276, 288, 396 Pixar, 157 Paris Biennale, 422, 425 Plato, 324 Parkins, Richard, 43 Pluto, 257, 356 Participatory art, 321, 356 Poetry Society, 181 Pask, Gordon, 4, 5, 11, 13–15, 20–21, Pollock, Jackson, 12, 17n23, 262n17, 324, 31n12, 32n17, 39–41, 46, 53–66, 392 67n13, 68n36, 68nn42, 44, 69n49, 73, Polytechnic of Central London, 286, 289 78–80, 88, 180, 191–193, 383 Polytechnic of North London, 320 Pasmore, Victor, 3, 10, 12, 20, 31n7, 310– Polytechnic of Trent, 252 311, 122–123, 248–250, 266, 269, Pop art, 2, 292, 323, 377 272n5 Pope, Nina, 412 Paul, Christiane, 136, 414, 418n20 Pope, Terry, 151–152, 154, 281 Paulden, Sydney, 182 Poperwell, George, 30n5 Paul Mellon Centre, 404 Popper, Frank, 271, 329, 344, 416n6 Paxton, Stephen, 75 Popper, Karl, 328 Peace News, 164 Popplestone, Robin, 354 Pears, Peter, 182 Portsmouth Polytechnic, 267, 278, 284 Peeks, 385 Portsmouth Sinfonia, 267


445 Portsmouth University, 428 Rauschenberg, Robert, 75–76, 221 Portway, Joshua, 402, 403, 413 Ray, Robin, 30n5 Postmodernism, 261, 406, 412, 416n6 RCA. See Royal College of Art Postscript, 157, 161–162, 343 Read, Sir Herbert, 2, 77, 249, 266, 272n5 Pound, Stuart, 27–28, 34n40 Reading University, 151 Pountney, Albert, 254 Redundant Technology Initiative, 404– Practical Electronics,87 405 Pribram, Karl, 10 Refugee Children Movement, 163 Price, Cedric, 3, 14, 37, 39, 46–48, 49, 55, Regent Street Polytechnic, 266, 269 65, 67, 192 Reichardt, Jasia, 4, 35n55, 41, 53, 66n1, Prince Albert, 205 67, 71–72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 85–88, 92– Prince, Patric, 7 93, 110, 172n14, 180, 220, 273n17, Princess Margaret, 85, 87 275, 305, 368 Princeton University, 344 Reihe, die, 268, 273n13 Prior, Arthur, 329 Reiser, Martin, 396 PRISM. See Picaso’s Rendering Image Rellie, Jemima, 414 System Renderman, 157, 160 Pritchard, Tony, 46, 217n1 Renzio, Toni del, 2, 381 Pritchett, Tony, 193, 201–202, 233–234, Research Machines, 200, 385, 386, 393– 237, 261 394 Proops Brothers, 279 RIBA Journal,48 Prophet, Jane, 411 Richards, Clive, 255–256, 328 Psibernetics, 15 Richter, Hans, 119–120 Psychology, 10–11, 53, 109, 192, 219, Ride, Peter, 419n31 250, 312, 355, 384, 397 Rietveld, 154, 266 Ptolemy, 372 Riley, Bridget, 88, 90, 92, 397, 414 Purcell, Patrick, 6, 198, 200, 365, 383– Rinaldo, Ken, 63, 275 384, 392, 394, 397, 399 Rivers, Larry, 30n5 Putar, Radoslav, 80 Robbins, Lord, 261 Pye, David, 108, 110 Robert Abel and Associates, 399 Robert Gordon University, 285 Queen Elizabeth Hall, 184 Roberts, Spencer, 411, 413 Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, 284 Roberts, Arthur, 213 Queen Victoria, 215 Robertson, George, 68 Queensland University of Technology, 423 Robinson, Mike, 66 Quine, Willard, 326, 329, 344 Robotics, 85, 88, 108–109, 352–353, 379, 397, 411, 412 Rabinowitz, Sherrie, 278 Robots, 31n13, 88–89, 103, 105, 418n22 Radical constructivism, 10 Rockley, Ted, 244 Radiotelevisione Italiana, 175 Rodchenko, Alexander, 121 Rainer, Yvonne, 75 Rodway, Jack, 292, 294, 303 Ramsden, Mel, 324, 342 Rokeby, David, 417n12 Randall, Jane, 206, 217n1 Rose, Alan, 346 Rank Film Laboratories, 239–240 Rotblat, Joseph, 15 Rank Xerox, 28 Rowe, Beverly, 172n9 Rashevsky, Nicolas, 270 Royal Academy of Arts, 283 Raskin, Jeff, 141–142 Royal Aircraft Establishment, 191


446 Royal College of Art (RCA), 6, 31n7, 76, Serious Games, 414–415, 419n36, 420n39 166, 180–181, 191–194, 198–201, Sermon, Paul, 414, 417n12 220, 252, 264n46, 278, 385, 386, 389– SFMOMA. See San Francisco Museum of 391, 392–394, 396–397 Modern Art Royal Navy, 169, 282 Shannon, Claude B., 268 Royal Society of Arts, 169, 423, 426 Sharkey, John, 172n13 Rugg, Matt, 266 Shirley, Robin, 177, 193 Rumney, Ralph, 31n8 Shortliffe, Edward H., 288 Rushton, Dave, 324 Shorts Aircraft, 47 Ruskin School of Art, Oxford, 95 Shostakovich, Dmitri, 182 Russell, Bertrand, 164, 327, 344 Shotbolt, Jack, 25 Shulgin, Alexei, 408, 410 San Francisco Art Institute, 421 Shura-Bura, M. R., 14 San Francisco Camerawork, 424 Siegel, Elizabeth, 30n6 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Simon, Herbert, 10 (SFMOMA), 147, 415, 417n8 Simpsons, 266 Sarfatti, Jack, 16 Site Gallery, 419n31 Saunders, David, 270, 272n12, 300 Situationist International, 423 Scanimate, 235, 239 Sketchpad, 22, 32n19 Scanlan, Liam, 287 Skinner, B. F., 10, 12 Scheier, Christian, 109 Slade School of Fine Art, 5, 130, 158–159, Schmidt, Peter, 78, 88 219–220, 254, 257–258, 269–270, Schoenberg, Arnold, 176–177 275–279, 281–288, 291, 294–196, Scho¨ffer, Nicolas, 20, 31n9, 66, 73 300, 304, 307–309, 318–320, 353, Schwab, Klaus, 195 369, 371, 421 Schwartz, Lillian, 224–225 Sloan, Helen, 415, 419n31 SCIART, 81 Smith, Brian Reffin, 6, 200, 354, 377–378, Science Museum (London), 5, 203–216, 380, 382, 384, 386, 388, 392–393, 284, 391, 408, 417n12 399, 406 Science Research Council, 198–200, 222, Smithson, Robert, 171, 174 353–354, 392 Smithsonian Institution, 92 Scientific American, 31n13, 268, 278, 282, Snowdon, Lord, 85 287–288 Society for the Study of Artificial Intelli- Scientific Serendipity,92 gence and the Simulation of Behavior Scitex, 391 (AISB), 353, 353–354 Scott, Ridley, 188–189, 201 Sociology, 2, 53, 58 Scottish Educational Trust, 182 SODA, 410, 413 Scratch Orchestra, 188, 272n12 Software, Information Technology: Its New Scrivener, Stephen, 5, 254, 281–282, 284, Meaning for Art, 33n39 288, 291–292, 294, 296, 298–302, Software art, 135–136, 408, 410–412, 304–305, 353–355 414–415, 418n20, 428 Searle, Chris, 380 Solanski, Sneha, 411 Seawright, James, 73, 88 Solomon, Norman, 196 Sedgley, Peter, 397 Some More Beginnings,76 Self-organization, 10, 23, 58, 388 Sommerer, Christa, 63 Self-regulating systems, 30, 55, 295 Southampton Art Gallery, 34n54 Self-regulation, 165 South East Arts, 321


447 South London Art Gallery, 30n1 Sun Microsystems, 32n19 Space Flight Center, 169 Superman, 375 Space Invaders, 391 Suprematism, 123 SPACE studios, 397 Sutcliffe, Alan, 5, 168, 175–189, 192, 201, Spencer, Jean, 127, 128, 131–132, 270, 214, 217n1, 220–221, 242, 289 272n12, 284, 288, 305 Sutherland, Ivan, 22, 32n19 Sperry Rand, 169 Sutherland, Stuart, 354 Spiller, Neil, 49 Sydney University, 281 Squidsoup, 413 System Research Ltd., 5, 21, 32n17, 55, Stallabrass, Julian, 404, 416n1, 417n11 191–194, 198 Stanford Research Institute, 22, 278 Systems artists group, 4, 128, 130, 132, Stanford University, 146, 147, 276, 392 134, 136–137, 257, 268–269, 270, Stapleton, Mike, 201 272n12, 276, 281, 284, 294, 300, 347, star.dot.star, 415, 419n34 352, 355 Starling, John, 42 System Simulation Ltd., 5, 21, 188, 189, Startup, Peter, 30n5 192–193, 259 Stedelijk Museum, 33n28, 147, 422 Szeeman, Harold, 330 Steele, Jeffrey, 4, 127, 128–129, 134, 152, 270, 272n12, 278, 281, 300, 355 Takis, 74 Stella, Frank, 292 Tarzan versus IBM, 171 Stephens, Jocelyn, 394 Tate, 86, 88, 403, 416n2, 420n27, 424 Stephenson, Cecil, 30n2 Tate Archive, 34n50, 424 Stephenson, Ian, 266–267 Tate Britain, 86, 174, 404 Stezaker, John, 271 Tate Britain archives, 83 de Stijl, 120, 294 Tate Gallery, 34n54, 148, 170, 396, 400, Stiny, George, 392, 394, 399 421, 422, 424, 425 St. Martin’s School of Art, 219, 220, 222, Tate Modern, 404 381, 386, 387 Tatlin, Vladimir, 121–122, 124 Stockhausen, Karlheinz, 41 Tebby, Susan, 292, 294, 355 Stonehenge, 182 Technische Hochschule, Stuttgart, 73, 166 Stonyer, Andrew, 254, 353, 358n28 Technische Universita¨t, 183 Strauss, Richard, 183 Telematics, 9, 15–16, 410, 413 Stravers, Kees, 275, 288 Teletype, 27–28, 33n39, 42, 45, 156, 193, Stravinsky, Igor, 182 215, 269, 278, 350, 384–385 Street, George, 397 Television International (TVI), 235, 237– Street, Robert, 221 240, 242–243 Stromberg Carlson, 222 Terry, 152 Studio International, 15, 90, 171, 181, 269, Themerson, Franciszka, 78, 88 287, 294, 305, 348 Themerson Archive, 426 Stuttgart University, 85 This is Tomorrow, 2, 3, 7, 269–270 Sudjic, Deyan, 49 Thomas, Lyndon, 343, 354 Sullivan, Julian, 5, 257, 282–284, 286, Thompson, Brian, 200 288, 311, 318 Thompson, d’Arcy Wentworth, 10, 250 Sumner, Lloyd, 182 Thomson, Jon, 403–404, 413 Sunday Telegraph, 195 Thomson and Craighead, 410 Sunday Times, 195 Thorpe, Mike, 220 Sundin, Bo, 189 Thring, Meredith, 78


448 Thubron. Harry, 31n7, 262n20, 272n5 University of California San Diego (UCSD), Thunderbirds, 230 141, 146, 147, 276 Tilson, Jake, 273n25 University of California Santa Barbara Time Out, 224, 227–228 (UCSB), 278 Time Sharing Ltd., 195 University of Hertfordshire, 155, 425 Tinquely, Jean, 88–89, 294 University of Illinois, 184 Tisdall, Caroline, 271 University of Kent, 321 Tisea, 81 University of Leeds, 426 Tolkien, J. R. R., 315 University of London, 169, 189, 261, 268, Tommasini, Anthony, 68 283, 372 Tomorrow’s World, 235, 237, 424 University of Minnesota, 184 Totalism, 32n24 University of New Mexico, 184 Tovish, Harold, 74 University of Openess, 409 Townshend, Pete, 4, 172n12, 397 University of Plymouth, 31n6, 419n29 Tramway, 34n54 University of Southern Illinois, 184 Trask, Maurice, 90 University of Ulster, 45 Travis, David, 30n6 University of Utah, 278 TRON, 202, 393, 399 UNIX, 373 Trotsky, Leon, 382 U.S. Air Force Research Labs, 88 Tsai, Wen Ying, 73, 80 U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Research Labo- Tunnard, John, 396 ratory, 174n37 Turing, Alan, 44, 324, 405–408, 410– U.S. Information Agency, 225 411, 413–414, 415, 420n44 Turkle, Sherry, 397, 400 Vaizey, Marina, 396 Turnbull, William, 248 Vale´ry, Paul, 389 Turner Prize, 406 Vallee, Jacques, 16 TVI. See Television International Valyus, N. A., 319, 321 TV Mail, 238 Vanderbeek, Stan, 224–225 Tyne Polytechnic, 155 Van der Graaf Generator, 186 Tyson, Keith, 406, 412 Vanouse, Paul, 57 Vantongerloo, Georges, 269 UC San Diego. See University of California Vaughan, Phillip, 282 San Diego (UCSD) Venice Biennale, 144, 262n17, 276, 399 UC Santa Barbara. See University of Verhoeven, Eva, 418n22 California Santa Barbara (UCSB) Victoria and Albert Museum, 7, 33n29, UCL. See University College London 204, 264n46, 391, 422–423, 425, 428 UCSB. See University of California Santa Video Animation Ltd., 240, 242–243, 424 Barbara Video art, 377, 415 UCSD. See University of California San Video International, 188 Diego VIDe Research Centre, 427 Uecker, Gunther, 31n10 Vietnam war, 225, 324 UNESCO, 421, 427 Viewdata, 243 Unilever, 169 Viking Lander, 159 United Nations Earth Summit, 170 Vince, John, 6, 257, 282, 361–375 University College London (UCL), 53, 98, Viner, Darrell, 5, 132, 257, 270, 273n23, 101, 106, 108, 114, 125, 158, 259, 270, 282–283, 369, 371, 372 275, 282–284, 286, 295, 317, 428 Virtual reality, 202, 270, 418n20


449 VKHUTEMAS, 265 Williams, Aubrey, 424 Vogue,87 Williams, Denis, 270 Wilson, Harold, 1, 16n1, 246 Walker, John A., 29, 35n53, 262n23, 271 Wimbledon School of Art, 427 Wall, Brian, 30n2, 31n10 Wise, Gillian, 127–128, 132, 152 Wallbank, James, 404 Wise, Howard, 72 Walter, W. Grey, 31n13, 40, 41, 44 Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 327, 344 Wanamaker, Sam, 224 Wolf, Fred, 16 Ward, Adrian, 410 Wolpert, Daniel M., 110 Waters, Keith, 374 Wombell, Paul, 343 Watershed, 419n31 Wood, Paul, 343 Watkins, Alfred, 309, 321 Woodley, Gary, 273n18, 273n25 Watts, Tony, 192 Wootton, Gordon, 292 Wedgwood Benn, Rt. Hon. Anthony, 85 World Economic Forum, 195 Weinberg, Bob, 183 World War II, 111, 122, 246, 268, 379 Weinbren, Graham, 57 World Wide Web, 6, 81, 157, 273n25, Weiner, Lawrence, 171 276, 331, 342, 350, 383, 410 Weizenbaum, Joseph, 385, 397 Wray, Andy, 108 Welsby, Chris, 284, 286, 320 Wright, Edward, 248 Welsford, Alan, 292, 303 Wright, Michelle, 423 Wesker, Arnold, 164 Wright, Richard, 408 West Coast University, 156, 161 Wundt, Wilhelm, 13 Westinghouse, 88 Wyvill, Brian, 201 West Surrey College of Art, 242 White, Norman, 131 Xenakis, Iannis, 78, 88, 176–177 Whitechapel Art Gallery, 2, 7, 12, 17n23, 31n16, 34n54, 174, 262n17, 272n12, Yates, 323, 344 383, 426 Ying, Tsai Wen, 88 Whitehead, Alfred North, 11, 327 Young, Dick, 292 Whitehurst, Ann, 407 Young, John F., 354 Whitelaw, Mitchell, 68, 286, 289 Young, Michael, 15 Whitman, Robert, 75 Yuill, Simon, 411, 419n29 Whitney, James, 224–225, 229 Whitney, John, 88, 166, 224–225, 229, Zagreb Film Festival, 243 377–379, 397 Zagreb Manifesto, 169, 173n24 Whittle, Peter, 21–22, 24 Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art, Who, The, 4, 172n12 173n18 Whorf, Benjamin, 268 Zajec, Edvard, 186, 231 Wiener, Norbert, 3, 10, 11, 31n9, 41, 85, Zangs, Herbert, 30n2 324 Zero Group, 74 Wigley, Mark, 67 Zinovieff, Peter, 73, 79, 88, 91, 175, 176, Wilding, Faith, 423 177, 180, 183, 189, 192, 214 Wilkes, Maurice, 176 Zopf, George W., 68 Wilkie, Ian, 261 Wilkins, Maurice, 169 Willats, Stephen, 3, 19–30, 134, 193, 252, 294–295, 304, 352, 412, 414
