Copyrighted Material
3GBINDEX 02/16/2015 9:33:51 Page 249 Index A Macintosh computer, 28–29 Adams, Scott, 57, 89 Sony and, 82–83, 133 Affinity Labs, 53–54 “Aretha Challenge,” 106–107, 108 Airbnb, 86 Arthur Andersen, 123 AltaVista, 151 Ashesi University, 218, 53, 74, 78, 133, 151, Atari, 83 169, 198 Athletic performance, 44–45 American Psychological A.T. Kearney, 91, 115, 155 Association, Center for Aurik, Johan, 91–92, 115, 155 Organizational Excellence, Avon, 110, 112, 207 206 Atychiphobia, 38 American Express, 211 Awuah, Patrick, 218 Andreessen Horowitz, 49 Angry Birds, 33http://www.pbookshop.comB Anti-Portfolio, 179 Bancroft, Pete, 179 AOL, 55 Bank of America, 148 Apologize, 149, 152, 171 Barnes-Jewish Hospital, 208 Apollo 13,COPYRIGHTED 150 Baseline MATERIAL Ventures, 49 Apple, 9, 55, 85, 102, 133, 152 Bee Partners, 65 accidents and, 35 Bennis, Warren, 30 BlackBerry and, 198 Bergman, Stan, 173–174, 176 comeback of, 167, 168 Berolzheimer, Michael, 65 crown jewels at, 124 Bessemer Venture Partners, customer enthusiasm and, 206 178–179 growth of, 85 Bewkes, Jeffrey, xv–xvi 249 3GBINDEX 02/16/2015 9:33:51 Page 250 250 Index Beyer, Kurt, 125 “Crossing the Chasm,” 56 Bezos, Jeff, 169 Crown jewels, 123–125, 141 Bhide, Amar, 55 Culture, 74–75, 173–180, 182 Big data, 131–133, 162–163 Culture of compliance, 91 BlackBerry, 105, 134, 198 Customer discovery, 58–60 Black Swan event, 34–35, 92, 129 Cyberattacks, 34–35 Blake, Frank, 198 Blakely, Sara, 109 D Blank, Steve, 58 Daimler, 105 Blockbuster, 198 Deep Horizon underwater oil spill, Boehringer Ingelheim, 162–163 145 The Book of Mormon,90–91 Delman, Scott, 90–91 Borders, 133, 134 Deloitte, 35, 91 Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Deming, W.
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